Volume 38, Issue 17 - Jan. 14, 2016

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The Student Voice of MSU Denver

Volume 38, Issue 17

January 14, 2016

‘New Life,’ perspective found at Denver Rescue Mission

Keith Kitchen, 48, provides security during lunch Jan. 12 at Denver Rescue Mission’s new community center. Kitchen has been a candidate for the New Life Program for two weeks, which involves working at the mission as part of his rehabilitation after 32 years of struggling with alcohol. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

PAGE 3 >>

Opinion Terrorism grips Oregon and dealing with back to school blues PAGE 4 >>

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Features Talking with the man behind the ‘Devil’ PAGE 5 >>


Looking to the past and remembering a fallen star PAGE 6 >>


Students make their way back from the Student Success Building on Jan. 11. The Financial Aid and Scholarship Department is encouraging students to get their paperwork turned in before the spring priority deadline to prevent issues with tuition payment. Photo by Keenan McCall • kmccall3@msudenver.edu


Campus prepares for back to school


Men’s Basketball bounces back with win after home loss PAGE 7 >>


Mile Spective Break High Events January 14, 2016 Met Sports Review Insight

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“No one can make it through this world on their own. I don’t care who you are.” — Michael Lyons @themetonline f: themetropolitan mymetmedia.com

January 14, 2016

Denver Rescue Mission volunteer finds new outlook on life By Melanie J. Rice mrice20@msudenver.edu

Denver Rescue Mission volunteer and program participant Michael Lyons says his service there has changed his perspective on life. Lyons, originally from Detroit, lives at the mission and is a participant in its New Life Program. As part of the program, he serves in the kitchen and coordinates volunteers at the mission’s new Lawrence Street Community Center — a facility that some in Denver’s Ballpark Neighborhood didn’t want to see open. People crowded the center Sunday morning, some ate breakfast and chatted with friends while others slept on the floor. It was just 10 degrees outside and the center served 789 breakfasts. Meanwhile, Lyons was hard at work in the kitchen where volunteers helped prepare and serve food. Lyons helps keep those volunteers plugged in, but that’s not all he does. Chef Robert Harrison said, “He stays busy, and that’s the key thing to do here, is to stay busy.” Harrison said it’s important for those at the mission to focus on getting it together, rather than thinking about their former way of life. Lyons said his days start at 3:30 a.m. and often don’t end until after 9 p.m. He assists with food preparation, serving food and

cleans up after meals. More than that, he contributes to a sense of community for the center’s patrons and volunteers. A woman who declined to give her name had just finished eating. She quietly bused dirty dishes from the table to make room for others and said, “Actually, he allows us to connect with one another. He brings a sense of peace.” “He himself connects with people on different levels. He’s actually an inspiration,” she said. Lyons said he’d struggled with addiction for 10–12 years, but has been clean for 15 months. He said when he arrived at the mission two months ago, he was greeted by a man at the front door who said he didn’t look like he belonged there. But, Lyons said, “Who’s to say who belongs and who doesn’t?” Lyons said his service and experience at the mission has impacted not only the lives of others, but his own life. “I’ve gone through points in my life where I’ve given up on myself,” Lyons said. “I’ve tried to humble myself and appreciate things again, but it never hit me until I got here.” He said for the first time in his life, he has begun to evaluate things. Though Lyons said he wouldn’t change most of his past experiences, he wished he could take back the pain and anguish he


Michael Lyons works in the kitchen at the Denver Rescue Mission’s new Community Center Jan. 7. Photo by Melanie J. Rice • mrice20@msudenver.edu

caused his family. Lyons said he was formerly a financially successful entrepreneur, but drugs and drinking took him down a different path. “I was always under the impression that I had to make money to be successful. My definition of success was money,” Lyons said. “It was simple.” “But in the last two months, I’ve never been paid a single cent. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life,” he said. Lyons said the men in the programs at

the mission are like family to each other. “No one can make it through this world on their own,” he said. “I don’t care who you are. Everybody needs a support group for different areas in life.” Lyons plans to transfer to the mission’s Star Program, and is considering attending the fire fighting academy so he will have free time to do something to give back. He said his three-to-five-year plan includes opening a foundation for underprivileged, inner city kids.

More Information The Denver Rescue Mission accepts donations of food, clothing and household goods seven days a week. Volunteers prepare and serve three meals daily at the Lawrence Street Community Center, and other locations. To volunteer or learn more, visit denverrescuemission.org and click the volunteer link. The Denver Rescue Mission 1130 Park Avenue West (303) 294-0157 Patrons at the Denver Rescue Mission’s Community Center enjoy lunch Jan. 12. The center opened its doors just before Thanksgiving and serves between 1,300 and 2,000 meals daily. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu




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January 14, 2016

A story of a lonely college student

By Pacific Obadiah pobadiah@msudenver.edu I was looking forward to seeing all my friends who returned home from college. Instead, I spent almost all of winter break slowly sinking into my chair. I’m only a semester into college, but already I’m finding that I’ve had considerably less time to socialize and be with friends. Instead, I’ve found myself

staring at screens killing time while waiting for school to start or waiting for my next shift at work. For a somewhat introverted writer, the idea of sitting at home and dedicating time to my craft seemed like heaven. Instead, I was lonely and longing for human interaction. Perhaps it’s the fact that most of Metro’s students live far away and commute to campus, or maybe it’s the drastic differences in schedules, but I’ve struggled to branch out and meet new people. Although many of my high school friends attend Metro, I never see them, let alone talk to them. Cumulatively, this is leaving me feeling pretty lonely. A recent Vice article “Why Millions of Men Lose Friends in Their Twenties“ by Kevin EG Perry talks about a similar issue. Perry interviewed a

collection of men ranging from 19 to 30 years old. Each account tells a similar story: people slowly drift away from their friends and shift their attention to careers, or they have a group of friends, yet still report feeling lonely due to shallow relationships. According to the World Health Organization, this loneliness leaves men more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and suicide. Unfortunately, loneliness is beginning to affect more people. Last March, Time published “Why Loneliness May Be the Next Big Public-Health Issue,“ written by Justin Worland. In his article, Worland details a study done by Brigham Young University researchers, which found that loneliness can raise the risk of death by 26 percent. The researchers focused on two types of loneliness: Subjective

“loneliness leaves men more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and suicide. ”

loneliness, and objective loneliness. Subjective loneliness refers to individuals who had social connections, but felt lonely, whereas objective loneliness refers to those with little to no social interaction and living alone. Worland points out that individuals who report loneliness, yet report happiness, are actually at a greater risk than individuals with subjective loneliness. College is time when people buckle down, focus on themselves and starting their careers. Though, with all the health risk that comes alongside this vehement focus, perhaps we all need to take some time and talk to the people around us. Not only is social interaction a good way to grow as a person, but it will help lower stress, and lower one’s risk of death. Try joining a club, connecting with classmates, and spending less time staring at the screen.

