A CL@@a! ~~~~[!)~~ NEWS: There's an alternative to hoffin' in at night to the East Classroom or those distant parking lots.
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NEWS: Members of a Chicano student group talk about the club's purpose and its protests.
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METROSTYLE: A new movie about little bandits may steal some laughs and a new restaurant should soothe your stomach.
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Volume 4, Issue 10 © Metropress November 4, 1981 Admissions and Records hit hardest
Some MSC services ·to suffer by R.P. Bellizzi
Ken Curtis, dean of admissions and records, feels that the key to Faced with having to accept less funding this year than MSC his office's success in weathering had anticipated, acting MSC the financial storm lies in the upesident Curt Wright plans to coming mail-in registration cut back in expenditures in ad- period for the spring semester. ministrative data processing, as Curtis urges anyone who · can well .as administrative and- stu- possibly register by mail to do so. Anyone not receiving a class dent services. " It now appears that, of those schedule by mail may obtain one areas, the office of admissions and from admissions after Nov. 18. Because of the cutbacks, the records will be the hardest hit. walk-in registration period for the As a member of the Consortium of State Colleges; MSC is allied spring will be shortened from with three other colleges in an all-· eight to five days in length. Also, · ~or-one, one-for-all monetary there will be only eight registration windows in operation, a relationship. Enrollment at MSC increased decrease from the previous ten by 315 Full-Time Equivalent windows. A strong advocate of hiring (FTE) students this fall and the students to work the registration l,.ollege expected to receive apwindows, Curtis was pleased to proximately $675,000. learn recently that his office will Due to decreased enrollment have the funds to continue that and/or an inadequate combination of resident and higher paying practice. MSC has also extended the ~on-resident students at the other deadline for accepting admissions L;onsortium schools (Mesa, applications from Dec. 23 Western State, and Adams State), MSC will receive only $491,000, through Jan. 12. Curtis also indicated that two or 26 percent less than it had anunfilled, full-time positions in his ticipated.
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office have been frozen indefinitely. Undoubtably this will put additional stress on admissions and records during registra-· tion. The cutbacks should not affect financial aid, according to Tony Ledesma, associate director of MSC financial aid. However, MSC has allocated all of its financial aid money for the spring, so there will be no money available to new ap~ plicants. Other than Pell Grants (formerly B.E.O.G.), the only money available will be Guaranteed Student Loans which can be arranged through local lending institutions. A list of banks currently offering guaranteed student loans is available from the financial aid office, as is a checklist which gives step-by-step instructions for students attempting to secure such loans. The MSC Academic Improvement Center is a service that can ill-afford any cutbacks. Designed to provide tutorial help and skills assessment to individual students,
the center is being inundated with requests for assistance. Director Eva Dyer reports that the center has a waiting list of 200 .students, and "any cutbacks would absolutely cripple us.,. Thus far, Dyer has not been notified of any proposed budget cuts. Tutors are paid out of the Center's Code Nine (no-need) funds, which have remained the same the last three years, despite the increased demand for the center's services. Wright also indicated MSC's advertising program is slated to undergo change as a ·result of the funding problems. "Aside from broadcast public service announcements," Wright said, "MSC's advertising campaign will be curtailed and redirected. We're going to change the emphasis from just trying to get people here to helping people succeed once they are here." Wilton Flemon, assistant to the MSC president, was instrumental in changing the advertising campaign. However, he refused to continued on page I 0