Volume 41, Issue 13 - Nov. 7, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 41  NO. 12

NOVEMBER 7, 2018


The governor of Colorado pg. 2

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

U.S. Representative for Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District Jared Polis wins governor of Colorado at the election watch party at The Westin Denver Downtown on Nov. 6.



NOVEMBER 7, 2018

Jared Polis defeats Walker Stapleton in midterms Democrat becomes first openly gay governor By James Burky

Colorado, we dream, we dare and


we do,” Polis said in his victory speech. “We don’t back down when

In a ballroom on the third floor of the Westin Hotel off 16th and Lawrence, Colorado’s blue shade

something is challenging, we see problems as opportunities.” One of Polis’ focal points on

got a little deeper. Democrat Jared

the campaign trail was education.

Polis, an openly gay Jewish man

A marquee promise he made

who spent the last 10 years in the

was to institute free, full-day

House of Representatives, defeated

preschool and kindergarten.

Republican Walker Stapleton to

His campaign also promoted

become governor. A state that was

ideas popular among college

a confident win for Republicans as

students — lowering textbook

recently as 18 years ago became the

costs and reducing student debt.

first to elect an openly gay governor. The ballroom — filled with media

“Jared Polis has made very clear that he believes, not just higher

and eager supporters — erupted

education but K12 education, are

into cheers as hands sprouted

roots of economic progress,” said

from the crowd, clutching “Jared

Gov. John Hickenlooper, a fellow

Polis for Colorado” signs after

Democrat. “They want more

CNN declared Polis the winner.

money for education and they

Moments later, the Boulder native

want more money for higher ed,

took the stage with his running

and I think Jared will do that.”

mate, Lt. Gov. Dianne Primavera, to address their constituents. “Tonight we reaffirmed what

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Polis will be sworn in as governor at the next Colorado General

Gov. John Hickenlooper passes the torch to Jared Polis in an embrace at the election watch party at The Westin Denver Downtown on Nov. 6.

Assembly session in early January.

an amazing state that we live in. In

State congressional results by district KEY RED: Republican vote BLUE: Democratic vote GREEN: Third-party vote

District 3 Scott Tipton (R)


District 4 Ken Buck (R)

District 5 Doug Lamborn (R)

2 4

District 2 Joe Neguse (D)

District 6 Jason Crow (D)

5 7



District 1 Diana DeGette (D)

District 7 Ed Perlmutter (D) All polling data official as of 9:30 p.m., with all races called by New York Times


NOVEMBER 7, 2018

Historic voter rates turn Colorado blue


Other Colorado office races Secretary of State

By Jim Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu According to The Denver Post voter turnout


in Colorado by 9 p.m. was 2.3 million. The 2016 election saw 2.8 million voters turn out, but only 2 million showed up for the 2014 midterm. At

Jena Griswold (Democrat) 50.64 percent


Wayne Williams (Republican) 47.06 percent


761,000, unaffiliated voters counted for more


than one-third of the electorate this year. Combined with the fact that unaffiliated

Third Party Candidates 2.3 percent


voters can now vote for one of the major parties


in their primaries, the power of that electoral 0

base is growing. Especially as independents in Colorado tend to align more with the Democratic party than the Republican party. Midterm elections almost always go against

Attorney General Phil Weiser (Democrat) 49.42 percent

the party in power, especially the president’s party. However, this election has been touted as a referendum on voters’ opinions on President Trump’s


George Brauchler (Republican) 47.78 percent

politics and behavior, a concept he has leaned into. At the time of writing, the New York Times had


called a switch of 25 seats to the Democrats in the House of Representatives, giving them a majority. Photo by Kailiegh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Local activist who goes by the stage name Orange Peel Moses encourages Auraria students to vote in the Tivoli quad on Nov. 6. The campus had a large voter turnout in the 2018 midterm elections.

However, this is smaller than the shift experienced in the 2010 elections, where the Republicans gained 63 seats in response to Obama’s presidency.




Third Party Candidates 2.8 percent


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Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.

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NOVEMBER 7, 2018

Jason Crow takes CD6 away from Coffman

Amendment 73 - Education Funding Amendment 73 sought to increase funding for education by altering tax assessment rates, state income rates, and student classification. However, concerns over complicating the tax code and the effectiveness of the proposed measures to improve education outcomes prevailed as the amendment fell 56.1 percent to 43.9 percent.

earning a Bronze Star for his service in Iraq. After leaving the Army in 2006, he worked as a lawyer at Holland & Hart and

Proposition 112 - Oil and Gas Drilling Setback Proposition 112 sought to increase setbacks for new oil and gas

advised President Obama’s re-election

from their current levels to a universal 2,500 feet. With its failure,

campaign on military and veterans’ issues,

rates will remain at 500 feet for houses and other occupied buildings,

co-chaired Governor John Hickenlooper’s

and 1,000 feet for high occupancy buildings and neighborhoods

Veterans Affairs Transition Committee

of 22 buildings or more. Also retained will be a system of waivers

and co-chaired Veterans for Mark Udall.

for development within those offsets, which 112 would have

When it came to campaign spending,

eliminated. It was defeated 57.5 percent to 42.5 percent.

