Volume 41, Issue 24 - March 13, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 24


MARCH 13, 2019


Colorado politician eyes 2020 Hickenlooper kicks off presidential campaign

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

John Hickenlooper kicked off his campaign for the 2020 presidential race at Denver’s Civic Center Park on March 7. Hickenlooper served as Denver’s mayor from 2003 to 2011 and served as the governer of Colorado until 2018.

By Megan Webber

SuCh and Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night

Wynkoop brewery with three business


Sweats. In the background of the cheers

partners when the area was still

is the man to send to the White House in

from the crowd and calls from the stage,

undeveloped. He was elected for his first

2020 because he gets things done and is a

shouts could be heard from protesters that

term as mayor of Denver in 2003 and

man of the people. Mayor Michael Hancock

in 2020, former Colorado Gov. John

surrounded the park. According to Fox 31,

re-elected in 2007. He then served two

said he is a mix of dreamer and doer, which

Hickenlooper held a kick-off rally at Civic

a plane flew over the rally with a sign “Big

terms as governor of Colorado from 2011

the country needs now more than ever.

Center Park in Denver on March 7.

Hickup for 2020: Jetgate scandal,” alluding

to 2018. Throughout his time as a Denver

to the ongoing ethics investigation into

politician, locals remembered him for the

his traveling while he was still governor.

brewery he started, which was reflected

With his gaze set on the White House

The rally featured several speeches from Denver politicians and locals who support Hickenlooper and musical performances from local musical artists



Hickenlooper has an unusual past in Denver. In the late ‘80s, he opened the

| pg. 2

Denver renters may recieve relief


Speakers at the rally said Hickenlooper

in the signs that supporters held, some of which read, “Change is brewing.”

| pg. 6


| pg. 8

| Continued on pg. 4 SPORTS

| pg. 10

Opponents should take Hickenlooper’s

New program offers students with

Board of trustees discuss transition to

bid for the presidency seriously

autism a place to flourish

Division I



MARCH 13, 2019

Rapid rent escalation may finally relent Denver metro market,” he said.

By Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu

commuter in Denver uses more public

Some of the late-year downturn in 2018 could be attributed to the seasonality of

Those hoping to gain some form

being the owner of the student housing.”

transportation and not so many cars.”

MSU Denver students have three

High rent prices can also have an effect

privately owned options for student

apartment searches and moves, however.

on students at MSU Denver and other higher

housing — The Regency, The Auraria

of relief from high rent prices in

Anyone following the most recent averages

education institutions located in the city.

Student Lofts and CoLab apartments— all

Denver may soon be rejoicing.

will notice that average costs spiked again

According to the MSU Denver housing map,

of which are on-par with average city-

in March, returning to $1,602. According

approximately 7,916 MSU Denver students

wide prices. The university may soon be

Denver tenants are starting to catch a break.

to Apartments List, searches tick up

have had residences with Denver county zip

remedying this problem. MSU Denver

Although the housing market started off hot

from December to January and grow

codes over the last three years. The average

put together a task force late last year to

in the beginning of 2018, rent prices began

consistently to their peak in July. Moves

enrollment for this period was 20,038

explore options for students, faculty and

to decline in the last two fiscal quarters

begin to increase in March and dramatically

students, and of those living in Denver

staff. The report is due out later this week,

of the year. Rents peaked in the second

ramp up to their peak in August.

made up just 39 percent. Some students

which will be used to determine the demand

are looking to live in the suburbs of the

for affordable, accessible and attainable

After years of rapidly escalating rents,

quarter at $1,484 and ended at $1,456.

The influx of tenants beginning to move

The $28 decrease in the average price

in now may be causing this recent surge.

city or with family until they graduate. One

housing, said Tina Wells, director of

represents a drop of 1.9 percent over the

However, that doesn’t mean the market

MSU Denver student, Olivia Keena, said she

Facilities Planning and Space Management

past six months, according to the Apartment

won’t level off again at the end of 2019.

lives with her grandmother in Parker so she

at the university. Once the demand is

Association of Metro Denver. The decline

Nicolás Cachanosky, an associate professor

doesn’t have to pay expensive rent prices.

understood, the group will be able to

is attributed to steadily increasing vacancy

of economics at MSU Denver, said average

rates throughout the Denver market, which

rents of primary residences in the Denver

bedroom. Even sharing is rough. I’ve tried

reached 5.8 percent by the end of the year.

area at-large is still growing, but the rates

splitting the rent with people and it still

too late with the decline in growth rate,

The construction of 12,324 new apartments

of that growth are starting to slow down.

takes away my whole paycheck,” she said.

Wells said, “From a strategic planning

These long commutes can take a toll on

and master planning perspective, it is

in 2018 — a number nearly three times

Cachanosky said rent and home

greater than Denver’s long-run average

prices have far-reaching consequences

construction levels — was a key factor.

in other financial sectors and suburbs.

Mark Williams, executive vice

“They are so high and you get like, one

recommend solutions to those affected. When asked if the task force is too little

students, said Cachanosky, for two reasons.

never too little too late. The demographics

“One, students have to live further away

“Some of the effects are, of course,

of our population often struggle with

from campus, which affects how much

housing affordability regardless of

president of the AAMD said the long-

people trying to move to the suburbs of

time they need to spend coming to campus

how the local market is performing.

awaited surplus of apartments could

Denver where the prices might be cheaper.

instead of working, studying and so on,” he

Determining short, mid and long term

bring more long-term respite.

Other effects might be delaying buying

said. “Another issue is that there might be

strategic housing solutions will be

a house, or maybe not buying a house at

a side business where firms build student

important for our university community.”

rental market, which should provide

all,” he said. “I don’t know about this, but

housing in different areas and they rent

some relief to rental seekers in the

I wouldn’t be surprised that maybe the

that to students instead of the university

“This signals a leveling off of the

Average rent prices over the years By Zhen Tang and Madison Lauterbach ztang@msudenver.edu mlauter1@msudenver.edu



Congress Park ($2,280)

Mar Lee ($943)

Cherry Creek ($2,154)

Barnum ($943)

LoDo ($2,131)



John Hickenlooper elected as

Home prices in Globeville

governor and Michael Hancock

and Elyria-Swansea escalated

elected as mayor of Denver

nearly 70% since 2013




Westwood ($943)



