Volume 41, Issue 26 - April 3, 2019

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 26


APRIL 3, 2019


Biker Jim’s has become Auraria Campus staple

Photo by Kaieigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Jerry Cass laughs as he makes Biker Jim’s Gourmet Dogs for Auraria Campus students on April 4, 2018. Cass has been manning the Biker Jim’s cart on campus for the last five years.

know what to do anywhere else,” Cass said.

By Kristina Vasquez kvasque2@msudenver.edu

He remembers a period of time where

up in the morning when “The Jesus

a man known as “The Jesus Screamer”

Screamer” arrived, and the two would

flipping the dogs every day in rain, snow,

would stand adjacent to his cart and preach

even strike up conversations.

wind or shine. But finding a way to describe

loudly to a crowd of bewildered passersby.

For the past five years, he has been

The smokiness that hangs in the air on campus is a product of Biker Jim’s cart parked between the Tivoli and the

what he does for Biker Jim’s is difficult.

“When he wasn’t screaming about it, I would see him in the morning

said. “At the time, it would always happen

when he was showing up, and he

King Center. This gourmet hot dog stand

sausage cowboy,” Cass said with a

when I was, like, right there. So it was so

was like a regular dude,” he said.

is shared with students and faculty by

laugh. “It’s kinda like being a trucker

weird because all of that is happening

the man behind the cart — Jerry Cass.

and a cook in the same day.”

right over here, and I’m like, ‘Do you

“I’ve been here so long that I know everybody here, and it’s like, I wouldn’t


“According to my W-2, I’m a

“He was super entertaining,” Cass

In five years, Cass has seen the good, the

want chips and a drink with that?’”

bad and the straight-up weird on campus.

| Continued on pg. 5

Cass said he would be setting



Isolated TB incident on campus.

Walking your dog is good for you

Month of photography features

An Iowa tight end could be next

and your furry friend.

local artists.

Broncos star.

| pg. 4


| pg. 6


| pg. 8



APRIL 03, 2019

Tuberculosis infection found in student By James Burky

you’ve come in contact with TB and you


don’t have active TB, you’re not infectious yourself. We don’t anticipate there will

There’s little reason for Auraria Campus

be any active cases of TB from this.”

students to be worried about the reported

Dr. Ruben Zorrilla, medical director

case of tuberculosis at MSU Denver.

at Health Center at Auraria, joined Cohn

That’s what Dr. David Cohn, an

front-and-center at the press conference.

infectious disease specialist and former

Though Denver Health is primarily

director of the tuberculosis clinic at

conducting the investigation, Zorilla

Denver Public Health, assured reporters

has been able to support their work.

at a press conference on March 26 in the

He noted that the diagnosis

Health Center. Three weeks ago, an MSU

was not made on campus.

Denver student was found to have active

“It happens to be that the student who

tuberculosis at an off-campus clinic.

has the case of active TB was a student here,

“This person is currently receiving care

never appeared at our clinic but was on

for tuberculosis and currently feels better

campus,” Zorrilla said. “We did not learn of

and also is no longer on campus,” Cohn

it until the contact investigation started.”

said. “If you have a case of active TB, we

Also joining Cohn and Zorrilla was

treat that case with four drugs, followed by

Flor Ramirez, a disease intervention

two drugs, usually over six months. That

specialist with Denver Health.

person then becomes non-infectious after

Ramirez acknowledged the similar Photo by Isaac Banks | cisaacbanks@gmail.com

about two weeks of therapy, and they’re cured after about six months of therapy.” Cohn explained that the current phase in response to the diagnosis is to conduct a

Alongside Flor Ramirez and Ruben Zorrilla, David Cohn, center, answers questions from the press in the Plaza Building on the Auraria Campus on March 26 about the recent MSU Denver case of tuberculosis.

contact investigation. As the name suggests,

symptoms — night sweats, fever and cough, among others — TB has with the flu. The former’s symptoms are more prolonged. “That’s why when we are calling everyone affected, we make sure to

Officials from the Health Department will

infection, which is the predecessor to

are at a higher risk of contracting TB versus

ask their symptoms,” she said. “If they

test people that the patient came into

active TB. The disease can only be spread

classmates of the patient, who spend a

have a cough, well tell me about the

contact. This starts with their immediate

from person-to-person through the air.

minimal amount of time with the patient.

cough. We do more questioning to make

family and extending to about 150 students

Those without active TB infections are not

According to Cohn, of the 150 subjects, it’s

sure we’re not missing anything.”

and faculty on campus. Those students and

contagious. The blood test will be repeated

likely that a couple will have the infection.

faculty have already been contacted via

in eight weeks in case the infection takes

He estimates that, 3-5 percent is most

students and faculty at Aurora Hills Middle

email. Denver Health did not find an active

longer to develop. Cohn said that it will take

likely, with 10 percent considered high.

School — about 11 miles from Auraria

case of TB among the family members.

8-12 weeks to know for sure if the patient

Denver Health will conduct tests that examine one’s blood and skin for tuberculosis

“Of the folks that have been exposed,

This case comes on the heels of

Campus — being tested for possible

infected anyone. Cohn said that those who

we’re not worried about the people they

tuberculosis earlier this year. Cohn

live in the same house as someone with TB

have come in contact with,” Cohn said. “If

reiterated that the two are not connected.

