ADMINISTRATION: UCO has a new Chancellor, and he's no newcomer to Denver. Thirty years ago Colorado was his home.
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GOVERNMENT: Frank Mullen-a veteran of the Statehouse beat-takes a look at the influence the Colorado Legislature has on Higher Education.
OBSTACLES: Sharon Allen has hurdled plenty of them in her time, with the help of some amazing machines, a dog, and a positive outlook on life.
MUSIC: The top ten records of the year are discussed-at length-by Metrostyle reviewers Schwartzkopf and Duray-Bito.
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-Macintyre ·taces confidence.Mote by Joan Conrow
.___,F=o_r_o_nly the secon_,d,---,ti,... m-e-...,...in_, MSC history, the leadership of the college president will be judged by a faculty vote. The Faculty Senate passed a resolution to go ahead with a vote of confidence/no confidence on the leadership of MSC President Donald Macintyre. The vote is scheduled for February 10 and 11.
According to Brooks Van fected by the vote because his con- a low turnout of voters,'' he said. Everen, president of the Senate, tract cannot be terminated without said. "What's key is to get people to the resolution was passed "over- a one-year notice. Van Everen said he would be go vote," Van Everen said. "It's whelmingly" in both the Decem"uncomfortable generalizing new for the faculty to '20 over to ber 3 and 16 meetings. The vote of confidence/no con- about the motivation'' for the the second floor of the (Auraria) fidence is not related to, nor will it vote. However, he did comment Library and sign in and vote." Only one other case of an affect the January 29 Board of that some of Maclntyre's adminstrative appointments had caused evaluation of a president by a Trustees formal evaluation of some concern among faculty faculty vote has occurred in MSC Macintyre. Maclntyre's contract members. Van Everen said there history, Van Everen said. That inthrough June 30 will also be unafwere a "wide array of negative cident involved former president and positive things" associated Jam es Palmer in the 1972-73 with Maclntyre's leadership. school year. Van Everen said the "The bottom line is you're vote was held off-campus, and giving people the opportunity to only a few faculty members turned express themselves," Van Everen out for the vote. said. The February 10 and 11 vote Although Van Everen said he will be held in the Auraria does not think there is "any Library, room 221 from 8:30 a.m. relation between the vote and the until 4:30 p.m. both days. man's tenure here," he feels the The election will be conducted vote will be beneficial to the by the Senate Elections Committee president ''in terms of bis style of part-time or full time faculty leadership." members whose contracts began He said the vote will also help after Fall 1980 are ineligible to the Senate to re-evaluate their own vote. actions, particularly if the faculty Van Everen said the results will show support for the president. be officially reported at the Van Everen said the results of February 12 meeting of the the vote will be useful only to the Faculty Senate. extent that they reflect the entire faculty sentiment. ''The worst thing that could happen wollld be .....................•.•. , .. '