Volume 41, Issue 27 - April 10, 2019

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 26


APRIL 10, 2019


City Council candidates pitch to Auraria students Story on pg. 2

Photo composite by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Denver City Council District 9 candidates Candi CdeBaca, Albus Brooks and Jonathan Woodley debated on campus at the Tivoli Turnhalle on April 9.



| pg. 3


| pg. 4

MSU Denver data breach affects 1,300

Objectification in the world of video

in March

game live streaming


| pg. 6

Jam band music alive and well


| pg. 7

Devin White is the Broncos’ cornerstone



APRIL 10, 2019

9th District debate on campus BRIEFS

By James Burky

project was murky. CdeBaca


became the figurehead of Ditch the Ditch, a grassroots movement

SGA election The only competitive race in the upcoming Student Government Assembly election is that for MSU Denver Student Body President. The two candidates are Danielle Holmes and Jermaine Dobson. There are also, however, referendums that have been put to the students. The first is the continuation of the fee given to all students to grant an RTD bus pass to them. If passed, the pass would be given for another year, and will cost no more than an additional $125 per student. Additionally, a fee of $8 per credit hour to improve the technology services for students has been proposed. Votes on the candidates, as well as these referendums can be performed online at https:// msudenver.edu/sga/ until Friday.

Tiny House Fire On April 8, Boulder County authorities responded to a wildfire, dubbed the Tiny House Fire, that erupted near Conifer Hill, north of Highway 7 and west of Lyons. The blaze was fueled by strong winds blowing to the west, and it burned over steep, rocky terrain above Boulder. Smoke from the 15-acre fire could be seen from as far away as Westminster. 136 evacuation notices were issued, but were lifted as of 4:36 on Tuesday afternoon. By that time, the fire was nearly 100% contained. No injuries or loss of structures have been reported, and the initial cause is currently under investigation.

There’s less than a month

that fought for an alternative and

until District 9 voters make their

safer option. She was also the only

decision to either re-elect Albus

of the three to express support

Brooks as their representative on

for Initiative 300, a movement

the Denver City Council, or elect

known as “Right to Survive” that,

one of his three competitors:

among other things, would allow

Candi CdeBaca, Jonathan Woodley

homeless people to set up tents

or David Oletski. Auraria Campus

and sleeping bags in public spaces

was one of the last stops on the

like parks in a non-obstructive

campaign trail for the candidates.

manor. Brooks and Woodley argue

CU Denver’s Masters of Political

that funding homeless housing is

Science Student Union hosted

the more pragmatic approach and

the forum on April 9 in the Tivoli

that simply allowing the homeless

Turnhalle as a way to integrate the

population to set up camp

campus with local politics, said

doesn’t solve the issue at hand.

MPSSU president Blythe Scott. Brooks, CdeBaca and Woodley

Brooks did not have the outspoken support from the

attended to plead their cases

crowd that CdeBaca did, but his

to a modestly sized crowd. The

demeanor was cool and collected.

sentiments were much of the

He won the seat comfortably

same of what has been said for

in 2015 and is now preaching

the last couple of weeks, the only

political civility as an overarching

difference was the audience.

focus to his campaign.

“Often this will be the last

“It’s easy to be about

place on a campaign stop, if it

opposition instead of proposition,”

is a campaign stop, because

the councilman said. “We’re

of the low voter participation

in this age of Trumpism that

rate,” CdeBaca said. “This is the

is trying to bring things down

community that I have tailored

and not see each other as

my services and my support to.”

humanity. I’m trying to bring

CdeBaca has made her name

humanity back into politics.”

known in the Denver community in

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Incumbent city councilman Albus Brooks answers a question about the i-70 expansion in Denver in the City Council debate in the Tivoli Turnhalle on April 9.

The three candidates’ answers

recent years. She took charge as

were somewhat similar regarding

were calming down, he was the

too close to being a socialist

a vocal leader when the Colorado

topics such as affordable housing

only one to express support

and communist while decrying

Department of Transportation took

and the improvement of public

for Mayor Michael Hancock.

Brooks as a faux-progressive.

an unpopular decision to lower

transportation, but Brooks

a 10-mile stretch of Interstate

was showered with jeers when

Woodley. Not because he’s an

issues as 1A and 1B: the first

70 below ground. The portion

introduced. The underlying

absurd outsider, but because he

being affordable housing and the

of the highway lies within one

sentiment among his opponents

places himself firmly toward the

second fixing a local government

of Denver’s poorest and most

was that Brooks is part of an

middle of the political spectrum

that he believes lacks integrity.

polluted neighborhoods and

establishment that they believe

more so than his opponents. He

He and CdeBaca elaborated that

the environmental impact of the

isn’t working. Just as things

criticized CdeBaca for bordering

councilman Brooks takes money

The political odd-man-out is

Woodley outlined his top two

from special interest groups. According to Campaign Finance

Death of a student Rev. Tammy Garrett-Williams, a prominent Denver civil rights activist, was found dead in her home on April 2. Garrett-Williams was also an enrolled student at MSU Denver and was majoring in Africana studies and minoring in political science. She was the recipient of the MLK Peace Breakfast award this past January and founded the Above Waters Project, a group that works with inmates and former inmates to help them reintegrate into society after incarceration, according to The Denver Post. Garrett-Williams was born less than two months after Martin Luther King Jr.’s death, and she and her family “saw that as a sign of who she was going to be,” said Rosemary Lytle, president of the NAACP’s Colorado, Montana and Wyoming conference. Her cause of death is currently under investigation.

Reports, Brooks received seven direct donations for limited liability companies — known as LLCs — in February of 2019 for $1,000 each, as well as an equal amount donation from Mowa Haile, president of the construction company Sky Blue Builders. According to CFR, Brooks received $27,061 in February donations while CdeBaca received $13,430. Woodley’s eight February donations amounted to $475.23, with seven of them filed under his name. “The biggest roadblock is money,” Woodley said. “It is sad that it takes money to really build up your campaign. I’m still here with the rest of my candidates, I still made the ballot. There’s other ways to overcome roadblocks and hurdles.” Voting booths are set to open

Candi CdeBaca, Albus Brooks and Jonathan Woodley answer a series of rapid fire questions regarding transportation, drug decriminalization, and more in their debate in the Tivoli Turnhalle on April 9.

for municipal elections on May 7.