Crow raised and spent more money than Coffman. According to OpenSecrets, Crow raised around $5 million and spent about

Amendment Y & Z - Independent Congressional

$4.5 million. Coffman, on the other hand,

and Legislative Redistricting

raised $3.4 million and spent $3.2 million. Crow walked out to deliver his victory

Y and Z will create two 12-member commissions. One commission for state offices, and one for federal. Commissions will be

speech to a chorus of supporters chanting

represented by four Democrats, four Republicans and four unaffiliated

his name. He thanked his team, the

members, with all being appointed through a lottery system. To

volunteers who helped his campaign and his

pass any revision, eight votes would be required, with at least two

By Isaac Banks

family. He singled out Coffman, saying that

coming from unaffiliated members. Both amendments passed,


he was not an enemy, and thanked him for

with Y taking 71.2 percent of votes and Z taking 70.8 percent.

Obtained from www.hollandhart.com/jacrow.

his service to the district and in the military. Jason Crow beat Mike Coffman to take

This victory pushes Colorado closer

Colorado 6th Congressional District seat.

to a blue state, with four out of the

The Democrats have tried and failed five

seven House seats and the governor

times to unseat Coffman, who learned how

belonging to Democrats. The Colorado

contributions under certain circumstances. With its failure, independent

to speak Spanish and established a strong

6th is important to Democrats on the

contributions will continue to be capped at current levels as stipulated

connection with the Ethiopian community,

national level, who have targeted it in their

in the Colorado constitution. Concerns over complicating the tax

fter the district was redrawn in 2012.

effort to flip the House this midterm.

code and the effectiveness of funding increases on outcomes

Amendment 75 - Campaign Contribution Limits Amendment 75 sought to increase individual campaign

carried the day with 66 percent against and 34 percent for.

Crow served as an Army Ranger,





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NOVEMBER 7, 2018


How animated films portray Día de los Muertos


5 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Managing Editor

f the many films that have

the rulers of the Land of the

something his family hates most

been made in the past

Remembered and the Land of the

of all. He travels to the Land of the

decade about the Day

Forgotten, respectively. The two

Dead and meets his ancestors,

of the Dead, animated children’s

kings wager over who will marry

who must return him home before

Rich Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu

films have received the most

a woman named Maria Posada.

sunrise, or else he will be stuck

Assistant News Editor

recognition. They all strive to

Her two lovers are cast against

there forever. Miguel struggles with

promote the values of the holiday,

each other in a fateful duel to

choosing between his dedication

James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.ed

but they do so in the same way that

determine which ruler will take over

to his family and his passion, and

Features Editor

many Christmas movies promote

the Land of the Remembered.

the movie focuses heavily on the

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Christmas. And like these films,

While the Day of the Dead is not

without offering much education,

specifically featured or mentioned

bond between family members and what it means to put family first.

Isaac Banks cbanks@msudenver.edu Content Manager

Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

they tell emotional stories loosely

By Megan Webber

in the film, it does take a dive into

related to Dia de los Muertos.


Mayan myths by telling the story of

focus heavily on the emotions

Assistant Sports Editor

these two rulers and their realms.

associated with the holiday, never

Deicy Gomez dluevan3@msudenver.edu

Each culture celebrates the Day

“Día de los Muertos” and “Coco”

of the Dead differently, but they all

film titled “Día de los Muertos.” It

Some Mexican cultures believe that

giving much history or a reason for

entail the remembrance of loved

follows a little girl who is sucked

when a person dies they are stuck

why things are the way they are in

ones and offerings. The Aztecs

into the Land of the Dead and

in between the living world and

their culture. “The Book of Life” tells

believed that the souls of their

greeted by a relative. The silent

that of the Land of the Forgotten,

a story that only slightly relates to

departed ancestors would visit them

movie uses only music to guide the

and only by passing through

the holiday, but still brings Aztec

on Oct. 31 and leave on Nov. 2. This

viewer to a conclusion on what is

their living relatives on the Day

and Mexican traditions to life. The

Joel Mathew jmathe19@msudenver.edu

led to generations of people leaving

happening and who the characters

of the Dead can they successfully

Day of the Dead itself is centered

Copy Editor

offerings of food, photographs,

are. In this way, the film is relatable

make the journey to the Land of

around remembrance, so if these

candles and decorations on

to any viewer because the message

the Remembered. This can take a

films help children around the world

Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu

their ofrendas, or shrines, to

transcends language and culture.

number of years, but it is believed

remember something about their

that the soul will eventually

culture or their ancestors, maybe

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

meet La Muerte in his castle.

the history doesn’t matter so much.

Assistant Director of Met Media

welcome and honor the souls.

The 2014 animated film “The

Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Assistant Photo Editor

Director of Met Media

There are three animated films

Book of Life” took a different

that have managed to capture the

approach to representing the

essence of Dia de los Muertos in

holiday. Instead of focusing on a

2017 masterpiece “Coco.” The

Megan Webber is the Features Editor

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

some way. The first of this group

celebration, the film explores the

movie follows a young boy named

at The Metropolitan and is currently

Production Manager of Met Media

was a 3-minute long 2013 short

tale of La Muerte and Xibalba,

Miguel who has a passion for music,

pursuing a degree in linguistics.

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

The third film is Disney’s Pixar

Offi ce Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Consent and negotiation


Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

onsent is a buzzword in

revolve around the balance of

go wrong, instead of lobbying

conversations about sex and

power within a relationship.

accusations and hiding behind

relationships. In the simplest

Power comes in a variety of forms:

historical social expectations of

terms, in order to have consent, both

physical ability — one partner may

masculinity and femininity, both

partners must agree on performing

be stronger or physically larger;

partners should acknowledge the

an intimate action before it can take

mental dexterity — one partner may

problem, evaluate the shortcomings

place. For example, before kissing

be smarter or more manipulative;

in their communication and

another person it’s advisable to ask

and emotional vulnerability — this

seek help if necessary.

permission before making a move.

comes down to sensitivity and

In order for a sexual interaction to be

eagerness to please their partner.

consensual, consent must be given

We should teach each other not only to require consent,

In many cases, men are

but also to understand the

at every stage of the interaction

physically stronger than women

By Nataleah Small Met Media alumna

influence and power dynamics

and can be retracted at any time.

and have the ability to overpower


at play within a relationship.

