Volume 41, Issue 7 - Sept. 26, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 7


September 26, 2018


Twenty-two years later, relevance of Nuggets legend’s protest persists

Photo by M. Spencer Green | obtained from AP Photo

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf prays during the national anthem before a game against the Chicago Bulls in Chicago on March 15, 1996. He was fined three days earlier by the NBA for proteseting the anthem.

Former Denver Nuggets player Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf talks about where sports players have a place in talking about religion at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Sept. 22.

Steph Curry before Steph Curry.

by James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

be a Muslim — that’s like double trouble

University — Abdul-Qaadir battled

— there’s going to be fallback. It’s this

injuries while flashing her on-court

court success, but his sideline protests

notion that we don’t have minds of our own,

potential. Though she never averaged

of the national anthem. The Colin

that we should ‘Shut up and dribble.’”

more than 7.8 points in a season, she

He’s not remembered for his on-

Flashback to the 1995-96 NBA season. Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf is the starting point guard for the Denver Nuggets. In December of that season, the former third overall pick drops 51 points on the Utah Jazz and

Kaepernick before Colin Kaepernick.

Fifteen years later, Bilqis Abdul-

established herself as a dime-dropper,

And just like the quarterback, Abdul-

Qaadir, the state of Massachusetts’ all-

tallying 100 assists her junior season.

Rauf received death threats for his actions.

time leader in points scored, set foot on

After college, she attempted to go

a court for the University of Memphis

professional, testing her luck overseas.

“I certainly was aware that there

three months later, guts Michael Jordan

was going to be risk involved,” he said.

women’s basketball team, donning No.

and the legendary Chicago Bulls for 33,

“History repeats itself. You look at the

10 on a royal blue jersey and a hijab

handing the team one of their 10 losses.

likes of Muhammad Ali, John Carlos and

— she was the first player to do so.

The 6-foot-1-inch Abdul-Rauf was a baller in every sense of the word, the



Tommie Lee Smith, any time an athlete in

In four years in the NCAA — three

particular, a black athlete who happens to

at Memphis and one at Indiana State

| pg. 2

SGA negotiates free The New York Times subscription


| pg. 4

Should we forgive people’s past?


| pg. 6

| Continued on pg. 8


| pg. 9

Fall Fest encourages student

Women’s soccer sweeps in





SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

Faculty Senate discusses administration power By Megan Webber

faculty? Will the president exercise

here is essentially this: can


some iron fist authority and

someone in an administrative

make it so? The answer, as far

position, who happens to be

as I know, is absolutely not.”

an associate professor, seek

MSU Denver faculty discussed academic policies approved by

He added that going forward,

advancement in rank from

administrators without input

proposals from the administration

associate to full while they’re in

from professors at the Faculty

should be directed back to

that position?” Makley said.

Senate meeting on Sept. 19.

academic departments before

The proposal in question

They also voted against a

approval, meaning the Faculty

states that, if passed, associate

policy allowing rank increases

Senate will be able to have

professors could seek

for professors serving in

much more involvement on what

advancement in rank as long as

administrative roles, as well

kinds of curricula are created.

the process is clearly defined

as discussed an event called

“I just want to assure you

within departmental guidelines.

Grad School Day. Matthew

that in my short time left in this

Makley, president of the Faculty

position, I will do everything I can

professor of physics, said that

Senate, and other members

to represent the will of this body

faculty in her department had

are concerned about the lack of

to the administration,” Makley

concerns about overlapping

faculty access to policies such

said. “So now, the information

duties, and the confusion

as President Janine Davidson’s

from the restructuring is going to

between the responsibilities of

Classroom to Career Initiative.

be disseminated to departments,

an administrator and those of

Known as the C2C or the C2

Azure Avery, an assistant

Photo by Isaac Banks | cbanks17@msudenver.edu

it’s gonna come through

a faculty member. She said the

Hub, the initiative is meant to

chairs hopefully to faculty, and

physics department asked her to

connect academic departments

you will have an opportunity

vote against passing the policy.

and industry leaders to create

to hopefully weigh in.”

curricula for graduate students

Later, the Senate held a vote

Graduate Student Outreach and Admissions Specialist Max Morgan speaks to faculty senate about the upcoming Grad School Day in the Tivoli Student Union on Sept. 19. The Faculty Senate also heard

students can stop in and just

from Graduate Student Outreach

connect with us quickly, and

departmental requirements in

and Admissions Specialist Max

then the workshops will be in here a little more formalized.”

“If the administrator meets

with the skills and qualifications to

on advancement in professional

full, we would be in full support

Morgan about Grad School Day,

be employed in some of Colorado’s

rank for administrators. The

of that, but the agreement to

which will be on Oct. 16 in Tivoli

areas of highest demand, such

uncertainties around the

change those, then, would be

320. The all-day event will promote

to attend, with both a morning

as STEM and K-12 education.

issue involved the duties

of concern,” Avery said.

graduate programs at MSU

and an afternoon session.

Denver and at other universities.

Lunch would be available for

“There are conversations

an administrator, in a given

about the curriculum process and

department who moved up

pass the policy with 37 in favor,

who gets to create curriculum,

from associate professor, would

24 against and 14 abstentions,

visiting, primarily here in the

and will it go around faculty?”

hold in the new position.

with abstentions counting as

state of Colorado,” Morgan said.

votes against the motion.

“We’ll have tables set up where

Makley said. “Will it circumvent

“Remember that the question

The Senate voted not to

“We have other schools

Grad School Day will be free

those who pre-register.

Bus pass rate faces increase By Steve Sarin

the online version can cancel their existing


subscriptions, receive a refund for the unused portion and switch to the MSU

The Student Government Assembly

Denver-sponsored program, Darnall said.

met Sept. 21 to discuss a proposed

The newspaper approached Darnall

fee increase for RTD passes and a

during the summer about becoming part

partnership with The New York Times to

of a student government funded program

provide students free digital access.

giving students a generous discount.

