Volume 6, Issue 24 - March 28, 1984

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Volume 6 Issue 24

"Growing with a growing community."


'Much Better'

Fontera's Spirits High

March 28, 1984


I Would Do It Again

by Lisa Jean Silva

Hold Your Hats

The Money Is Conli~g

Reporter, The Metropolitan

by Kevin Vaughan

MSC President Richard Fontera was transferred from St. Anthony's Central to University Hospital March 19, where he is listed in fair condition. Fontera was apparently moved for further testing. He underwent abdominal surgery on March 1, and is reported to be recovering well. In a statement issued March 16, the Trustees announced that Dr. Richard Laughlin, president of the Consortium, will "assume responsibility where needed and work closely with" MSC vice presidents "to ensure that the activities of the College are conducted in an order} y manner." Last week Laughlin said that Fontera was on medical leave from the College "for an indefinite period." Only if Dr. Fontera's illness becomes extended, will an interim president be elected, Laughlin said. Tuesday, The Metropolitan reached Fontera in his hospital room. "I am feeling quite well," he said, "and I am getting much, much better." Mrs. Iris Fontera told The Metropolitan, "We hope to bring him home in the next eight or ten days. Of course the doctors will have to make that final decision .. . We are very hopeful and happy about that prospect," she said. 0

News Editor, The Metropolitan

Deadline Set For ACT Pact The AHEC board has set a May 14 deadline for reaching a financial agreement with RTD to build a I-mile people mover connecting the campus with Mile High Stadium's parking lots. At its March 12 meeting, the board also vowed to contribute between $7 million and $8 million to the automated guideway system. Additional funding from RTD, or another outside source, would be needed to construct the ACT-which is estimated to cost between $7 million and $40 million to build. The board did not address the question of extending the people mover another mile to connect downtown as · well. The ACT is seen as one solution to Auraria's growing parking headache, which will get worse next fall when approximately 600 spaces are lost to the Tivoli Brewery. 0

The Colorado House last week approved $1. 7 million for the architectural and engineering portions of the AHEC-UCD replacement building as part of the state's fiscal year 1985 budget. With the exception that the funding will be approved by the Senate as well, AHEC Executive Director Jerry Wartgow auth~rized the formation of a Programming/Planning Committee to represent the interests of those who will be using the new facility. . W artgow appointed AHEC Director of Facilities Planning Bob Kronewitter to chair the committee, which will include one representative each from MSC and DACC and as many as three from UCD. ln a memo from Wartgow to UCO Chancellor Gene Ncrdby, Wartgow said the committee should be formed by April 6 and approved by May 1. The architectural firms who will bid on the design should be chosen by June 1, the memo said. Wartgow set the committee's objectives as follows: •Determine who gets additional space in the new facility. •Account for the needs and interests of all concerned parties.

G. Gordon Liddy speaks his own brand of political Darwinism at the Paramount in a UCO sponsored event, last Monday night. . photobyJackAllleck.

Some Big Winners

.page 11

Looking North

page 17

• Keep the project on schedule and make sure requests qo not exceed available funding. • Make sure that the program plan for the new structure is compatible with existing policies, plans and • guideslines.

'This bill gives us increasingflexibiUty. • - Jerry Wartgow AHEC Executive Director In additiotl to the $1,698,850 set aside for planning the new building, the legislature also appropriated $215,840 to air condition th~ South, Central and West Classrooms and the Technology building. In related legislation, the Senate approved and sent to Gov. Lamm Senate Bill 176, which authorizes AHEC to raise the funds necessary for the actual construction of the East Classroom replacement building. The bill gives AHEC the go-ahead to explore creative financing alternatives as long as they don't create a debt for the state. contiteued on page 3




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Monthly passes, tokens too, are available at the Auraria Book Sfore in the Student Center. They're also at all .King Soopers and Safeway stores. Albertsons sells tokens, too. For your convenience, Shuttle routing and times are shown below. Clip it out. Save it. And get smart! For more information, call 778-6000.






1: 0

z •

Center~"~~c,e .>

route tennlnal




point of interHI










ED rout.



Colfax Colfax Detour

Route MHS to Auraria Mile High Stadium .via Downtown

Route MHS to Auraria Mile High Stadium ·via Downtown





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637 649 701 713 725 737 749 801 813 825 837 849 901

are approximate

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646 659 711 723 734 746 758 810 822 834 846 858 910



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i:'l1 §" l~ a;; l'i •~ ?::§ if ~~ .J~ ~ 652 705 717 729 741 7:53 805 817 829 841 8:53 905 916

700 713 725 737 749 801 813 825 837 849 901 913 924



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704 717 730 742 754 806 818 830 842 854 906 918 929

338 350 402 414 42b 438 450 502 514 526 538 550 602






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352 404 416 428 440 452 504 516 528 540 552 603 615



~i' a;; .... l'i ~i

.J:! ... ~ 346 358 410 422 434 446 458 510 522 534 546 557 609




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400 412 424 436 448

405 417 429 441 453 505 517 529 541 553 605 616 628


512 524 536 548 600 611 623

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RlrD The Ride I



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March 28, 1984

Aid Policy -to Chart 'Progress' •

by Carson Reed Editor, The Metropolitan

A new law requiring Financial Aid offices to keep closer track of students' academic progress has resulted in a propo.sal for new Satisfactory Progress guidelines from the MSC Financial Aid Advisory Committee. The new guidelines proscribe how fast full time and part time students who receive financial aid must progress toward fulfilling their degree requirements. The new law still gives students up to six years to complete 120 hours, and the proposed guidelines would give a break to freshman students on the assumption that they are the most likely to have problems keeping up with the requirements. Probably the most significant change in measuring academic progress is the new requirement that a student's entire record be used-even if the student wasn't previously receiving financial aid. Under the old system, Satisfactory Progress was only considered during the time the student was receiving aid. The Financial Aid Advisory Committee's plan is designed to have minimum impact on students, but the Financial Aid office might not fare as weU. The new regulations put an addition burden of paper work on financial aid offices, further straining manpower and possibly threatening aid delays to stude.nts. . The new guidelines must now be checked with federal authorities to en0 sure they comply ~ith the new law.

UCD Replacement Moves Ahead continued from page I


• finance only about half of the con"This bill' gives us increasing flex- struction phase of the new facility, ibility," Wartgow said, "we will now Wartgow said in January. Alternative financing for the conbe going lo the appropriate campus committees and we'll be getting going struction has been explored by AHEC and the CU. regents for some time, on that process soon.:· Earlier this year, AHEC was given with one proposal which would have the go-ahead by the Joint Budget committed students to pay for the Committee of the legislature to bor- new building through a !tpecial bond row money against the sale of the · fee being scrapped after the Trustees East Classroom building. But the $10 of the Consortium of State Colleges 0 million limit put on the loan would publicly opposed the plan.


CPS Despite howls of controversy on each aid recipient's compliance during debates over new rules requir- with those guidelines. Financial aid offices must also ing students to make "satisfactory academic progress" in order to get identify recipients as part- or fullfinancial aid, campus aid offices have time, account for dropped courses 4n been bothered by it more than students computing students' aid eligibility, so far, reports from around the coun- and be ready ·to bar aid to students try suggest. who don't keep progressing toward Some obser¥ers, moreover, say the their degrees at the pace prescribed new rules --aimed at forcing students by the scnool's guidelines. who don't keep their grades up off the "I don't know that there's going to federal aid roles-- may actually con- be any· measurable impact on vince some campuses to lower their students," says Dennis Martin of the minimum grade requirements to National Association of Student qualify for federal aid. Financial Aid Administrators. The major change is that, when The new federal rule, which went being checked for -eligibility for into effect on January 1st and which federal aid, a student's en'tire college aid offices around the country are academic record --not just a part of · now trying to implement for the first it-will be examined. . time, stiffens old "academic progress" Martin says the rule, however, requirements. The U.S. Department of Education could convince some schools to lower now requires colleges to make their academic standards for making students maintain "satisfactory satisfactory progress in order to make academic progress" toward com- the new federal paperwork easier · to do. pleting 120 credit hours within six Indeed, the major impact of the years. new rule will be on campus aid · That means students must keep administrators, not students, sources making the progress during terms in suggest. whiph they don't receive any aid, too. 'Tm sure intentions were good," "Some institutions are just too darn says Clint Cooper, district dean of lenient" in letting students with bad students for Miami-Dade Community grades or without a clear degree pro- College. But he adds that keeping gram keep getting aid, ·explains track of the academic records of the Duncan Heimrich, a U.S. Dept. of thousands of students who drop in Education spokesman. and out of urban commuter schools, . Last April, the National Commis- even when they're not receiving any sion on Student Financial Assistance aid, puts a big new burden on the aid reported thar, while all schools office. require students to maintain satisfacCooper questions "the real need for tory academic progress in order to get such a regulation" because Miamiaid, few colleges actually monitored Dade, for one, already enforces its their aid recipients' progress - very . satisfactory progress guidelines. closely. "We've been doing it for years," The commission, created in 1980 to adds Marcia Sexton, aid director at draw up student aid bills for Con- the University of Colorado, although gress, could find..few examples of col- "we were not previously monitoring leges taking away aid from students those students who have not been on with bad grades or who took too long· aid." At Yale, the regulation "is not to get through college. Colleges individually must now going to require any change in publish guidelines for just how fast a academic policy," reports Jacqueline ·student must progress over six years Foster, Yale's undergraduate aid toward 120 hours, and submit reports · director. 0 /

The Association of Minority Business· Students presents

Job Fair '84 St. Cajetan's April 5, 1984 11:00 a.m.-5.:00 p.m. This event is free and open to all students and alumni of the Auraria campus. This event will allow the students to meet with company representatives to discuss future employment opportunities. Representatives from the following types of employment will be in attendance: Manufactures, Government, Financial lnstitutjons, and other business-related employers. For further information, contact the AMBS office in the Student Center, room . 253, 629-3326, or call Ron Lujan at 629-3290. ,

to our friends at The

M1111 K1J ll•J • ~


upon receipt of numerous awards in recent Ro.c ky Mountain Collegiate Press Association competition.! ~

Auraria Book Center Staff






• March 28, 1984

ASMSC_Candidates Sp~ak Out • \

Lisa Espiritu and David Sutherland by Terri Moore Reporter, The Metropolitan

Better communication with students or ignorance and apathy-these are the two very different presidential platforms that MSC students will vote on April 2, 3, 4. -

Lisa Espiritu, candidate for presi.' dent, and · David Sutherland, vice president running mate, bl:lse their campaign on improving communications with students. "Most students don't know what the student government does," said Espiritu, "or what the student fees are spent on." Espiritu, a junior at MSC and a



AppEARiNG Apitil 6,

1:00-J:OO p.M.


