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Despite evidence that the practice is flatly unconstitutional Auraria student affairs officials have issued a temporary ban on )>osted material that they consider "inciteful." For now the ban applies only to a small Iranian group but Nancy Scott, dean of UCD's Student Affairs said any new rules would apply to all students when officials are able to define what is "inciteful." Scott said the ban resulted from ,recent clashes between proKhomeini students and members of the CCD Moslem Students Society (MSS). The decision was made by Auraria student affairs officials at a March 4 meeting ~following the ·most recent skirmish. "I don't like being a censor or limiting freedom, Scott said. "But it's to protect our students." • Representatives of the MSS, the group being affected, say they understand the schools' predicament but claim that the administration is only doing the bidding of the pro-Khomeini group.
tactic of the pro-Khomeini group: cause a disruption, put the administration on the spot which will force restrictions on the students who were only victims. "By putting restrictions on us you . only accomplish what- they (the pro-Khomeini group) want " an MSS representative told Scott. "This is non-
content of posters. According to Joyce Parks, CCD student activities director, another meeting is planned for March 11 to brainstorm about the issue and possibly define what inciteful material actuall is. "Defining inciteful is hard to do, I know," Parks said. "We are in a bad position and I'm trying to
"I don't like being a censor or limiting freedom, -
but it's to protect our students," Nancy Scott, dean of UCD's Sf:udent Affairs.
democratic. This is against the U.S. Constitution and the constitution of this school." Scott predicted the ban would be in effect for a week or two. By that time, she said, it's hoped that all three Auraria schools will arrive at a consistent policy pertaining to the alleged unacceptable material. Current posting policy calls for all bulletin board material to be approved by the student activities office. The posting and advertising policies statements currently
figure out a way to keep them (MSS) from · being killed as a group on campus.,, When told that numerous posters could be construed as inciteful, Martin Van De Visse, dean of CCP Student Services said, "We may then have to reevaluate the entire posting procedure. We'll be more careful about which groups put up posters." Van De Visse said he felt that posters should have something to do with the Auraria campus and
found to this problem. The "emergency stopgap measure" as Scott calls it was initiated following the most recent of approximately four skirmishs between the MSS and some proKhomeini students. That incident occurred March 4 in the East Classroom Building lobby. Some pro-Khomeini students took issue with an MSS poster which called for the overthrow of the Khomeini's Islamic Republic. A fight ensued and the Auraria Public Safety was called and broke-up the disturbance. Later that day the decision to review the posting policy and issue the temporary ban was arrived at. Scott and Parks both insist that their primary concern is for the safety of the students. They also said they both understand that by this action they are restricting the MSS's freedom of speech but are perplexed about what else to do. Scott insisted that this is not a permanent solution but she would · not allow any actions, which she considers disruo~~~1:
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