“The fee for RTD passes is probably going

He said the school’s participation aims

to go up by 20 percent,” said Courtney Jones,

to reduce students’ out-of-pocket expenses

the Student Advisory Committee to the

as certain classes require a subscription to

Auraria Board representative on the SGA.

The New York Times as a part of the course

Fees for all riders are set to increase

requirements. The program will cost the

next year. AHEC and the RTD have

SGA $8,000, or 50 cents per student.

yet to come to an agreement.

To kick off the partnership, the SGA

“Ridership from Auraria was 6 percent

discussed holding a watch party on Oct.

higher than previously believed,” said Angela

3, for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ appearance

LeValley, director of Student Activities and

at the newspaper’s “Get with the Times”

the SGA faculty advisor. “That’s one of the

speaker series. Alex Burns, a national

pieces that started this conversation, and the

political correspondent for The New York

second is that RTD is increasing their fares.”

Times, will speak with the Independent Photo by Steve Sarin | ssarin@msudenver.edu

Currently, MSU Denver charges students enrolled in nine or more credit hours a $102 fee for RTD passes. SACAB has not

SACAB representative to SGA Adetilewa Awosanya and SGA advisor Angela LeValley discuss an RTD rate increase on Sept. 21 in the Student Success Building.

yet decided if the proposed $20 increase will face a vote by the student body. “It’s usually about a 90 percent approval rate from students each year,” Jones said. Students vote on the measure in the annual student elections. “It’s a nice thing students do for other students,” LeValley said.

senator from Vermont at 6 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time. The topic of discussion is the importance of voting and student participation in the upcoming midterm

Use varies, and the program shows a willingness for students to assist their peers she said. Discussions between RTD

with The New York Times. The deal would

elections. The New York Times will also

allow SGA to cover subscriptions to the paper.

provide pizza, refreshments and swag. Darnall

“Every single MSU student is going to get free access to The Times for a year,” said

representatives and AHEC continue, and

SGA President Justin Darnall Darnall. “It will

no final decisions have been made.

be the full, top of the line subscription.”

SGA also discussed a potential agreement

Students who already pay for access to

said if and when a Republican participates, the SGA will hold a similar event. Students will have online access to the newspaper by Sept. 27.

Graduating Spring 2019?


1. All students wishing to graduate must apply for graduation. Applications are available online at www.msudenver.edu/studenthub/. Click Apply for Graduation link under Graduation. 2. You must meet the following requirements by the end of the semester you apply for graduation:  Minimum of 120 semester hours  All requirements for your major and minor  All General Studies requirements  Minimum of 40 Upper Division credit hours  Multi-cultural requirement  Cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher

3. Walking in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee that you have graduated. 4. It is your responsibility to report any repeated courses to the Office of the Registrar. Failure to do so may negatively affect your ability to graduate as planned. 5. Diplomas are not provided at Commencement. Your diploma will be mailed upon degree conferral.

For additional information, visit:

www.msudenver.edu/registrar/student/ graduationevaluation and www.msudenver.edu/commencement.

Office of the Registrar


4 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

Recklessness and Power

An evaluation of the Kavanaugh scandal

Managing Editor

these false allegations? However,

electorate must judge whether

Isaac Banks cbanks@msudenver.edu

the scandal also requires the public

those mistakes are disqualifications

to ask introspective questions: If

for holding positions of power.

News Editor

I were the nominee, would I want

Forest Wilson fwilso10@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.ed Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Kavanaugh’s case is tricky

his confirmation moves forward. Now that Ramirez has shared her story, I have much less sympathy for Kavanaugh. This second

my past mistakes to influence my

because it seems as though the

allegation, if proven credible,

future career prospects? And, if I

mistakes he committed were made

illustrates a pattern of thoughtless

were in the victim’s position, what

out of stupidity, not malice. As a

and dangerous behavior. Perhaps

would I risk to tell my story?

young person who has had her fair

the nominee assumed that because

share of drinks and been to her fair

he came from a privileged family

First of all, it is naive to assume By Nataleah Small Met Media alumna

that the mistakes of a person’s past

share of parties, I can admit that I

and attended prestigious schools,


hold no sway of their future. When

have also made mistakes. Would

his actions were either above the

it comes to politics, a candidate’s

I want everything that I said in

law or of so little importance that

n recent weeks, U.S. Supreme

actions, both bad and good, will

high school and everything I did

they didn’t merit an apology or

Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

be taken into account. Voters are

in college plastered on a billboard

defense. However, as someone

has been accused by two women

able to weigh the risk of a person’s

or posted on the cover of The New

who has strived to hold positions of

past against their ability to execute

York Times? Of course not. It’s not

power - demonstrated by where he

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

Christine Blasey Ford claims

a job. If they have a propensity

that I’ve made heinous mistakes,

attended school and previous job in

that Kavanaugh assaulted her at a

toward dishonesty, immorality,

it’s that I’ve done embarrassing

the previous Bush Administration,

Assistant Photo Editor

high school party, while Deborah

violence, etcetera, they may be

things. Most people have swept

he should have known that his

Ramirez has accused the judge of

deemed an unacceptable candidate.

their past mishaps under the rug,

actions would catch up to him at

exposing himself to her at a party

However, if their good deeds

but at some point we will all be

some point. If he was that careless

responsible for our actions.

in his youth, then maybe he doesn’t

Assistant Features Editor Hilal Bahcetepe hbahcete@msudenver.edu Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor

Joel Mathew jmathe19@msudenver.edu


of alleged sexual misconduct.

