Volume 41, Issue 30 - May 1, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 29


MAY 1, 2019



Random acts of violence

A Day Without Hate returns for 12th year | story on pg. 5 graphic by Zhen Tang | ztang@msudenver.edu



| pg. 2

Last mayoral debate before election day


| pg. 4

Initiative 300 needs to pass


| pg. 6


| pg. 8

Race for student presideney

Four Roadrunners named to

comes to a close

softball all-conference teams



MAY 1, 2019

The last train has left the station

Chairman Seku is ejected; candidates discuss rise in anti-Semitism By Madison Lauterbach

election. The candidate attributes


this to the four candidates reporting more campaign funds than he has.

On April 30, four of the

“It’s like the whole process is

six candidates for Denver

twisted and crazy because this is

mayor had their last debate

the first time ever that you have

a week from election day.

poor people running for office

The forum was held at the

who are going to get elected to a

Hebrew Educational Alliance and

city position, a state position, a

sponsored by Intermountain Jewish

national position,” Seku said.

News, and the night was not without

As Seku was escorted out of the

controversy. Shortly before the start

building, attendees, who gave their

of the debate Stephan “Chairman

names only as Debby and Marian,

Seku” Evans sat in a chair reserved

yelled from a back pew that it was

for Michael Hancock in what he

not fair to deny the candidate the

said was a protest of being denied

opportunity to speak. Congregation

participation in the night’s event,

member Michael Kadovitz also

before being escorted off the stage

got up and spoke with moderator

by an off-duty police officer.

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg, who he

“I did everything everybody else did to get on the ballot, therefore I’m qualified to be here,” Seku said.

accused of being undemocratic and cherry picking the candidates. “I think that if we as Jews

Seku and fellow candidate

believe in democracy, and I think

Kalyn Heffernan were not on the

if people would be respectful and

list of participants, which included

dignified, as we were here and

Mayor Michael Hancock, Jamie

treat people with dignity, you get

Giellis, Lisa Calderón and Penfield

dignity back,” Kadovitz later said.

Tate III. According to a comment

“Rabbi Goldberg is wrong. There’s

on the Facebook event page,

a Yiddish word that we, it’s called

Heffernan was not able to make it due to a prior engagement.

schanda, which means disgrace, and what he did is a schanda and not reflective of Jewish people.”

“It’s like the whole process is twisted and crazy because this is the first time ever that you have poor people running for office.” – Chairman Seku

As the debate finally got underway, candidates were asked questions by Goldberg and panelists Jacki Cooper Melmed, Chris Leppek and Craig Silverman about topics ranging from development of

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Denver mayoral candidiate Stephan “Chairman Seku” Evans being escorted out of the Intermountain Jewish News Denver Mayoral Forum on April 30. Seku was told he could not participate in this forum. four candidates what they would

weekend, Joe Biden reminded

Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, some

do about synagogue security.

Americans of President Donald

congregations and their leaders

Trump’s “very fine people on both

are wondering if they should begin

ordained deacon in the Baptist

sides” comment regarding the

arming themselves. In response to a

tradition, I take very seriously

white supremacists who were

question from Silverman concerning

the security of my church when

protesting the removal of a Robert

this, Hancock said that having Trump

we are in worship, as well as in

E. Lee statue in Charlottesville in

in the White House has changed

the synagogues and mosques

2017. Trump then doubled down

our lives, and he believes places

around our city,” Hancock said.

on those comments and argued

of faith need a comprehensive

that that he was referring not

plan in case of an attack.