Although this is an admirable

them. Also, women are perceived

Different types of power should

standard to abide by, it leaves

to be more emotionally sensitive

consent and more conscious

not be viewed as greater or less

little room for the nuances that

than men — a trait often viewed as

about the way they are perceived

than, instead they should be

takes place during a romantic or

weakness. When power imbalances

by their female counterparts.

stepping stones for negotiation.

sexual interaction. By requiring

exist within a relationship, there

That being said, consent alone

a hard “yes” or “no” before a

is potential for damage to occur.

will not fix all the problems that may

power plays a role in social

arise during a sexual interaction.

interactions and do our best not to use it against another person.

couple proceeds with any type

“Everything in the world is about

We must understand how our

of intimacy, it provides little

sex except sex. Sex is about power,”

Because a hard “yes” or a hard

opportunity for spontaneity, times

this quote, supposedly said by Oscar

“no” can be hard to come by, it is

when one partner says “maybe,”

Wilde, summarizes the dilemma.

important to teach people about

to speak up. There’s no need

Women have received the

or moments when communication is forced or muddled. One partner may feel uncomfortable participating in

Be honest and never be afraid

honesty, how to read nonverbal

to sacrifice moral or mental

brunt of this power imbalance.

communication cues and to respect

fortitude on the altar of social

However, times are changing.

one’s partner as an individual. The

acceptance. Acknowledge the

best way to resolve any matter

nuances of any relationship and

In light of the #MeToo

a specific sexual act, but gives

movement, women are speaking

is to talk and negotiate the best

understand that sometimes

consent anyway in order to maintain

out about abuse and demanding

possible outcome. The same should

giving and receiving consent isn’t

their cool. Afterwards, the hesitant

consent during sexual interactions.

be true when it comes to sex. The

enough to prevent problems.

partner may feel hurt, ashamed and

Many men have fallen from

conversation doesn’t have to be

may even claim they were assaulted

power after allegations about

long and boring, but it is necessary

Nataleah Small is a Met Media

although consent was given.

their sexual abuses were made

to ensuring that no lines are crossed

alumna. She was the former Managing

public. This has made men both

during a sexual encounter.

Editor at The Metropolitan.

In most relationships, the nuances of sexual interactions

more aware of the need for

And when something does

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



NOVEMBER 7, 2018

NOVEMBER 7, 2018



Triumphs and tribulations of women of color highlighted during luncheon By Ali C. M. Watkins

and ended with a Q&A, photo

the segregation of public schools


ops and lots of hugs and tears.

to be unconstitutional. On Sept.

The featured speakers sat At the Denver Urban Spectrum

4, 1957, the first day of classes at

on a panel with five community

Little Rock Central High School,

luncheon “Colorful Stories... Hear

experts — Vice Chancellor for

the nine students were met by

Me, See Me,” 9-year-old Imani

Diversity and Inclusion and

mobs and the Arkansas National

Shannon, dressed in a bright

professor at CU Denver Brenda

Guard blocking the entrance.

shawl and braided pigtails, asked

J. Allen, Detective Lisa Love,

Again, they were on Sept. 23, 1957

Carlotta Walls LaNier, 75, if her

Kaiser Permanente provider Dr.

by a crowd of about 1,000 people.

experiences as the youngest of

Terri Richardson, Colorado 5th

the Little Rock Nine, the first

District Democratic candidate

that I was going to Little Rock

black children to attend the

for Congress Stephany Rose

Central High School. I was

segregated Little Rock Central

Spaulding and Denver County

going to get the best education

High School, affected her life.

Adult Protective Services Program

available,” LaNier said.

LaNier chuckled at the

manager Whitney Nettleton.

innocence of her question and told her that when she grows a little older she can read all about her story in her book, “A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School.” Little did Shannon know that Little Rock has had a lasting impact on not just LaNier, but every African-

“That was not the reason

It wasn’t until President Dwight D. Eisenhower overruled Arkansas

“That was not the reason that I was going to Little Rock Central High School. I was going to get the best education available.” – Carlotta Walls LaNier

American child in the U.S.

Gov. Orval Faubus, and had the students escorted inside by federal troops, that they could attend school. However, abuse wasn’t completely stopped by this action. LaNier said that every day without fail she was spat on in the hallways. “That went with walking on the

LaNier and four other women

The panelists discussed topics

back of my heels, being pushed

of color — Ollie Marie Phason,

ranging from institutionalized

into the lockers, books being

Rhonda Jackson, Democratic

racism to elder abuse.

knocked out and I would go down

Sen. Rhonda Fields and Denver

LaNier had no idea that she was

to pick them up and get kicked

Urban Spectrum publisher

making history at the age of 14.

in the ribs,” LaNier said. “Those

Rosalind “Bee” Harris — spoke at

The National Association for the

are some things that happened to

the luncheon at the Renaissance

Advancement of Colored People

not only me but the other eight.”