Sponsored by

MSC Student Activities ~



legislative aide at the capitol, said the student government needs to be more structured and formal like the state government. "A more formal and strµctural student government will allow for more debate and more things will probably get done." "The student government deals with the administration and the students tend to defer authority," said Sutherland. "The administration manipulates the student government. He's the kid and not the professor is

"We have lots of outside interest groups pulling for us and we expect this campaign to run in the millions of dollars because we are going to buy votes," ~id Teufel. "We are a pair of crafty guys," said Porter, "We consider ourselves conartists and the administration will not play games with us, we are playing hard ball." An impromptu survey of .students let Teufel and Porter know that the main concern of the students is to

"It's not 'may the best man win' but the best dirty tricks win and that's the way we are going to do it. " -ASMSC Presidential Candidate Hugo Teufel

MISS • •• •

• • •

Hugo Teufel and David Porter



the kind of thing that exist now between student government and the administration." Espiritu with legislative experience and Sutherland with student government experience feel that their knowledge and experience will be a benefit-t:o the students. Hugo Teufel, the guy with the short hair running for president, and David Porter, the guy with the beard running for vice president, call themselves the illegitimate offshoot of the University of Wisconsin's "Pail and Shovel Party." Their official platform is based on ignorance and apathy. A misunderstanding regarding the change of voting dates and the date for filing intent to run leaves these two candidates, Teufel and Porter; as write-in votes. "It's not 'may the best man win' but the best dirty tricks win and that's the way we are going to do it," said Teufel. After reading and re-reading the election rules and regulations these two candidates decided that it was in their best interest not to break the rules but to bend and go around them.

have fun. In addition to having fun Teufel and Porter have other ideas. Porter's plan for solving the parking problem include getting rid of the coin meters. A flat fee at the beginning of the semester should allow students to park without the hassle of long lines and always having to have quarters. "We need to enhance enrollment," said Porter. More job fairs with people from the business community will make students more aware of job opportunities. These two write-in candidates Teufel and Porter say they will go to all lengths to win this election and if they don't win they will see that the election is voided. As these two platforms battle for the winning ticket there are 25 candidates vying for the 25 senatorial vacancies. They are: David J. Anderson, Benjamin Boltz, Linda A. Bruce, Sigmund Clement, Cynthia Dennis, Pedro J. Escobar, Jr., Dave Garcia, Phillip T. Lozano, Seott McMillan, Brenda Oswald, Manual A. Patino, James. A. Roszel, Heidi M. Todeschi, Annette Valdez, Tammy Williams and Steve L. Wrenshall. D

March 28. 1984

. )..

New,y-Created Senate Part of Student Ballot For the first time, MSC students will be voting to elect members for the newly-formed student government Senate. In the past the Joint Board .o f MSC Student Government was made up of two committees: the Curriculum Committee and the Student Affairs Committee, totaling 17 members. "There were, no official guidelines to the organization of the Joint Board and it evt:ntually became ineffective" said ·Mike Eagan, election commissioner. ' Last November the students voted on a new constitution that created an MSC Senate to replace those boards. The Senate is made up of 25 members that form four committees: The Academic Affairs Committee; Financial Affairs Committee; the Club Affairs Committee; and the Rules and Regulations Committee. "With the organization of the new Senate we now have guidelines to 0 follow and it should be effective," said Eagan.


Referendum Questions 1. Would you be in favor of a shorter semester, by one week, by eliminating Spring Break? 2. Are you in favor of the Constitution as amended? 3. Are you in favor of (an MSC) radio. station?

The c ,andidates David J. Anderson Benjamin Boltz

Annetta Valdez Tammy Williams

Linda A. Bruce

Steve L. Wrenshall Alan Holder Scott Tatge

Sigmund Clement Cynthia Dennis Pedro J. Esquibar Jr. Dave Garcia Philip T. Lozano Scott McMillan Brenda Oswald Manual A. Patino James A. Roszel Heidi M. Todeschi


Norbert J. Ward Allen Floyd Cynthia Atkinson Don Morris Tania Pfalzgraf Scott Brown Michael Thalken



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March 28, 1984


LET----------Bucketeers Shovel Bull Into Pail Editor: We, the illegitimate offshoot of the University of Wisconsin Pail and Shovel party, in order to truly serve the Two Great Ideals we hold above all others, that is both Ignorance and Apathy, have laid down these fourteen tenets: I. The erection of a memorial to the great Stephen Potter between the library and the Arts Building so that all may see the founder of modern thought. A. A special wing will be added to the library, removing, or course, the Science Building. This wing will be named, quite obviously, the Stephen Potter wing. B. A special "Yeoville" scholarship will also be set up each year for those students who most exemplify the ideals of One-upmanship, Supermanship, and Brinkmanship. Salesmanship will be excluded for the first four years. C. The name Odoreida will not be used, and from this date on will be denoted by II. A football stadium to be built on the parking lots whose boundaries are Wazee, Twelfth, Speer, and Lawrence Streets. This will solve many problems. First, it wiJJ,not interefere with parking since we all know that UCD students park in these lots anyway. Second, it would provide incentive to form an MSC football team. Third, and we feel most important, it would provide an outlet for young nymphets to wear revealing clothes with which they would be able to root their team on in by jumping up and down with porn-porns and the like. III. A twenty-five percent pay increase for all economics professors and promotion of Gerald Stone to President of MSC. IV. The institution of capital punishment for repeat parking lot offenders. This would, of course, exclude anyone who is mentioned in articles I through


V. A weekly updated fact sheet posted on Jvery bulletin board to inform students of new ways to get around parking regulations. VI. A free fire zone in the cafeteria in the Student Center. . VII. A snack bar placed in the southwest corner of the library. VII. Because of the distance involved in travelling to the Mercantile or the Mission, 25-cent beer dispensers will be placed wherever pop machines are presently. IX. The Pail & Shovel party will be the only party allowed to exist on campus. X. A minimum of $100,000 will be given to the English Department to conduct a study of Jack Kerouac's impact on modern society. One of the key questions will be finding out just who in the hell the "Denver Doll" really is (it is rumored that his son attends UCD). This money will be in small bills, no larger than twenties, and will be left in care of the ASMSC President. XI. A years supply of benzidrene will be provided for the ASMSC Presiden~ and Vice-President. XII. A wet bar will be installed in the office of the AS MSC President and Vice-President. This will include swizle sticks, bar napkins, a bartendress, and actual .pictures of Tahiti on the wall. XIII. In keeping with the policy of open enrollment there shall also be ·open graduation. XIV. All private study booths will be sound proofed, and, in addition, a stereo, dry bar, and spacious cot will be added to make the booths conducive to the kind of studying we all know goes on in there. .. .nuff said? We thiIJk so, and we feel that given these basic ten~ts our campus could actually be quite enjoyable. Well, at least for some of us. But then, that is the way the game is played. Daniel Porter, Co-Chairman, Pail & Shovel Party


Candidates Promise Guidance, Assistance

i:o ~


Editor: There has been great improvemerit during Brendan Kelly's Student Government administration; but, there are several areas that need a great deal of attention. !i.rst, ~tudent f~ are not well spent. This is due to manipulative adm1mstrahon efforts at budgeting the money. Also, the student representatives in the process lack experience in dealing with such manipulation. Benefit to the students is often not the bottom line. Second, within the Student Government itself are several problems: Personalities, lack of experience, a few non-serious attitudes and a new system of government are just a few of the causes. We also feel that MSC student clubs and organizations are largely ignored. They are met with bureaucracy, routine, and a general lack of respect. Clubs have little say in policies that effect them and no communication line to Student Government. Next, there is an anti-AHEC attitude among Student Government members. Again this is due to conflicts between AHEC and MSC administration and manipulation of student government leaders to effect an antiAHEC attitude. Lack of communication within Student Government enhances this attitude. Last, President Brendan Kelly has done a superb job in representing the students in off-campus arenas, particularly at the statehouse over House Bill 1360. What happens when B. K. leaves office? There is no one to step in and 1 continue. • We are running for President and Vice-President of Student Government because we feel we can solve or go a long way toward dealing with these problems. We will bring Student Clubs in better contact with Student Government; they will not remain separated. We will provide guidance and assistance to all student leaders in dealing with the administration. We will provide competent administrative management. We are pledged that Student Government will be a learning center for student leaders to improve communication, decision making and leadership. We will continue the efforts of Brendan Kelly in fighting for our school. Our ideal will be open communication within Student Government and with the students. The bottom line will always be "benefit to the students." - Lisa Espiritu Dave Sutherland



EDITOR Carson Reed BUSINESS MANAGER Katie Lutrey PRODUGnON MANAGER Jack Affleck · ASSISTANT EDITORS Keith Levfae. NEWS Kevi11 Vaughan SPORTS Robin Heid ENTERTAINMENT Jim Bailey REPORTERS Mary Lindsey. Michael Ocran/, Scott Mohr, Karen Ziebell. S11sa11 Skorripa. Arm Trudeau. Gary Jone.,, D.]. Oicens. Terri Moore. TI Williams. Lisa Si/ca. Bob Haas. James Tabor. Curt Sa11dnval. Grinclr Advertising Manager Lana Mynard STAFF Marvin Ratzlaff. Penny Faust. Deanna Jnlrn son ASSISTA]';T PRODUCTION MAl'AGER Davida Colson ART DIRECTOR Lise Ge11rkink PRODUCTION STAFF Jn/111 Montoya. Tom Deppe. Sliatcna Tli; rp. Barbara West. Barbara Cline. Rose Jacksow TYPESETTER

Mae Yee A puhlication for the studeotli of the Auraria Campm supported by ad\'crtisinJ:t and student fees from the 'tudl'nts of Mctro1~1litan State CollCj(e. Editorial and husine.s offices are located in Room 156 of the Auraria Student Center. 9th & La\\renct•. Mailing addres." P.O. Box 4615-57 Den\'er CO 80204

Advertising: 629-8361

Editorial: 629-2507

Thr M~·t~opolita11 is puhlished every \Vednesday during the school yt>ar. except holiday~. The opm1o ns expressed within are those of the writers. and do not necessarih· reflect the opinions of Th,, i\frtropolita11 or its advertisers. · Ach l•r1i\in}l: clt-·adltm· j, Friday at 3:00 p.m. Deadline for l'alender ilt>ms. prt>SS releases. and letters to tlw t.'<11tor b Friday at .5:00 p.rp . Submis.'iions 'ihould he typed and double spaced. l.otlo" under thr<..- hundred words will be con.<idered fir.;t. Tiii' .\lrtro1H1lita11 reserves t he ri~ht to t.'<iit <·opy to conform to limitation~ of space-.



