eNSH@ffia NEWS:Much attention is given to the rights of women and minorities, but equality for homosexualsis often ignored.
NEWS:Thedelaysand traflic iams caused by the road work and con. struction around school will be over- inaboutayear. Kenyon has 44 theatrical he hasn't even
ilETROSTYLE:The Ninth Street Park Theatre is presenting Man of . La Mancha- and doing a good job of it, too.
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Volumer3,lssue2& April22,1981 @MetraPress,
terry FaIASII
:: ThecrusadesGometo the capitol turn to the glory of God," he continued. "This is still the greatest "We are here to stay," said country in the world today." Jerry Falwell. "You can't shoutus Falwell receivedan enthusiastic t'down, shoot us down, or vote us roar of approval when he began down.tt extolling American patriotic/ The 47-year-old pastor of the religious fervor. "This meeting Thomas Road Baptist Church in in any Lynqhburg, Virginia, and founder could not be conducted - only the communist nation of the conservative Moral " Majority, Inc., was in Denver recently for an I Love America Rglly, held on the front steps of the Capitol building. The rally was both patriotic,32 flags decorated the '' American podium, and religious.Over 1,0(X) ' people attended. Songs, ranging from "God Bless America" to religious hymns to the Air Force theme song, were sung bY the "I .- Love America" singers between Falwell'sorations. Dressedin.'a conservativesuit with a JesusFirst pin on his left lapel, Falwell told the largely partisan crowd, "God is punishingus - today. Do you think that God would have put us through the hostage crisis in lran, UnitedStates,"he said."The flag Afghanistan, Cuba or El Salvador of the Unitd Statesis still the if He wasn't trying to get our at- symbol of the greatestnation on tention?" earth." ':1' 1'It b grcat tq'seâ‚Ź this nation He then announcedthat the l
"congregation" would recite the America." Falwell has expressedconcern, "Pledge of Allegiance," and "if that offends anyone you can take in the past, that the Moral Majority is attempting to influena walk." He expressedconcern for the ce the governmentand destroythe protestors in the audience.They constitutionalbelief of seperation consistedof gay rights activists, of churchand state. "America was establishedin a E.R.A. supportersand atheist groups. "I would fight for your Judeo-Christianethic," he said. However, he did say it is right to do what you are doing," possible to legislatemorality. protests. he saidin reply to the "Thou shalt not steal is "I approve of equal rights for legislated morality," he said. women," he said in responseto you can legislate jeers God the of the E.R.A. supporters.- ",Th'ank morality. "I don't approve of the Equal "God has always blessed Rights Amendment. It calls for the legalization of the homosexual nations in accord with how they marriage and of women fighttng in deal with Israel," he continued. "We must not give in to the oil the armedforces." To the gays he responded, robbers. "God will blessthem who bless "Being a homosexualis no more of a sin than any crime. It needs Israel," he said. Beth Honey, a student in Denforgiveness and God will forgive ver, felt Falwell had to be doing you, if yougoto Him." Falwell praised the Reagan's something right "to get all these pardoning of the F.B.I. officials peopledown here." - convicted for unauthorized "I don't believe completely in what he says," she continued. saylng "law ensurveillance forcement is now in vogue," in the "But hâ‚Ź does want us to start United States. "God bless all of questioning our values and you," he continued, "the police morals,and I think that's good." force, the Army, the Air Force, "Great," was the responseof the veterans,.for the.sacrificesyou Sarah Fagan, of the Cherry Crc,ek contlnued on pageE have made to the freedom of