A department by any other name: JTC to JMP By Mike Brdicka mbrdicka@msudenver.edu

editing, and video production. Students admitted to the university in the 2019-20 catalog year will be

The renamed journalism and media

selecting their specialization from these

production department gathered to

options. Current journalism students

discuss their newly implemented degree

have the option to continue with the

structure at 12:30 p.m. on March 18

degree program they’ve been working

in the Central Classroom Building.

toward, or to change their catalog year

Numerous faculty and a few alumni spoke about the changes made to the

and select one of the new programs. Faculty and alumni at the event

way incoming students may select

encouraged students to make use of the

a program of study, and the way

resources at hand and to acquire as many

graduates can more effectively shop

journalistic skills as possible. The new

their skills to potential employers.

classification presents clearer choices, not

Before the redesign, the department ­­— formerly journalism and technical

only for the pursuit of a specialized degree

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver

Jump Day showed off the programs in the journalism and technical communications department at MSU Denver on March 18.

but a well-rounded journalism education.

communications — was divided into

“It was great to hear all the new

three majors that encompassed eight

innovative degree programs they have,

courses that explore new technology

different concentrations. Now there

and to have professors pitching their

and its journalistic applications:

are six majors to choose from, each

courses to you in person,” said Jacob

360 Video Production and Drone

playing in,” Hammond said. “Some

with its own tailored coursework.

Wilson, a journalism student at MSU

Journalism, taught by Jeff Hammond

view it as gimmicky, but much the

Denver and member of Met TV.

and Kip Wotkyns, respectively.

same was said about digital video

“This system offers a better credential and a better specialization for students,” said Shaun Schafer, department chair.

Doug Bell, adjunct journalism professor,

Also featured at the event were two

Hammond’s omnibus course, 360 Video

higher image quality than stereoscopic, which creates the 3D video experience. “This is a sandbox we need to be

20 years ago. It’s here to stay.”

was on site promoting his portfolio

Production, had a demonstration on site that

presentation course, which walks students

captivated students and faculty alike. Two

further interest in his course for

new classification are journalism,

through every step involved in trying to

different 360 video styles were available

the 2019-20 school year.

broadcast journalism, media production,

get a media job, from cover letters and

to enjoy, monoscopic and stereoscopic.

public relations, technical writing and

resumes to presenting well at an interview.

The monoscopic currently allows for a

The six degrees offered under the

Hammond hopes to foster


4 staff

APRIL 3, 2019

Popular foods have become overrated

Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

By Madison Lauterbach

menu. I’ve seen poké burritos, nachos and tacos.

good enough for us. We want to know the life


If you build your own bowl you can include 20

story about that chicken you’re about to take

different ingredients in one dish, at which point

down.” The worst part about these places is if

it has become completely mutated. This is not

you’ve eaten at McDonald’s once in your life,

continually pushing the envelope to separate

what the native Hawaiian snack is. It is not fusion

you instantly feel excluded from the club.

themselves from the rest of the pack. Many places

food, nor is it a complicated list of ingredients.

With the rise of social media, restaurants are

have figured out that the best advertisement

Lobster Mac & Cheese

is free, in the form of Instagramable food and

Korean BBQ

Features Editor

drinks. There are a lot of abhorrent trends

My two biggest problems with Korean

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

born of this strategy — freak shakes, unicorn

BBQ: why would I pay an exorbitant amount

Daily Meal wrote, seafood belongs nowhere

Sports Editor

everything, pho burritos. Restaurants have

of money just to cook my own food? How do

near cheese and the concept is making suckers

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

generally figured out which foods people go

I know when the meat is done enough that I

out of all of us. “The addition of a few sad,

crazy over. Those foods and concepts have

won’t get food poisoning? It’s difficult over those

invariably overcooked chunks of lobster to

now been overdone to death. Here are the 5

in-table grills to determine when the meat is

macaroni and cheese allows restaurants to sell

most overrated trends in food right now.

cooked through, making me feel like I’m on the

it at an extreme markup, and everyone who

verge of getting sick with every bite I take.

orders it is taking the bait,” the article said.

Assistant Sports Editor Deicy Gomez dluevan3@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Design Managing Editor Zhen Tang ztnag@msudenver.edu Copy Editors Paige Pakkebier paige.pakkebier@ucdenver.edu Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media

The most egregious offense on this list. Stop trying to mess with mac & cheese. As The

Poké Don’t get me wrong, this is one of my favorite foods. I grew up on my dad’s homemade poké

Farm-to-table Sure, it’s a good thing that we are becoming

Craft beer and cocktails While undoubtedly two separate categories,

as a snack food after school. My dad grew up in

more conscious about what is going into

these two are similar in a few ways: we spend

Hawaii and knows how it’s done. Mainlanders

our bodies. It’s about time we hold massive

way too much money on both and they often

have absolutely ruined this snack over the last few

companies responsible for all the antibiotics

taste like shit with such a multitude of flavors.

years. What started out as a gas station food on

and other gross things they put into our food. I

The worst similarity these two share are the

the islands turned into a high class $16 appetizer

stopped drinking milk for this exact reason well

kind of people who order these drinks. All I’m

on the mainland. There’s a poke restaurant every

that, and it tastes disgusting to me. But it has

saying is a Pabst Blue Ribbon does the same

few blocks in Denver, not to mention the places

become a bit out of hand. As Spoon University

job and tastes better for a fourth of the price.

that serve it as one of many dishes on their

wrote, “no longer are simple ingredient lists

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Walking is crucial for canine and human health

Sales and Marketing sale@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Derek Brekken dbrekken@msudenver.edu

What we do

healthy. Dog owners who don’t have the

spending time with a trainer in a healthy, safe

time to give their pet the care they need

environment can help fix those behaviors so

— including training and time outdoors —

you can safely take your dog out for a walk.

probably shouldn’t have a dog, or should get

A professional behavior expert can help

a dog who doesn’t require so much care.

develop a treatment plan for an aggressive

Three years later we got our current family dog, a chihuahua mix named Mindy. She is the