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When militants become terrorists

By Sterling Stowe slenways@msudenver.edu In 2012 Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven were convicted of arson for setting fires on public land. Dwight Hammond was sentenced to three months in prison and his son received one year. In early 2015 an appeals court overturned the original sentence on the basis that the Hammonds had to serve the mandatory minimum. Both were issued a new

sentence of five years minus the time they had already served. In December of 2015 the case attracted a group that has been deemed a militia by some and terrorists by others. After a large group of around 300 protesters marched through Burns, Oregon another group of armed individuals advanced 30 miles south to occupy the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. What is interesting is not whether the Hammonds are guilty or being punished unjustly, but how the government is responding and what it says about institutionalized racism in our country. The occupying group has said they are willing and prepared to stay for years or until the

government releases Hammond and his son. The building they occupied was empty at the time and no one was injured during the occupation, but Ryan Bundy of the group has said that they’re willing to kill and be killed if necessary according to reports from the Oregonian. The Oregonian also interviewed some locals who were sympathetic to the Hammonds and believed that the occupying group may have a point but still stood against their extremism. The response from authorities has so far been minimal with the federal government taking a supporting role and local authorities only asking the occupying group to leave peacefully and return to their families.

“Just because the occupying group is a bunch of white guys pretending to be patriots doesn’t mean we have to believe them.”

Considering an armed group has taken over a federal building and are planning to stay there until their demands are met and they are willing to kill and be killed, authorities have been surprisingly understanding. If we change the story just one bit and add in that the occupying group is muslim I dare speculate that we would have already commenced the drone strikes and be moving on to a full takeover. The definition of terrorism according to the Merriam Webster dictionary is, “The use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal.” Just because the occupying group is a bunch of white guys pretending to be patriots doesn’t mean we have to believe them. We should call this occupying group what they are and treat them as such. Terrorists.

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What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or its advertisers.



This week: An interview with an Indie game developer and preparations for the spring semester @themetonline f: themetropolitan mymetmedia.com

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A chat with the devil’s advocate By Pacific Obadiah pobadiah@msudenver.edu Jonathan Zungre is an aspiring video game developer based out of New York. His game, “Lie to the Devil”, made headlines last year due to its controversial nature. The Met had an opportunity to correspond with Zungre to talk about what got him into game development and learn what he’s been doing since the release of his game. Zungre, who graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts, has returned as an adjunct professor in addition to making games for Scholastic. “I like making games for kids,”says Zungre. “That, and I needed a steady job.” Zungre wasn’t always a game developer. For a while, he was a video game journalist. When he was covering major events, such as the Electronic Entertainment Expo or the Game Developer’s Conference, he found himself wandering off to hear talks of game design. “I think in general that there were games that I wanted to exist and I didn’t think they were going to get made unless I made them.” So Zungre started making games. Along the way, he started to understand a few things. “For making games, the most important thing is just to make something everyday,” says Zungre. “If you do that, I think it would be hard to stop you from achieving whatever you want.”

Zungre also realized that some people get lucky, whether they’re a good artist and get hired by a big company or they’re an indie developer, while others never make it. “If you succeed, it doesn’t mean you’re good,” says Zungre. “If you fail, it doesn’t mean you’re bad. Just do the work, pursue the things in your heart and let success and failure do their own thing. They don’t mean anything anyway.” Zungre was a part of the first year’s game center, and “Lie to the Devil” was Zungre’s thesis game. The game begins with a player sitting down at a computer, with two boxes in front of them. The computer begins to ask them questions, but these questions quickly become probing as the computer starts to ask things such as, “Are you a good person? Does the pain of others make you feel good or bad?” After the bout of questioning, the computer has the player make a pet. They are allowed to choose between a cat or dog, the color of its fur, and get to name it. As soon as the player has finished creating their pet, the computer asks them how they want their pet to die. The only way to save the pet is to play Russian Roulette. “Another big one was the idea of sacrifice,” says Zungre. “Are players capable of real world sacrifice? Will they risk something to save a character?” Looking at the rest of Zungre’s portfolio, including his newer games for Scholastic, “Lie to the Devil” seems oddly dark, and out of place. Zungre disagrees, saying a common thread in all of his games is consequences.

for the students’ return in a week, as well as the problems and stress it will bring. Tivoli Station employees are making early preparations for the rush of students trying to buy their textbooks. “We get lines that could stretch to the back of the wall,” said store employee Michael Gomez, gesturing to the end of the store several yards away from the cashiers. Gomez also said the staff would be working hard to help students, especially with the textbook organization change from subject to author. In the midst of these early preparations, most everyone is still keeping a level head. Matt Godinez, an employee at the campus Dazbog coffee shop, isn’t worried about the rush of students they’ll receive in the first weeks. “We basically just staff up,” said Godinez. “We’ve been through it before.”


This is probably most clearly seen in his game “Backer Rewards.” Zungre’s site describes the game as “a short, metafiction, choose-your-ownadventure game about game developers. The choices the player makes decide the type of game they’re playing. Basically, players design the game as they’re playing it.” The game starts off simply enough. The Acclaimed for developing “Lie to the Devil” and “Backer Rewards,” player is a backer for a Jonathan Zungre is still hard at work making games that stand out even Kickstarter game, and among the Indie genre. Photo provided by Jonathan Zungre they’ve received access to the alpha. It’s a simplistic side scrolling game, after walking around my heart in the things I’ve made. I’ve made for awhile, the “Developers” call the player things that were close to home, I’ve made and ask what updates they’d like to see. things that my professors questioned a lot, Depending on what they choose, those I’ve made things that I like, but no one else changes will be made to the game they’re likes. I think success is really nebulous. playing. As the developers continue to call I know for me, I want to get to the point you though, unrest can be seen growing in where I can fully support my family the developer’s workplace until it takes a through making games, and eventually I’d very dark turn. like to have my own game company[,] and “I like when art doesn’t behave like it’s that hasn’t happened yet. So I guess my supposed to,” says Zungre. “I like when answer would be [,] almost.” characters break the fourth wall. I like metafiction. I like when a film’s genre shifts multiple times. I like being surprised, so I You can find “Backer Rewards,” and chase that in my games.” other games made by Zungre on his blog: When asked if he felt like he had succeeded, Zungre was a bit torn. zungre.tumblr.com. “Oh man, that is a tough one,” says Zungre. “I think I’ve successfully followed

