Volume 3, Issue 32 - July 8, 1981

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NEWS: A UCO professor is su ing tor millions, charging he was the victim of rac ist hiring practices.


COMMENTARY: David Ballinger expounds upon the characteristics of a Republican Administration while under the influence of tear gas.

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NEWS: Future social workers are getting a little recognition at MSC with the creation of their own department. MOVIES: The appeal of the muppets isn't limited to the five-yearold crowd. Katie Linaris reviews their new movie.

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Volume 3, Issue 32 © Metropress July 8, 1981

- ·-,,eadlng West

Macintyre resigns unexpectedly



by Joan Conrow une~ed move


In an last week, Donald J. Macintyre announced he will abdicate the MSC presidency August 15. ~ Macintyre divulged he had accepted the presidency of Canada College, in a pronouncement that caught the MSC community by surprise Jiily 29. There had been .-no indication that Macintyre was being considered for another job. In submitting his resignation to the Trustees of the Consortium of State Colleges, Macintyre said he must assume his new position "no -r'l ater than August 15." Macintyre, who became president of MSC July 1, 1979, said he is "excited and happy about his new job in the San Mateo Califor-

nia Community College District. "It just represents a new kind of professional challenge for me," he· said. Caiiada College is a two-year institution that serves South San Mateo County. Approximately 9,000 students are enrolled in the college, which offers traditional liberal arts and science courses in addition to vocational programs. However, Macintyre does not view his new position as a "step down" from MSC because he believes accepting the presidency of Canada College will be "important for me professionally as well as personally." ·Tve spent the last six to eight years as a major advocate for community based education," Macintyre said. "It doesn't matter whether it's at~ private, small liberal arts college, or a large state college; the future of education lies . in community education." Macintyre said he is "very optimistic" about beginning a new career at Canada College. Additionally, he is pleased to be returning· to Northern California, where he lived for 11 years before

relocating in Denver. . Macintyre said he had intended to remain at MSC and was not ac/tively looking for a new job, but .was nominated for the position in California. "It happened very fast," he said. Macintyre was able to give the Trustees only six weeks notice of his impending departure, a fact that is a "personal and professional regret." An interim president will be appointed at the Trustees' July 29 meeting, and a search for a new top administrator - the third in five years - will be initiated immediatly, with a September 30 deadline for nominations and applications. "I wish there could have been a longer transition," Macintyre said. Macintyre said he is not sure what affect his resignation will have on the reputation of MSC in the community, but said he feels the college currently enjoys a "positive esteem." "I think everything is in an upswing," Macintyre said. "I feel Metro's future is solid."

He believes he was instrumental in increasing MSC's enrollment, preventing a merger with UCD, and improving the image of the institution in the community. Macintyre said he feels "very positive about my accomplishments." However, the past two years have not always been so tranquil, Macintyre acknowledged. A faculty vote of "no confidence" in his leadership, the resignation of his friend and colleague, Michael Howe - who lied about having a docotrate degree - and an unsucessful bid for the presidency of Colorado State University in Fort Collins marred his administration. ...:·one of the thin~ that made the decision (to accept the job at Canada) difficult was we had come through a time of difficulty," Macintyre said. "Those incidences were in the past and I felt positive about the future. "I don't look back," Macintyre said. "I'm looking forward with enthusiasm and excitement. That's what I always try to do with my life.,,

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