Swine Is Bom/12
Lonely Life/IO
Students Assaulted by Robert Davis News &litor, The Metropolitan
Ryder Rents Trucks ~assing
-Photo by Beagle
motorists had to dodge this crippled truck, which stalled in front of the Student Center Monday.
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MSC Expected to Retain Open Enrollment The original bill, sponsored by Rep. Paul Schauer, R-Littleton, call for the Special ro The Metrqpolitan creation of a "superboard" to govern Metropolitan State College will the state system of higher education. retain its open路 enrollment policv, ac- Lobbying efforts by the governing cording to a .bill sent to the governor boards of the various institutions had a major influence in weakening the by the House last Thursday. The governor's signature on H.B. House version, giving the CCHE 1187 will set in statute the role and mis- limited powers as the governing sion of every state college, university authority. and community college. The Senate amended the bill to the Metro's role and mission is "a com- extent that a superboard was created in prehensive, baccalaureate institution everything but name, according to Sen. with modified open admission stan- Paul Powers, R-Denver, the bill's dards; except nontraditional students, Senate sponsor. as defined by the Colorado Commission The CCHE will be empowered to set on Higher Education (CCHE), who admission standards, close or merge are over 20 years of age shall not be programs and determine how much subject to admission standards." ,,) Metro currently is under a modified state funding will be given to each open enrollment policy. Applicants institution. Controversy erupted recently when must have a high school diploma or its the Joint Budget Committee set admisequivalent to be admitted. The House approved the Senate's sion standards and enrollment c~ps, revised version of the bill by a 61-1 among other guidelines, in the so.aiargin, ending the controversy over called "Memorandum of Understanding." Jrlgher education for this year.
by Bob Darr
The MOU is the current procedure for funding higher education. Critics said that policy decisions should not be made by the fiscal authority and supported the passage of H.B. 1187, which will supercede the MOU's authority. The Governor's office said it expects Governor Lamm to sign the bill. "Governor Lamm has indicated that he will take positive action on H.B. 1187 when it crosses his desk," said Steve Welchart, the Governor's press liason. H.B. 1187 will place the CCHE as the supervising authority over the existing governing boards for each institution. Each board will submit a line item budget request to the CCHE for funding. The CCHE will submit one appropriation request to the General Assembly with line item budgets for each institution. The General Assembly will retain the final authority over the CCHE. If signed by the governor, H.B. 1187 will go into effect July 1, 1985. D
A female Auraria student was dragged near bushes outside the Science building and beaten last week by a man fitting the description of another assailant spotted in the same area last month. According to an Auraria police report, Karen Case, 32, was leaving the science- building at 10:45 p.m. last Thursday when a man grabbed her by the throat and dragged her to some bushes. The suspect then threw her to the ground and said, "got you, you bitch. Got you, you bitch," the report said. According to the report, he then punched her several times and demanded that she give him money. When she told him the.cash was loose in her purse he dumped the contents on the ground and began to rummage through it, the report said. He then began yelling at Case and tried to tear her blouse, police said. Police also said that when another student approached the area, the suspect fled towards Speer Boulevard. In th~ report, Case described the suspect as a 5 foot 11 inch tall black male who weighs about 180 pounds. The same description was given of an assailant sought in an assault case at the same location last month. According to police records, Annette Hahn was parked in front of the St. Francis Center-about 30 yards fr<?m where Case was attacked-when a man.walked toward the car pointing to his wrist, as if to ask the time. When the man reached the car, police said, Hahn rolled her window down about six inches and told him the time. As in the most recent attack, it was about 10:45. The report detailed the attack: "He reacJied through the window, grabbed her by the throat, applied moderate pressure and held her for a few seconds. He then released her and walked away. "As he left he said something like, 'That'll teach you bitch. I don't want anything from you:" Hahn was not seriously injured in the attack, but Case was taken .to St. Anthony's hospital with injuries to her throat and right arm, and her left eye was swollen shut, according to the report.