Volume 40, Issue 32 - June 20, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40  NO. 32


JUNE 20, 2018


Pride Festival brings visiblity to LGBT community

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins| awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Kameron Michaels reaches out to the Pride audience at the Pride Festival in Civic Center Park on June 15. Michaels was a fan-favorite on the 10th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

By Nataleah Small

building. The event was sponsored in


part by the GLBT Community Center of

we were devastated,” Mullins said. “We

the court ruled in favor of the cake

Colorado. Attendees were able to watch

dedicated six years of our lives to this.”

shop, Mullins said he and Craig are still

Rainbow flags flew high as crowds

“When we first heard the decision,

dance and drag performances, visit

Although they felt discouraged after

In 2012, the couple entered Masterpiece

fighting for equality by sharing their

gathered in Denver on June 16 and 17 to

booths and participate in the Coors Light

Cakeshop with the intent to purchase a

story. Craig said PrideFest is important

celebrate the city’s annual LGBT Pride

PrideFest parade on Sunday morning.

wedding cake. Jack Phillips, Masterpiece’s

because it brings visibility to issues

owner, declined to create a wedding cake

like gender identity and expression.

Festival. An estimated 400,000 people

The parade was led by Grand Marshalls

attended the event to unite in favor of

Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins, the

for the same-sex couple on religious

human rights, express their identities and

plaintiffs in the Masterpiece Cakeshop

grounds. After the incident, Mullins wrote

have fun over Father’s Day weekend.

v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

a strongly worded letter on Facebook

case which was recently ruled upon by

which eventually transformed into a case

the United States Supreme Court.

that made it to the Supreme Court.

The festivities took place in Civic Center Park on the lawn of the State Capitol



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MSU Denver announces new

Popular Netflix show depicts

Comic Con brings fan-favorite

Senior caps off career with all-

partnership with EPA

unrealistic educators

creators to Denver

american honor



JUNE 20, 2018

Announcing partnership, MSU Denver and EPA look to diversify STEM programs By James Burky

at the EPA and increase the


organization’s presence on campus. In the past, MSU Denver students

MSU Denver and the

would present their undergraduate

Environmental Protection Agency

research to scientists at the EPA

have joined forces to combat a lack

in hopes of receiving professional

of diversity in STEM programs; the

feedback on their work in an

partnership was formalized in the

unofficial partnership. Indirectly,

Science Building courtyard June 3.

this acted as a sales pitch to the

The EPA and MSU Denver signed

organization and showcased the

a non-binding memorandum to

talent within MSU Denver’s STEM

formalize the relationship between

programs. Joan Laura Foster, dean

the two organizations. The school

of the college of letters, arts and

was chosen above more prominent

sciences at MSU Denver hopes to

universities for its diverse student

continue adding to the building

population as this creates an

blocks of this relationship through

opportunity to introduce STEM —

this agreement and allowing

scientific, technology, engineering

students to practice being scientists

and math fields — to underserved

in a working environment.

minorities that otherwise may not have the option to enter these fields. “What it will do is it will formalize

“It improves our reputation, but the more we work with them, the more opportunities for our

a relationship we’ve been building

students,” Foster said. “They’ll

with MSU for quite some time,”

see when our students apply after

said Deb Thomas, deputy regional

they graduate, they’ll see our name

administrator for EPA’s Region 8.

and they’ll say, ‘We know them,

This partnership holds a number of purposes, but in her

they’re really well trained.’”

Photos by Richard Allen | rallen57@msudenver.edu

Deb Thomas and Joan Laura Foster sign an agreement for the EPA and MSU Denver to partner on the Auraria Campus June 4. MSU Denver is the first school to formally ally with the agency in the state.

Niche — a website that ranks the

speech Thomas highlighted that

quality schools from junior high to

STEM students specifically will

university — ranked MSU Denver

benefit from the collaboration.

with the eighth best environmental

remarks, Melissa Payan, pollution

With the two parties signing the

science program in the state and

prevention, indoor air and radon

agency has formalized in the state. Following Foster’s and Thomas’

learning about the partnership just

Native American, black and Latino

weeks prior, she has optimistic

STEM students, rates sit at just 19,

expectations for the initiative.

18 and 22 percent respectively.

“I’m hoping that it will open

Also present were more than 30

agreement, doors will open and

the 10th best engineering program.

coordinator for EPA’s Region 8

the door for students to explore

educators attending a professional

barriers will be broken for students

Despite being placed behind several

and a graduate of MSU Denver,

new interests and advance STEM

development conference in the

in the school’s growing STEM

other universities, the partnership

closed the event by offering

education,” Payan said. “Over the

Science Building, to witness the

programs. It will also provide

between MSU Denver and the EPA

a personal account about her

next decade, kids and students

agreement. Among them were

more internship opportunities

marks the first that the government

experience in STEM. Despite

of color will start thinking and

Amalia Sollars, a researcher

exploring, ‘Hey, what am I going to

for San Antonio’s Northside

do when I grow up?’ and hopefully

Independent School District,

they’ll start looking at careers

and Veronica Corral, a research

in science and technology.”

associate at the University of

STEM degrees are notorious for being difficult and stressful for

“One of the things mentioned

students. The Public Broadcasting

this morning was having role

Service noted that students of

models in the community that they

all backgrounds have up to a 20

can see are in these career paths

percent lower graduation rate than

and how we can work better, as

other degree fields. A number of

a school district, to increase the

roadblocks prevent STEM students

partnerships that we have so that

from having higher graduation

we have partners coming so that

rates, including the difficulty of

they can see people who look

classes, and scarcity of academic

like them in science fields and

advising and stress mentoring.

engineering fields,” Sollars said.

A wave of racial and gender

Corral said that she thinks

variety has been moving through

students are enclosed in their

career paths across the nation, and

schools, isolating themselves

according to a study done by the

from opportunities for

UCLA Higher Education Research

internships, networking and

Institute, STEM fields might be

workplace experience.

due for a change as well. White

Melissa Payan speaks at the press conference announcing the formal partnership between MSU Denver and the EPA. Mayan, an MSU Denver graduate, believes that this will clear a path for minority students to enter STEM fields.

Colorado Colorado Springs.