APRIL 10, 2019


Death penalty survives in Colorado By Heather A. Davis

communication breakdowns, a rushed


rollout and four wavering Democrats led to the bill’s demise. Despite a 19-16 Democratic

In March, a bill was introduced to the Colorado Senate to abolish the death

majority in the Senate, abolitionists simply couldn’t rally the necessary support.

penalty in the state. Although the bill,

The Death Penalty Information

SB 19-182, was a burning issue this year,

Center said that the last execution to be

its run ended when it was pulled from

carried out in Colorado was Gary Davis

the floor due to lack of approval.

in 1997. Davis is the only person to be

According to the Colorado General Assembly webpage, the bill would have

executed since reinstatement of the death penalty by popular vote in 1975.

repealed capital punishment in Colorado

Currently, there are three people

for offenses charged on or after July 1,

awaiting execution in the state. Each

2019. Even though it would have repealed

of them attended Aurora High School,

the death penalty in future cases, it would

and they are all African American

not have changed the sentences of the

males, according to the DPIC.

people who were already on death row.

Those men are: Nathan Dunlap, who

The bill was laid over a total of eight

was convicted of murdering four people

Photo obtained from Bryan Construction Inc.

Colorado death row is located in the Colorado State Penitentiary in Cañon City, Colorado. Colorado history. It is in the interests of

caught,” Hazan said. “Every day there

justice and simple decency, however,

are crimes committed against innocent

to restore his good name.”

people, and we’ve got to do something.”

times before co-sponsor Sen. Julie Gonzales

at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in 1993;

emotionally withdrew the bill on April 2.

Robert Ray, who was sentenced in 2009

studies at MSU Denver, Jennifer Capps,

after ordering a hit on two witnesses to

said that the death penalty is “very

death. Not a torturous one,” she said,

his murder trial; and Sir Mario Owens,

biased against poor people and people

states that still have the death penalty.

according to Colorado Public Radio.

“I’m going to give SB 19-182 a dignified

Dean of the college of professional

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they should be put to death. As it stands, Colorado is one of 30

who was convicted of killing the witnesses

of color,” and that it doesn’t deter people

In June 2018, Pew Research found

Afterward, co-sponsor

from Robert Ray’s murder trial in 2005.

from commiting crimes. According to the

that just 54% of Americans were in

Sen. Angela Williams made a

According to the DPIC, Colorado

DPIC, 88% of criminologists agree that the

favor, which is the second-lowest level

statement regarding the bill.

has executed one innocent person. Joe

punishment is not an effective deterrent.

of support since the Supreme Court

“We’re going to bring it back, and we’re

Arridy was falsely convicted of rape and

Political science professor and

allowed executions to resume in 1976.

going to bring it back until we repeal this

murder, and subsequently executed on

department chair Robert Hazan said

barbaric piece of legislation,” Williams said.

Jan. 6, 1939. He was pardoned by former

that the real issue is preventing

Denver, said, “I would rather have the

Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter on Jan. 7, 2011.

crime in the first place.

person rot in jail, but a lot of people believe

The bill had been considered a nearguaranteed pass this year until the

Ritter was quoted on the DPIC’s

Nicole LaFavers, a senior at MSU

“People are not scared to commit

a life for a life.” Even though this senior

political and the personal began to collide.

website as saying, “Pardoning Mr.

crime whether they go for life or death

is on the fence, Coloradans can expect

According to The Colorado Independent,

Arridy cannot undo this tragic event in

penalty. Ideally, they don’t want to get

the issue to be revisited next year.

Data breaches grow more common By James Bofenkamp

exposure on one site spreading to others. They can also be


used to store non-applicable answers to security questions. “Instead of your favorite color being

March saw a data breach exposing 1,300 MSU Denver email accounts, revealing the names, phone numbers, IP addresses, dates of birth and genders of users. The breach itself was the largest of seven in the month of March, and exposed the information of both current and

blue, it can be ‘Xsq#55t,’” Hart said. Two-factor authentication can also prevent the unveiling of a password by requiring verification of a login attempt through a phone or other device. He also said various email accounts should be used for

former staff and students. Seven is higher than the average

different purposes. Separating a banking email address

monthly breaches MSU Denver is exposed to, but not by

from one used for internet shopping can mitigate the

much. Exposures of this nature are growing increasingly

effects of breaches. Throw-away accounts can be used

common, and in 2018, just the top 10 global breaches

for sites that are not necessarily as trustworthy.

accounted for 2.4 billion different accounts being shared. “I believe that the public is becoming resigned to the

Many accounts give users the ability to opt out of sharing extra information with the company that the account is set up

fact that their data isn’t being protected by firms they

through. These opt-outs can minimize what is revealed in a

do business with, and that their data is being managed

breach. Some sites can store credit card information, which

(or mismanaged) by firms they haven’t directly shared

can be revealed in an error. Not storing that information with

their data with,” said Mike Hart, director of Security,

websites can minimize the danger of a breach with each site.

Infrastructure and Networking at MSU Denver, in an email. The information that can be revealed in a breach

The private or incognito modes of browsers can also

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver.

Michael Hart is the director of ITS Infrastructure Services and chief information security officer at MSU Denver.

prevent the oversharing of personal data. Trustworthy

ranges from the bare bones of account details,

Verified Personal Networks can help protect data when

designed to address these issues might motivate companies

like an email address and a password, to financial

using untrusted or public wireless networks.

to treat the data they have gathered more responsibly.

information, including credit card numbers. “It’s not something you want out there, like your social security number, ID number or anything like that,” said MSU Denver student Michael Gibble. The chances of being exposed to one of these breaches increases with the number of accounts each user has set up. “This is compounded by data hoarding — firms having too much information that they don’t really need, and storing it longer than is necessary,” Hart said. While the fact of the matter is that these breaches are happening more frequently and are largely out of the control of users, there are still some things that can

Phishing, the act of tricking someone into sharing their

that has swept over the public regarding the breaches.

emails skeptically can prevent falling for these ploys.

