Volume 41, Issue 14 - Nov. 14, 2018

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 13


NOVEMBER 14, 2018


Six years in the making, a home for diversity opens its doors

Photo by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Jessica Compaore places a pin on Nigeria on a world map at the grand opening of MSU Denver’s Center for Multicultural Excellence and Inclusion on Nov. 13. Attendees were asked to pin where they are from or a place they want to visit. Compaore placed her mark for her Nigerian father.

By Rich Allen

13 when the school held the grand

diverse university in the state of


opening of its Center for Multicultural

Colorado,” said CMEI Director Cynthia

Excellence and Inclusion in the

Baron. “We have a social responsibility

Jordan Student Success Building, a

to the communities we serve to provide

student population is made up of

new student lounge and workspace

access. I hope and pray that CMEI

minorities, making it one of the most

designed to accomodate students of

can be a leader in making sure our

diverse universities in Colorado. But,

all races, genders and sexualities,

students’ needs are met and served.”

there has not been a multicultural

and make them feel comfortable. The

center to serve Roadrunners of

space and CMEI employees will host

different cultures — until now.

multicultural events and give students

Nearly half of MSU Denver’s

MSU Denver further solidified itself as an ally to diversity on Nov.



| Continued on pg. 3

a judgment free space on campus. “MSU Denver is the most ethnically

| pg. 4

How Stan Lee shaped a young mind


| pg. 6


| pg. 1b

Roadrunners prepare to take off for study abroad

Special basketball preview section: nothin’ but net

program in China

with The Met

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