With the new formal

and Asian students had a five-year

partnership, MSU Denver hopes

graduation rate in STEM of 33

to offer more opportunities in

and 42 percent, respectively. For

the workplace for students of all

other minorities, however, those

backgrounds, and to entice others

numbers pale in comparison. For

to enroll into their programs.

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4 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

JUNE 20, 2018

“13 Reasons Why” portrays educators unfairly

Managing Editor Nataleah Small nsmall1@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu News Editor

all what you see in movies. True,

take pride in raising awareness

there were cliquey athletes and

about bullying, sexual assault and

and administrators all go through

depressed kids and tragic teen

suicide, but if you’ve watched the

hefty trainings each year, all

car accidents, but there was also

show, you may have noticed that

year round, so that they never

a community, a lot of art shows

the real evil was the schools.

find themselves unequipped to

and a zero-tolerance policy for

Isaac Banks cbanks17@msudenver.edu

bullying. I remember participating

Assitant News Editors

in anti-bullying projects, and they

James Bofenkamp

seemed silly because there really


was no bullying at our school.

Forest Wilson

Then again, maybe there would


have been if we hadn’t been raised

Features Editor

By Megan Webber

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu


Sports Editor

I binge-watched season one of

help students. Where I grew up,

“Because there are situations where high school students can’t be heroes without asking for help from an adult.”

around projects like those. Up until the very end of the

Teachers, school counsellors

I never doubted throughout my entire childhood that I could trust my teachers, counsellors and principals. I think “13 Reasons Why” painted a false image of educators, and I worry that in a time when Americans are debating

In fact, the entire second season

whether or not to arm teachers in

show, I was always thinking the

followed a lawsuit against the

the classroom, public schools are

cliche thing that no teenager wants

school. The show pointed fingers

becoming even more subjected

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

“13 Reasons Why” when it came

to hear. I was shouting at the screen,

mainly at the school counsellor, a

to the idea that high school is

Director of Met Media

out, and I’ve just recently finished

“For God’s sake, tell a teacher!”

man who was depicted as feeling

not a safe place for children.

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

watching season two. If you don’t

Because there are situations where

so guilty for what he failed to do

like spoilers and you haven’t

high school students can’t be

for Hannah Baker that he took

discussing the issues of bullying,

finished the show yet, you may not

heroes without asking for help from

extreme measures to try to make

sexual assault and suicide, I wish

want to read any further. At first, I

an adult. The adults are the ones

up for it, which cost him his job

they would have done that by

Production Manager of Met Media

really liked the show for its brutal

with the training, the experience

in the end. Fingers were also

holding the bullies accountable

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

honesty and its relatable characters.

and the tools to solve problems.

pointed at the school principal

instead of the school. Not only

But this second time around, I

So when a freshman girl was

and the baseball coach, who were

would their message have been

Office Manager

wondered if the show was just too

spreading rumors about me around

portrayed as powerful white men

better carried across that way, it also

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

packed with Hollywood drama.

school, I told my principal, and he

who ran in the “right” circles, very

would have been more realistic.

stopped it before it got any worse.

obviously pitting them against

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

When I think back on my high school experience, it was not at

The cast and crew of the show

While I applaud the show for

the adolescent protagonists.

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

“Be Careful:” lessons learned

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Nataleah Small at nsmall1@msudenver.edu

everything, she still adores him. As a rapper, the tone of her song

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.


with communication, being open and vulnerable, and meeting the

if I’m running away from a

expectations of their partners.

artists like Nicki Minaj, who focuses

promising relationship for selfish

There’s nothing wrong with one

her song lyrics on her strength and

reasons. Or if I’m actually trying

night stands, but there’s something

sexuality, Cardi reveals a deeper,

to protect myself from something

to be said for people who put in

more sensitive side of herself.

potentially damaging. I search

the time and effort to keep their

Instead of pushing away the subject

my head and heart for the proper

relationship going when things are

of her affection, she explores

solution, but often end up more

on the fritz. Cardi’s song creates

why she wants to stay with him

confused than when I started.

space for women to ask their

I don’t think Cardi is advocating

“Be careful with me/ Yeah, it’s

Relationships are difficult.

package with a fragile label on it.”

Although most people hope it will

To be honest, the first time

be smooth sailing after you meet

I listened to the song it didn’t

the person of your dreams, it can

resonate with me. I’ve never

be challenging to balance your

been cheated on, thankfully. If

emotions and expectations in times

I find myself in a difficult place

of trouble. Cardi B’s hit single, “Be

emotionally, I’m prone to make a

Careful,” addresses these issues.

quick, graceful exit. I hate to admit

partners the tough questions, seek respect and value their fragility.

not a threat, it’s a warnin’/ Be careful with me/ Yeah, my heart is like a

Throughout the song, Cardi

I’m forced to asked myself

is unique. Compared to other female

although he has broken her heart. By Nataleah Small

and make a quick exit?

The more I listened to the

“Compared to other female artists like Nicki Minaj, who focuses the lyrics of her songs on her strength and sexuality, Cardi reveals a deeper, more sensitive side of herself.”

it, but I’m not usually the type of girl

song, the more I appreciated her message. Compared to other rap songs that focus on wealth, fame and pleasure, her song focuses on creating a love that lasts, all the while calling out abuse and neglect for what it is. As a strong, confident woman, she declares her longing to be in a committed relationship. Yet admits that life is always more

B sings about how she has been

who sticks around when the going

for women to stay in abusive

cheated on and taken advantage

gets rough. It’s easier to turn off my

relationships, but I believe she

of emotionally. She asks her lover

emotions, or run away from them,

is asking them to address the

so many valuable relationship

why he is seeking out attention

instead of addressing them head on.

intricacies of their emotions.

lessons from a rap song. Maybe

Compared to other pop singles

I should look to female rappers for love advice more often.

from other women when she has

However, Cardi’s emotional

been faithful to him. She states

vulnerability began sparking an

that focus on instant gratification,

that she wishes she could shut

internal debate. If I find myself

success and badassery, Cardi’s

down her emotions and “not

in a precarious relationship,

lyrics urge people to dig deeper.

