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PROTEST: When Coors was served in the Mission, students protested, proving " it's no city beer."
DOWNTOWN: Dick Perkins takes a look at a labor pool.
ACTIVIST: Al Hurricane is called crazy by some, but he's devoted to fighting for what he bel ives in.
MUSIC: MetroStyle takes three records to court, but the judge shows mercy and most get light sentences.
Page 11
SPORTS: The MSC Women' s Volleyball team loses their chance to go to the nationals, twice.
Page 13
Volume 3, Issue 15 .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....__
Š MetroPress December 10, 1980
MSC elections to be held by Cindy Hosoya
Student government elections are being held Dec. IO and 11 in the Student Center but one elecJ.ion official doesn't expect voters to stampede the voting booth. These elections have a traditionally low turnout of voters, said Scott Woodland, election commissioner, compared to the spring elections which fare better because of the student government presidential race. The election is an important one though, and the student government offices are providing election .,,ackets containing: an election calendar; election rules and procedures; intent-to-run, campaign expenditures, and contestation forms. The packets are at the Student Center, in a folder on t'.ae door of room 340. The voting booth will be in the lobby of the student center and sample ballots will be available. Voters will elect three representatives for the Student Affairs "Committee and five representatives for the Curriculum Committee. The Student Affairs Committee - which will allocate more than $300,000 in.student fees to campus ,,,.
clubs and organizations - is comprised of six students elected at large from the student body. Three are elected during the spring semester and three are elected in the fall. Running for the open positions are Katie Linaris, Emerson Schwartzkopf, Leslie Morehead, Randy Golkin and William Leavitt. The Curriculum Committee is responsible for student input concerning the curriculum of the college, including new and revised programs, and graduation and basic studies requirements . There are 11 seats on the committee, representing all schools of MSC. The representatives from education, urban studies, and from health/physical education and recreation are elected during the spring semester. The seats being voted on this semester are for the representatives from engineering technology and from professional studies. David Travis is the only candidate for the science and mathematics seat and, according to Woodland, he is the only candidate for the Curriculum Committee. The other four seats business, engineering technology,
professional studies and humanities - are not represented, but candidates may be written in on ballots. Candidates elected by
write-ins must submit campaign expenditures and intent-to-run forms to the election commission to insure that they are eligible.