Volume 41, Issue 23 - March 6, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 23


MARCH 6, 2019


From student to the sidelines

Bahl’s plan for bringing Roadrunners back to the top

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver Men’s Basketball head coach Michael Bahl talks to Demetrius Jackson before he subs back into the game against Chadron State on March 1 at the Auraria Events Center.

“I wouldn’t change it for anything

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Michael Bahl is about to sit down in a plastic, cushioned chair in his office on the third floor in the Tivoli. Before he can though, his phone

school history. In his senior season, he

in the world,” he says softly. “The

drained 52 percent of his threes, a mark

best part of my day is when I get to

that led all of the NCAA’s Divisions I and II.

go home and see my family.”

His dream wasn’t to nail game-winning

fellow-assistant Adam Wall took over

buzzer beaters and to wear the admiration

as co-coaches to finish the season.

spent 15 of those years at MSU Denver.

and cheers of thousands of fans. His dream

That summer, Michael was hired as

was much more modest with much less

the sole head honcho. It took seven years. No shortcuts. The job was his.

From 2003-2007, Michael played on the MSU Denver men’s basketball team. A star

glitz. Michael wanted to be a coach. A

accompanied by his three daughters:

at Broomfield High School, he rode the

coach for the MSU Denver Roadrunners.

Alice, Abby and newborn Annie Bahl.

bench to start his career, but once given

After graduating from MSU Denver,

his chance, blossomed into one of the

Michael briefly worked in banking

Daddy!” like an unrehearsed trio. To

most reliable three-point shooters in the

before coaching at the high school

Michael, it’s nothing but heavenly. Family

country. Michael shot 45.9 percent from

level. He was hired as an assistant to

is the most important thing for him.

beyond the arc in his career, sixth best in

join Derrick Clark’s coaching staff at


Clark was fired in spring 2017 after multiple DUI arrests, Michael and

Michael Bahl is 34 years old. He’s

buzzes. It’s his wife Amy on video chat,

His children shout, “Happy birthday,

MSU Denver for the 2010-11 season.

| Continued on pg. 10





Break in at Los Molinos

TV won’t survive the streaming era

La Casa art reception celebrates

Women’s basketball season comes to

students’ heritage

dissapointing end

Rachel B. Noel Distinguished Visiting Professorship

Combatting Racism with Education

Community Event and Presentation with MC Tamara Banks Sunday, March 10, 2019 3 p.m.

Shorter Community AME Church 3100 Richard Allen Ct. Denver, CO 80205

Campus Presentations

Monday, March 11, 2019 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. Jordan Student Success Building CAVEA - Room 420

Dr. Melina Abdullah Dr. Melina Abdullah is a recognized expert on race, gender, class, and social movements. She was among the original group of organizers that convened to form Black Lives Matter and continues to serve as a Los Angeles chapter leader. She is also Professor and Chair of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles.



MARCH 6, 2019


Campus restraurant broken into on Friday By Heather A. Davis

off and by the time police arrived on


the scene, the suspect had fled. The burglar attempted to break into

Before the sun was up on Friday morning, a burglar was breaking into the Los Molinos restaurant at the corner of Ninth and Curtis streets. The suspect broke in through the front door and stole $160 out of the register

numerous cars before they were able to pry the door of Los Molinos open. “If you happen to see things when people are pulling hard on doors trying to break them open, that would be a time to call us,” Phibbs said.

drawers. Los Molinos has stayed busy since

Students and faculty received a timely

its grand opening in late January. Co-owner

warning notification email Friday morning

Sergio Perez said that since Auraria Campus

regarding the burglary. The suspect is

isn’t their only location, they know that

believed to be a white male in his 20s.

anytime things are going well, unfortunate

At the time of the break-in, the suspect

incidents happen — like a grill breaking

was wearing a long-sleeved blue shirt,

down during opening week, or a burglary.

green pants and carrying a white bag.

Diego Casillas, manager and chef, said,

Phibbs said that they are working on

“I still feel safe, and we got a very good

the investigation and following leads,

response from the community here in

but at the time of publication had no

the campus, so that makes me happy.”

new information to report. On Friday he

No employees, students or faculty were on the scene at the time of the burglary.

suspect, they may release more information

The break-in occurred 45 minutes before

to get help from the community.

the head-chef was due for her shift. While it

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

said that if they are unable to locate the

The newest campus restaurant, Los Molinos, is located on the corner of Ninth and Curtis streets. The restaurant experienced a burglary early morning on March 1.

The suspect isn’t believed to be

was frightening for the staff that morning,

dangerous. Perez said he believes the

that the community helped to make up

they said they weren’t scared off.

burglar wasn’t a student or an employee. He

for the loss by coming in for a meal and

said the person responsible was someone

encouraging their friends to as well.

“They didn’t even look around for more money,” Perez said. According to Michael Phibbs, chief of

who just wandered onto campus. Even though Los Molinos has only been

Perez added, “We are thankful and

everything they did for us on that day.” Perez said people can expect the event to happen sometime in May. Although there weren’t any witnesses

we’re happy with the response we’ve

around to call the police regarding this crime,

the Auraria Campus Police Department,

in this location for a little over six weeks, the

had with Metro or with the campus

Phibbs said that people should always report

the suspect was only in Los Molinos

Auraria students and faculty have shown

overall. And we’re planning on doing

suspicious behavior when they see it.

for about 90 seconds. The alarm went

their support for the restaurant. Perez said

something special to show love for

MSU Denver’s declining enrollment By James Bofenkamp

students, and so the effects can be more


easily absorbed. MSU Denver does not actively court out-of-state students, with about 97 percent of students being residents.

MSU Denver’s enrollment has been falling

In order to help improve the experience

since 2011 despite growing brand awareness.

of students, and encourage more local

The decrease in full-time-equivalent students inversely follows the growing

enrollment, Middlemist says that the school is

economy, with numbers dropping after

focusing on services like Roadways and peer

the great recession ended. To combat the

mentoring. MSU Denver is working on taking

downturn, MSU Denver has been working

advantage of its reputation and aggressively

on getting its name out and changing its

recruiting and marketing itself not as a fallback

role as a university. The school wants to

school, but as a first-choice institution.

grow from a transfer school to students’

“I just googled number one veteran

original, permanent choice for education.

friendly colleges in Colorado,” said student and veteran Shane Miller on his decision

“If we hadn’t added any credit hour production or students, this year we’d have

to enroll at MSU Denver. While he was also

$22 million more that we’d be working

influenced to come to the school because of

with to provide services and support to

an older sibling, the reputation played a role. The amount of transfer students

our students,” said George Middlemist,

the school gets is also dependent on

associate vice president for administration.

its reputation. Much like Miller, Alyssa

According to Middlemist, non-traditional Photo courtesy of MSU Denver.

students seek out an education at schools like MSU Denver during an economic downturn

Students travel across Auraria Campus in 2017. Student enrollment has dropped since.

