Need aid? Write Washington by Brian Coffey-Weber
A generation ago a pleading letter to home was a common way to acquire financial aid. In this era of austere federal aid programs a letter of the same nature may still be helpful. But now it's recommended to send such a letter - not to a parent but your representative in
Washington. At least that is the opinion The Metropolitan received when it surveyed the financial aid directors at the three Auraria schools. It appears the golden rule of finance - fhose who have the gold make the rules - is alive and well and residing on Capitol Hill. The Auraria aid directors are well aware of the predicament
rest of the fiscal year (Oct. 1982) no more will be allocated." Ellie Miller, UCD's financial aid director, says she anticipates that the Pell Grants (formerly the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant) and the Guaranteed Student Loans will keep up with rising tuition costs for at least one more semester. "Neither side of the scale is balanced yet," Miller said. "MSC'sPellGrantswillstayon the same level for the upcoming semester by dropping two dollars Hackworth's EPA job was in con- a term for each student," Vasquez flict with the two-paycheck law. said. "If this type of student loan Although the board's function is increases it still won't make up for strictly advisory and its opinions rising tuition costs." not binding Hackworth quit the At CCD Anna Dominguez, EPA position. financial aid coordinator, is seeHackworth has since resumed ing a greater demand for all types his EPA duties. He plans to abs- of financial assistance, especially tain from any vote related to the in work-study positions. EPA. Hackworth has said he feels "The number of students from this will alleviate any conflict CCD who've made use of the problems. work-study program has doubled Carpio came . under scrutiny since last year," Dominguez said. because of his employment at That amounts to over a hunMSC, a state-funded facility. dred more students so far this ear. Capio says he was aware of the • ••••• • . ~~u~ .«>!'. ~~~ ~ .. ~.. , • , .......... , ~tinued on page 3 faced by those seeking money. They suggest students write to legislators in Washington and urge them to remember the other golden rule. "Three thousand loans, grants and scholars money have been awarded to MSC students this fiscal year," Lydia Vasquez, MSC's financial aid director said. "Once those funds run out for the
Carp.lo stay·1n·g at MSC-for now by Brian Coffey-Weber
Despite being in co ·ct wi the City Charter Denver City Councilman, Salvadore Carpio, will continue to teach at MSC ~ at least for now. The assistant sociology professor recently came under fire for violating a Denver ordinance forbidding any elected official from ,. receiving two government paychecks. The City Council repealed that law Jan. 18. The council, however, can not repeal a similar stipulation con~ tained in the City Charter. Th.e,
charter can only be changed by a vote of the people and until it is Carpio is still technically in violation. The issue of holding two government jobs and the subsequent possibility of conflict of interest came up when another councilman, T .f. "Ted" Hackworth, requested an opinion from the city's Board of Ethics. Hackworth had accepted a consulting job with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the EPA wanted a ruling before he was hired. The board determined