Director of Met Media

when they attended Yale University.

outweigh their mistakes, they

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Both cases happened decades

have sought reconciliation for

That being said, when I first

ago, involved heavy alcohol use

past wrongs, or have a history

heard about this case, I was able to

and have yet to be definitively

of doing the right thing - for

sympathize with both Kavanaugh

to deal with these assaults, then

Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

deserve to sit on the Supreme Court. If I were a woman who had

corroborated by evidence or

the most part - then they will

and Ford. I have done things that

I would have little respect for a

Production Manager of Met Media

witnesses. Kavanaugh has

be deemed acceptable.

I’m ashamed of, but I have also

system that allowed my abuser to

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

stated that neither event took

been in situations where I have felt

hold a position of power without

place, yet both women are

of power must be evaluated more

unsafe. I am not blaming the victim.

addressing his misdeeds. If these

Office Manager

willing to defend their stories.

rigorously than others because

If Kavanaugh sexually assaulted

stories are true, then we must stand

they have the greatest potential

Ford, then he should admit to,

with the women who were brave

questions in the minds of the public.

to enact change. For the most

and apologize for, his actions and

enough to share their stories. The

Are these allegations true? If so,

part, we have decided that giving

accept the consequences. Ford

justice system will have to decide

does the nominee have the moral

these positions of power to the

has every right to share her story

whether these offenses are credible

fortitude to hold one of the highest

most morally-upright, law-abiding

and Kavanaugh has every right to

and damnable. Kavanaugh is

offices in the U.S. government? If

people is the best course of action.

defend his name, but if there is a

innocent until proven guilty, yet this

not, why would these women risk

However, human nature is messy.

past wrong that needs to be made

trial will be a reminder for all of us

their safety and reputations to make

People make mistakes and the

right, it must be addressed before

to think twice about our actions.

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

This scandal has led to many

Those stepping into positions

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu

Period-shaming keeps people in the dark


estern society tells men

that are meant to have a timeline

girls love sports enough to tough

they shouldn’t have to

of several years never bring up

it out or figure out a way to push

worry about a woman

the subject, and if they do, the

through the discomfort, but they

on her period, and tells women they

bloody, painful aspects are never

seem to hold a secret that non-

should try their hardest to hide it.

mentioned. Instead, it’s a joke.

athlete girls aren’t aware of, and

With so many different kinds of

This not only leaves women

it’s never shared. Being able to

birth control out there and diverse

and girls feeling like they have no

ask questions about how to keep

body types, every woman has a

choice but to say “yes” to sex and

things clean and comfortable would

different experience with the pain,

act like their periods don’t exist, but

make gym class more bearable for

gore, emotions and frequency of

it also allows men to think that this

all girls, not just the sporty ones.

her period. Some women suffer

By Megan Webber

is how all women are. It’s unrealistic

for weeks, others barely at all.


and unfair, because men will think

problem. Girls shouldn’t be afraid

they don’t have to ask, and girls

to talk to each other, and they

will feel afraid to tell the truth.

absolutely should not shame

Along with what we can see and feel, menstruation brings many

of their male and female family

ugly emotions into a girl’s mind.

members and friends to keep them

Women and girls with differently-

from feeling alone and abnormal.

shaped vaginal canals or who

Every woman who menstruates

Another issue that needs

This is a large part of the

other girls for struggling with

addressing is that it’s rarely

their periods. As for guys, they

mentioned in sports. Most girls in

need to stop acting like a woman’s

feel like they don’t have anyone

has to deal with heavy flows and

middle school and high school have

menstrual cycle is somehow an

to talk to about these issues are

soggy tampons, and sometimes

to take P.E. or gym classes every

inconvenience to them. Instead of

isolated from society with no way

it gets everywhere. If it happens

day, and are displayed in front of

asking questions, guys ignore it until

of understanding how to conform.

to over half the population every

their peers during fitness tests,

it affects their sex life, and that’s a

day, why should a woman feel

which can be nerve-wracking for any

good way to further shame women

woman’s period is very much her

ashamed walking down the

13-year-old, let alone a girl who’s

and to continue the ignorance.

own. It should be kept private and

street while on her period?

on her period. What do you tell a

Periods are not an alien thing, but

seventh grader to wear to gym class

if we can’t discuss them, the end

The Western mindset is that a

not discussed in-depth with others,

When media portrays

like sex or any other so-called

menstruation, women always say

when she’s on her period? Pads get

result will be a planet full of women

politically incorrect issue. But not

“yes” to sex, and never say they

soggy and shift uncomfortably, and

and girls feeling like their bodies are

being able to talk about it is part

don’t feel like it, or the woman is on

tampons just fall out if you don’t

the most alien things in the world.

of the pain. Women and young

her period but doesn’t act like any

know how to use them correctly.

girls alike need the verbal support

real woman would act. TV shows

Obviously, many women and

Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Theatre Department and Music Department Proudly Present

Adults: $20 MSU Denver Students: Free (with valid ID) Other Students & Seniors: $10 Tickets: 303-556-2296 www.ahec.edu/boxoffice

Music & Lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison

Book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar

Presented in the Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre Kenneth King Academic & Performing Arts Center 855 Lawrence Way Auraria Campus Free Parking in the 7th Street Garage with valid voucher. Funding for this production provided by Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Fees.

September 27–29, 2018 at 7:30pm October 4–6, 2018 at 7:30pm October 7, 2018 at 2:30pm

The Drowsy Chaperone is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.MTIShows.com





SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

Fall Fest brings Auraria Campus together By Megan Webber

“Tag” at their movie night on Sept. 27


at 4 p.m. in the Tivoli Turnhalle. The event is open to all three institutions

Auraria Campus was turned into a festival ground for Fall Fest

and is free, as is the pizza, popcorn and candy provided by Student Activities.

Sept. 19-20. Student organizations,

MSU Denver students can stop by the

independent sponsors, vendors and

Student Activities office, Tivoli 305, to learn

student resources filled the center of

more about how to get involved on campus.

campus with colorful promotions and attractions for the two-day fair.