Denver Stapleton Hotel on Nov.

registered the Little Rock Nine

3. The event began with lunch,

following the landmark supreme

continued her education at

videos of the featured speakers’

court ruling Brown vs. Board of

Michigan State University for two

stories and a panel discussion,

Education of Topeka, which found

years, and graduated from the

After high school, LaNier

University of Northern Colorado. At the luncheon, she spoke calmly Photo obtained from WBUR | Boston’s NPR station

and confidently, but said that she couldn’t speak about her hardships

Carlotta Walls LaNier, the student farthest to the left, and other members of the Little Rock Nine being escorted into Little Rock Central High School by troops of the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army, under orders from President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1957.

at Little Rock until 30 years later. “I look back at being 14 years of age and going through and I

a witness to a murder case. Fields’ desire to create a justice

recognize that it is their problem,

system that protects witnesses

not so much my problem. I’m

“My mom used to come to all of our events. The day she passed,

that elders can wear around

gave out certificates to honor the

abuse awareness and Phason

mingling and taking photos with

their neck for easy access.

work of the highlighted speakers.

for public safety. The first lady

the speakers. An hour and a

LaNier was awarded for her work

of Denver Mary Louise Lee was

half after the luncheon ended,

awarded as honorary chair.

the last few attendees trickled

a lot of you rallied around me

and the innocent pushed her to run

audience to express their voice

and were at my home. But she

the Life Alert and if she had a

dismantling institutionalized

not going to take on everybody

for and be elected to the Colorado

at the voting booths. Fields

attended a lot of our events, and

Life Alert you know it would

racism, Fields for political

else’s problem. We’re all alike,

State House in 2010, and re-

said that not voting is giving

she’s attending this one today,”

have been a totally different

we all really are. We all want the

elected in 2012 and 2014. In 2016

up power to someone else and

Harris said. “She is here.”

story,” Harris said.

same things in life,” she said.

Fields joined the Colorado Senate.

encouraged anyone to talk to her

She is the first African-American

after the panel for information

day, Nov. 3, 2008. She was at a

sexual, emotional, neglect of care

woman to serve Aurora’s Senate

on the voting process and

Democratic campaign rally, where

or financial exploitation. Harris

District 29 in Arapahoe County.

the the midterm ballot. She

then-first lady Michelle Obama

said she wants others to know

The video brought up past

echoed into the mic, “Just fill it

was promoting her husband,

the signs so they don’t have to

traumas and triumphs for Fields.

out,” several times, provoking

presidential candidate Barack

suffer the way Boyd did. Harris

She reached for the mustard

laughter from the attendees.

Obama. The same night, she

also is preparing to open a bed-

received a phone call saying her

and-breakfast, “Big Ma’s Place,”

cloth napkin from the dining set

When Fields’ video began playing, everyone at the table

When it was Harris’ turn to

Harris reflected on the fateful

“My mother did not have

speak, she solemnly told the

80-year-old mother had been

and release a book, “The Story of

Maisha Fields, comforted her

audience that it was the 10th

beaten to death in her home

Ruth,” in honor of her mother.

before she was called to stage

anniversary of her mother

in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

along with the other panelists.

Ruth Boyd’s murder. There has

While Fields was on stage, she and faith for her strength. “When I think about my

Later criminal investigations found classic signs of elder abuse.

estimates that 10 percent of

Harris remembers the time as

elders will become victims of

being one of the highest and

some type of mistreatment.

lowest moments of her life, with

journey, I think about the power of

of a child, health issues. She also

the electing of a fellow person of

of you will be victims of some type

their meals to the screen above

the women that are at this podium

strongly believed in the power of

color to The Oval Office on Nov.

of mistreatment,” Nettleton said.

the stage. The video described

right now. I think that often times

the vote. When helping organize

4, 2008, and the violent loss of

“That is unacceptable. And what is

how the tragic loss of her son,

people underestimate the power of

the Colorful Stories event, Harris

her mother the night before.

even more unacceptable is that we

Javad Marshall-Fields, launched

a black woman. And I think about

said she kept her mother in mind.

her political career. Marshall-

the criminals that committed

the Ruth Boyd Elder Abuse

stories unless we as a community

Fields and his fiancee, Vivian

this horrific crime against my

Foundation to provide resources

come together to name this issue

Wolfe, were killed days before

son. They underestimated the

and education to elders and

and report this issue. We can not

he was scheduled to testify as

power that a mother’s love has

caregivers, such as a Life Alert, an emergency response button

cold with hearts warmed by

disparities, Harris for elder

2 p.m., but guests continued

an afternoon of storytelling.

“Looking out into this room, 30

turned their attention from

Harris has recently established

Me, See Me” ended around

Nettleton added that the

suspect was found not guilty. struggled with racism, the loss

out of the hotel and into the

engagement, Jackson for health

National Center on Elder Abuse

since been an arrest, but the She said that her mother

“Colorful Stories... Hear

Elder abuse can be physical,

to dab her eyes. Her daughter,

thanked her daughter, community

First Lady of Denver Mary Louise Lee accepts the honorary chair at the “Colorful Stories… Hear Me, See Me” luncheon on Nov. 3.

gonna have it,” Fields said. She went on to urge the

“When I think about my journey, I think about the power of the women that are at this podium right now. I think that often times people underestimate the power of a black woman.” – Sen. Rhonda Fields

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

for their children, so I wasn’t

will only hear about two of those

pretend that it doesn’t exist.” The Denver Urban Spectrum

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Imani Shannon, 9, asking Carlotta Walls LaNier about her experience as the youngest of Little Rock Nine — the nine African-American children who were blocked from the then-segregated Little Rock Central High School in 1957.



