Volume 38, Issue 18 - Jan. 21, 2016

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The Student Voice of MSU Denver

Volume 38, Issue 18

January 21, 2016

Activists using the hashtag #ReclaimMLK march during the 32nd annual MLK Marade — separated from the Marade’s main participants. The activists call for political reform and the release of video tapes showing the death of homeless, mentally-ill Denver man Michael Marshall, while in Denver Police custody Nov. 2015. Photo by Melanie Rice • mrice20@msudenver.edu


Thomas Stover marches with a drawing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the MLK March on Jan 18. Photo by Michael Ortiz • mortiz26@msudenver.edu

United by dream yet divided

Denver Marade split by political interest



PAGE 4 >>

People raise their hands in support of Black Lives Matter after the march down Colfax Avenue from

additional reporting by Melanie J. Rice East High School to Civic Center Park. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

Good looks get students good grades PAGE 3 >>


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Citizens looking to celebrate the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. found themselves divided by political tensions. Known for being one of the largest Martin Luther King Jr. Day gatherings in the country, this year’s parade was no exception, garnering a crowd of nearly 30,000 to march from City Park to Civic Center Park. The crowd varied in

age and background, with veteran patrons and first timers alike. “I thought it was magical one person could stand up for a cause like he did,” said Thomas Nichols, a science teacher at Abraham Lincoln High School. Inspired by King in his childhood, Nichols has attended the parade for many years. He attended this year with his daughters.


By Keenan McCall kmccall3@msudenver.edu


Metro basketball struggles PAGE 12>>


Mile Spective Break High Events January 2016 Met Date xx, 21, xxxx  Sports Review Insight

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January 21, 2016

Denver Police Department rolls out body cam program By Luis Bustos lbustos@msudenver.edu

After recent police shootings like the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, public discussion about police brutality has brought the viability of body cameras to police departments. The Denver Police department began rolling out the use of body cameras and will continue to equip 800 more officers over the next few months. The City of Denver budgeted close to $2 million for the program. An officer, who is not authorized to speak on behalf of DPD and requested to remain anonymous, said that only District 6, which serves the central/downtown Denver area has received body cameras so far. Other districts won’t receive cameras for a while, but the officer “can’t wait to get the cameras.” MSU Denver student Dominic Elliott was supportive of implementing body cameras. “Being an African-American of course. I think it’s necessary. It’s necessary everywhere.” While Denver Police have begun rolling out the cams, Auraria Campus Police have only begun talking about using the

equipment. “It’s my nature to be an early adopter of technology,” Auraria Campus, Chief of Police Michael Phibbs said. Phibbs isn’t opposed to the idea of body cameras for the campus police, but noted that there are logistical problems that must be addressed before it can be implemented on campus. “Where I have some concerns comes into more of the management of the records when they’re kept and open records laws,” said Phibbs. According to Phibbs the process of record upkeep includes individual tracking of noteable videos, the surveillance is kept for trial purposes then shortly destroyed for security purposes. Phibbs also expressed concerns with digital storage space. “There’s companies out there that will do it but they charge a lot of money. One of the companies that will do this charges about $1000 per officer a year, that becomes a $50,000 ongoing expense.” While the logistical barriers of body cameras are still unresolved by campus police, the students demand more accountability from the Denver Police Department. Like in cases such as “It will keep them accountable,” said

Body camera equipment being worn by law enforcement. Photo from Utility, Inc flickr account

Matt Croft of CCD, “their record is just embarrassing.” While some students believe that the increasing transparency in the interactions between officers and civilians is a good thing others worry about their own privacy as a trade off. “For me it would be uncomfortable because the conversation would be recorded,

Your good looks are getting you good grades Story and photo by Keenan McCall kmccall3@msudenver.edu


A recent study conducted by MSU Denver professors has people discussing the issues of discrimination in and out of the classroom. Conducted by Economics professors Rey Hernández-Julián and Dr. Christina Peters Huber, the study was aimed at determining whether more attractive students received better grades as well as whether attractiveness inadvertently impacts other traits.

said MSU Denver student Jasmine Gill.” “So they can uses anything you say in that video against you, even if you accidentally say something or they can misinterpret anything you say so it can backfire.” Additional reporting by Joella Baumann.

“Physical attractiveness might be correlated to other characteristics such as attention to detail or being more motivated,” said Huber. The results found that female students who are more attractive receive slightly higher grades than those who are less attractive, both with male and female professors. It was also found that this slight bump disappears when students take their classes online. “Our results find smaller returns to appearance in online environments, suggesting that part of the return to appearance does not come from unobservable traits, such as higher ability or higher effort,” said Hernández-Julián. These findings have gained heavy attention from the media as well as outcry from students. Ali Alzainaldeen found the results unfair, questioning the integrity of professors. “Just because someone looks better doesn’t mean you should treat them better,” said Alzainaldeen. MSU Denver student Natalie Tafuri also found the results unfair, but noted that it wasn’t tied specifically to universities.

“Just because someone looks better doesn’t mean you should treat them better.” -Ali Alzainaldeen.

MSU Denver professor Christina Peters Huber, one of the professors behind the study into how attractiveness affects grades, hopes the results will help expand the discussion on how people’s inclination to attractiveness.

“I think it’s a societal issue,” said Tafuri. Though many are rallying behind these findings as proof of discrimination on campuses, both professors noted that these findings have been found in studies at other campuses and that their study was meant to play into discussing the larger subject of discrimination. Hubers noted the findings in past psychological studies that show an attention to attractiveness in preschoolers and even infants. “It’s not just professors, it’s not just students, it’s everyone,” said Huber.


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Mile Break High Events January 2016 Met Met News Date xx, 21, xxxx  Sports Review Spective Insight

<< continued from cover “I think we’ve really pulled together,” said Sarah Nichols. Pastor John Tellis of the Solomon Temple Missionary Baptist Church said he loved seeing King’s dream carried on by the celebration, as well as the diversity of the crowd. “Every year, [the marade] seems to gain more and more momentum,” said Tellis. “It not only allows us to voice our remembrance, but gives us incentive to catch

the mantle.” Pushing toward change was a prevalent theme in this year’s marade. Many marched for action against police brutality and several grassroots organizations commandeered the stage during the speeches to speak out against the lack of action for the deaths of Paul Castaway, Michael Marshall and others killed by police brutality. Community Activist, Hasira, “Soul,” Ashemu, spoke about prevalent issues that were the main concerns for

some and their reason for attending the march. “Let me give you a briefing,” said Ashemu. “We have a black mayor, we have a black police chief, we have two black council members and still our black brothers and sisters are dying in the streets. You tell me what difference does it make?” Crowds shouted “release the tapes” and heckled Mayor Michael Hancock, demanding something be done to address this and concerns over the deconstruction of historic neighborhoods. “We need to preserve our historically black and Latino districts,” said attendee Jesse Parris. “Stop electing sell-out politicians to represent us.” While not everyone agreed with the more aggressive actions, many did see the need to fight for change. One long time attendee, Howard Haynes, saw the need for more definitive action by attendees to request change from the local government and beyond. “If we don’t give them anything to pass, they think it must mean we don’t need anything,” said Haynes. He also noted that while it was great that so many people come together each year, the crowd of people supporting the same cause should be utilized. “Don’t let the multitudes go home until next year,” Haynes said. Regardless of the differences in opinion, many still saw the parade as a success. Glen Hubspeth, a longtime supporter of King’s ideals hoped that people would remember why the parade is held every year and come together through it. “Everyone is here for the same reason,” said Hubspeth. “Hopefully everyone gets the same meaning from his dream.”

Participants of the Martin Luther King march convene in Civic Center Park on Jan. 18 to listen to speeches. Photo by Michael Ortiz • mortiz26@msudenver.edu

Want to volunteer, but don’t have time? Need to gain experience for your resume? Have requirements or electives to fulfill? Do it all in a Service Learning course that combines hands-on projects in the community with academic course content! Students receive a “Service Learning” notation on their transcripts for enrollment in an SL Designated course.

Service Learning Designated Courses Spring 2016* *Find these courses through the Service Learning link on the first page of the Course Schedule when registering.

CDES 4100 CDES 4101 CDES 4650 HPS 3010 PSY 3170 SOC 1010 SPA 3110 SPE 1020 SWK 1600 WMS 3170

Community-Based Design I Community-Based Design II Studio M Exploring School Heath Education Social Justice, Self, and Citizenship Introduction to Sociology (Sect. 19) Advanced Conversational Spanish (Sect 1 & 2) Communication in Action Community Engagement & Civic Responsibility Social Justice, Self & Citizenship

Service Learning Program



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Date Date January Date Date xx, xx, xx, xx, xxxx xxxx 21, xxxx xxxx 2016Met Met Met Met Met Spective Review Insight Events Sports Break News


Donna Vigil performs at Civic Center Park where participants of the Martin Luther King march gathered after walking to the destination from East High School. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock, left, bows his head as Denver religious leaders offer prayers at the MLK Marade event Jan. 18 at City Park. Photo by Melanie J. Rice • mrice20@msudenver.edu.