Wilhoite, another MSU Denver student, had a sibling who attended the school. “Coming from a community college,

in order to improve their employability. With the economy improving since the

bit more non-traditional adult learners,

look up for those who may be graduating,

I was looking for something that

end of the recession, fewer potential

we see more students migrating back

leaving for work or working in lieu of school,

was affordable,” said Wilhoite.

students find the need to do this.

into the workplace,” Middlemist said.

the university itself begins to suffer.

Starting fall 2011, new enrollment

Despite the shrinking number of new

Middlemist said that MSU Denver is not

MSU Denver relies upon its reputation, as well as economically-minded Colorado

began to slow. This includes people

students, he said that the number of students

the only school struggling for enrollment.

residents. Student success and a growing

graduating from high school, transferring

who graduate every year has been growing

Not only are community colleges hit hard as

economy are good reasons to have

or returning to education after time

for the last 10 years. However, as more

well, but schools like University of Colorado

problems, but they are problems which

away, not those continuously pursuing

students finish each year, that leaves more

Boulder, Colorado State University and

will affect students nonetheless.

their education at MSU Denver.

spots for students to fill. The combination

Colorado School of Mines are also seeing less

of a growing economy and increasing rates

enrollees. However, nationally-recognized

of graduation means that while things

schools have a much larger pool of potential

“As the economy improves, for our institution, which tends to have a little



MARCH 6, 2019

Getting to know you: 2019 city council candidates By Zhen Tang and Madison Lauterbach ztang@msudenver.edu mlauter1@msudenver.edu

Council At-Large

Council District 1

Sabrina D’Agosta

Praj Kulkarni



Robin Kniech

Deborah Ortega

Council District 10

Council District 9

Wayne New

Albus Brooks

Christopher Herndon




Scott Alan Durrah

Council District 11

Blair Taylor

David Sabados

Stacie Gilmore INCUMBENT

Patrick Floyd Thibault Christopher Hinds

Amanda Sandoval

Council District 8

Candi CdeBaca

Miguel Adrian Ceballos-Ruiz

Christine Alonzo

Mike Somma Antonio Mendez

Tony Smith

Council District 5 Council District 3

In the next municipal election, all 13 city council seats will be up for grabs, including 11 from each district and two at-large. City council members serve Jamie Torres

four-year terms. All but two districts will

Veronica Barela

Mary Beth Susman INCUMBENT

have an incumbent running for the seat. Rafael Espinoza, sitting city councilman from District 1, has suspended his campaign. Paul López, sitting councilman from District 3, will not be running for re-election due to term limits. López is Annamarie Martinez

expected to run for clerk and recorder.

Raymond Montoya

Michele Fry

This list includes only candidates that have sufficient information on denvergov. org, but the filing deadline is March 13.

Council District 2

Council District 7

Council District 6

Council District 4 Stephen Replin

Kevin Flynn

Jolon Clark

Paul Kashmann

Kendra Black





Amanda Sawyer

Sources: denvergov.org, Denverite, Denver Post, Ballot Pedia, candidates’ websites


6 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Managing Editor

MARCH 06, 2019

A college education is not complete without seeing a play

Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com

only entertain, but to haunt you

Acting classes and productions

News Editor

long after you’ve left the venue.

can also help with public speaking

in tolerance and critical thinking

Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu

You’ll want to rewatch renditions

skills. Not only do actors learn how

skills than those who hadn’t.

of a show until you understand

to project their voices to an entire

So those are the statistics. Am

every scene, number and line.

room full of people, but they also

I more tolerant or empathetic than

Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

who saw a play scored higher

College is a great time and place

learn to tackle stage fright and how

a non-theater-goer? I can’t say. But

Features Editor

to start searching out your favorite

to compose themselves before any

I can say that I love the experience

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

dramas in an affordable, accessible

public appearance. The article says

of going to see a play I have never

Sports Editor

way. Even if you don’t have the

theater is also a way to meet new

heard of and being blown away

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

time to participate, or you don’t

people and expand your pool of

by the sets, the costumes, the

consider yourself a fan of the

connections, whether you’re looking

lighting, the acting, the music or

performing arts, you should make

for friends or someone who can

all of the above. In my three years

a point to see at least one play.

nudge you into your desired field.

in college, I have seen a variety of

From the perspective of the

musicals and non-musicals. Each

Assistant Sports Editor Deicy Gomez dluevan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor

Theater plays many positive

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Design Managing Editor Zhen Tang ztnag@msudenver.edu Copy Editors Paige Pakkebier paige.pakkebier@ucdenver.edu Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

roles on a college campus. For the

audiences, a study from 2015

one has surprised me in more ways

By Megan Webber

students involved, participating in a

shows an increase in knowledge,

than I expected, and I have walked


theater production is a way to build

tolerance and empathy in students

away with a new favorite show.

a skill set applicable to almost any

who regularly attend the theater.

field. According to a 2016 article

Education Next found that when

place late at night so that students

From a young age, I sang, danced

in College Candy, acting helps

students went to see a live rendition

will be able to go see them after a

and acted in all the school plays.

relieve stress, teaches students

of a work, as opposed to reading

long day of classes. There’s really

When I came to college, my studies

how to work well in a group and

it in a book or watching the film

no reason not to go check it out.

and work responsibilities prevented

builds confidence. Performing in a

version, 63 percent of students out

I was a theater kid in high school.

Most college productions take

Megan Webber is the features

me from getting back onstage.

play opens a person up to positive

of the sample 670 people, had a

Assistant Director of Met Media

But I have always loved watching

and constructive criticism. Most

better understanding of the events

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

editor at The Metropolitan and

musicals and imagining that I am

importantly, a theater production is

in said work. The study also claimed

a junior at MSU Denver.

