Volume 41, Issue 5 - Sept. 12, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 41  NO. 5

SEPTEMBER 12, 2018


Indefinable band marches forth Unothordox funk band MarchFourth wraps up tour in Colorado, pg. 7

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons| klyons9@msudenver.edu

Anngela Burt of MarchFourth performs an acrobatic routine during their show on Sept. 7 at the Bluebird Theater in Denver. MarchFourth is an out of the ordinary band from Portland, Oregon.

Educators discuss how to keep college relevant


| pg. 2

Rep. Diana DeGette visits campus for Q&A


| pg. 4

By Isaac Banks

Colorado Denver. Mediated by the

you go to post-secondary

Students in the co-op program

Thoughts on The New York Times


Executive Director of the Colorado

education to find yourself and

take a reduced course load for

anonymous op-ed

Department of Higher Education,

discover the world and grow as

their last two years because

Dan Baer, the conversation

a human being,” Baer said.

they work 20 hours a week at


Lockheed Martin as interns. She

President Davidson joins in on the fun at Innauguration barbecue

As part of the weeklong celebration of MSU Denver’s

focused on the ever-changing

Presidential Inauguration, a

environment of higher ed and the

want to be engaged with

said she wants to see these types

panel on the future of higher

challenges universities face.

colleges to make sure students

of programs spread to different

entering the workforce are

disciplines at MSU Denver.

education was held on Sept. 5. The panelists included

Baer framed the conversation

Davidson said employers

around research done by Gallup

ready. In order to reach out

high-level executives from

that found that students are

to employers, MSU Denver

multiple universities including

coming to college for bargaining

formed several partnerships

MSU Denver President Janine

power in the labor force.

with different businesses.

Davidson and Dorothy A. Horrell, chancellor of the University of

“It is a different purpose than the idealized kind of 1950s:

Davidson used the one with Lockheed Martin as an example.


| pg. 6

| pg. 8

Men’s soccer swept in weekend series

| Continued on pg. 3

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