Colorado is one of only 15 states to make a full recovery


from the recession

Population of Denver reached 704,621
















stock market crashed


AVERAGE PRICE: $1,532 Jared Polis elected governor

becomes legal in Colorado. AVERAGE PRICE: $1,048


Amendment 64 is passed and recreational marijuana



AVERAGE PRICE: $1,314 Denver City Council approved

Sources: Department of Numbers, Rent

10-year, $150 million fund to

Jungle, Rent Café, Trulia, CNN Business

support affordable housing




Hickenlooper kicks off presidential run

Heavy snows lead to spate of avalanches After 100 inches of snow in places, Colorado has seen an exceptionally large number of avalanches since the beginning of the month. With over 500 reported and more snow on the way with the remainder of March — traditionally the snowiest month — and the whole of April — the second snowiest month annually — yet to come, winter 2018-19 is shaping up to be record-setting. It’s not only the number of avalanches setting this winter apart, as avalanche fatalities climbed above annual averages to approach recent high-water marks. 50 charged in admissions fraud The FBI filed charges against 50 defendants over a scheme to help privileged students with poor grades gain access to prestigious schools. The charges, running just over 200 pages, were delivered March 11, and included parents alongside administrators for institutions such as Yale University and UCLA. The charges indicate that millions in bribes were used to help poorly performing applicants gain special status to bypass normal admissions standards. The FBI has said the investigation is ongoing and other charges may be filed.

Continued from cover

MARCH 13, 2019

Hancock’s sentiment that he will bring people together to solve the nation’s problems.

“We worked side by side on

Despite his low national profile

a lot of issues,” Hancock said.

and moderate background,

“Through it all, John brought

Hickenlooper said he is confident

people together and got down to

his name is the one to remember

tackling the issues that needed

going into the next election.

tackling. He didn’t ask if you

“Let me tell you: At four

were Democrat or Republican,

syllables and 12 letters,

he said, ‘Let’s get it done.’”

‘Hickenlooper’ is now the biggest

In his speech, Hickenlooper compared himself to President

name in the race,” he said. His speech briefly touched

Donald Trump by attacking

on the policy platform he will

the president’s temperament,

run on, most prominently health

which The Denver Post said was

care, climate change and voting

“uncharacteristic” of the former

rights. He recounted some of

governor, who is known for his

the accomplishments he made

positive outlook. He said Trump

during his tenure as governor,

measures his success based on

such as his experience expanding

how many enemies he makes.

Medicaid and the aftermath of

“He believes that by tearing

the 2012 Aurora shooting. By

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

John Hickenlooper steps onto stage and hugs former mayor of Denver, Wellington Webb, who endorsed him as a 2020 presidential candidate at Hickenlooper’s campaign kick-off rally at Denver’s Civic Center Park on March 7. “That’s what you can

issues rather than the parties.

others down, somehow he

the end of his time in office, 95

do when you bring people

raises himself up. These are

percent of Coloradans had health

together,” Hickenlooper said.

not the metrics of America’s

care coverage and he helped pass

greatness,” Hickenlooper said.

universal background checks on

onstage, other Hickenlooper

gets things done, and I think that

“It’s not how many times you

all purchases of high capacity

supporters echoed his sentiments.

lack of slickness is refreshing

say, ‘You’re fired!’ It’s how many

magazines. Hickenlooper was

Boulder resident Sara Brito said

and what we need,” she said.

times you say, ‘You’re hired!’”

also able to cut methane gas leaks

she supports him because of

by 52 percent. Under his office,

his record of leading a purple

Hickenlooper set off for Iowa

end to the divided state of the

Colorado jumped from 40th in

state and bringing people

and then Austin, Texas to

country and its politics, restating

job growth to number one.

together by focusing on the

continue his campaign tour.

The candidate called for an

“He might come off as not as sleek as Trump or someone else,

Apart from the speakers

but he’s a man of integrity who

After the rally in Denver,

March sees crime alert spike By Heather A. Davis

don’t send timely warnings because there


is no need to get help from the community. They believe the perpetrator was working

The past two weeks have been busy for

alone and that he was responsible for

the Auraria Campus Police Department. In

both burglaries at the restaurant.

total, three burglaries were reported — one

March 7 was also the day that the

that ended in a foot chase and an arrest —

aggravated assault occurred in the Student

and an aggravated assault that occurred

Commons Building. The timely warning

in the Student Commons Building.

notification email said the suspect threw

According to the Auraria Higher Education

a chair from the second floor, injuring

Center website, there have been three

two students, and then fled the scene.

timely warning notification emails sent to

“He was not associated with

students this year already, when just six

campus, but he was known to us so

were sent out during the entirety of 2018.

we’re looking for him,” Phibbs said.

The first warning came through the

Even though there seemed to

system on March 1, which said that

be an increase in crime, one student

there had been a break-in at the Los

wasn’t worried about her safety.

Molinos restaurant just after dawn. As

Sarah Shumate-Connor, a senior

mentioned in The Metropolitan’s previous

at MSU Denver, said, “I do feel safe on

coverage, the perpetrator got away,

campus. Although we are located in

though he wasn’t believed to have any

a busy, downtown metropolitan area, Photo obtained from 5280Fire.

association with the Auraria Campus. The second warning was sent on

presence throughout the area.”

March 6, regarding another burglary in the West Classroom building. “I don’t think that person has campus

campus police seem to have a constant These notifications didn’t follow the

Molinos, for the second time in less than

wanderer that noticed that the restaurant

only crimes that have happened on campus

a week on March 7. According to Phibbs,

had a steady flow of customers and

recently, but they are the only ones that fit

affiliation either, based on their age, their

the overnight ACPD team pursued and

several easy-access windows.

the timely warning notification system’s

appearance, the stuff they were carrying

arrested the suspect after a foot chase

and so forth,” said Michael Phibbs, chief of

that led them between the University of

but I believe it’s because of our

regarding these or other timely warnings,

the ACPD. “They don’t fit the image of what

Colorado building and the Performing Art

delicious snacks,” Perez joked.

people can visit the AHEC website.

we see for the bulk of our population. It’s

Center, where they finally arrested him.

not impossible but it doesn’t seem to fit.” The third incident was a break-in at Los

Sergio Perez, co-owner of Los Molinos said that he believes the burglar was a

“So, there could be many reasons,

For the second burglary, students did not receive a notification. According to Phibbs, if the police catch the suspect, they

reporting requirements. For more information



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6 staff

MARCH 13, 2019

Hickenlooper: Silly name, serious candidate

Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

Hickenlooper served as mayor of Denver for

Managing Editor

politically divided as it is now as the Civil War.

eight years, following that up with another pair

The solution to bringing a country back from the

of four-year terms as governor of Colorado. In

edge isn’t to give it a love tap but to calmly take

News Editor

that time, he diligently worked with Republicans

it by the hand, lead it away and figure out how to

Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu

to pass meaningful legislation, such as

solve the problem. Hickenlooper has proven he is

methane restrictions — while not ceding too

capable of doing that through his political career.

Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com

Assistant News Editor

much ground to the environmentalists — and

James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

Questions remain about his views toward

universal background checks. He’s a self-

fracking. Leaning right on the issue might attract

Features Editor

proclaimed progressive who not only can play

some moderates but alienate the primary voting

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

traditionalist ball but even chooses to at times.

base, and he’s in the midst of a relatively minor

And that’s where detractors enter to

Sports Editor

delegitimize Hickenlooper’s young 2020

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

campaign. Arguments against the former

Assistant Sports Editor Deicy Gomez dluevan3@msudenver.edu

ethics investigation. These issues have weight, but they don’t overshadow the campaign. Unlike Booker, Hickenlooper isn’t

governor range from him being too entrenched

an opportunist who takes advantage of

in the system to truly bring about change to

legitimate issues and uses them to advance

Photo Editor

that his collaborations with Republican John

his image. Unlike Warren, Hickenlooper

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

Kasich point towards him not being a true liberal.

never lied about his ethnicity or ancestry.

Design Managing Editor

Maybe they have a point, or maybe they’ve been

And unlike Sanders, Hickenlooper isn’t too

so poisoned by a toxic political environment

far left to dissuade compromise. This isn’t

that they’ve mistaken antidote for rat poison.

an endorsement for Hickenlooper, rather it’s

Zhen Tang ztnag@msudenver.edu Copy Editors Paige Pakkebier paige.pakkebier@ucdenver.edu Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu John Hickenlooper doesn’t have the

While Bernie Bros want the lovable, old northeasterner to go the distance this time

a defense of his campaign’s legitimacy It’s too early to accurately predict

around, and Kamala Kids think she’s already

who emerges as the Democratic

locked up the nomination and can be the first

nominee for president, but Hickenlooper

sound bites Bernie Sanders does, nor does

woman to hold the country’s highest office. Doing

isn’t going away anytime soon.

he have the name recognition of Elizabeth

so without even considering Hickenlooper is

Assistant Director of Met Media

Warren or Corey Booker. But, Hickenlooper is

akin to ramming a car into your burning house.

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

a pragmatic candidate who has one uncanny

Production Manager of Met Media

ability few of his opponents can claim to

its limits. A number of political commentators,

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

have — finding tears in a state legislature

professors and guys like Hick himself, have

and stitching solutions across the aisle.

pinpointed the last time America was as

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Offi ce Manager

The fabric of America is being stretched to

James Burky is a fourth-year journalism student. He is currently sports editor for The Metropolitan and hosts a weekly podcast, “5280 Listening Club.”

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sale@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Derek Brekken dbrekken@msudenver.edu

Ted Bundy v. Jack the Ripper

They have more in common than people think

What we do

Ripperologists who are still not 100 percent

Whitechapel — he, too, spent time deciding

certain of its authenticity or lack thereof.

who to target and where. This organized

On Jan. 24, Netflix released a mini-series The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to awatkin9@msudenver.edu. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

because they were methodical, whereas more

includes audio bytes of Bundy’s interviews

sporadic killers would be easier to catch.

with Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth

The Ripper was nearly 100 years before

from his time in prison. Bundy made a name for

Bundy, and while both held only brief episodes

himself in 1978 as the country’s most elusive

of terror, they both managed to frighten the

and notorious serial killer, terrorizing women

world for generations. The Whitechapel murders

between Washington state, Colorado and

suddenly and mysteriously stopped in November

Florida. In February of that year, he was finally

1888, and because the true identity of the Ripper

arrested in Tallahassee, Florida and on Jan.

is unknown, it is impossible to say how many

24, 1989, he was executed by electric chair.

deaths he is responsible for. Officials say that

The two men had more in common than

although Bundy confessed to murdering 32

you might think. They both blended into

women across five states, bodies are still being

society well, being middle class, socially

found in the woods in Washington and it is

charming and good-looking. This allowed them

unknown how many victims he actually killed.

to entice women to lead them somewhere

However, there is one area where the

quiet and solitary where they could strike.

Ripper got it right and Bundy clearly made a

They were also the first of their kind in

big mistake. Bundy got caught. The reason

By Megan Webber

their respective regions. Bundy’s 1978 trial

that “The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper” is


was the first murder trial to ever be televised

such a mystery is because no one knows who

nationally, and this sparked a mania that still

he really is. There are no records of his true

lasts today. The Ripper was the first to terrorize

identity, no proof that Carnac is who he says

the most infamous serial killers. Besides

the poor neighborhoods in London’s East End,

he is. The Ripper probably died an old, sour

their names’ notoriety, the dangerous men’s

which was enough to scare locals for years.

man in his sleep, while Bundy, for whatever

behavior eerily mirrored each other.

He is still known as a villain, depicted in horror

reason, allowed himself to be captured three

movies as a bloodthirsty, hooded figure.

times before it finally cost him his life.

Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy: two of

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com

criminology makes them both terrifying

called “The Ted Bundy Tapes.” The show

In 2008 in Montacute, England, Alan Hicken discovered a manuscript in a box titled “The

Another similarity was their methods of

Bundy and Jack the Ripper have gone down

Autobiography of Jack the Ripper,” penned by

killing. Bundy is classified as an organized serial

in history as modern history’s most terrifying

James W. Carnac. The manuscript recounted

killer, which means he spent time deciding how,

killers. The question is, who will be next?

the Ripper’s early life and the events leading

where and when to target his victims, and who

up to the murders of 1888 which terrorized

they should be. He would pretend to be injured

London, making him the world’s first and most

or in some kind of trouble so he could appeal

infamous serial killer. Corgi published the

to the good nature of young girls. Judging by

manuscript in 2012 with detailed notes from

the Ripper’s victimology — all prostitutes in

Megan Webber is the features editor at The Metropolitan and a junior at MSU Denver.

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MARCH 13, 2019

ISSAC gives students with autism needed access By Megan Webber

have support available for people


who are different from us.”

Cristina Donahue, a postbachelor MSU Denver student

Since the program started at College can be daunting for

in the SLHS department, is

the beginning of the semester,

also helping Santhanam as a

all students, but having autism

Santhanam has identified 45

peer mentor. She said she is

makes it even more so. Siva

MSU Denver students who

comfortable working with students

priya Santhanam, Ph.D., an

have autism, and she has been

who have autism, having grown

assistant professor in the MSU

meeting with them. Together,

up with an older brother who

Denver Speech, Language and

they practice skills that would

was diagnosed at a young age.