MSU Denver student Samantha DeHart, who uses

Finally, reporting school-associated security

different passwords for each account, observed that

forwarding spam emails to spam@msudenver.edu and

many people are likely already affected by breaches.

incidents to support@msudenver.edu, can prevent others from being exposed to the same issues. However, these behaviors put the majority of the responsibility in the hands of the users, as opposed to the companies that hoard information. “Some breaches come from straight-up hacks, but most are the result of lax controls and failure

Hart suggested a series of actions that can be taken.

to follow basic security practices,” Hart said.

passwords for each account they have, preventing a password

some of the techniques that Hart described, including

issues to Information Technology services, by

be done to minimize the effects of individual breaches. Using a password manager can allow one to use different

Some on campus, however, show the acceptance

password information, is still a common tactic and viewing

He commented that there is no push for better legislation to protect data and punish those who expose it. Laws

“I guess anyone probably could be, with all of the information that’s out there,” she said. “My biggest concern would be that my personal, private information would end up in the hands of someone that I don’t trust.” As things stand now, however, chances are that most people have already experienced at least one breach, even if not from accounts associated with MSU Denver. “I think it’s safe to say that the overwhelming majority of our students, faculty and staff have had a data breach involving their personal information,” Hart said.


4 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com News Editor

Student-led event encourages involvment in local government By Nikki Work

Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor

APRIL 10, 2019

District 9, a large and diverse area that is home

will be able to learn more about the issues that

to some of the most recognizable landmarks

affect the campus they attend, as well as meet

and neighborhoods in the city. City Park, Elyria

and chat with their potential representatives.

Ancient Greek politician and general

Swansea, Globeville, the Denver Center for

By participating in elections at the local

Pericles once wrote, “Just because you do

the Performing Arts, LoDo and the Ballpark

level, we can all have a voice in the decisions

Features Editor

not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean

neighborhood, the 16th Street Mall, Union

that matter most for our everyday lives. We

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

politics won’t take an interest in you.”

Station and more are located in District 9. With

can impact the quality of the air we breathe

so many communities represented, the district

and the roads on which we commute. We

word ‘politics’ often scares people away from

is also home to a wide array of important issues,

can make a difference in the availability and

conversation, let alone action. Still, when it

like gentrification, transportation, housing

pricing of housing for our neighbors and in

comes to local elections, the conversation

and homelessness, tourism, environmental

the way our communities come together in

doesn’t have to be a scary one — and neither

justice, health disparities and more.

the face of difficulties. Local elections aren’t

James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

Sports Editor James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Design Managing Editor Zhen Tang ztnag@msudenver.edu

But in today’s climate, mention of the

does the action of getting involved. Local elections are about so much more

On Tuesday April 9, the candidates running

about politics. They’re about caring.

for the District 9 City Council seat discussed their

than politics. They’re about the communities

stances on important issues and answer audience

that we live in, the issues that directly affect

questions at a student-organized and led debate.

Nikki Work is the Media Liasion for the CU

our families and the ways we can all create

The event will took place from 6-9 p.m., with the

Denver Master of Humanities/Master of Social

better futures together. Civic participation

official debate at 7-8 p.m., in the Tivoli Turnhalle.

Sciences Student Union. The MHMSS Student

Director of Met Media

at the local level is one of the best ways

By attending the debate, students from all

Union and the Master of Political Science Student

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

individuals can influence real change.

three schools on the Auraria Campus, as well

Union co-organized the District 9 Debate.

Copy Editors Paige Pakkebier paige.pakkebier@ucdenver.edu Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu

Assistant Director of Met Media

The Auraria Campus is located in Denver’s

as members of the surrounding community,

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing

If you got it, flaunt it

sale@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

popular female streamer is Imane “Pokimane” Anys, with close to 3 million subscribers.

Derek Brekken dbrekken@msudenver.edu

Pokimane is known for playing “League

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to awatkin9@msudenver.edu. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com

titled “7 minutes of KittyPlays being THICC.”

of Legends” and “Fortnite” and dealing

You will get similar results when you YouTube

with comments about her butt. That is

Pokimane. Google Ninja, and you get results of

something Richard Tyler Blevin, better

his latest streams along with articles written

known as the No. 1 Twitch streamer Ninja,

about the No. 1 streamer’s skills. It is impossible

never has to deal with. But does being

for a female streamer to separate themselves

attractive lead to being more successful?

from their looks. I am willing to bet if a female

It is hard to compare streamers popularity

streamer covers themselves head to toe, she

based off of their attractiveness. TwitchMetrics

would have viewers asking why she is dressing

ranks Pokimane No. 13 in terms of subscribers

so conservatively and jealous haters saying,

on Twitch. All but one of the 12 people ahead

“You are only popular because you are hot.”

of her, all males, spent more time streaming

Some female streamers use their looks

over the last month. None of the males have

to their advantage. Known as “steamy

clips of them responding to thirsty comments.

streamers,” these women use their bodies

Studies have shown that no matter what

to get views. PinkSparkles wears revealing

By Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com

When you Google KittyPlays, a popular female streamer, the second video result is

field you are in, being good-looking works

clothing during streams, angles the face

in your favor. In a Q&A with the Wall Street

camera just right and has a “sub for Snapchat”

Journal, Daniel Hamermesh, an economics

policy. The policy is for subscribers who

every time they go live: how to deal

professor at the University of Texas in Austin,

want to receive more risqué photos.

with comments about their appearance.

talked about his research on the subject.

