Volume 3, Issue 21 - March 4, 1981

Page 1






NEWS: UCO students get a chance to vote on new leaders a constitutional revision a'nd the allocation of fee monies.




NEWS ANALYSIS: Torn Fox takes a look at the state of the economy and how it got that way in the first of a two part series.


FEATURE: The Denver Duo discusses their concerts that feature Beethoven' s sonatas for piano and violin.


METROSTYLE: This week's batch of records garner little praise from the ruthless reviewer.





Volume 3, Issue 21 © MetroPress, Mflrch 4, 1981



Fate of AF-ROTC undecided I

Officer Training Corps classes to become a part of the MSC The fate of the proposed Air curriculum. .Force ROTC program remains The yote - conducted by secret undecided following a February 24 · deadlock vote by the MSC ballot at the request of a commit~riculum committee. . tee member - showed three The Joint Board of Curriculum students voted against the - composed of nine faculty and proposal with one abstention. Of an equal number of elected six faculty votes, five were in favor students - allowed two days of and one was opposed. Because the vote was split open forum discussion on the sub-iect of allowing Air Force Reserve between faculty and students on b.J Joan Conrow




ROTC progfam: under assault?



the committee, the proposal will be considered by the MSC Faculty Senaie, .who will then make a recommendation. The Air Force ROTC courses are currently being offered at the University of Colorado - Boulder. MSC .students wishing to enroll in the classes must register through the Office of Continuing Education and commute to Boulder. The proposal considered by the committee would have made the courses available through MSC registration. The Air Force ROTC program was not asking to locate on the Auraria campus. If the proposal is eventually approved, MSC students wishing to take Air Force ROTC courses would realize a savings in their tuition costs, and the. school will gain additional FTR (full time equivalent) students. FTE figures are used by the Colorado legislature to appropriate funds to the institution. Tom Lyons, a student member of the committee (and who cast the one vote of abstention), said he does not support AF-ROTC unless they locate on campus. Lyons argued that MSC has no

control over courses taught at UCBoulder. · Charles Angeletti, assistant vice president for academic affairs, said MSC would have control of the courses even though they would be taught on the Boulder campus. The AF-ROTC program does not want to locate on campus because they lack the personnel to teach courses in both Denver and Boulder. Also, the Auraria campus lacks facilities to accommodate the program, said an ROTC representative present at the meeting. Donald Gaeddert, another student representative, said he is also concerned about accountability. "There's no way to Teview what's being taught in those courses," Gaeddert said. Gaeddert said the issue is also a philosophical one addressing the involvement of the military on college campuses. Lyons disagreed, saying moral discussions had no place in curriculum decisions. If the Faculty Senate recommends accepting the program, an appeal may be filed through MSC Academic Affairs, Gaeddert said.

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