give a fuck.” She questions his

should I stay and work things

intentions, yet reveals that through

through, or take the easy route

Most relationships are difficult, they need work. People struggle

difficult than we want it to be. I didn’t know I could learn



JUNE 20, 2018

Rainbow flags fly proudly across Downtown Dancers, Drag Kings and healthcare workers gathered in Civic Center Park

Continued from cover “I feel like the greatest contribution we can make to this is to show people that we’re human, we’re just two people in love,” Mullins said. “We just want the same rights to exist in society that everybody else has.” Throughout the festival, attendees were also able to visit sponsor booths, food and beverage vendors and access information in the Trans Resource and AARP Colorado Sage Resource areas. Multiple health care facilities, including the Colorado Public Health Department and Denver hospital Rose Medical Center, also hosted booths during the festival. Mary Corcoran, director of emergency services at Rose, said the facility is unique because it has been committed to honoring diversity since it was founded in 1945. Rose was established by a Jewish medical provider who was unable to practice elsewhere. The facility subsequently hired the first female and African American physicians in Denver. “We’re here to support the need of every creed in our community,” Corcoran said, referring to the facility’s statement of purpose. Today, Corcoran said a third of the emergency response staff at Rose identifies as members of the LGBT community. In 2017, the facility started hosting a booth at PrideFest

“I feel like the greatest contribution we can make to this is to show people that we’re human, we’re just two people in love.” – Dave Mullins

Photos by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu The Burning Loins Boylesque perform for an energetic crowd at the Pride Festival in Civic Center Park on June 15

escape or something like that, from those types of things and there are booths here to help those types of people,” Martinez said.

in order to represent the diversity of their staff and maintain the hospital’s legacy. Mikey Martinez, who attended the event

Apart from exploring the different booths

and explains why they are offensive. “I’ve grown up in so many areas where ‘gay’ and ‘fag’ were synonymous with

festival for 15 years, he has learned that Pride is not a weekend, it’s a lifestyle. “It’s created that awareness and visibility

pretty rough people,” Godino said. “It’s

that can again lead to that conversation

at the festival, Martinez and Ingermann said

amazing for me to be here and actually

to encourage us all to sit at the same

they came to have a good time. The two young

see pride in the gay movement.”

table and realize we’re all human, no

with his friend Collin Ingermann, said he

men said they enjoyed PrideFest because

was glad multiple educational booths were

they felt free expressing themselves through

said celebrating Pride is important because

present. Although he was unfamiliar with all

fashion. Martinez wore an unbuttoned shirt

it gives people the opportunity to remind

and drag king with Distinguished Stud

the organizations represented, he appreciated

and Ingermann dressed in a crop top. They

themselves of the struggles of others.

Productions, said PrideFest is a safe space

that the booths provided information about

said they felt comfortable with everyone at

The festival gives people from a variety

for gay, bisexual and straight people

access to healthcare and domestic abuse.

the event and wished the world outside the

of backgrounds the ability to express

to come out and have a good time.

festival was more open and accepting.

themselves and celebrate their differences.

“A lot of people might come here for an

“You can literally do anything here,” said

PrideFest emcee DeMarcio Slaughter

As an emcee, Slaughter announced

matter who you love,” Slaughter said. Marissa Glenn, Center Stage performer

“We can be ourselves, we can come out, have fun, meet and greet and just be us,”

Ingermann. “I was so scared to come last

performances on the Center Stage and

Glenn said. “It’s fun and important to perform

year because I felt everyone was going to

hyped up the audience. After working this

so we can show people what we can do.”

be judgmental. But literally, like, everyone is so nice and so accepting and so cool.” Attendee Daniel Godino traveled to PrideFest from Monument, Colorado. He attended the festival for the first time in 2016, the year of the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Godino said it was a horrible moment, but it showed the power of the LGBT community. He said he attended the festival this year to express his pride as a gay man. Growing up in a conservative area of the state, Godino said as a young person he was bullied during pride month and called derogatory names more times than he would like to recall. When he hears people use that kind of derogatory language, it is difficult for him not to react aggressively. Coming from a Catholic background, he said many people who use that language Denver Mayor Michael Hancock greets onlookers at the 2018 Pride parade on June 17. The parade began at Cheeseman Park and travelled down Colfax Avenue to Civic Center Park.

come from a place of ignorance. So, he tells them to stop using hurtful words

LGBT supporters and members from Comcast hold hands as they march in the Pride parade on June 17 near Civic Center Park



JUNE 20, 2018

Q&A with Kevin Eastman co-creator of TMNT By Isaac Banks

the martial art aspect of the Turtles, but


that was too serious. Doug, Bob was not silly enough. So I blurted out Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and that made Pete

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been a staple of pop culture since their

laughed. Donatello was almost named

first appearance in 1984. From the original

Bernini, because I like him as a sculptor

black and white comics to the 2014 IDW

more than Donatello. I think the decision to

Publishing series, the weird combination

go with Donatello was made by a coin toss.

of talking turtles and ninja weapons has entertained multiple generations.

How did you publish the first issue?

At Denver Comic Con 2018, Kevin We worked on it for about a year and

Eastman, who co-created TMNT with Peter Laird, sat down with the press to

collected quite a few rejection letters from

talk about the inception of the Turtles,

Marvel and DC before deciding to self-

how he got into comics and his journey

publish the first issue. We loved the idea,

as a comic book artist and writer.

so we wrote it for ourselves, and we told each other that if it only sells ten copies,

This interview has been edited

we still fulfilled the dream of seeing these

for length and clarity.

characters out in the world even if everyone hates them. We did a little crowdfunding

How did you discover comics?

from our families and collected enough money to print the first 3,000 copies.

That is an excellent question. I grew up Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

in a small town in Maine, and there was not a lot to do. I joke with my 12-year-old son, he would say “what video games did

Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the TMNT, at the 2018 Denver Comic Con talking to the press about his experiences as a comic book writer and artist on June 17.

you play growing up” and I would tell him I only had sticks and rocks. I loved to read, and I discovered comics at a drugstore that was in my town. I started reading Captain

entertainment. The animation and toys What is your favorite incarnation of the Turtles and is there an incarnation that you want to continue past your lifetime?