Attractiveness has positive and negative effects

According to his findings, “attractive” people

themselves in whatever light they want, they

in society, and in the world of Twitch, many

earn 3% to 5% more money than “ugly”

are damaging the image of normal female

female streamers constantly have to fight

people and are better at selling things.

streamers, regardless of their intent. It is not

Female Twitch streamers face a dilemma

So it would make sense that attractive

to prove they are gamers while others take

While steamy streamers are free to portray

their fault, nor should they be responsible for

people would become popular on Twitch. This

men’s inability to distinguish between the two

attractiveness comes with viewers ogling at

groups. Men need to be educated on the fact

streaming service that usually features people

their goodies regardless of how good they are at

that because one woman puts her body on

playing video games. Since the service started

playing games. Is that a bad thing? The answer

the internet does not mean all women do it.

in 2011, it has seen a steady growth in users

varies. I would not have a problem with people

and content creators. Currently, there are

watching me because I am good-looking. But

and not your looks is ideal. But, for better or

almost 1.25 million weekly viewers. The most

I am not objectified every day of my life.

worse, there is no escaping your attractiveness.

advantage of the male gaze to get views. For those not in the know, Twitch is a web-

Wanting people to take your work seriously

The Metropolitan is hiring! We are wanting to expand our staff with new writers, photographers, comic artists, critics, columnists and political cartoonists. Drop your portfolio and resume off at the MET Media office in Tivoli 313 or email your work to Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu.



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APRIL 10, 2019

Treble Choir Festival blends voices of all ages By Kristina Vasquez

harmony of angelic vocals all

accommodate 55 students. At its


wrapped up in proud smiles.

peak, there have been 108 students

The first choir of the night was

in the choir. Due to low enrollment

the Erie High School Women’s

rates at MSU Denver, the ability

reverberated with the voices

Ensemble. They performed

to showcase the university’s

of fresh-faced singers from

“My Johnny’s a Soldier” and

treble choir to incoming students

Monarch, Erie and Overland high

“Jubilate!” with poise and grace.

is a great opportunity for

schools for MSU Denver’s Treble

Sophia Stecina, a freshman

The King Center music hall

Choir Festival held on April 4. The Treble Choir Festival is

from Erie High, has been in choir

both Krueger and students. MSU Denver’s choir performed

since she was in elementary

following the three high schools’

an invitation for high school

school. Even with her experience,

performances. They opened

sopranos and altos to sing in the

she still gets nervous right

their set with “Inngiqtuq.” They

King Center and to workshop with

before she goes on.

combined percussion made

the director of choral activities, professor M.B. Krueger. Krueger has been teaching in

“I get really nervous up

up of clapping and stomping

until the moment I sing, then it

to demand attention and

goes away. I used to be really

juxtapose the serene vocals.

the music department at MSU

introverted, and singing in front

Denver since 1997. She praises the

of an audience has made me

were able to gain experience

festival because it’s a supportive

become an extrovert,” she said.

singing with a collegiate program.

atmosphere for young singers who want to attend MSU Denver. “The Treble Choir Festival is really important to me as an educator to get high school

Singing at the Treble Choir

The young high school singers

“It’s great reconnecting with

Festival has given Stecina the

group singing instead of just solo

opportunity to sing in front

singing. The variety of voices

of different audiences.

challenge me in a good way. It’s

“The festival helps me

nice to harmonize with fellow

students on campus. I like for

realize I can get out there more

students,” said Kendall Taylor,

high school musicians to see what

with my singing. It’s different

an MSU Denver freshman.

our choirs do. It’s my philosophy

than just singing in front of my

of recruiting,” Krueger said.

high school choir,” she said.

When the young choir members

The choir at MSU Denver is

Toward the end of the show, all three high school choirs rejoined

Photo by Lizzie Stowe | lalberts@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver student and soloist Brianna Winkler, second left, sings in the Treble Choir Festival in the King Center on April 4.

the collegiate choir onstage to

walked on stage, they wore

made up of 42 students for the

perform “Shiru L’Adonai,” which

Treble Choir were a harmonizing

serious faces. The second they

2019 academic year. According to

received a roar of applause.

force to be reckoned with.

opened their mouths, it was a

Krueger, the choir can currently

All three high schools and the

String Cheese Incident crosses generations in Aspen By Megan Webber

him or herself what the string

guitar solos and instrumental


cheese-involving incident could

experimentation sounds unbearable,

have been that sparked five

even on a night with good weather.

college kids from Colorado to

While it’s true that many String

mountains when a sudden April

start a jam band that took over

Cheese songs can go on for 20

shower fails to drive a crowd

the country. No explanation is

minutes each, especially when live,

of 5,000 people away from an

provided on the band’s website,

that does not make it bad music, or

outdoor String Cheese Incident

but it is rumored that they told

even old music. Before the 1950s,

concert. Self-proclaimed

a crowd in Bellvue, Colorado in

popular songs could go on for at

cheeseheads from multiple

1996 that the name came from an

least that long on the recorded

generations gathered at the base

incident in which mandolin, fiddle

version. And for anyone who likes to

of Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen,

and guitar player Michael Kang

dance with a cold beer in their hand

Colorado on April 6 for a night of

broke a mandolin string. Kang and

at a music festival, instrumental

intimate, time-spanning music.

Nershi have been part of the band

rock is ideal because it takes you to

since 1993 along with drummer

another time and place in your mind.

You know you’re in the

The band played for three hours, after a delayed start due to

Michael Travis, keyboardist Kyle

a rainstorm that overtook Aspen

Hollingsworth and bass player

was a seven-minute rendition of

after dark. Mountain music fans

Keith Moseley. Percussionist Jason

“Let’s Go Outside,” which was

don’t care about rain, though,

Hann joined the group in 2004.

fitting for the occasion. Few seemed

and they proved it by dancing through the icy shower. The band, whose roots lie

Their last song of the evening

Their music is my parents’

to mind the chilly rainfall, which

music, and probably your parents’

was illuminated by the flashing

music, too. But the thing about our

stage lights that were cast into the Photo obtained from The String Cheese Incident

crowd. Much of the crowd stayed

The String Cheese Incident performs at The Après festival in Aspen on April 6.

put until the last note was played.

has captivated their own generation

disco drum beat and electronic

my fair share of pop music. I am

to look into the crowd and

as well as the next two with their

sounds from the keyboards.

