Volume 3, Issue 29 - May 6, 1981

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NEWS: The MSC student government elections were held last week - despite the fact that most students completely ignored them.

FEATURE: A composition for chorus and orchestra - written by an MSC instructor - will be performed on campus next week.


age 3

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METROSTYLE INTERVIEW: Alan AldasharessomeM*A*S*Hnotes.

Page 6

SPORTS: Team coaches and reporter Terron Hutt reflect on the highlights and low points of the Spring semester competition.

Page 9

Volume 3, Issue 29 © MetroPress, May 6, 1981

Outlook meager for summer aid [

by L.J. Clark


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will have to tighten their belts this summer, due to delayed payments _, and a scarcity of award money. MSC students will receive no money until July 1; UCD students will get money _ if they applied early enough - and CCD students are almost completely out of luck, 1 ..._ with little aid available for the Summer session. Full time MSC recipients will


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find the average work.study award reduced from last year's $600 to $300 this summer, said Lydia Vasquez, director of the MSC financial aid office. Full time status in the Summer session requires enrollment for a minimum of eight credit hours. Additionally, students will not be allowed to begin earning those funds until July 1, which is also the day MSC aid allocations will be dispersed. Vasquez said

payment at the beginning of the Summer semester is impossible this year because the office will have no money for awards until July 1, the beginning of their next fiscal year. "June will be a long, drawn-out month,'' she admitted, but the aid office has had to "set Fall and Spring (funding) as priorities." Vasquez said, "There will be limited funds (available) in the Summer.'' However, funded students will not find their overall awards reduced, as money from other sources would help cover the reduction in work study grants, she said. "Because they are getting their money so late, we wanted to give them more money up front," she said, rather than requiring students to wait an additional few weeks for a work study paycheck. Ellie Miller, UCD director of financial aid, stated, "We have some funds; not a · lot." She said students applying for aid before March 2 may be able to get full awards, if qualified. She and her staff decided summer funding "was not important enough to put a dent in the Fall funds." UCD students will not be allowed to ._,..--... '-.._

begin earning their work study awards until the first day of classes, June 8, she added. The situation is even more bleak at CCD-A. Anna Dominquez, director of that school's financial aid office, said there will be no work study funds granted in the Summer 1981. "Perhaps a small amount of state money (grants and loans) will be available,'' Dominquez said. Vasquez mentioned there seems to be a "changing trend" in the number of students receiving aid. "More students are qualifying for financial aid dollars than in the past," she said. In previous years, Vasquez noted, students often failed to earn their full Spring work study awards because of "spring fever, finals and exhaustion.'' However, that is not the case this year. "More of them are earning their full award,'' she said, which means there are no "leftover" funds to apply toward summer awards. She said students applying for financial aid before April I0 will not be required to pay their tuition until July 1, when they receive their allocations.

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