Production Manager of Met Media

playing the lead role just as much

a team effort. If one cast member

that students were more equipped

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

as I love actually being in the show.

or tech volunteer doesn’t show up,

to read the emotions of others after

Theater has the ability to not

the entire show can be jeopardized.

watching a play, and that students

Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sale@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Derek Brekken dbrekken@msudenver.edu

Netflix killed the TV star

Millinennial watching habits are putting cable out of business

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to awatkin9@msudenver.edu. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com

included with a regular package,

liked in the past. Users also

generation leaving cable has been

viewers only watch a handful of

benefit from limited commercials,

growing over the last few years.

them. Cable bills have more than

making binge-watching more time

Customers are leaving in large

doubled over the last decade and

efficient without long breaks.

quantities and the industry lost

the national average bill – currently

1.7 million, or 1.7 percent of its

$90 a month – will hit $200 in 2020,

home with my parents, who are

customers in 2016, according to

according to market researcher The

cable subscribers, that I wasted

MoffettNathanson. In 2018, the

NPD Group. If millennials can barely

much of my time watching shows

broadcast satellite sector was

afford health insurance, you can bet

that I didn’t like just because they

hit particularly hard when it lost

that they won’t be wasting money

were the only thing that was on.

726,000 subscribers in a three

on a service they don’t actually

Now, instead of just turning the

month period, which the Kagan

use. Alternatives to cable rely on

TV on and watching whatever is

research group deemed the sector’s

a wireless internet to connect to

available, I work on other projects

“worst quarter on record.”

apps. Paying for wifi in our internet-

or homework and only watch

driven economy is already a given

programming with a purpose.

The phenomenon of the younger

With alternatives like Roku,

I found that when I lived at

The problem isn’t millennials

By Madison Lauterbach

Apple TV and Chromecast, it’s a

and a much cheaper option, even


wonder anyone has cable at all

with the added cost of media

killing the cable industry. It’s that

anymore. According to research

platforms like Netflix and Hulu.

companies choose to not get ahead

We’ve all seen those op-eds

firm Growth from Knowledge, 30

Cable is also a waste of time.

of streaming services by offering

written by bitter baby boomers

percent of millennials are cord-free.

As options of shows and channels

lower prices and tailored channel

blaming millennials for the death

I hate to say it, but if you still use a

have increased, so too has the

packages that millennials are

of every industry from casual

cable box, you are probably “too

amount of time we spend surfing

interested in. In a society where

chain restaurants like Applebee’s

old” to understand how one of these

those channels to find something

people can buy everything from

to diamond engagement rings.

alternatives works. That same study

we as consumers want to watch.

shampoo to dildos customized

There are so many reasons

found that just 16 percent of baby

According to Smithsonian Magazine,

to the individual, it’s not rocket

for why younger people don’t

boomers moved to an alternative.

the average American TV viewer

science to figure out where cable

want to indulge in a 2-for-$20

So why are millennials now

spends over a year of their life

companies are going wrong. We’re

meal or waste thousands of

“attacking” the very thing that has

searching through the mass

just asking to get more of what we

dollars on a sparkly rock. But

represented the nuclear family

quantity of programs. Instead, à

actually want for what we pay.

the one industry that should

since its inception? Traditional

la carte streaming service users

watch out for “unpredictable”

television is a waste of money

can find programs they might

and “crazy” millennial trends

and time. Out of hundreds, if not

enjoy using algorithms based on

news editor at The Metropolitan

is the cable TV industry.

thousands of stations that come

other shows or movies they’ve

and a senior at MSU Denver.

Madison Lauterbach is the

student organizations

need an advertisement?

offers a free ad

The Metropolitan offers all MSU Denver student organizations per semester one free sixteenth-page ad (2.5” width by 3.5” height) with design included.



contact Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-615-0155



MARCH 6, 2019

Tivoli Commons home to La Casa art installation By Deicy Gomez

because just as much as we need

transfer student from Front


that embrace, just as much as we

Range Community College,

need the country, it needs us.”

presented two pieces. The first

On March 4, La Casa put

was a mandala that represented

If you were to look up the definition of “home,” a

together an event called

herself and her family. It was a

dictionary would say that it is

“Bridging Borders” to talk

mixture of La Loteria cards, Frida

where someone permanently

about the art installation that is

Kahlo portraits, artwork done by

lives. But not everyone defines

hanging in the Tivoli Commons.

Diego Rivera and other symbols

home the same way.

La Casa held a reception that

that represented her family’s

President of the Latino and

would allow the MSU Denver

background. Her second piece

Chicano Art Student Association’s

community to come together.

was inspired by a quote from

La Casa, Adrian Cuevas, explained

The green, white and red

a poem by Jorge Luis Borges

that it is an uncertain concept for

strings at the bottom of the

titled “A Poem for All of You”

those who migrate to the U.S.

installation represent the colors

when translated into English.

Cuevas and his team wanted to

of the Mexican flag, which

“Plant your own garden and

find a way to promote culture and

signifies the backs of immigrants

decorate your own soul instead

diversity around MSU Denver.

who built this country. The

of waiting for someone to bring

La Casa recognized that

blue, red and white strings

you flowers,” Borges wrote.

there was low representation of

represent the American flag and

Hispanics within the MSU Denver

the success of the country.

community. So they created a

For Treasurer Maria Solis, it

club that artists and students

was more than sharing art with

could join to share their art.

people. It was about talking to

“Who better to trust with the preserving of a nation than

Rascon said that she connected the feminine aesthetics of women and flowers together. The painting is about self-love. La Casa thanked everyone Photo by Deicy Gomez | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

for taking time out of their

Daniela Rascon’s portrait inspired by the quote from poet Jorge Luis Borges displayed at “Bridging Borders.”

day to visit the exhibition,

the MSU Denver community and celebrating with food.

people who have come from

She said she wanted

other nations that do not have

people to discuss the art as it

what we have here?” asked

appears in the midst of a highly

we just want to celebrate and

enjoy while eating chips and

Cuevas. “We see how unique

charged political climate.

have a moment of happiness.”

guacamole, jalapeño poppers

opportunity is. We were asking for that respect in that regard

tender hugs and departed.

“Not that we’re being

Inside, La Casa set up a small

impassive or indifferent, but

thanked their families with

gallery that students could

and cheesy quesadillas. Daniela Rascon, a first-year

Campus talk Colorado Rockies All-Star Nolan Arenado recently

Baseball. The deal comes out to $32.5 million per year – or

signed an eight-year $260 million deal. It’s is the second-

$625,000 per week. That begs some questions: How much

highest per-year contract in the history of Major League

is too much? What would you do with that kind of money?

Interviews conducted on campus the week of Feb. 11 by MSU Denver Journalism 2100 reporting students.

Kate Knight

Jeff Barr

Sarah Betz

MSU Denver student

MSU Denver senior

MSU Denver senior

By Dylan Brattain

By Kia Jones

By Olivia Goodman




A Rockies player just signed a $260 million contract. What

How much is too much to pay an athlete?

What would you do with $260 million?

I definitely think they get paid too much. I think of what they

I don’t know, I would probably never work again, and travel.

would you do with that kind of money? Ooh, with that kind of money I think I would go and live on an island somewhere, you know? Away from everybody and

do and what other people do which seems unbalanced. We could be paying teachers those billions of dollars instead.