The highlight of the evening

21, after all, and can’t escape the

said, “It’s good to be at the

blend of electric guitar, electronic

Despite the odd mix of genres, the

was “Bhangra Sanj,” their newest

music of my generation. But I am

base of a mountain again.”

keyboards and fiddle harmonics.

song is danceable, a quality that

single. The Indian-influenced piece

eternally grateful that bands like

bluegrass fans like myself look for

was co-written this year with Beats

String Cheese are still around, and

in Crested Butte and Telluride,

parents’ music is that it eventually

Colorado, felt right at home.

becomes ours. From bluegrass to

Acoustic guitarist Bill Nershi

rock to disco, String Cheese Incident

covered his eyes with his hand

The musicians also looked

Even I was taken back in time

Don’t get me wrong, I also enjoy concert feel like a timeless party.

the part in thick vests, rain

during a live performance of “Valley

in a song. I can’t say whether it’s

Antique. The drum solos made it

that this kind of music still exists.

coats and winter hats, giving

of the Jig,” which my mother used

the percussion, the fiddle or the

feel more upbeat and like more of a

Every once in a while, an escape

them the aesthetic not of six

to play on a CD when I was little.

electric mandolin, but something

free jam than the rest of the show.

to the mountains is healthy.

rockstars, but of six dads.

The fiddle tune is a bluegrass

about the out-of-the-ordinary

track with a twist, featuring a

blend makes a String Cheese

Many a cheesehead has asked

To many members of my generation, three hours of

APRIL 10, 2019



Roadrunners serve up sweeps, ride win streak Up-and-down tennis teams getting hot late in season

By Taylor Mead

of his doubles matches and two

doubles pairing, testing out that


singles. Currently on a six game

and it seems to have worked,”

singles winning streak, Tscherne

Porter said. “Team chemistry I

has set the tone for the team by

feel like has gotten a lot better,

playing the first singles match.

which is really exciting and I’m

Close your eyes, put on your favorite red shoes and click your heels three times. Now say it with

“Being back on home court,

really proud of the team.”

me; there’s no place like home.

I mean, it’s the fans the people

With the team getting the

Apparently, the Roadrunners

that come out and watch. Just

job done at home, both squads

tennis team was singing along

knowing that they’re there to

continued their fine form into

as both the men’s and women’s

support you,” Tscherne said.

the weekend. The men’s team

teams won their home matches

“When you’re away you don’t have

overcame Division l school the

over the past week. Impressive

those people watching you.”

University of Northern Colorado

showings of skill and technique

For the women’s team, this

4 – 3 on April 7 in an impressive

were on full display during the

weekend wasn’t their first home

display on the road of just how

competitive bout as each team

rodeo. They played a game at the

far the team has come. The win

tried to get back to their best form.

Regency Athletic Complex on Sep.

improved their season record to

13, but it was equally successful

7- 8. The women’s team defeated

their first home fixtures of the

as the men’s, with a 7 – 0 smack

Dixie State University 4 – 3 in a

season, with bad weather spoiling

down against CSU-Pueblo on

nail-biter on April 7 in an RMAC

the possibility of a homecoming

April 3. The women produced

match in the confines of home.

every game prior to April 3,

yet another full sweep against

The win vaulted the Roadrunners

a day in which the home side

CMU on April 5. Sophomore

past .500 with a 10 - 9 record.

emerged victorious over CSU-

Tabitha Porter, who is currently

Pueblo, taking four of the seven

the top ranked player in the Rocky

matches. Not long after, the team

For the men’s team, it was

Joey Tscherne returns a ball in MSU Denver’s match against the University of Northern Colorado Bears on April 7 at the Regency Athletic Complex. With both teams riding three-

team, the match against CSU-

game-winning streaks, the only

Pueblo will be the final of three

right here in the center of the city

thing to wish for now is more

RMAC conference matches

Mountain Athletic Conference

and we haven’t been able to use it

perfect weather to keep the home

with the squad already taking

continued their superb home

— No. 48 by the Intercollegiate

as much as we’d like, but the guys

magic going. Both squads will

the previous two matches.

stand in a 6 – 1 triumph over

Tennis Association — delivered

really embrace playing at home,”

visiting CSU-Pueblo Pueblo on

Colorado Mesa University on

another quality performance

said first year head coach Josh

April 13, with the women’s team

for both teams on April 14 at

April 5. Joey Tscherne, the men’s

from the first slot, extending

Graetz. “Let alone the having some

facing Tarleton State University

the RAC when the Roadrunners

team’s lone senior, shined over

her winning streak to three.

home supporters here obviously

in an additional match over

face Colorado College.

helps rather than playing away.”

the weekend. For the women’s

the two matches. He won both

“We have changed up the

“We got this beautiful facility

Photo by Edward Jacobs Jr. | Obtained from MSU Denver Athletics

The regular season will end

Prospect Preview: Devin White is “the” guy

The LSU linebacker is raw, but new coach Fangio is the perfect mentor for him By James Burky

of the ball — when the ball carrier


is heading to the right. Though he’ll

the greatest of coaches in the

make a viral hit when he does read

NFL, and he and White would

the play correctly, he arm tackles

be a match made in heaven.

In part two of a series dissecting

Fangio’s resume humbles

three players that the Denver

a runner’s shoulders and chest.

Broncos have been linked to select

It’s taught on day one of pee wee

scheme, White would be one of the

in the 2019 NFL Draft, Louisiana

to use your shoulders and wrap

two inside linebackers. Likely placed

State University linebacker Devin

low. These faults keep him from

on the weak side — against the right

White falls under our scope.

being the undisputed best player

tackle where teams traditionally

in the draft and narrows the teams

place the lesser pass-blockers —

on the field, White figures to be

that will guarantee him the most

he would be able to chase down

available when the Broncos pick

success to those with the coaches

ball carriers and cover receivers

at No. 10 and, lo and behold,

best fit to mold him. Enter Fangio.

with little resistance. Fangio

A spastic and athletic marvel

the Broncos have a gaping

What Ernest Hemingway was

In Fangio’s 3-4 defensive

worked magic on Chicago Bears’

hole at linebacker after losing

to writing, Fangio has been to

linebacker Roquan Smith, one of

starter Brandon Marshall to

the art of the linebacker position.

the closest comparisons to White

free agency. Fact is, White is a

Fangio’s NFL career spans four

in terms of rawness, a season ago.