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to awatkin9@msudenver.edu. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com

pet and help the owners implement it. According to the American Society for the

exact opposite of Maya in every way: skittish,

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, veterinarians

neurotic, terrified of a long list of things including

understand that depending on a specific dog’s

separation from humans, loud noises, large

type of aggression, violent behavior can be

animals, other dogs, cats, mice and car rides. But

reduced or eliminated, but it can also recur, so

she’s a great camping dog and overly faithful,

pet owners should be all the more vigilant.

which makes her excellent for taking on hikes

Also, walking your dog is an excellent way

because we know she’ll never leave our side

for you to get some exercise, fresh air, and

for fear of being left alone to die in the wild.

bond with your pet. Judy Morgan, a nationally

I now live with my cousins, who have a dog

renowned holistic veterinarian who specializes in

By Megan Webber

named Ollie. He is an Australian Shepherd mix,

acupuncture, food therapy and chiropractic care


but you wouldn’t know it by looking at him.

for pets, claims that dog walking has benefits for

He is old, missing half of an ear and his tail, is

humans on her website, drjudymorgan.com.

I always wanted a dog growing up. My family got our first puppy when I was 12. She

covered in white hair and incredibly overweight. I have walked Ollie on a few occasions

Health benefits include lower risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, improved balance

was a beautiful, energetic, purebred Siberian

when I was alone with him. He can make it

and better circulation. Morgan says that walking a

husky with long reddish fur and pale blue

around the block before he stops walking

dog can also help relieve loneliness not only due

eyes. We called her Maya, short for Amaya,

altogether. And when that happens, there

to spending time with an animal, but also because

and she drove us crazy for two years.

is no turning back. It’s not easy carrying

it’s an opportunity to meet with friends outside

a dog that big back to the front door.

or meet new people who also have dogs, which

It was hard not to love Maya, but she would roll in dead fish, chase horses and cows

There are many compelling reasons not

brings about a stronger sense of community. Dogs are known as Man’s Best Friend for

down the road for miles, and she would jump

to walk a dog, like, “He’s too old,” “He’s too

the fence in our yard and we’d have to pick

violent,” “He’s too skittish,” or, “I don’t have

a reason. They need quality time with you

her up from the police station at the end of

time.” But the problem with all of these reasons

just as much as you need it with them, and

the day. She wore us out. She needed more

is that they come at the risk of the dog’s

walking is a good way to spend that time.

exercise than we had the time to give her. So

health. A dog who isn’t allowed to spend time

we gave her to a couple who had a team of

outside will first become overly energetic,

sled dogs in the mountains, knowing she’d be

and then they will get sick and essentially

happier running around with other dogs.

waste away without enough exercise.

Dogs, like people, need exercise, good food and time outside to stay happy and

For those dogs who are too violent or too skittish to be around other dogs or people,

Megan Webber is the features editor at The Metropolitan and a junior at MSU Denver.

APRIL 3, 2019



Feeder of thousands, flipper of dogs, Biker Jim’s is here to stay Continued from cover

humble roots. Owner of Biker Jim’s and famed authority on sausages in Colorado, Jim Pettinger, started

CU Denver senior Kaitlin Mueller

selling hot dogs on a hectic corner

said she stops by the Biker Jim’s

in downtown Denver. This wasn’t

cart almost every weekday.

like any ordinary hot dog cart. He

Mueller usually purchases the famous Alaskan Reindeer dog. “I order from Biker Jim’s about

started selling buffalo brats and Italian sausages way before he explored the crazy variations of

twice a week and that’s for the

wild game meat that makes up

past four years,” Mueller said.

Biker Jim’s current menu. One

Her pro-tip is to order the classic

of the specials that started the

style which comes with caramelized

popularity of game meat selections

onions at no extra charge, and

was Wild on Wednesday.

she doctors it up with a healthy

“We even had a ‘What the

squirt of Sriracha and mustard.

Wednesday’ special that featured

When asked why Mueller

gator, yak and rattlesnake.

frequently visits the hot dog cart

Whatever we could find, we

rather than the various food options

would use,” Pettinger said.

in the Tivoli, she said, “It’s so much faster and all around better.” Mueller and her friend

Pettinger opened the cart on Auraria Campus in 2008 with the help of one of his cashiers,

Rebecca Carlson, a fellow senior

who was studying on campus

at CU Denver, play a game of

and came up with the idea to

comparing toppings. Carlson

cater for college students.

also orders the classic Alaskan Reindeer dog with caramelized onions, but she prefers to get a sour dill pickle slice on her dog. Carlson eats at Biker Jim’s cart every other week. “If I eat on campus, I come to Biker Jim’s,” she said.

“My mom was a member of a cookbook of the month club. She didn’t read them, but I did.” – Jim Pettinger

The cart, a campus celebrity, has

Photos by Lizzie Stowe | lalberts@msudenver.edu

Jerry Cass prepares for the day at his Biker Jim’s cart on Auraria Campus on April 2. He has been working at the popular food cart since 2011. It was Pettinger’s passion for finding untraditional meat like Alaskan reindeer and wild boar

of a cookbook of the month club.

it to Westword and they were

She didn’t read them, but I did.”

cracking up about it,” he said.

His love for motorcycles is where he got his nickname, Biker Jim.

accolades on the local and national

traditional hot dog. The creativity

He got his first dirt bike between

level from features in The Denver

of using game meat doesn’t stop

the ages of nine and 10 and got

Post, Westword, the Travel Channel

there. He decided to throw out

his first Harley Davidson at 30.

and the Food Network, among a

the basic ketchup, mustard and

“I used to be called Repo Jim but that didn’t sound quite as

prized accolade was in 2010 when

for toppings like wasabi aioli,

good as Biker Jim,” he said.