MSU Denver thaws out for spring After a month of rest and relaxation, MSU Denver prepares itself for the return of its students and the spring semester. Students and staff alike made the most of the lengthy break from academia. They enjoyed the company of friends and family as well as time to themselves without the stresses of higher learning on their shoulders. “[The break] was wonderful,” said Sean Sanders, an MSU Denver student and member of the New Student Orientation Department. “I enjoyed having time to myself. It was nice having time to reflect and get ready for the year ahead of me.” With the coming spring semester however, everyone from the school departments to coffee shops are gearing up for the hectic first weeks of readjusting to the higher education grind. Several departments are making preparations

January 14, 2016 August 21, 2014

MSU Denver’s Financial Aid and Scholarships department is seeing some of the heaviest preparations, helping students get their scholarships and financial aid requests approved for the spring semester. “We’re basically getting ready for start-up week at this point,” said Desiree Candelaria, an MSU Denver student working for the Financial Aid and Scholarships department. “We do have a lot of people looking for a redeem on their file.” The department, which usually sees a glut of student traffic once deadlines approach, is doing its best to get the word out about what needs to be submitted and when. Candelaria noted that students should have their files completed by the priority deadline, March 1st, to avoid any serious issues and headaches. It’s understood that there will be moments of stress for students though.

By Keenan McCall kmccall3@msudenver.edu When that happens, Candelaria reminds students to remember that taking it out on the people working the departments won’t solve anything. “Don’t forget, they’re people too,” said Candelaria.

Important Due Dates January 15th: Tuition Due February 3rd: Last day to submit Health Insurance Waiver form March 1st: Priority deadline for Scholarship and Financial Aid paperwork




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January 14, 2016

Cover from Davidbowie.com

S “David Bowie” By Luis Bustos lbustos@msudenver.edu A record so sinister yet innocent David Bowie’s self titled 1967 debut paints the portrait of a rather grim world while appropriating the baroque pop of the late 60s. Written and composed exclusively by Bowie, the record was produced by Mike Vernon. At just 20-years-old, the English pop star released the record only to receive mixed reviews. By industry standards the album was a flop. It crowned at #1 in New Zealand, but peaked at 67 in Australia. The lack of success for the record led Deram to drop Bowie from the label. Opening the record with “Uncle Arthur,” the tongue-in-cheek song depicts the tale of 32-year-old “momma’s boy,” Arthur falling in love with “Sally.” His flourishing romance wilts shortly after Arthur and Sally run away together. “Round and round goes Arthur’s head, hasn’t eaten well for days little Sally may be lovely, but cooking leaves her in a maze.” While the track may be entertaining to some, it’s evident to the listener that Bowie’s passion lies elsewhere on the record. The first track reeks of calculated

S “The Revenant”

compromise, symphonically as well as an honest lack of interest on Bowie’s behalf. The next notable song on the album “Love You Till Tuesday” only furthers the impression that Bowie was being held hostage in the studio at the time of recording. Not only does the record lack any innovation, but it lacks sex appeal as well. Bowie’s novice songwriting with the combination of failed sex appeal leaves the listener slightly uncomfortable and even a little bored. Bowie sheds some of his industry chains by the sixth track. “We Are Hungry Men” emphasises imminent distress by shining light on the inevitability of Earth’s overpopulation. “I have prepared a document, legalizing mass abortion. We will turn a blind eye to infanticide” Lyrically, Bowie is uncut and comfortable but is still somewhat limited by simple pop production. Track 6 marks the point in the record where Bowie takes a firm hold of the story he’s telling. This is evident by the passion he brings to an otherwise gloomy track. Bowie’s songwriting does evolve significantly throughout the record. By track 12, Bowie’s lyrical and compositional ability shines brightly as he tells the story of Mary/Tommy: a crossdressing soldier who survived war. “People say that when the moon is full and all the stars have gone to bed, you can see her ghost but that’s a lie because the naughty woman isn’t dead.” The self titled debut ultimately does leave the listener wanting more from Bowie, but just barely. The obvious lack of passion early in the record is somewhat daunting, yet the evolution of Bowie depicts his untapped potential. The weakest aspect of the record is without a doubt the production. Bowie’s lyrics mirror the opposite aesthetic the production conveys. Regardless of the musical hindrance, Bowie’s lyrical and vocal performance removes any question in regards to his authentic talent.


By Spenser White swhite71@msudenver.edu

Poster from projectcasting.com

David Bowie January 8, 1947 to January 10, 2016

The Revenant, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, is an amazing work of art that is an enjoyable experience without being pleasant. As a follow up to his critically acclaimed film “Birdman,” director and screenwriter Alejandro González Iñárritu takes us through the life of Hugh Glass as he struggles against the elements and society in his quest for revenge. This film succeeds at showing us the terrifying intensity of the wilderness on multiple levels.

S “Black Star” By Chris Bjork cbjork1@msudenver.edu The January 10th passing of David Bowie was tough news to swallow for fans and music lovers worldwide. After an 18 month battle with cancer, Bowie passed just two days after his 69th birthday and the release of his 25th full length studio album. Blackstar serves as a testament to how passionate and hardworking Bowie was, to make art that reflected the human condition unlike any other rock and roll musician before him. Powerfully ambitious in its presentation, creative in its jazzy experimentation and perplexing in its subject matter, Blackstar is one of Bowie’s most ominous and emotive album. The album kicks off with the song “Blackstar,” a ten minute single that showcases the album’s experimental jazz sound. The title track is as diverse as it is dark and creepy. The intro starts off with a spacey and dissonant melody that is backed up with a bustling drum beat and some busy synth flourishes. It has an unsettling vibe to it and things take an even weirder turn when the lyrics come in. Bowie sings of a “solitary candle in the villa of Ormen” where “on the day of execution only women kneel and smile.” Following the moody attitude in the beginning, the song takes a cheerful transition where the melody of the vocals, the strings and the sax played by Donny McCaslin take a bright transformation until the dark theme returns. The song “Lazarus” maintains a gloomy character where Bowie’s somber vocal harmonies are met with a descending three note call and response during the verse. The song takes time to build up in energy while the Sax and drums slowly start gaining momentum, providing the song with a lot of power. On one side we have the violent, gruesome sequences of war, and animal attacks. On the other side, we see the intensity of nature and how simply surviving in the wild is a cruel and difficult task. These two themes work very nicely alongside each other to give the viewer a sense of the grueling and exhausting life Glass led. Tom Hardy plays well alongside DiCaprio, his performance adding a level of maliciousness to the mostly unfeeling forces of cruelty that torment Glass. All of this culminates in a very nihilistic film and at the end of all this effort and madness, we are asked if it was worth it or not. While we cannot say, Glass seems to