Hearing Sciences Department,

seem like everyday normalities

“I feel like we have this weird

said college-aged people with

to a person who does not have

idea of how autism is portrayed,

autism are bright enough to be

autism. These skills include time

like in the media, cause you see

accepted to college, but find

management, academic planning,

‘Rain Man’ or Sheldon from ‘Big

group engagement and social

job searching, organization, social

Bang Theory,’” Donahue said.

interaction with professors and

communication, verbal speech,

“If you’ve met a person with

other students to be difficult.

and reading and writing. Because

autism, you’ve met a person

Santhanam, along with

the autism spectrum is so wide,

two of her students, created a

each student expresses their

new program for MSU Denver

challenges in different ways and

students with autism. The

needs a different kind of help.

program, called Integrated

with autism. There’s such varied Photo courtesy of Siva priya Santhanam | ssanthan@msudenver.edu

Peer mentor and SLHS major Ashley Rawlings working with an MSU Denver student with autism who did not wish to be named on Feb 15.

In order to educate the campus

ability with that, at the end of the day, just like any other group of humans, they’re just people who come in all shapes and sizes.”

Support for Students with Autism

on ISSAC, Santhanam has been

major who has been working with

with general disabilities. There

spectrum disorders in College,

offering info sessions to campus

Santhanam as a peer mentor,

are even schools geared towards

three info sessions to MSU Denver

is designed to aid students with

offices and students on how to

said the purpose of ISSAC is to

students with autism. But no

staff. She will give an info session

autism in social, academic and

help people with autism. She has

help these students identify their

other university has a place

and Q&A at the Counseling

executive functioning skills.

worked closely with the Access

challenges and overcome them.

designed to help students with

Center on March 19 and a public

There is no other program like

Center in past weeks to identify

autism with their specific needs.

info session on March 22 from

this anywhere in the U.S.

students who struggle with autism

because of its service to college

“In the university area, it’s

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Plaza 122.

and give them the help they need.

students. Around the country,

lacking. There’s a lack of direction

what autism looks like, and

Santhanam hopes to offer two

there are many programs that help

and access for the students,”

it’s also important to build

sessions a week in the fall for

adults or K-12 children who have

Rawlings said. “Students that go

a more inclusive campus,”

students to come and get help.

autism, and lots of universities

to our university that have autism

boast programs to aid students

get the help that they need.”

“It’s important to understand

Santhanam said. “We need to

Ashley Rawlings, an SLHS

She also said ISSAC is unique

So far, Santhanam has given

Campus talk Last week former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper jumped

can make for a congested — and potentially dangerous

into what is becoming a crowded Democratic field running

— mix. And finally, the question everyone always has an

for president in 2020. Here on campus, traffic is always on

answer for: what would you do if you won the lottery?

Interviews conducted on campus the week of Feb. 10 by MSU Denver Journalism 2100 reporting students.

peoples’ minds, as cars, trains, bicycles and pedestrians

Amanda Riddick

Griffin Heikka

Nila Niroula

CU Denver student

CCD freshman

MSU Denver senior

By Polina Sarana

By Kia Jones

By Jennifer Hernandez




Q: Who would like to see run for president?

Q: Who would you like to see run for president?

Q: Who would you like to see run for president?

A: I think Bernie Sanders because he has always been such

A: I think Bernie Sanders or Oprah. I wouldn’t be surprised

A: I would like to see John Hickenlooper. I think he’s very

a great advocate and he tries to make good things for people

to see we don’t have a president after this, it honestly wouldn’t

cool especially for younger people like the policies that he’s

and society.

surprise me.

talking about. I think he would be a good candidate.

Q: What would you do if you got hit by a car?

Q: What would you do if you got hit by a car?

Q: Have you ever almost gotten hit by a car here on campus and if so how did you react?

A: It depends on how bad is the injury. If there is no big

A: I would sue them. Definitely sue them.

injuries I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. If it’s bad injures I wouldn’t want to pay for my medical bills. I would probably ask

A: Oh, no, I haven’t yet on campus or in my life, but I think Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

that would be a terrible scene.

for help. If my car would get scratched on the campus, I wouldn’t care if it’s small.

A: I’d wear a mask when I pick up the money so nobody

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

would know I won it. Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?

A: Awesome! My intentions are to get into a graduate school. If I won the lottery that would be my first priority. Then

A: I would take care of my family, pay all bills and go travel.

I would think about buying a house or something.

MARCH 13, 2019



Mardi Gras tribute band throws party at Dazzle By Dorothy Harris

this community coming together

come into the picture, as soon as


that enjoyed New Orleans music,

he came in he was a good fit as

then we began adding stuff like

a rapper, but also a good fit into

hip-hop, R&B, heavy metal and

the family,” singer and trumpet

flooded with the sounds of New

salsa where we’re moving out

player Shane Jonas said. “So we

Orleans on Friday night when

from usual jazz roots and trying

started to evolve the way we wrote

Lowdown Brass Band brought

to create this new thing.”

to include him, and it’s really

Downtown Denver was

Mardi Gras to the Mile High City. Lowdown has played at

With the band’s combination of

changed our writing process and

different rhythms, there is a sound

made us more accessible to lots

events such as their hometown

for every listener to enjoy, which

of different people. Ultimately

Chicago’s Jazz Fest, Alaska’s

reflects in the audience. From

that’s what we’re trying to do,

Salmon Fest, a Montreal set as

the melodious speech of Levine

reach as many people as possible

headliner and so many more. On

in between songs to the smooth

with this music that we love.”

March 8, they were invited to play

raps of Camp, all three sets had

a three-set concert at Denver’s

the crowd up on their feet.

very own Dazzle jazz nightclub to pay homage to Mardi Gras. According to their website,

During intermissions, the band took the time to come

“Jazz, funk and hip-hop all

out into the audience to speak

come from the same place,

with fans and connect with Photo by Taelyn Livingston | tliving4@msudenver.edu

so we’re just adding on top of

Lowdown is an all-inclusive jazz

what the natural progression of

band that bases its music off of the

American pop would be. We’re

high-energy street beat of Chicago

bringing all the generations

all while intertwining the hip-hop

together,” Camp said.

Lowdown Brass Band plays at Dazzle for their Fat Tuesday show on March 5. The band mixes jazz, hip-hop and other sounds in their high energy music.

them. Lowdown drank with the crowd while discussing their performance, as well as throwing out some funny rejoinders

to the band, which recently

while on stage to make the

performance, Lowdown played

celebrated its 15 year anniversary.

environment more comfortable.

passionately to the easy sound

songs from their newest

When Lowdown heard how

hip-hop and reggae coalesce

of the sax while a mother and

album Lowdown Breaks

Camp’s smooth raps combined

tour are in Milwaukee on April 13

like space particles, almost

daughter wildly moved to the

including, “2nd Line Hop,”

with their rambunctious jazz,

and Chicago on April 20. Tickets

gravitating to each other,” said

beat of the pounding drums. The

“Ponder This” and “Ghost

the band decided to write their

and information are on the

baritone sax player and band

packed club didn’t stop anyone

Town,” composed by Camp.

music with him in mind.

