The Metropolitan State College of Denver student newspaper, serving the Auraria Campus since 1979
Denver, Colorado
Volume 14, Issue 8
October 11, 1991
Clubs to debate gay rights Raising funds, AIDS awareness
Some groups don't want new sexual orientation clause in anti-discrimination policy Janie Y. Tinnon The Metropolitan
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Jeff Logan, MSCD student, made adonation to the Colorado A1[$ Project In exchange for a chance to make a statement on a VW Bug. The fund-raiser, held in front of the Student Union Oct. 7, was the second of many programs and events this month designed to i~crease AIDS awareness.
A Christian minister says it's a sin. Student Activities says itshouldbeaccepted, whilecampusclubsareattheirwit'send. A controversy has begun this semester surrounding an antidiscrimination clause that would direct Auraria Campus organizations to admit people regardless of their sexual orientation. Some groups 11.lready have su~h a clause in their <:onstitutions, while other groups expressly prohibit one because of religious beliefs. The Student Affairs Board will conduct an open forum Oct. 16 to discuss whether "sexual orientation" should be added to the 1985 Affirmative Action plan that applies to MSCD. MSCD clubs were initially instructed to add to their constitutions the statement, "Membership to this organization shall be open to all students regarCiless of age, race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation" at an"Interclub Council meeting . Sept. l L The organizations were told to comply with the directive by Sept. 30 or risk losing privileges and campus status. However, the Baptist Student Union, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and Menorah Ministries have expressed their see Orientation page 3
• Potential midyear tuition hike outrages students Sharon Dunn News Editor The possibility of an unprecedented midyear tuition increase left MSCD students concerned and outraged this week following reports of a $100 million deficit in the state budget. 'The reason I come to this college is because of the lower tuition rates," said MSCD seniorMarianne Larchick. "If you 're gonna pay the
big prices, you may as well go to the prestigious universities." Higher education, which accounts for about a fifth of the state's overall budget, escaped the ax during a round of cuts earlier this year, but Gov. Roy Romer now says it's fair game. Any increase for spring semester would be the second tuition hike this year; MSCD students paid 9 percent more this fall. "Until we know what 'the freeze' is going to be, we don't
know what we' re going to do," said Pam Wagner, legislative liaison for the State Board of Trustees, which govemsMSCD and three other state colleges. "It is definitely not in our general plans to have a midyear tuition hike," she said. But the Colorado Commission on Higher Education said this week that midyear tuition hikes could be unavoidable in light of the state's financial crisis. Wagner said reductions in staff
and services would be considered before another tuition hike, including a decrease in library acquisitions, cuts in part-time faculty and classified staff, and elimination of some programs. Joe Arcese, vice president of · Administration and Finance at MSCD, said there· has "been no discussion on the executive level" about a midyear tuition hike. Students, however, weren't reluctant to discuss their concerns about a potential increase.
"It would cause a lot of problems," said Erin Maguire, an MSCD graduate "wtio has returned to take extra classes. Maguire said she was sympathetic with the plight of the state, but that a tuition hike would not be best for the students who come to MSCD for lower tuition rates. Some students said an increase would discourage new students from coming to the school. . 'They should put more money see Fears page 5
Vice president needed
He dances with wolves
Soccer star shines
Student government seeks applications to fill vacant position. Page 3
MSCD student leads group dedicated to preservation of Colorado timber ·wolves. Pages
Walk-on Bridgette Leisure is MSCD women's all-time leading scorer. Page 16 .