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• Vol. 1 Issue 7 April 11, 1979
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masters degree
Palmer d-enieS
Fowler claim by Frank Mullen
Former Metropolitan State College (MSC) President James D. Palmer denied accusations by State Senator Hugh Fowler (R-Llttleton) that MSC once . granted an "undeserved master's degree." ~ In a telephone conversation from Washington, D.C. Monday, Palmer said Fowler, as a member of the Senate Education Committee, spoke to him many time.s over the years, but Palmer cannot recollect Fowler ever mentioning a master's degree from MSC.
Dr. James D. Palmer: denial.
MSC, Palmer said, has never granted a master's degree in any area, and has never had the authority to do so. Richard Netzel, MSC Acting President, agrees with Palmer and characterized 1 'Fowler's charges as "absurd." The controversy began April 6 when the Rocky Mountain News ran a column by Gene Amole. The column was in support of Senate Bill 523-a Fowler bill reorganizing higher education in the state. The News story, on page five, read in part: "A guy came to our Senate Education Committee and showed us his degree. He said he had registered for the program and met with his professor and the committee. After talking with them, the student felt they were poorly prepared. He never went back," Fowler said. The News story quoted Fowler as saying, '·some time later Metro (MSC) mailed him his master 's degree. r (Fowler) checked the story and foui:id it absolutely true." Amole said he took Fowler's word for the incident and did not ask for verification from another source. Fowler, questioned April 6, said the incident is "absolutely true" and happened ''three or four years ago." Fowler provided the names of persons in the legislatufe, MSC and the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) who might remember the incident . Fowler said he personally spoke to President Palmer when the incident took place, and the CCHE has "a complete record of the case." continued on page IO
Sen. Hugh Fowler (R-Iittleton): on the spot.
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