The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 41 NO. 2
AUGUST 29, 2018
Rally against Kavanaugh descends on Civic Center Park
Photo by Isaac Banks |
Kristen Hirsch, Stephanie Chavez and Christine, declined to give last name, at the Unite for Justice Rally at Civic Center Park on Aug. 26. The protest brought attention to the controversial nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The national Unite for Justice protests
By Hilal Bahcetepe
regarding the nomination.
think we need to help build our country.”
attracted progressive and democratic
“I think having Kavanaugh in the
opposition toward President Trump’s
Supreme Court would be a disaster
about reproductive and LGBTQ
Several women spoke specifically rights being of grave concern.
Denver Protestors gathered at Civic
nominated Supreme Court pick, Kavanaugh,
for the country,” Armstrong said.
Center Park on Sunday afternoon to urge
whose political record and previous remarks
“In addition, I do not think Trump
state and local representatives to stop the
on policies regading women’s rights, the
should have the authority to appoint a
coalition, and we’re here today because
nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S.
LGBTQ community and immigration have
Supreme Court Justice at this time.”
we are worried about his record and what
Supreme Court. Denver’s Unite for Justice
raised controversy and concern among
march was joined by several nonprofit
left-wing voters. Kavanaugh was chosen
crowded amphitheater of people with
Wade,” said Molly Swank, a representative
organizations that raise awareness and
to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy,
her friend Nancy Ciancio, who added to
of Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado.
speak with enthusiasm around issues
who stepped down earlier this year.
Armstrong’s comment, “Women’s equality
that would be challenged if Kavanaugh were to be appointed in October.
Judy Armstrong, a Denver local, expresses her concern
Armstrong was standing in a
“We are a part of the #StopKavanaugh
he would have the power to do to Roe v.
in the workplace would be challenged, immigration laws will hurt the people I
| Continued on pg. 2
| pg. 3
Faculty senate addresses future budget.
| pg. 4
China is winning the influence war.
FEATURES | pg. 7
MSU Denver faculty recital opens
Former tennis star leads team as
musical year. Photo story inside
new coach.
| pg. 8