“As a faith leader myself, an

On April 30, the Anti-Defamation

“We were living in a different

League released a new report

to the self-professed neo-Nazi

businesses and industry. However,

stating that the Jewish community

marchers, but to those who had

the topic that received the most

in the U.S. experienced near-

I’m working with mayors, county

had made it clear to organizers his

attention throughout the night was

historic levels of anti-Semitism

commissioners, sheriffs and police

desire to be included in the forum,

the shooting at the Congregation

in 2018, including a doubling of

but never received a response. This

Chabad synagogue outside San

anti-Semitic assaults and the

was the third time he was excluded

Diego on April 27, which left three

single deadliest attack against the

from a debate out of the 30 that

people injured and one dead. Right

Jewish community in American

have been held in the lead up to the

off the bat, Goldberg asked the

history. That attack, the shooting

However, Seku said that he

parks and open spaces to growing

at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018,

departments today to development a strategy, not only for a synagogue or a mosque, but as well as our Christian and gentile facilities,” Hancock said. “We hope to have

opposed the removal of the statue. Tate, who worked to pass hate

a plan very soon to address that so we make sure that parishioners

happened exactly six months before

crime legislation in the Colorado

don’t have to arm themselves, but

the Congregation Chabad attack.

state assembly during his tenure

there is a security action plan and

in the early 2000s, said that the

that law enforcement is helping.”

Giellis said that municipal

Despite the rising rates of hate

politicians have a unique role

rhetoric we see out of D.C. in many

to play in the current political

ways has emboldened people to

crimes aimed at driving a wedge

and social climate and a

act on their thoughts. He said to

between different groups of people,

responsibility to set a tone of

resolve this, he would work the

Calderón said that the scare tactics

understanding and togetherness.

general assembly to pass legislation

are ineffective. She recalled her

to make it easier to investigate

time working as a legal director

opportunity that a mayor has

and prosecute hate crimes. Tate

with abused women. She would

to actually help to work to build

also said it was important for

often receive threats of violence

community, to break down

citizens to play a role in this.

or death escorting the women into

“I believe that’s a unique

barriers, to bring people together

“We need to come together as

court, and was frequently asked how she kept everyone safe.

to address the things that are

a community, and frankly, have

tearing community apart, that

each other’s backs and be vigilant

are making it hard to live in these

about watching and caring for each

take all necessary precautions, we

trying times,” Giellis said.

other in our places of worship and

will work with law enforcement. But

in our neighborhoods,” Tate said.

ultimately we can not live in fear. We

Candidates Tate and Hancock

Lisa Calderón, Jamie Giellis, Michael Hancock and Penfeild Tate answer a question regarding parks and open space development in Denver at the Intermountain Jewish News Denver Mayoral Forum on April 30.

“We need to come together as a community.” – Penfield Tate III

world now and the reality is that

related the spike in white

In the wake of attacks on houses

supremacy to the message coming

of worship like those in Pittsburgh,

from Washington, D.C. Over the

Christchurch, New Zealand and

“My response was that we will

cannot be effective at what we do when we are afraid,” Calderón said.


MAY 1, 2019


DREAMers reach milestone By Brady Pieper

get things right,” Aguilar said. “I’ve been


asked to speak at many places, but this was different. I wanted to represent

A crowd of people stood outside

those students that inspired me.”

of St. Catejan’s Church on April 27 to

Another graduate who was honored

celebrate the 2019 graduating class

during the event was David Campos. He

of undocumented students at MSU

will be receiving a Bachelors of Science

Denver, CCD and CU Denver. The event

in accounting and was a familiar face in

honored graduating DREAMers from all

the MSU DREAMer’s network. Campos

three schools at Auraria, and for the 46

used his experience to assist the group.

graduates attending, it provided a once in

Campos’ experience was that of a

a lifetime opportunity to show that they

skeptic, similar to many others at the

are more than just political talking points

event. During the process of applying

One of the graduating seniors at the

to college, Campos felt helpless but

event and the speaker for MSU Denver, Saira

stayed optimistic in his efforts.

Galindo, gave her thoughts on the event.

“It’s one of the only ways to get

“There’s just this label that I’m a

out of low income areas,” he said.

DREAMer, but I feel like I’m more than

Higher education provided a young

a DREAMer, more than my immigration

Campos an opportunity to show his

status,” Galindo said. “I never had

family there is a way to succeed.

any teachers that looked like me or

The feelings of many undocumented

had a similar background as me — that made me feel very isolated.” Galindo is receiving a Bachelors of

Photos by Madison Lauterbach | mlauter1@msudenver.edu

Keynote speaker, Victoria Aguilar, speaks to DREAMer graduates at their graduation celebration at St. Cajetan’s on April 27.

