Volume 13, Issue 14 - Nov. 30, 1990

Page 1



The Metropolitan State College of Denver student newspaper serving the Auraria Campus since 1979

November 30, 1990

Volume 13, Issue 14

Denver, Colorado




Date rape victims reveal personal trauma page7

Profs' new book gives history lesson on Denver 'burbs ' page 15

'Runners men's b-ball sets sights on Wyoming Cowboys page 20


Two hot to handle: Weekend sizzles Icicles formed on powerllnes on the final night of the jet fuel storage tank fire at Stapleton. Approximately 3 millions gallons of jet fuel burned over 52 hours and four of the 11 fuel tanks were destroyed. Firefighting specialists from Texas arrived on Tuesday with a potassium bicarbonate foam. What streams of water could not accomplish in more than 52 hours, the foam did in 17 minutes by smothering the blaze.

Monica Powell comforts Carrie Bowers, whose house was destroyed Nov. 24 in Boulder's fire.


Tecicher evaluation access controversy brewirig David O. Williams News Editor






A conflict over the release of student evaluations of faculty members is coming to a head this week. The student senate and other campus organizations are deciding how to proceed in their attempts to get the Metropolitan State College of Denver Administration and FacultY Senate to release the results of the evaluations as required by law. "We have a standing senate position against publishing (the evaluations), because it is a part of our personnel files and ID짜 understanding of the law is that the final results of the evaluation is a matter of public documentation, but not every little thing that goes into it," Elizabeth Friot, president of the Faculty Senate, said. According to Colorado law, the two aspects of personnel files that

are public record are applications and performance evaluations. On Nov. 28, ASMSCD PresidenCDan Holden, vice president Lara Da Pice, MSCD President Thomas Brewer, Friot and two members of the Human Services Educational Organization met to discuss the campus-wide release of evaluation results . Holden said that student government has been pursuing such a measure for four years and that, three years ago, they had $10,000 allocated through the Student Advisory Board to pay for the cost of having the results published in the student handbook. According to Holden, that money has been rolling over every year pending an agreement with the Faculty Senate. If it's not used by the end ofthe fiscal year, Holden said, the money will no longer be available. Currently, depending on the department, compilations of some of the results are available to stu-

dents, but the student senate is seeking a complete disclosure and publication. Dominic Perino, vice president of the HSEO, asked "Does not the student or individual have concerns about their education?" He added that those concerns might be addressed through the evaluation results. "I think (students) have a great deal of information," Friot said. "And the kind of information that they might find more useful is what they find through word of mouth." "Word of mouth worksreal well if you've been here a while," Linda Keenan, HSEO co-president, responded. "Being a new student ... I wish I would have known some information concerning some of the faculty members before I entered the classes." Brewer did not rule out the complete, comprehensive publication ofthe evaluation results, but did express concern about the cost and the usefulness of such a publi-

cation. "Don't expect too much of it evenifyoudopublish(theresults)," Brewer said. He added that some might view it as a mechanism or students "to shop around for the least challenging classes." Brewer and Friot are pushing for a separate set of questions- to be approved by the Faculty Senate - that could be tacked on to the official evaluation and then made public. "I think this could get into an adver~arial relationship where the college community could be damaged by the insistence on publishing the official documents," Friot said. "The position of the students," Holden said, "is that if the Faculty Senate wants us to work with (separate) questions ... that's fine, but in the interim, the student government is officially requesting that the information that is currently being collected be released to us to do with as we wish."

Brewer responded, saying, "Then officially I need a letter form the student government under the Freedom of Information Act requesting the information." However, the Freedom of Information Act applies only to federal agencies. The University of Colorado and its satellite campuses have a policy of distributing the results of all faculty evaluations. In September, the CU-D "Advocate" ran summaries of all the official results. The Faculty Senate and student government have agreed to work together on formulating a separate set of questions. However, Holden plans to pursue a written request for immediate release of the results under Colorado's Open Records Act The student senate will vote on it at their Dec. 5 meeting. "I will get a final opinion from the college attorney and that's the bestlcandoforyou,"Brewersaid.0

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