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For more info contact Nona Shipman, nshipman@msudenver.edu or Tom Cech, tcech@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver Alumni William Taylor carries his son Evan, 4, as he marches down Colfax Avenue with his family. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu


Here’s how it works:

You work hard and get an A grade in some class. Because Equality!, your grade gets reduced to a B (tax the rich!) and somebody who got a D gets their grade raised to a C (help the poor!). Everybody’s more equal now. Old Soviet joke: They pretend to pay us Paid for by David Aitken and we pretend to work.





January 21, 2016

Alpha douche: A satirical look at shirtless mirror selfies

By Aaron Atencio aatenc11@msudenver.edu Have you ever lifted your shirt to flex your abs, then documented that moment by snapping a photo for your followers? Yes? Congratulations, you are an alpha douche. We’ve all been witness to these incessant types of self-absorbed narcissism. In 2003 the worst

invention of the decade was released to the public: the front facing camera. This invention caused an influx in self-portraits and “look at how awesome I am” behavior. Girls and boys alike started flooding their social media account with really bad photos of themselves. Nobody cares about your face and we don’t want to see thirty pictures captured by you with the same angle and stupid, pouty duck face dominating the frame. Unfortunately, this craze didn’t end as a fad. It’s still going

strong today. Now, it has been accompanied by the shirtless mirror selfie. Guys, seriously. What the hell are you doing? I should never have to walk into a public place with a mirror and be subjected to watching you and your bro flipping through Instagram fi lters, deciding which one makes you look the most “cut” or “diced”. I can’t place the blame on you boys solely. Part of it is society’s fault. The constant boost in your likes and followers is doing the

“ I hope that next time you catch yourself in the mirror flexing that washboard of yours you’ll think twice before making the rest of us suffer. ”

same thing to your ego. Anyone that rewards your behavior by liking the photograph is at least as much blame as you. They are stroking your ego. This may make you think we want more, but we don’t. Though, who am I to critique your passion? Who am I to sit here and tell you that your undying urge to show off the body that you’re proud of to strangers and friends on the web is something I’ll never grasp? I hope that next time you catch yourself in the mirror flexing that washboard of yours you’ll think twice before making the rest of us suffer. To me, you are the equivalent of a ridiculous duck face selfie. You are the basic male alpha douche.

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MetStaff Editor-in-Chief Mary-Kate Newton mnewton5@msudenver.edu Managing Editor

Aaron R. Atencio • aatenc11@msudenver.edu

Assistant to the Editor

Michel Hansen • mevans41@msudenver.edu

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Sterling Stowe • slenways@msudenver.edu

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Joella Baumann • jbauma17@msudenver.edu

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Keenan McCall • kmccall3@msudenver.edu

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Pacific Obadiah •pobadiah@msudenver.edu

Assistant Features/Entertainment Editor Chris Bjork • cbjork1@msudenver.edu

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Mike Tolbert • mtolber3@msudenver.edu

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Melanie J. Rice • mrice20@msudenver.edu

Photo Editor

Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

Assistant Photo Editor

Michael Ortiz • mortiz26@msudenver.edu

A letter to my son: Freedom is never given; it is won.

Dear Son,

By Joella Baumann jbauma@msudenver.edu

You are everything good in me and that is why I am writing you this letter. Your milk-chocolate, beautiful black skin fi lls me with pride. You are smart, stubborn, head strong and likeable. This is why everything I say next is so important. As a black woman, a black mother, growing up in the colorcoded world we have been placed in, I must now apologize. I must apologize, my beautiful black son, for your beautiful black skin because of the American inheritance that comes along with it. I must apologize because you were born to parents who have passed along humanity’s inferior skin color. You can not control this, but you will be measured by it. Your value will be lessened and you will be treated poorly as a

result of it. Please know that because of your predetermined race coupled with your gender, you will enter this world predisposed to the wrong side of disparity. Joblessness, homelessness and drug abuse are more common among black men than any other demographic. Your ability to avoid these disparities will be my responsibility through raising you. I will not, however be able to guarantee that you won’t someday be a victim of racial profi ling. I wish that I could be strong and progressive and tell you that I want you to ignore this inheritance. I could tell you that because most of the racism that you will encounter will likely be overt that it will be easy to act as if it doesn’t exist. I wish that I could tell you to act and do as if your freedoms are the same as everyone else’s. I won’t because that would be a lie. In reality my letter is to tell you that I don’t know that I could survive as the mother of a Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin or Emmett Till. I don’t know that I would handle it with grace the way that they have. I don’t know that I could handle losing my beautiful black

son because of the black skin that I have given him. So I implore you to ease the worries of your loving mother by following these few things. Keep your hair short and clean cut. You will immediately be labeled as a gang member if you wear dreadlocks or braids. Speaking of gangs, gestures beyond the standard five-fingered wave or two-finger peace sign are risky and should be avoided. Hoodies, baseball caps, baggy jeans, and sneakers should be offlimits apparel. If you must wear any of these things, don’t wear two of these items at the same time. Never wear any of these at night. However, also be ready to experience difficulties when purchasing the proper attire at higher-end clothing stores. The employees will follow you around the store because your skin color dispositions you to being perceived as a thief. Even though you have every right to, never express negative emotions in public. You don’t want to be labeled the “angry black man”. This is especially important when you come in contact with law enforcement. You may be able to avoid this up to a certain age, but

“ I don’t know that I could survive as the mother of a Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin or Emmett Till.”

once you become of legal driving age it will be inevitable. You should limit the number of passengers who share your skin color as not to draw attention to yourself, and always keep your music at a low volume. Always refer to police officers as Sir or Ma’am and keep your hands visible at all times. If you are asked to step out of the car do so without complaint and don’t you dare stick your hands in your pockets or fiddle with your waistline. Under no circumstance do you ever resist arrest, even if it’s completely unwarranted. This may be the most important advice of all son. I know that you are only two and your biggest worries involve milk cups and toy trucks, but these things reinforce your right to exist as a young black man in a society which branded you before your conception. The silver lining to all of this foolery is that by existing, surviving and thriving, you will have a unique opportunity to shift the paradigm to the ways things should be. Son, know that you are special even if society sends a contrasting message. Know that your black is beautiful. Know that you are priceless and if there ever comes a time in your invaluable life when you doubt that, just ask your mama and I’ll remind you.

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What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or its advertisers.

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Date xx, xxxx  Met January Break Sports Events21, 2016 Review Spective Insight


is hiring its 2016-2017 student leaders.


Responsible for all content and operations of the tri-annual, student-run arts and literary magazine, including its website content and social media channels. Duties include soliciting and judging submissions, and managing content, design and production. The EIC keeps regular office hours (minimum 20 hours weekly) and hires and manages an assistant editor, and volunteer and Work-Study staff bloggers, writers, designers and photographers. The EIC also networks with applicable academic departments and the Denver arts community. The EIC reports to the director of Met Media. Preferred majors: Art, Journalism, Communication Design, Technical Communications and English Preferred Experience: Strong art and/or literature criticism skills, knowledge of Adobe InDesign


FEB. 12

Upload your materials at www.mymetmedia.com/leaders or drop off your application in person at Tivoli 313.

All applicants must be enrolled in at least six credit hours at MSU Denver, maintain a 2.75+ GPA and have leadership skills. Please include a résumé and cover letter, official transcript or most recent grade report, two letters of recommendation (one must be from outside Met Media) and samples of your work. Interviews will be scheduled on Friday, Feb. 19, 2016, in Tivoli 642, starting at 2 p.m. For more information, write or call Elizabeth Norberg at 303-556-2507 or enorbert@msudenver.edu





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January 21, 2016

Catching up with ‘The Stinky Cheese Man’ of Denver Story and Photo By Mary Kate Newton mnewton5@msudenver.edu The smell is a friendly assault: pungent cured meats and that slightly stale funk of aged cheese. “That’s what a cheese shop is supposed to smell like,” said Robert Lawler, who bought The Truffle Cheese Shop on 6th and Fillmore in Cherry Creek with his wife in 2001. Though not as strong as in Europe where refrigeration is not closely monitored by the Food and Drug Administration, it’s still not a smell Americans are used to. “Kids come in here and cover their noses and make faces,” said Kaki Arnoud, “cheesemonger” at The Truffle Cheese Shop of two years. Lawler explained that after being around the smell long enough, he and his staff have become noseblind, though he understands the momentary discomfort new patrons might have when entering his shop.