Arts in elementary education with a

students remain the same; college is one of the things that seems unrealistic. About 5-10% of undocumented students pursue higher education, and far fewer successfully

double concentration in developmental

father and third generation Denverite

the idea that one should never give up and

graduate with a degree, according to

psychology and cultural linguistic diversity.

mother, she finds herself committed to

never look back. She touched briefly on

the U.S. Department of Education.

The keynote speaker of the night was

ensuring those around her are connected to

what it means to be a DREAMer graduate.

Victoria Aguilar, a candidate for Denver City

vital services, documented or not. She made

Council. As the daughter of an immigrant

her point clear, providing the audience with

“The path you are walking on is yours and yours alone. You’re not always gonna

Campos had one last word of advice for aspiring DREAMers: “Sí, se puede.” Yes, you can.

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4 staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

MAY 1, 2019

A girl has game

What the GOT scene says about our views on virginity

Managing Editor Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com

Dempsey, finding Arya practicing

of the healthiest portrayals of

beyond her years since season

News Editor

archery alone. Earlier in that

sex — elicited a viral reaction.

one. Instead of listening to bedtime

Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu

episode, she asked him to forge her

It’s no surprise that Western

stories, young Arya would recite the

a spear for the battle the next day

fans were shocked. We still listen

names of the people she planned

against the army of the undead.

to outdated narratives about

on killing. She disguises herself

After interrogating him about

virginity. Brides wear white and girls

with corpses’ faces. The only adult

Sports Editor

his sexual history, Arya initiates

are warned about “popping their

realm she had not explored was her

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

sex with, “We’re probably going

cherry.” Even the term, losing one’s

sexuality. Despite Arya’s homicidal

Photo Editor

to die soon. I want to know what

virginity, implies that something

tendencies, fans were still more

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

it’s like before that happens.”

is, well, lost. In short, women are

disgusted by her sexual agency

taught that their first time is an

than when she cooked Walder Frey

mix between, “You go, girl,” and

earth-shaking, life-changing event

a pie of his chopped-up family.

wanting to avert my eyes. But

and that sex snuffs out purity.

Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

My knee-jerk reaction was a

Design Managing Editor Zhen Tang ztnag@msudenver.edu Copy Editors Paige Pakkebier paige.pakkebier@ucdenver.edu Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

why did consensual sex between By Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu GAME OF THRONES SPOILERS. After the airing of the eighth

In a CNN opinion article, Holly

The most common argument on

Thomas writes, “Arya’s latest

two adult fictional characters

Twitter was that we watched Arya

escapade is nevertheless a welcome

make myself and other fans

grow up before our eyes which is,

step in the right direction.” Thomas

uncomfortable? More importantly,

frankly, infantilizing. One popular

adds that other well-known media,

what does that say about our

tweet from user lackt0es reads,

like “Twilight” and “Titanic,” portray

views on female virginity?

“Watching Arya have sex after

female characters’ first times as a

spending all these years watching

“nerve-wracking rite of passage.”

Assistant Director of Met Media

season’s second episode of HBO’s

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

Game of Thrones, “A Knight of the

or read the novel series it’s based

her grow up #GameofThrones,” with

Seven Kingdoms,” fan-favorite

on, “A Song of Ice and Fire” by

a clip attached of a man gagging.

character Arya Stark, played by

George R. R. Martin, knows that

Maisie Williams, name circulated

sex and violence are ever-present.

that the search for Williams’ age

zombies threaten humanity and

social media conversations.

We have seen countless scenes

skyrocketed comically high on the

dragons roam the sky, Arya’s sex

of brothels, rape, incestual sex

airing date, April 21, in the U.S.

scene was refreshingly real.