NOVEMBER 7, 2018

MSU Denver’s Day of the Dead tradition lives on throughout the years By Megan Webber

two drummers, five of whom

spoke at the event. She opened


are MSU Denver students or

with a blessing she learned from

alumni. They have been dancing

her family in Mexico. The prayer

around Auraria Campus for the

dates back to the Mexican Civil

with the beating of drums as the

past 40 years. Fajardo said they

War, which took place from 1910-

Grupo Huitzilopochtli Danza Azteca

all have a strong connection to

1920. Wallace said that many of

led the room of 50 guests in prayer

the campus, especially Chavez.

the revolutionaries would leave

The walls of St. Cajetan’s echoed

on Oct. 31. They turned to the east,

“He was instrumental in creating

their wives in her hometown of

west, north and south in an effort to

a sustainable dance community

Galeana, Nuevo Leon, Mexico when

call the spirits of their ancestors. The

here in Colorado,” she said.

they went off to fight. The wives

dancers asked everyone in the room

An important aspect of the dance

did not speak Spanish, all coming

to join them by raising their left

rituals are the costumes the dancers

from different regions of Mexico

hand, the hand that symbolizes the

wear, which include large feather

where other native languages were

heart, and turning to each of the four

crowns and shells that bounce and

spoken. Wallace’s grandmother

directions to call their ancestors.

rattle with the movements of the

was one of these wives.

The prayer, or palabra, is called

dancers. The dancers also used a

When Galeana was attacked,

Coatlicue, named after a deity

large seashell that they blew into

houses and buildings were burned

who has a skirt of snakes. The

like a horn during the prayer. When

to the ground, but Wallace’s

snakes look frightening, but they

they turned to each direction,

grandmother managed to find an

represent universal connection

one of the dancers made a cross

old church which she turned into a

between everything. When

with a stick of incense to praise

little house and lived in. Wallace’s

Coatlicue moves, one side of her

the souls and purify the room.

grandfather was killed, and her

skirt ripples and reverberates around so that the same thing happens to the other side. “It’s a symbol that what goes on in life is always going on in other parts of the world, the community and basically the universe,” said Renee Fajardo, the director of the Journey Through Our Heritage

grandmother raised a family by

“I feel like it’s extremely important to keep that culture alive and keep our ancestors, our past loved ones in remembrance.” –Sergio Cisneros

Program at MSU Denver. She also introduced the Huitzilopochtli dancers.

herself in that old church. Wallace explained that, one day, a lady knocked on the door of the house. The visitor looked different from the other people in that region, but asked Wallace’s grandmother for a job. Wallace’s grandmother offered the lady food and a place to stay, and they lived together

The dancers performed

for several years. The lady was a

two rituals, before inviting

native from the region of Chiapas,

everyone to join in a group

Mexico, and taught Wallace and

Raúl Chavez, who has been leading

dance where they paraded

her family many rituals from her

the group in the Denver area as a

outside in a long line with joined

homeland, including the blessing

Photos by Deicy Luevanos | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

sixth generation danzante from

hands. The rhythmic drumming

Wallace gave on Auraria Campus.

Mazatlan, Mexico. The group

prompted onlookers to join.

A portrait and pan dulce sits on an ofrenda, or offering altar, to honor and remember family members who have passed away in St. Cajetan’s Center for MSU Denver’s Dia De Los Muertos event on Oct. 31.

The dancers are led by Capitán

is made up of six dancers and

Rita Flores de Wallace also

When Wallace was in her early 30s, she met her husband John, a Colorado native. They married 40 years ago in Saltillo, Coahuila,

Sigma Lambda Beta, which started

is special for Auraria Campus

Mexico, moved to the Denver area

the Day of the Dead event on

because of its diversity, and the

and had another ceremony so they

campus in 2004. Many students

amount of people from different

would be married in the U.S. as well.

also volunteered their time at the

cultures who come together to

event, either as emcees, greeters or

celebrate Dia de los Muertos.

“In Mexico, I loved to see the history, the dances, the customs,

showing people around the event.

traditions,” Wallace said. “I like to look for the tradition. We have everything to learn, and a lot of people, they like to learn new things. And this is why every day, I discover more things or I connect with people, new songs or new music.” Wallace said she likes to attend the Day of the Dead celebration at MSU Denver because she likes teaching others about Mexican traditions while also learning new

“We are a blend of people that come and go and migrate and immigrate and intermarry, and so this is really important, I think, because it brings together all cultures, religions and ethnicities.” –Renee Fajardo

things herself, but is also surprised by the way the Day of the Dead is

Rita Flores de Wallace and John Wallace enjoying the Dia De Los Muertos event at St. Cajetan’s Center on Oct. 31. Dia De Los Muertos originated in Mexico and is celebrated in remembrance of friends and family members who have died.

“I think that one thing Muertos here has always represented is that it’s always been all-inclusive,” she said. “It is for all people, and we are sort of a representation of what even the original concept of honoring your ancestors is. We are a blend of people that come and go and migrate and immigrate and inter-marry, and so this is really important, I think, because it brings together all cultures, religions and ethnicities.” The event ended with a catered

Sergio Cisneros, a CCD student

lunch of tamales and cake from

celebrated in the U.S. According

and Student Life employee,

Panaderia Tlaquepaque, and a

to her, there is much more of a

served on this year’s committee

showing of Disney’s “Coco.” In

focus on Christianity in Mexico.

to plan Dia de los Muertos.

alignment with the diverse culture

“It was more religious,” she

“I feel like it’s extremely

of Auraria, the celebration ended

said. “And I love it here, everything,

important to keep that culture

on the note that no one has to

because the tradition continues.”

alive and keep our ancestors,

look a certain way to participate

our past loved ones in

in the Day of the Dead. Like

remembrance,” he said.

any holiday, it is bigger than

Many people came together to help put on the Day of the Dead event, including the fraternity

Fajardo added that the event

just one culture or religion.