“The concept of a cheese shop is totally foreign to most Americans, but in Europe there’s usually two or three per little town,” Lawler said. Lawler and his wife have traveled across Europe and many of their staff members have travel stories they bring to the cheese counter. Lawler and his wife, Karin, have even escorted small groups of customers on trips to France. Their travels are reflected in their extensive menu of cheeses, meats and goods. The shop even keeps a cheese travel blog, which you can follow at denvertruffle. com/blog-of-cheese. “Food teaches you a lot about the place it is made [from]. The texture and taste are influenced by a lot of history and science,” Lawler said. “It tells you about a culture and how they cater their ingredients to their needs.” Lawler attends a “cheese camp” in Vermont every July. The camp is for vendors, though he has heard rumors of it opening for all cheese fans. “We really got a hands-on experience with the cheese: from the vegetation and

Growing in harmony

Filharmonics rise to greater heights By Ashley Negal anagel@msudenver.edu Starting out as a group of six friends with a shared love for music, the Filharmonics debuted as a musical entity in 2013 when they competed on the hit NBC musical competition “The Sing-off”. Now two years later, these men have added to their performance repertoire and

have shared the limelight with big names such as Linkin Park, Black Eyed Pease and the Pentatonix. In 2015, the band had a cameo appearance in Pitch Perfect 2, and now they will soon be back in Denver for a second round of musical elation. Consisting of six members, vocalist VJ Rosales, Joe Caigoy, Trace Gaynor, Berry Fortang, vocal bass Jules Cruz and beat boxer Niko Del Rey, these friends got their start in college where they not only discovered each other, but managed to ground musical roots together in the exploration of their talents. Their sound consists of a playful fusion of pop melodies and resampled ‘90s nostalgia with an urban twist. This group has found a niche by

The Filharmonics continue to find success following their debut on NBC’s “The Sing-off. Photo provided by Sheenon Olson

Rob Lawler bought The Truffle Cheese Shop in 2001, with the intention of introducing a European style cheese shop to Denver.

care of the animals to how that product is made and aged,” Lawler said. Lawler’s favorite cheese, which he said changes by the moment, is burrata. It’s a fresh Italian cheese made from mozzarella and cream. He was quick to offer a sample with a slice of a Palisade peach. Lawler and his wife trade-off working between their restaurant, The Truffle Table on 15th in the Highlands, and taking care of their two sons. It’s more than a full-time job maintaining the store and finding new foods to offer their customers. The shop offers a $40 cheese of the

month club, classes on making cheeses like fresh mozzarella and aims to be interactive and involved in their customers’ lives. In what little spare time Lawler has, he enjoys playing video games and cooking. “I smoked a chicken yesterday,” he said. “I found a smoker the other day at a yard sale.” Lawler admitted that for someone who sells high-end cheeses, he’s frugal with other things he chooses to spend money on. “I’m a cheap bastard for someone that sells expensive cheese.”

establishing themselves as an all FilipinoAmerican acapella group. Although they come from various backgrounds in the preforming arts industry, including pop, acapella, jazz, opera, theater, classical, hip hop and beat boxing, they bond together through their shared cultural kinship and passion for performance. For the last few years, The Filharmonics have been devoting their lives to their music and have worked hard to produce new sounds, videos and ways to engage their audience. Their focus has been mainly on their music, but they also find it important to humanize their role as young icons. In August 2015, The Filharmonics performed at the Great American “NO BULL” teen video awards, an event platform geared towards teens and young adults that promotes positive social action on issues affecting todays youth. “We are all people first,” says Niko Del Rey, the beat boxer of The Filharmoics. Del Rey is a converted Political Science major that always wanted a career in which he could help people. “I wanted a profession where I could help people, but I didn’t feel the calling to be a doctor,” Del Rey says. This idea of love for each other and most importantly self-love is the aura of positivity that infiltrates The Filharmonic sound. While this young band is still hard at work discovering what exactly that sound is, they

manage to continuously have fun in their exploration with each other. To function as an artist in the “remix” era, where general audiences like to hear familiar sounds in different ways, the expectation to create can be burdensome. The Filharmonics rise to this challenge and as young artists they seem to clearly see the path in front of them, as well as the necessary stylistic choices they have to make in order to keep preforming. “We’re trying to find a way now that we can ride a line between doing what is popular, but what is kinda us,” Fortgang says. Being a member of an all men’s acapella group rising to fame can be far from harmonious at times, but the gentleman of the Filharmonics often find inspiration in their differences. “Our creative differences weren’t a hindrance, it was more like a guidance to us,” Del Ray says. “If there was an idea, no matter how abstract it was, that the whole group was very approving of, it was a pretty solid idea. But if your song choice or your music choice only makes it past a few people and the other four vote no, then that creative difference actually helps us.” It is this type of comradery that is visible in the accomplishments of The Filharmonics and seemingly there is no shame in using each other as tools in the innovation of their success.



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Overview: Indigenous Film Festival Pho o and S ory By Ash ey Nega anage @msudenver edu W h ques ons abou men a hea h on he r se and ac s o v o ence arge ed a m nor es pro fica y p agu ng he curren g oba commun y we have o ask ourse ves are we do ng enough? Recen y The Denver Museum o Na ure and Sc ence he d a screen ng o he award w nn ng documen ary “Tread ng Wa er P gh o he Man oba F rs Na on F ood Evacuees ” After w nn ng Bes Shor Documen ary a he mag neNATIVE F m + Med a Ar s Fes va n 2014 h s shor has began o our and make s way across Canada and he Un ed S a es In he case o Man oba a cen ra prov nce o Canada he remed ed consequences o a 1- n-350 year flood ha happened n 2011 s wreaks havoc on 2 000 home ess evacuees five years a er and ra ses nqu r es on he corre a on be ween g oba warm ng and men a hea h ssues Sponsored mon h y by he Denver Amer can Ind an Comm ss on (DAIC) Tread ng Wa er s one o he many fi ms ha w be shown every second Wednesday o each mon h or ree a he DMNS Ph pps

IMAX Thea er ead ng up o he Denver s Ind genous F m Fes va n Oc ober Each fi m screen ng s open o he pub c and s o owed by d scuss on w h he aud ence by he d rec or Th s par cu ar fi m chron c es he con roversy ha un o ded n he c y o W nn peg Apr 2011 after unpreceden ed wa er eve s o ow ng a ser es o floods were red rec ed o Lake S Mar n a F rs Na on na ve reserva on The red rec on o he wa er hen swamped he homes o over 2 000 peop e and eft hese d sp aced am es o figh or hemse ves or wha was n a y supposed o be a ew weeks Th s qu ck y urned n o mon hs and even ua y years o v ng n ho e s and no be ng ab e o re urn o condemned v ng s ua ons Th s n ma e ook a he devas a on caused g ves ou s ders a perspec ve on he consequences na ves often suffer when hey are removed rom he r home ands For many o hese peop e w h d s oca on comes a comprom se n educa on sense o commun y oss o s ab y and home va ues Th s resu s n excess ve s ress depress on and u ma e y an ncrease n subs ance abuse and su c de ra es The u ma e ques on here s who s a au ? The fi m exposes an a oo am ar scenar o The Canad an oca governmen n confl c w h he F rs Na ons governmen n h s par cu ar case res s ng orces rom

Janua y 2 20 6


Ka K nge y w h W gh Wa e Eng nee s speaks abou he e ec s o g oba wa m ng on u ban p ann ng a he Denve Museum o Na u e and Sc ence an 13

each ca egory ha were ur her ng con us on on wha resources were needed o recover and who was ask ng or such Th s ed n o a horr fic game o po ca p ngpong ng and ur her de ayed any sor o fina zed reso u on Even after $100 m on was se as de o rebu d hundreds o peop e are s m sp aced Kar K ngery a C v Eng neer w h Wr gh Wa er Eng neers Inc a ended he screen ng o prov de expos on on he process o c v wa er deve opmen and how c es yp ca y prepare or un oreseen d sas ers H s recommenda on ook ng oward he u ure w h g oba warm ng a s curren s a e was o p an b g and p an often Jacob and Bern ce McLean were a endees o he even w h he r daugh er Jane e The McLean s grew up n Man oba and had o move o Denver after he floods affec ed hem and he r

am es McLean rem n sces abou h s home w h a ender sadness “We ve os more han us houses ” sa d McLean “Our am y s ruc ures are be ng broken down our commun y s ruc ure s broken down ” Man oba F rs Na on peop es are no he on y nd genous groups ee ng he effec s o g oba warm ng After a ser es o harsh floods he Marsha Is ands are rap d y d sappear ng and are despera e y hop ng or concre e ac on on c ma e change o be aken by wor d eaders n o 2016 F ms ke h s are cr ca no on y or he advocacy o nd genous popu a ons bu are a so a con emporary ook on he nked effec s o arger sca e soc o- and env ronmen a ssues