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Offi ce Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Fanatics of the show weren’t

Anyone who has seen the show

Google Trends also showed

Sales and Marketing

discussing the small assassin’s

and general nudity. Two of GOT’s

She’s 22 years old, by the way. The

sale@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

Braavos sword style. The chatter

leading ladies, Daenerys Targaryen,

HBO U.K. also cleared up in a tweet

surrounded her sexual awakening.

played by Emilia Clarke, and Sansa

that the character is 18 years old.

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu Derek Brekken dbrekken@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to awatkin9@msudenver.edu. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com

The sex scene begins with the

Stark, played by Sophie Turner,

Williams has a baby face, but

talented blacksmith and Baratheon

were raped and used as political

the character has been portrayed

bastard Gendry, portrayed by Joe

pawns. Yet, Arya’s scene — one

as vengeful, murderous and mature

Arya, independent and fearless, went for what she wanted. In a show where ice-

Ali C. M. Watkins is a senior at MSU Denver and the editor-in-chief of The Metropolitan. She likes chocolate milk.

Passing Initiative 300 is Denver’s moral obligation The measure would give the city’s homeless

training and opportunities to get off the street.”

population the right to shelter themselves in a

These are not tangible solutions but rather good

“non-obstructive” manner in public spaces, eat

ideas. 300 is not a lightning-in-a-bottle bill that

and share food as long as it’s not prohibited,

will permanently solve these issues, but it’s better

have the right to stay in a legally-owned motor

than what Denver has now, which is nothing. In their rabid fight against 300, opponents

vehicle and the innate right of privacy. According to the Metro Denver Homeless

would have you believe that the homeless are a

Initiative, Denver’s unsheltered homeless

nuisance and toxic to business growth but that

population climbed 6.5% from 2017 to 2018.

couldn’t be further from the truth. They’re people

That’s the largest jump between years since 2015.

like you and I. They have friends and family like

Opponents argue that 300 doesn’t provide

you and I. They’re trying to live their lives and

a long-term solution to homelessness. And

also like you and I, they want to feel safe when

they hit the nail on the head there. The point

doing so. But opponents see money burned. Dismissing a solution to homelessness

By James Burky

of this bill is to stick a bandaid over the


wound so it doesn’t metastasize and, in the

without providing is callousness so egregious

meantime, hammer out a permanent solution.

that it flirts with being the antithesis of human

The most prominent of these detractors

decency. When May 7 rolls around and you’re

The men and women lining streets and huddling around warm vents in winter are not

is Together Denver, an astroturf movement

making these final decisions on how this city will

idly waiting for their next victim to assault

that champions itself as fighting a ridiculous

operate for the foreseeable future, don’t vote

— they’re looking for their next meal. The

initiative, but is funded by some of the largest

for the realty companies looking to add a zero

men and women who resort to living in their

names in real estate development. It should also

to their bank account — vote for the person in

cars are not a nuisance — they’re people.

be noted that city councilman Albus Brooks,

the sleeping bag with no home and no food.

On May 7, Denverites will take to the polls

who is up for reelection and against 300,

and make critical decisions that will pave the

has received numerous campaign donations

city’s near future. Among those options to

from real estate agents and companies.

take a “Yes” or “No” stance on is Initiative 300, also known as the “Right to Survive.”

Together Denver’s website says that the city

James Burky is a fourth-year journalism student. He is currently sports editor for The Metropolitan and hosts a weekly podcast, “5280 Listening Club.”

“should provide more housing, shelters, job

The Metropolitan is hiring! We are wanting to expand our staff with new writers, photographers, critics and columnists and political cartoonists. Drop your portfolio and resume off at the MET Media office in Tivoli 313 or email your work to Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins at awatkin9@msudenver.edu.

MAY 1, 2019



Jefferson County’s light that never goes out Students and faculty keep peace movement thriving

By James Burky

Lake High School in Westminster,


Colorado in 2007 in the wake of the Virginia Tech Shooting. The

Full disclosure: James Burky

purpose was simple — students

volunteered with A Day Without

and faculty wear white one day

Hate for three years, ending in

a year to promote nonviolence

2015, while attending Standley

in schools, peace and unity.