How much is too much to pay an athlete?

everything. If you were a professional athlete who would you be? What How much should an athlete be paid?

is your net worth?

I think it should be on par with the military, definitely not like celebrities. It’s a little crazy that someone puts on a helmet and

I’d be that pitcher for the Dodgers. Clayton Kershaw. I’m not that big into sports.

Definitely not $260 million. I think they should be paid well, but they shouldn’t be millionaires for playing a sport. What professional athlete would you be? And how much a year would you be worth?

catches a ball and gets paid more than someone who defends our freedom.

What would you do with that money?

No idea. I am not into sports, but I would want to be paid at least six figures.

Personally I would donate most of my income to a charity or

If you were a professional athlete who would you be, and how much money would you be worth?

invest in one because I don’t need all of that money like others do.

I’m not really into sports, but I’d probably want to be Tony Hawk. He seems like a cool, down-to-earth guy.

MARCH 6, 2019



“Crushing” has set the bar for indie music in 2019 By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

of the record — breakup.

a skip if shuffled into your

“Body” details when she left a

general playlist due to the risk of

childish, toxic man who only held

dampening the mood. But when

her back. “I threw my luggage

in a dimly lit room with a drink

“Crushing” is the second studio

down/ I said, ‘I’m not a good

and a pair of headphones, it acts

album from the Australian-

woman when you’re around,’”

as the best confidant for whatever

born singer/songwriter Julia

Jacklin sings in a cold rage.

bottled up feelings you have.

Released on Feb. 22,

Jacklin. And from the get-

A standard kick and snare

It’s hard not to compare the

go, it’s tough to digest, but

drum beat join “Body” with a

record to recent break-up albums,

enthralling nonetheless.

warm piano melody as Jacklin’s

particularly Ariana Grande’s

anger devolves into fear.

“thank u, next,” or Lorde’s

It’s the first astounding album of 2019, but it doesn’t act like it.

She commits to taking control

“Melodrama.” These two records

“Crushing” is not a conceptual,

of her life and body, and allows the

took the concept and gave it an

hour-long critique of systemic

listener into her deepest, romantic

innovative art-pop twist for a

issues. It’s not an exhilarating

fears from the start of the album.

mainstream audience. Jacklin,

“You took my camera/ Turned

meanwhile, simply straightens

exploration of genres backed with the greatest musicians alive.

to me, 23, naked on your bed

It’s a stripped down testimony

looking straight at you,” she

that’s more folk than rock, and

sings. “Would you use it to hurt

has more electric guitars than folk

me?/ Well, I guess it’s just my

album’s personal themes and

oversaturate the line of mass-

purists would want. Jacklin trades

life/ And it’s just my body.”

instead hit them with a truck-load

consumed break-up albums.

of heartache pays dividends.

There’s no chart-topper with a

reflective indie album born out of

deconstructing the large-scale

“Crushing,” released through

out the approach and uses vintage Photo obtained from Julia Jacklin

sound — there’s some clear Bob Dylan and Fiona Apple influence — to tell modern problems. “Crushing” is a stern and self-

effects of unhealthy relationships

Liberation records, sounds on

groovy hook or a dance-floor

the #MeToo era. It’s likely to go

and sexism for anecdotes that

monotonous on the surface.

musicianship for the listener to

banger. What makes up the

unnoticed outside of Australia, but

only she and those closest to

But beneath the thin blankets

hide their ears behind either.

39-minute album is unadulterated

its message knows no borders.

her know the consequences of.

of smooth guitars, albeit

Producer Burke Reid, known for

emotional honesty and all of

The album opener and lead

There’s no complex

unremarkable, are yarns spun

her work with Courtney Barnett,

the uncomfortable baggage

single, “Body,” is a hauntingly

by a woman who is frayed and is

gives the album’s production an

that comes along with it.

serene retelling of Jacklin’s

now tying herself back together.

aesthetic so bare and honest that

breaking point. In five minutes,

The Melbourne native’s decision

it mirrors Jacklin’s lyrics to a T.

Jacklin sets the overlying theme

not to ease the listener into the

Jacklin isn’t trying to

4.5/5 records

The third track, “Don’t Know How to Keep Loving You,” is a midtempo rock ballad that commands

Free-to-play battle royale game gives the competition a run for their money By Isaac Banks

real money are cosmetics. There

a fun thing to do. Luckily, Respawn


are two characters that have to be

has created a solution for not

unlocked with in-game currency or

wanting to talk to random people.

real cash, but they are not necessary

The ping system is the most creative

to win and are not unbalanced.

system in the game. To tell your

Apex Legends is the latest entry in the battle royale genre. It sets itself apart from the crowded space

Even though each character

team where an enemy is, just

by combining the tried and tested

brings a different ability to the table,

look at the enemy and ping them.

battle royale mechanics with class-

the gameplay levels the playing

To tell your team where you are

based characters, called legends,

field. Each gun is well-balanced for

going to look for loot, ping it. From

and solid shooting mechanics.

the situation it is meant for. That

where to drop at the beginning

means shotguns are dangerous

of the game to the area a player

behind the Titanfall series,

up close and snipers can easily

is looking at, almost everything

Apex Legends is set in the same

take out an enemy at range. There

can be communicated with the

universe. Players find themselves

are some standouts like the R-301,

ping system, almost eliminating

which is a well-balanced gun that

the need to use a mic. The system

can handle most situations when

is not perfect though. There is

it has maxed out attachments.

no way to tell your team if your

Made by Respawn, the team

Photo obtained from Apex Legends

choosing from eight different heroes to jump onto an island. All of the battle royale gimmicks

in battle. Wraith, one of the most

a large character and, as of now,

are here. Players drop onto an

popular legends, has a tactical

has a larger hitbox. This makes

island, search for loot and engage

ability called, “Into the Void” that

him a bigger target, giving him a

makes it easy to pick up and attach

enemies all while staying inside an

allows her to go into a different

disadvantage when compared to

them to weapons. The moment a

ever-shrinking play area. What sets

dimension avoiding all damage for

the smaller characters like Wraith.

player picks up a gun it is equipped,

royale game out right now. Being

Apex Legends apart is the choice

a short period of time. Her passive

Being a multiplayer game, there

loaded and ready to go. If a player

free to play makes it easy to pick up

of characters. Players do not create

ability lets the player know when an

is little story to go along with Apex

finds additional attachments for a

and try while the unique characters

their own characters, as they would

enemy is looking at them and her

Legends. But each of the characters

weapon, like an extended magazine,

and rock-solid shooting mechanics

in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

ultimate ability creates a portal that

has a short summary of their past

it is automatically attached to the

keep you coming back for more.