The Auraria Campus Police Department was another popular booth at the festival.

One of the most popular tables on

Broken bike locks lay across a table to

both days was the MSU Denver Student

help students see for themselves what

Activities booth, where visitors found

kinds of locks are safe and how to keep

snow cones to help them cool off.

their bikes secure. The police also offered

Assistant Director B.J. Layman said by

free ice cream to students who saved the

Thursday morning, Student Activities

police department’s phone number in

had made and given away 800 cones.

their contacts. Auraria Police recommend

“Snow cones definitely attract people,” Layman said. After stopping by for a cold treat,

calling their office at 303-556-5000 instead of 911 in the event of an on-campus emergency, because a 911 dispatcher

visitors could learn about the services,

would simply redirect the caller to Auraria

opportunities and events offered by

Campus, which takes up more time.

the Student Activities office, including

Commander Jason Mullendor said Fall

Greek life, volunteer programs like

Fest is a great opportunity to make students

Roadrunners Give Back, student travel

aware of the police department and the

conferences and movie nights.

services they provide for students and staff.

Roadrunners Give Back is a volunteer

Photo by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu Auraria Campus students play soccer while others gather around booths at the Annual Fall Fest on Auraria Campus on Sept. 19. Outside sponsors joined student organizations for the two-day fair.

“We have such an eclectic community

program for MSU Denver students and

with so many people, it’s hard to reach

cardio and basic strength workouts, and

of apprehensive to come to our table,

staff looking to spend a day giving back

individuals. So just being out here

Mind Body Fitness classes which focus on

but once they come and they see all the

to the Denver community. Apart from

and being able to talk to people one

a connection between the brain and the

services that we offer, we also offer a

volunteer opportunities, students can

on one I think not only lets them have

body. Classes include yoga, mat pilates,

lot of free services that students aren’t

connect with other Roadrunners and

that information, but it lets them know

indoor cycling, Zumba and circuit training.

always aware of, so they’re pretty

gain experience that will provide them

us as people,” Mullendor said.

Students can find more information by

excited about that,” Gaines said.

with a greater understanding of the

Just a few yards away, the Health

visiting the Health Center or their website.

Center at Auraria also had a booth at Fall

gives students an impressive resume

Fest set up with information regarding

assistant, said she wanted students

counseling with a registered dietitian,

addition for graduate school or future

upcoming events and services they offer.

to be able to feel comfortable visiting

regardless of insurance coverage.

career opportunities. More information is

The Health Center is continuing to offer

the Health Center table, which had

available on the Student Activities website.

free fitness classes for MSU Denver

free condoms for students to take.

Student Activities will be showing

students. They offer Group Fit classes for

Erin Gaines, a health education

The Health Center offers free

community’s social issues. This also

HIV testing, flu shots and nutrition

“I feel like people are always kind

“The House with the Clock in its Walls” exceeds no expectations By Tyler Miller

Made for a decent amount of money, it has


glorious production design. The gothic

Some ideas sound great on paper, but once onscreen can turn into a tragic mistake. One such case is “The House with a Clock in its

in the audience to jump up in terror. Which brings me to the tone and

trappings are there in full bloom. Even the

direction of the movie. Roth is a horror

‘50s setting feels real, enhanced with a

director who has a troubled track record

colorful rock soundtrack in the background.

with films. His eye for detail is strong, but

The cast is fine. Black can play roles like

his sense of comic relief seems forced and

Walls,” a fantasy comedy with some horror

Jonathan at this point in his career. But it’s

awkward. Movies like “The Green Inferno”

beats aimed at a family-friendly crowd. Most

disappointing to see him take it easy and

can get away with baffling one-liners such

of the resulting disaster comes from the tone-

settle for the bare minimum, never really

as, “The cannibals got munchies,” but

deaf mixing of the two genres by director Eli

making the role his, or even memorable. He

here it’s completely unnecessary to end

Roth, who is better known for his gore-filled

just settles for cheap laughs and strange

a graphic scene of horror and demons

horror films “Hostel” and “The Green Inferno.”

sound effects. That being said, Black does

with a CGI poop joke. Which happens

have a few nice subtle acting moments in

at least three times in the movie.

The movie is set in 1955, when the recently orphaned Lewis Barnavelt, played

the flashback scenes. Cate Blanchett, who

by Owen Vaccaro, is sent to live with his

plays Mrs. Zimmerman, fares better and

in the vein of Tim Burton’s “Beetlejuice,”

uncle Jonathan, played by Jack Black,

makes the best of her underwritten role as

but the end result feels like a stoner joke.

in New Zebedee, Michigan. Lewis soon

Jonathan’s French witch friend. It’s fun to see

This isn’t to say horror directors shouldn’t

discovers that his uncle is a warlock with a

her ham-it-up as she hops around and shoots

tackle kids’ movies. Joe Dante did fine

few sinister secrets, including a doomsday

purple laser blasts at CGI jack-o-lanterns.

making both “Gremlins” and “Small

clock hidden away in the house. “The House with a Clock in its Walls”

Owen Vaccaro makes a nice kid hero, but

Roth tries to make a friendly horror film

Soldiers,” but you gotta understand tone.

it seems like the creative team felt it better

“The House with a Clock in its Walls”

is based on the novel of the same name by

to make all of his line deliveries as annoying

doesn’t understand tone and instead just

John Bellairs. On paper, it sounds like a tale

as possible. Not to mention his deep wail of

left many confused and kinda disgusted.

of wonder and kid-friendly magic, but the

a scream, which in one scene where he is

finished film is a disaster in tone and style.

assaulted by CGI books caused a little boy

Photo obtained from IMDb “The House with a Clock in Its Walls” was released on Sept. 21. The movie follows a magical clock that has the power to bring the world to an end.

