Book Center gives students semester's free books as special customer thank vou "' Rollne McCoy Reporter
Robb Olen1kl "1una" 1t lh1 "Summ1rtlm1 Anytlm1 Bllch Party" March 4 In the Aunrla gym. More coverage on pages 11 and 12.
. Tension erupts at presentation Judith Henrickson Reporter
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The presentation of"Women ... The Next Step" didn't evolve much past "Women ... Tuesday Afternoon." The mood in the room changed from cheerful anticipation to tension and indignation as Lhasha Tizer attempted to explain her view at the March 8 presentation of what being a woma.Ii means. Tizer, obviously frustrated by the audience response, which she called selective hearing, strode forcefully toward the oak doors in Room 330 of the Student Center to drive home her point. She slammed her petite body against the doors, holding herself rigid,
arms raised upward and body tense as she tried to demonstrate the limits of what she calls external definitions. An external definition, as Tizer explained, is when a woman defines who she is by what is around her - a career, a relationship -rather than defining herself from within. "Of course women are defined by external means and shaped by those influences, but those external definitions are not a natural orientation ofknowing ourselves as women," she said. "A woman's way of knowing herself is very internal, because what defines us as women are our reproductive organs, which are internal. Men tend to be more
Sea Tension, p. 4
Two Auraria students struck it rich this semester, filling their backpacks with free textbooks thanks to the Auraria Book Center (ABC). For the last two and a half years, ABC has sponsored a contest during book buy-back week. This spring was the first time there were two winners and ABC is hoping that will continue. The second winner was pos.5ible because the Nebraska Book Co. picked up half the book costs. "They made the donation for the same reason that we ran the contest, to encourage more students to sell back their books and to thank our customers for their business," said Mary Reichenberg, ABC marketing coordinator. The Nebraska Book Co. is a wholesale company that buys used books and sells them at schools across the country. The students entered the contest by filling out an entry blank when they sold back their books. Their names were drawn and the lucky winners received notification of their newfound booty. "I was thrilled! I struck it big during the right semester. I've never had so many books to buy. With the money I saved, I was able to get ahead on my bills," said Russ Gabriel, a senior MSC psychology major. With 18 credit hours worth of classes, Gabriel's bill came to $213. CU-Denver student Katherine Davis was the other winner; her bill totaled $147. Davis was unavailable for comment. Gabriel said the first time he ever heard about the contest was when he picked up his entry blank last semester. "I sold my books back and didn't get as 路 much money back as I was hoping for, so I decided to enter the contest. This more than makes up for it. rve never entered a contest before," he said. The winners provided the Book Center with their registration printouts and were assisted in finding their books. ABC paid for the books so the winners路 wouldn't have to wait for a reimbursement check. "I couldn't believe how helpful everyone in the Book Center was. I really want to thank them for being so nice. I was expecting them to act like they didn't want to give the books away," Gabriel said Students wishing to try their luck can get an entry blank during finals week at the book buy-back. o