Volorist, teniam esed quatur solut vero dolo qui nonescia porerchilla comnis quo doluptia volorum quiberi aut pratur maximol oreribusti blandel luptatur aut quiassitas resedis quidunt, id min perum, corrum culliquamus min eatem aut utati blanihit maximolupta pre solorru ptatium reictae litiorestia apis aperchit et es amus, sitios qui te placid explabo. Laboreius esento blaborite voloru m n ea as eetust us omn m n ccienihit en h porpor up a qu bus que mos so or accum asped evero eet und rum recea receat h hiciendictum c end c um eos audae eetb do dolendipis endrp s au aut eat as eet mi, op optas omnimin porporit do dolupta quibus solori undi cu culparum aboreperchil estiaerae cul g yea mo h E den usdam laborro aborro res rum reusporem rerch es ab inctori nc or do ss imustinvelia mus nve a nus Ic res on sen um dun mpos arch or rec aec ass rem do o exdentusdam restrum rerchil molestem. Etpexp explab dollit offic officil magn magniss nus.Icti restion sentum dunt ex end endit eet impos archit eet do dolor rectaectassi dolo deaem s k s e eetus k ore us m cesequ ob au up asCou m nc exceand cor ra s er bus us a and a vo saessusc s s au qu bus s m do orem persperum accae U a amus que s e asp de p s e au ug ommo que cesequi rer rerio blaut moluptas mincil ratiis eribus aliandia voloreius saessusciis si aut quibus, sim dolorem accae. Ut atiamus, site aspidel ipis ellaut fugit u mo oe A v hoam u e nos do N nones au aut lam am esequod esequoditam, dolorio or o pque ad adion on ea d disinimaior sbn ma or mo molorum orum eos aalit ve vel mo vo volupta up a s simpor mpor accabor epudaesed que ve velita a cus s simusam musam quod quodis s e et, quam quam, omn omnia a cu cullese ese num nec nectur ur od own B dy k rchoreceaur? s sequiam sequ am dolorectur? As ulpa u pa sum inusda nusda quatas qua as et e excerit excer qe qlkwdacm’lk;we,c q kwdacm k we c lqw;casdl;c,lwc qw casd c wc ,lw;c,l;’ w c , wc wcl ;awl,fpoqwe aw poqwe a a,;s,d s d a,;s,dut alitasperios nullaborum, omnim faccaecerum eos ma sunte ius. mado u u c A hoo u Arcillandic Arc and c to o tende endes invendus nvendus es erup eruptam am nust vo nus volorro orro vo volo mpos o ber beri con rem qu quiss ap apicid c d qu qui u ut liquam, quam u ut do doluptatecto up a ec o to o cum h hit lab ab inumquia numqu a ad aditae ae nes vo voluptatem up a em facessi acess mo molorehenis orehen s g o impostio b ack o k k us rehende raep hari u ut ac acimi, quatas rent qua quat imreiumet re ume vo voluptatem upd a emk quod quodi cum re ma maios os eet omn omnimini m n resseque num ab ipiciis p c s do dolupta up a tionse onse des raeptat.Unt a Un hitis h s mo consed mo molesci esc psun psunt, sum har m num qua as ren ma c kecon par k c s s imus ormporporum inverferem nver erem que omnitate omn a e odiciisitis od mus accupta accup a qui qu nimagnisita n magn s a pra pratur ur anduc anducie en nimporporum parit, u utatend a end eelestia es a tiande ande vo volorrunt orrun lam am nob nobistiis s s commos ipicient p c en od odi totasperro o asperro id d quo cum c a quatius qua us dessequ iatibust, a bus as o of ;la’jert, a er aalkopfe aslkdjfakewjv kd akew v akmsv akmsvlcum, cum, sit cum s quis qu s niet n e ratque ra que none reprate repra e ssuntio ssun o quationsenet qua onsene digento d gen o elenis e en s ant an ut u que nem sim s m et e omni omn disquam d squam cus alia a a doloratem do ora em x kop e as A s b u h houg qui omn qu omniss ne exp explabo. abo P Piss ea eatur? ur? Ame Amet vo voluptatio up a o odis od s dolupiti do up quiatiunt.Vit qu a un V vollaci vo ac lluptin up n erchit erch quae sitatet s ae e inum num essendit, essend offic officti nve nveliquis qu s de del illit, u ut qu qui vvid d mo cup cuptatur a ur sec sectotature, o a ure sed eaqua eaquatee o eet u ut ve vel iusae usae eeicc tem em amAfacerrumene acerrumene n niss m minverum, nverum solorrovitia orrov a comn comnit fuga. uga Ap Apiene eneAgcomn comnis s acea aceatquo quo omn omniam am laborro aborro commod commodisti s b blaborepe aborepe n nimpos mpos eet andae as asin nn nim m nob nobiss mo molo o offic officil laboabob so u runt au run aut lam, am sequ sequi tota o a versper versperit exp explitati a rem latquam, a quam ulparum u parum en enihita h a temolo emo o vo volupit up quun quunt eet eum etur, ur ve velectem ec em eumquo eet qua quatur ur resequ resequi asper asperavro dolessint qui bereped quamend itaecest, cap ae x offictiiss am illuptatis offic up a s sitiorem s orem ent en es plit, p ulparuptibea u parup bea doluptia do up a inci nc quibus qu bus autem au em fugia ug a adiciduscid ad c dusc d eum mfaccate acca e mporundam ullore u ore magnimp magn mp oritatquo or a quo veligenime ve gen me re et e voluptatum vo up a um eatisit ea s quia qu a num quo m minveli nve ssequ ssequiaa qu quiss eum facipsam ac psam audae ssit por poriaa vo volut u reper reperfee res restrum rum ve veliasp asp er eribuscia busc a Bdo doluptatur upuas ur ssi od odiss ipiendi p end tinctotatam nc o a am que ve vel isciet sc e ap apist s omn omniae ae laciliqui ac qu ium um iur ur aaliquodis quod s nc ude modit ape mod apelit atemqui a emqu simporio s mpor o in np plandae andae cctesequia esequ a quun quunt, sun suntorem orem quun quunt imusape musape lissuntis ssun s eos eostiassit ass ea duci duc volenem vo enem porenih poren h iciamv’ c amvee akfe;lawejrt ak e awe r asdlfk asd fkaal,veamw veamw m,am;lve, m am ve ’l;a,vd,vlantiostem l;a,vd,vl a vd v nacx e que num so solupti up or oribus bus eeliss repe repelit ra rat.Itati I a bero id d qu qui rer rerions ons equa urerume pe psum quo omn nvenden n n vo orerspe iminvenim m nven m qu d mo up aessequae equaturerume pel mod modipsum omni qu quissc arum et, invendeni ni ommod ommodit que int volorerspe quid molupti p net, tor ne or sus sus.Bernatiant, Berna an ssit que abo abo. Ca Catatia a a tquasi quas accusae pra d ditatibus a bus n nieture e ure liss repeligendam repe gendam si s demu nihiciandae n h cmandae am quae nu nullaa vo volorro orro quod even event fuga. uga Tem eum illam am exeres exerestiae ae vene nosae am, e cum et estectat dicabo. d cabo Pud Pudiss esc esci desc descidi d vo voluptatur?Optas up a ur?Op as eelecus ecus eet d ditibus bus que vo volentibusam en busam es num lam, am occaborpos ssimusda musdaunderc ndercim m agna agnatquam, quam so solo o est, es ut u omnit omn ut u debitia deb a tiafemakundiciis tiafemak a emak m a volorum vo orum u ut lant an am fugiaectius.Nam, ug aec us Nam solorpor so orpor ad eum sint s n quo dolum do um re gsunt sun laborectur aborec ur autas au as au aut lam, ame ssimusda musda ea eatibus bus ma do doluptibus up bus vo voluptas up as ra rat ac acid d exp explam am eet verem vo volupta up a turitae ur ae porem magn s n musda sequo occae do up e n nc aquo eet lab ab vererae sum fugia ug a inullore nu ore an antur ur rehend rehendit liss cup cuptius us max maximin m n cusand cusandi gen gentisque sque magn magnienti en u utemqui emqu offic officip p bicipsan c psan mo or au aut faccupt accup as asimagnis nimusda dolupie ntincitaquo e dimolor h m x m dusdae n h ver busam quam ne sundam har orrum qu squun o consequun qu ame coresequa u ur?Dus deb us Hen h c en tetavetk’k e ave k k untiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asperiidusdae nihit, veribusam harit eum vo volorrum quisquuntio consequuntib de deliquiame coresequat ut vene venetur?Dus debitius. Henihicieni