NOVEMBER 7, 2018



Broncos rookie posting Chubby numbers

Amid Lindsay hype, the fifth overall pick has been producing at high level By James Burky

tied for sixth in the league with

the best of 6-foot-7-inch tackle Rob


veterans Jason Pierre-Paul and

Havenstein. Late in the second,

Dee Ford. He’s also on pace to

Chubb drained momentum from

eclipse a guy named Von Miller’s

the top NFC offense not with a

rookie mark of 11.5 sacks.

sack, but his mere presence.

It’s officially the back half of the NFL season, and the Broncos are in, well, about the

Chubb, with his stocky

same position as they were in

6-foot-4-inch and 275 pound

snapped the ball on the Broncos’

in 2017, if only slightly better.

frame, complements star Von

47 yard line. Chubb blew past

Miller in a fashion unseen

tight end Tyler Higbee. Havenstein

expects too much out of its

since DeMarcus Ware retired.

picked him up and was able to

quarterback and lets down their

Surprisingly athletic for his size,

block the pass rusher’s line to

competitive defensive teammates.

Chubb has added a dynamic to a

Goff, but Chubb was able to

The story has been told before.

reliable Broncos defense rarely

morph himself to the tackle’s

With seven games left in the

seen from rookie defenders.

outside shoulder, creating

A middling offense that

season, let’s take a look at one

What sticks out about Chubb

With the Rams up 13-3, they

enough pressure to force Goff

of the few rays of light for the

is his maneuverability against the

up the pocket and into Von Miller

2018 Broncos: the rookie class.

tackles, and the shining moment of

for a drive-breaking sack.

While afterthought Phillip Lindsay has dominated headlines and Courtland Sutton is the

his season came against the thenundefeated Los Angeles Rams. Though the Broncos lost,

Photo by Rob Chenoy | Obtained from USA Today Sports

Then, with less than a minute to go in the first half, Chubb squared off against Whitworth — who

Denver Broncos defensive end Bradley Chubb practices with the Broncos in May, after being drafted by the team earlier that month. In his first nine games, the North Carolina State product has eight sacks in 2018, the most among first year players.

heir-apparent to Demaryius

Chubb sacked quarterback Jared

has three inches and 60 pounds

Thomas, first-round pick Bradley

Goff three times — all of which

on the rookie — and pushed

Chubb has semi-quietly put

came on the strong side facing

one of the best linemen of the

together a stellar season.

Andrew Whitworth, a three-time

decade like a cardboard cutout

capabilities are clear — the sky’s

might as well be on the bench —

All-Pro with a reputation of being

into the pocket and changed

the limit, but he’s limited in run

somewhere he spent plenty of

North Carolina State has tallied

one of the most reliable blockers

direction upfield, while being

and pass coverage. He’s fine

time on running downs against

eight sacks in nine games, most

in the game. When he did line up

blocked, mind you, to sack Goff.

on dive plays, but if asked to

the Houston Texans on Nov. 4.

among first-year players and

on the weak side of the line, he got

The fifth overall pick out of

The rookie’s pass rushing

pursue a runner downfield, he

The Met’s 2018 midseason NFL awards Here’s who takes home the hardware after an exhilrating nine games


Offensive Player of the Year

Defensive Player of the Year

Offensive Rookie of the Year

Defensive Rookie of the Year

Drew Brees | QB |

Todd Gurley | RB |

Aaron Donald | DT |

Saquon Barkley | RB |

Bradley Chubb | EDGE |

New Orleans Saints

Los Angeles Rams

Los Angeles Rams

New York Giants

Denver Broncos

Try this stat line on for size:

Gurley’s 2018 season is on

Since he entered the league

76.3 completion percentage

pace to be rivaled by just one

in 2014, Donald has been an

— best in the NFL, 2,336 yards

— Ladanian Tomlinson’s MVP

unblockable manimal.

and 18 touchdowns to a single

2006 campaign. The New Orleans

interception. Drew Brees has been outstanding in 2018, and when many passers would be entering their twilight, he’s as bright as

game hurt his MVP chances not because of the loss, but because Jared Goff’s passing made up for Gurley’s 67 rushing yards.

The Giants stink. Bad. Like a middle school boys’ locker room.

Chubb is in tight contention with Browns’ safety Denzel

There’s no nice way to describe

Ward. Both have meant a lot to

The explosiveness and

the team. Eli Manning is awful, and

their respective units, but with

athleticism the Pittsburgh

their offensive line looks like cheap

Ward’s hip injury, Chubb looks

product displays is unseen

putty from Walgreens, but the

to be the best candidate.

from interior lineman.

second overall pick has dazzled.

While consistently facing

The balanced runner with

The fifth overall pick has eight sacks — most among

unique blocking schemes and

lightning breakaway speed has

rookies — and though he

leads the league in total

double teams, Donald has nabbed

been the only watchable aspect

might be benefitting from

yards from scrimmage with

ten sacks, second in the NFL and

for an abysmal Giants team.

playing opposite Von Miller, his

will earn his first MVP award.

1,230 touchdowns with 19.

first among interior linemen.

