Volume 4, Issue 20 - Feb. 24, 1982

Page 1

THE DRAFT: It's coming but they're calling it a 'mock draft.'

Page 3

HOME WORK: With computer advancements that may be how you'll be earning your money.

Page 5

INTERSECTIONS: They're really making the news and causing problems.

Page 7

EL SALVADOR: It's closer than Southeast Asia and so are the victims of the devastation.

Page 8 &9 .

Volume 4 Issue 20 © Metropress February 24, 1982 §Hpplements cut while growth continues


Auraria schools shortchanged

· Ji~~~-b_y_M~icb_a_e_IG~ilm_.o_re~~~-' given at each institution to get the Growing pains and money total FrE number. worries have come to the Auraria campus in the form of increased enrollment coupled with budget ~uts affecting all three institutions ior the 1981-82 academic year. . UCD, MSC and CCD have all been notified of cuts in the supplemental funding they will be receiving for increased enroll""ment. The cuts are partially due to a 1.62 percent callback of funds by Gov. Richard Lamm as part of his plan to reduce the state deficit. -.c Normal funding is also being affected by the organization each institution is a member of: the University of Colorado (UCD), the Consortium of State Colleges (MSC) and the State Board of i Community Colleges (CCD-A). Funding for each institution is based partly on a system using the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) number for enrollment. A .certain .::.? number of credits is picked as a standard for full time, as in the 15 credits per semester at MSC. This number is then divided into the total number of credits being

An increase in this number will usually necessitate an increase in the budget for the next academic year. UCD, MSC and CCD have all experienced an enrollment increase above and beyond their anticipated growth. Additional supplemental funding is needed at each institution but there has been a cut not only in the supplement but in the cash generated by the increased tuition as well. At UCD, which has seen an increase this fall of 499 FfE students over the fall of '81, the way the supplemental appropriations are handled has been changed. By special arrangement with Gov. Lamm the CU Board of Regents and CU president Arnold Weber have control over where the supplemental funding will be directed. This year the Joint Budget Committee had originally awarded UCD $1. 79 million generated by increased tuition and a supplement to cover growth. Weber and the Regents have decided UCO

deserves only $1.1 million - a cut of approximately $625,000. UCO will receive only · $667,000 from its increased tuition money and $456,000 of its original supplement. Weber told a UCD faculty meeting the budge.t cuts are needed because of Gov. Lamm's p~i- . ble callback of funding which will reach about $1.59 million for the whole CU system. Many UCD fac.ulty members· feel that UCD is '"Incurring more· than their fair share of the budget cuts" according to Suzanne · Helburn, chairperson of the UCO Faculty Senate. "Most of the faculty thinks the situation is unfair and they are pretty upset," added Helburn .. "But they are beginning to accept the reality of it." Originally UCD planned to hire 55 new faculty members to handle the increased enrollment. Now what hiring will be done is not certain, nor is it certain that any of the funding will be recovered if Gov. Lamm reduces his callback. MSC is in a similar predica-

ment. Although the number of FTE students is up 155 over last year, declining enrollment at other Consortium colleges will cause some of MSC's budget to be .siphoned off. According to Tim Greene, MSC's budget office, the school's total loss will be around $500,000; about half will go to the Consortium and the other half will cover MSC's portion of Gov. Lamm's request of $502,000 from the Consortium. "The situation has caused a freeze on hiring, out of state travel and capital outlay," Greene said. The hardest hit area at MSC, according to Ken Curtis, dean of Admissions and Records at MSC, is the computer training program, one of the fastest growing sections at MSC. Due to the freeze in capital outlay there is no money to purchase the extra equipment needed and that has put quite a crimp in the program. "You can't teach computer programming by lecture," Curtis


continued on page 3


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