Volume 3, Issue 20 - Feb. 25, 1981

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NEWS: Roy Foreman is still serving time for a crime he maintains he did not commit, but is filing an appeal. FEATURE: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice · that is gaining credence in the West.

Page 3 Page 7

FEATURE: Walabi's, a club that caters to the New Wave crowd, isn't just for punk rockers.


METROSTYLE: Two New Wave albums are reviewed this week, and get the Schwartzkopf stamp of approval.

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Volume 3, Issue 20 © MetroPress February 25, 1981

. Auraria enrollments on increase by Cindy Hosoya


MSC and CCD enrollments are up significantly from a year ago, •while enrollments at UCD remain about the same. · ·George Burnham, UCO director of admissions and records said although they wouldn't have the exact figures until the first week in :,-March, he believes their enrollment is about what it was last spring. "We think we're about on target with our FTE (full time equivalent) projections," he said.

The school's enrollment might be up slightly, Burnham said, but he won't know for sure until all the figures are in. The state legislature uses the FTE designation to determine a school's fund allocation. Every 15 hours of student class time is one FTE. Institutions occasionally use the "head count" method for statistical purposes - that's the actual number of- students registered. CCD enrollment is up eight to nine percent according to Jan

Loomis, CCD registrar. He said that their census to date on enrollment is high and that they usually don't meet their FTE until the end of the term. Since they are at the level they expected to be at the end of the term now, they expect enrollment to increase by the end of the semester. Loomis said that CCD enrollment may be up because the unemployed are getting financial aid and coming back to school. He also said that more veterans are taking advantage of their educational benefits especially the Viet Nam era veterans whose school benefits are about to expire. MSC had an eight percent increase, reporting 4,343 FTE students this spring as compared to 4,164 last spring. The college reported 14,935 "head count" students this spring as compared to 14,622 last spring, according to John Arntz from the MSC office of institutional research. Arntz said the college was appropriated for 9,6000 FTE students for the 1980-81 fiscal year but has already exceeded that number by approximately 200 students.

Supplemental funds from the legislature have been applied for by the college. MSC has· changed its supplemental request as enrollment figures have been updated and Curtis Wright, MSC vice president for business and finance thinks that the school will probably get $453,000 to cover its expenses. Several things are believed to have contributed to the rise in enrollments at the institutions. Officials at MSC agreed that the state of the economy had a lot to do with the increase in enrollments. ''People do go back to school when the economy is bad,'' said John Marvel, president of the Trustees· of the Consortium of State Colleges. He went on to say that the cost of education has attracted more people to MSC. People are going to school closer to home to avoid the housing and food cost incurred while attending a resident campus. MSC fits the needs of the working student Marvel said, and its placement record encourages those interested in career changes. More women are corning to MSC and in some cases the unemployed continued on page 1l

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