Lowdown Brass Band website.

leader Dave Levine. “It was like

from enjoying Lowdown.

poetic rhymes of MC Billa Camp. “This love of jazz music and

Older couples danced

Within their three-hour

Camp was a later addition

The upcoming shows on the

“It’s been great having Billa

Frozen Dead Guy Days puts a silly spin on history By Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Frozen Dead Guy Days attendees braved the elements in Nederland, Colorado March 8-10, but mud-caked shoes and chilling winds could not stop the crowd from watching the fan-favorite Coffin Races. Nederland began its annual celebration 18 years ago inspired by the bizarre tomb of Bredo Morstoel. His body was frozen immediately after his death in 1989 in the hopes that he could be reanimated one day. Though the town was once at odds with keeping Morstoel on ice, his story is now preserved through a weekend of beer-drinking and game-playing. The Coffin Races are amongst the popular activities. According to the FDGD website, teams are required to consist of one “corpse” who is carried and six “pallbearers.” Participants are encouraged to pick themes for their “coffins” and wear costumes. Teams raced through the Guercio Field, slipping on mud, snow and ice on Saturday. For five years, The Nerds team schooled the competition, but it was the Hozen Dead Guys who took the 2019 first prize. The Blue Barracudas were the runner-ups. Originally covered for The Sentinel.

Bottom left: The Veggie-Weggies climb up a snow mound at the Frozen Dead Guy Day Coffin Races on March 9. The team lost in the quarter-finals. Bottom center: Space Monkey Mafia takes a tumble during the Frozen Dead Guy Day Coffin Races in Nederland, Colorado on March 9. Photos by Ali C. M. Watkins | awatkin9@msudenver.edu

The Bone Zone team performs a “Chinese fire drill,” where participants run around the coffin and switch positions, during the Coffin Races in Nederland, Colorado on March 9.

Bottom right: Mystery INC. goes toe-to-toe with the Hozen Frozen Dead Guys during the semifinal round of the Coffin Races on March 9. The Hosen Frozen Dead Guys won the competition, dethroning the 2018 winners, The Nerds.



MARCH 13, 2019

Athletics, board of trustees mull Division I transition By James Burky

feasibility study, which began in

is approximately $5.6 million,


late October, cast a deep shadow.

which ranks second-to-last when

A standout figure from the

compared to the rest of the WAC.

The proposition of MSU Denver

feasibility study was one that

Further financial changes

joining NCAA Division I athletics

highlighted MSU Denver athletic’s

that MSU Denver would need

seems to be in doubt after a

fall in competitiveness.

to make are: an approximate $1

board of trustees meeting on

Russell Wright of Collegiate

million budget increase for both

March 11 in the Student Success

Consulting pointed out the

men’s and women’s athletics,

Building, where the results of the

school’s plummet in the Learfield

$1.3 million increase for athletic

DI feasibility study were unveiled.

Directors’ Cup standing, an

scholarships and a student

aggregation that ranks every

athletics fee increase from

commissioners from both the

school in their respective

$39.20 to $81.60. Overall, MSU

Western Athletic Conference — the

collegiate division based off of

Denver would need to increase

DI conference that invited MSU

athletic success. From 2009-

its Athletics operating budget

Denver — and the Rocky Mountain

13, MSU Denver’s average rank

anywhere from $4-6 million.

Athletic Conference, the school’s

was 35th of 400 DII schools in

current home. WAC commissioner

the nation, according to the

DII, saying that he’s proud to

Jeff Hurd was joined by Grand

study. Since 2013, the school’s

represent Grand Valley in a state

Canyon University president Brian

placement fell to 155th.

that features seven DI schools.

The board hosted

Mueller, who used his private

This was just one of

Selgo passionately defended

“Central Michgan, Eastern

institution’s anecdote as an

many points of weakness in

Michigan, Western Michigan,

example of the ceiling of success

Wright’s SWOT analysis.

all great institutions — I’m quite

in the WAC. Afterward, RMAC

“Number one, urban

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

Russell Wright of Collegiate Consulting unveils the results of MSU Denver’s Division I feasibility study to university coaches and the MSU Denver board of trustees on March 11 in the Student Success Building.

confident in saying that Grand

commissioner Chris Graham and

institution in a professional sports

Valley, a Division II institution,

and-a-half hours, causing a

MSU Denver isn’t ready to

Tim Selgo — a representative

town,” he told the board. “The

has surpassed all of them in

handful of members to leave

transition into DI athletics.

of Grand Valley State University

basketball arena not controlled

many categories,” Selgo told

during the unveiling of the

from Grand Valley, Michigan

by Athletics, especially as a

the committee. “Our annual

feasibility study results.

— pitched their case on behalf

Division I institution, that probably

collegiate athletics budget is

of the DII conference.

becomes more of a concern.”

about one-third of their budgets.

their next meeting in early May

area and the surrounding states,”

Who’s making up that two-thirds

on whether or not to approve

Grant said. “The philosophy of

difference? Their students are.”

the transition, but key members

Division II athletics fits more

have made up their mind.

seamlessly than Division I.”

The bright potential Hurd

The study also showed how

and Mueller promoted was

behind MSU Denver would be

darkened by Graham and Selgo’s

compared with current members

The board did not make a

pragmatism. Furthermore, the

of the WAC. The operating budget

final vote on the matter because

results of Collegiate Consulting’s

for the athletics department

the meeting ran roughly three-

The board will likely vote at

“This institution is a regional comprehensive institution, so our footprint is within the local

Director of Athletics Anthony Grant was convinced that

Legacy of success: Haave’s road to MSU Denver After she graduated from Tennessee she spent 14 years

By Deicy Gomez dluevan3@msudenver.edu

overseas. She played in France, Italy, Spain, Australia, and Sweden. While playing internationally, she was a 12-

MSU Denver women’s basketball head coach

time All-Star player and coached in Sweden for a year.