generational diamond-in-therough and Vic Fangio — the Broncos’ new head coach — is

Photo by Mark J. Rebilas | Obtained from USA Today Sports

LSU Tigers linebacker Devin White reacts in the fourth quarter against the UCF Knights in the 2019 Fiesta Bowl at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.

the only cutter that can shape him into something marvelous.

decades and more impressive

Paired with Von Miller and

is his laundry list of successful

Bradley Chubb, the Broncos

players he’s groomed as defensive

will not only have one of their

coordinator and linebackers coach.

best front-sevens in a long

position — White’s 40 yard dash

skill players. Essentially, White

time at the NFL Combine was 4.42

is a generational talent. But like

The Dome Patrol — the linebacker

unrefined prospect. He was

seconds — the linebacker was able

all good things, there’s a catch.

trio of Pat Swilling, Rickey Jackson

Shake the football-shaped

recruited to LSU as a running

to punish linemen used to blocking

and Sam Mills for the New Orleans

magic eight ball and ask if the

back and was expected to be the

players half a second slower. The

be just his fourth as a linebacker.

Saints in the late ‘80s-early ‘90s

Broncos and White are an ideal fit

successor to current pros Leonard

mismatches allowed White to

And because of that, he often

— and legends Ray Lewis and

for each other. Answer says, “You

Fournette and Derrius Guice. He

garner 286 tackles across 34 games,

misreads the offenses. Meaning,

Terrell Suggs. Those five players

bet your sweet cheeks they are.”

switched over to linebacker and

according to SportsReference.

he’ll attack one gap of the offensive

amassed career totals of: 430

used his backfield athleticism to

His robust frame bent and curved

line because the blockers move to

sacks, 36 Pro Bowls, 11 All-Pro

wreak havoc on the college football

when tackles were cinder blocks

the left side — a concept that bleeds

selections and two hall of famers in

world. With blinding speed for his

and he often outsped opposing

over from his days on the other side

Jackson and Lewis, respectively.

White himself is a rather

White’s first year in the NFL will

Fangio has overseen the likes of

time, but a unit rivaled by few teams — if any — in the NFL.



APRIL 10, 2019

Sheppard twins ready to take on anything

ROADRUNNER BRIEFS Softball falls to DI UNC The MSU Denver Baseball team won three out of four games this past weekend. The Roadrunners outscored Colorado Christian University 29 to 17, only losing the first game of a doubleheader on Sunday. MSU Denver posted a .323 batting average and seven home runs on their way to 16-4 in conference play and 23-9 overall. The fourth game saw the Roadrunners post 10 runs off of 12 hits. Starting pitcher TJ Egloff got his first win, pitching seven innings and allowing three runs before finishing with a 3.86 ERA

Roadrunners bright on the diamond The MSU Denver Baseball team won three out of four games this past weekend. The Roadrunners outscored Colorado Christian University 29 to 17, only losing the first game of a doubleheader on Sunday. MSU Denver posted a .323 batting average and seven home runs on their way to 16-4 in conference play and 23-9 overall. The fourth game saw the Roadrunners post 10 runs off of 12 hits. Starting pitcher TJ Egloff got his first win, pitching seven innings and allowing three runs before finishing with a 3.86 ERA.

Baseball ranked in top five in regional poll The MSU Denver Baseball team moved up two spots in the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association South Central Regional poll. They now sit at No. 5 ahead of conference rivals Colorado School of Mines, at No. 6, and Dixie State University, at No. 8. The baseball team has won 17 out of their last 19 games while outscoring their opponents 181-83. The NCBWA poll is not related to the NCAA rankings that are used to determine qualifiers to the Division II national tournament.

Photo obtained by Kaileigh Lyons | kylons9@msudenver.edu

JJ and Laney Sheppard cheer from the dugout in their game versus Colorado Mesa University at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 17. The Sheppards are freshman players for the Roadrunners. By Connor Dockery

power to fill the voids left by

she hit a home run, and then

the-hip friendship off the field, has


graduates Kristyn Peters, Annika

I came up next and I also hit

made their transition to collegiate

Anderson and Sarena Espinoza,

a home run, so it was pretty

softball that much easier. The

and they’ve found two gems.

awesome. It’s a memory I

program’s warm welcome has

can’t forget,” Laney said.

also made it feel like the twins

Freshman twin sisters JJ and Laney Sheppard are taking

What makes them stand out

the Rocky Mountain Athletic

from the rest of the team is their

Conference by storm with

twin connection. Both players

school softball in Fountain Valley,

their incredible first season

seem to always know what the

California. Van Wetzinga first

our back, and if we’re down,

with Roadrunners softball.

other is thinking in any given

saw them at a fall tournament

we have somebody to pick us

play, which makes their fielding

in Arizona, and then followed

back up, but we’re there to

abilities look like poetry in motion.

up with them in California.

experience this together, which

Coming into college, having each other’s backs and eager to take on any challenge,

“I like our little corner duo,

JJ and Laney played high

She was able to bring them

have been around for years. “We have someone that has

is really cool,” Laney said.

these fraternal twins have

so I’m on first base, she’s

to Denver for a campus visit,

quickly become key cogs of the

on third base, that’s just our

and the twins felt MSU Denver

coached sisters on any of her

Roadrunners offense, being two

twin telepathy,” JJ said.

was the perfect fit. They had

teams. She loves having that

always dreamed of playing

twin connection out there on

held a bat in their hands since

softball together in college,

the field, and the support of the

base, sports a .370 average at

they were just five years old, and

and that dream is now a reality.

twins’ parents, Matthew and

the plate with nine doubles and

started playing T-ball with boys

They knew they made the right

Denise Sheppard. Their parents

nine RBIs, and went 3-for-6 with

before transitioning to softball.

choice coming to MSU Denver

have visited often since they

a double this weekend. Laney

Laney briefly tried soccer, but

after just one week at school.

started school, and they try to

splits time between third base

couldn’t stand the feeling of

and catcher, and is hitting .307

not playing with her sister.

of the top hitters on the team. JJ, the team’s starter at first

with 10 doubles and 6 home

The Sheppard twins have

Their terrific batting comes

JJ is studying entrepreneurship to be a dog trainer, and Laney is studying criminal justice.