Pettinger had the opportunity to

curry and caramelized apples. “I’m good at taking

Pettinger opened the first Biker Jim’s Gourmet Dogs in 2011 and hasn’t stopped perfecting

feed Anthony Bourdain on the Travel Channel’s “No Reservations.” “Anthony Bourdain is the

something simple and putting

his dogs since. It took him quite

epitome of cool and humble

a spin on it,” Pettinger said.

some time to have a cart located

and opinionated. He’s such

on Auraria Campus, but it has

a great storyteller and so

been a staple for eight years.

generous,” Pettinger said.

Pettinger moved around a lot as a result of growing up an “Air Force brat.” He lived in Alaska until the age of 12 and when his family uprooted to Colorado, he was able to attend the University of Colorado. It was in college that he started his

Biker Jim’s world-famous hot

“It’s kinda like being a trucker and a cook in the same day.” – Jerry Cass

professional “car thief” career. He repossessed around 12,000 cars

dogs are available to all students and faculty on campus. The Biker Jim cart is open Monday through Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m., and on

Biker Jim’s was recently

Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 or 4

over 30 years. Pettinger eventually

informed that the food cart was

p.m. depending on attendance.

quit the repo business and planted

named Westword’s 2019 Best Hot

the seeds of the Biker Jim’s Gourmet

Dog in Denver. Cass said this is the

Additional reporting by

Dogs legacy we see today.

14th year in a row that they have

Megan Webber

“I quit repossessing cars

won an award from Westword,

at 48 years old and started

but they haven’t won Best Hot

slinging wieners on the street

Dog since 2014. He added that

In “Student brews showcased at

corner,” Pettinger said.

while he doesn’t know for sure

Collaboration Fest,” published in

what prompted Westword to give

our March 20 issue, we incorrectly

cooking while repossessing cars.

them the award, he suspects it

stated that the brewing students

For as long as he can remember,

has something to do with the fact

prepared 14 barrels of beer, equating

he’s always had a passion for

that he had fed their staff in their

to seven kegs. Brewing Program

whipping up something yummy.

office the previous Monday.

Instructor Ethan Tsai pointed out

Pettinger didn’t find his love for

“I always liked to cook. My mom

Cass laughs as he grills a sausage at his Biker Jim’s cart on Auraria Campus on April 2.

vast list of publications. His most

relish combination to make room Harissa roasted cactus, Malaysian

Cass prepares a bratwurst for a Biker Jim’s customer on Auraria Campus on April 2. Biker Jim’s provides a diverse menu of hot dogs, sausages and bratwursts.

Biker Jim’s has received many

that led him to put a spin on the

“The cart that I had that day,

was not a good cook,” Pettinger

too, says, ‘Biker Jim’s: Best of

said. “My mom was a member

Westword A Lot’ on it, and I took

that in reality, seven barrels were brewed, equating to 14 kegs.



APRIL 3, 2019

Month of Photography draws to a close By Dorothy Harris

and-center in the administration

year of MOP. It focuses on the


of portfolio reviews, making

technique of etching to create art.

them the hallmark of MOP. For the past month, several

“Printmaking is one of the

“We bring in about 30

oldest art forms. It’s a medium

of Denver’s art galleries and

reviewers, half locally and half

people really don’t understand,”

museums opened up their

nationally,” said Samantha

said Libby Garon, manager

doors to participate in this

Johnston, CPAC executive director.

of Walker Fine Art Gallery. “It

year’s Month of Photography.

“Photographers can sign up and

is much about the process in

pay, and have an opportunity

getting to the end result, rather

every two years where the city

to have 20-minute sit-down

than the end result itself.”

invites its community into the

reviews with these curators and

galleries to showcase and share

publishers to make connections.”

MOP is a special event

fascinating local and national art. The proclaimed art festival

Garon said that printmaking is less valued because it’s harder to

What some students might

understand and less accessible

not know is that most, if not

compared to paint on a canvas.

has made great progress since

all, of the galleries in Colorado

She explained that the uniqueness

photographer Mark Sink first

are free to enter, making art

and beauty of printmaking

hatched the idea in 2004.

more accessible to the public.

Sink started MOP as his own “multi-faceted event,”

portfolio reviews bring the

according to the MOP website.

community together. She said

He began coordinating exhibition

it’s a great way to see what’s

events and portfolio reviews

happening in different parts of

performed by a select few. All

the country because it makes it

of the galleries and museums

possible to see someone else’s

responded well, and it’s been

community within their art.

growing ever since, educating

Considering the art galleries

the public in fine art in Denver

around Denver collaborate and

as well as across the region.

work as a community, it is no

Within the past couple of years,

is what drove printmakers to Photo by Bonny Lhotka | courtesy of Walker Fine Art

Johnston explained how

surprise that during MOP, galleries

Walker Fine Art held a Month of Photography exhibit entitled “ELEMENTS.” through March.

participate in the festival. For Ross, art events circle back to community engagement. “It’s a community-unifying

Events and Exhibitions Manager for Walker Fine Art Eliza

Metropolitan Ross said that first, the gallery 5" administrators x 6.875” look for artists and 4/4 photographers who are Thur ready for MOP. If they want to Thur 4/11 participate and their work follows 4color a theme, they are eligible to fill

Although MOP will be ending soon, Denver will have

programs and openings.

the opportunity this time next

Sometimes you see the same

year to marvel in the detailed

people, but most of the time,

work of the meticulous art that

you meet new ones and it brings

is printmaking. Until then, the

us all together,” Ross said.

gallery doors are open for anyone looking to enjoy the arts.

the Colorado Photographic Arts

pool their resources when looking

empty spots in the exhibition.

