The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 40 NO. 32
JUNE 20, 2018
Pride Festival brings visiblity to LGBT community
Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins|
Kameron Michaels reaches out to the Pride audience at the Pride Festival in Civic Center Park on June 15. Michaels was a fan-favorite on the 10th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race.
By Nataleah Small
building. The event was sponsored in
part by the GLBT Community Center of
we were devastated,” Mullins said. “We
the court ruled in favor of the cake
Colorado. Attendees were able to watch
dedicated six years of our lives to this.”
shop, Mullins said he and Craig are still
Rainbow flags flew high as crowds
“When we first heard the decision,
dance and drag performances, visit
Although they felt discouraged after
In 2012, the couple entered Masterpiece
fighting for equality by sharing their
gathered in Denver on June 16 and 17 to
booths and participate in the Coors Light
Cakeshop with the intent to purchase a
story. Craig said PrideFest is important
celebrate the city’s annual LGBT Pride
PrideFest parade on Sunday morning.
wedding cake. Jack Phillips, Masterpiece’s
because it brings visibility to issues
owner, declined to create a wedding cake
like gender identity and expression.
Festival. An estimated 400,000 people
The parade was led by Grand Marshalls
attended the event to unite in favor of
Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins, the
for the same-sex couple on religious
human rights, express their identities and
plaintiffs in the Masterpiece Cakeshop
grounds. After the incident, Mullins wrote
have fun over Father’s Day weekend.
v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
a strongly worded letter on Facebook
case which was recently ruled upon by
which eventually transformed into a case
the United States Supreme Court.
that made it to the Supreme Court.
The festivities took place in Civic Center Park on the lawn of the State Capitol
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