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or am faces o ace eet quo tempore empo e rumquia umqu a tusandi u and offica officatur u siminct m nc ecabo ecaboree ea qu quiaa sequat equa reseditia e ed a cu custibus bu u utem em en enimus mu p prem em idest, de sim m ape apel nu pa umme ant.Offi an Officcti ommo ommosae ae roruntem o un em qu qui de des eet do doluptatur up a u aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empo g inulparum eeribusa bu a ndaec ndaectis au aut eerum um fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempo demporaa vo volore o e non nonsequas equa au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a ug u ut u utas a po porror o au autatiore a o e reicti e c au aut labo. abo Mo Mosapel ape ipsume p ume ve vel eet omn omnimen men ihiliquas h qua eum inum num aaliquos quo vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum o um in n pedignime ped gn me suntis un au aut aaligent gen u uremposam empo am u ut rae ae is eetur? u ? Taqu Taquias a rehenihil ehen h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em is sus, u od mo moloritia o ap prate a e lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aalia perio o magn magnisquam quam ipsam p am aasm.dfnlavkafem m d n avka emuntiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asperior xa pe

am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus bus u utem enimus mus idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet doh em en e prem eau luptatur up a ur aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore nonsequas autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel h g eet omn omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen ut raece iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet untiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asperior am faces c uremposamnu n eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus bus u utem em en enimus mus cprem des nssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do doluptatur up a ur aati e e idest, cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore nonsequas au autem emondo dolupta upsa etiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eet omn omnimen men e Ah e ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent gen uremposam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil et op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aaliaa per perio o magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavka,vle;,a;vle,a;l,;la,s;le,r;lakwtoavmd ,la;s,d,e,untiatquos ,la;s,d,e,un untiatquos a quos eliquo e quo que etur? e ur? Quis Qu s asperior asper or am faces aces et e quo tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m nc ecabore ea quiaa qu o yup a ur aati cum quun sequat resed sequa reseditiaa cus custibus bus u utem em en enimus mus prem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulpar nu par an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do doluptatur quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati ut dempora vo u volore ore nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel eet omn omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss asm.dfnlavktiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis aspeaut aaligent au gen uremposam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an empo eelignam gnam aaliaa per perio o magn magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavk d n avk ceem b rrior or am faces aces eet quo tempore empore rumqu rumquiaa tusandi usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu quia a sequat sequa reseditia resed a custibus cus bus utem u enimus en mus prem idest, des sim s m apel ape inulparum nu parum ant.Offi an Offic cti ommosae roruntem rorun em qui qu des eet mk qua doluptatur do up a ur aati cum quun quunt qu qui u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que quati u ut dempora volore vo ore nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume vel eet omn ve omnimen men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aaliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntiss au aut aaligent genkeuremposam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia or a pra pratee lantemp an emp elignam alia perio magnisquam ipsam asm.dfnlavk asm.dfnlavkuntiatquos untiatquos un a quos eeliquo quo que eetur? ur? Qu Quiss asper asperior or am faces aces eet quo rumquiaa tusandi rumqu usand offica officatur ur ssiminct m nc ecabore ea qu quiaa sequa sequat resed reseditiaa cus custibus bus r aempore etempore utem u em en enimus mus prem idest, des ssim m ape apel inulparum nu parum an ant.Offi Officcti ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet do doluptatur up acur cum yquun quunt qui u qu utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectiss au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore e aati nonsequas au autem em do dolupta up a tiatus a us u ut u utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume vel ve et e omnimen omn men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num aliquos a quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me sun suntis s aut au aligent a gen urems u u qa per posam u ut rae iss eetur? ur? Taqu Taquias as rehen rehenihil h eet op optiaa nob nobitem em iss sus sus, od mo moloritia orc a pra pratee lantemp an emp eelignam gnam aalia perio o magn magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavkaercklsaw d n avkaerck saw /c /clkm;aoklwcimoql,koqxfl km aok wc moq koqxflwa wa,xpl;A xp A kam kamf y o tempore rumquia tusandi dals;,d dals;,diatquos iatquos a quos eliquo e quo que etur? e ur? Quis Qu s asperior asper or am faces aces et e quo empore rumqu a usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m nc ecabore ea quia qu a sequat sequa reseditia resed a custibus cus bus utem u em enimus en mus prem idest, des sim s m apel ape inulparum nu parum ant. an nfugiam Offi Offic cti ommosae roruntem rorun em qu qui des eetve doluptatur do a urmen aati cum quunteum quun quiinum qu utempor u empor eribusa er busa ndaectis ndaec s au autorum erumin am id d quesuntis quatis au qua ut dempora u volore vo ore nonsequas autem em Taqu dolupta do upasa rehen tiatus a us u ut utas asop porror autaau aAu gn me sun tiore ore reicti re c mo autor au labo. abo Mosapel Mosape ipsume psume vel eetupomn omnimen ihiliquas h quas num aaliquos quos voluptat vo up a ommo ommolorum nug pedignime ped aut aaligent gen uremposam ut rae u issau eetur? ur? Taquias rehenihil h eu eet optia nobitem em is s sus, sus od moloritia a prate pra e lantemp an emp elignam e gnam alia a a perio per o magnisquam magn squam ipsam psam asm.dfnlavkaveavevaeawveasvadvasvdavawevasvadsvadvsvaveawfeva asm d n avkaveavevaeawveasvadvasvdavawevasvadsvadvsvaveaw eva resed askdmlkamefk askdm kamefkam amt amsdklam amsdk am f prem aa,;le’ ,lf;,aw awafaanob ,;la,wea ape wegu ,a,sluntiatquos cl,awe;fl a,fl d;, ,a,sl untiatquos un a quos eliquo e quo que etur? e ur? Quis Qu s asperior asper or am faces aces et e quo tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica catur ur siminct s m nc ecabore ea quia qu a sequat sequa reseditia a custibus cus bus utem u em enimus en mus idest, des sim s m apel inulparum nuasparum an ant.Offi ctire ommosae rorun roruntem em qu qui des eet ve do doluptatur upomn a urmen aati cum quun quunt qu qui inum u utempor empor er eribusa busa ndaec ndaectis s au autorum erumin fugiam amgnid d quesun qua quati u ut dempora vo volore ore nonsequas autem emTaqu do dolupta upasarehen tiatus a ushu ut A eum o up u porror au autatiore aOffic ore reicti c au aut labo. abo Mosapel ipsume psume vel eet omnimen hmagn quas num aaliquos quos vo voluptat ommolorum nug ped pedignime suntis aut aaligent uremposam u ut rae issau eetur? ur? Taquias rehenihil oakceommo asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’la,sdcl;,untiatquos eliquo que etur? Quis asperior am eutas et op optia a quo nob nobitem em is s sus sus, od mo moloritia or aMosape pra prate ecatur lantemp anur emp eelignam gnam aaliaaea per perio oihiliquas magnisquam squam ipsam psam asm asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’la,sdcl;, du nem avk ce kdmwck vwmaec k me mq e parum a sscau aan sdcgen Pen faces aces et e tempore empore rumquia rumqu a tusandi usand offi offica siminct s m nc ecabore quia qu a sequat sequa reseditia resed a custibus cus bus utem enimus mus prem idest, des sim s m apel ape inulparum nu ant.Offi Offic cti ommosae roruntem rorun em qui qu des et e doluptatur do up a ur aati cum quunt quun qui u qu utempor empor eribusa er busa ndaectis ndaec s au aut erum fugiam ug am id d que quati qua utau dempora volore vo ore nonsequas autem au em dolupta up aastiatus a us u uthu utas as porror autatiore au aemore reicti re aut labo. abo Mosapel ipsume psume velgnam ve eet omn omnimen ihiliquas hmagn quas eum inum num aaliquos quos voluptat vo up a ommo ommolorum orum in n ped pedignime gn me suntis sun su aut aaligent gen ut u raeeetur? is s eetur? ur?do Taquias Taqu rehenihil rehen eeteet optia op a nob nobitem issrumqu sus,c odau sus moloritia mo or Mosape aoffica prate pra eur lantemp an emp aaliaaperio per magnisquam squam psam asm.dfnkascdamkl’kamdslkmac;kmewf;lkmwlkamsckl asm.dfnkascdamkl’kamdslkmac;kmewf;lkmwlkamsckluntiatquos asm dem nkascdamk kamds kmac kmew kmw kamsck untiatquos u n ctia uremposam quos eeliquo quo que ur? Quis Qu s asper asperior or am faces aces quo tempore empore rumquia aer tusandi usand offi catur ssiminct m nceelignam ecabore eun quia qu aoqua sequat sequa reseditia resed aipsam custibus cus bus utem u enimus en mus prem idest, des ssim m apel ape inulparum nuu parum ant.Offi an Offic ommosae roruntem em qui qu des eet do doluptatur up a eet ur aati cum quunt quun qui u qu utempor empor eribusa busa ndaectis ndaec s au aut erum fugiam ug am ea id d dlabo. arorun s que quati ut u dempora volore vo ore nonsequas autem au em dolupta do up a tiatus a us u ut utas as porror au autatiore a ore re reicti c au aut abo Mosape Mosapel ipsume psume ve vel omnimen omn men ihiliquas h quas eum inum num a aliquos quos vo voluptat up a ommo ommolorum orum in n d asm.dfnlavkut erum fugiam id pedignime ped gn meu suntis sun s au aut aaligent gen uremposamau utem u raedo iss up eetur? ur? Taquias Taqu as u rehenihil rehen h eetau optia op aore nobitem nobi nob isus dsus sus, odMosap moloritia mo or ipsume a pra prateeve lantemp anuntiatquos emp eelignam gnam aaliaaque perio per our? magnisquam magn squam ipsam psam asm.dfnlavk asm d et n quo avk tempore h em eliquo etur? Quis asperior am faces rumquia que quati qua ut dempora volore vo ore nonsequas autem dolupta a tiatus a us ut u utas as porror autatiore a reicti re c aut au labo. abo Mosapl psume vel un a quos e quo e Qu s asper or aces e empore rumqu a o w tusandi usand officatur offica urs au ssiminct m erum nc ecabore eaid quia a sequa sequat reseditia a cus custibus bus utem em en enimus mus prem idest, des ma ape apel nu parum ant.Offi an Offic ommosae roruntem rorun em qu qui des eet do doluptatur upeeta omn ur aatimen cumihiliquas quunt quun quieum qu utempor u empor eribusa er busa vo ndaectis ndaec aut fugiam ugin am dqu que quati qua utsresed u dempora volore vo ore u nonsequas autem au dolupta do up assim tiatus us u utinulparum utas u as porror autatiore au aemcti ore reicti re codau aut labo. abo Mosapel Mosape ipsume psume vel ve omnimen h quas inum num xem aaliquos quos voluptat up a ommolorum ommo orum n pedignime ped gn me suntis sun aut au aligent a gen uremposam ut u rae is s etur? e ur? Taquias Taqu as rehenihil rehen h et e optia op a nobitem nob is s sus, sus moloritia mo or a prate pra e lantemp an emp elignam e gnam alia a a perio per o magnisquam magn squam ipsam psam p e asm.dfnlavkjklce;kdmwckl’vwmaec’kl;mq,el;,a;lsc’;, untiatquos un a quosrorun eeliquo quoem quequ eetur? ur? 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XX 10