March 28, 1984

I'M NOT A COMMUNIST! The Peasant's Lament



I'm not a Communist I'm not a Capitalist I'm not a Socialist I'm not a Fascist I'm just a hungry man jack Fightin for 路his land back Livin in a dirt shack I can't AFFORD a Big Mac

As hungry as I am I'm still a faithful man I do believe in God He's given hope and peace

I'm told I need democracy A style they say will make me free But candidates for whom I choose

But WHY dear Lord Djd strangers come And kill my 1-0cal priest

Are guaranteed to always 1-0se The bullet and the blade, they rule, To rid the land of reform fools

I can't EAT coffee I get SICK on bananas And I really don't care For the boys from Havana My babies haven't eaten In over a week There's too much Coca-Cola An too little wheat

Now, some may call me red And some may want me 路dead Bllt a man's got to da What his heart tells him to And if fightin 's the answer I got nothin to 1-0se Iffightin's the answer I got nothin to 1-0se

Ya see, I'm just a hungry man Bill Lookin for some good will The Big Bear's on the make He's given me my only break Before ya know, again SAM You'll have another VietNAM

-Jack Moore Busines.'i Administration


lf 1"E. O"L'f



N.~AAtl~ ~ 1\IE

COMt.\OMIStf\, TIEN 1l\E'1 'NIU..

VEO'r1.t. Of \..ATIN t\MERICA fi.RE 1l\E. ~~ QIJO ANQ l~EVIT~BL~ Qb05拢 C.OM~ON \Sh\. J. f. K.

MSC Prof Blasts Student Leader

Editor: Mr. Kelly and Mr. DeLeo enjoy the privilege of space路on your op-ed page without any obligations to the code of journalistic ethics that Mr. Pearson spoke of so eloquently in his talk reported on page three of your March 14th issue. It is ironic that they would abuse that privilege in the same issue. '

A (good) reporter would not report unsubstantiated hearsay as fact. A (good) reporter would not report one person's side of an issue as though there could be no other relevant facts. Nevertheless, I must agree with Messrs. Kelly.and DeLeo that, except for grade protests, there seems to be no clear protocols established at MSC for dealing with student grievances. There are, however, widely understood traditions, stemming from the chain-of-command concept. These practices are intended to provide due process and protect the rights of all concerned;



( i<>'e11 n uent Ileport


Time once again to vote for the leaders of your student government. This year, for the first time, twenty-eight elected positions are up for grabs. These positions include 25 Student Senators, the Student Trustee, and a President and Vice President. These people will have to be able to function as experts on college issues such as: general studies and F. T.E.'s, role and mission, academics, students affairs and grievances, business and finance, student fee funding, and the merger issues. They must be knowledgeable about the various areas that make up Auraria; DACC, UCD, MSC, AHEC, and who deals in what area, at what level, and when. They must be willing and able to give their time to problem solving, advice, to inform, persuade, confront, and above all, speak out. Each elected person will represent MSG students to the college, schools governing board, boards, state legislation, and the community. Student government is constantly building and looking for new ideas. This election gives new people a chance to affect the changes needed on the campus and in the world to continually fit our needs as students.

formal protocols provide better protection, but one can only make use of what exists. , So far as the tradition of process is concerned, this matter has not progressed beyond the Department Chair level. I have offered to mediate between the student and her instructor. At the time of writing the student has not chosen to take advantage of that offer. The only abuse that I know of to date is the effort of Messrs. Kelly and DeLeo to interfere with her right to make that choice. I decline to discuss the points at issue. I will not consent to have the case tried in the newspaper until the procedures that do exist to provide due process have been exhausted. - John Spradley Chairman, MSC Department of English We are currently involved in these and many other areas: Radio Station Peer Counseling United States Student Assoc. Discount Bus Passes Student Fees Clubs Financial Aid Academics Curriculum Parking Campus Planning Media Also, look for clocks and pencil snarpeners in the student lounges. Each and everyone can vote on: April 2 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. April 3 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ' April 4 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m .


A debate will be held on March 29, 1984, in the student government_conference room. Come listen to your future leaders. Room 340 D of the Student Center is the sight. Everyone is welcome, and we still need write-ins for the Student Trus.tee position. Although Education is a chance to look forward to security in the real world, we must not lose sight that we need a secure world to look forward to. Your Current Leaders, Brendan M. Kelly : Joe DeLeo ~



ii-Each institution is in a position w must fend for itself...we need to share our resources and equipment." Schoemer -Jim " at otber univenities, by james Tabor nepor,eL The Matopolitan

Representatives from various cam-

pus administrations

discussed organizational and financial questions regarding the possible merger of

UCD and MSC, during an


forum last Monday. The panel discussion was sponsored by "The Auraria

Interfaith Ministry St, Francis

Center" and was the last in the Issues Forums on Higher Education. Patticipants discussed the strength and weaknesses of the culrent Auraria campus organizational structure.

"This campus has a real identity problem," Deputy AHEC Executive Director, James Shoemer said. "Another maior problem is the lack of a central governing authority. There is clearly a duplication of administration activities. "

John Weihaupt, UCD Vice



Acadetnic Affairs.



"The lack of a central authority is a major problem," Weihaupt said. "It's very difficult to make quick decisions, u"i at the problems rie see here are

$ e.-


"Governing several institutions may be too much for fihe Regents) to handle' reida Horey

has been successful. The institutions terest, not the students' interest, The For student representatives oir the have been successful. The problems problem is not the organization or panel, Auraria's problems are less are not on an educational level but funding, but (that) none of us are political. " CoIe said, and MSC stu- willing to work together. Each goverreal than imagined. dent government president Brendan ' ning board has its own proiects." president government Kelly agreed. The panel discussd possible opUCD- student "The quality of education at tions in consolidating governanee at Ken Cole argued that problems at Auraria are in the eye of the Auraria is not a problem," Kelly said. Auraria. bebolder, "The Auraria campus is a "The biggest problem the campus Freid a Holly, MSC Faculty Presiunique educational concept, which faces is looking out for its own in- dent, pointed out that each of the current options carries its own dangers. Holly said the primary consideration is whether a new governing board 'would give us tbe

'Addictions' Next Forum Topic

During April the Issues Forum held each Monday at St. Francis Center will consider several catalysts'for addictive behavior. The schedule is as follows: Monday, April 2: l:00-2100 P.M.

"Socio/Cultural EnvironmenFof Addictive Behavior" Speaker: Mr. John Cleary, UCD graduate student in Anthropolgy Monday, April 9: l:00-2:30 P,M. "Biochemical and Psychological Environment of Addictive Behavior" Speakers: Dr. Harvey Milkman, MSC

dictive Behavior" Speaker: Ms. Mary Roush, Family Counselor in private practicâ‚Ź Monday, April 23: I r00-2:O0 P.M. "Treatment for Addition: Therapy or Social Control" Panel Discussion Panel members for this event will be:

John Ziznuska, Director Jefferson County Alcohol Center Beverly McBrien, Executive Direc-.

tor, Attitude Development Services Donna Hildebrand, Tleatment Dirbctor, Cottonwood Hill, Inc., Arvada Psychblogy Dept., All meetings are held on the second Dr. Stanley Sunderwirth, VP for floor of St. Francis Center in Meeting Rm. l. People are welcome to bring a Academic Affairs, MSC brown-bag lunch. Coffee and tea are Monday, April 16: l:00-2:00 P.M. D "Family Dynamics Surrounding nd- - available

resources we need."

"Governing several institulions may be too much for (the Regents) to handle," she said. And the Trwtees of

the Consortium of State Colleges "Often seem to favor the western slope schools. " Funding for capital construction was also addressed by panel participants.

"The capital investments on this campus are tragic," AHEC's Shoemer

said. "Each institution is in a position where it must fend for itself. Unfortunately it's a bad time in Colorado

right now for getting capita!.. We need'to share our resources and



March 28, 1984

Fame and Fortune Follow Felon He admits, but doesn't regret, that some of what he did for Nixon was purely political, and done for his own pesonal advancement. But with regard to the break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, Liddy said: "Ellsberg had leaked top secret in~ formation and we, needed to know more about him. I would definitely do it again (the break-in) just as I would serve under the commanderin-chief in time of war regardless of .his political affiliation."

by Scott Mohr Reporter, The Metropolitan


In 1976, when John Dean was invited to speak at the University of Northern Colorado, a big stink was made over the fact that student fees were being spent to bring to campus a convicted criminal. In 1976, G. Gordon Liddy was in prison with his · mouth shut and remained there until, ironically, his sente~ce was commuted by Jimmy Carter in 1977. Now,_ more than 10 years after Watergate, With the statute of limitations expired and his autobiography published, Liddy has taken his hawkish conservatism, bizarre wit, and harsh view of reality on tour, and is captivating audiences largely composed of students who were watching the Flintstones while Dean was spilling his guts to the Senate Committee. So it was that the UCO Events Board, at a cost of about $7,000, presented G. Gordon Liddy at the Paramount Theatre Monday night. Liddy expounded his theory that America · does not suffer from a malaise of the spirit but that Americans live lives of illusion. "The world is not Beverly Hills but a very bad neighborhood" he told the audience. 1 The U.S. is letting itself become more and more like a little old lady trying to cross the street. After making a case for the need to catch up with the U.S.S.R. in the arms race, Liddy launched into an explanation of the need for espionage. "Nations have been spying on each other since time began," he said. "You have got to know the capabilities of .the other side and what they plan on doing with it," he s~d. Clandestine operations give the U.S. a third option when something happens ~hat is against our interests, he said. We can do nothing, decla._re


Before he turned the microphone over for a question and answer period (which he calls for Christians and the Lions with him being the lion), Liddy emphasized the power of education. Using his education as a weapon, he told the audience how he had managed to continue his - clandestine activities even while ii! prison to bring about reforms. -" I



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"The world is not Beverly Hills .. ." war or engage in espionage. . Liddy warned that ·we can't afford to do too little. He feels that was the tragedy of Vietnam, and, more recentJy, Lebanon. "There is no such thing as a limited war," he said. "In war our soldiers need to know that they are being backed by everything we've got." Having read his book "Will" I had !>egun to perceive Liddy as an overzealous patriot who had painfully trained himself to become a fighting machine. Liddy gave the crowd a brief personal history of how he came to be working for Nixon in the 70's.