Photo from Davidbowie.com

The next track “Sue (Or In a Season of a Crime),” which features the Maria Schneider Orchestra is one of the jazziest and most experimental songs in the album. The accompaniment from the orchestra follows closely besides Bowie’s dramatic vocal crescendos, underlining the emotional content of the lyrics of a love story filled with heartbreak and betrayal. The next song, “Girl Loves Me” is incredibly catchy and features arguably the best vocal cadences that Bowie has ever delivered. “Dollar Days” begins with a beautiful, intertwined guitar and piano harmony, punctuated with some flowery Sax lines that carry the melody forward. It’s an emotionally potent track that is contrasted with some driving guitar chords towards the end with some crashing drums that give it an almost anthem like quality. The final track “I can’t give everything away,” serves as a good conclusion to the album with some pulsing synth chords that wash over the chorus, balancing well with Bowie’s songwriting on war and inner peace. There isn’t much to criticize with Blackstar. Occasionally Bowie’s voice can be a bit overpowering, like in the song “Tis a Pity She Was a Whore” where Bowie’s flashy vibrato becomes a bit trying. On the whole, the album serves as one of the most compelling for Bowie and is a testament to a truly virtuosic timeless Rock and Roll musician.


have found his answer. In the final moments of the film DiCaprio breaks what feels like a law and looks directly into the camera. This shocking moment where our eyes meet, his tear stained and blood-soaked face, we must consider if his answer is good enough. The film is, in the end, an exercise in suffering. It takes the audience into a dark place where the human tragedy is on full display. No one wins, no one is happy, everything is comprised and good deeds, for the most part, don’t matter. I recommend this movie for someone looking for a work of art even if it does feel a bit drawn out by the end.




Check out Metro men’s and women’s basketball Jan. 16 at the Auraria Event Center when Colorado Mines comes to town for a RMAC showdown @themetonline f: themetropolitan mymetmedia.com

Sports Shorts » Men’s basketball gametime change The Metro men’s basketball game against Colorado School of Mines has been rescheduled for 7:30 p.m. Jan 16. The time change was made to accommodate the live T.V. broadcast on Comcast CET sports, channel 105. This will be the third time this season the Roadrunners play during a live broadcast.

» Student-athletes named to academic honor roll Dr. Anthony Grant, Director of Athletics announced that 72 student-athletes were named to the 2015 Fall Semester Academic Honor Roll. The Honor Roll included 12 student-athletes who earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average. In order to qualify, athletes must maintain a 3.5 gpa or above for the entire semester.

» Join Denver Outlaws career fair and symposium The event will take place Jan. 28 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Sports Authority Field at Mile High. It is highly encouraged for all sports industry operations majors and students interested in careers working in sports. It is $30 to attend and the SIO professors will be giving students the day off from classes. To get tickets visit www.denveroutlaws. com/viproadrunner. If you haven’t already, be sure to register soon as space is limited.

January 14, 2016


Late foul trouble results in Roadrunner loss By Mike Tolbert mtolber3@msudenver.edu After a back-and-forth first half, Metro was outscored by 12 in the second in the 72-60 loss to Mesa State at the Auraria Event Center on Military Appreciation Day Jan 8. The Roadrunners were led in scoring by sophomore guard Peter Moller with 12 points, tieing the game at 45 with 9:17 remaining in the game. In the ensuing possession, Mesa center Stephen Ryan scored a layup plus one after he stole the ball from senior guard Tony Dobbinson who drew his fifth foul while attempting to stop the fast break. “Tony is the straw that stirs the drink,” head Coach Derrick Clark said. “He is a very difficult guy to guard. It was a big play when he lost the ball and got his fifth foul. Obviously we’re much different without him on the floor because he creates his own shot. He is a guy you have to guard constantly.” In foul trouble, Dobbinson sat the remainder of the game and finished with nine points and one assist. Ryan went on to score his only 3-point play from behind the arc to put his team up 51-45. “A guy like that who’s leading our conference in scoring, it’s going to be hard from keeping him to have two bad games,” Clark said. The Mavericks would not relinquish its lead, led by Ryan who notched a game-high 27 points shooting 7-for-10 from the field and a perfect 12-for-12 at the line. He also tacked on two assists, two blocks and 13 rebounds, all defensive.

“He (Ryan) made his free throws, that’s what it was,” junior forward Andre Harris said. “We played pretty good defense, it just came down to free throws.” Harris struggled at the line making just one of five but did score 11 points and a team high 10 rebounds. Harris sat the final two minutes when he drew his fifth foul against Ryan. “I thought Andre was having some success in the game,” Clark said. “Without those two guys [Harris and Dobbinson], it was tough.” The Mavericks held the Roadrunners to 31.1 percent shooting from the field while Mesa finished with a 45.7 shooting percentage. Although Metro struggled in scoring, the Roadrunners dominated on the boards out rebounding Mesa 4133 along with 12 second chance points. With the loss, Metro sits at a 7-7 overall record, having beat Mesa State once already this season, 76-69 in Grand Junction.

Game 2, W 68-61 In the second game of the weekend, Moller scored a teamhigh for the second straight game notching 22 points and four rebounds in the 68-61 win over Westminster College at the Auraria Event Center Jan 9. Metro got off to a slow pace managing only four points in the first nine minutes of play. The Roadrunners, who had gotten down by as many as 15 points in the first half, erased that deficit going on a 21-6 run in the final 8:29. Still down by a point, Moller hit a buzzer beater from beyond the arc putting the Roadrunners

Metro forward Andre Harris, 22, splits two Mesa State defenders and shoots a floater in the 72-60 loss at the Auraria Event Center on Jan. 8. Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabher • agebreeg@msudenver.edu

up, 29-28 at halftime. The second half was evenly matched having eight lead changes between the two teams. Metro would eventually take the lead for good after Dobbinson hit a 3-pointer with 6:27 remaining. The Runners would continue to keep a safe distance on the scoreboard down the stretch allowing only five points in the final six minutes. “We desperately needed this win. Our guys knew that,” Clark

said. “The thing about the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference this particular year is that nobody’s really running away with it. If you get a win, you’re right back in contention.” The Roadrunners are now one game above .500 at 8-7 (6-3 RMAC). Metro continues their home play against Colorado Christian Jan 15 and Colorado Mines Jan 16.