Van Wetzinga has never

catch every single game online, no matter how busy they are. “That must be so special when

runs, including a go-ahead

as no surprise, as the twins

She wants to be a cop just like

your daughters are doing that,

grand slam in the bottom of the

have always had that power.

her dad. Most importantly,

and to have a sibling with them

6th inning on Saturday against

Opposing pitchers in some

they get to go through college

is probably even more special for

Black Hills State University.

of those recreational leagues

together, which can be really

everyone,” Van Wetzinga said.

know that all too well. One of

helpful in what could otherwise

them, to be hitters,” said head

their favorite shared memories

be a stressful experience.

coach Annie Van Wetzinga.

comes from those days.

“That’s why we recruited

The Roadrunners needed


APR 7 (SUN) 11 A.M.

“JJ was up first to bat and



Playing together their whole lives, along with their attached-at-

Freshman seasons for collegiate athletes can be quite a major adjustment. Not for these girls.



APR 7 (SUN) 2 P.M.

APR 7 (SUN) 3 P.M.


APRIL 10, 2018


No fluke, the Avs are in the playoffs

A young core is helping Avalanche establish success By Will Satler

playing for the University of


Massachusetts. Makar is the Hockey East player of the year

Back-to-back trips to the

and a favorite to collect the

NHL playoffs for the Colorado

Hobey Baker Award, which is

Avalanche is only the beginning of

given to college hockey’s best

a bright future for the franchise.

player. In fact, Makar could join

With a young core of prospects and perennial all-stars such as Nathan MacKinnon,

the team for the playoffs as The Shane Bowers, another impact player, could join the team for

Rantanen, the Avs are set to

the beginning of the playoffs on

make noise for years to come.

April 10, after finishing his season

Despite having the best odds — 18.5% — for winning the top pick in the NHL Draft lottery on April 9, the Colorado Avalanche will be picking fourth. The top three selections belong to: the New Jersey Devils, New York Rangers and Chicago Blackhawks. The draft will begin on June 21.

at Boston University. Bowers

are just 23 and 22 years old.

was drafted 28th overall in the

Landeskog is 26, and Philipp

2017 entry draft by the Ottawa

Grubauer is just 27. Don’t forget,

Senators and was acquired by

Colorado’s all-time leading

the Avalanche in the blockbuster

scorer among defensemen,

Matt Duchene trade a season ago.

Tyson Barrie, is 27 as well.

He has yet to play a game in the

Grubauer, a goalie obtained

Avs miss out on top pick

Athletic’s Ryan S. Clark reported.

Gabriel Landeskog and Mikko

MacKinnon and Rantanen


Photo obtained from NHL.com

Colorado Avalanche star Nathan Mackinnon contemplates his next move during a 2015 game at the Pepsi Center.

NHL, but could provide added

via a trade from the Washington

depth at the center position with

matchups. Semyon Varlamov

need to continue if they want to

Capitals over the off-season,

his offensive firepower, after

started those games, but it is

take care of business in the first

has come into his own down

28 goals in two years at BU.

more than likely that Grubauer

round, and the rounds after that.

the stretch run with only two

Colorado will open their 2019

losses since the beginning

playoffs against the top-seeded

of March in 10 games.

Calgary Flames on Thursday,

Barrie will soon be joined by

will be in the blue paint on April 11 when the puck drops. Despite falling in the last

Youth, talent and now playoff experience will provide Colorado with success for many years

looking to find different results

game of the year in San Jose, the

to come. Whether they make a

Cale Makar, their fourth overall

than they found in the regular

Avalanche look to ride a hot streak

deep run in this year’s playoffs

selection in the 2017 entry draft,

season. The Avs were 0-2-1 and

and upset the top seed. Strong

or not, the Avs can bank on the

who is currently a defenseman

were outscored 14-10 in their three

play from their big names will

promise the organization holds.

You get a suspension, you get a suspension! The MLB doubled down following a massive brawl that broke out between the Cincinnati Reds and Pittsburgh Pirates on April 8. Reds slugger Yasiel Puig was handed a two-game suspension. Pirates pitcher Chris Archer received a five-game suspension while his manager David Bell received a one-game.

Bill introduced to legalize sports betting in Ohio

Who is on their road to Zion? long-awaited buzz back to New York.

By Aaron Jones ajone178@msudenver.edu

On the other hand, the Cavaliers have fallen off since LeBron James

The NCAA’s most exciting star,

took his talents to Los Angeles,

Duke University’s Zion Williamson,

yet there is still promise with

is looking toward the NBA draft.

young point guard Collin Sexton

Williamson is the clear cut number

having a solid rookie year. If the

one pick. We know this. So the

Cavaliers land the number one

only burning question is, who is

pick and get Williamson, it will

going to be there to take him?

be the second time in franchise

Unlike other leagues, if a team

history that the Cavaliers have the

has the worst record in the NBA

opportunity to draft a generational

they are not guaranteed the first

player at number one, the last

pick in the draft. Each team has

time being James in 2003.

different odds to win the first pick,

Williamson would also fit

which is decided through a lottery

the team well because they are

prior to the draft. Not knowing

guard-heavy with solid starters at

where Williamson will go can cause

the point and shooting guard and

speculation on where the best fit

could use a talented player in the

is for him. There are two teams

frontcourt. With Kevin Love being

Williamson is most likely to be

the only All Star caliber player

drafted for: The New York Knicks

left on the team, he could be an Photo obtained from Wikimedia Commons

and the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Knicks had an NBA worst 16-64 record this season. They

Duke star Zion Williamson handles the ball during a December 2018 game at Cameron Indoor Stadium in Durham, North Carolina.

currently have a 14% chance at

ideal mentor for Williamson. Like James, Kobe Bryant and other NBA superstars, Williamson’s career has been followed heavily

No. 1 overall, which ties them for

incredible talent, but also because

their chances tremendously. The

by the media since he was in high

the best probability. The Knicks

they could land a big free agent

Knicks have not had a winning

school. When his NBA career

will undoubtedly draft Williamson

due to their large cap space. The

record since the 2012-13 season,

starts, this media attention and his

with the first pick if they get it. This

Knicks have been rumored to be

and if Williamson is acquired via

story will only continue to grow.

would be beneficial to them not

interested in Kevin Durant and

the draft, not only would it help

only because of gaining such an

bringing in Williamson would help

with wins, but it would also bring a

Legislation sponsored by Republican Rep. Dave Greenspan and Democrat Rep. Brigid Kelly in the Ohio House of Representatives would legalize sports gambling in the midwestern state. According to the Associated Press, the bill would provide a 10% tax benefit on businesses that provide sports betting. Greenspan said that the plan is to use the funds to assist public education and for gambling addicition services.

