The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 41 NO. 12
OCTOBER 31, 2018
MSU Denver eyes shot at Division I
Composite by Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9
By James Burky
conference tournaments across
all sports and four team national
the department’s website. The initial phase of the
of the WAC. You have to be
benchmarked for success,” Wright
championships. Over the summer,
transition is conducting
told a conference room of three
the Western Athletic Conference
a feasibility study. That’s
students and six department staff
Midterm guide: breaking down the
department began a feasibility
reached out to MSU Denver,
where Collegiate Consultants
members. “Based on the history
ballot measures
study of transitioning into
encouraging the school to study
enters the picture.
here, and the mindset here is,
Division I competition through
the prospects of moving divisions.
The MSU Denver Athletics
focus groups on Oct. 29 and 30. For 35 years, MSU Denver
“We are a proud member
| pg. 2
‘Hey, we are a strong athletic
director for the firm, visited
institution, we are gonna win.’
Trump sets a target on transgender definition
Russell Wright, a managing
of NCAA Division II, however
the campus for the first time
That is going to be the mindset
has competed under the NCAA
it is always in the best interest
Monday to get the ball rolling
we have as we put this together.”
Division II umbrella and, since
of an institution to do its due
on the decision-making process,
1996, has been a marquee
diligence when an overture
one that he expects will take
member of the Rocky Mountain
such as this one comes,” said
between 18-24 months.
Athletic Conference. Since 1998,
Anthony Grant, director of
the Roadrunners have won 35
athletics, via a statement on
| pg. 6
| Continued on pg. 10
TODAY: Tivoli celebrates Halloween with day-long activities
“We’re not going to benchmark you toward the bottom third
| pg. 11
Men’s soccer senior night full of Masthead: Halloween icons designed by Freepik