or Fortnight. Instead Respawn takes

links two locations. Her skills make

and motivations. They are not as

proper weapon. If the attachment is

a route similar to Overwatch. There

her a perfect fit for an aggressive

fleshed out as the characters in

not for the gun or a player already

are six legends to choose from,

player to engage and disengage

Overwatch but it helps Apex stand

has that tier, the game will indicate

with two that can be unlocked with

enemies with relative ease.

out from an over-saturated genre.

what weapon it is for or if you

real money or in-game currency. Each legend has a unique

There are some balancing

The game is free to play,

Speaking of attachments, Apex

already have it. This streamlined

issues with the characters’

and features plenty of micro-

system cuts down on time wasted

tactical, passive and ultimate ability

hitboxes, the area which registers

transactions. Luckily, the only

looking through your inventory.

that can give players an advantage

a hit from enemies. Gibraltar is

things that can be bought with

Playing with randoms is never

ultimate is charged or for Lifeline to drop her drone to heal you. Apex Legends is the best battle

4/5 remote controls



MARCH 6, 2019

Bahl setting foundation for success Continued from cover

won’t give you chiseled abs.

Annie, Amy was the head coach

Progress takes time, and that’s a

campus and I come in — I’m the

of the Evergreen High School

concept Michael is instilling on the

and trying to eke out a 17-win

15th or 16th guy. You didn’t really

girls’ team, winning the 2017

Roadrunners. When he was hired

season and a shallow run into

understand what work was,”

and 2018 state championships.

as head coach in 2017, Michael

the RMAC tournament, Bahl and

was working on a wet foundation.

assistant coach Jeremy Johnston

“I think I’m the big man on

Michael knows that the path to

some of the guys on that floor.”

basketball. Until giving birth to

seasons, taught him otherwise.

Amy said that Michael kept

So, instead of hauling ass

this point required hard work. He’ll

Michael said. “You can get by

be the first to tell you that change

in high school not necessarily

her grounded when she was

doesn’t happen overnight and that

working as hard. I worked hard,

flying high. She did the same

a distraction, and the

methodical approach. Set the

working hard, trusting the process

but not as hard as I needed to.”

when Michael was unsure if he

Roadrunners were two years

foundation, then build the house.

would be Clark’s successor.

removed from their last NCAA

and leaning on the family will help

He continued to learn from

The Clark debacle was

tournament appearance.

“I wasn’t home much. Amy

have opted for the longer,

There’s a formula for building a successful college

you get there. It’s a philosophy

failure when it reared its ugly

he learned at a young age.

head. Whether it was when he

understands, she was a college

was humbled by coach Dunlap, or

basketball coach at Fort Lewis too,

on his first team graduated or

Bahl family: There’s Jenny, Matt,

when MSU Denver blew a 12-point

so she understands the world that

transferred from the program.

Stephen and lastly, Michael. The

halftime lead to Drury University

we live in in athletics,” Michael

When MSU Denver took the court

players with a good ratio of

Bahls are a family of, well, ballers.

in the 2013 DII championship

said.“Knowing that she takes

for the first time this season, only

athletic talent and decency. No

game and Michael, an assistant

care of what needs to be done

seven of their 17 players were on

athletic freaks with massive

at Mullen High School in Denver.

coach, could only watch helplessly

at the house is by far the most

the roster last year, and only three

character flaws on this team.

His mother ran track at Fort

as their season unraveled.

important job. This is nothing to

of them saw playing time. Facing

Just as integral is having the

There are four kids in the

Michael’s father played football

The majority of the contributors

program, and Michael is meticulously following it. The formula requires finding

Morgan High School. Michael

players be coaches on the court,

and his siblings did it all, but the

which requires hammering a

focus was on basketball. Jenny

culture into them. This means

played for Fort Lewis College, Matt

not overloading with transfers as

played for Colorado College and

so-many “win-now” teams do. The final part of the equation

Stephen was an All-American at

has Michael applying his

the Colorado School of Mines.

philosophies and learning

Michael’s philosopy can be boiled down to three concepts:

experiences onto his players.

Always work hard, learn from

Everything he learned when

failure and love your family.

he was pinned by Stephen and Matt, when coach Dunlap

“Seeing my dad get up in the morning — he owned his own

told him to, “shape up or ship

janitorial service — he worked

out,” when he and Amy were

from basically 4 a.m. until 9 at

uncertain if he’d even be in this

night. He never missed any of our

position, he diligently passes

sporting events, he was always

these lessons onto his players

there for us,” Michael said. “The

not just to make them great on

same was for my mom. She was

the court, but off it as well. “He’s kind of someone you can

working two full-time jobs while going to physical therapy school

look up to because he has so much

while having four kids. You’re

passion and drive for every single

a product of your environment,

thing he does,” said freshman

and it started with my parents.”

Demetrius Jackson. “He taught me that even when times are hardest,

Implementing a culture of hard work in an athletic

Photo by Taelyn Livingston | tliving4@msudenver.edu

to competition. Michael and Stephen are less than two

Michael Bahl relays his gameplan to the team during a timeout in the second half of the Roadrunners’ 80-60 win over South Dakota School of Mines and Technology on Feb. 16 at the Auraria Event Center.

In the living room of their

and pushing until times get better. He’s a really great guy. He’s everything you want in a coach.”

years apart in age, a reality that engendered a combative rivalry.

you need to get up and go to work no matter what. Just keep pushing

household naturally leads

“That’s why athletics are so great in general. The life

The sum of this process is,

raising kids and being a mom.

nationally ranked schools like

She has the much tougher job.”

Mines, the enigmatic quilt that is

ideally, MSU Denver running

childhood home, Stephen and

lessons you teach are not

the Roadrunners predictably tore

the RMAC year-in and year-out.

Michael would square-off in

terminal,” Michael said. “Okay,

be away from the family he loves

in a few places throughout the

There’s no guarantee it happens

“knee” football. The football

we lose a game. How do you

so much. Even now, two years

season, finishing 12-14. A losing

next season or the one after, but

would quickly devolve into

handle it? You lose your job?

into the 10-12 hour work days,

season is rare for the school.

Michael guarantees the winning

wrestling until a winner was

That’s a lot more severe than

he finds time for his family.

called. The loser would have to

a stupid basketball game, but

face the oldest brother, Matt. And

you handle it the same way.”