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Mile Spective Break High Events January 2016 Met Date xx, 21, xxxx  Sports Review Insight

Graduating this semester? Register for MSU Denver


Extended Campus Spring 2016 MSU Denver South: Denver Tech Center Newly Renovated Campus 5660 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303-721-1313

Complete your General Studies courses. Additional core course offerings in: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Accounting Anthropology Computer Information Systems Finance History Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management Marketing Psychology Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sociology Speech Communications


1. All students wishing to graduate must apply for graduation. Applications are available online at www.msudenver.edu/studenthub/. Click Apply for Graduation link under Graduation. 2. You must meet the following requirements by the end of the semester you apply for graduation:  Minimum of 120 semester hours  All requirements for your major and minor  All General Studies requirements  Minimum of 40 Upper Division credit hours  Multi-cultural requirement  Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher

3. Walking in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee that you have graduated. 4. It is your responsibility to report any repeated courses to the Office of the Registrar. Failure to do so may negatively affect your ability to graduate as planned. 5. If you apply for graduation but end up not meeting all requirements, you must reapply for a subsequent graduation. 6. Diplomas are not provided at Commencement. You will be notified on how to obtain your diploma.

For additional information, visit:

www.msudenver.edu/registrar/student/ graduationevaluation and www.msudenver.edu/commencement.

Office of the Registrar


For a printed class schedule, call 303-721-1313 EXT. 99 or visit


Smoke only in designated zones on the Auraria Campus (Effective January 2016) Smoking zones map and more info:






@themetonline  f: themetropolitan  mymetmedia. com


January 21, 2016


S “Wolf Wilder”


Panic! At the Dicso “Death of a Bachelor”

Cover retrieved from panicatthedisco.com

Poster retrieved from filmmaniacs.com

By Randi Muilenburg

Image provided by goodreads.com

either. The following track “House of Memories” takes a very sentimental and powerful turn. The meaning behind the song feels different than the average Panic! At The Disco song, focusing on the loss and heartbreak of losing a lover rather than the revenge and insults. The music keeps the song from being too sad and still keeps it lively instead, while the lyrics alone are depressing. The final track “Impossible Year” sounds very similar to the fifth track, which is an inconsistent sound to end the album with. Arguably, it works to end with a sound similar to “Death of a Bachelor,” which is what the album’s named after. The lyrics wrap up the album well, making it all feel like a well put together piece and an excellent return for the band.



By Keenan McCall

By Randi Muilenburg



Directed by David O. Russell, “Joy” is an interesting take on the rags to riches trope, that shows not every princess needs a prince. The semi-biographical drama follows the life of inventor Joy Mangano (Jennifer Lawrence), a hardworking mother trying to juggle the many difficulties of life: Taking care of her mother and father (Virginia Madsen and Robert De Niro), to dealing with her ex-husband Tony (Edgar Ramirez) and raising her kids. The film finds its focus once Mangano has the idea to create a self-wringing mop. What follows are the trials and tribulations she faces to bring life to the idea that would make her a millionaire. While this may sound like a cut and dry story, character development is what sets it apart. Where one might normally expect some white knight to swoop in and assist Mangano, she instead helps herself and pushes through challenges with her own hard work. The supporting characters, Tony and Neil Walker (Bradley Cooper), can be selfless toward Mangano one moment and self-serving another, adding a human dimension. There aren’t any notably poor performances by any actors and Lawrence doesn’t disappoint in the leading role. The writing never felt too heavy handed, making for down to earth dialogue and character interactions. One gripe to be had is the loose ends that aren’t explained by the end of the film, though this may have been done to control the movie’s length. Sound and cinematography are both up to snuff. Moments without music are tense and magnified and camera work made certain scenes more impactful. “Joy” is a pleasant surprise for anyone burnt out on the usual sterotypes and a great viewing for anyone looking for a quality film to see.


Set in an alternate fantasy version of Russia, wolves are kept as pets by the rich. If the rich decide they no longer want them, the wolves are sent to young Feo and her mother, who work professionally as wolf wilders to retrain the wolves to be wild animals again. Wolves are considered dangerous and some people will do everything they can to kill them. The majority of this book’s description feels misleading. The cover, the synopsis and even the title heavily imply a story surrounding wolves, but the story of the wolves is left behind by page 50 and gives way to main character, Feo, leading a revolution instead. While the wolves still play a minor role, they are no longer the main focus, which may leave readers feeling cheated. The pace of the book feels uneven, which is the biggest downside. It is fast paced and gripping until halfway through when the tension suddenly disappears and gives way to a slow and sloppy second half. There isn’t enough substance to keep the story moving at the speed the first half sets up. The characters themselves aren’t particularly developed and there could have been a lot of potential for them. Most main characters are reduced to one-dimensional archetypes, although readers can tell there might be a little more to them under the surface. Unfortunately, the book never shows that extra development. It’s as though the writer understood more about the characters than she wrote down on the page, leaving readers to get to know only half-ready characters. This book does have beautiful settings and a descriptive atmosphere that paints a wonderful picture of what this Russia looks like. It transports readers into the book as though they are walking right behind Feo and her wolves. It’s a fast read that provides entertainment, but it doesn’t dive much deeper than that. The final product is a forgettable story with the most memorable aspect only being the gorgeous cover art.



Panic! At The Disco’s most recent album “Death of a Bachelor,” offers a sound different from their past albums, but retains enough for old and new fans to enjoy. The album’s opening track “Victorious” is a bold and exciting opening song, easily one of the most memorable on the album. It is powerful and almost impossible to listen to without getting rowdy. It has clever lyrics, an adrenaline-inducing sound and an incredibly fun music video, if fans wish to look it up. After that, “Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time” will easily resonate with fans. It resembles the bands more well known and popular sound. “Hallelujah” is a little different and may take a few listens to warm up to. It’s a strange mix of classical, gospel and pop, but the blend works well and creates a unique song that’s easy to love. The fourth track, “Emperor’s New Clothes,” is a smart, witty and sassy addition to the album, easily one of the most brilliant and noteworthy songs. The lyrics are clever, yet a little dark. Contrasted with the light hearted music, it creates something fun. “Death of a Bachelor” changes the tone of the album with a mellower track that slows down the pace but features excellent vocals. The following track “Crazy=Genius” is surely one of the most playful and hyperactive songs on the album. Some lyrics come across as silly while others are witty, but the overall sound and speed of the track is fun and riling. “LA Devotee” is charming. It’s repetitive sound and fast-paced lyrics make it easy to get stuck in a listener’s head, not necessarily in a good way. It’s a good song, but there isn’t much that makes it stand out among the rest except for how annoyingly hard it is to ignore it. Track eight, “Golden Days,” is decent and sounds similar to the band’s music that everyone has come to love so far, but it feels a little flat among so many other strong tracks. The track feels forgettable compared to the album’s other tracks. “The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty” is a fun track, but it follows the same trend as the album’s previous two tracks. It feels very similar, but it doesn’t particularly stand out


Book Club

Cover curtesy of goodreads.com

By Randi Muilenburg rmuilen1@msudenver.edu At the beginning of every month The Metropolitan will be introducing a book selected by someone within our office. At the end of the month, we will review the book, and share what we thought. To kick off this new column, reporter Randi Muilenburg has chosen “The Replacement” by Brenna Yovanoff Synopsis: Mackie isn’t from the town of Gentry. He’s from Mayhem, the city beneath it that’s full of mud, tunnels and living dead girls. Sixteen years ago, a human baby was stolen from its crib as a sacrifice to Gentry’s underworld and Mackie was left in its place. He was taken into the family like he was normal, growing up among the living. Now, he’s slowly dying. The only way for him to survive is to return to Mayhem. When his classmate’s baby sister disappears, he knows he has no choice. He must go back.




mymetmedia.com f: themetropolitan @themetonline

January 21, 2016

Sports Shorts

Metro falls to top ranked Colorado Mines By Hector Venegas hveneges@msudenver.edu

» Ohrdorf earns Academic Player of the Year Sophomore guard Georgia Ohrdorf was named Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Academic Player of the Year for the 2015-2016 academic semester. Her efforts in the classroom earned her a 4.0 grade point average in Biology-Medical Technology. Ohrdorf is second among Roadrunners in scoring, averaging 10.7 points per game. She leads the Lady Runners in rebounds with 6.5 per game, 13th in the conference.