America and Daredevil, and immediately became obsessed. I would make about

The first black and white version is

Did you change your art style over the last 30 years with the evolution from print to digital?

were just glorified comics because they were still sort of 2-D. Bringing the Turtles

I have not, I am not that smart. I have

to life on the big screen was scary. We

a great appreciation for people drawing

have all seen lousy monster movies where

on tablets it is just mind blowing and

you can see the rubber suits. So the suits

fantastic. But more important to me is

$2.75 a month delivering newspapers and

my favorite, that version evolved into the

had to be perfect because if you did not

the physicality of pen on paper. You feel

use the money to buy as many comics as I

animated series and toys. As for something

believe the characters, then the whole thing

a drive when you are drawing. In the

could, this was when comics were 15 cents,

I did not create, I always point to the

would fail. Director Steve Barron pulled

end, someone can create an incredibly

and save up for a Twinkie and a Yoo-hoo.

first Turtles movie as my favorite Turtles

off a miracle and brought in Jim Henson to

beautiful work of art on a computer,

built the costume which was a Christmas

something I could never imagine, but at

miracle to us. Steve used the first 15 issues

the end of the day, there is no original art.

of the black and white comics to outline the story he wanted to tell, then brought

Did you think that the IDW

in the humor and pizza from the animated

Publishing run would become the

show. I would like to see an updated

longest running Turtle series?

version of the first movie. Updated in the sense of making the Turtles smaller, more

No, we were really scared when we

edgy with other technical improvements

started working on the first couple of

but keep the same heart and soul, and

issues. I know the co-founder of IDW,

family aspect from the original movie.

and he invited me down to consult on the new series. Tom Waltz, the head

Where did the idea for the Turtles come from?

writer deserves 100 percent of the credit for the IDW universe. He wanted to keep the heart, soul and family aspect

I am a fan of Bruce Lee and one night I

of the Turtles while creating a platform

had this weird thought, ‘if Bruce Lee was

so he could pull together characters

an animal, what is the stupidest animal he

from different universes. I thought the

could be?’ I thought of a slow moving turtle

idea was fantastic and fans liked it.

because he is a fast moving martial artist. So I did this sketch of a turtle standing

Have you ever imagined the

upright with nunchucks and wearing a

Turtles as old men? If so, is there a

mask. I put it on Pete’s (Laird) drawing

story that you never got to tell?

board and said that this is going to be the next big thing and he laughed. Then we

A collection of TMNT Kevin Eastman comic covers obtained from IDW Publications.

There is actually a story that Pete and I

proceeded to one-up each others’ drawings

started writing many years ago. We called

until I drew four turtles all with different

it the final story because we gave them

ninja weapons and wrote “Ninja Turtles”

birth, so we wanted to an issue that was

above them. When Peter inked it in, he

not the final final but 50 years later. I still

added “Teenage Mutant.” We said that

have all the notes on the story, but I am not

this was the dumbest thing and we have

sure it will see the light day. It would be

to tell the story of how the turtles become

funny to do a sitcom where the Turtles are

mutant ninjas. I came up with the names

living in an apartment in New York City and

for the Turtles because I am a fan of art

they are like the Golden Girls complaining

and art history. Pete and I thought about

about the weather. It would probably

using traditional Asian names because of

never happen, but it would be funny.

JUNE 20, 2018



Artists of Denver Comic Con By Ali C. M. Watkins

comedic dialogue with stick-


figure characters. The franchise has created podcasts, card

While author panels, celebrity photo-ops and a beer garden enticed Denver Comic Con goers, the

games and a large following out of a humble beginning. “It completely came from how

Artist Valley is where the weekend

I used to draw in high school,”

festivities flourished. Nearly 400

Wilson said. “And a lot of the stick

exhibitors and creators attended the

figures you draw when you should

three-day event held at the Colorado

be paying attention in school. So

Convention Center, according to

I eventually started carrying over

the Denver Comic Con website.

digitally and started a website.”

The Artist Valley, an exhibition

He said for a while, that he

of local and visiting artist was held

was afraid to show his work to

in the large atrium overlooked

others out of fear they would find

by the iconic blue bear, and filled

it weird or stupid. Now, 15 years

with booths displaying art and

later, Wilson is a featured artist at

merchandise. Fans, many cosplaying

conventions across the world.

their favorite characters, met

“Half of my life has been

with the exhibiting artists, bought

stick figures, butts and boner

prints and received signatures.

jokes,” Wilson said. Wilson said that he traded

“I just keep practicing and looking up other artists on Instagram that I like and try to work from what I see other people doing.” – Gabby Ramirez One of the most crowded booths belonged to a popular webcomic and animated-short series, Cyanide & Happiness. Creator Kris Wilson was surrounded by fans, and

around ideas with his friends like passing notes in a classroom. Some of those friends attended Comic Con Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

with him. Animated-short writer and voice actor Evan Peterson, and Ben

Gabby Ramirez sits at her art booth on June 17 in the Colorado Convention Center.

Governale, a sound designer and

space — in Fort Collins, Colorado.

voice actor, helped greet fans. This

“Don’t wait for a big break to

familiar with and what I like doing.

laid off from her graphic design job. “It did take me quite a few years to find my style,” Ramirez said. “I

was Governale’s third time attending

get started. What you like to do

And then all of these characters

the convention and he remarked

is what you do and you have idle

are things I like, video games I like

just keep practicing and looking

hands,” Wilson advised aspiring

to play, movies I love. It just fit.”

up other artists on Instagram

that this year was his favorite. From stick figure doodles to a card game that sold out at Comic Con, the company has taken

artists. “If you doodle stupid

The exhibiting artists

little stick figures and that’s your

had a diverse range. Hayes’

impulse, then go with it.”

hyperrealism was contrasted

drew customized sketches. Fans

huge strides since the project’s

were encouraged to leave their

beginnings. Cyanide & Happiness

of San Diego, California, found

own mark on the booth table with

recently opened Cymosm Studios

himself exhausted by the third

provided Sharpie markers.

that is located at Downtown Artery

day of Denver Comic Con. Many

— a cafe, bar, gallery and studio

attendees gathered around his

The popular series features

I’m good at,” Hayes said. “What I’m

Michael C. Hayes, an artist out

realistic charcoal illustrations of popular comic and film characters. His best selling print was a

what I see other people doing.” Ramirez said that after getting

with Gabby Ramirez’s playful,

laid off she had trouble finding

cartoonish paintings.

work. She decided to use her skills as a visual artist to make a living.