Lake High School as well as having Ben Reed as a teacher.

“People were waiting for something to happen. They wanted something opposite of what was

There was an ominous presence

a negative,” said Adam Baca, who

at the 2019 A Day Without Hate

was among those 12 students

Jefferson County rally on April 26.

and now serves as an outreach

Leering over a frantic group

coordinator for DWOH. “We wanted

of student and faculty volunteers

A Day Without Hate, we just didn’t

at Dakota Ridge High School is a

know that was what it was called.”

poster. It’s the width of the school’s

DWOH was conceived in an

narrow hallway outside of the

environment receptive to its simple

gymnasium. It’s hard to miss.

call to make school a safe place

Written on the poster is, “WHY WE

for students. In Jeffco schools,

WEAR WHITE,” accompanied by

the last Friday in April became an

a written list of over 100 schools

unofficial holiday and DWOH’s

and dates. The first is, “4/7/1982

Easter-like service is a free district

Deer Creek M.S. Littleton, CO.”

rally for the Jeffco community.

That was the day 14-year-old Scott Darwin Michael was shot and killed outside of the middle school.

“People were waiting for something to happen. They wanted something opposite of what was a negative.” – Adam Baca

From 2013-15, the alternative rap band Flobots performed free concerts at the annual rally and in

they felt self-conscious, bullied,

of the 1999 shooting, as well.

Schulman said. “He was a junior at

or lost a loved one to cancer.

Twelve years after its inception,

the time and was usually a shy kid

At the end of the rally, a DJ

the Global Call to Action Winner

to be kind that has resonated as

about how people do go home

long mini dance party allowing

and then-Gov. John Hickenlooper

classes of students have come

feeling sad and depressed, and

students to let loose.

proclaimed the day a state holiday.

and gone from elementary,

how easy it is to prevent. It really

middle and high schools across

inspired me to change how I act,

however, the message

the state have come and gone.

smile every day, say ‘Hi’ to people.”

was never lost.

The ripple effects from shootings across the state are what drive the

This year’s rally didn’t have a

student and teacher volunteers. in 1999, Colorado has experienced hostage crisis at Platte Canyon

in 2007 that left 32 people dead

High School in Bailey that left one

to an incident on April 1 this

student dead, a second shooting

year at Prescott High School in

at Deer Creek in 2010 that left two

Arkansas that left one injured.

students injured, and the 2013 Arapahoe High School shooting that also left one student dead. Reed, the teacher who advised

“If we can’t keep kids safe in school, what are we doing as a society? That is a reminder that we haven’t done enough.” – Ben Reed

Throughout the evening,

Occasionally, the students and

headliner like the Flobots nor did

faculty who attended the rally

it fill the Dakota Ridge gymnasium

would catch a glance at the ”Why

to the brim, but it was no less

We Wear White” poster as if they

impactful to the students there.

were searching for an answer to

After some snapplause-worthy

a question they could not solve.

slam poetry and a soothing acoustic

“We can’t keep kids safe at the

performance of “Hello My Old

mall or at their homes, those are

Heart” by two students, the senior

just realities,” a teary-eyed Reed

organizers gathered the attendees in

said. “But if we can’t keep kids

at Dakota Ridge, was a key

a circle in front of a stage a stone’s

safe in school, what are we doing

organizer for this year’s iteration

toss away from the bleachers.

as a society? That is a reminder that we haven’t done enough.”

Eli Schulman, a senior

at Dakota Ridge. “That poster is

Baca and the 11 other students,

of DWOH and has been involved

With the lights out, prompts

a fluid document of reality.”

became a behind-the-scenes leader

since his freshman year.

were read aloud asking students

The poster has been a staple

to shine their phone flashlight if

performer my sophomore year,”

took center stage for an hour-

from the Virginia Tech massacre

Sullivan, a raspy-voiced teacher

“We had a spoken word

attending Columbine at the time

and he came out with a message

three school shootings: a 2006

have to add more,” said Keary

Columbine. Sullivan had siblings

DWOH persists. It set the precedent

capsule of school shootings,

“Every single year we

Columbine High School senior Julianna Diaz reads an inspirational quote in the Dakota Ridge High School gymnasium on April 26 for the annual A Day Without Hate Rally in Littleton, Colorado.