It sounds crazy for Michael to

MSU Denver is the winningest

ways will return. That is, as

men’s basketball program in

long as it’s his way. Through

girls, trying to influence them

Division II history. Not only did

hard work, picking yourself

in a positive way,” Amy said.

they miss the NCAA tournament

up after failing and, above all,

or failure, Michael applies the

“He’s great with the girls when

for the fourth straight season,

putting loved ones first.

their friends, such as future NBA

third and final philosophy:

they get a little emotional, he

but they missed the Rocky

forward Nick Fazekas, Michael

loving his family.

brings them back down.”

Mountain Athletic Conference

job and you have two kids you

tournament for the first time.

need to support. What are you

Michael was usually the loser. Playing against his siblings and

lost — a lot. He was sore loser

When faced with uncertainty

In Michael’s eyes, there’s

“He’s always there for the

Today, Michael is an

“The only pressure is the

“God forbid you lose your

going to do then?” Michael said

and would often throw tantrums

something special about family.

amalgamation of these notions:

after coming up short. But loss

They’re with you every step of

hard work, learning from failure

pressure I put on myself,”

with fire. “We use the game of

taught Michael hard lessons. He

the way. Through the hirings and

and prioritizing family. He’s had

Michael said. “I understand the

basketball to teach them that.

went on to star at Broomfield

the firings, family keeps you from

to apply these lessons as head

tradition here, I’ve been a part of

Okay, you didn’t play as well

High School and become one of

getting too high and too low.

coach of a program looking to

it, but that can’t consume me. I

as you wanted to, what are you

return to its former glory.

can’t be so gung-ho toward that

going to do about it? Are you

because then you’re going to

going to feel sorry for yourself,

start skipping steps. You’re going

or are you going to look in the mirror and say, ‘I can be better.’”

the best players in Colorado. Michael thought he knew

Michael met his wife Amy in a fitting setting — coaching

* Change doesn’t happen

hard work. Mike Dunlap, MSU

children at basketball camp

Denver’s coach for Michael’s

hosted by the Colorado School of

overnight. If you want to bulk

to start taking short cuts, you’re

freshman and sophomore

Mines. Both played and coached

up at the gym, a day of leg lifts

going to start short-changing


MARCH 6, 2019

Women’s basketball falls to Regis Season comes to end after unbalanced loss

By James Burky

there’s only one team that’s happy


at the end and it just wasn’t us.”

Jennifer Hankins led the MSU Denver women’s golf team at the Tim Tierney Pioneer Shootout. Hankins kicked off the spring season with an 11-over par 83. She is also tied for 63rd in the 104-player tournament. The Roadrunners will be traveling to Wichita Falls, Texas to play at a Midwestern State University Women’s Invitational on March 11.

while dampened by a handful

powering through defense and

of bad shots — gave the

fighting for rebounds defined the

Roadrunners a necessary

MSU Denver women’s basketball

spark to keep them alive.

team’s season-ending 63-56 loss

Coming out of the locker

to Regis University on March 5

room for the second half,

at the Auraria Event Center.

the Roadrunners were in

The Roadrunners offense

Softball snowed out

desperate need of one.

lived and died with their starters.

Smith ignited the team with

Jaelynn Smith, Emily Hartegan

The MSU Denver Softball doubleheader against Colorado Christian University was cancelled due to snow on March 2. The chance of the doubleheader has a possibility of being scheduled, but as of right now it is not probable. The Roadrunners will be back on March 9-10 to face the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and New Mexico Highlands University in a four game series.

10 points in the third quarter.

and Mikayla Gonzales scored

The Regis defense adapted,

40 of the Roadrunners’ 56

though, and prevented the

points. Smith, a first team all-

Roadrunners from taking

conference selection, took 22

the game in the third.

shots and only made seven.

The fact that MSU Denver, who

“Jae is very instinctive

had the third seed in the Rocky

that if we’re timid or we’re not

Mountain Athletic Conference

scoring, she’s going to take it

tournament, were here in the first

upon herself,” said head coach

place migh be surprising to some.

Tanya Haave. “I think that’s kind

The Roadrunners were

of what happened, and then

just 5-10 by mid-January.

you have a little bit of forcing

Tennis calls it due to cold weather

That was when the

things. Credit Regis, they did

Roadrunners turned a corner, and

a good job defensively, but I

embarked on a hot streak where

think we were too timid.”

they won 11 of their last 13 games.

Apprehensive ball-handlers

The MSU Denver women’s tennis team duals set for March 5 against Concordia University were cancelled due to low temperatures and will not be rescheduled, according to MSU Denver Athletics. The Roadrunners will be traveling to Wichita Falls, Texas on March 8 and will be traveling to Lawton, Oklahoma on March 9, fi nishing the weekend back in Wichita Falls.

Haave commended her seniors

plagued a young Roadrunner team.

—Smith, Hartegan, Gonzales

They took 49 shots – eight under

and Jonalyn Wittwer — for their

their season average — and made

impact on and off the floor. For

just 38 percent of those shots.

Hartegan, a fifth-year senior who

In the fourth quarter,

was also named first team All-

the Roadrunners were just

RMAC, the loss was a devastating

4-of-14 from the floor.

end to her career. Like Smith,

“If we made just one more play, hit a couple more shots, that’s

ROADRUNNER BRIEFS Hankins shines at tournament

Smith’s performance — Forty minutes of trading blows,


these girls are her family. “I was blessed to be here for an

it,” Smith said. “Nobody wants

extra year,” Hartegan said, fighting

to lose, nobody wants to lose at

back tears. “This is my family.”

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyon9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior guard Jaelyn Smith takes a shot against Regis University in the RMAC tournament at the Auraria Event Center on March 5. The Roadrunners lost 63-56.

home. It wasn’t an ideal thing, but

Roadrunners athletics review Men’s basketball

Baseball vs. Colorado Christian


Feb. 28 vs. Chardon State

March 1

L 0-7

W 79-66

vs. University of Mary

March 1 W 31-3

In last week’s story, “Roadrunner playoff hopes hinge on foes,” we incorrectly stated that the tiebreaker for the RMAC basketball tournament relied on overall record. According to the RMAC manual, tiebreakers fall into four scenarios: head-to-head regular season records, a point system that awards a score to a team based off a quality of opponent, comparing win percentage and if all else fails, a coin flip.

Dynamic Duo recognized Jaelynn Smith and Emily Hartegan from the MSU Denver women’s basketball team, were named to the All-RMAC fi rst team. Smith is currently the only player in the NCAA Division II averaging 15.3 points, 6.8 rebounds, 6.3 assists and two steals per game. She is the program’s all time leader in assists and free throws with 549 and 481, respectively. She also led the RMAC in assists. Hartegan averaged 14.4 points, grabbing 8.1 rebounds and was fourth in the RMAC in rebounding and second in field goal percentage at 53.3.