SEPTEMBER 26, 2018



Professor of chemistry is honored with a fellowship foundation By Megan Webber

the African and African American Studies

with faculty and researchers from all ethnic,


Department, among others for his work at the

racial and gender backgrounds. In addition

university. Most recently, the Wilton Flemon

to giving new professors opportunities to

you only realize a few seconds later the

Post Doctoral Fellowship Foundation was

teach and grow, the program also aligns

excellence of his jest. To stay productive

created in his name for graduate students.

with Flemon’s own passion for teaching.

in academia for so long, I think that ability

“I feel that teaching and learning

to see the humor of even trying situations

When Wilton Flemon came to MSU Denver from the University of Denver in 1969, he had just raised $15,000 as chair

“In his over 50 years of service to this

Flemon has a wonderful sense of humor. “It’s subtle, and more often than not

of the University of Denver Nigerian Biafra

institution, he has established himself as

are what I consider to be my greatest

is essential, and Dr. Flemon absolutely

Children Relief Committee. The funds were

a cornerstone of everything that we as a

achievement. To work with our great faculty

has that humor,” Bonham said.

successfully transferred to the United

university represent,” said Matt Makley,

and students is the greatest achievement/

Nations in New York City, and this attracted

president of the Faculty Senate. “While

award that I will ever receive,” Flemon

to teach his students to be good citizens

the attention of Rocky Mountain media

many institutions around the country talk

wrote in an email to the Metropolitan.

and scholars, and he hopes they follow

outlets as well as the dean of MSU Denver.

about the desire to attract and graduate first

When he was recruited, Flemon had

He added that his fondest memories of

In the classroom, Flemon said he tries

his example of working closely with the

generations students, and students from

his many years here are of the students he

a B.S. degree from both Grambling State

ethnic minorities, MSU Denver is leading the

has taught and the faculty he has worked

University and Morehouse College, an M.S.

charge, because of the thoughtful, deliberate

with. His colleagues, like Makley and Dr.

to my students that I care for deeply

from Atlanta Clark University and a Ph.D.

efforts of people like Wilton Flemon.”

Andrew Bonham, chair of the department of

about them. I hope that they know that I

chemistry, have expressed their admiration

am appreciative that they will take time

from the University of Denver, all in physical

Flemon said the overall objective of

community and giving back to the university. “I hope that I am able to demonstrate

organic chemistry. The first half of his 50 years

the fellowship program is to promote

for the large and small ways he has brought

out of their busy schedules to take my

at MSU Denver, he worked closely with the

recruitment of historically underrepresented

the MSU Denver community together.

classes and to work with me,” he added.

Faculty Senate and the university president

individuals and retain a diverse faculty at

as associate professor of chemistry and

MSU Denver. After a two-year postdoctoral

figure in the department, regularly inviting

Senate Presidents Sheila Rucki and Makley,

chair of the African and African American

professorship program, recipients will

faculty members new and old to one-on-

MSU Denver Provost Vicki Golich, President

Studies Department. In the past 25 years, he

have the opportunity to transition into

one lunches to talk about difficult issues or

Janine Davidson and the MSU Denver

has worked as professor of chemistry while

tenure track positions at the university.

just to check up on them,” Bonham said.

Trustees for their recognition of his work

continuing to represent the department of chemistry in the Faculty Senate. Over his five decades at MSU Denver, Flemon has won awards for his work with

Flemon said he hopes this program

“Wilton is a very active mentoring

Flemon said he is grateful to Faculty

Flemon’s achievements go beyond

and the entire MSU Denver community

will allow students to be more culturally

academia, although those achievements

competent, inclusive and sensitive to all

have reached far. Bonham said that

cultures and have the opportunities to work

although many people don’t know it,

for working with him over the years.



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SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

Muslim athletes reflect on groundbreaking careers

Volleyball splits weekend The MSU Denver volleyball team, 8-6, began their weekend series Sept. 21 with a sweep of Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference opponent Western State Colorado University by scores of 25-18, 25-13 and 25-12. Sophomore standout Lyric Hebert recorded 17 digs in the match. Two days later, the Roadrunners were on the receiving end of a sweep at the hands of conference rival Colorado Mesa University by scores of 25-16, 25-20 and 25-18, respectively. The loss ended MSU Denver’s seven match win streak against the Mavericks. Senior Santaisha Sturges was the only Roadrunner to record double digit kills with 10. Their next match will be against South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on Sept. 28 at the Auraria Event Center.

Continued from cover

The International Basketball Association forbade her from wearing her hijab on court, claiming that they wanted to be religionneutral. She inquired if those who have Christian scriptures tattooed on their arms had to cover up as well, to which FIBA responded saying that they were afraid that her “scarf” would hurt someone. That was when Abdul-Qaadir’s basketball career came to an end. FIBA eventually agreed to allow players to wear a hijab, but not until 2017. “That right there, I knew it was discrimination,” she said. At the Crowne Plaza off 14th and Glenarm, just outside of the

Men’s soccer hits wall against RMAC competition The MSU Denver men’s soccer team, 3-5, faced Fort Lewis College and Colorado Mesa University over the weekend, losing to both by scores of 5-2 and 1-0, respectively. The Roadrunners rank seventh in the conference in goals allowed with 15, scoring an equal amount that places them at fifth in goals scored. They’ll visit in-state rival Colorado School of Mines on Sept. 28, then face South Dakota School of Mines in Rapid City.

