Volume 16 Issue 31 May 27, 1994
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Artist puts trash to creative use.
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Special to The Metropolitan'Chas Gordon
Conzuela Rico Morales' happy face at graduation set the tone for the spring '94 commencement ceremony.
basketball coach.
New VP wants forum· for idea exchange ]
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Louis A. Landa News Editor The new vice president of Student Services said he sees his role with MSCD as one of educator, mediator and leader. Vernon Haley was appointed May 18 to the newly created position of vice president for Student Services by President Sheila Kaplan. Haley is currently executive director of the Rochester Educational Opportunity Center for Brockport College in Rochester, N.Y. He said his background of working at colleges with diverse student bodies should serve him well at MSCD. In his role as an educator he can play a key role in stressing diversity on campus, he said. "On so many campus' you see only one side of the issue," he said. Haley said he plans to generate a
forum and opportunity for exchange of views and ideas on campus. Student Affairs can play an important role in the issues, be they racial, religious, genderbased, student-faculty conflicts or other areas of disagreement. Many of these opportunities will not be part of the normal academic program, he said. Haley will report directly to Kaplan. He will supervise a staff of approximately 120 and be responsible for a budget of $5 million. One of Haley's duties will be to assume responsibility for programs and services designed to improve the recruitment, retention and graduation rates of students - primarily students of color. " His effectiveness in working with ethnically diverse communities is especially important for Metro State," Kaplan said. Haley said he realizes MSCD's
importance to the community. Part of his job will extend beyond the campus. "Student services will work with the community to deal with Haley issues. We are just a microcosm of the community itself," he said. Haley spent 16 years working at the Bronx Community College, where the student body has grown in diversity since 1969 when the college adopted an open enrollment policy, said Joseph Rempson, the dean of students at the college.
see Haley page 4
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