Asah earns All-RMAC Druce Asah from the MSU Denver men’s basketball team, was named to the second team All-RMAC. During the 2018-19 season, Asah lead the Roadrunners with an average of 16 points while averaging 3.3 rebounds and 1.3 assists per game. In the RMAC, Asah was ranked ninth in scoring.



MARCH 06, 2019

Bats start swingin’ in weekend split NATIONAL BRIEFS Knee sprain sidelines Williamson Freshman Zion Williamson from Duke University will be sitting out for a fourth straight game due to knee sprain he suffered in the opening minutes of the 88-72 loss to the University of North Carolina on Feb. 20. Williamson currently ranks second in the Atlantic Coast conference, averaging 21.6 points per game. Without their star freshman, Duke is currently 2-1.

MLB looks to expand active rosters in 2020 The Major League Baseball is near an agreement with the players’ union about expanding the active rosters to 26 in 2020. The 26-player maximum would also apply to the postseason and instead of having 13 pitchers, teams will be increasing to 14 beginning on Sept. 1, 2019. The deal includes increasing the injured list minimum for pitchers, giving them 10-15 days to recover. They also made a small change to the All-Star Game rules allowing a player on second base if they were to go into extra innings and giving MLB the right to shorten the breaks between innings.

Kalpan sends message to recruiters Former Adidas executive James Gatto, and business managers Merl Code and Christian Dawkins, were sentenced to prison on March 5 for persuading college recruiters to influence high-profile athletes to attend schools who are sponsored by Adidas. U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan said he wanted to send a message to others who maybe commiting similar crimes and have not been prosecuted. Dawkins and Code are facing six months in prison and each were ordered to pay $28,261 to the University of Louisville. Gatto was sentenced to nine months in a minimum security prison recommended by Kaplan.

Pardres outfielder expected to miss several months Padres’ outfielder Travis Jankowski, will be missing the first three months of the season as he recovers from surgery. Jankowski broke his right wrist while diving for a f ly ball against the Texas Rangers on March 3. Wil Myers, Franmil Reyes, Hunter Renfroe and Manuel Margot are expected to split playing time in the outfield while Franchy Cordero is expected to take Jankowski’s place in the lineup.

Roadrunners defeat Marauders with a combined score of 44-11

By Deicy Gomez

think they had a little bit more


motivation today to be ready to play and they came out here and

The MSU Denver baseball team won two of their three home

swung the bats pretty well.” MSU Denver began their

games from Feb. 28-March 1 at

three-game series by scoring

the Regency Athletic Complex,

11 runs in the first three innings

putting them at 6-5 on the season.

against Mary. But in the fourth

On Feb. 28 the Roadrunners

inning, the Marauders racked

beat the University of Mary

up eight. With the help of Matt

Marauders 13-8, then were

Malkin’s sacrifice fly to center

defeated by the Colorado Christian

and Jake Kistaitis’ single in the

University Cougars, 7-0. MSU

eighth inning, Zach Paschke and

Denver ended the series on

Logan Soole were able to add two

March 1 crushing the Marauders

more runs. Paschke went 3-for-5

31-3, the most runs the program

with one RBI and has a batting

has scored in nine years.

average of .364 on the season.

First baseman Jake Kistaitis

Photo by Deicy Gomez | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

After a three-hour break, the

Austin Stone winds up a pitch in the sixth inning against the University of Mary on March 1 at the Regency Athletic Complex. The Roadrunners won 31-3.

went 5-for-11 with three RBIs

Roadrunners came back to the

and now has a .439 batting

RAC to face Colorado Christian.

average. During the first game

MSU Denver tried battling through

against Mary, Carter Akerfields

the Cougars’ defense but was only

pitched for three innings and

able to obtain two hits out of their

returned to the RAC for a come

struck out two batters while not

29 plate appearances. The pitching

back from their 7-0 loss. In the

wanted to score a lot of runs,”

allowing any runs. Shortstop

staff faced a mound of troubles

first inning, they scored five runs

Lightley said. “Especially after last

Ty Lightley went 6-for-14 with

themselves. Starter TJ Egloff

and then added 11 more to the

night when we didn’t score any.”

three RBIs. He’s arguably the

struck out two batters and walked

scoreboard in the second inning.

team’s most proficient hitter

three in less than three innings of

MSU Denver then added 15

the RAC to face Colorado State

with a batting average of .447.

work. The Roadrunners burned

more and ended the game 31-3.

University-Pueblo from March

through five pitchers in the game.

This put them close to beating

8-10 in a four-game series.

their record of 34 runs in one

First pitch will be at 3 p.m. on

“I told our guys that was the worst game I have coached,

“We kinda gave it up

On March 1, the Roadrunners

RMAC player of the week. “I think overall as a team we

MSU Denver will be back at

whether it being an assistant

yesterday and that hurt,”

game, set in 2010. Soole’s eight

March 8, 1 p.m. on March 9

or head coach,” said head

Soole said. “We never want

RBIs is tied for the most in one

and noon on the final day.

coach Ryan Strain, referring to

to do that, but it is baseball,

game by a Roadrunner. For his

the Roadrunners’ 7-0 loss. “I

anybody can win on any day.”

performance, Soole was named

NL West figures to be baseball’s best in 2019 San Diego

and Pedro Báez. The Dodgers also

By Isaac Bugarin

team succeeds, it will be a result


of the pitching staff. The top of

Padres - The Padres

signed A.J. Pollock to play center

the rotation will feature Cy Young

have one of the

field to replace Yasiel Puig and

candidate Zack Greinke, with Zack

best infields in the

Matt Kemp. Corey Seager is also

Godley and former All-Star Robbie

National League with $300 million

returning from an ACL injury which

be the tightest division in all of

Ray following. The back end of the

third baseman Manny Machado.

limited him to 25 games last season.

baseball in 2019. It’s not coming

bullpen will have Archie Bradley

They have two former World Series

The Dodgers will be going for their

down to a game between the Los

and All-Star closer Greg Holland.

Champions in Ian Kinsler and Eric

eighth straight NL West title.

The National League West could

Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco

Hosmer to play second base and

Giants anymore. The entire division has a reason to believe

first base. The Padres have the Colorado

No. 2 prospect in all of baseball in

San Francisco

that they will be crowned NL West

Rockies - The

Fernando Tatis Jr. to play shortstop,

Giants - The Giants

champions in late September.