Hankins’ high rankin’ contrasts low team finish

hotel’s Oxford Room, Abdul-Rauf and Abdul-Qaadir sit across from Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

each other at separate, three-foothigh round tables. Abdul-Rauf in a black, short sleeve shirt and

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf talks alongside Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir about the relationship between their Islamic religion and their careers at basketball players at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Sept. 22.

nice pants slumps in his chair lost in thought while Abdul-

are speaking at an “Evening

in the U.S. — has faced an ongoing

in companies that comply with

Qaadir, sporting a dry pink hijab,

With Champions,” a fundraising

controversy after Kaepernick began

the teachings of Islam.

rests her chin on her palm.

event hosted by the Islamic

to kneel to protest alleged racial

Medical Association of North

injustice and police brutality in the

Abdul-Rauf’s actions since day

America, hoping to persuade

country. In the 1995-96 season,

one, becoming friends with the

attending Muslims to go out into

Abdul-Rauf would often hang

former player five years ago. The

their community and donate

out in the locker room while the

importance of their presence

to charitable causes, as well as

anthem played, and after being

not only extends to donations

support the hosting organization.

reprimanded by the league, would

to IMANA, but an impression

The story of the two Muslim

stand and pray during the anthem.

on the children in attendance.

athletes has re-emerged since the

In July, the NFL established a

“We’re human beings first and athletes second. The same problems that affect you, affect us.” – Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf Tonight, Sept. 22, the two

NFL — the most profitable league

Junior Jennifer Hankins was the standout performer for an MSU Denver golf team that finished 15th out of 17 at the Western New Mexico Fall intercollegiate tournament. Hankins shot a five over par 77 on Monday, then improved by two strokes Tuesday. Fellow juniors Kika Dzoan and Abigail Dixon finished with scores of 160 and 166, respectively. The team’s fourth competitor, Winnie Shaw, withdrew from competition due to illness. Their next invite will be at the NCAA Division II National Championship Preview on Oct. 15 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

The U.S. national women’s basketball team dominated Latvia 102-76 to finish the tournament’s Group Phase 3-0. Seven women for the U.S. scored double digits, led by center Tina Charles with 18. The win clinches them a first round bye in the quarter finals, and will play the winner of the Nigeria-Greece match on Sept. 28.

One for us Muslims to know that

locker room during the anthem, but

we can also achieve anything

those who don’t are required stand.

we want, and are as American non-Muslims, the rest of America,

continue to act. Two Miami Dolphins

to see that Muslims are athletes,

players — receivers Kenny Stills and

too,” Nausrudeen said. “Muslims

Albert Wilson — knelt before the

are mothers, fathers, brothers, and

game on Sept. 23 while defensive

doctors and cancer researchers,

end Robert Quinn raised a fist.

and everything else. We are as

detractors in the ‘90s has since re-

American as an American can be.” Abdul-Rauf was pushed out of

entered the public lexicon in light of

the NBA. He was player before his

the waves of protest: stick to sports.

time and at his peak, was traded to

“It’s offensive,” Abdul-Rauf said,

the Sacramento Kings and phased

with Qaadir chuckling in agreement.

out of the league over the course of

“We’re human beings first and

two season, having a brief stint with

athletes second. The same problems

the Vancouver Grizzlies in 2001.

that affect you, affect us. You try to

In 2017, he returned to the

minimize our worth by trying to take

court in the BIG3 basketball league

away our voice. It’s a disgrace.”

as co-captain of the 3 Headed

Before his keynote address, Abdul-Rauf met attendees that were inspired by his actions 22

Monsters with former NBA players Kwame Brown and Eddie Basden. Abdul-Qaadir wasn’t given the

years ago, and children who were

opportunity to play professionally

meeting a hero of theirs for the first

again, but she’s content in

time, eagerly holding basketballs

where her path is headed.

for him and Abdul-Qaadir to sign.

Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir plays for Indiana State University while wearing her hijab in 2013 at the Hulman Center in Terre Haute, Indiana. Abdul-Qaadir was the first woman to play wearing the religious cloth in NCAA basketball.

as anyone else. And I think for

most demonstrations, but some

A phrase from Abdul-Rauf’s

Photo obtained from Indiana State University Athletics

“It has a two-sided benefit.

rule allowing players to stay in the

The much decried rule has stifled

USA advances to next round in FIBA World Cup

Nausrudeen has followed

“I’m representing Muslim

Watching from the opposite

women in sport, African-American

side of the hallway was Salaudeen

women, and just women in general.

Nausrudeen, marketing manager

I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”

for Wahed Investment, a company that guides Muslims to invest


SEPTEMBER 26, 2018


Ball rolling for women’s soccer

Roadrunners enter road trip riding four game winning streak

By James Burky

on missed shots, and three

perfectly into the goalkeeper’s


players eventually grabbed

box, giving a well-positioned

their first goals of the season.

Brassard a chance to knock it in.

The MSU Denver women’s

“The game opens and presents

“I’ve been trying all season

soccer team bombarded Rocky

itself in different ways,” Chao said.

so far to get one off a corner

Mountain Athletic Conference

“It requires players to have a good

kick,” Brassard said. “I just see

opponents en route to another

soccer IQ and read the game and

it coming in, I think it hit off

weekend sweep, entering

go with it, not just be limited by

somebody, ball came right to my

an upcoming road schedule

their position. We’re not foosball

foot and I saw the right corner

with four wins in a row.

players. Soccer is a free flowing

open so I just placed it in there.”

Facing the Colorado

game and, sometimes, attack can

Mesa University Mavericks

come from different players.”

and Western State Colorado

The Roadrunners offense kept their opponents’ backs to the wall.

Reigna Banks, the team leader

But on Sunday, the game belonged

University Mountaineers, the

in goals, was held scoreless over

to their defense, who delivered

Roadrunner offense left little

the weekend. In her absence

lethal blows to any glimmers of

room for the opposing defenses

on the stat sheet, the bench

hope Western had, and featured

to breathe, tallying 19 shots on

stepped up. Entering the weekend,

RMAC Defensive Player of

goal and scoring five times.

Banks and Gabriella “YeaYa”

the Week Jessica Mooney.