“If you doodle stupid little stick figures and that’s your impulse, then go with it.” – Kris Wilson

Having won a contest to have an artist booth at Denver Comic Con, Ramirez travelled to Denver from Houston for the weekend. She said that she’s excited to return next year. For Ramirez, and other

drawing of Daenerys Targaryen from HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”

that I like and try to work from

Ramirez began digitally painting

artists featured at this year’s

He has attended every Comic Con

popular characters, like Ariel from

Comic Con, the Artist Valley was

aside from the first one in 2012.

Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” and

a rewarding place to display their

Hayes said that the exhaustion

Eleven from “Stranger Things”

artwork and have a personable

was worth having a booth in

around 8 months ago after being

experience with the con-goers.

the Artist Valley, since it’s more personable than selling in a gallery. “While I like that it’s a very disconnected experience,” Hayes said about displaying his work in galleries. “I don’t get to meet the people that buy my work whereas here, I can shake their hand and talk to them, and see them smile, and its great, it’s outstanding, That’s why I’m here.” He said that his artwork reflects his classical training in charcoal drawings and his love for video games, movies and TV shows. Hayes is also a painter, but chose to only sell his monochromatic illustrations at Comic Con. “I am classically trained and I had a classical education, so

Kris Wilson of Cyanide & Happiness signs autographs as Evan Petersen and that meant doing a ton and ton of Ben Governale goof off behind him on June 17. charcoal drawings so that’s what

Michael C. Hayes finishing a transaction at his booth at Comic Con in the Convention Center on June 17.

Check out more coverage of Comic Con at mymetmedia.com



JUNE 20, 2018

Capped by All-American nod, Graetz leaves lasting legacy at MSU Denver Due to essentially being a

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

player-coach during the transition period between Daniel Hangester and Elkins, coaching could be

Every team sees great players

on the horizon for Graetz.

come and go. They’ll have an

Commenting on how he wants

impressive season and help their team succeed on the field. But

to stay involved with the game

players like recent graduate Josh

for the rest of his life, Graetz

Graetz are hard to come by.

plans on staying close to his new

To call Graetz’s career at

home even after graduation. He’s

MSU Denver legendary might

praised the direction of the team

be an exaggeration, but it’s not

and believes that with veteran

completely unwarranted. In May,

presences like Joey Tscherne and

the Australia native was named an

Alejandro Martinez-Morilla and

All-American by the International

the oversight of Elkins, the team

Tennis Association. In his senior

has a bright future, and it’s one

season, Graetz was named Rocky

that he wants to be a part of as an

Mountain Athletic Conference Player

unofficial coach and consultant. He can be humble as much as he

of The Year, first team All-RMAC

wants, but it’s undeniable that his

in singles and doubles — ­ with Photo by Geoff Ziegler | gziegler@msudenver.edu

partner Joey Tscherne — and MSU Denver won conference and made a national tournament appearance.

Josh Graetz backhands a ball during his match against CSU-Pueblo at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 11. Graetz was named all-american by the International Tennis Association for his performance in the 2017-18 season.

team focus and personal success has created a lasting legacy in the annals of MSU Denver tennis. Despite just coaching him for a

“He’ll accept his victory on court, but what he does behind scenes is more. He’ll build the team up, he’ll get guys ready for the match.” – Calum Hayes

how good Graetz was playing, he

was unwavering, sweeping

year, Elkins expects the records set

always wanted — and pushed —

all of his singles opponents

by Graetz to go unmatched for a

drives Graetz, but perhaps what

his teammates to not just meet

with professional ease.

long time. While that might be the

pushes him athletically is his love for

the level he was on, but exceed

the game. He embraced his role as a

it. The team always came first

leader off the court and centerpiece

for Graetz, and perhaps that’s as

to their success on it. And though

admirable as his on-court success.

RMAC Player of the Year twice. There’s no single thing that

he’s hesitant to accept the praise Amidst the awards, the latter achievement and development of the team had significant meaning to one of the most storied athletes the school has seen this decade. “Obviously, getting the allamerican honor was icing on the cake,” Graetz said. “I’ve been really thankful and this is kind of a way of paying them back, at

While his career ended with a

he gets, his humility doesn’t keep

high-flying season, it struggled

his teammates from doing so.

to take off, stuck in the lowest of

“He pushes the team behind

valleys at the beginning of his

“A team is never one guy. Look at the guys around me. It’s not just one guy, it’s not just two guys. It’s a team effort.” – Josh Graetz

been a part of a game-changing ride for his collegiate career. “I’m going to miss everything about it, honestly. And I hope these next couple years that I can give back to the program and really help them strive for success,” he said. “A team is never one guy. Look at

the scenes more than he does up

collegiate career. In his first two

front. He’s very humble in that

seasons, MSU Denver amassed

way,” said Calum Hayes, a fellow

an uninspiring 20-19 record.

Graetz had around him in his

one guy, it’s not just a few guys.

senior who was named a 2018

The team was by no means

career. His appreciation for the

It’s a team effort and I think that’s

all-american by the College Sports

awful, but for the talent on the

team and impressive ability did

really important to know that all

Information Directors of America.

team, it was underwhelming to

not go unnoticed by first year

these guys have achieved success.”

“He’ll accept his victory on court,

the players to say the least.

head coach Barrett Elkins, who

That culture changed for the

the same time, it hasn’t just been

but what he does behind scenes is

me, its been the whole team.”

more. He’ll build the team up, he’ll

2017-18 season. The Roadrunners

get guys ready for the match.”

finished 14-9 overall, but more

He came to MSU Denver after

case, Graetz is just thankful to have

It was perhaps the best team

the guys around me. It’s not just

Tennis, like other sports, is a

joined the team just three days

team effort. But every great team

before the 2017-18 season began.

has its star. The Raiders of the

“Josh was the clear leader on

seventies had Ken Stabler, the

importantly, swept their RMAC

the team when I got here, and

2001 Diamondbacks had Randy

head coach and fellow Australian,

befriend Hayes, a native of Leeds,

opponents, dominated the

really helped with my transition

Johnson and the Roadrunners of

Beck Meares. When he arrived in

England, when he first arrived at

conference tournament as repeat

here,” Elkins said. “Without having

the mid-2010’s had Josh Graetz.