Rockies haven’t

who will likely make his debut in

struck out on the

won a division title

May. They also have veteran Wil

Bryce Harper saga

since entering the

Myers who is making a return to

Yes, the Dodgers have won the last seven titles, but all

and let Andrew

teams have been aggressive in

league in 1993. But they have reason

left field. The Padres have a good

McCutchen walk to Philadelphia.

making offseason moves with

to believe this is the year that could

young core to build around and will

But they still have some big names

intentions of winning in 2019.

change. The Rockies have made the

not be a pushover team in 2019.

with experience that, if healthy,

Consider each team:

playoffs two straight years, and it

can help them contend in 2019.

came down to game 163 between

The infield features Gold Glove

the Dodgers and Rockies in 2018. Arizona

Nolan Arenado will anchor the

winners Evan Longoria, Brandon Los Angeles

Crawford and Buster Posey.

Diamondbacks -

lineup and likely win another Gold

Dodgers - The

Notable Giants pitchers include

The Diamondbacks

Glove, even with Daniel Murphy

Dodgers have

Cy Young candidate Madison

traded away

playing first base. The starting

won 10 of the last

Bumgarner, Derek Rodriguez

first baseman

rotation also features Cy Young

20 division titles

and new closer Will Smith.

Paul Goldschmidt, the face of the

candidates Kyle Freeland and

including seven straight. They

franchise. The Diamondbacks

German Marquez who are entering

added relief pitcher Joe Kelly to help

also let A.J. Pollock walk to the

their third year in the league.

the back end of the bullpen which

Dodgers this offseason. But if this

already features Kenley Jansen


MARCH 06, 2019


Hot Topic: Pink Tax Date Location


Sexuality & Disability

March 6 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge


Date Location

March 7 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge

Disney In Concert: Mary Poppins Date Location

March 8 Boettcher Concert Hall

Face Vocal Band with the Colorado Symphony Date Location

March 9 Boettcher Concert Hall










12:30 - 1:30 p.m.


11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


7:30 p.m.


7:30 p.m.

“Sweet Charity” Date Location

MSU Denver Spring Choral Concert

March 8 King Center

Date Location

March 10 King Center Concert Hall

Repticon Denver Reptile Show Date Location

March 9 Arapahoe Country

Frozen Dead Guy Days Date Location

March 9 Nederland, CO











7:30 - 9:30 p.m.


7:30 - 8:30 p.m.


4 p.m.


4 p.m. - 1 a.m.


Men’s Tennis VS. St. Edward’s Date Location


Women’s Tennis VS. St. Edward’s

March 7 Wichita Falls, Texas

Date Location

March 9 Wichita Falls, Texas

Nuggets V.S. Lakers Date Location

March 6 L.A.

Nuggets V.S. Stars Date

March 6












9 a.m.


8 a.m.


8:30 p.m.


6:30 p.m.

Baseball VS. CSU Pueblo Date Location

Softball VS. NM Highlands University

March 8 Denver

Date Location

March 9 Las Vegas, NM

Nuggets V.S. Warriors

Avalanche V.S. Sabres


March 8





March 9 Denver










3 p.m.


3 p.m.


8:30 p.m.


1 p.m.


Knowmads Date Location

Yheti March 7 Lost Lake

And The Kids Date


March 7 Aggie Theatre

Date Location

March 8 Larimer Lounge

Koe Wetzel Date Location

March 8 Grizzly Rose


$12 - 17




$10 - 13




8 p.m.


9 p.m.


9 p.m.


8:30 p.m.

Romeo and Juliet Date Location

March 9 Cheyenne Civic Center


Ian Moore


March 9





March 10 Soiled Dove Underground






$15 - 18


7:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


7 p.m.

Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com



MARCH 06, 2019



“My salad will cancel out these Cheetos.” “I like to poke the holes.”



Time to save some money this week, pack a lunch and take the bus.

Communication is hard, keep at it and make sure people understand you.



Rules are meant to be broken, but it is the week to follow them.

Trust that little voice in your head, it is right most of the time.



A coworker will cover you this week, make sure to thank them.

You worked hard last week. Take this week off and have some fun.



Do not make your problems any harder than they have to be.

Meeting new people is always hard, but do not shy away from it this week.



Sometimes advice is just someone’s twocents that is not worth listening to.

Short and sweet is how you should keep your personal interaction this week.



“I like to cut things.” “You think water is spicy!” “Bringing these Cheetos to my desk was a mistake...”

Top 5 Nintendo video game consoles 1. SNES 2. Switch 3. N64 4. GameCube 5. NES

Trying new things is not only fun but educational.

Your larger-than-life attitude will benefit you this week. Take risks and book a trip.

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com


37. Grad, for short

65. Furze

31. Urgent delivery for painter?

1. Violin ancestor

38. Competing


32. Sing in the Alps

6. Gumbo

39. Lacking refinement

1. Irritate

34. Ceremonial fire

10. Twinge of pain

40. Sesame plant

2. Paradise lost

36. Hitchcockian (Var.)

14. Paragon

41. Bad guys on ‘’Law & Order’’

3. Aching back?

38. Poisonous

15. Tip in Tabriz

42. More prudent

4. Polish off

39. Diana of ‘’The Avengers’’

16. Downfall

43. Brings into harmony

5. Trounce

41. Mountain lion

17. Slow, for Vivaldi

45. To a great degree

6. Church staple

42. Very attractive

18. ‘’Chicago’’ lawyer, really

46. Roman lover’s intro

7. Ukraine capital

44. Labeled, as luggage

19. Animated schoolteacher

47. Beatnik drum

8. Reply to the waiter, perhaps

45. ___ polloi


48. Boastful street kid?

9. Tipping off

47. A neighbor

20. Part to grab hold of, maybe

53. Field’s Norma

10. Movie sneak peek (Var.)

48. Drained liquid from

21. Critique of our military

56. Coat length

11. German export

49. Auditioner’s goal


57. Kind of history

12. Three squared

50. ‘’You Are My Destiny’’ singer

24. Herald of spring

58. Britain’s ‘’Jewel in the

13. Chew persistently

51. Bear in the stars

26. Plato’s T


22. A ‘’Road’’ destination

52. Flunk

27. Hi-fi successor

60. Peter’s ‘’Shot in the Dark’’

23. Icicle’s anchor

54. Lends a hand

29. Wheel past


25. City on Utah Lake

55. With the greatest of ___

33. Pointer’s beam

61. Voice of America agcy.

27. Lattice piece

59. Classical lead-in

34. Trim

62. Requirements

28. Actress Shire

57. “Sure thing!”

35. Wade opponent

63. Type of duck

29. Faucet failings

58. La-la lead-in

64. Sodium chloride

30. Operates



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