Tanya Haave is considered one of the most decorated

“One of the strengths that I do have is that I am very

female high school athletes in Colorado. For her

adaptable,” Haave explained about her adjustments

success throughout her career she was added to

overseas. “You either adapt or you don’t make it,

the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame in 2004.

not everyone can go to Europe, play and live. A

Haave was born in Evergreen, Colorado and

lot of Americans do not make it, so it takes a little

graduated from Evergreen High School. Growing up

bit of mountain toughness to live over there.”

she loved being out in the mountains and showed

Haave always knew she wanted to be a coach, so when

her competitiveness through her love of sports.

she came back to the United States she was an assistant or

“It was great. At that time it wasn’t extremely

head coach for multiple schools in Division I and Division

diverse, but to grow up in the outdoors you’re always

II. Haave started her first season as head coach for MSU

active and I just love all kinds of sports,” Haave said.

Denver in 2010-11. In her first season, she helped the

While she was in high school she played basketball

Roadrunners win the first RMAC Championship since 1998.

and volleyball. When she graduated in 1980 she was

“She’s competitive, she works hard, I always explain

named to the all-conference and all-state basketball

to that she’s kind of a players coach,” said assistant

teams. In volleyball, her team was undefeated for

coach David Wells. “She isn’t as authoritative as some

two years and during her senior year she received

coaches, like tell them exactly what to do all the time.

the all-conference and all-state awards. For her performance in both sports, she was named Athlete of the Year by the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame and Sportswoman of the Year by the Sportswomen of Colorado. As a top 20 player in the country, schools from all over

They get the opportunity to lead the program.” Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

MSU Denver women’s basketball coach Tanya Haave coaches her team in a game against Colorado State University-Pueblo at the Auraria Events Center on Jan 18.

the nation tried recruiting Haave. At the time Pat Summitt

After losing against Regis University in the first round of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference playoffs on March 5, Haave wanted to give them perspective on how, despite a slow start, they had a great run. The team and seniors, like Jaelynn Smith, set records

had just started coaching at the University of Tennessee,

As a basketball starter for the Lady Vols’, Haave helped

this year. Then ended her speech reminding the team

and wrote Haave a letter inviting her to visit campus.

her team to four Final Four appearances and was named

about how much she appreciated and loved them.

Not only did she love the campus but also Summit’s

All-American and All-SEC in the 1982-83 season.

honesty, genuine concern for the student-athletes and the way she helped the team achieve their goals. At Tennessee, Haave played all four years for the basketball team and two years on the volleyball team.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better experience,”

“It was important for the rest of the girls to hear because I got that same talk my freshman year

Haave said. “The only thing that would’ve

when we didn’t even qualify for the RMAC playoffs,”

been better is if we could’ve won a national

Smith said. “It wasn’t the outcome we all wanted,

championship cause we were second twice.”

but it is something you guys to build on.”

MARCH 13, 2019



Heavy bats salvage series against Pueblo By Isaac Bugarin

order that carried the weight


on the afternoon of March 10. The team was able to cross 13

MSU Denver battled on

runs on 16 hits while still being

Sunday to split the series

patient and drawing nine walks.

against CSU-Pueblo

Matt Malkin, Cade Peters and

The MSU Denver baseball

Draven Adame — the fourth, fifth

team capped off a weekend series

and sixth hitters in the lineup

with an offensive explosion to

— combined for nine hits and

beat Colorado State University-

drove in four runs. The three

Pueblo 13-5 at the Regency

also scored seven of the team’s

Athletic Complex on March 10.

13 total runs in the last game.

The Roadrunners dropped the

“For any team, you’re only

first two games in the series as

going to go as well as the middle

they struggled at bat. They lost

of the order goes,” said head

the first game in the series on

coach Ryan Strain. “If they swing

March 8 by a score of 3-2 and the

the bats well, we’re going to win

first game of the double header on

games. If they don’t swing the

March 9, 7-2. The team changed

bats well, it’s going to be more

their plate approach in the final

difficult on us. It feels good for

two games, looking for fastballs

them to get some confidence.”

early. In the last two games, the

The Roadrunners were

Roadrunners were able to cross 19

swinging for the fences on Sunday

runs and hold Pueblo to just seven.

scoring four runs off of three hits in the first inning and in large part

Photo by Deicy Gomez | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

for offspeed early in the count, just

thanks to a two run inside the park

mostly fastballs and then adjusting

homer from Adame. The senior

Draven Adame and Logan Soole meet Matt Malkin at home plate after he hit a home run in the seventh inning against Colorado State University-Pueblo at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 10.

to offspeed late in the counts and

transfer from Lamar Community

not swinging at stuff up or down,”

College hit a line drive to straight

said shortstop Zach Paschke.

away center field where CSU-

“I’m very proud of the team just

Pueblo’s center fielder, Adrian

bats the last two games whereas

knowing that if you go down two

Martinez, slid only to come up

the first two games we were

games in the series you can still

short and let the ball roll to the

swinging at stuff that was in the

team will continue RMAC play

come back in the last two just to

fence. Adame reached base safely

dirt,” Adame said. “I just go into

and be on the road for the

make it even which is great for us.”

in all five plate appearances

every at-bat, regardless of what

next two weeks. They travel

and came up a triple shy of the

happened in the at bat before, just

to Las Vegas, New Mexico to

“I think just mainly not looking

It was the middle of the

cycle with a pair of walks. “We were grinding out at

thinking to myself that this guy

kick off a four game series

can’t beat you so just stay in there.

against New Mexico Highlands

If you get a pitch to hit, hit it.”

University on March 15-17.

The MSU Denver baseball

Roadrunners trampled by Lady Buffs By James Burky

that, that’s when the flood gates


open,” said head coach Annie Van

and they missed their shot. “They’re not amazing. I think

Wetzinga. “If you’re not mentally

we made them look a lot better

When it rains, it pours.

checked in, along with physically, it

than they actually are. Give them

And though the weather was

can get ugly against quality teams.”

credit, their hitters are really

a comfortable 60 degrees and

Van Wetzinga commended her

good,” McGhee said. “We’re way

sunny on March 11, the West

pitchers’ composure. The staff

Texas A&M University Lady Buffs

never lost their cool, but were

rained down runs against the

shellacked by one of the best

series came in the second game

MSU Denver softball team in a

offenses in Division II softball.

from the bat of third baseman

mid-week doubleheader sweep.

Ace Darby McGhee started the

Laney Sheppard. With McGhee

first game strong, but a pair of

on second after driving in a run,

and 7-3 in the RMAC, faced a

errors led to the team’s fifth inning

Sheppard looked to save face and

daunting break in their conference

collapse where they surrendered

put up a fight in a 13-run game.

schedule. After splitting their

six runs. McGhee was relieved by

She ripped Kyra Lair’s pitch over

four weekend games against the

Destinee Lopez in the sixth who

the right field wall for a two-run

University of Colorado Colorado

didn’t fare much better, throwing

home run. It was the lone moment

Springs and New Mexico Highlands

40 pitches against seven batters

in the two games when there was

University, MSU Denver looked

and surrendering three runs. In

any power in the Roadrunners’

forward to the challenge of hosting

game two, starter Kylee Burnside

aluminum bats, a recurring theme

the No. 9 team in the nation.

was pulled in the first inning

for the 2019 Roadrunners.