Photo by Keith Allison | Obtained from flickr

Photo obtained from Wikimedia commons

Photo obtained from Wikimedia commons

ever. He leads all qualifying passers in passer rating. If he keeps this up, Brees

The fourth-year veteran

athleticism is tremendous. Photo by Noah Murray | Obtained from USA Today Sports

Photo obtained from Mile High Sports

NOVEMBER 7, 2018


All-Conference runners make waves at RMAC Championships By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu The sun, peeking from behind a blanket of gloomy clouds, welcomed competitors to the 2018 Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

10 BRIEFS Women’s volleyball advances in tournament MSU Denver defeatedtheir crosstown rival, Regis University, on Nov. 6 to proceed to the final four of the RMAC Tournament. MSU Denver dominated the first set hitting 30 percent while keeping Regis to zero kills Their next game will be on Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. in Golden.

cross-country championships at Stenger Soccer Complex in Arvada.

Water main break in PE building

But, before the sun woke, the clouds dumped rain on the crowd below. It may not have seemed ideal to the average spectator, but when the first starting gun fired, some runners, like Jacob Link, were in their element. “It was muddy and wet. There were some corners and slippin’. Rather than it being dry and all about speed, it’s a bit more tactical,” Link said. “It works to our advantage a little more as strength runners than guys who do more track-focused stuff.” Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver competed at the annual event against all 16 RMAC teams. The men kicked off early

Sabrina Rautter completes the first lap amid a crowd of runners from Adams State and Western Colorado in the Women’s 6k run for the RMAC Championships on Nov. 3 at Stenger Soccer Complex in Arvada.

in the morning and the women shortly thereafter. Both teams ran

School of Mines and the University

Air Force Academy, Rautter’s time

sidelines, he threw on a red MSU

well against top tier competition,

of Colorado Colorado Springs.

of 18 minutes and 11.4 seconds

Denver shirt and his seasonally-

on the 5k course was 10 seconds

appropriate brown flannel shirt

knew you were doing the same

better than the next four runners.

with red and white stripes, and

exact loop again,” Rautter said.

While she didn’t place as high

with the women placing sixth overall and the men seventh. The performance showcased

“It was a hard course. You

Berg allowed his mouth to take the

a trio of standouts on both

“Once we got to that last lap, the

at the conference championships,

lead, shouting deafening calls that

teams as they faced off against

back stretch, I knew that was it.”

her performance — 22.21.2 on a

could be heard on the opposite

flat and muddy 6k route — was

side of the complex like, “Sabrina!

the bottom half of any of their meets

the best among female runners

Sabrina!” and “Let’s go, Metro!”

in 2018, thanks in large part to the

on a non-ranked team. Rautter

some of the best cross country teams in the nation. Sam Berg and Link — who were named All-RMAC — both posted top-20 times against five nationally

The women have yet to finish in

tone-setting performance of Rautter. The Connecticut native never

Berg has had a phenomenal

was one of three runners not

2018. When the opening gun fired

representing Adams or Western

to start the season at the UCCS Rust

to finish in the top 15.

Buster on Sep. 1, he finished second

ranked schools. Sabrina Rautter,

finished lower than 14th individually,

also an All-RMAC winner, finished

and placed second in the FHSU

As she completed the first lap,

13th against four top-10 teams —

Tiger Open hosted by Fort Hays

the senior was breaking even with

for UCCS. For that week, Berg’s

Adams State University, Western

State on Oct. 13. Competing against

the best runners on the best teams

best was top in the conference,

Colorado State University, Colorado

the likes of Adams State and the

in Division II, her blue uniform a

being named RMAC Runner of

speckle in the sea of green Adams

the Week for his performance.

State jerseys. The following lap saw

Berg went on to finish the

her lose ground as she experienced

remaining three races at 6th, 11th

stomach pains. The cheers from

and 9th, respectively. He finished

her male teammates — particularly

first among his teammates in all

the cries of support from Berg —

but one race, being edged out

helped Rautter catch her second

by Link at the Roadrunner Invite

wind mid-race for the final stretch,

on Oct. 6. Berg’s impact on the

even if the raucous cheering

field has bled into his impact off

wasn’t necessarily to her taste.

it as well, serving as the team’s

“It was flat, there was no getting away from the fans. I love getting

unquestioned vocal leader. “I think I would be more of the

away from everyone and then

vocal leader and my teammate Jake

coming back,” Rautter said. “I was

is the lead by example guy. And

struggling on the second lap. The

together, we’re trying to set the

guys saw that I was hurting, so they

foundation for a future of success

said, ‘Check in! Check in Sabrina,

for our program,” Berg said.

check in,’ and I’m like, ‘Okay, check

After the races concluded

in with myself. Get back in the

on Saturday, the teams focused

rhythm, don’t focus on the pain.’”

on the looming Regional

Even in a forest, it would be difficult to not know where Berg

An exhausted Erica Ruiz is helped by a Colorado Christian trainer after running the 6k course in the RMAC Championships at Stenger Soccer Complex in Arvada. Ruiz posted a time of 23:09.4, second on the team and 33rd overall.

overall, behind an alumni runner

tournament on Nov. 17. The races will be held at

was, or at least his general vicinity.

Washington Park in Denver at 10:30

The junior finished 14th among

a.m, and the Roadrunners have

the men, but his day didn’t end

their sights set on making noise

then. He let his performance do the

with their home course advantage.

talking on the course. But on the

The Auraria Event Center suffered a water main break early Monday afternoon. All running water was shut down while classes were held, and signs posted on doors said that it would be fixed by Nov. 7. The volleyball team continued with their scheduled home match against Regis, as the Athletics Department said water was running again and expected to sustain Tuesday’s match. The 42-year-old building closed its pool indefinitely in 2016. It was drained earlier in the decade after the neighboring Emmanuel Art Gallery suffered serious damages from leaking, including fungus, mold and rot.