2013, PeaceJam named DWOH as

Since the Columbine massacre It isn’t just a poster. It’s a time

Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

for DWOH before leaving in 2015,

of DWOH since the beginning

though he still attends the rally

when 12 students gathered in

every year. He has connections to

Ben Reed’s classroom at Standley

the 2010 Deer Creek shooting and

Dakota Ridge student Emilee Cunningham sings a rendition of “Hello My Old Heart” by The Oh Hellos on April 26 at Dakota Ridge High School.

Hanging on a balcony in Dakota Ridge High School, the “Why We Wear White” poster lists every school shooting in the U.S. since April 7, 1982.



MAY 1, 2019

New presidency, new era for MSU Denver By Megan Webber

Student Advisory Council member

Braedan Weart will stay on as


in representation of FRCC and

vice president next year. He

Boulder County Campus. She is

said that as a political science

now a junior at MSU Denver and

major, he genuinely enjoys

leadership in Student Government

will be a senior in the fall. After

practicing government with

Assembly, MSU Denver students

graduation, she plans on going

SGA, from working with people

have elected a woman to

to law school and continuing to

to managing the budget. He

represent them as president

advocate for social justice issues.

echoed Holmes’ hopes to raise

for the 2019-2020 school year.

Holmes is currently involved in

campus awareness of SGA.

Danielle Holmes will take over for

the EPIC Scholars Program and

“The biggest thing is

current president John Andres

the Urban Leadership Program

actually to come in and interact

at the end of this semester.

on campus. She is also an

with the office,” Weart said.

In accordance with her

intern at the Outreach United

“You can only get so much

campaign statement, Holmes

Resource Center in Longmont

information off the website.”

said her hope for her presidency

as a participant advocate.

After two years of male

is that she will be able to build

He added that much of MSU

The Budget Task Force has

Denver’s student body still isn’t

a campus community where all

proposed closing the tuition

aware that SGA exists, so the

feel welcome. She will start by

window, which allows students

members of SGA have been

expanding the EPIC Scholars

to take between 12 and 18 credit

trying to put themselves out there

Program, building a stronger SGA

hours for the same price. The

more often by tabling at events

presence on campus, maintaining

proposed closure would slowly

and interacting with students.

the tuition window and pushing

phase out the credit window,

for adequate lighting at nighttime

meaning students would

Andres said that after the

on campus. Holmes said that as a

eventually have to pay for those

swearing in of the new president

female, she will lead SGA with an

extra six credit hours. Holmes

even-tempered frame of mind.

said that prior to running for SGA,

“I’m definitely very organized, structured and straight-forward,” she said. “Any discrimination

After two years with SGA,

in June, he will step away from

she did not know about the issue surrounding the tuition window.

Photo courtesy of Danielle Holmes

Danielle Holmes was elected MSU Denver’s 2019-20 Student Government Assembly president.

“That kind of shows the lack of

will not be taken lightly, and

student knowledge on impactful

I will address it head-on.”

issues,” she said. “I not only want

Holmes have not met face to

“We kind of were able to sway

including regular town hall

Holmes’ willingness to run for

meetings and outfitting SGA

president is a sign that she will be able to do some great things.

to raise awareness for SGA as

them from closing it in just two

members in matching blazers so

from Doris Buffett through the

a whole, but for these political

years to four, so that’s a pretty

students will know who they are.

Sunshine Lady Foundation,

issues that students really need

big win in my eyes,” Andres said.

“I’m hoping by raising

Holmes relocated to Longmont in

to raise their voices on.”

“That’s a whole graduating class,

awareness of us just being a

essentially, so that’s pretty cool.”

resource for the students, we’ll

Holmes said she has several

hopefully get more engagement

Current President John

semester of college. He and face yet, but Andres said that

which arose last school year.

