Volume 5, Issue 18 - Feb. 2, 1983

Page 1

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News: An MSC class project culminates with a panel discussion.

Page 3

News: A new program helps ~~~~.n students feet right at


Feature: Now children of alcohollcs can get the attention they need.

Page 6


Volume 5, Issue 18 © Metropress February 2, 1983 '

FMfn;· 'A marvelous"''" of tlltlsm'

CU's secret merger plan divulged by Richard Bellizzi ·


ed approach, the first phase being cooperation between the regents and the trustees for a "clustered ·college arrangement," the plan cites its short-term benefits as "improving distinctive image of UCD ," "counteracting Denver area opinion of Regents as elitist and not interested in Denver education," "allowing for more CU control of budget and personnel decisions," and "providing some access to auxiliary

The discovery of a confidential CU Regents plan for the eventual takeover of MSC has c~ught the regents with their hands in the· Auraria cookie jar. The three-phase plan, drafted I by UCO administrators and presented to the Regerits Jan. 20, details how the regents hope to first join forces with the Trustees of State Colleges, MSC's govern- ing board, to abolish AHEC. That accomplished, the regents would then lobby the Legislature to approve a merger under the regents' governance. The plan's introduction ~ establishes the regents' attitude that AHEC, originally designated manager of the campus for the three institutions, has become too involved in their management, - t thus "obscuring the differences between the . schools, complicating operations, reducing management efficiency and - reducing Regent management · prerogatives." ,; In stremng the value of a phas- '

accounts." The plan then elaborates on "Phase 3 - Merger under the Board of Regents as the Ultimate Goal." In disctming "merger as inevitable solution," the plan changes and discounts the cluster college concept, stating "public colleges... will not be able to overcome competitive interests (space, FI'E, equipment, etc~)," "public (legislature) will still perceive

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duplication of programs," and "cluster college concept will waste · funds by forcing com-: promise decisions." Also, "phased approach allows CU to avoid (postpone) public debate; eliminates poorly informed participants as long as pomble by showing good faith attempt to make AHEC work, and allowing public to observe through experience that merger is best solution." Furthermore, "because of similarities in academic programs, maXimization of quality will only be achieved through CU leadership and gradual elimination of weak programs." The plan endorses merger as a "move to quality for CU," since "we wouldn't accept (i.e., keep) all MSC programs; merger would include some transfer of programs to Community College; some programs would be eliminated over time," and "in short run, poor faculty quality might be a problem; but with creation of CU . standards and attrition, poor faculty problem will be gone in CCllllinuld on pmp I 0


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