Volume 4, Issue 12 - Nov. 18, 1981

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NEWS: The recent Student Center space al locations have .caused problems.

Page 3

NEWS: Merger. Calm down, this is a friendly one between the UCO and MSC musi~ departments.

Page 4

FEATURE: If you fantasize about Medieval characters and路 bizarre situations, Dungeons and Dragons may be your game.

_ Page 5 _

METROSTYLE: It's back to music and movies for our reviewers this week.

Page 8 12

Volume 4, Issue 12 ... 漏Metropress November 18, 1981

DPL rejects .s~ek Auraria. refuge by James Powers

Book lovers who have been denied free access to the Denver ~blic Library (DPL) are. flocking to Auiaria. When the DPL instituted a fee system for non-Denver residents on Oct. 1, business picked up at q_ther area libraries, including the Auraria Library and Media Center. Auraria finds itself in a unique position because it is the closest available facility for downtowners who live outside -~e Denver city limits. It's just as convenient to stroll down to the Auraria campus as it is to ' make -the trip to the DPL - anq no one will charge you for the privilege. "P" The DPL will let non-residents in the door only if they pay a fee. Fees range from a one-day pass costing $10 to yearly cards for individuals at $100. Non-resident businesses and organizations can !fay $350 for all their members to use. The reason for the fees is a shortage of funds needed in 1982 to handle requests from non-Denver i~idents, who formerly made up


over 35 percent of DPL users. So far, sales have not been brisk - but they were never intended to be. The DPL never counted on its fee system to make up the budget deficit it faces, according to Coleen Cayton, director of development and public relations. The purpose of the fees, which are based on the actual cost

caused problems at Auraria. According to Jean Hemphill, associate director of the campus library, there has been a high increase in use of the Auraria facility, paralleling the increase in students this year. This, coupled with defections from DPL, has made it harder for the library to provide for the needs of students

From mid_-September to Nov. 12 of this year, 567 outside patrons were given Auraria library cards, more than double the numb.e r issued in the previous two months. of providing services to non- and faculty. residents, is to reduce the library's Attendance is up 30 percent work load .. over 1980 with over 82,000 peoDPL chief librarian, Henry G. ple going through the library Sherouse Jr., has said that the doors in September alone. Total reduced work load will allow him circulation is up ten percent. to reallocate his dwindling staff to While there are no present best advantage. A "hold the line" plans for Auraria to restrict its budget order from the city of open door policy as DPL has Denver has forced DPL to cut 15 done, that possibility must be persons from its staff in 1982. 路 considered. Similar cuts have been necessary "If we have to choose between for the past several years in the students and faculty and our outface of constantly escalating costs. side users," Hemphill said, "the The problems at .DPL have general public will lose out."

So far, the only tangible effect of increased public interest has been to restrict the use of reserve books to students and faculty only. Traditionally, outside patrons have made up about six percent of the Auraria library use. But with the announcement of the DPL fee policy, the numbers changed substantially. From mid-September to Nov. 12 of this year, 567 outside patrons were given Auraria library cards, more than double the number issued in the previous two months. Just_ over 7,400 have been issue<J in the past five years. "We're not happy with the DPL policy," Hemphill said, "because we can no longer refer students and faculty there in most cases." 路 Because A11raria is a member of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, which includes the seven largest research libraries in the eight-county metro area, it has been alloted 100 courtesy oneday passes to the DPL. These are being restricted to students and continued on page 3

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Volume 4, Issue 12 - Nov. 18, 1981 by Met Media - Issuu