Metro post multiple top performances at Air Force Open By Nick Reilly nreilly1@msudenver.edu

» Runners race in Boulder Metro’s track & field team will run in the Potts Invititational Jan. 16 in Boulder. Head coach Nick Maas (above), will lead both men’s and women’s teams. The Roadrunners have raced in three indoor meets so far this season.

Metro men’s and women’s track and field team competed in Colorado Springs at the Air Force Open Jan. 8. With the men’s, freshman Said Moreno and freshman Zach Boyd placed 25th and 33rd with times of 23.38 and 24.02 in the 200-meters. They both had strong finishes running in the 400-meters as

Moreno placed eighth with a time of 51.73 and Boyd finished 15th with a time of 53.86. Metro had six different runners competing in the mile run with top times. Leading the way was junior Jason Carey with a time of 4:41:27 and a fourth place finish. Following in fifth place was sophomore Ivan Rangel with a time of 4:43.84. Finishing just behind him was senior Erik Boss

in sixth with a posted time of 4:46.54 and in seventh place was junior Chris Davis with a time of 4:46.54. Sophomore Joey Bender placed 10th with a time of 4:52.46 and freshman Kyle Jones finished in 11th with a posted time of 4:56.24. The men’s team rounded out the meet with a ninth place finish in the mile relay. Metro posted a time of 3:37.54. On the women’s team, the

Roadrunners had six individuals compete in the 200-meters. Freshman Keyonna Gouty led the way for the Roadrunners with a 30th place finish in a time of 27.98. Metro runners held the 34th, 35th and 36th spots in the meet. Freshman Hayley Bowen ran a time of 28.68 while sophomore Amber Sborov placed a time of 29.07. Freshman Tina Maas finished with a time of 29.21 as freshman Lauren Samuelson


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Roadrunners dominate Griffins in 20 point win By M ke To ber

» Continued from 7

mto ber3@msudenver.edu

p aced 39 h w h a me o 29 59 and un or L y Arm o p aced 42nd w h a me o 30 16 Compe ng n he 400-me ers was Maas Bowen and Samue son Maas was he op fin sher or he Roadrunners as he p aced 11 h w h a pos ed me o 1 04 19 Bowen p aced 14 h w h a me o 1 06 11 and Samue son p aced 15 h w h 1 06 15 Sen or Lauren S acc compe ed n he 3 000-me ers p ac ng h rd w h a me o 11 40 20 and he women s M e Re ay eam p aced en h w h a me o 4 28 27 Jun or Sarah Hughes was he on y Roadrunner o compe e n fie d even s Hughes pos ed a r p e ump o 10 99 me ers o p ace fifth overa and a ong ump o 4 48 me ers o p ace 19 h overa Me ro w re urn o he rack on Jan 16 or he Po s Inv a ona hos ed by he Un vers y o Co orado n Bou der

Sophomore foward Emily Hartegan makes a jump pass in the front court in the Roadrunners win over Westminster College (Utah) at the Auraria Event Center Jan. 9. Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabher • agebreeg@msudenver.edu

Since dropping the last two games against conference opponents, four Roadrunners scored in double digits in the 6242 rout over Westminster at the Auraria Event Center Jan. 9. “It shows how much growth we’ve had in the past few games,” junior guard/forward Luisa Tago said. “It was really good to bounce back. We got a great team win, everyone was contributing and kept the intensity up.” The tone was set early as Metro jumped out to an 11-3 lead, steered by sophomore center Hannah Stipanovich who scored six points and an assist during that stretch. The Westminster defense struggled to keep up with the Roadrunners up-tempo offensive style of play throughout the first quarter. After a series of made layups and jumpers, Metro would take the 18-10 lead going into the second quarter. The Griffins battled to pull within four after freshman guard Denise Gonzalez made a pair of 3-pointers in the final two minutes of the half. The Runners took a 28-24 lead heading into halft ime. The third period saw Metro

take complete control on both ends of the floor. They outscored the Griffins 18-7 in the quarter and tightened up on defense causing Westminster to go over five minutes without a point. “We knew we had to get this win tonight,” sophomore guard Georgia Ohrdorf said. “We had been struggling the past few games. In the third quarters, we hadn’t come out very strong so that was our main focus today. Just come out strong and play 40 minutes.” Ohrdorf posted a doubledouble with 10 points and 11 rebounds. With a score of 46-31, Metro took its 15 point lead into the fourth quarter and continued to dominate down the stretch. The Roadrunners held the Griffins to 30.2 percent shooting from the field and earned 12 points off turnovers. Bench points were also a major factor led by sophomore forward Emily Hartegan with 10 points and six rebounds. “Winning on our home floor is very important, especially because we have two home games next weekend as well,” Ohrdorf said. “I think we did a really good job tonight, everyone came out strong and it was a good team win.”