Research Paper Wins ,National Award "An outstanding piece of work at the graduate level" describes the winner of the National Association for ' Chicano Studies Annual Student Paper Competition. The producer of this fine effort, is UCO senior Magdalena Gallegos Perez, who .is taking Chicano Studies courses at MSC. ttrs. Perez received the award for 'W her research as part of the Political Participation Project, sponsored by the MSC Department of Chicano Studies. Mrs. Perez's report documents the campaign strategies used by various hispanic politicians in Colorado. Mrs. Perez will be presenting her project on March 30 from 2-4 p.m. at 1020 9th St. The lecture is open to the public. For further information 9-all 629-3119. 0

One student who took the microphone suggested that Liddy might be " irrational." "I of course disagree" said Liddy as the audience laughed "but I'm up here, you've seen me tonight, you decide. It makes no dif£erence to me." D

Didn't you know that if you're a senior with the promise of a $10,000 career-oriented job, you could have-the American Express' Card? Where have you been? Asleep? Because for some time American Express has been ~aying that we believe in your future. But even more than that. We believe in you now. And we've been proving it. A $10,000 job. That's it. No strings. No gimmicks. And this offer is even good for 12 months after you graduate. But why do you need the American Express Card now? First of all, it's a good way to begin to establish your credit history. And you know that's important. Of course, the Card is also good for vacation travel, as well as for shopping for things like a new stereo or furniture. And because the Card


is recogniml and welcomed worldwide, r ,so are you. , J So call 800-528-8000 for a Special Student Application or look- for one at your college bookstore or on :our · campus bulletin boards. The American Express C1rd. Don't leave school without it ~·


Look for an application on campus.

"'d II>


....~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------------..... ~

March 28, 19_84 路

College Press Flock to Utah At least SS schools participated in this year's Rocky Mountain Collegiate Press Association conference in Provo, Utah. Representatives from college newspapers, broadcasting departments, yearbooks and literary magazines gathered together from Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The RMCPA conference was sponsored this year by Brigham Young University. A full year of planning, headed by RMCPA President and' BYU student Cyndy Perkovitch, culminated into three days of non-stop speakers, seminars. workshops, contests, and banquets. Workshops for editors, feature

Provo, as seen from room 929. writers, photographers, editorial writers, sports writers, as well as for those in radio and television, made the convention an intense learning expetience, crammed with information. As a result, many came away from their spring break vacations in a

constabulary for "shooting" children in residential Provo. Provo, it seems, has suffered the same sort of rash of child kidnappings and molestations as Denver, and the nervous parents of Provo were quick to spot Jack and his camera lurking around groups of frolicking kids. Luckily, the whole matter was cleared up, and, as it turns out, the foray produced a Second Place photograph in the RMCPA live photography competition. In Provo, which boa5ts only two bars and frowns on carrying on like a Shriner, the busy itinerary was prostate of exhaustion. For the representatives of The- bably a great blessing. If nothing else had come out of it, it Metropolitan it was a gratifying experience. The only sour note came was a rare opportunity to discuss, when our Production Manager and debate, and generally hobnob with Photographer Jack Affleck was peers from a wide range of schools stopped and questioned by the local- and an even wider range of media. 0

Journalists Debate Freedom and _Resposibility For aspiring college journalists, thi~ year's Rocky Mountain Collegiate Press Association Conference was a rare opportunity to hear some of America's top professionals in the media talk about what is happening

in journalism, and, most important, what should be happening in journalism. Elmer Lower, retired president of ABC 路 News , criticized the "horse-race" aspects of election


-. rlw 'tlil i

coverage, and cautioned the audience that good ratings were not equivalent to good ethics or good journalism. A panel of experts, including investigative reporter Dale Van Atta, CBS News correspondant Sandy Gilmore, and congressional lawyer Randy Rader debated the proposed limiting of the Freedom of Information Act and debated the validity of the media ban in Grenada .. Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein became something of a media event himself as reporters and "action路 cams" from Salt Lake and Provo flocked in for his address to students. Bernstein, who dismissed he and Bob Woodward's success in unraveling the Watergate story as "just plain hard work," said that too many journalists weren't willing to "wear out shoe leather" in an effort to get the whole story. Bernstein also complained of "stenographic journalism" -thal too many . reporters were willing to take the statements of politicians and others at face value, without finding out if the statements are true.

Pat+,' ~


Carl Bernstein

Carole Simpson

And NBC News correspondant Carole Simpson talked of the perils of the journalism field for women and minorities. "Of the two," she said, "being a woman has been the greater handicap." _ Throughout the conference, the major topic of discussion was the fading credibility of the media. After the three days were over, college iournalists went away with a lot to mull over in terms of their resP.onsibilities and the importance of a strong ethical foundation to their 路 work. RMCPA President Cyndy Perkovitch said in her message to the students "We hope you will emerge from this convention feeling we have added a dimension to your talent." For most ot the convention-goers,_ the broadening was on an even deeper 0 level than that.

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March 28, 1984

Top Honors ~or · The Met ~taff by Carson Reed Editor, The Metropolitan

I've known it all along, of course. The Metropolitan has been very lucky to attract some very talented, ,and very dedicated staff members. Still, it is always gratifying to have the fruits of a year of hard labor acknowledged by fellow journalism students, and by the journalists and teachers of journalism who acted as judges in the canned competi~ion of this year's Rocky Mountain Collegiat~ Press Association Conference in Provo, Utah. Out of the 38 or more schools at the conference, The Metropolitan competed among the largest 12; four-year schools with circulations above 10,000. In preparation for the competition, the Production Manager and I sat- down late last fall and poured through the morgue looking for the best pieces ot work from the last year of papers. We entered in 25 categories ranging from Best Special Supplement to Best Editorial Cartoon. Often, the choices of what to submit were extremely-difficult to make. At the risk of sounding immod~t, I'd like to share with readers of The Metropolitan who won, and how they won. In a very real sense, the awards belong to the students. faculty, and staff of the Auraria Campus. The quality of our work here reflects our efforts to please a mature, sophisticated, and demanding audience that has little time to waste on reading newspapers. I am most proud when I reflect on the fact that no story was ever written, no illustration ever drawn, no page layed out in the hope of winning some award. All of the long hours and anguish of our staff was in an effort to serve the readers of The Metropolitan in the best way we can.

Assistant Editor Keith Levise took First Place in General/Specialized Column for his semester-long assault on the cold war in Friends & Neighbors. Of his column, the judge said "Levise tackled a variety of subjects on the American scene, showing his familiarity with history and drawing on worthy personages for apt quotes, to support logical arguments. Good depth."

Keith L.evise ReporterD.J. Owens won a Second Place award for his review of the play "Calm Down Mother." According to · the judge "D.J. Owens, in the space of some three hundred words, covers a complex play and covers it well ... Gets right to the point ... good description.

Here are our winners: News Editor Kevin Vaughan picked up a First Place award in --what else?-- News Writing. The award was for his coverage of the controversy surrounding the placement of Red Grooms' "Shootout" sculpture on UCD property, a controversy that ultimately led to its removal. Reporter Michael Ocrant picked up a Second Place award in the same category for his story on a rather I '* suspect parking survey commissioned . 1L~ by RTD and AHEC.

D.J. Owens


Production Manager J ~ck Affleck took First Place for his creative layout of our feature on Amnesty International. In addition, Jack took Second Place in the live photography competition in Provo.

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:..:: >.

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-a. Jack M. Affleck


Kevin Vaughan


8 ~

Reporter Susan Skorupa took First Place in News Feature for her article _s on CoPirg in our first edition last fall. .8 The judge cited "Writing style and _g use of descriptive imagery" as the a. f-..-;;;...~....._._...__..___ _ _ ___......_~reasons for her selection. ~

1983: Not a very good year

Susan Skorupa 'Careers' Supplement

1985 RMCPA ·conference . Slated for Denver Next year's Rocky Mountain Collegiate Press Association conference is slated to be in Denver. The Editor and Assistant Editor of the Arapahoe Community College paper, the Rapp Street Journal, offered to host the convention next spring. For students in communications, English, and journalism in the Denver area, having the convention on home turf will be a great opportunity. At the convention, The Metropolitan pledged their support to the group from ACC, and it is their hope, as well as ours, that all of the schools of the Auraria Campus can join in and be a part of next year's convention. 0



Former Art Director John Foley took a total of three awards for his work at The Metropolitan . John's illustration "Grief' for a story on coping with the death of a loved one took First Place, his layout of the ad "We at The Metropolitan" took Second Place and his layout of the first "Bits and Pieces" page took Third Place. Artist Melissa Moulton took Second Place for her illustration "European Peace Movement," highlighting a story about efforts to stop the deployment of Cruise and Pershing missiles in Europe.

