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BIG BUCKS: Administrator Rhody McCoy makes $42,800 a year, but no one really knows what he does. The MSC gravy train rolls on.
SATURN: Oh, those dirty rings! Voyager says the planet is a gas literally.
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ATTEN·HUT!: Auraria students are armed and preparing for battle. No, it's not the revolution, it' s only ROTC. · TOYS: Barbie goes ·on a date with KISS, Ken has a close encounter with a razor and the Muppets are multiplying. What ever happened to balls and bats, cuddly bears, baby dolls and electric trains?
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Volume 3, Issue 12 .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
© MetroPress November 19, 1980 ~
CCD administration·faces charges by Karen Breslin
Keith Dallas: "We want...to conform to JBC guidelines."
Five grievances, including misappropriation of funds and violation of affirmative action, has been filed against the CCD Central Administration by three CCD instructors. The charges were filed Sept. 11 and are just now advancing through the five-step grievance procedure for Colorado's Community Colleges. Keith Dallas, CCD-A instructor and member of the College's Policy and Welfare Committee (a faculty group also supporting the grievances) believes both the misappropriation of funds and the affirmative action grievances will ultimately be taken to the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education. Allegations of misappropriation of funds deals with administrative use of resident instruction funds - funds appropriated for faculty salaries and instructional costs. Dallas said administrative costs, including salaries for three public relations positions, a vicepresident for instruction andcollege catalogue expenses, are paid for out of resident instruction funds, not out of administrative
appropriations, which he said is a violation of Joint Budget Committee guidelines. "We want our RI account to conform to JBC guidelines," he said. The administration, however, sees no violation: "Positions charged out of resident instruction were appropriately charged out of resident instruction,'' said Ed Taylor, director of Personnel Services. ''There has been no miasppropriation,'' he said. Taylor said there is no clear definition of what should be charged out of the RI account. "It's not real well understood what constitutes resident instruction," he added. "They (the policy and welfare committee) contend that RI means only these positions, the college maintains that it could .be any position that supports resident instruction.'' Taylor is more directly involved in the affirmative action grievance, which he believes will be resolved in the early stages of the dispute and will not reach CCD's governing boards. continued oa page 12