Center has taken a leading role

for artists to make this event

CPAC helps connect the gallery

is a big celebration as well. The

in MOP by participating front-

run as smoothly as possible.

with other local artists.

event takes place during the hiatus

Study in Italy! June 6-18, 2019

event, getting to go to these

Like MOP, Month of Printmaking


Global Perspectives on Water Management: The Case of Perugia, Italy



Led by Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd of the Denver Botanic Gardens, and Nona Shipman of One World One Water Center at MSU Denver. Need more information? Please contact: MsuWaterItaly@gmail.com


This film is rated R. Passes admit two and are redeemable after the film opens. Check listings for show times and theaters. The Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a pass. Supplies are limited. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Lionsgate, BIC, Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS.



APRIL 03, 2019


Roadrunners grinding through 2019 MSU Denver tied for first place in confrence

By Deicy Gomez

His average has skyrocketed


over one hundred points to


.375 and he’s only struck out 16 The MSU Denver baseball team is now 20-8 overall and 13-3 in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

times. Adame also doubled his slugging percentage to .688.

Conference after falling to Regis

Adame is determined to do

University 6-4 at the Regency

whatever he can to go out

Athletic Complex on April 1.

with a bang. Adame also

The loss barley determines

Strain has brought in key

By this time last year, the

contributers on the team. “We know he got our backs, so

and had a 12-9 conference record.

we are trying to play with him,”

Although they snapped their 14-

Adame said about Strain. “He’s

game win streak — the longest in

an intense guy on the field, so if

school history — the Roadrunners

we match that intensity, then we’ll

are tied with the best team in the

be fine for the rest of the year.”

nation, Colorado Mesa University,

While Adame gave credit to

for first in the conference. MSU

his coach for the success they’ve

Denver is also hitting .810, which is

had so far, Strain believes it’s

double their 2018 batting average.

the team’s talent that helped

“We went on a 14-game winning streak, which is pretty

MSU Denver baseball pitcher TJ Egloff was named the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference pitcher of the week for his performance against Regis University on March 30. In the 7.1 innings he pitched, he allowed one hit, struck out four players and recorded 22 outs.

believes that head coach Ryan

the Roadrunners season though. Roadrunners were 12-15 overall

Egloff named RMAC pitcher of the week

Since it’s his senior year,

the Roadrunners win. “They got a lot of talent on this

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver baserunner Logan Soole dives head-first across home plate in the fifth inning of his team’s 6-4 loss over Regis University at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver on Monday April 1 2019. the nation — and there’s still

on April 5-7. The players feel like

a month left in the season.

they could get their groove back

tough to do in baseball,” said

team,” Strain said. “Even though

catcher Draven Adame. “Overall

when we weren’t playing great, we

has held down the fort on the

it’s been looking pretty good.

were good enough to win some

mound. Currently, he has a 4-2

have ups and downs, like today

Pitchers have been doing great.

games because of that talent.

record with a 2.39 ERA, and in

is a down,” Malkin said. “The

The stats have shown that we’ve

For the most part, our guys play

37.2 innings pitched, he allowed

past few days have been a little

been hitting the ball really well.

hard. I thought we played hard for

17 runs with 45 strikeouts.

iffy here and there. We’ve just

It’s a lot better than last year, it’s a

the majority of those games we

lot more fun whenever you win.”

won in a row, and we had some

staff is TJ Egloff. During the

Adame’s 2018 season was

games where we didn’t play so

second game against Regis

hard and today was one of them.”

on March 30, he pitched 7.1

the weekend against CCU in

innings while allowing one hit

Lakewood, Colo. with a single

and struck out four Rangers.

game on April 5. Following that

rather forgettable. In the 46 games that he starte, he compiled a

Senior Matt Malkin has a

Meanwhile, junior Logan Soole

Coming up in the pitching

after the tough loss against Regis. “The season is going to

got to keep grinding and get back to the way we play.” MSU Denver will open up

.253 batting average and struck

batting average of .433, with

out 36 times, which was the

49 RBIs and a 1.029 slugging

second most on the team.

percentage. His 18 home runs

an “intense” practice on April 3

and the series will end against the

is not only the school’s single-

before facing Colorado Christian

Cougars with one game on April 7.

season record, but also leads

University in a four-game series

The senior catcher has turned it in the in 2019 season, though.

The Roadrunners will be having




vs. Regis

at Adams State


at Rockhurst University

at Spank

University (DH)

March 30

March 30





W 4-3 vs. Regis University

April 1 L 4-6

at. Adams State

March 26 Womens’s






University at Northwest

March 30

Missouri State University

W 12-4

March 27 Womens’s






The MSU Denver tennis teams’ matches against Hastings Collge were cancelled due to rain according to the Athletics Department. The Roadrunners will be facing Colorado State University-Pueblo on April 3 at the Regency Athletic Complex at 2 p.m. Th is will be the fi rst home match for the men’s team, while it’s the second match for the women’s team. On April 5, both teams will face Colorado Mesa University at 2 p.m. The women’s team will fi nish the week on April 6 with a match against Dixie State University at 10 a.m.

will be a doubleheader on April 6

Roadrunners athletics review Baseball

Tennis teams will host home matches

Blasing Invitational

March 28

Athletics sets date for annual silent auction The MSU Denver Athletics Department has begun accepting items for their 19th annual Scholarship and Dinner Auction. Athletics has limited the seating to 300 and believes that it will sell out. To purchase a ticket or contribute an item, visit the Roadrunner Athletics website. Auction items will begin at $1,000 and all proceeds will go to benefiting Roadrunner Athletics. The auction will be held on May 31 at the Pinnacle Club located at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Denver and will start at 5:30 p.m.

110-Meter Hurdles 1st Austin Davis 15.35 seconds

200 Meter Dash 4th Bree Wellington 26.38 seconds

400 Meter Dash 3rd Mikayla Renfroe 1:00.38

Berg named to All-RMAC academic team MSU Denver track team’s Sam Berg earned the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference’s indoor track & field academic honor. The RMAC recognized him and 10 other athletes for their academic and athletic achievements. Berg ended the 2018-19 season with a 3.84 GPA.