Fall 2013, he would embark on a

MSU Denver. He raved about Graetz

champions and made an appearance

a coach for awhile, he essentially

career where he was named to an

putting the team’s success ahead of

in the national tournament. In

took over that role and helped

All-RMAC team eight times and

his own, reiterating that no matter

the RMAC tournament, Graetz

prepare the team for the season.”


Rockies continue bumpy season

NBA Draft kicks off Thursday

Spurs star requests trade

The Colorado Rockies have yet to meet expectations a year after making the National League playoffs. Sitting at fourth in the NL West with a 34-38 record, supposed ace pitcher Jon Gray has posted an abysmal 5.89 ERA. The offense has been inconsistent, ranking just seventh in the NL in batting average, but fifth in runs scored. Amid the disappointment, third baseman Nolan Arenado continues to be the best at his position in baseball, posting a .305 average, making a permanent residence in weekly web gems for his impressive defensive plays and currently leads all NL third basemen in All-Star votes.

The 2018 NBA Draft figures to be one of the more exciting ones in recent memory. Arizona center Deandre Ayton seems likely to go first overall to the Phoenix Suns. Another intriguing prospect is Missouri big man Michael Porter Jr. A pre-season All-American and once projected go first overall, he missed most of the season after having back surgery. As a result, his stock has dropped from sure fire top three pick to the latter half of the top 10. The draft will air at 5 p.m. mountain standard time on ESPN.

Forward Kawhi Leonard has informed the San Antonio Spurs that he would like to be traded. When healthy, he’s considered to be the best two-way player in the game. A two time all-star, two time NBA Defensive Player of the Year and NBA Finals MVP, he was poised to take over the Spurs dynasty with the retirement of Tim Duncan. However, he was infamously injured by Warriors center Zaza Pachulia in the 2017 conference finals. A rift grew between him and the team as they limited him to just nine games in the 2017-18 season.

being recruited by then-tennis

Mexico upsets Germany in World Cup In one of the biggest surprises in recent World Cup memory, afterthought Mexico defeated Germany — the reigning champions — by a score of 1-0 on June 17. Hirving Lozano scored from the center of the box into the bottom left corner of the net in the 35th minute. The loss follows a trend that stretches back to France in 2002 of reigning champions losing in the opening round.

Graetz was one of the first to

MSU Denver places fourth in RMAC Cup The Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference revealed the final standings of its annual All-Sports Competition Cup May 30. MSU Denver finished fourth with 760 points — 167.5 behind the winner Colorado School of Mines. The All-Sports Cup is a school-year long competition that aggregates scores based off points a school earns in four core sports — including football or men’s soccer, men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball — and a pool of six “wild card” sports, made up of three men’s and three women’s sports.

JUNE 20, 2018



After competing at nationals, sophomore runner gives track team hope By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

what happens in my future.”

and the personality to lead

Dike, a Toronto native, packed

a team and is working into

his bags and left the support Michael Dike is a 6-foot-1-

that role as he gets older.”

system of his parents Sharon

Berg also commended Dike

inch sprinter who loves track

and Jude and three sisters, for

for his short memory, elaborating

and field. In his first year of

Colorado. He came to MSU Denver

that when he has a poor showing

eligibility at MSU Denver, he

not knowing anyone, but he’d go

or doesn’t perform up to his

participated in the NCAA Division

on to make a lasting impression on

standards, he doesn’t waste time

II national championships in the

his new teammates and coaches.

dwelling on it and instead bounces

Head Coach Janis Christopher

back and learns from his mistakes.

400 meter relay. On that day, something he loved clashed with

— who has an impressive track

something he hated — losing.

record coaching awarded athletes

and handful of awards, the young

like All-RMAC athletes Sarah

athlete isn’t fazed, rather he

Hughes and Robert Carlson —

seems to treat it as background

is positive that Dike can reach

noise. He’s come so far, but has

those bars, if not exceed them.

just begun his collegiate career.

“I hate to lose more than others love to win,” Dike said. During his heat, Dike was disqualified due to a lane violation. Specifically, his foot

“Michael is quite talented

touched line markers. The

and has already begun to make

experience was humbling for

a similar impact in the long

Dike, though his appetite for

sprinting events the way that

success only grew because of it.

Sarah and Robert made an

“I’m sure I was feeling disappointed in myself,” he said. “But after about 5-10 minutes I

Amid the accomplishments

Barring something catastrophic, Photo courtesy of MSU Denver athletics

Michael Dike runs the 400 meter relay in the NCAA Division II National Championship on May 24. He was disqualified due to a lane violation.

“I don’t have a ceiling. I never wanna put a limit of what I think I can achieve,” he said.

impact in the jumps. Michael is a

make the all-conference cuts.

perfectionist,” Christopher said.

With all of the success

Dike’s performances were

he expects himself to improve

he’s found in year one, he still

teammates, and runner Sam Berg reciprocates the appreciation. “Michael leads by example.

Michael Dike had an impressive first season, as did the track team, but it would be a mistake

usually stop. I give myself that

lauded by the Rocky Mountain

maintains his professional

He’s not going to call you out

to think they’ve reached their

time frame to be sad but after

Athletic Conference as well. He

demeanor. He is persistent,

if you’re doing something

peak. They’ve only just begun.

that I start to think of what I did

was named to first team All-

knowing that he can’t become

incorrectly, but he’s going to

right and wrong, and how I can

RMAC in the 400 meter, joined

Paul Dedewo, a sprinter he

do things the right way and

learn from the experience. I can’t

by sophomore Bree Wellington

looks up to, overnight.

get results out of it,” Berg

change the past but I can control

as the only Roadrunners to

Dike is grateful for all of his

said. “He’s got the confidence

We’re choosing the wrong heroes By James Burky

had been aware of Winslow’s

— as well as pushing increased


struggles, but still saw him as

dialogue on race in America.

something of a mild success story. Athletes are people who play

Yet, because he hasn’t made

The shock over the revelations

a pro bowl — a controversy in of

sports well. They’re not heroes and

only unveils a hindering fault

itself — he’s overshadowed by more

it’s our fault for idolizing them.

in American society — we care

popular players in the league.