Last, but definitely not least, a big First Place award went to the entire staff of The Metropolitan for the best supplement. "Careers" was an ambitious, eight-page focus on what to do after school--and during. Of the supplement, the judge said "Ostensibly the reason one goes to college is to better oneself and to launch oneself into a career. This supplement hits the nail on the head as far as writing to the market. This series identifies a very real contemporary problem, anticipates future scenarios and offers solutions in a professional manner. Generally very well written." In addition to the certificate awards, The Metropolitan took a number of Honorable Mentions: Bill Kindleberger, for his feature on Addictions.Carson Reed, for Part Two of MegaCampus, and for a story on the Colorado Carp Club. Robi~ Reid, For Wild Life Guidebook. Kevin Vaughan, for his headlipe "Beer Bust Still ~ On Tap." John Foley, for his illustration of "Amnesty International." 0 ~



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March 28, 1984


BTIS & PJECES . MSC Master Class " for Musicians As part of MSC's ongoing Class Series, mezzo-soprano ClauG ·Carlson will be at St. Caj~ March 30, at 2:00 p.m. Ms. Carlson has performed many of the world's finest orch including the New York Phi monic, the London Philharm and the Metropolitan Opera. The objective of Ms. Car class, as of every Master Class, · provide music students with int instruction in their art with an complished master, while provi the public an opportunity to o up-and-coming artists at work. For more information, contac Music Activities Committee

March 28-31, 10 am-5 pm Student Center Lower Mall Take home an armful of these specially-priced books! A wide1 ra.nge of technical fields is ~------~ represented, and an additional 25% will be deducted from the present sale price at the checkout stand. ~~-+----- Shop early for the best selection of ~,._-~_ __......_,.titles.



CENTER Denver's Education Store 955 Lawrence Street 629-3230 M-Th 8-7:30, Fri 8-5, Sat 10-3

UCD Master Class for Musicians A Master Class for pianists and chamber music groups is -being sponsored by the UCO Student Events Board ancl the UCO College of Music. The class will be taught by Menahem Pressler, reknowned pianist of the Beaux Arts Trio, and will meet on April 12 at 9 a.m. in St. Cajetan's Center, 1190 9th St. Tickets will _he $5 for adults, $2 for non-UCO students, and admission is free for UCO students with ID. For more information call 629-2727. O

Used Book Sale to be


., I. •



..:-w•f "'.,. •


in Library

The Auraria Library will hold a used book sale on April 2, 3 and 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the front lobby of the library. Prices will range from $.25 to $1.00, and there will be thousands of barg~in books for sale. All the proceeds from the sale will be used to buy new materials for the library. For further information, contact Carol Robinson at 6~-2805. 0

Msch 28, 1984

{ t€r ine rist

Public Policv Program Offered

Tokyo Ballet to Drzzle Denver

Are you a minority student inin public policy? The Lyn-



don B. Johnson School irf Public Aff4irs at the University of Texas at Austin is sponsoring a Summer Program in Policy.Skills (SPPS). The SPPS is for underqraduate minority students who will complete

ds to

their Junior year this spring and who may be interested in exploring opportunities for careers in public service.

ith as,



The students selected will receive tuition, fees, room and board, and a


weekly stip€nd.



:ht at



Sign Language Courses Offered

The deadline for application is April I, 1984. If you are interested in applying, please write the Office of

A ten-week series of sign language courses will be conducted by the Center for Hearing, Speech, and Language beginning on Tuesday, April 3. Conducted by sign language experts, the classes are designed for the lay person who wants to be able to communicate effectively with deaf people. Beginning I and II and Advanced level classes will be offered. The courses will be held Tuesdays and Thursdavs from 7:30 to 9:30 n.m. at the Center, 4280 Hale Parkway. Tuition is $35 per person. Further information and registration forms may be obtained by' calling the Center at 322-1871. Registration will also be accepted the first nisht of

Student Affairs, LBJ School of Publie Affairs, The University of Texas at

Austin, Austin, TX 787f2, or telephone (512) 57L-4982, ext. 290.


Travel/Study Trip to Mexico Planned


The Language and Cultural Institute is sponsoring a travel and study trip to Mexico June 4 through july 18. Students will be studying the language and culture of Vera Cntz and the Gulf Coast regions of Mexico. The cost of the trip i; $950 plus tuition. Interested students should enroll during the regular summer session, but must notify Dr. Juan Esteve immediately at 629-2909. Members of the community are also eligible to travel. For informa-


tion please call Dr. David Conde at

Self-Help Workshops Offered Two self-help workshops will

The history, religion, and Oriental mysticism of Japanese culture will

come to the Paramount Theatre Aoril 14th. when Shigeru Yokoi and the Tokyo Ballet present their unique and

powerful. work. The company of 25 dancers, under

the guidance of


Shigeru Yokoi,

There will b€ a meeting of all participants on March 99 at 4:30 p.m, in the Student Center. l_.

ballet and modern dance technioue in a performance that has been called

, The National Park searching

will combine


"unparalleled," "brilliant," "dazzling."


Showtime is at 8 p.m. Tickets are

$8. For more information, call 691-6000. fl

Serviee is

for a few good people to

work at the Great Sand Dunes National Monument. Volunteers r,r'ith various backgrounds, experiences, and abilities are being sought in the following fields: hiking, art, 35mm photography. botany, biology, entomology, soils science, astronomy, geology, archeology, environmental science. public speaking, library work, statistics, and visitor informa-


sponsored by UCD on the last two Saturdays in March.


Volunteers Needed at Nntional Monument


Business Job

Fair to be Held

The MSC Association of Minority Business Students


be sponsorrng

its third annual job fair at St. Cajetan's Center Thursday, April 5, from ll a.m. to 5 p.m.

The fair, open to all students and alumni on the Auraria campus, will allow students to meet with eompany representatives from financial institutions," manufacturer's, government, and other business related employers,

For further infomation,


"From Chaos to Competence, Time Management Workhop,"

A a

course designed to help organize time for productivity, will be held on

March 24 from g a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $25. Oh March3l, a course on constructive anger entitled "What's the Real

Truth About Anger?" will be con-

ducted from I a.m. to 3:30 n.m. The fee for this workshop is $35. Both classes will be taught b1'

Barbara Schwartz, President of

Associates in Awareness, a human resource development company, and will be held at Kirk at Bonnie Brae,


S. Steele St.


For more information contact the University of Colorado at Denver Division of Continuing Education at 629-2735




There's more to ·college than going to college •.. .




Isn't It funny that among all of the wonderful humanHles, arts, and science counes offered at a unlver:. sJty, no one ever teaches you about the hidden dimensions within your· sell? The original aim ot a "higher education'' was to do exactly that. The fulflllment of Ille comes to those few who are willing to explore both the physical and spiritual dimensions of their lives.


Unlock the doOrs of your perception at a serle$ of worlcshops In medllatlon and allered · states of awaNness with Rama - Frederick &enz, Ph.D.



Monday, April 2. $5 • Monday, April 9 - $5 • Monday, April 16. $5 • Monday, April 23. $20 •

Reincarnation, Meditation • Tantra Yoga Altered States, Meditation • Kundallnl Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment? Intensive In Meditation






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····.-~-- ··

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March 28,-1984




Audio, Visual Sensory Barrage augmented the visuals, while the crowd was continually sitting down and standing up again, as the music dictated. They proved, once more, that they are in a class by themselves. From the Bugs Bunny clip that started the show to the climactic Roundabout encore, they provided an audio and visual sensory barrage. Not a whpk lot of communication, per se; but this is one band you really must experience to understand. 0

by D.J. Owens Reporter, The Metropolitan



A remarkably yovng crowd gathered at McNichol's Arena last Tuesday to enjoy a noticeably aged Yes. Jon Anderson, without whom Yes would not be Yes, was restrained as his cordless microphone, bracketed around his neck, allo"'7ed him to have a freedom of movement that he really didn't utilize at all. His voice was heavenly, but the overwhelming impressior. was that he just wasn't feeling the music. Yes newcomer, Trevor Rabin, was the only member of the group who appeared to be enjoying himself. He moved about the stage freely; cring- ing and grimacing as his playing touched every base imaginable. He fitled the shoes of former Yes axeman Steve Howe admi~ably. Overflowing with enthusiasm, Rabin played to the far reaches of the 15,000 fans on hand. At the start of the show he shared the spotlight with Anderson, but as the evening progressed, bllSsist supreme Chris Squire moved to the center as Rabin took off on mu!!ical tangents and Anderson went to the recesses of the saucer shaped stage. Squire's bass was so melodic it's amazing he only 1lad four stri(lgs to

work with. Indeed, some lead member's introduction, and were guitarists ~on't even sound this good! sp~ead out · through the duration of He teamed up with drummer Alan the show. This was a brand new apWhite to form a driving rhythm sec- proach; progressively faithful to the tion, and they did an extremely Yes tradition. Rabin's intro/solo stood plucky combined solo. These two out above the rest as he niade pasguys might not have been having as · sionate love to his hollow-bodied elecmuch fun as Rabin, but they did tric guitar. Yes, the rhasters of innovation, had manage to take out their frustrations the spotlight banks turning this way very constructively. The solos in the show were and that, ~escending upon the presented as part of each band elaborate stage. Star shaped lazers

Original Music Showcase

New York Theatre School to Hold Local Auditions

On.Sunday, April 1, at 8:30 p.m., Songwriter's Gallery No. 6 will take to the stage of the Mercury Cafe, 1308 Pearl St. Featured in this month's showcase will be the original music of Bridges, Tim Duffy & Orchestra of Clouds, and of international arranger. composer, and.guitarist, M~nuel Molina. For more information contact Marilyn McGinnity at 863-9229. 0


The c ·ircle in the Square Theatre School, a professional trainingprogram affiliated with New York'~ oldest producing theatre, will hold regional auditions at the Denver Center Theatre Company on Wednesday, April 4, 1984. The audition committee will be reviewing 950 applicants nationwide for 50 places in the two-year graduate-level program. Students selected by the Committee will work and study with some of New York's finest actors -and directors, many of whom began their careers at Circle in the Square. Because admissions are extremely selective, there is a high rate of graduate employment in professional theatre, film and television among Circle in the Square alumni. For further information, please contact Circle in the Square Theatre School, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019. 0 ,




QUALITY PEOPLE NEEDED FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT If you like working with people, have a pleasing

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We're celebrating the whole week with 10% OFF all kids' and parents' books, ,activities and toys! Now's a good lime to come ii) and see our Spring arrivals.