APRIL 3, 2019

Prospect preview: Broncos’ answer at tight end

Iowa tight end TJ Hockenson is bulky, athletic and fits Denver like a receiver’s glove By James Burky

As the old adage in football

grace and his affinity for check-


goes, “play ‘til the whistle.”

down passes. In nine games last

Hockenson personifies this to a T.

season, Flacco averaged just

Among the many well-

His blocking skills weave

6.5 yards-per-attempt. Though

documented open wounds the

through his receiving talent,

Hockenson does a good job not

Denver Broncos had last season,

creating a spectacle the likes

letting tight coverage throw him

one gash was just as dire as

of NFL stars Travis Kelce and

off his routes, which he runs quite

any — unsatisfactory tight end

George Kittle have achieved.

admirably, a tight end’s forte is not

play. Former Iowa Hawkeye

Hockenson forcefully took

how crisp his slants are run nor

T.J. Hockenson is the Broncos’

snaps from All-American tight

how fluid his hips move to fake out

bandage for that position.

end Noah Fant, another likely

defenders. The role Hockenson

first round pick, last season.

would serve in Denver is similar

For the Broncos, Hockenson will likely be available when

Hockenson showed his worth

to his in Iowa — act as a reliable

they pick at No. 10 in the NFL

as a receiver in Iowa’s week six

safety net when protection cracks

Draft, and there are two qualities

matchup with the University

and defenders blanket wideouts.

that make him a tantalizing

of Indiana, where he caught 4

Should the Broncos take him,

prospect: his reliable set of

passes for 107 yards and a pair

Hockenson would be nearly-800

hands and ability to block.

of touchdowns. On three of

miles from home, but the set-up

those receptions, the defender

of the Denver offense will make

never brought him down and

playing at Mile High Stadium and

could merely knock him off-

Kinnick Stadium indistinguishable.

Hockenson is a Herculean,

Photo obtained from USA Today Sports

6-foot-5-inch tight end who moonlights as a receiver in the slot and a fullback in short-yardage situations. One play he’ll block a

Iowa tight end TJ Hockenson shakes off defenders after catching a pass in his team’s 27-22 win over Mississippi State in the 2019 Outback Bowl on Jan. 1 in Tampa, Florida.

defensive lineman and make his

balance or out of bounds. Hockenson’s receptions

Detractors will point to Hockenson’s brutish blocking

were few and far between

as a point of concern — an

assignment a non-factor, then he’ll

Ten Conference selection and the

the chagrin of football purists

— he averaged just 4 in 13

athletic defender can easily

catch a pass and turn upfield like

John Mackey Award — given to

and desperate running backs.

games in 2018 — but mediocre

maneuver around his blocks in

a regular receiver on the next.

the nation’s top tight end — in

Hockenson, however, looks more

and inconsistent play from

open field — and that he may not

Hockenson hauled in 73

2018 despite finishing fourth in

like a guard when he attacks his

quarterback Nathan Stanley

have the same success against

passes for 1,080 yards and 9

receiving yards at his position,

assignment and finishes his block

shoulders more blame than

professional athletes. But those

touchdowns in his two seasons at

according to SportsReference.

all the way through. Seeing as

anything in Hockenson’s control.

can be mended through coaching

the University of Iowa, according

What makes him the

drafting an interior lineman at

Stanley’s limitations mirror that

and practice. Hockenson’s guard-

to SportsReference. While nothing

complete package over his

10 would be a reach — to say the

of Joe Flacco, the Broncos’ new

like blocking, wideout receiving

about those numbers indicates

peers is his unabashedness

least — Hockenson could anchor

34-year-old signal caller. Flacco

skills and astonishing athleticism

a top-10 pick, his play on the

when it came to blocking.

the edge of the line and act as a

has a stronger and more accurate

for his size resemble that of a

second lead blocker alongside

arm, sure, but the narrative of his

franchise’s next cornerstone.

seat in this new age of tight ends

Andy Janovich to pave even

2018-19 season was the Super

being No. 1 targets, much to

larger holes for Phillip Lindsay.

Bowl MVP’s fall from relative-

field is evidence that he holds himself to a high standard. Hockenson earned an All-Big

Blocking often takes a back

A shining season gives Nuggets bright future By Taylor Mead

2014 coming in at nineteenth


overall. In a miserable three-

city that is notably middle-of-

year stretch from 2015-2017, the

the-pack when it comes to brand

team ranked dead last twice.

recognition and overall size is

If you have been to a Nuggets game this season, you can feel

“The Joker’s” presence in a

That was then, this is now. The

nothing short of invaluable.

the difference from years past.

Nuggets are currently breaking the

The energy is stronger. The fans

attendance rate set at the Pepsi

the foreseeable future — he signed

are rowdier. The excitement in

Center, averaging over 18,000 fans

a 5-year, $142.7 million contract

the air is more palpable than the

per game, filling the stadium to 96.5

last summer — the Nuggets have

last half-decade. The national and

percent capacity on a nightly basis.

their star to build around, a young

local response for a team flying a

The team has the best home record

core with hungry players looking to

mile high this deep into the NBA

in the Western Conference and

prove themselves, and a front office

season is astounding following the

second for the best home record

willing to take risks. The future looks

team’s massive breakout season.

in the NBA behind the Milwaukee

bright for the mile high franchise.

