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Volume 5, Issue 11 © Metropress November 3, 1982 _
MSC Health Clinic loses space Bookstore expands with computer because we had so many appointments stall terminals next to the computer for to keep," she said. · data entry purposes and they need space • The Student Facilities Policy Council Since the SFPC decided to give 480 for storage and a computer manager's ~ voted 5-2 Friday to give the Auraria square feet of the Clinic to the Boole office, this room fits its needs with the Boole Center 480 square feet of the MSC Center, Collard said that the nurse will least amount of remodeling. Health Clinic for a new computer. probably go back to part-time status. Turk said the computer, which along The decision, which will remove four Collard is upset by the decision and with all other expenses will cost about nurse offices and a hallway with an regrets mming the voting session. $200,000, and will eventually save emergency exit, was a denial of the She thought the presentation she and stUdents money because it is timeclinic's appeal of the Council's previous Jim Vanderhye associate vice president · efficient. •decision to give the Boole Center the of MSC's ~and finance, gave of the "It will enable us to do routine tasks so space. Clinic's position was sufficient. Both at- much faster," Turk said. "We only have The SFPC, which allocates student- · tended a SFPC meeting over two weelcs a certain number of days to get our funded space, consists of four represenago to explain their side of the ~ue and , money back from publishers for overtatives from each school and three ex- appeal the council's original decision to stocked boolcs, and when we make officio members. However, only seven take the space. ·mistakes we miss the deadline to get of the 12 active members voted because "I don't think going to the voting ~ our refund - the_computer will really ; two abstained and three were absent. sion would've made any differen~" help iq that area. Representatives of the Clinic were said Vanderhye, who is responsible for ..But that's not to say the c;?mputer is also absent, but that was because they space allocation and utilization at MSC. ,1 more important than health, Turk em- , ~ thought ..all discussion on the matter "They already had made up their minds phasized. "Nothing is more important was closed" and the vote would be held and our success wasn't likely." than people." without further question. "I think coming in at the tail end (as .. It's just the committee's perception .- But that wasn't the case, and when an eppeal) was a real disadvantage," he that the space in the Health Clinic isn't discussion was called for, ABC Manager concluded. used effectively," added Julie Stark, said. "Also, we may have to eliminate John Turk - who is also an ex-officio According to Collard and Vanderbye, SFPC chairwoman. our outreach program, which includes SFPC member - was there to answer educational programs such as CRT for the boolcstore. classes, Holistic healing and other types The Director of the Student Center, of seminars," Gary McManus, is also an ex-officio "But that's not to say the computer Although the Book Center g_ot the ._,. SFPC member and his input on the green light from the SFPC and is now " is more important than health. Clinic's space utilization was included in accepting bids from construction coma fact sheet, ·the objectivity of which was John Turk panies, MSC administrators argue that questioned at the meeting. the decision isn't final. The SFPC members said, however, ' The legitimacy of the SFPC and its that McManus and Turk didn't inauthority to allocate space which MSC fluence their decision because they had the SFPC voted to give the Book Center Besides changing the Clinic physical- claims was designated to them in the ::.. already done plenty of research on the the space before MSC became aware of ly, the bookstore's expansion will also original Auraria Program Plan is still in issue. the issue early in August. On the other have a major effect on the Clinic's ser-· question, and MSC officials intend to hand, the SFPC said it was the respon- vi_ces. thoroughly investigate these factors "I toured both (the Health Clinic and sibility of MSCs Council representative before putting the Clinic space issue to "We may have to cut down on the Boolcstore) on the same day," said UCD · to inform the Health Clinic about the bed. 0 number of patients we treat," Collard SFPC member Frances Sgarlatti. "I issue. by Randy Golkin
voted the way I did because l. felt the ' Health Clinic wasn't utilizing the space as well as they could. "I even called an outside clinic (Womanwise Healthcare) and told them about the Health Clinic and they thought the Health Clinic had an abun.-dance of space compared to what they had," she added. In contrast, Betty Jo, Collard, the Clinic's director, feels her clinic has just enough room for all of the medical services that they provide. The Clinic treats everyone on campus, -.1'gardless of their institution or position, with the same service a doctor's office would. It serves 40-70 patients a day which, according to Collard, justifies the seven examination rooms available. "We've slowly been taking on more and more patients," Collard said. "We -4had a part-time nurse who became full- time on a temporary basis this semester
Regardless of what occurred this summer, the misunderstanding and miscommunication was supposed to have been cleared up during the recent appeal. t. The Clinic's staff obviously doesn't think the communication barrier was broken, but the bookstore was very pleased with the outcome. . ' The Clinic was Turk's first choice for the new Honeywell Computer, even though he had two other alternatives in case the SFPC turned down ABC's request. The main reason the Clinic was so desirable was because of its proximity to the bookstore.
'The northeast comer of the Clinic is right next to the bookstore's storage room and loading docks. This area is also considered a good place for the twoton air conditioner the huge computer · needs. Since the boolcstore also wants to in-
News: A program designed to help students could use a tittle help in return.
Feature: Addictions can include many areas, according to a study by two MSC men.
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