Volume 2, Issue 8 - Oct. 24, 1979

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Volume 2, Issue 8 漏 MetroPress October 24, 1979

Auraria hearings held




''No. merger,''路speakers tell CCHE I

programs into single departments . shared by MSC and UCD. Other Students, faculty and staff of consolidation plans affecting cenAuraria addressed the Colorado tral support services have been apCommission on Higher Education proved as well, and the CCHE Oct. 22 and presented differing hearings were held to encourage proposals for the campus' future public input to the process. - but all speakers at the first Several speakers from UCD adsession agreed the University of vocated the ''single chief executive Colorado at Denver and management model" for the two Metropolitan State College should institutions. Under the plan a remain separate entities. single executive - answerable. to The CCHE conducted open both the UCD and MSC govermng hearings in the Student Cente~ on boards - would preside over the the "continuance, restructurmg, institutions. Dee Tollman, or dissolution of the Auraria ASUCD director of comHigher Education Center." The munications, and John Murray, hearings are required by House UCD student chancellor, said the Bill 1498 and the CCHE must Auraria Board should be make their recommendations to abolished and the single executive should take over the board's centhe legislature by Jan. 15, 1980. The MSC student and faculty tralized functions. speakers defended the performanTollman and Murray said that ce of the college and asked that should a full merger occur betMSC be preserved. ween the institutions, the Regents "I just don't want MSC to lose of the University of Colorado its personality and its (ability to should govern the resulting be) caring," said MSC student university. Laurence Howard. " ... I think Mike Drury, the UCD student our focus should be on improving representative to the board's education. But I don't think student advisory committee merger should be the prime disagreed. issue." "I believe the AHEC Board On Oct. 5 the CCHE accepted a should continue as holder of the plan to merge eight "duplicative" continued on page 8 by Frank Mullen

Clockwise from left: UCD student leaders John Murray and Dee Tollman address the commissioners; ASMSC President Floyd Martinez presents student government's position; Commissioner Elmer Chenault (above) asks, "Are they (MSC-UCD) competing for the same clientele?''

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