Legends give it one last ride In 2005, the paths of NBA stars Dirk Nowitzki and Dwayne Wade crossed on the game’s biggest stage — Wade and his Miami Heat won. On April 9, the two future hall of famers had their swan songs and the game. Well, Nowitzki was the only one to clearly allude to his retirement after dropping 30 points in his home goodbye — a 120-109 win over the Phoenix Suns. Wade dropped an equal amount in the Heat’s 120-99 win over the Philadelphia 76ers. Together, the two combined for 27 All-Star selections and 20 All-NBA selections.



APRIL 10, 2019


Roadrunners Give Back Day! Date Location

April 11 Various locations


Hot Topic: Homelessness, Too Close to Home? Date Location

April 11 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge

Elliot Lipp Date Location

Monster Energy Supercross April 11 Your Mom’s House

Date Location









All day


12:30 - 1:30 p.m.


8 p.m.


Erica Papillon-Posey Trio Date Location

April 12 King Center

Visiting Artist Series Date Location

April 13 King Center

Maitre Gims Date Location

April 14 Boulder Theater

April 13 Sports Authority Field at Mile High

Varies 6 p.m.

The Ruckus Presents: Ben Roy Date Location

April 14 Marquis Theater










7:30 - 9:30 p.m.


7:30 - 8:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


7 p.m.


Men’s Tennis VS. CSU-Pueblo Date Location

April 13 Pueblo, CO


Women’s Tennis Date Location

April 13 Pueblo, CO

Nuggets VS. Timberwolves Date Location

April 10 Pepsi Center

Avalanche at. Flames Date Location

April 11 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park










3 p.m.


10 a.m.


8:30 p.m.


8 p.m.

Baseball VS.Dixie State

Softball VS. Fort Lewis


April 12





April 13 Durango, CO

Rapids VS. D.C. United Date Location

April 13 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park

Avalanche at. Flames Date

April 13












6 p.m.


1:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


8:30 p.m.


Drake White Date Location

April 11 Grizzly Rose

Hip Hop Thursdays Date

April 11

Anything Box Date


Club Vinyl


April 11 The Oriental Theater

Electric Wizard Date Location

April 12 The Fillmore Auditorium




Free - $10


$20 - $150




8:30 p.m.


9 p.m.


8 p.m.


7 p.m.

Colorado Symphony Date Location

April 12 Boettcher Concert Hall

Flatbush Zombies Date Location

April 13 Red Rocks Ampitheater

Joey Bada$$ Date Location

April 13 Red Rocks Ampitheater


$15 - $89






7:30 p.m.


6:30 p.m.


6:30 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Friday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics and instrumental every week at mymetmedia.com


APRIL 10, 2019




“You will soon be in my life.”



An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.

Hakuna Matata: it means no worries for the rest of your days.



No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.



Like so many things, it’s not what’s on the outside, but what’s on the inside that counts.

You must find happiness where you are.



You’ve got your own style, now let it shine through, and remember no matter what, you’ve got to be you.

Listen with your heart. You will understand.



“I know, colors.” “I am genuinely curious what it is like to be happy.” “Give it to me like a momma bird.”

Top 5 Joy Division Albums 2. Closer 3. Substance

Put your faith in what you believe in most.

All you need is faith, trust and pixie dust.

4. Wait… they only released three albums? 5. Um… Doggystyle? Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to managing editor Isaac Banks at cbanks17@msudenver.edu



To face the future with another, who means more than any other, is to be loved.

Sometimes the best book has the dustiest cover, and sometimes the best cup is chipped.


37. Good news for investors


31. Cracked open

1. Amorphous mass

40. Galoot

1. Great time

32. Stinger target

5. Squeezed (out)

41. Writers Ephron and Roberts

2. Not too thrilled

33. Period of prayer?

9. They’re underfoot

42. Filers

3. Earth tone

34. Clever idea

14. “Livin’ La Vida ___”

43. Office overhead

4. Starting point for a big climb

35. Landing surface

15. Carving medium

45. Sticky stuff

5. Bounces

38. Sleeping

16. Part of a dangerous wave

46. Little devil

6. First name of Ireland

39. 50 Cent items

17. Sighs of relief

47. Come up against

7. Funny Dame

44. Ship of fuels

18. Hot spot in Italy

49. Grinds, as gears

8. Reporters need to meet them

46. One way to pay

19. Mountain home

53. Go into debt

9. Hurt with hot water

48. Gary who played Buddy

20. Get the most for one’s money

56. Calendar boys

10. Words of warning


23. Manhattan, to suburbanites

57. Big do

11. Old Italian bread

49. Units of laughter

24. Digital displays, for short

58. D’back, for one

12. Mideast dignitary

50. Tati’s comic character

25. JFK’s UN ambassador

59. First name in cosmetics

13. Match at the poker table

51. Cali calendar page

26. Pen name

60. Anticipatory times

21. Links with

52. Throat problem

27. It’s got the sun in the

61. He couldn’t beat the Bushes

22. Name associated with a razor

53. Sign of disuse


62. Lie

26. Joy on “The View”

54. Golden rule preposition

31. America’s first number two

63. Dovetail

28. Scroll holders

55. Place for the masses

34. Place for Parisian politicians

64. Word on an octagon

29. Get through slowly

56. Fathers and sons

36. Auto pioneer initials



30. Sesame Street watchers



1. Unknown Pleasures


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