Volume 6, Issue 27 - April 18, 1984

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Volume 6 Issue 27


April 18, 1984 ,

UCD Elections

Cole, Seddon Re-Elected

·G unning for Armstrong

'Son of 1360'


,Efficiency Bill Passes

by Jim Bailey

by Carson Reed

AS$1sta11t Editor, The Metropolitan

Editor, The Metropolitan


Incumbents Ken Cole and Lori Seddon are the official winners of the UCO Student Government elections held last week-by a narrow margin of 18 votes. The final results are: Cole and Seddon, 110 votes; Francis Sgarlatti and Mostafa Gowhari, 92 votes; Robert Price and Shaun Starbuck, 37 votes; Margo Moore and Dan Sallis, 17 votes. However, Sgarlatti and Gowhari are petitioning for a run-off election, because 24 votes are missing from the 280 students casting votes. The ASUCD election code states that for a run-off election, you need a tie vote. But, with the 24 votes miMing, Sgarlatti believes that the possibility of a tie is being ignored. "There's a principle being ~ here," Sgarlatti said. "The j~dicial board voted today t<:> accept the election vote as is, according to the final count. This discounts the 24 votes missing.• and the ~ibility of a tie."

Pending approval by the Governor, a study of the administrative structure of higher education in Colorado is about to get under way. Both the House and the Senate gave final approval to a neutered version of the 1360 bill, which had originally proposed a radical reorganization of the entire higher education system in Colorado. The bill now authorizes a study of the need for reorganization and the most effective methods of keeping the system "within the limits of state resources." The study is estimated to cost around $20,000. The g~al is to find ways to trim the amount of money currently going into higher education-roughly 1/4 of the stat·~'-s budget-by increasing the "efficiency,".and "accountability" through a review of the "role and mission and programs" of state schools.

"The Judicial board voted today to accept the election vote as

''What we've done by putting this out front is to "'Y 'O.K., folks, we want some answers.,,. . - Rep. Paul Schauer

ia, according to the final count. Thia ditcounta the 2 4 votes milsing, and the possibility of a tie. "

- Francis Sgarlatti

Sgarlatti says that she wants to know exactly why the judicial board won't hold a run-off. "I've been in Student Government for two years now, and there has never been this problem before," she said. ASUCD President Ken Cole says that he sta.nds oby the judicial board vote, and that the whole election was adequately handled by t~ judicial board. According to Cole, the mmiilg_ votes can be attributed to the people who signed up to vote, but failed to vote for any presideJ:!tial candidates. "It's sort of an apathy vote," Cole said. Sgarlatti is circulating a petition for submission to the judicial board, to try to get student support for a runoff election. "For~unately, otheP. students are helping me with this,'' she said. "I think some students are actually concerned about the 24 missing votes." 0

Steve Leatherman discusses his campaign for the U.S. Senate. For more, see page 4. - photo by Jack Affleck

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Cycle Madness

Joe Jackson page 14

page 16

A clause which would have frozen capital construction, enrollment levels, an~ funding for the schools has been deleted from the final bill, bringing a sigh of relief from school administrators. Representative Paul Schauer, who led the reorganization drive, says that he is pleased the bill passed, even in . its diluted form. "I would like to have moved on restructuring right away," Schauer said, "but this is a start.'' Schauer said he felt that the bill is a necessary beginning of the process. "Sometimes you've got to shock (the legislature) just to get them moving," he said. "What we've done by putting this out front is to say 'O.K., folks, we want some answers." The "reorganization committee" that will conduct the study is made up of three appointees from the Speaker of.the House, three from the President of the Senate, two from the G"overnor, the Chairman of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. 0



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