» Metro’s club hockey team earns road win The Roadrunner hockey team came away with the 8-1 win against Colorado Mesa Jan. 16 at the Edge Ice Arena. With the win, Metro improved to 4-0-0-0 against the Mavericks for the season sweep. They improved to 15-3-0-1 overall for the season. The Roadrunners will take on the #2 Colorado State Rams Jan. 22 in Fort Collins and will return to their home ice Jan. 23 for a double header against the Rams.

» Rayer named to RMAC Academic Honor Roll Senior guard Eric Rayer was named to the 2015-16 RMAC Men’s Basketball Honor Roll Jan. 18. Rayer has excelled in his talents on and off the court as he holds a 3.42 GPA and is majoring in marketing. He has earned honor roll every year since the start of his college career.

Photo from Getty Images

Women’s basketball suffered a 61-54 loss to Colorado School of Mines at the Auraria Event Center on Jan. 16. Metro drops to 7-10 overall and 5-6 in the RMAC while the Orediggers continue to go undefeated in conference play at (13-2, 11-0 RMAC). A scary moment happened with 5:25 left in the second quarter as junior guard Janae Paine fell hard while driving toward the rim causing the game to stop momentarily. She would return a few minutes later and finish the rest of the game. Metro went into the half trailing the Orediggers 32-27. Sophomore center Hannah Stipanovich was the player the Roadrunners went to all game. She made her presence known in the paint scoring 14 points shooting 6-of-14 from the field to go along with her 10 rebounds in 28 minutes. “Down the stretch we couldn’t make the crucial shots and we couldn’t run our plays like we

Sophomore guard J’Nae Squires-Horton eyes the rim before going up for a basket in the 61-54 loss to Coloraado School of Mines at the Auraria Event Center Jan 16. Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabher • agebreeg@msudenver.edu

wanted too,” Stipanovich said. Freshman guard Jaelynn Smith added 12 points shooting 57 percent from the field in 28 minutes of playing time. However, Metro had no answer for Colorado Mines as junior forward Courtney Martin netted 20 points, seven rebounds while shooting 44 percent from the field. Colorado Mines guard Emily Bailey had a great night as well as she shot 50 percent from the field and scored 15 points from beyond the arc. At the end, the Orediggers were too much for the Roadrunners to handle as Colorado Mines’ bench combined for 22 points to Metro’s 14. “We have to make shots and we have to get stops,” Head Coach Tanya Haave said. “Tonight was a good start though in terms of toughness, battling and competing. We will continue to work to get better every day.” Metro’s women’s basketball team will travel to South Dakota where they will face Black Hills State Jan. 22 and South Dakota Mines Jan. 23.

Orediggers outlast furious comeback By Andrew Rochford arochfo2@msudenver.edu After coming off a four point win against Colorado Christian University the previous night, Metro was defeated by rival Colorado School of Mines at the Auraria Event Center Jan 16. With only 15 seconds remaining in the game, the Roadrunners pulled to within two points after Mines’ guard Luke Schroepfer turned the ball over on an inbound pass. The Orediggers, however, was bailed out at the free throw line making their final four to complete the 70-65 victory. “Every time we got into a rhythm, we bailed a guy out with fouling,” head Coach Derrick Clark said. “We just fouled too much tonight.” Both teams shot 41 percent in the first half with the Roadrunners trailing 32-27. They have trailed at this point several times throughout the season. Another key factor in Colorado Mines

lead was their 18-10 advantage in points in the paint. Metro started the second half strong on an 18-10 run getting their biggest lead of the game at 45-42. That stretch included a 3 point shot and multiple layups by senior guard Tony Dobbinson. “Tony was offensive minded,” Clark said. “There were stretches where it was hard to get a bucket and he bailed us out. He took the challenge and he put it on his shoulders and scored tonight. He did a good job.” Dobbinson was aggressive, frequently looking for his shot throughout the game. He scored a team high 23 points attaching three rebounds and two assists to his box score. Coming off the bench for the Roadrunners was junior guard Brian Howard who added 15 points. He was the only nonstarter to score on the night. Peter

continued to PG 13 »

Senior guard Tony Dobbinson aggresively drives to the basket against Colorado Mines’ guard Gokul Natesan in the 70-65 loss at the Auraria Event Center Jan 16. Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabher • agebreeg@ msudenver.edu

January 21, 2016  Met Sports

@themetonline f: themetropolitan mymetmedia.com

» Continued from PG 12

Moller and Enrique CortesZotes added 10 and nine points, respectively. Junior guard Gokul Natesan is the Orediggers leading scorer averaging 22 points per game. In order to get his points this game he had to earn them from the line off a series of hard fouls. He scored 15 of his 17 points from the line, adding four assists and two steals. Natesan was 1-of-9 from the field, his only make was from inside the 3 point line.

“Gokul got to the line 18 times and that makes the whole difference,” Moller said. “That’s way too much.” Caleb Waitsman lived in the paint for Mines scoring all 17 of his 19 in that area. Schroepfer was the key man from the outside making three 3 pointers and scoring 11 points total. In addition to taking advantage in points in the paint 30-24, the Orediggers took advantage of Roadrunner

turnovers. They were able to capitalize scoring 17 points off turnovers. “We have to continue to get better offensively,” Clark said. “We have to have a mixture of getting easy transition baskets. We’re having a difficult time scoring in the half court.” The Roadrunners only forced four turnovers, leading to just four fast break points. The usual second half turnaround never fully materialized due to strong half-


court defense from the Orediggers. With the loss, the Roadrunners sit at a 9-8 overall record, (7-4 conference) in the first half of the season. With 12 games remaining, the Runners still have a shot at the playoffs come March. Metro will look to bounce back on January 22nd at Black Hills State and South Dakota Mines the following night in South Dakota.

Runners stay competitive at Potts Invitational By Keenan McCall kmccall3@msudenver.edu The Roadrunner women’s and men’s track and field teams competed in Boulder at the Potts Invitational Jan. 16. Head coach Nick Maas weighed in with a question and answer on the meet.


Q: How do you feel the team did over-

A: This meet was a good chance for us to get our younger runners a chance to progress and learn how to compete in a collegiate environment. We accomplished that and got to see where we need improvements at this early juncture in the season. Q: Were there any standout performances or students that are making good progress? A: Lauren Silacci ran a great race in the 800 meters, improving by a significant amount over her previous personal best. I would look out for her this year as she has potential to do some special things in the mile during this indoor season. Q: What hopes do you have for the rest of the season? A: Every year brings us a new challenge and this year’s challenge is preparing our young runners to compete at an NCAA

level every week and improving on performances. We hope to qualify our Distance Medley Relay to the NCAA Championships during the indoor season for our men’s and women’s team. We also hope to have a couple of men and women qualify for the national championships in March and continue our streak of NCAA qualifiers and All-American performers. Q: Are there any athletes you know of that have a set goal for the season? A: Each of our athletes have big goals, we sit down with each of them prior to the season and speak about those goals and try to adjust them as the season progresses. Our upper classmen want to end their careers with a bang and show their continued hard work has led them somewhere. Our under classmen want to show that they belong at this level and that they can contend with the best our conference, region and nation have to offer. Q: Is there a big meet coming up that you’re looking to be prepared for? A: We have a couple of big meets in the next few weeks. In three weeks we will try to compete at the University of New Mexico with some of our top performers and try to attain some qualifying marks for the NCAA Championships. Other than that we will prepare for each week as a top meet and try to improve each time out.