With Jokic staying in Denver for

For the first time in six years,

Bucks. When your fans fill the arena

While there are problems

the Nuggets are making the trip

on a night-in-night-out basis, home

that will test the team in the near

to the NBA playoffs, a feat made

court can feel like a fortress.

more exciting considering the fact

The only thing better for a

future, notably the lack of playoff Photo by Clay Edmundson | Obtained from USA Today Sports

Denver Nuggets’ forward Nikola Jokic bulls past Demarcus Cousins of the Golden State Warriors in the Nuggets’ on March 8 at the Oracle Arena in Oakland.

experience and what to do with the

that the team is holding on to a top

franchise than a passionate fanbase

two seed in the unpredictable and

is a player who can exceed the

dangerous Western Conference.

expectations set by those fans.

And while the team and the fans are

Nikola Jokic is shattering all

the quiet driving force behind

not just the on-court results, but

during which they put themselves

gazing into the promising future,

expectations this season, averaging

the Nuggets breakout season.

the impact he has on the franchise

back on the map. But resting

the outstanding success of this

career highs in points, assists,

as a whole. For the first time since

on laurels stalls progress. Let’s

season cannot be understated.

rebounds and steals while also

a dominant player, leading the

the Carmelo Anthony era ended,

focus on the playoffs first.

fewer minutes than last season.

Nuggets to the promising position

the Nuggets have a certified star

ranked in the bottom third in

“The Joker” is also averaging a

they are currently in. But the real

to build around, both in terms

home attendance rates, with

career high in win shares and is

value in having a star like Jokic is

of roster fit and marketing.

From 2015-2018, the Nuggets

aging Paul Millsap, the Nuggets can always look back on the 201819 season as a successful one

Clearly the young Serbian is

APRIL 3, 2019



Softball cooking versus conference By Isaac Bugarin

four RBIs in their latest win over


ASU. She would go on to score


two runs herself after both hits, The weather has been

first on a wild pitch and second

cold in Denver but the MSU

thanks to a double from junior

Denver softball team has

teammate Megan Sansburn.

been hot for the last week. The Roadrunners have won

“I want to stay consistent. I just look at the hip and look for

six out of their previous eight

my pitch. I don’t try to make a

games and are riding a three-

huge adjustment mechanically,”

game win streak. The team split

Gonzales said. “Growing up I was

a doubleheader against Colorado

never a power hitter, I was always

Christian University March 26 and

a gap hitter. I hit home runs in the

secured a doubleheader sweep

past, but I don’t really expect it

over Adams State University on

when I go up to bat. I just want to

March 30. The last two matches of

hit the ball hard and get on base.”

the four-game series against ASU were canceled due to weather. “We did some things we were

AAF latest league to fold

The right fielder has been Photo obtained from MSU Denver Softball Flickr

a staple in the lineup for Van Wetzinga. Gonzales has not only

struggling at offensively,” said

played in all 36 games in 2019, but

head coach Annie Van Wetzinga.

she has started each one. Gonzales

“We had a ton of two-out hits, a

leads the team in batting average,

lot of hits with people on base

doubles and RBIs with marks of

and a couple bases clearing hits.

.398, 14 and 24, respectively.

Ashlee Kim aims her swing in a game against CCU on at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 1 at the Regency Athletic Complez. feel for the rest of the team.” The Roadrunner defense

for them. Any ball that is hit to me, I’m going to do it for them,”

continues to be solid all around

she said. “The biggest thing

We had been struggling with that

“It’s nice to have a freshman

as the Rocky Mountain Athletic

is knowing if I can control my

this season so to get that from up

come in and do some nice stuff

Conference tournament nears.

performance and produce outs

and down the lineup was nice.”

for us this year. She gets that

The Roadrunners’ offense

Senior second baseman Ashlee

for the team then my teammates

consistency because she is very

Kim has elevated her performance

is warming up as the spring

steady: emotionally, mentally

defensively throughout

season continues on. They

and mature,” Van Wetzinga said.

conference play and sparked her

team will continue RMAC play

plated 21 runs in their last two

“You can see that when she goes

teammates with leadership. Kim

with a total of four games April

games with help from right

to the plate she’s never too high

has a hot glove and a fielding

6-7 against Black Hills State

fielder Rebecca Gonzales.

or too low. She recognizes what

percentage of .929 during 20

University and Dixie State

she needs to adjust and it’s a

games of RMAC competition.

University. The Roadrunners

The freshman had a hand in six of the runs in a 12-4 victory over

very level headed approach. It’s

ASU. Gonzales was 2-for-3 with

a calming approach and calming

“Our pitchers work hard on the mound so I just go all out

will have a bigger trust in me.” The MSU Denver softball

have 17 games left in the season with all but one in-conference.

Optimistic track season continues By Connor Dockery cdockery@msudenver.edu

highlighted by a squad of athletes who finished in the top three in their

After a promising conference

and Darius Price finished third in the

and field teams have an

400-meter dash, 800-meter dash

infectious confidence.

and the triple jump respectively.

The men’s and women’s teams

Roadrunners also impressed in the

participated in the Spank Blasing

long jump, with Sergio Gonzalez,

Invitational in Pueblo hosted by

Brandon Bodner and Emmanual

Colorado State University-Pueblo.

Olam all finishing in the top five.

Freshman Austin Davis finished

For Christopher, freshmen

first place in the 110-meter

Garrand and Holland, and

hurdles and Bree Wellington

sophomore Bodner stuck out.

earned two top-four spots.