CENTER 955 Lawrence Street 629-3230 M-Th 8-7:30, Fri 8-5, Sat 10-3

'"C ~

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- - ------


March 28, 1984

No Buffet Where the n 路e er and Antelope Play Needless to say, there just aren't any free buffets on the western slope just a lot of livestock and sagebrush. Taco-bar and happy hour are two 'very unheard-of terms out where the deer and the antelope play. Confused, dejected, and hungry, I turned myself around and headed back to Denver. All of a sudden, I realized that I had misconstrued just exactly where my edito~ wanted me to go; he was talking about the路 west side of Denver. See what ffitlrry mix-ups can occur when miscommunication is the culprit?

The Grinch's Guide , to Gastronomical Gratification

Having returned to Denver, I decided to redeem mys~lf and search out buffets on the west side. Much to my surprise, I found three-all within three blocks of each other-and all different in their own, unique ways. A huge, red brick house at 2527 West 26th Ave. is the home of La Loma. Variety is not the main ingredient here; the only food items available for the 路 buffet-goer are chicken wings, tortilla chips, and watermelon. The chicken wings were qttite juicy and tasty, but the watermelon slices looked like they were suffering from an acute case of heat stroke. The problem: La Loma put the watermelon slices next to and underneath the heat lamp that keeps the tortilla chips warm. The result: hot watermelon dip. Simply stated, this place needs more food variety to keep up with the competition down the str~. '

See what merry mix-ups can occur when miscommun~cation is the culprit? by Grinch Food Criti~ at Large, 'fhe Aletropolita11

A couple of weeks ago, my editor informed me of the fact that I haven't reviewed any free buffets on the west side. "Go westt young Grinch" was his battle-cry. Being the kind of individual that prefers the wide-open spaces to the claustrophobic confines of the big city, I always look forward to any excursion to the western slope.

FACULTY PUBLISHING SERVICESAs part of our regular, on-campus course book service, all faculty have the opportunity to order the printing of instructional packets and class notes for distribution to students. 路 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL THE TEXT OFFICE AT 629-3230 Packets are printed from your .originals and are shrinkwrapped at 3c a page for any quantity. We store your originals and tailor each semester's packet to your specifications.

Packets are conveniently ordered on a Text Book Authorization Form along with your other course books and supplies. -A spiral-bound desk copy is supplied to instructors at no charge when each semester's order_is placed. Capyrighted materials can be reprinted with permission, and we will assist with royalty payments. Students may conveniently purchase packets with other books and supplies in the Book Center. Full refunds are given according to our course book refund policy. VA and Colorado Division of Rehabilitation students may charge their packets with other instructional materials.

AURARIA BOOK CENTER Denver's Education Store 955 Lawrence Street


~ M-Th 8-7:30, Fri 8-5, Sat 10-3 ~ l:iiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiimiiii;I

B~by Doe's Matchless Mine, located at 2520 West 23rd Ave., instantly reminded me of an old, rickety mine building that could blow over in a strong gust of wind. Walking through the massive front door. I proceeded to find my way down a dark labyrinth to the bar. This is the first place I've found in Denver that has delicious six-foot submarine sandwiches (sliced, of course.) But that's not all. A gi;eat variety of real cheeses, vegetables and dip, and 32 ounce jugs of beer can fill up any hungry grinch. However, 1 didn't want to get too filled up, because the next stqp is right next door. Little did I know, I was better off staying at Baby Does -or even La Loma. Chili Pepper advertises "fun in our cantina for happy hour," but what I found instead was an over-obnoxious crowd, spacey waitresses (read: horrible service), and a taco-bar that ran out of food 20 minutes before it was scheduled to end. This is inexcusable: Any Mexican restaurant worth its beans can find the necessary ingredients to keep a taco-bar wellstocked-right up to the end of happy-hour. And to top this gastronomical non-event off, I sat at the bar for 15 minutes waiting to be served, and didn't even so mi:lch as get a look of any kind from the bartender. All in all, a very un-happy hour. My recommendation for all of you west-siders: stick with Baby Doe's. It has the best combination of food, ambiance, and service. La Loma doesn't hav~ the variety, and Chili "Pooper" doesn't have .anything socially or gastronomically redeemable. , Now that I have an ample supply of gas, maybe I should head back to the wide-open spaces... . O

Eating Disorder Topic of Educational Seminar Bulemia: an eating disorder, will be the topic of an educational semin~r sponsored by the MSC Counseling Center and MSC Student Health Service, Thursday, March 29 from noon to 2:00 p.m., Central Classroom, 104. Guest speaker Marsha Kaplan will discuss the symptoms of Bulemia, strategies for management, and the

process of developing a support group. Bulemia, or bulimarexia, is a cyclical disorder which involves systematic food binges of up to 20,000 calories per binge, followed by somE} form of purging (self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives or diuretics, or severe fasting). For further information, contact Dr. Susan Richardson at 629-3132. 0

Organist, Men and Boys Cho~r at St. John's St. John's Cathedral will present two special concerts during the month of April. On Sunday, April 8, at 7:00 p.m. , the music department of St. John's will present a free concert featuring their organist, Brad Norris, 'and poetry by Paul Claudel. On Saturday, April 14, at 8 p.m.,

the Cathedral will host the world famous Men and Boys Choir from Norwich, England. Tickets for this concert are $4 and are available at the Cathedral. For further information on these concerts or others in the Cathedral Concerts series, call 831-7115. 0


1 March 28, 1984


'El Norte' an Adventure of Terror and Magic by Carson Reed Editor, The Metropolitan

Through an early morning haze, two young victims of poverty and violence look to the north -El Norte- and see a dreamy, shimmer- . ing vision of a formica-covered and chrome-plated oasis. Behind them lies the soulwrenching beauty of their Andean village, deceptively peaceful in the dawn, revealing nothing of the harsh economic and political realities they nope to escape. . What they hope to find in "the' north" is as vague as the destination itself -a vast promised. land as surreal to them as the Golden Fleece, as magnetic as the Seven Cities of Cibola. El Norte is a film about the yearning heart, a much-needed film Enrique (David Villalpando) feels the need for a better life-'El that helps to explain the kinds of . Norte' is his destination. ·· nebulous dreams and nightmares that drive increasing numbers of people tem-pts to cross the heavily-patrolled follows their new life in Los Angeles. border into the U.S. bring home the They are taken, by their guide and from Latin America to the U.S. For Enrique (David Villalpando), inhuman cruelty of our immigration escort, to a sleazy motel for illegals. In a poignant scene of mixed emothe horrifying image of his father's system. The movie makes great use of cuttions, Enrique and Rosa discover the head hanging from a tree in a moonlit square drives him from his villge in away shots to contrast the very electric light to be dim; the porcelain human misery and danger suffered by toilet to be filthy . fear of the militia. ·. For them, it is still a success, of and Rosa with the overEnrique For his sister Rosa (Zaide Silvia Guterrez), there is the grim certainty whelming focus of manpower, sorts. They struggle with the lowly that she would soon "disappear" as money, and technology working in- jobs and even lower wages that illegal differentl:y to keep them out, or aliens are assigned, and it is enough, her mother did. For both, there is a strong magic at worse, to send them home where they for awhile, to bring hope and humot. , work in the United States, a magic would certainly die. Ultimately, they must crawl those they understand in terms of glossy, full-color images of linoleun:i floors last few miles on hands and knees, through the darkness and stench of an and porcelain toilets. old sewage pipe, a living nightmare Armed only with their own innocence and faith, the two make their that reaches its height when the two way up through Mexico, only to join are attacked by starving rats. The final segment of the movie an endless sea of desperate people bottlenecked in Tijuana. Here, on the very doorstep of the promised land, they find hopelessness and poverty worse than they had ever imagined could exist. Only a few .>hort miles from the affluence of San Diego, Rosa and Enrique lay in a shantytown hovel, alternately hopeful and despondent, and quietly patient. For all of their arduous journey, those last few miles prove to be the · 1on~est of all. Their thwarteP. at-


back into their lives. But there is a sad lesson to be learned in El Norte, that much of the shimmering oasis of the U.S. is nothing more than a mirage. Like the Golden Fleece, the U.S. is guarded by a many-headed dragon. Like the Seven Cities of Cibola, the "land of opportnity" is a malicious fable of immense proportions. Despite the sadness, El Norte j s laced with wry humor and permeated by an obvious lust for life. Director Gregora Nava and Producer Anna Thomas , who co-wrote the screenplay, have given us a very human film, a contemporary quest that shows a rare depth of compassion and 4nderstanding without being humorless, maudlin, or preachy. El Norte is not for the timid -it portrays both emotional and physical brutality on a level so personalized through the characters that you can't help but be moved. But it is also not a movie for the incurably cerebral. Its message moves in a straightforward way to caution and counsel every D heart that yearns. El Norte is currently playing at the Vogue Theater.


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Thc dinner rvas sensational. S<l rvas tlic check. 'l'he problern is, the theaterr tickcts that you insisted on buying broke 1,'our whole: budget. Iinough to dec:l;rre b:rnkntptcy by the time the coffec irrrivcd. ; -" A nudqe unde r the tablc :rnd ;r certain destitutc look in the eyc wcre enough to prriluce the spontaneous loan onlv a good friend is ready to nrake. Ilow d<i you rcpily him?' First the cash, then thc <inl1, beer equal to his generosity: l,owenbrau.

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Go ahead and be aggre?sive. Get out of line and plan your summer semester right now. Select your cours~s and fill out the easy mail-in registration form listing the courses you want. It's simple, quick and you won't have to wait in line when registration begins in June. Don't stand still. Get out of line. Register before March 30. !f you need registration forms stop by the Admissions and Records Office, Central . Classroom Building, Room 103 and we will give you one. Mail registration ends March 30. For admissions and registration information please call

629·2953. A lifetime of learning.