Kellen Winslow, Jr. was once considered to be a heartwarming

about athletes too much.

It’s okay to love an athlete

I played wide receiver and safety

because they play their sport well.

comeback story. One of the most

for six years and stuck with the

Any one-time player can attest

sought after tight end prospects

game closely after that, watching

to the bewilderment of seeing

in NFL history in the 2005 NFL

every game with unwavering focus,

someone play the same position

draft, Winslow missed his rookie

over analyzing every play. These are

and sport you did to perfection, but

year after a motorcycle accident

exceptional athletes who play the

it’s detrimental to society when we

and never lived up to the billing

game we love the way we couldn’t,

adore these people solely because

of his top five draft selection

and we idolize them for being what

of that and don’t take into account

or his hall of fame father.

we couldn’t be. It’s a destructive

who they are out of uniform.

He came back from his injury

mix of adoration and jealousy.

Kobe Bryant is one of the most

There are some athletes that

Photo obtained by Jake Roth/USA Today Sports

memorable comeback seasons

are harmless to look up to or are

in NFL history in 2007, tallying 82

even excellent role models, we

receptions over 1,106 receiving

just choose not to follow them.

Philadelphia Eagles defensive end Chris Long looks on before a game against the Los Angeles Chargers at Stubhub Center on October 1. Overlooked by his fans, Long donated his 2017 salary to educational salaries.

and delivered one of the most

yards, bringing the woeful

In the mid-2000’s, my coming-

talented, dedicated athletes to ever live, that’s undeniable. He was also accused of rape by a woman in Eagle, Colorado and settled out of civil court, coughed up a few

Cleveland Browns onto the brink

of-age as a football fan, the

was accused of rape by multiple

realize that playing a sport well

million dollars, changed his jersey

of the playoffs. He was a model

players fans adored were not

women, and raped four in two

isn’t that admirable of a quality?

number, won a championship,

for us young receivers on how to

those who showed off-field

different states in the span of

bounce back from adversity and

professionalism and on-field

24 hours. In both instances, the

still do our job and help the team

sportsmanship to go along with

athletes used their idolization as a

win. But, cleats weren’t the only

their exceptional talented.

way to hide their horrific crimes.

There are athletes out there worth idolizing. Philadelphia Eagles pass rusher

and now he’s the most beloved person in Los Angeles. Kevin Durant is disgraced for

Chris Long launched Waterboys

joining the Golden State Warriors

thing he stored in his closet, they

Instead, they were talented

in May 2015, an initiative to help

and imbalancing the NBA despite

were accompanied by skeletons.

headaches like Atlanta Falcons

well everyone deserves a second

provide clean, sustainable drinking

having a charity that has donated

quarterback Michael Vick and Green

chance,” but that’s completely

water sources for villages in Africa

$57 thousand to aid homeless

Bay Packers safety Darren Sharper.

irrelevant. Vick turned his life

that would otherwise not have

children in Oklahoma City.

around and maybe Sharper will

access to it. He also donated his

Earlier this month, Winslow was arrested on two counts of forcible rape, one count of forcible sodomy

In 2007, Vick was sentenced to

Sympathizers may say, “Oh,

The more we idolize deplorable,

and one count of forcible oral sex.

prison for running a horrific dog

realize the magnitude of the horrors

entire 2017 salary to his educational

talented athletes, the more we’ll

One of his victims was a 54-year old

fighting ring. In 2011, Sharper,

he’s committed, but how many

charity that benefits schools in St.

create generations of apathetic,

woman. The news shook football

perhaps the most talented safety of

more chances are we going to give

Louis, Boston and Philadelphia

self-absorbed Americans.

fans and players. The community

his era next to Charles Woodson,

athletes before we grow up and

— the three cities he’s played in






A Converstion with Tom Hoenig



Location Red Rocks

JUNE 20, 2018


Location Denver Botanic

Price $39.95-$65 Location King Center

Time 7 p.m.

Chris Botti Gardens

Price $65-$70 Time 6:30 p.m.

Price Free Time 3:30 p.m. 6.21 Sugarland Location Fiddler’s Green 6.22

Pink Progression Artist Panel



Location Coors Field

Price $26.50-$81

Price $99.50-$349

Time 7 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Group B Matchday 2 of 3 6.20 Portugal vs. Morocco Location Russia

Group B Matchday 2 of 3 6.20 Iran vs. Spain Location Russia

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6 a.m.

Time 12 p.m.

Group A Matchday 2 of 3 6.20 Uruguay vs. Saudi

Group C Matchday 2 of 3 6.21 Denmark vs. Australia

Arabia Location Russia Location 965 Santa Fe Drive


Price Free Time 5:30-6:30 p.m.


First Friday Art Walk

Telluride Bluegrass Festival

Location Telluride Town Park Price $85-$240 Time 12 p.m.



Location Fiddler’s Green Location Center for Visual Art Price Free


The Avett Brothers

Location Red Rocks Time 7:30 p.m.


The Posies

Location Levitt Pavillion Price Free/VIP $30

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.

Time 6-8 p.m.


A Day With Author Nancy Pickard

Jeremy Camp

Location Fiddler’s Green


Price Varies


Time 9 a.m.

Time 6 a.m.

Price $55-$89.50

Price $25-$89.50


Location Russia




6.20 Mets vs. Rockies Location Coors Field

6.21 Mets vs. Rockies Location Coors Field

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.

Simple Plan

Location Pepsi Center

Price $19.50-$55.00

Price TBA

Time 5 p.m.

Time 11 a.m.



6.23 Rapids vs. Minnesota

7.1 Vancouver vs. Rapids

United Location Citi Field

Location Tivoli 640 Price Free


Lady Antebellum


Code Orange

Time 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Price Varies Time

Location Red Rocks

11:10 a.m.

Price $17-$125

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.



7.1 Rockies vs. LA Lake Clarity:

Dua Lipa


Harry Styles

at MyMetMedia.com

Dodgers Location Dodger Stadium

For an immersive audio drama check out “Lake Clarity”

Location Filmore Auditorium

Price Varies Time 5 p.m.

