Volume 1, Issue 5 - March 28, 1979

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• Vol. 1 Issue 5 March 28, 1979

MSC awaits by Annie Smith After a seven month hiatus, Metropolitan State College will have a new president • and a permanent one. The top three candidates selected by the Presidential Search Institutional Advisory · Committee (IAC), are on campus this week, spending a week meeting w!th faculty' staff, students, alumni ... and finally, the Trustees of the Consortium of State Colleges, who will make the final selection. The three candidates are John A. Dillon Jr., Professor of Physics, formerly Vice President for Academic Affairs at University of Louisville, KY; Richard M. Fontera, Dean of Faculty, Southeastern Massachusetts Un't iversity; and Donald J. Maclntyre,.ice President for Academic Affairs, University of

ne·w presid-e nt

San Francisco. The MSC President's position was vacated in August 1978 by James D. Palmer, when he left to become the Research and Special . Programs Administrator for the Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C. Richard Netzel, formerly Vice President for Academic Affairs, has been acting President since Palmer's departure. John A. Dillon resigned as Vice President last July to enjoy J:i.is first sabbatical leave since 1962-63 - when he was a professor of Physics at Brown University. In 1966 Dillon became Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Louisville. After seven years as Dean , Dillon became the Vice President at Louisville. During Dillon's 12-year tenure , at Louis-



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Contest Merger

Know Your· Trustee pg. 5 China Syndrome , , .


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ville, the University's enrollment doubled and its budget increased from $25 million to over $104 million per year. The University (which also moved into the state system during his tenure) was instrumental in establishing the Kentuckiana Metroversity, a consortium of six institutions of higher education in the Louisville metropolitan area. Dillon has served on the Academic Council of that consortium since its inception. Dillon received his ScB at Fordham University NY, and his ScM and PhD in Physics at Brown University Rl. Richard M. Fontera has been Dean of Faculty at Southeastern Massachusetts University (SMU) since 1971 . SMU consists of five multi-disciplined colleges which are similar to MSC's, plus a Graduate scttool. In SMU's Division of Continuing Studies and Special Programs, about 5000 students pursue degree and non-degree programs. SMU has a diverse, commuter student body, most of which are self-supporting. Within the last five years, the University's building authority has created on-eampus residences for 22 percent o f their 5000 day students. Befo re coming to SMU, Fontera was Assistant to Chancellor and Executive Direct or of University Academic Programs at University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. Fontera received his B.A. in Composition Literature/Philosophy' from Columbia University NY, and his M.A. and PhD in Government from New York University, New York . Donald J. Macintyre is currently Vice President for Academic Affai rs at the University of San Francisco (USF). Before his selection in 1975 at USF, he was Academic Dean of St. Francis College. During his last year at St. Francis he acted as President of that College. •

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The University of San Francisco, a Jesuit school, has the largest population of foreign students · (mostly Asian) in the U.S. During Maclntyres's tenure there, the University faculty gained collective bargaining rights. Macintyre has since been the arbit· rator for the administration. Macintyre received his B.A. in History from the University of Detroit, his M.A. in British History, and his PhD in Russian History from the University of Iowa. This week climaxes the seven-month ef-

. cont'd pg. 5 . The candidates itineraries for the rest of the week are as follows: WEDNESDAY 9 :30 a.m . ~ Faculty and Staff Reception with Dillon , Interfaith Center. I I :30 a.m. ·_ Stu dent Luncheon and Reception with Fontera, Student Center 230 C&D. Question and Answers, l 2;JO, Room 254 Student Center. 1 :30 p .m. - Trustee Int erview with Mac intyre, MA 301. 2 p.m. - Faculty and Staff Reception with Dillon, Interfaith Center 7 p.m. - Reception with Alumni Association for Macintyre, home of Bob Bowen .


THURSDAY 9 :30 a.m. - Trustee Interview with Fontera , MA 301. 11 :30 a.m. - Student Lunch (230C&D) and Question and Answer (254) with Maclntryre, Student Center. I :30 p.m. - Trustee Interview with Dillon, MA 301. l :30 p.m. - Tour of Auraria, Fontera , begins at MA I 03.

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