Right: Sophomore Ivan Rangel, 2, sprints in front of Denver Track Club’s Chris Christoff, 3, in the first lap of the 800 meter at the Potts Invitational in Boulder. Christoff would eventually pass Rangel in the final lap placing third. Photo by keenan McCall • kmccall3@msudenver.edu

Final times:

Junior Sarah Hughes lands in fifth place in the women’s long jump Jan 16. Photo by Abreham Gebreegziabher • agebreeg@msudenver.edu

For the women’s team, junior Sarah Hughes was the only Metro athlete to compete in the women’s long jump where she finished in fifth place with a solid mark of 5.00m. Senior Lauren Silacci placed fourth in the women’s 800 meter race with a time of 2:20.65 and freshman teammate Tina Maas finished in sixth with a time of 2:29.36. Freshman Hayley Bowen took home first place for the Roadrunners in the women’s 400 meters with a time of 1:05.33. On the men’s team, senior Erik Boss and freshman Luis Ronquillo were the two Metro athletes competing in the mile run. Boss finished in third place with a time of 4:35.80 as Ronquillo placed sixth with a time of 4:50.53. Sophomore Ivan Rangel, junior Austin Ard and freshman Kyle Jones placed fifth,

sixth and eighth, respectively in the men’s 800 meters. They finished with times of 2:02.52, 2:03.82 and 2:07.97. In the men’s 400 meters freshman Said Moreno took home first place for the Roadrunners with a time of 52.91. Freshman Zach Boyd also competed finishing just behind Moreno with a strong third place finish and a time of 53.44. Both the men’s and women’s teams competed in the 400m relay. The women’s A team consisted of freshman Lauren Samuelson, Bowen, Maas and Silacci as they earned Metro the first place finish with a time of 4:28.29. The men’s A team consisted of Moreno, Boyd, Boss and Ard. They also finished in first place for Metro with a score of 3:47.13. The Roadrunners will lace up again on Jan. 23 in Golden at the Colorado School of Mines Twilight Classic.

Mile High 14

Events mymetmedia.com

January 21, 2016

Thursday Sunny ✷

Friday 39/20

Welcome Week Promo Day Location: Tivoli Turnhalle Time: 10 a.m. Fraternity & Sorority Life Expansion Meeting Location: Tivoli 320A Time: 5 p.m. MSU Denver Concerto Competition Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 7:30 p.m. Nuggets vs Grizzlies 7 p.m.

The Metropolitan online /TheMetropolitan





Saturday 50/31

f: themetropolitan


Sunny ✷


Met Sports Track and Field vs Mines Location: Golden Time: All Day

Met Sports Track and Field vs Mines Location: Golden Time: All Day

Denver Music: Laurie Dameron Location: The Stanley Hotel Price: FREE Time: 4:30 p.m.

Avalanche vs Blues 7 p.m.

Nuggets vs Pistons 7:30 p.m. Avalanche @ Stars 6 p.m.

Avalanche @ Sharks 8:30 p.m.

Top 5 Alan Rickman Roles 1. Professor Snape - “Harry Potter” 2. Hans Gruber - “Die Hard” 3. Elliot Marston - “Quigley Down Under”


In Case You Missed It Broncos vs Steelers W 23-16


Iran dismantles major parts of its nuclear program, allowing for sanctions against them to be lifted.


Governor John Hickenlooper marries Fiance Robin Pringle over the weekend.


Monday Cloudy

Sunny ✷


Job Search Meet Up Location: Tivoli 215 Time: 9:30 a.m.

Broncos vs Patriots 1:05 p.m.

4. Alexander Dane - “Galaxy Quest” 5. Harry - “Love Actually”




Undergraduate Research Conference Registration Opens Location: Online Mondays at MSU Denver: Faculty Recital Location: King Center Concert Hall Time: 2 p.m.

Spring Welcome Back Location: Tivoli 213 Time: 11 a.m. Visiting Artist Masterclass: Opera Colorado Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 2 p.m. Element Location: Multicultural Lounge Time: 2 p.m.

Faculty Recital: Patricia Surman, flute, Adriana Teodoro-Dier, piano Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 7:30 p.m.

Visiting Artist Series: Wiff Rudd, trumpet Location: King Center Recital Hall Time: 7:30 p.m.

Nuggets vs Hawks 7 p.m.

Nuggets @ Celtics 5:30 p.m. Avalanche @ Kings 8:30 p.m.

James Gillray & Contemporary Counterparts December 18, 2015 — March 19, 2016

Molly Crabapple James Gillray

Chris Dacre Deb Sokolow

Panel Discussion March 2, 2016 6pm

Visiting Artist Talk March 16, 2016 5pm

Three Pulitzer Prize-winning

Deb Sokolow’s text-driven

cartoonists: Jim Borgman, Mike

drawings speculate on topics

Keefe, and Signe Wilkinson with

concerning politics, conspiracy

moderator Prof. Arthur N. Gilbert

theory and human nature.

. .

December 18, 2015 - March 19, 2016 artist Reception Hollis + Lana Dan Landes February 5, 2016 6pm Frank Kwiatkowski Noah Van Sciver Center for Visual Art | 965 Santa Fe Dr., Denver, CO 80204 | 303.294.5207 | msudenver.edu/cva |Hours Tue-Fri 11-6/Sat 12-5 Open 1st and 3rd Fridays until 8pm



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Overheard this week


Met Picks: What will you experiment with in 2016?



December 22 -January 19 Your luck is about to change. All the things you have lost are coming back.

“Or a cabin. A bear would knock down a tiny house on wheels.”

June 21 -July 22


You’ll shoot some big guns this weekend.

—Brandon Sanchez



“It’s fine. I haven’t done that in a few months now, so I’ll survive.”

July 23 -August 22

January 20 -February 18 You’ll take up baking and discover you are a master of muffi ns.


February 19 -March 20

August 23 -September 22

You will adopt the habit of collecting coins and weird stuffed animals.

You Will discover your mother and fathers collection of recorded home movies. Don’t watch them.



“I like pillows for sleeping and only certain kinds of pillows.”

March 21 -April 19

“God is expensive, dude.”

You should start grooming your cat more.

“Shrinky Dinks.” —Keenan McCall “Bit coins.” —Pacific Obadiah

September 23 -October 22 hips!

Enjoy your salsa dancing lessons. Twist those

“Healthy food.”



October 23 -November 21

April 20 -May 20 No more fedoras!

Down 1. ‘’Family Affair’’ character 2. Athens market

—Alyson McClaran


November 22 -December 21

May 21 -June 20 I’m a rascally rabbit, I know that tricks is for addicts that need fi xes for habits, in love with carrots and cabbage.

62. Queen Boleyn 63. Desert flora 64. Olympic event since 1900 65. Spreads hay for drying 66. Use a prie-dieu 67. Book-lined rooms, perhaps


Th is week you’ll get your fi rst date. You’ll spend time before practicing kissing with your hand.


Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

— Michel Hansen

—Mike Tolbert

“I haven’t really thought about it since the first night you told me to give it a try.” “It’s not like you dont have a plethora of photos and videos to choose from though.”

“Living overseas.”

Get your butt outside and go snow shoeing. You’ll enjoy it.


“Montana is gorgeous. We can hang out with your boy John Mayer.”

Across 1. Heck of a party 5. Cattiness 10. Their days are numbered? 14. Unsightly citrus fruit? 15. One for the books? 16. Ethnobotany, e.g. 17. ‘’Them’’ 18. It has gobs of gobs 19. It may be enough 20. Squeaky clean 23. Beat one’s gums 24. Important historic times 25. Hinder 28. Animal shelter 29. Playing one’s part 31. Late bloomer 34. ‘’Men ___ From Mars . . .’’ 35. Largest U.S. collection agcy. 36. Timid one 41. Madre’s sister 42. It could be poison 43. Jerry and Adam 44. Cashes in 47. Poker holding, perhaps 49. ‘’Island of the Blue Dolphins’’ author 50. Throw, as to a child 51. Cat’s-eye, e.g. 54. George Jones classic 58. Make a sweater 60. The Donald’s first 61. It may be due, get the point?

January 21, 2016

Th is is your week to become unmotivated. You sorry sack of taters.

3. It may come after setting an alarm 4. Sound of disapproval 5. Where leopards are spotted? 6. Astronomical object 7. Bright thoughts

8. Like two with love, in tennis 9. Ms. James or Kett 10. Home for some skeletons

11. Part of some coiffures 12. ___ de Triomphe 13. Detect 21. Legendary Laker sportscaster Chick 22. Teens may fake them 26. White heron 27. Gives it to the judge 28. Hilo garland 29. Not .edu or .com 30. The Silver St. 31. Minute Maid Park player 32. Showed fright, in a way 33. It continually moves in the same direction 34. Indeterminate amount 37. Basinger of ‘’L.A. Confidential’’ 38. ICU hookups 39. ‘’If only that were true!’’ 40. On top of, in poetry 45. Upper crusts 46. Eero’s wing 47. Delicate ballet position 48. Set upon 50. Vestige 51. Freak out 52. Ruhr hub 53. ___ and bounds 55. ‘’Tricky’’ nickname 56. Director Reitman 57. Bit of thatching 58. Krazy critter 59. Bangalore-to-Calcutta dir. Source: OnlineCrosswords.net


Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium




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