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The MSC student newspapersero;.,g the Atm1ria Campa• since 1979
Volume 10
Aprll 29, 1988
Minority stance defended
Fulkerson OK Ellzabeth Rees Reporter
MSC interim President William Fulkerson's stance on minority hiring and enrollment practices came under fire in an April 27 story in the Rocky Mountain News. The story quoted Pierre Jimenez, president of Hispanics of Colorado, as saying that faculty members at Adams State College believe Fulkerson was insensitive to minority programs. Fulkerson, who accepted the interim position after Paul Magelli resigned last May, is technically still president at Adams State. "There has been some question as to his commitment to minorities," Jimenez told the News. "Some are adamantly opposed to his ever going back (to Adams State) or even being considered for a presidency in the state of Colorado." These statements have been criticized by administration and staff at both Adams State College and MSC, as well as the founder and former president of Hispanics of Colorado, John Garcia. "This guy (Jimenez) does not represent the Hispanic community," Garcia said "His statements are personal, vindictive and have no basis. Fulkerson has good credentials and a good reputation." Mike Wonser, director of public affairs at Adams State College said, "I question the ethics of the Jimenez statement Dr. Fulkerson has been instrumental in reversing the decline in enrollment overall at Adams State. He has always been concerned and supportive to minority issues." Wosner said Fulkerson has encouraged the recruitment of minorities for faculty positions. He also said Fulkerson raised the quality of education at Adams State without putting the institution out of reach for the students with a poor educational background. Houston G. Elam, president of The State Colleges in Colorado, said he disagrees with Jimenez. "I am distressed with that quote. I have never heard from any source criticism that (Fulkerson) has no commitment to minorities." Fulkerson is one of three remaining candidates vying for MSC's presidency. Dr. Otto F. Bauer from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, was interviewed on campus April 27 and 28, and Dr. Thomas B. Brewer from Georgia State Univer-
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sity is scheduled to visit MSC May 3 and 4. Dr. Antonio Esqwbe~ MSC vice president for Student Affairs, said, "I think (Fulkerson) has always been sensitive to minority issues at Metro. I have no problem with Dr. Fullcerson and minority programs." Dr. Lawrence T. Gomez, dean of studentS at Adams State College, also disagrees with Jimenez and cites Fulkerson's background on minority issues. ''That is definitely not true. (Fulkerson),was sensitive to minority issues. He did a significant number of things that
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included minorities. He was the first president to appoint a minority to an administrative position." Gomez said he can't understand where Jimenez received his information. He said Fulkerson was concerned with minority recruitment at Adams State and he made sure the allotment of money was available for minority students. Fulkerson was out of town and unavailable for comment. The Metropolitan tried several times to contact Jimenez, but he did not return the phone calls. o
Student's blind date is carried to the extreme Dave Beech Reporter
M1ry Z1ch1rl1h
Ever try going out on a blind date before? No? How about a blind marriage? Well, that's what MSC student Mary Zachariah, a native of Kerla, India, did. Zachariah, whose family moved to Colorado when she was 5, Let her parents arrange her marriage. Not just arrange, say, for a caterer or any of the other small details involved in a wedding. No, her parents made the BIG ARRANGEMENT. Her husband It's something quite common in India, where Zachariah said marriage comes first and love comes second and sections of newspapers are devoted to families seeking marriage proposals for their children. But it's something out of the ordinary in America.
''My parents would joke about arranging a marriage for me or my sister," Zachariah said. ''The whole concept was so strange to me and my sister." But she knew that someday she would marry a man from India. So in December 1986, her parents asked her how she felt about their finding a husband for her. "I said, 'No way. I'm 19; I've got school. I don't want to get married yet, especially to someone I don't know,'" she said. Furthermore, she believed in the tradition of falling in love and then marrying, just as her parents had done. Her parents reassured her by telling her that first it would take five or six years to find a suitable husband, and second, she would have the final say concerning any potential husband.
Her parents placed an ad in the Indian
Express, a national newspaper, saying a girl in the United States needed a tall Christian man for a husband.
"Guys in India are short," explained the 20-year-old student. She is 5-foot-7. Her parents received 60 to 70 responses from families of doctors, lawyers and actors - too many for Zachariah to read. "After a while I got tired of reading all of them," she said. "So I told my mom and dad, 'YOU choose.' " Her parents ultimately selected six bachelors and wrote to their families. Of those six, her eventual husband, Mohan Kanjoor, an electronics engineer, phoned Zachariah's father. "He called - that's what did it," she said. See Bllnd date/pg. 4