Volume 3, Issue 10 - Nov. 5, 1980

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The Metropolitan November 5, 1980

DEATH: Big-Horn sheep are falling victim to man's encroachment and development. Jim Laursen reports on how your access to drinking wa.ter may spell death for this magnificent animal. ENERGY: Ruth Pelton-Roby juggles graduate studies, work and a position on the Auraria Board of Directors. How does she do it?


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CHILDREN: The Auraria Child Care Center looks after the children of students, faculty and staff. The Pag~ ACCC is much more than just a _ " big babysitter."



LOVE: It's My Turn takes a wrong turn at the movies. How long can Jill Clayburgh remain an " unmarried woman?"




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Controversial event is a ''success'' by Karen Breslin

The Bizarre was a success sort of. "I expected a bigger turnout," s,a.jd ASMSC President Sonny VY asinger. Though around 800 persons showed up for the first ever cam,pus-wide party, Wasinger was hoping for a turnout closer to


Exact attendance figures were unavailable - unnumbered tickets were used and complimentary tickets were given out clouding the figures, said Greg Wasinger, administrative coordinator. Billed as a money-making event, the bizarre netted $15-$20, Sonny Wasinger said Nov. 1. Later estimates by Greg Wasinger, however stated the Bizarre actdally made $100-$200 through additional cost cuts. The event cost $2100 and brought in around $2200, Greg Wasinger said. - l "It really wasn't that expensive to put on,'' he said. One unexpected cost was the disappearance of taps to the 80 kegs at the party. Prizes, printing, and security ~re either donated or offered at a

discount. Participating clubs also turned a marginal profit, from the sale of hot dogs, tamales, burritos, and baked goodies. The Auraria Jewish Student Alliance, UMAS, Students For Early Childhood Education, Mecha, and the Gay /Lesbian Resource Center were among the clubs participating. The event was financed solely by ticket sales, Sonny said, though a special events fund has been established, drawing on student government salaries, not club or service allocations. Over 100 persons worked to create the Bizarre, mostly by trial and error, Sonny said. "It involved a lot of work," he said. "We had to play it all by ear." Wasinger expects more such events to be held on campus, including a 路possible end-of-semester celebration. The Bizarre, he said, ''proved we can have special events on campus." However, Sonny said, he'd like to see inore support for social events on campus. ''With more positive vibes it could have been a bigger success." Sonny Wasinger: "We had to play it all by ear."

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