Through four innings of game

before she could get two outs.

one, the two teams were tied,

The pitching staff has been

1-1. The game, and eventually

The Roadrunners, 11-13 overall

better than how we played.” The lone highlight from the

The Roadrunners are among

Photo by James Burky| jburky@msudenver.edu

First baseman JJ Sheppard ensures West Texas A&M batter Alyx Cordell is thrown out in the first game of a double header on March 12 at the Regency Athletic Complex. are third-to-last in the conference.

.500 but at 7-3 in conference play,

the Rocky Mountain Athletic

“A lot of people on the team

they still rank in the upper echelon

efficient and reliable all season

Conference’s best in terms of

have a lot more power in the bats,”

of the RMAC. The Roadrunners,

the series, then went south. The

long, but their workload — they

hitting. They ranked in the top

Sheppard said. “I can feel it, we’re

determined to not let one day

Lady Buffs took advantage of

threw 141 more pitches than the

five in batting average prior to

coming closer and closer every day.”

define their season, will host

costly errors and absent hitting

Lady Buffs — against one of the

the West Texas A&M series, and

to dominate the Roadrunners

best offenses in the nation was a

with the outlier game, still have

away from Tuesday’s collapse is that

Mesa University on March 16-

24-4 across the two matches.

losing equation. The games were

a respectable mark of .307. The

these losses don’t count against the

17 in a pair of doubleheaders.

a chance for a young Roadrunners

Roadrunner lead the RMAC in

Roadrunners’ conference record.

team to prove themselves,

doubles, but their 10 home runs

Their overall record dropped below

“When you do that against a team that can swing it like

One of the few positives to take

conference opponent Colorado



MARCH 13, 2019

Browns brewing something special

Trading for OBJ shows Cleveland is determined to win ROADRUNNER BRIEFS

By James Burky

Nick Chubb at running back. The


Browns not only fielded their most talented offense in 20 years,

Former Roadrunner joins soccer staff Head coach Jeremy Tittle is adding a familiar face to his coaching staff. Former Roadrunner Jake Beerman is coming back as an assistant coach for the men’s soccer team, according to the university’s athletics department. Beerman played for MSU Denver in 2011-12 before he transferred to Indiana Wesleyan University and graduated in 2015 with a degree in exercise science.

After a string of head-turning transactions, the Cleveland

The MSU Denver women’s golf team placed 11th at the Midwestern State Invitational from March 11-12 with a score of 681, 105 over par. Jennifer Hankins tied for 29th with a score of 164 after being ranked 51st the day before. On March 12, junior Kika Dzoan fi nished second for the Roadrunners with a score of 88, over par. The Roadrunners will be traveling to Pueblo to play at the El Cheapo Classic on March 24-25.

Women’s tennis falls in weekend series The MSU Denver women’s tennis lost to Cameron University 5-0 on March 9. Olivia Kaiser and Eliza McKean were the only ones to win a match against the Aggies, but the Roadrunners weren’t able to win their other two matches. The Roadrunners also fell to Southern Arkansas University, 4-1. Their next match will be against Colorado State University-Pueblo on March 15 at the Regency Athletic Center at 11 a.m.

Men’s tennis comes up short against Aggies The MSU Denver men’s tennis team fell to the Cameron University Aggies 6-1 on March 9. Alejandro MartinezMorilla was the only one to earn a point against the Aggies with a score of 6-4 and 6-3 in the third match of singles. The Roadrunner’s next match will be on March 15 against Colorado State University-Pueblo at the Regency Athletic Complex at 11 a.m.

young units in the entire NFL.

Browns are on track to achieving

Beyond the skill positions, the

the most improbable feat in sports

Browns were able to turn massive

this century — make themselves

draft bust Greg Robinson into a

relevant. It doesn’t feel real

respectable offensive tackle and

writing that, but it’s true — the

have one of the league’s most

Browns are building a playoff

underrated guards in Joel Bitonio.

contender. Yes, those Browns. Let’s just rattle off a list of

The offense is set. The defense? Further along than one

standout players the Browns

may think. Adding Richardson

have added in 2019: Kareem

creates a terrifying front duo with

Hunt, Sheldon Richardson,

Myles Garrett. Joe Schobert has

Olivier Vernon and now

quietly become one of the league’s

Odell Beckham, Jr.

more reliable linebackers, and

Four players. Six pro

Hankins finishes in top 30 at tournament

but one of the most appealing

Photo obtained from USA Today Sports

Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield barks orders to his team in their game against the Cincinnati Bengals on Dec. 23.

defensive back Denzel Ward had

bowl appearances. Five

a phenomenal rookie season.

all-pro selections.

Plus, the Browns have been linked

These additions alone wouldn’t

to signing safety Earl Thomas.

be enough to elevate the Browns

aging Ben Roethlisberger.

This isn’t smoke. This

below-average defense.

This isn’t a definitive take,

Don’t be mistaken, though.

from ass to class, but they’re are

isn’t wishful thinking. The

though. Freddie Kitchens, last

This is year two of the biggest

added to a stable foundation.

Browns are young, talented

season’s offensive coordinator,

turnaround in professional

and hungry for respect.

may have been stellar, but he has

football. For years, the Browns

never been a head coach at any

were the Chicago Cubs of the

Cleveland surpassed expectations in 2018, going 7-8-1

And when looking at the rest

and showed their first glimmer of

of the NFC North division, there’s

level. Furthermore, there are a

NFL — then the Cubs shook that

hope in 11 years. No. 1 pick Baker

little reason to not believe that

number of character concerns

moniker and won the World

Mayfield solidified the Brett Favre

the Browns can take it by storm.

on the team. The Browns

Series. The Browns have been in

have merely added to their

a league all by themselves, one

comparisons, throwing 30-plus

The Cincinnati Bengals are

yard touchdowns with artistic

in year one of a massive rebuild

foundation, should they draft

of such ineptitude that it only

ease. His 93.4 passer rating was

and the Baltimore Ravens have

poorly or spend too much money

commands pity. Now they have

the best output from a Cleveland

a number of offensive needs

on the offense and therefore

their most talented squad since

quarterback since their re-

to address to help quarterback

short change the defense, then

the Clinton Administration.

expansion in 1999. He did this with

Lamar Jackson succeed. The

they’ll set themselves up for

the help of franchise-changing

biggest threat to a Browns

nothing more than mediocrity.

pieces like tight end David Njoku,

Cinderella story are the Pittsburgh

receivers Jarvis Landry and

Steelers, who have a damaged

that the Browns shift focus

Rashard Higgins, and the agile

offensive core surrounding an

from the offense to their

In fact, it’s imperative

The Browns are doing everything they need to become a competitive team, and it’s about dang time.