Location The Oriental Theater

Price $42-$210


Location BC Place


Pepsi Center

Price $35



Time 8 p.m.


8 p.m.

7.4 Rapids vs. Seattle Sounders Location DSG Park

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 2:10 p.m.

Time 7:00 p.m.

TRENDING NEWS Carters release

Families separaed at

US withdraws from UN

“Everything is Love”

US-Mexico border

Human Rights Council

The suprise album “Everything is Love” was released by Beyonce and Jay-Z Carter on Jun 16. The album dropped during the second week of the couple’s On the Run II Tour after a performance in London. “Love” is considered the third in a series of albums that deals with the intersection between the superstars’ personal and private lives. In Beyonce’s 2016 release, “Lemonade,” the artist sang about her husband’s infidelity. Jay-Z’s 2017 album “4:44” dealt with the consequences of his actions. The couple’s latest album shows the public that their marriage is on the mend after years of difficulty.

President Trump and his administration have continued to defend their “zero tolerance” policy of breaking up families at the U.S. - Mexico border despite criticism from the U.N. and a pending lawsuit. They have defended their actions by denying the existence of the policy, pointing to the increase in illegal immigration, and used old court cases and human trafficking laws. They also placed the blame on Democrats and cited the Bible. The policy has drawn criticism from the the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein who said “Inflicting such abuse on children is unconscionable.”

On June 19, Nikki Haley announced that the U.S. will withdraw from the U.N. Human Rights Council. Haley said the council has failed to hold human rights abusers accountable for their actions and holds bias against Israel, a U.S. ally. Although President Trump has threatened to pull out of the council for months, the move came a day after the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights criticized the U.S. for separating children and parents at the U.S.Mexico border. Charitable groups have oppossed the move and deemed it “counterproductive to American national security.”

Gaming Disorder

Colorado’s Rising Sun

The World Health Organization added gaming disorder to its diagnostic handbook classifying the new disorder as a mental condition. There are three main signs of gaming disorder, impaired control over gaming, increased priority given to gaming, to the extent that it takes precedence over other life interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences. Studies have found that only a small amount of people are affected by this disorder. WHO recommends that gamers monitor the amount of time they spend on the hobby as well as keep an eye on their health.

Some former Denver Post writers have gathered to form The Colorado Sun, a digital only newspaper which is being funded by Civil, a company hoping to revolutionize the way journalists operate. Civil hopes that using its new blockchain funding method will prevent conflicting interests from domineering owners. Although Civil has provided enough funding to the paper to last for two years, co-founding editor Larry Ryckman envisions a $5 opening subscription rate, compared to the Denver Post’s rate of $12. The Sun hopes to begin publishing in July or August this year.


JUNE 20, 2018




LGBT Pride Month:



If you’re considering going vegan, keep considering it. Animal rights are great an all, but burgers, man!

Fight the damn power! Unless they’re paying for your food, lodging and college education. Then respect the damn power!



If meat eaters try and convince you that vegetables are stupid, tell them where they can stick a carrot.

Show your pride by dressing your dog in a multicolored tutu. They won’t know what’s going on or if you’re trying to make a political statement. But they’ll look fabulous either way.



Pay attention to your loved ones. They seem desperate and needy, but they might just need a hug.

Go to IHOb, formerly known as IHOp, for fun! No one goes there for the food.



If you start receiving random hugs from your loved ones in the near future, run! Someone is trying to bond with you and they probably have an ulterior motive.

The next time you find yourself drunk in a Denny’s at 4 a.m., examine your life, reevalute your choices, and give your waiter an enormos tip.



“I think being gay is a blessing, and it’s something I am thankful for every single day.” -Anderson Cooper

Top 5 Summertime Jams 1. Drake, “Nice for What” 2. Childish Gambino, “This is America” 3. The Carters, “Apeshit” 4. Cardi B, “I Like It”

Drink more water, your kidneys will thank you.

Go watch Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Pay attention to Chris Pratt’s abs... that is all.



Drink more soda. It’s always fun to screw with your electrolyte levels.

If you forgot about Father’s Day last weekend, give your dad a call. As Kanye West said, “None of us’d be here without” them.

5. Weezer, “Africa” Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Nataleah Small at nsmall1@msudenver.edu

Brain games Across

46. The piper’s son



1. False god

47. Regard with respect

1. He ran in 2000

32. Goodyear’s home

5. Splash through water

48. Gets gas, in a way

2. He sang of Alice

33. Clothes lines

10. Upright framing piece

51. Wilder co-star

3. Full of excitement

36. Sound from a boxer

14. Spur

54. Prefix with political or

4. ‘’--- Weapon’’

37. Cholers

15. Rounded like an egg


5. Nehi, e.g.

39. ‘’Show me’’ types

16. Component used as

55. Key’s middle name

6. City in the Ukraine

40. Critic Roger


58. Bumbling

7. Gobi stopovers

44. ‘’Little Women’’ woman

17. Place for mail

63. Pueblo Indian

8. Shorthand whiz

45. Decrease, as a load

18. Prescription amounts

64. Something to kick

9. ‘’--- a real nowhere man

49. Blowgun missile

19. Assigns workers to

65. Fizzy quaff


50. Boss (with ‘’head’’)

20. Sheer bliss

66. Obi-Wan player

10. Do Double Dutch, e.g.

52. Illinois arrival site

22. Fair grade

67. Crop up

11. Shrinking sea

53. 1994 Peace Prize winner

23. Finsteraarhorn, for one

68. Grail descriptor

12. Carte before the course

55. Former Iranian ruler

24. Up to now

69. Layers, really

13. Mingus’ instrument

56. Nat or Natalie

26. Onion variety

70. Dovetail part

21. 45 inches

57. Frank

30. Waftures

71. Cream-filled cookie

22. Diamond weight

59. Soy-based soup

34. Bygone school event

25. Summer cooler

60. Slammer?

35. Sight-unseen purchase

26. Form

61. Vogue rival

38. Lower in public

27. Boxcar riders

62. Belafonte refrain


28. Like pieces requiring

64. Pillbox or toque

41. Take a wrong turn


42. Penta- minus one

29. Ticket info

43. Politician’s project

31. ‘’Semper fidelis,’’ for


“We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.” -George Takei

Student organizations

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