Blackhawks part ways with championship coach Nine playoff appearances and three Stanley Cups in 10 full seasons. That was the legacy Joel Quenneville cemented in Chicago before he was fired 12 games into his 11th. The Blackhawks decided to part ways with the coach — who has been to the playoffs 18 times in his coaching career, including two with the Colorado Avalanche — after the team’s 6-6 record and three point start in 2018. Chicago missed the playoffs for the first time under Quenneville last season. Assistants Kevin Dineen and Ulf Samuelsson were also let go. Jeremy Colliton, head coach of the team’s minor league affiliate, was promoted as Quenneville’s successor. At 33 years old, he is the youngest head coach in the NHL.

Nuggets off to 9-1 start After a 115-107 victory over the Boston Celtics on Nov. 5, the Denver Nuggets are off to the franchise’s best start in over 40 years. Guard Jamal Murray is red-hot, averaging 18.9 points per game and shooting 46 percent from the field. The Kentucky product dropped a career high 48 on the Celtics. Meanwhile, Nikola Jokic has been his typical freak-like self. The third-year Serbia native is nearly averaging a triple-double thus far into the season. The Nuggets’ next game will be against the 5-4 Memphis Grizzlies on Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. at the FedExForum in Memphis, Tennessee.


NOVEMBER 7, 2018




“Beans are cool!”

Capricorn Is it really a victory if you have to throw away your principles to win?

“You know how Romans were.” “That would require me to be a smarter person, though.”

Top 5 Shakespeare Plays 1. King Lear



You sowed the wind with your avarice, and now you’re reaping the whirlwind. Re-evaluate your choices.

You were on fire this week, but it couldn’t last forever. Don’t let it get you down, refocus your efforts, and you’ll find yourself blazing away in no time.



This week found you in the hot seat, but now that you’re past it, take some time for yourself to reflect on your achievements and get ready for your future.

You’re a practiced hand these days. Your commitment to hard work and honest toil are doing you well, but the time to knuckle under comes now, so get ready for the long haul.



Things are going the way you want lately, but be prepared for a reversal of your fortune.

Months of hard work have turned out to be for naught, but don’t despair, you made an extraordinary impact.



2. Hamlet 3. Henry V

Yesterday left you torn. There’s nothing to do now that it’s settled other than get back on your own course before the past weighs you down.

4. Julius Caesar

5. Othello Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to managing editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu



Cancer Far and wide, things are going your way right now. Not everything is perfect, but it’s a good start.

The past couple days have been pretty good, despite a few tense moments. Harness that energy, and celebrate after a long few years.



Setbacks have been cropping up for you lately, but things are only getting started. Reflect on your behaviour of late, because your chickens are coming home to roost.

For a lot of folks, times are hectic. Take it easy for a while, and be ready to leave the gate running when it’s your turn to weather the storm.


36. Hearty companion?

69. Magi’s interest


1. Summer getaway,

37. Plaint, part 2


32. Ancient country with a


40. Major Leaguers

1. Some punctuation marks

famous queen

5. Humble

42. Female lobster

2. ‘’Who’d like to

34. Significant ---

10. Inspiration for a prank,

43. San Francisco’s --- Hill


37. One against the odds


44. Glassmaker Lalique

3. Emulating a kitten

38. Slithery

14. Change-machine input

45. Oater actor Jack

4. Tire pressure abbr.

39. Empty inside

15. American writer Bret

47. Memory slippage

5. In the lead

40. Assumption

16. Wild mountain goat

51. Bacon contemporary?

6. Some choir voices

41. Henley’s claim to fame

17. Husband’s plaint, part 1

52. Ask overpersonally

7. ‘’I smell ---’’

46. Quagmire

20. Miss Piggy’s

53. Certain mouse catcher

8. Where swill is served

48. Radio shortcut


55. Free, as of a pest

9. Some alphabet letters

49. Sand, basically

21. Lowest in rank

56. En --- (all together)

10. Queen of Carthage

50. One fixing a Time piece?

22. Kind of sole

58. The Andrews Sisters,

11. Better than average

52. Word with pig or

23. Landers of advice


12. Subscriber’s option


24. Praise from Shelley

59. Inventor Whitney

13. Excessive

54. Quick with the one-

25. Suffers from

60. End of plaint

18. Overwhelms


27. Flock mom

64. Word on an octagon

19. Proofs of age, for short

57. Uses a straw

28. Musical repeat symbol

65. Narrowest part of the

25. ‘’The Accidental

58. That alternative

30. Avoid


Tourist’’ star

61. Electric meter units

32. Canned meat product

66. Chrysler Building style

26. Author Chekhov

62. Greek T

33. Spanish gold

67. Sign on a cheap diner

29. Headache intensifier

63. Some are personal

35. Focus of some exhibits

68. Strumpet

31. Barbera’s partner in



“There’s a little personal hurricane going on inside of me now.”

November 8 –10, 2018 at 7:30pm November 15–17, 2018 at 7:30pm November 18, 2018 at 2:30pm Presented in the MSU Denver Studio Theatre Kenneth King Academic & Performing Arts Center 855 Lawrence Way Auraria Campus Adults: $20 MSU Denver Students: Free with valid ID Other Students and Seniors: $10 Ticket transaction fees may apply.

Tickets: 303-556-2296 www.ahec.edu/boxoffice

Free Parking in the 7th Street Garage with valid voucher. Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois. Funding for this production provided by Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Fees. Children under five are not permitted in the Theatre as a courtesy to our actors and other patrons. $2.00 of every ticket purchased supports Theatre Student Scholarships.

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