Roadrunners athletics review Baseball



vs. Colorado State

at New Mexico

at Midwestern State

University-Pueblo (DH)

Highlands University

Women’s Invitational

March 9

March 10






at Colorado

6-2 vs. Colorado State

State University Colorado Springs

March 11 Placed 10th of 15

at Midwestern State

Women’s Invitational


March 10

March 12

March 10 W


Placed 11th of 15





MARCH 13, 2019


Hot Topics Date Location


OrchestraPalooza March 14 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge

Date Location

March 15 King Center Concert Hall


March 15 & 16 Boettcher Concert Hall

Dior: From Paris to the World Date Location

March 15 Denver Art Museum










12:30 - 1:30 p.m.


8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


7:30 p.m.


9 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

EOP String Competition Date Location

March 16 King Center

Discover STEM Event Date Location

March 16 Tivoli Baerresen Ballroom

Venus Cruz’s Birthday Bash Date Location

March 15 Dazzle Denver

JOHN CUSACK Date Location

March 17 Paramount Theatre










noon - 3 p.m.


10 a.m. - 12 p.m.


9:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


Men’s Tennis VS. CSU-Pueblo Date Location

March 15 Denver


Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Date Location

March 16 Pueblo, CO

Nuggets VS. Dallas Mavericks Date Location

March 14 Pepsi Center

Rapids VS. Sporting KC Date Location

March 17 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park










11 a.m.




8:30 p.m.


7 p.m.

Baseball VS.New Mexico Highlands University Date Location

March 15 Las Vegas, NM

Softball VS. Colorado Mesa Date Location

March 16 Denver

Nuggets VS. Indiana Pacers Date Location

March 16 Pepsi Center

Avalanche VS. Ducks Date Location

March 15 Denver










3 p.m.




7 p.m.


7 p.m.


The Drood Date Location

Jon E. Boothe March 14 Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox

Date Location

March 14 The Black Buzzard

Granger Smith Date Location

March 15 Grizzly Rose

Adia Victoria Date Location

March 15 Larimer Lounge


$7 - 20








9 p.m.


7 p.m.


8:30 p.m.


9:30 p.m.

Wicked Saints and Shaman’s Harvest Date Location

March 16 Thunder Mountain


Amphitheatre TBA


7 p.m.

Shovelin Stone Date Location

March 16 Hodi’s Half Note

Dirty Rotten Rhymers Date Location

March 17 Soiled Dove Underground






9 p.m.


8 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Friday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics and instrumental every week at mymetmedia.com



MARCH 13, 2019



“I do not know if you meet the students here.” “I pride myself in my roundness”



They say no two snowflakes are alike. Believe in yourself, unicorn.

It’s no use crying over spilled milk. Get out and enjoy the snow!



When the moon is in the seventh house, then peace will guide the planets.

Some children never see the snow. Be grateful for the life you’re given.



Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim, swim.

You haven’t seen your best friend in weeks. Take them sledding this weekend.



The groundhog was wrong. Winter is coming.

Watch out; you’ve been sick for weeks and this winter storm won’t help. Take a day to rest.



You need a day in with some hot cocoa, a warm blanket and a good book.

You deserve a free day from that diet. Treat yo’self.



You’ve been dying to try some new recipes. This weekend is the perfect time to do so.

You, on the other hand, have been playing too much. Don’t let those grades slip.

“Don’t tell me how to do my job, boss!” “You think water is spicy!” “Bringing these Cheetos to my desk was a mistake...”

Top 5 God of War games 1. God of War (PS4) 2. God of War 3 3. God of War 2 4. God of War 5. God of War: Chains of Olympus Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus? Submit to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com


Famous Teddy Z”


30. Formal letter opener

1. Place for some pads

43. Unlikely fable loser

1. Cabinet drawer opener

34. L.A. rival

5. ___ California

44. Joran van der ___ (name in 2005

2. Word after maiden or pen

35. Susan, on “Desperate Housewives”

9. Strike lightly


3. Italian spewer

37. Nickname of the youngest major

14. Chris Rock “SNL” character with

46. Cancel, as a space flight

4. Isn’t imaginary

leaguer to reach 400 homers

“the only 15-minute show on TV”

48. “Am ___?”

5. Nerd

38. Microscope part

15. Some TVs

49. “The drapes,” in a bawdy matching

6. Large property size, for residences

40. Contemplation of the sound of one

16. Growing egg


7. Big name in smoothies

hand clapping, e.g.

17. Science magazine launched by Bob

51. The Hebrides, e.g.

8. Org. with a common interest

42. 1998 movie with the quote “I saved

Guccione’s wife

53. Lunar-sounding first name for

9. Lob motion

Latin. What did you ever do?”

18. Weaponry


10. Actress Gardner of “The Night of

45. The Dalai Lama’s language

19. Italian city famed for its cheese

57. Mansion man, for short

the Iguana”

47. “Sacre ___!”

20. Group whose members include

58. Address bar entry

11. Tour for which Sheila E. opened

50. Like one of the Pac-Man ghosts

Mike D

59. He played the movie character

for Prince

52. One of seven

23. Dog or cat, or what you do to it

immortalized by the song “Axel F”

12. Kind of stone head Mr. Burns gave

53. Community art project, maybe

24. Late dinner time

64. Bonnie with the 2005 album “Souls

the Simpsons

54. Take to the soapbox

25. Resort town on the Pacific


13. “So cool!”

55. What “X” may mean

27. Car part

66. Go back a step, in word processing

21. Cram session reason

56. Sal who co-starred with James

31. Charlie Brown’s got eaten often

67. “What’s the big ___?”

22. Talk nonstop


32. Fish that’s jellied in British cuisine

68. One way to get lost

26. State at the Four Corners

60. Fall site

33. Make dirty

69. Skeezy look


61. Blackberries and Palm Pilots, e.g.

36. Major pro-choice org.

70. “The Alienist” author Caleb

27. Animation collectibles

62. Grinder

39. Miss out on

71. Pucker producer

28. Get better

63. Crocheting need

41. Jon who starred in the sitcom “The

72. Sound quality

29. Focus of the group started by Bill W.

65. Queen song “___ Torriate”

73. Nirvana’s “Been ___”






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