Volume 16, Issue 7 - Oct. 1, 1993

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AHEC Schedules Sunrise on Ca01pus Class in Current Student Union Antoinette Vecchio NEWS EDITOR


Because of a lack of space on campus, one MSCD class has been moved six times since the beginning of the fall semester and is now being taught in the Student Union. Human Services 333 , Ethical and Professional Issues in Human Services, has moved from TE 116 to AR 287 to WC 151.l to SU 252 to the Zenith room on the sixth floor of the Tivoli Union and back to SU 252 where it is scheduled to remain until Dec. 14, said Debora Rojas, administrative assistant for Human Services. However, according to the Auraria Student Center Guide published in 1987, "assignable Student Center facilities may not be used for institutionally funded or sponsored classes." Rojas said she did not know of such a policy. "No one told me that they couldn't do that," she said. There were scheduling conflicts in all of the other classrooms, Rojas said, and Facilities Planning and Use for the Auraria Higher Education Center said there was no space available for the class to use. "They wanted us [the department] to change the date and time of the class ... but we did not want to change," she said. The class meets Tuesdays 4 to 4:50 p.m., which is in conflict with many of the classes held that day. Most classes begin at 3:30. "Classroom Scheduling stated that they could not find us a classroom, therefore we could use the room in the Student Union if Conference Services would allow us to do so," Rojas said. Andy Chitwood, interim director of Facilities Planning and Use said he was unaware a class was being conducted in the Student Union, but did say it has happened in the past. "This is not a rampant practice, but it's not the first time it has happened," he said. The Student Union is to be used for classroom space only as a "last-ditch option," Chitwood said. He said the practice had the approval of Emerson Holliday, former director of Student Services, and Ginny Feagler, former director of Facilities Planning and Use. "The Student Union has, for the past couple of years, with permission of Emerson Holliday, when push came to shove... ," used the Student Union for academic

Bright raya of the

autumn momlngsun greet Aurarta students as they walk to classes on Monday.

classes, Chitwood said. Holliday said the practice happened "from time to time" when there was no more classroom space, but it lasted no more than four weeks until other space became available. "I can't recall anything going for an entire semester," he said. Kersten Keith , MSCD representative for the

Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board, said she can understand using the space within the first three weeks of classes, but having a class in the Student Union for an entire semester is another issue and needs the approval of the Student Union Advisory Board. "It is improper," Keith said. ''They [AHEC] once again are not following the procedure that has been laid

see CLASS page 5

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