A. Metropolitan State College




i...-----------------------------------------------------------------iiii!-----111111!111------------------- ~

March 28, 1984

SPORIS ·A Spring Break Baseball Boogie by Michael Klahr Special to The Metropolitan

The day we . left for the Metro baseball team's Sunday to Sunday spring break excursion to Florida it was snowing in Denver, and I was glad. It would add wallop to that first gagging breath of humid Tampa air. Vacations should be different. Two years ago, on the team's first trip to Florida under Head Coach Bill Helman, Metro played local Florida colleges. This time they would play Class A minor league teams with the best professional prospects the New York Mets, Philadelphia Phillies, and Pittsburgh Pirates could sign the past two years. As we boarded the Arrow jet, there was the excitement of a vacation on Florida's Gulf Coast, and more, the beginning of a journey that would answer questions for the men on the team. Sitting back in my seat as the plane leveled off at 35,000 feet, I was cramped in six:across amidst 20

ballplayers I'd never m~t, and I felt alone. They say baseball is not a team sport but one where nine men on a diamond do things alone together. Cert?inly each member had thought of his own personal miracle to be noticed by a major league sc~ut and given a chance in professional baseball. Still the. talk, with few exceptions, was of whether "we" could play with them. It was a legitimate question for a talented but young team that had stumbled to a 3-8 start; there was the question of being outright embarassed. But this freshman and junior college transfer-laden squad, with few who had played together before, was already becoming a team. We drove rented vans from Tampa Airport to our motel in St. Petersburg. Monday was a beach day, and that night the seniors tried to remember which -bar~ had been best for meeting women two years ago. The 1982 teaJ1l had proven, if not on the diamond, that on this odd


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working vacation among the beautiful and bikinied who flocked to the Gulf Coast for spring break, Metro could play with the best of them. The 1984 team was determined not to be outdone. Tuesday afternoon the sunburnt team arrived at the Mets' training camp, Payson Complex, looking to be awed, and found reason as they watched batting practice. Coach Helman's biggest headache was to decide between two talented shortstops running neck and neck. As fate would have it one missed the van to the game, arriving late, and Keith Shulz got the nod. Batting second, Shulz c.rushed a fastball, sending it 400 feet for a triple to dead center, and the spell was broken. In the field Schulz made diving stabs, and threw runners out from the hole. Pitcher Pirates, Metro finally suffered a clear Jeff Opitz finished debunking· the loss, 5-2. But Branch Rickey, Pirates myth as he struck out seven in six innFarm Director, and grandson of the ings, hreaking off curve balls and man who revolutionized baseball by sliders while throwing into a strong introducing spring training and inwind. tegrating the game, made ,his way Catcher Jack Hanna's two-run over to the Metro bench to talk to single and Mark Bryant's home run reliever Larry Chamberlain and tell had Metro ahead 5-2 in Opitz's last him, "I wish _our pitchers would inning of work, when he came face to throw the changeup like you do." face with the Mets' Jeff Karr. It was a In the end we found that many pitcher from Englewood H.S. facing Cherry Creek graduate Karr once Metro ballplayers were more acagain, a guy who had that dream complished and had better instincts ..:contract, a chance with the pro club. than many of the pros chosen for There were two in scoring position oustanding arms and/or speed-with with two out, the tying run at the the belief that the rest of the game plate when Karr reached out and can be taught. And I think I will argue the next smashed a line driv~ that third baseman Mark Bryant caught. time anyone says baseball isn't a team The Metro bench was alive with game; teamwork was truly an edge encouragement as the 5-2 lead held down to the last man. The. players who dreamed as they swung that they up over the pros with bionic arms. had big league names sewn on their power and speed that forced bad throws from the infield. The Mets chest missed; the guys who stayed within themselves, who were not were silent; they were playing as much against each other- for necessarily the team's big guns, jobs- as against Metro. It was a stuncaught the notice. however fleetingning victory for Metro. _ ly, of the big league brain trust. Chalk one up for teamwork, and And while the Metro Roadrunners the intangiples that give David the once again proved the wisdom of edge over Goliath. Former major baseball's "old perfesser" Casey league manager George Bamberger Stengel, who said, "Most ball games noticed and praised Schulz's and are lost, not won," I came home Bryant's glove work and Opitz's pit- · thinking more about the words of ching, but there would be no miracle Walt Whitman: . signings on this trio. "I see great things in baseball. It's our The next two days Metro outplayed game- the American game. It will -the Mets but lost 6-4, and did the take people out of doors, fill them same in a 5-5 tie against a more with oxygen, give them a larger talented Phillies team, but lost both physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us v·ictories on throwing errors. from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Against a Dominican sinker ball Repair these losses, and be a blessing O pitcher on the heavily Hispanic to us."

Powell Named to Hall of Fame Dr. Frank Powell, chairman of the Physical Education and Recreation Department at Metropolitan State College was inducted March 13 into the Omaha, Nebraska, Technical High School Hall of Fame. Powell, who was an Omaha Tech state high school wrestling champion and all-state football player, joins a select Tech Hall of Fame alumni, including Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Gibson, Heis~an Trophy winner

Johnny Rogers, and Olympic gold medalist and pro basketball player Bob Boozer. Powell is being recognized 'for his high school succeMes, and subsequent coaching career whicJi boasts two Iowa state high school wrestling championships and Adams State's two National Association of Intercollegiate Athletjcs wrestling titles, 1968and1969. He was selected in the third year of the Hall's existence. 0

March 28, 1984• I

The Players Take MSC Intra Hoop Crown


The Players edged the Blackstone Rangers 88-86 to capture the MSC Intramural Basketball Championship Wed., Mar. 14 in the PER gym. It was a close, intense game throughout; at halftime the players led 45-41. Nelson Ball had the hot

hand for the Blackstone Rangers with 28 points. Butthe Rangers could not stop the devastating scoring combination of Vern Royston, who finished the night with 32 points, and Guy Taylor, who led all scoring with 38 points, including 6-6 from the free throw line. 0

Volleyball, Basketball Audi-tions Mar. 31-, Apr. 1 by Michael Klahr Special to The Metropolitan

·, ,

High . school girls interested in in. tercollegiate athletic competition at Metropolitan State College can explore two sports at the Voll~yball Audition Day March 31, one to four p.m. 1 and Basketball Audition Day April 1, one to five p.m., at the Auraria Gym, between Larimer and Lawrence on 11th Street. Auditions are open to ~ll high school seniors and anyone with college eligibility for the fall 1984 season. Players attending auditions will have their skills evaluated by the coaches for possible scholarship awards, and learn about academic . and financial aid programs available at Metro. Under veteran Coach Pat Johnson, Metro's volleyball squad has been



Editor's Note Because MSC swimmer-cum photographer Ken Classen forgot to put his name on the pictures he took at the NAIA nationals, we weren't able to credit him last issue. This error was of minor consequence when compared to the he-who-shallremain-nameless photographer who accompanied the track team to take pictures for The Metropolitan - and forgot to bring his lens. 0


among the school's most successful teams; in 1982, the Roadrunners won District Seven and placed third in the NAIA national tournament. But only four players will be returning from Metro's 1983 team, District Seven runnerup last year, so there will be plenty of opportunities for playing time in 1984. Johnson would also like to re-establish a junior varsity program at Metro. Having completed her first full year at the helm of the women's basketball team, Coach Betty Krueger is seeking players at all positions. Krueger would especially love to recruit some talented six-footers for her scrappy but undersized Roadrunners because her strongest presence on the boards, 5'10" senior Carol Brown, graduates this spring. For more information contact Coach Krueger at 629-8300 or Coach Johnson at 6'29-3145. 0

Guy Taylor [No.11] led1The Players to the championship with a gamehigh 38 points in the fast-moving final game March 14. Photos by Robin Heid.


MSC Baseball (in Florida vs Class A Minor Leagues)

MSC Men's Tennis vs · Regis, at home

MSC 5, N.Y. Mets 2 N.Y. Mets 6, MNSC 4 MSC 5, Phil. Phillies 5 -Pitts. Pirates 5, MSC 2

Thursday, March 29 MSC Bl!Seball vs Mines, away MSC Softball vs CSU, at home

MSC Softball M5C 13, M:!sa 10

Friday, March 30

. Mesa 12, MSC 8

MSC Softball vs DU, at home MSC Men's Tennis vs DU, at home

Saturday, March 30

MSC Baseball vs °"" Western State College, at home

Men's Tennis . Invitational Tou.mament (Mesa) Mesa 52 MSC 25 Ft. Lewis 17 Snow Coll. 15 Santa Fe 0

Sunday, April 1 MSC Baseball vs Regi~, aw11y


THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO . BECOMING A NURSE IN THE.ARMY. And they're both represented by the insignia you wear as a member of the Artny Nurse Corps. The caduceus on the left means you're part of a health care system in which educationai and career advancement ·are the rule, · ~ not the exception. The gold bar on the right means you command respect as~ Army officer. If you're earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O . Box 771'3, Clifton, NJ 07015 .


__ ___________

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March 28, 1984

Wednesday 28 · Irish debate team vs. MSC in St. CaJetan·s at 1:15 p .m . Reception to follow; call Gary for details at 629-3033. MSC President's Office sponsors lri.sh Debates Luncheon In Student Center, 23CT A.B. at 11 :30 o.m .

1984 Metrofest Fiction Contest deadline at noon. Submit entries to Room 102. English House. ROB.

First Annual Colorado Psi Chi Symposium presented by the MSC Chapter in Student Center. 230. starl!ng at 7 a .m.

MSC Dept of Music presents Carol Torr and Lalan Parrott In a Cello/Plano Recital at 8-p.m. In St. Cajetan's.

Comic Art Show from 10 a .m . to 6 p .m . In Student Center. 330. A.B£

Friday 30

DACC Development Studies advisory meeting In Student Center. 254, 256. at 2 p.m. Call 629-8455 for more information.

UNC's Dr. Jerry Tanner conducts a legal Issues workshop In Central Classroom. 301. from 2 lo 5 p .m.

Aurarla Campus Republicans general meeting In Student Center. 151. at 6 p.m.

Dr. Strassberg lect1,.1re on the advances In sex therapy In Student Center. 230. al 3 p.m. Details at 629-3329.

Thursday 29

UCO Events Board presents the Biii Douglas Trio in the Mission at noon. Tickets at the door. MSC Parenting Education Resource Center Workshop held all day in Student Center, 257, and 258. UCO Music Recltal at 11 a .m. in Arts Building. 295.

