Volume 3, Issue 28 - April 29, 1981

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NEWS: The annual protest against Rocky Flats is still packing them in. -


NEWS: The history of U.S. intervention in El Salvador is examined in an article by a UCO teaching · assistant.



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age 4

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FEATURE: Good drugs have become scarce on the street, but The Connection would like to take ~ver the role of the pusherman.

page 11

METROSTYLE: If you've been wondering if Heaven's Gate is really worth seeing, despite its initial bad press, you can quit wondering .

Page 12

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Volume 3, Issue 28 . © MetroPress, April 29, 1981

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by Joan Conrow

hl an abrupt cuimination of a four month process, MSC President Donald Macintyre last week1named the four finalists for the position of vice president of academic affairs. The vice presidential screening committee composed of faculty, students, and staff gave Macintyre a list of nine potential ;andidates, from which he chose four. The candidates are Stanley Sunderwirth, acting vfoe president of MSC academic affairs; Wilton Flemon, associate vice president of MSC academic affairs; Linda Lopez McAlister, dean of the Imperial Valley campus of San Diego State University and professor of humanities; and Bruce Tuckman, dean of the school of education at Baruch College in New York. Macintyre informed faculty and students that interviews of the 0 four candidates were to be held g; April 23-29 so he could make a ~ final recommendation to the £ Bo~d of Trustees (the college's MSC President Mac1ntyre: "I overning board) at the May 1 should make my decision within eeting, said Brooks Van Everen, two weeks." ·dent of the MSC Faculty

Senate and a screening committee member. However, Macintyre told THE METROPOLITAN April 24 that he was "not very optimistic,, about being able to make his final recommendation by that date. The interviews were originally scheduled for May 4 - 8, in accor<;lance with a time table Macintyre "himself agreed to and the com~ mittee itself set up," Van Everen said. 1 Van Everen said all faculty were not notified of the impending interviews until April 22, the day before the first interview. "That's not an ideal lead time," Van Everen said. He said he doesn't know how many faculty members were precluded from attending the first interview because of previous plans. Loring Crepeau, vice president of the Associated Students of MSC, said the job of organizing the student interviews was "dropped" on him April 20. Crepeau said he didn't have time to inform many students of the impending interviews because of the "short notice" he.was given.

Crepeau said only nine students attended the first two meetings, commenting that requiring participation at all the interviews had a "cooling effect on the response of some students." · Macintyre said the process only seemed "accelerated ·in the minds of some.'' He said he got the list of names and ·quickly made his decision on the finalists. ''Why would people want me to wait?" he said. "I don't think there's any way you could explain the acceleration of the process,'' Van Everen said. He thinks Macintyre should have given the faculty more time to prepare for the interviews if the President sincerely wanted "valuable input." Van Everen said he was told by Maclntyre's office that formal, written faculty evaluations of the candidates must be submitted by 10 a.m. May 1, even though the last interview will not be completed until 4:30 p.m. on April 30. Macintyre told told THE METROPOLITAN he had not "set a final time" f~e submission offormal evaluations..



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