Volorist, teniam esed quatur solut vero dolo qui nonescia porerchilla comnis quo doluptia volorum quiberi aut pratur maximol oreribusti blandel luptatur aut quiassitas resedis quidunt, id min perum, corrum culliquamus min eatem aut utati blanihit maximolupta pre solorru ptatium reictae litiorestia apis aperchit et es amus, sitios qui te placid explabo. Laboreius esento blaborite voloru m n ea rum recea receat h hiciendictum c end c um eos audae eetb do dolendipis endrp s au aut eat as eet mi, op optas as eetust us omn omnimin m n ccienihit en h porpor porporit do dolupta up a qu quibus bus que mos so solori or accum asped evero eet und undi cu cul culparum aboreperchil estiaerae g yea mo h E den usdam laborro aborro restrum res rum reusporem rerch es ab nc or do offic magn ss mus nve a nus Ic res on sen um dun ex end e mpos arch e do or rec aec ass rem do o exdentusdam rerchil molestem. 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Piss ea eatur? Amet vo voluptatio odiss do dolupiti quiatiunt.Vit qu abo P ur? Ame up a o od up qu a un V vo vollaci ac lluptin up erchit quae ae e inum num essend essendit, offic officti nve nveliquis qu s de del illit, u ut qu qui vvid d mo cup cuptatur a ur sec sectotature, o a ure sed eaqua eaquatee o eet u usae eeicc tem em amAfacerrumene acerrumene n nverum so orrov a comn uga Ap ene comn s acea quo omn am aborro commod s b aborepe n mpos e andae as n n m nob s mo molo o offic offi cil laboabout ve vel iusae niss m minverum, solorrovitia comnit fuga. 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Ca Catatia ditatibus nieture ne or sus Berna an ssit que abo a a tquasi quas accusae pra d a bus n e ure liss repeligendam repe gendam si s demunihiciandae n h c andae am quae nulla nu a volorro vo orro quod event even fuga. uga Tem eum illam am exerestiae exeres ae vene nosae am, e dicabo. simusda tiafemakundiciis cum et estectat d cabo Pudis Pud s esci esc descidi desc d voluptatur?Optas vo up a ur?Op as elecus e ecus et e ditibus d bus que volentibusam vo en busam es num lam, am occaborpos s musdaundercim nderc m agnatquam, agna quam solo so o est, es u a emak ut omn omnit u ut deb debitiaa tiafemak mmusda ea volorum vo orum ut u lant an am fugiaectius.Nam, ug aec us Nam solorpor so orpor ad eum sint s n quo dolum do um re gsunt sun laborectur aborec ur autas au as au aut lam, ameassimusda eatibus bus ma do doluptibus up bus vo voluptas up as ra rat ac acid d exp explam am eet verem vo volupta up a turitae ur ae porem vererae sum fugia ug a inullore nu ore antur an ur rehendit rehend liss cuptius cup us maximin max m n cusandi cusand gentisque gen sque magnienti magn en u utemqui emqu offic officip p bicipsan c psan mo or au aut faccupt accup as asimagnis magn s n nimusda musda sequo occae do dolupie up e n ntincitaquo nc aquo eet lab ab hxe dimolor m m b dusdae nihit, n h veribusam ver busam quam ne sundam har harit eum vo volorrum orrum qu quisquuntio squun o consequun consequunti de deliquiame qu ame coresequa coresequat u ut vene venetur?Dus ur?Dus deb debitius. us Hen Henihicieni h c en tetavetk’k e ave k k untiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asidusdae

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pe perior o am faces ace eet quo tempore empo e rumquia umqu a tusandi u and offica officatur u siminct m nc ecabo ecaboree ea qu quiaa sequat equa reseditia e ed a cu custibus bu u utem em en enimus mu p prem em idest, de sim mg ape apel inulparum nu pa um ant.Offi Officcti ommo ommosae ae roruntem o un em qu qui de des eet do doluptatur up a u aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utemem me an ga u u po por eeribusa bu a ndaec ndaectis au aut eerum um fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempo demporaa vo volore o e non nonsequas equa au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus ut u utas a po porror o au autatiore a o e reicti e c au aut labo. abo Mo Mosapel ape ipsume p ume ve vel eet omn omnimen men ihiliquas h qua eum inum num aaliquos quo vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum o um in n ped gn me suntis un au gen u empo am u ae is eetur? u ? Taqu a rehenihil ehen h eet op em is sus, u od mo o ap a e lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aalia o magn quam ipsam p am aasm.dfnlavkafem m d n avka emuntiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asperior pedignime aut aaligent uremposam ut rae Taquias optiaa nob nobitem moloritia prate perio magnisquam xa pe