Both games featured first

Gamboa had accounted for 13

When the Mountaineers began

halves that were rife with missed

of the team’s 17 goals. Gamboa

to establish rhythm and move

opportunities and an inability

scored once against Mesa,

the ball across the pitch, the

to pull away early, something

and the rest of the offensive

back line protecting goalkeeper

the Roadrunners have had a

output was left to a variety of

Erica Torres maneuvered their

habit of doing in victories.

background contributors.

way into tight spaces to pound

All five goals this weekend

Freshman Paloma Teran scored

Photo by Deicy Luevanos | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

Mackayla Duerksen dribbles the ball down the field in MSU Denver’s match against Western State on Sept. 23 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Duerkson scored her first goal of the season to clinch a 3-0 win. in-house challenge yet.

important as any stat — chemistry.

The four schools they have

Their All-26 philosophy — a

the ball back to the other side.

faced in the RMAC: New Mexico

reference to the 26 players on

Their performance made

came in the second half, with just

her second goal of 2018 on Friday

Highlands University, Colorado

roster — demands commitment

one coming from a top scorer. In

night. On Sunday, freshman

Gamboa, who has five goals

State University – Pueblo,

from every Roadrunner, and has

Sunday’s match, the Roadrunners

Taylor Reising and sophomore

and three assists on the

Colorado Mesa and Western

established a tight-knit family

had eight shots on goal in the first

Mackayla Duerkson made the

season, critical of her unit’s

State, have a combined 2-13

free of cliques and animosity.

45 minutes, several of which came

underclassmen presence known

impressive performance.

conference record, whereas

just inches from finding the net.

on the scorecard, but it was junior

When head coach Tracy Chao tweaked their formations

“It was very frustrating, but

Riding the momentum of four

Dixie State and Westminster are

straight shutouts, MSU Denver

defender Makenna Brassard

they had zero shots on goal the

4-2, the latter being undefeated

will visit Dixie State in St. George,

that kicked off the scoring.

whole game, we dominated in

in RMAC and 6-1 overall.

Utah on Sept. 28, and then

and brought in bench talent

The Roadrunners established

shots,” Gamboa said. “We finished

But the No. 13 Roadrunners,

Westminster College in Salt Lake

midway through the first

offensive momentum toward

the chances we could, but we

who dropped two spots in

City two days later. Their next

half, the Roadrunners were

the end of the first half and

should have finished more.”

Tuesday’s poll, don’t just have

home game will be Oct. 12 against

given a needed boost.

crowded the Mountaineer’s

As they look ahead to

their barn-burning offense,

Colorado Christian University.

Possessions went deeper

half of the field for the majority

Dixie State University and

brick wall defense and heart-

into enemy territory, the ball

of the second. A corner kick

Westminster College, the

stopping goalkeeper, they have

got ever closer to the goal

from the left side was placed

Roadrunners face their toughest

an intangible metric that’s just as

Roadrunners athletics review Volleyball


Women’s Soccer Sept. 21

at Western State

Colorado University

Sept. 21

at Western New Mexico

Fall Intercollegiate

Day 1 (Sept. 24)


15th of 19



at Colorado Mesa


Sept. 22 L 0-3

vs Colorado Mesa University Sept. 23 vs Western State Colorado University

W 2-0

W 3-0

Day 2 (Sept. 25) 15th of 19 233

Final 15th of 19 478 (+51)

Men’s Soccer Sept. 21 vs Fort Lewis College Sept. 23 vs Colorado Mesa University

L 2-5

L 0-1






Open House: Applied Learning Center

Location Admin Building 325


Nick Cannon

Location Fiddler’s Green

SEPTEMBER 26, 2018



Women’s Soccer

Men’s Soccer

Location Paramount

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 8:00 p.m.

09.28 at Dixie State Location Dixie State

09.28 at School of Mines Location Golden

Price Free

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 11:00 a.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

Women’s Volleyball

Women’s Volleyball

09.26 09.26

Political and Public Sector Panel


Location Red Rocks



Location Cervantes’

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:00 p.m.

Time 7:15 p.m. 09.28 S.D. School of Mines

Location Tivoli 320

Location Denver

Price Free Time 2:00 p.m. 09.26


Location Summit 09.27

Movie Night: TAG

09.27 Tom Papa

09.29 vs. Black Hills State Location Denver

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:00 p.m.

Time 5:00 p.m.

Location Comedy Works

Price Varies

Price $25/30

Time 8:00 p.m.

Time 8:00 p.m.

PROFESSIONAL SPORTS Location Tivoli Turnhalle Price Free Time 4:00 p.m.



Sebastian Bach

Location Oriental Theater


Dr. Fresch

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 8:00 p.m.

Time 9:00 p.m.

Play: “The Drowsy Chaperone” 09.26

Location King Center Price Varies Time 7:30 p.m.


Location Bluebird



09.26 vs. Phillies Location Coors Field Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:40 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.

Hoodie Allen

Price Varies

Price Varies Time 8:00 p.m.

Rockies 09.28 vs. Nationals Location Coors Field

Location Red Rocks


Big Gigantic

check out “Lake Clarity” at MyMetMedia.com

Rockies 09.29 vs. Nationals Location Coors Field

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 6:10 p.m.

Time 6:10 p.m.

Location Red Rocks

Price $46.50

Price Varies

Time 7:30 p.m.

Time 6:00 p.m.


Lake Clarity: For an immersive audio drama

09.27 vs. Rockies Location Coors Field

Location Cervantes’

Time 8:00 p.m.

09.27 Get the Led Out


Location Fox Theatre


Carbon Leaf

Location Levitt Pavilion


Lil Pump

Colorado Buffaloes

Air Force

Location Fillmore

Price Free

Price TBA

Time 6:00 p.m.

Time 7:30 p.m.