Lecture on Bulemla, an eating disorder. in Central Classroom. 104. at noon ... brown bag lunch. ~arol Tarr, MSC Music lnstructC>r, performs

1n S!. Cajetan's at 8 p .m. Call 629-3080 for petalls. RTD holds their quarterly open forum tor the handicapped at 4:30 p .m. In the Crossroads Mall Community Room ir Boulder. Call Mr. Towne at 628-9489 for Information.

"Friday Noon Live" presented by the Auroria Campus Crusade at noon in Student Center. 257.

Sunday 1 · MSC Music Educators present Big Band Boogie Bash XI from 12:30-7:00 p .m. at Slovenian Hall. 4464 B. Washington.


Career Planning and Placemenrs lnter-i viewing Skills Workshop Is on the 5th. Deadline today In Central Classroom. 108. UCO Student Acttvltles presents an MBA reception/program In Student Center. 230 A-:-B. at 8 p .m. DACC Student Acttvltles Greek Council Meeting In Student Center. 151 , at 3 p.m .

Aurarla Campus Republlcans general meeting in Library Rm. 115 from 2-4 p.m. MSC Dept. of Music presents a Faculty Chamber Music Recital at Trinity Methodist Church. 18th & Broadway, at 4:30 p.m. Call 629-271 4 for more information

Monday 2 Aurarla Library Book Sale begins today In the lobby. Buy used books for as low as 25<.

DACC Computer Club [ACESS] sponsors a field trip to the General Government Computing Center . Meet in the South Ciassromm. South Lobby, at 12:30 p.m.

Carolyn Reid's Pavlllon Paintings on ex· hibit al the Aurarla Library Gallery today through the 26th. Parade and Balloon Send-Off in honor of the start of the Week of the Young Child In Ninth St. Park at 11 :30 a .m .

MSC Music Activities Committee's Master Class series continues with Claudine Carlson. meucrsoprano. in St. Cajetan's, at 2 p .m.

MSC Management Dept. Colorado Scholars Awards from 3:30 to 5 p .m . in Siu· dent Center. 330 A.

6ive meA~J;f~AFCXI'· yrur huddal !W3MS. yearniDg to breathe. free,(ou.Z-YR tRIAI. ~)

.Wednesday 4 MSC Black Student Union meets In Student Center. 351 G. at noon. Last Day of the Library's used book sale. Go to the front lobby for books as low as 25<. Spring Lecture Serles continues with "The Effects of Communications Deregulation" In Student Center. 330. at 7 p .m. Week of the YoJJng Chlld continues with Children's Olympics at the 9th St. Pork. starting at 9:30 a .m. MSC Campus Crusade for Christ in Student Center. 257. at noon. UCO Math Seminar at 12:30 In St. Francis. Rfn. 1 & 2 . MSC Alpha Eta Rho meets In Student Center. 230 C. D. at 11 :30 a .m. Details at 629-3316.

Dr. Patrick M. Fowler

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WE PROMISE: 1. To provide competent management of Student Government. 2. Thal Student Feeis will be well spent. 3. To continue fighting for MSC off campus. C'-1 C'-1 4. Open communication in Student Government. 5. Real communication with the Sludents. i:i.. ....__________________________________________________________ ..


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Baptist Student Union (B.S.U.) weekly meeting every Tuesday In St. Francis Center. Rm. 1, at noon. Narcotics Anonymous meeting In Student Center. 151, from noon t 1 p .m.



~\00 CJf

Tuesday 3

Aurarla Christian Science Organization meets al 12:15 p .m. In the fireplace lounge. upstairs. Student Center.

Alpha Eta Rho club meeting in Student Center. 230 C.D. from 11 :30 to 2:30.

MSC Black Student. Union meets every Wednesday fro_!TI noon to 1 p .m . In Student Center. 351 . G.

Saturday 31

Equal Housing United Woy Agenc1,1



Help Wal'.lfed COLDONIA'S We are now Interviewing for attractive. sales oriented waitress. Apply In person Mon-Thurs between 2-4 p.m. 2252 S. Parker Rd. No phone calls please. 3/28

PART TIME HELP WANTED. Approximate hours are 10:00 a .m.-3:00 p .m. Apply al Goldie's. 16th & Glenarm - W. Th. F. 2-4 p.m. Sat. 10'a .m.-1 p.m. 3/28 TEST YOURSELF: Are you an effective timemanager? Can you work 2-4 hrs/wk consistently? Are you success-oriented? Earn base s_ performance-based bonuses. 1-800-243-6679. 4/18 STUDENTS INTERESTED In working on the radio station committee contact Ben Boltz. Phone 629-3253. Meetings Mondays at 10:00. Rm. 25?Aofstuden!Center. 3/28 OVERSEAS JOBS ...Summer. yr. round . Europe, S. Amer" Australia. Asia. All fields. $900-2000 mo. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC. PO Bx 52-C02. Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 . 3/28 ACTIVISTS needed to work in campaign lo end the nuclear arms race. Part-time. eveDings: Cail Mary. 11-1. 744-6550. 4128 Job Search Strategies Seminar conducted bV corporate executive. Student & . group rates. For Information call 761-6266. 4/11

Housing FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share cozy house near DU. Must be non-smoker. clean and considerate. $295 covers everything but food. Call Tami at 757-1475 3/28 ,

The book "Y'SHUA" (Jesus) Is being given free to Jews and gentiles ·who are not Christians. Write JEWS FOR JESUS. P.O. Box. 12312, Boulder, CO 80303.

$25 NITE FOR TWO. Cozy log cabins/kit.::hens-EVERYTHING included. Also. two story. three bedroom log home with fireplace. TV. Nestled In pines. fishing in back. Gameroom with fireplace. pool table. TV. Ski Sliver Creek/Winter Park and cross country ski/snowmobile Grand Lake. Ideal gift. Information/Reservations: MOUNTAIN LAKES LODGE. Denver 777-7757; Grand lake 1-627-8448. 5/9

Services WORD PROCESSING - IBM Equipment used. Footnotes. Justification. Subscripts. & many other features. Si.50 per double spaced page. Call 286-7263 or 286-7264. 3/28 EUROPE! from $599 Round_ -trip air [Denver/Frankfurt]. $370 2 mo. Eurail Pass. Hostels. Rainbow Tours 800/253-4014. 5/2 GENERIC WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY I shoot. you keep negs. Don't get burned by 500% markups. Dependable. top quality: reasonable flat rate. Call Jim 629-8353 or 777-9685 5/9 HYPNOSIS: Individual sessions or cassette tapes. Improve your memory and concentration for better grades. Call: Sieve ·399-6176. 3/28

VISUAL EFFECTS wants to make your complete prescription eyeware. I will offer 25% discount to students. faculty, and staff. Phone Jim Miyagishima (full time student) ot 744-3335. Yellow Pages 1443. 5/9 "B A D Wordmasters" A complete word processing service for all your typing needs. 24-hour dictation. Free pickup and delivery. Excellent student discounts. 321-6217 . 5/9 STUDENTSll Broadway Secretarial Services have special student ra1es. We charge $1 .75 per page and will negotiate on volume work. Call at 534-7218 from 9 a .m . ~Sp .m.


ACCURATE TYPING. $1.50-$2.00 per double-spaced page. Pica type. Quick turn around. Near City Park. Call Karen at 377-3888. 5/9

ST. CROIX, VIRGIN -fSLANDS: airfare from $300 roundtrlp Denver to SI. Croix, May 26. 1984 to June 2. 1984. Saturday to Saturday. Hurry airfares are weekly progressive to get best deal. Call confirmation to charter Jet International [303] 861-9100 or 360-8800. 4/.( Don't wait unt,11 the last minut~I Income tax preparation. Fast. reasonable rates. quality work. 7 years experience. You may qualify for refund! Call today. 756-3097.


r- - - - - I I

1 POSTERS FOR SALE Micbael Jackson · Te0~y BeaR.s Bob MaRley & Ot:beR.s


It's a big stereo It's a big fluffy stereo. Thanks to Carol "Jake" Jacobs, We at The Metropolitan finally have a music system with some beef. We love you, Jake, but one question persists ... Where's the beach?

Personal Portraits: Give your family a ~hot to cherish. Starving photojournalist needs to earn X-TRA S. Lower than -,asonable rates. Call Jack.388-7108. 3/14

For Sale FOR SALE: 1973 Pinto Wagon. Driven dally. Needs some work. $275 FIRM. 238-9877 3/28 SlATE OF TiiE ART Music Equipment; Ibanez Guitar. Mitchell Amp w/ Anvil case. ADA . Flanger. Peterson Tuner. Roland Echo. Doug 756-7965 3/28

AAA Word Processing: Neat. accurate typing; editing available . Lynn Montague Lowenstein. SE location. 698-0213 5/9

Ceramic tlle, Interior/Exterior painting by conscientious starving college students. The Brush Works 322-4892. 744-2538. References available. reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. 4/18 Buy the ABC way at wholesale prices with access to more than 250.000 products; plus a fantastic earning opportunity. Call ABC at 337-1333 (mention Chris No. 1-2081). 4/11

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY You design, package and price. Master Photography 5/9 Studios 360-0149.



Personals VOTE COLE/SEDDON for ASUCD Coexecutives. April 9-11 . Concerned candidates continuing to work on your student needs utilizing fees to benefit all UCD students. Call us at 629-2510 ~/28 PATIENTS WANTED for lnve$tigational gas permeable (breathing] contact lenses designed to reduce light sensitivity, burning stinging & spectacle blur. Modest fee conforming to CFR 812-7B. Call 825-2500 5[9

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April 2,3 April 4


10:00 am - 7:00 pm 12:00 PR1 - 9:00 pm STUDENT CENTER . ~




·1. 2. 3. 4. S·. ~ 6.


RM. 340C


Are you in favor of the Constitution as amended? Are you in favor of the Radio Station? Do you feel there is a need for a grievance procedure? Do you feel parking is too expensive at Auraria? Are you in favor of expanding the Student Center? Are you in favor of making-Auraria one institution? .-

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