am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus utem em enimus museprem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do dolupupbus u h en e do tatur a ur aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore nonsequas autem em dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eet gh au n omnimen omn men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen curemposam u ut rae iscseeetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet untiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asperior am faces et rumquiaa tusandi officatur quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus utem enimus apel inulparum ant.Offi roruntem qui des eet do doluptatur quo tempore empore rumqu usand offica ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu bus u em en mus prem des mnape nu parum an Officcti ommosae rorun em qu up a ur aati cum e en ssim onidest, quunt qu qui u utempor eribusa ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam quati u ut dempora vo volore autem dolupta ut u utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel ipsume vel eet omn omnimen quun empor er busa ndaec ug am id d que qua ore nonsequas au em cdo up a stiatus ae us u as porror au a ore re c au abo Mosape psume ve men e Taqu A ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen uremposam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavka,vle;,a;vle,a;l,;la,s;le,r;lakwtoavmd ,la;s,d,e,untiatquos ,la;s,d,e,un untiatquos a quos eeliquo quo que eetur? ur? Qu Quis s asperior asper or am faces aces et e quo tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m nc ecabore ea o yeet do quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus utem enimus apel inulpar ant.Offi roruntem qui des doluptatur quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qu bus u em en mus prem idest, des ssim m ape nu par an Officcti ommosae rorun em qu up a ur aati cum quun quati u ut dempora vo volore autem dolupta ut u utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel ipsume vel eet omn omnimen num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me qua ore nonsequas au em do up a tiatus a us u as porror au a ore re c au abo Mosape psume ve men ihiliquas h quas eum inum asm.dfnlavktiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis suntiss au aut aaligent ut rae iss eetur? Taquias rehenihil optiaa nob nobitem sus, od mo moloritia pratee lantemp perio magnisquam asm.dfnlavk sun gen uremposam u ur? Taqu as rehen h eet op em iss sus or a pra an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per o magn squam ipsam psam asm d n avk o ce u asperior asper or am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus bus utem emb en enimus mus prem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des k qu eet do doluptatur up a ur aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id dmque quati u qua ut dempora volore ore nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume e vo k vel eet omn ve omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen uremposam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp elignam alia perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavk asm.dfnlavkuntiatquos un untiatquos a quos eeliquo quo que eetur? ur? Qu Quiss asper asperior or am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquia a tusandi usand offica offi catur ur s siminct m nc ecabore ea quia qu a sequat sequa reseditia resed a custibus cus bus r a e u utem em en enimus mus prem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do doluptatur up acur cum yquun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore e aati nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eet omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen urems omn u u c q posam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per perio o magn magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavkaercklsaw d n avkaerck saw /c /clkm;aoklwcimoql,koqxfl km aok wc moq koqxflwa wa,xpl;A xp A kam kamf oyecabore ea qu tempore rumquia dals;,d dals;,diatquos iatquos a quos eeliquo quo queem eetur? ur? Quis Qu asperior oraam faces aces eet quo empore rumquer a tusandi usand officatur offica m ncnfugiam quia a sequa sequat reseditiaavo resed custibus cus utem u em en enimus mus idest, des m ape apel inulparum nuporror parumau ant. an Offic Offi cti ommosae rorun roruntem qu qui des seetasper do doluptatur urmen aati cum quun quunt qu quiinum u utempor empor eribusa busa ndaec ndaectis s ur au autssiminct erum am id d que qua quati u ut dempora volore orebus nonsequas autem emprem do dolupta up tiatus assim us u ut u utas autaaAu gn me sun tiore ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eetupomn omnimen ihiliquas ho quas eum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up aavkaveavevaeawveasvadvasvdavawevasvadsvadvsvaveaw ommo ommolorum orum in nug ped pedignime suntis s au aut aaligent gen uremposam u ut askdm rae issau eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias asa amsdk rehen rehenihil optia nobitem ham eetas op ae,nob em is s sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra prate e lantemp an emp e elignam gnam a alia a per perio magn magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavkaveavevaeawveasvadvasvdavawevasvadsvadvsvaveawfeva d n eva askdmlkamefk kamefkam amt amsdklam f a a,;le’ lf;,aw aw faa gu ,a,sluntiatquos a,fld;,an ,a,sl un untiatquos a quos eeliquo quororun que eetur? ur?qu Qu Quis s asper asperior faces tempore rumquia tusandi officatur quia sequat reseditia custibus utem enimus idest, or am aces eet quoquun empore rumqu a er usand offica ur ssiminct merum nc ecabore ea qu aqua sequa resed a cus busnonsequas u em en mus prem des s,;la,wecl,awe;fl sim m ape apel inulparum nu parum ant.Offi Offic cti ommosae roruntem em qui des e et do doluptatur up a ur a ati cum quunt qu qui u utempor empor eribusa busa ndaec ndaectis s au aut fugiam ug am id d que quati u ut dempora vo volore ore au autem em do dolupta up A o tiatus ut u utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel ipsume velgnam omnimen voluptat ommolorum in pedignime suntis auta aaligent ut rae Taquias a us u asop porror au a ore re codau abo Mosape psume ve eet omn hmagn quassquam eum inum num aaliquos quos up ak ommo orumvwmaec n ped gn me sun sscau gen uremposam u eetur? ur?Quis Taqu asa cdevo asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’la,sdcl;,untiatquos eliquo queissetur? rehenihil optia nobitem iss sus sus, moloritia prate perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’la,sdcl;, rehen eetfaces a nob em mo a pra e lantemp an emp eelignam aaliaamen per oihiliquas psam asm nu avk cemus kdmwck kape mqinulparum e aparum sdc Pobus perior tempore rumquia tusandi offi catur quia sequat reseditia custibus utem enimus idest, apel ant.Offi ctire roruntem quiipsume per or haam aces eet quo empore rumqu aor usand offica ur ssiminct m nc fugiam ecabore eaque qu aqua sequa resed a cus em en prem desa tiatus ssim mus nu an Offic ommosae rorun em qu desaseet doluptatur ati quunt qui utempor eribusa ndaectis aut id quati ut volore autem dolupta ut utas autatiore reicti aut labo. Mosapel do up ur a cum quun qu u empor er busa ndaec s au erum ug am d u dempora vo ore nonsequas au em do up a u u as porror au a ore c au abo Mosape psume vel omnimen ihiliquas voluptat ommolorum in pedignime suntis aut aaligent ut is Taquias rehenihil optia nobitem iss sus sus, od moloritia prate ve eet omn men h magn quassquam eum inum num aaliquos quosdvo up a ommo orumkmac n ped gn mekmw sun s au gen uremposam u raeeetur? s eetur? ur? Taqu asor rehen h eeteetop a tempore nob em rumqu mo or offica a pra e lantemp an emp eelignam gnam alia a a perio per o magnisquam ipsam psam asm.dfnkascdamkl’kamdslkmac;kmewf;lkmwlkamsckl asm.dfnkascdamkl’kamdslkmac;kmewf;lkmwlkamsckluntiatquos asm nkascdamk kamds kmew kamsck untiatquos un a quos eliquo e quo que ur? Quis Qu s asperior asper am faces aces quo empore rumquia a tusandi usand offi catur ur siminct s m nc e ecabore ea quiaaqua qu sequat sequa reseditiaa cus resed custibus busnonsequas utem u em en enimus mus prem idest, desa tiatus ssim apel inulparum nu parumau ant.Offi an cti roruntem rorun em qu qui des eetve doluptatur do a urmen aati cum quunteum quun qui inum qu utempor u emporquos eribusa er busa ndaectis ndaec s au aut orum erum saommosae fugiam ugpedignime am id d me que quati ut volore vo ore autem au em dolupta up am usape uth u u utas asop porror autatiore ore reicti re cdodau aut labo. abo Mosapel ipsume psume vel eetupomn omnimen ihiliquas hmagn quas num voluptat up a erum ommolorum ommo d a Offic asm.dfnlavkut fugiam in n suntis su autdempora au aaligent gen uremposam ut rae u s eetur? ur?do Taquias rehenihil rehen eet optia a anob nobitem iss sus sus, moloritia mo or Mosape a pra prate e lantemp an empuntiatquos eelignam gnam aalia perio per oque magnisquam squam psamaaliquos asm.dfnlavk asm d vo naces avk h oreem eliquo etur? Quis asperior am faces et quoquun tempore id d ped que gn quati qua utsun u dempora volore vo orenc nonsequas autem au emaisdo dolupta up aTaqu tiatus a usasau ut utas u asbus porror autatiore au reicti aut au labo. abo Mosapl Mosap ipsume psume vel ve un actiquos ea quo e em ur? Qu des s ipsam asper or ecum empore u dc idest, ore wprem rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m ecabore ea quia qu sequat sequa reseditia resed custibus cus utem u em enimus en mus des sim s m apel ape inulparum nu parum ant.Offi an Offic ommosae roruntem rorun qui qu et e doluptatur do up a ur ati a quunt qui qu utempor u empor eribusa er busa ndaectis ndaec s au aut orum erum in fugiam ugped amgn id d me quesun quatis u qua ut volore vo ore nonsequas autem au em dolupta up as a tiatus a us u ut utas porror autatiore au a ore reicti re cod au aut labo. abo aMosape Mosapel psume ve vel eet omn omnimen menoihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos voluptat vo up a ommo ommolorum n pedignime suntis autdempora au aaligent gen uremposam utx rae is u etur? ur? do Taquias Taqu rehenihil rehen hu eetasop optia a nob nobitem em iss sus sus, moloritia mo or pra pratee lantemp anipsume emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per perio magn magnisquam squam esp e ipsam asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’;, untiatquos un quos eeliquo quo queem eetur? ur? Quis asperior or aam aces eet quo tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand officatur offica ssiminct m nc fugiam ecabore quia qu a sequa sequat reseditiaavo resed custibus cus utem u em en enimus mus prem idest, des mu apel ape inulparum nuporror parumau ant.Ofan O fi fic ctic aommosae roruntem quiQu qu dessve eetasper doluptatur do up urfaces aati cum quunt quun quiinum qu utempor u empor eribusa er busa ndaectis s ur autorum au erum amgnid dea que quati qua ut dempora u volore orebus nonsequas autem em dolupta up a tiatus assim us ut utas as autatiore aem ore reicti re aut labo. au abo rorun Mosapel Mosape ipsume psume vel eet omn omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum num aaliquos quos voluptat vo upndaec a ommo ommolorum in nug pedignime ped me suntis sun s au aut aaligent gen uremposam ut rae isau u s eetur? ur?do Taquias Taqu as rehenihil rehen hu eet optiaa nob op nobitem iss e