09.28 vs. UCLA Location Boulder

09.29 vs. Nevada Location Colorado Springs

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7:00 p.m.

Time 2:00 p.m.


Versace brought for $2.1 billion

Swedish Prime Minister Lofven

Trump Shrugs Off Laughter At U.N.

Bill Cosby’s trial come to a close

19-year-old survives forty-

Versace was taken over by U.S. fashion giant Michael Kors for $2.1 billion. Creative director Donatella Versace, who has run Versace since 1997, said that the sell was a exciting moment and would allow the fashion house to reach its full potential. She will continue to lead Versace. Long time fans have pushed back against the acquisition taking to social media to voice their opinion. Versace and members of her family will receive around $177 million worth of shares in the newly united company. Michael Kors Holdings Limited will change its name to Capri Holdings Limited.

loses confidence vote

U.S. President Donald Trump delivered a speech to the United Nations Sept. 25. “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country” Trump said, eliciting a cascade of quiet laughter through the assembled delegates. Trump continued to talk about his presidential achievements, before defending his attempted detente with North Korea, tariffs against China, and withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

Bill Cosby was sentence to three to 10 years in prison on Tuesday. The now infamous comedian was found guilty for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand 14 years ago at his home. Constand and 10 other women, who accused Cosby, were present at the sentencing. Prosecutors asked for a maximum of five to 10 years. Cosby was denied bail and sent straight to jail. His path to prison started in 2015, with his first trail 2017 ended with a deadlocked jury.

nine days at sea

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has been voted out of office after four years. The Swedish parliament brought the question of Lofven’s leadership to a vote just weeks after the anti-immigration Swedish Democrats made gains on mainstream parties. The speaker of the parliament will now propose a new prime minister, but with most political alliances lacking the ability to build a clear majority and refusing to ally with the Swedish Democrats, concerns are mounting about the ability to form a new government. If four successive attempts fail, fresh elections will be called, and the process repeated.

Aldi Novel Adilang, a 19-year-old Indonesian, survived at sea for 49 days. He was working on a floating hut, called a romong, 77 miles off the Indonesia’s cost. His job was to light lamps to attract fish at night when the anchor to the hut broke during a storm on July 14, casting him into the sea. Adilang survived on fish and partially strained seawater because the hut only had a week worth of food and water. After the crew of a Panama ship rescued Adilang, he was taken to a Japanese port before eventually making it back home.


SEPTEMBER 26, 2018




“I aways end on a climax.”

“What do you think of this Bill Cosby Joke?”



Even though dedication has lead you to success, consider whether you should change course in the near term.

Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy. Trust when your friends lend a hand, and it will smooth your progress.



Self expression can be difficult, but this week promises to renew old bonds if you can just reach out.

Your convivial nature is an asset, so remember to look outside yourself and share that inner warmth this week.



Even though the near future might bear difficulty, don’t allow yourself to ignore the problems, square up to them.

This week calls for your exacting standards. Don’t fret about being over critical, and make sure to meet your goals.



Despite your doubts, your frustration is justified this week. Don’t let others tell you your over-reacting without cause.

Your instinct to listen to all side of an issue can erode your standards. Don’t forget your own opinion in the milieu.



“ That’s not my world anymore.”

Top 5 PS4 Exclusives 1. God of War 2. Horizon Zero Dawn 3. Bloodborne 4. Persona 5

It’ll be a struggle not to stand your ground, but make sure you don’t ignore the other side’s position.

People will complain about your stubbornness, but you should be constant as the northern star for the time being.



Seize the initiative in the coming days, despite your inclination to profound consideration.

Be frank about people’s expectations this week, and make sure you can manage what you promise.

5. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to managing editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu


44. Batman’s sidekick


32. ____ and con

1. Rock group

45. Sailors

1. Soothing salve

35. Not pos.

5. Window part

47. Strong wind

2. Operatic melody

37. Woodwind

9. Supply food

49. “____ Clear Day...” (2

3. Inert gas

38. Wedding band

14. Zone


4. Frontiersman ____ Boone

39. Stocking mishap

15. Zenith

50. Client

5. Ironic remark

41. Aussie bird

16. Soap ____

52. Savings (2 wds.)

6. Top card

43. Alley

17. MGM’s symbol

54. Frequently, in verse

7. Clever

46. Fictional clownfish

18. Raise

57. Purplish red

8. Brave

48. Indulgent

19. Transplant

59. Extra virgin ____ (2 wds.)

9. Thin rope

51. Pay hikes

20. Lunatic

62. Tel Aviv’s locale

10. Orangutans

53. Plaid

22. Highway shoulder

66. Cindy Crawford, e.g.

11. Moderately warm

54. Spirited vigor

24. Rubber band

67. Spot

12. Corrode

55. Fauna’s partner

26. ____ Moines, Iowa

69. Vocalist ____ Turner

13. Fixed prices

56. Ocean currents

27. Hair cutter

70. Printing machine

21. Assumed names

58. Move smoothly

30. Fellow

71. Eve’s home

23. Feel bad

60. Suit item

33. Besides

72. Does sums

25. Flower part

61. In addition

34. Preacher’s word

73. Swiftness

27. RR terminals

63. Assistant

36. Bloopers

74. Mailed

28. Hue

64. Finales

40. Peruvian range

75. Loch ____

29. Jedi master

65. Girl

31. Nabs

68. Knockout count

42. Actor ____ Gibson





“That’s what his upper lip looks like.”

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 1, 2018 Submit nominations at www.msudenver.edu/mlk

Do you know someone who is a champion for civil rights? Someone who embraces diversity and builds community? Nominate a hero for the 2019 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Award presented on January 18, 2019.

HONOR A HERO Nominations address the following • Community Activism • Advocacy • Depth of Involvement

M L K P E AC E B R E A K FA S T 2 0 1 9

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