Their preparation and hard work

With a final mark of 15.35

all season long, combined with

seconds, Davis now has the best

their increasing confidence,

time for a freshman in the RMAC in

Photo obtained from MSU Denver Athletics

that event this season. Head Coach

MSU Denver’s Blaize Holland, 8, and Brandon Bodner, 7, run in the outdoor track meet held at CSU-Pueblo on March 28.

the freshman’s performance, but added he still has room to grow. “He’s a tough competitor,” Christopher said. Christopher went on to

showed in their performances. Up next for the outdoor track and field teams is the University of Colorado Invitational in Boulder this

for 3rd in the women’s high jump,

on the team that you can count

leaping 1.55 meters off the ground.

on to do whatever you ask them

Wellington’s athletic abilities

to do,” Christopher said.

weekend on April 5 and April 6. Christopher sees it as an opportunity for her runners to

comes as a surprise to no one,

Other women who performed

commend Davis on his technique

given she is also a forward for

well for the red-and-blue include

test themselves against tougher

and athleticism and thinks the

MSU Denver’s women’s basketball

Mikayla Renfroe, who finished

NCAA Division I competition. In

runner has a bright future.

team. Christopher can really see

third in the 400-meter dash,

addition, freshman standout Nick

how being a multi-sport athlete

Taegan Garand, fourth in the

Nowlen will be participating in the

was on full display during the

helps her performance and her

400-meter, and Alden Gruidel who

800-meter dash for the first time.

weekend. She finished 4th in the

versatility with different events.

finished fifth in the 1500-meter

For Wellington, her athleticism

women’s 200-meter dash with a time of 26.38 seconds, and tied

We’ll all be speaking German soon The Colorado Rockies signed pitcher German Márquez, 24, to a five-year, $43 million contract on April 2. The deal was confirmed by multiple reports. ESPN noted that the deal includes a club option that could become a mutual one by 2024 if the pitcher finishes in the top-three in Cy Young Award voting twice. There are added incentives for top-five finishes. Márquez finished 2018 with a 14-11 record, posting a 3.77 ERA and 230 strikeouts in 196 innings. In his first start of the season against the Miami Marlins, Márquez allowed one run in six innings pitched and struckout seven batters.

events. Blaize Holland, Jacob Link

meet, the MSU Denver track

Janis Christopher was pleased with

The Alliance of American Football has ceased operations just eight games into its inaugural season, according to ProFootballTalk. The league hasn’t folded, but it’s on its way. The reasoning is attributed to the league’s inability to receive players under the NFL player’s union. The AAF is just the latest NFL competitor to have an unsuccessful tenure. The World Football League lasted just two years in the mid-’70s, the United States Football League had a slightly longer three-season run in the 1980s and the Xtreme Football League, which will be revived in 2020, competed for just one season in 2000.

“It’s so nice to have her, and to have athletic people like her

and sixth in the 800-meter. For the men, the meet was

strive for personal bests and

Blue Devils decorate AllAmerican teams Their season may have ended, but Duke University freshmen phenoms Zion Williamson and RJ Barrett continue to rake in the awards after being named to the Associated Press’ first-team All-Americans. The duo became the first pair of freshmen teammates to earn the honor since John Wall and Demarcus Cousins represented the UConn in 2010. The team, which was unveiled on April 2, also features Ja Morant from Murray State University, Grant Williams from the University of Tennessee and Cassius Winston from Michigan State. Jordan Davis, a star point guard for the University of Northern Colorado, was named to the AP’s honorable mention list.

student organizations

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APRIL 3, 2019




“I don’t think, wait I do think!”


“It would be better if he was an actual clown.”

Cancer People will be people, just brush the dirt off.

Your attention to detail will pay off this week.

“I am genuinely curious what it is like to be happy.”



The truth will set you free, but it will hurt.

Time to work out, hit the gym and watch out for sore muscles.



Work on bringing your emotions in tune with the universe.

‘Cause it’s all in your head, you think about it over and over again.



Enjoy this week, but remember, you still have work to do.

Time to work, work, work, work, work, work.

“Give it to me like a momma bird.”

Top 5 Pizza Toppings 1. Cheese 2. Pepperoni


3. Basil


This week will be rough, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

This is a brand new week, do not waste it.



Seek the truth and blog about it.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a scorpion.

4. Mushrooms 5. Pineapple Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to managing editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu


37. Good news for investors


31. Cracked open

1. Amorphous mass

40. Galoot

1. Great time

32. Stinger target

5. Squeezed (out)

41. Writers Ephron and Roberts

2. Not too thrilled

33. Period of prayer?

9. They’re underfoot

42. Filers

3. Earth tone

34. Clever idea

14. “Livin’ La Vida ___”

43. Office overhead

4. Starting point for a big climb

35. Landing surface

15. Carving medium

45. Sticky stuff

5. Bounces

38. Sleeping

16. Part of a dangerous wave

46. Little devil

6. First name of Ireland

39. 50 Cent items

17. Sighs of relief

47. Come up against

7. Funny Dame

44. Ship of fuels

18. Hot spot in Italy

49. Grinds, as gears

8. Reporters need to meet them

46. One way to pay

19. Mountain home

53. Go into debt

9. Hurt with hot water

48. Gary who played Buddy

20. Get the most for one’s money

56. Calendar boys

10. Words of warning


23. Manhattan, to suburbanites

57. Big do

11. Old Italian bread

49. Units of laughter

24. Digital displays, for short

58. D’back, for one

12. Mideast dignitary

50. Tati’s comic character

25. JFK’s UN ambassador

59. First name in cosmetics

13. Match at the poker table

51. Cali calendar page

26. Pen name

60. Anticipatory times

21. Links with

52. Throat problem

27. It’s got the sun in the

61. He couldn’t beat the Bushes

22. Name associated with a razor

53. Sign of disuse


62. Lie

26. Joy on “The View”

54. Golden rule preposition

31. America’s first number two

63. Dovetail

28. Scroll holders

55. Place for the masses

34. Place for Parisian politicians

64. Word on an octagon

29. Get through slowly

56. Fathers and sons

36. Auto pioneer initials





30. Sesame Street watchers


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