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Mile High 10

Events mymetmedia.com

Januay 14, 2016

Thursday Sunny

Saturday 43/20



Location: City Park 17th Ave. & Colorado Blvd. Price: Free

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Breakfast Location: Tivoli Turnhalle, Auraia Campus Price: $20 Time: 7:30 a.m. Met Sports Women’s Basketball vs. Colorado Christian Location: Auraria Event Center Time: 5 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs. Colorado Christian Location: Auraria Event Center Time: 7 p.m. Denver Music: Colorado Symphony Orchetra Location: Boettcher Concert Hall Price $34-$94 Time: 7:30 p.m. Denver Music: Bright Hawk Location: Mercury Cafe Price: $5 Time: 7:30 p.m. Nuggets vs Heat 7 p.m.

@themetonline mymetmedia.com

Denver Music: Mondays Madness Location: The Streets of London Pub Price: FREE Time: 8:30 p.m.

Avalanche @ Blue Jackets 5 p.m.

In Case You Missed It 37/14

Broncos are in the playoffs Officers not charged for the shooting that lead to Tamir Rice’s death. President Obama expands background checks for some fire arm purchases. North Korea claims it tested a hydrogen bomb. The White House doubts this claim after reviewing its monitoring stations in Asia. Bomb in Istanbul’s tourist district kills at least 10 people.

Tuesday Cloudy

1. Make better decisions. 2. Get more sleep. 3. Become a morning person. 4. Drink more water. 5. Get an eighth ab.


Welcome Week Location: Tivoli Turnhalle Time: 10 a.m. Denver Music: Tony Lucca Location: The Walnut Room Price: $15-$20 Time: 7:00 p.m. Denver Music: Thunder & Rain Location: History Colorado Center Price: $7 Members, $10 Non-members Time: 7 p.m. Nuggets vs Thunder 7 p.m.

Top 5 New Years Resolutions

The Metropolitan online /TheMetropolitan

Time: 9 a.m.

Avalanche @ Jets 6 p.m.

Friday ✷


Martin Luther King Marade (March and Parade)

Denver Music: Colorado Symphony Orchestra Location: Boettcher Concert Hall Price: $34-$94 Time: 7:30 p.m.

Avalanche vs Devils 7 p.m.


Cloudy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Men’s Basketball vs. Colorado Mines Location: Auraria Event Center Time: 7:30 p.m. Denver Music: Aaron Watson Location: Grizzly Rose Price: $15 Time: 8:30 p.m.



Met Sports Women’s Basketball vs. Colorado Mines Location: Auraria Event Center Time: 5 p.m.

Denver Music: Wallace Roney Location: Mount Vernon Country Club Price: $20-$49.95 Time: 8 p.m.

f: themetropolitan

Wednesday Cloudy Welcome Week Activities Location: Tivoli Turnhalle Time: 10 a.m. Welcome Week: Movie Night, Everest Location: Tivoli Turnhalle Time: 5 p.m.

Sunday Cloudy Broncos @ Steelers 2:40 p.m. Nuggets vs Pacers 6 p.m.


Denver Music: CP30 Location: Dazzle Restaurant & Lounge Price: FREE Time: 9:00 p.m. Avalanche vs Sabres 8 p.m.





f: themetropolitan


January 14, 2016




December 22 -January 19 Your resolution this year should’ve been to try meat.


January 20 -February 18 Your resolution this year should’ve been to shave.


June 21 -July 22 Your resolution this year should’ve been to follow your gut.


July 23 -August 22 Your resolution this year should’ve been to teach yourself how to whiddle.


February 19 -March 20 Your resolution this year should’ve been to drink more bourbon.


Your resolution this year should’ve been to stopw spending so much money on yoga pants


March 21 -April 19

Here’s how it works:

Your resolution this year should’ve been to take less selfies.


April 20 -May 20 Your resolution this year should’ve been to play more arcade games.


May 21 -June 20 I hate to lose, I hate to try, I hate to win. I hate to cruise , I hate to fly, I hate to swin.


September 23 -October Your resolution this year should’ve been to eat less peanut butter.


October 23 -November 21 Your resolution this year should’ve been to be a better person.


November 22 -December Your resolution this year should've been to stop smoking.


You work hard and get an A grade in some class. Because Equality!, your grade gets reduced to a B (tax the rich!) and somebody who got a D gets their grade raised to a C (help the poor!). Everybody’s more equal now. Old Soviet joke: They pretend to pay us Paid for by David Aitken and we pretend to work.


August 23 -September 22

PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION PREPARATION COURSE February 1 – April 13 Monday and Wednesdays, 9–11 a.m.


$15 discount on registration 20% off course materials This 10-week non-credit preparation course will be taught by Christopher Tetro, a 25 year certified personal trainer, wellness professional and Metropolitan State University Denver professor. This informative class will cover both scientific and practical applications. The class will be predominantly lecture based but will also include practical lab time.

$129 course materials


Books, study guides and practice test Optional:

$249 exam registration n


Payment and register in PE Building, Room 108 or contact Louis Morphew at lmorphe1@msudenver.edu *This course does not include the ACE certification exam fees

REGISTRATION CLOSES JANUARY 29, 2016 $85.00 Early Registration (11/9/15 – 12/18/15) $100.00 Late Registration (After 12/18/15)



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