After earning a scholarship

May 2016 to study political science

student government for his final

and sociology at Front Range

Andres said he hopes that

Community College. There, she

SGA will continue to debate

ideas on how to get the student

served on a state board as a State

about the tuition window,

body more connected with SGA,

from them,” she said. Current second-in-command

2019 Student Government election results On April 12, the student body of MSU Denver voted on two referendums and to elect the 2019-20 Student Government Assembly. Danielle Holmes Student Body President

Braedan Weart Student Body Vice President

won by

won by


Adetilewa Awosanya Student Trustee won by



Maly Mendieta Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board Representative

Sitina Sado Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board Representative

won by

won by



Kasra Alavi

Daniel Dudley

Haleigh Vaughn

Hannah Vaughn

Sarah Balijahe






won by


RTD College Pass Referendum Highest turnout:41,062

won by



of voters agreed to pass

won by


won by

Student Technology Fee of $8 per credit hour to improve technology services.


won by



of voters agreed to approve Info courtesy of MSU Denver Student Government Assembly

MAY 1, 2019



“Endgame” marks the finale of an 11-year journey By Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com “Avengers: Endgame” is the cumulation of 21 films and 11 years of hard work, interweaving storylines and lovable characters. Despite the enormous amount

5/6 infinity stones

of pressure, “Endgame” sticks the landing with only a slight break in form. The 3-hour cinematic achievement

the only planet affected by the snap. Even though this is the darkest chapter

wrapped up the “The Infinity Saga”

for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, well-placed

storyline that started way back with

humor is sprinkled throughout the movie

the first “Iron Man.” The movie starts

and lands for the most part. The jokes

right after “Infinity War,” giving it a

come from snarky remarks in between

part-two-feeling instead of a standard

friends or from characters hiding their

sequel. All of the characters are left to

pain behind a laugh. It is your standard

deal with the snap, and each of them

Marvel humor for better or worse.

handles the tragedy in a different way. The movie is filled with unnecessary

Just like any other MCU movie, there are Easter eggs galore. Some of

but touching character moments for

the best ones only comic book readers

fans that have invested years into the

will get, but there are plenty that the

on-screen personalities. A stand-out is

average moviegoer will pick up on.

Hawkeye. This version of the archer is the best one put on screen. His response to

When it comes to the fight scenes, most Photo obtained from Marvel Studios

of them boil down to giant CGI characters

“Avengers: Endgame” is the last of the fan-favorite Avengers series and premiered on April 24.

the snap and his character development

trading blows. This made it difficult to

throughout the movie finally set him

keep up with what was happening during

apart from the other Avengers.

some of the bigger set pieces. The weight

it hard to keep up with the breakneck

those who are not interested in the MCU

to the fights is there, but there is no real

pace and how Steve is actually fighting.

or have not seen the majority of the other

“Endgame” stands on the 21 films

movies, “Endgame” is a good movie. But

Captain Marvel’s appearance in the movie is limited, which works, seeing

way to film a scene with a talking raccoon

how she was only just introduced to

fighting a giant purple monster practically.

of “The Infinity Saga” that have come

for the fans that have invested the last 11

the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Her

The fight scenes with Captain America

before with all of the characters and their

years of their lives in the MCU, “Endgame”

presence brought scope to the movie by

stand out because of the flashy moves

relationships on full display. This movie

is the perfect ending to the saga.

reminding the Avengers that Earth is not

and visceral hits, but the quick cuts make

is a testament to the first “Iron Man.” For

MSU Denver at DIME Denver




VISIT Friday, May 3 6:30-8:30 pm MSU Denver at DIME Denver 800 Kalamath St. Denver, CO 80204



DIME Denver's Open House is a great opportunity to meet our instructors, staff, students, and industry-professional faculty. We'll have live performances as well as onsite admissions representatives to help you with your application and answer questions about our audition process.

Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.

IN THEATERS MAY 10 detectivepikachumovie.com




MAY 1, 2019

McGhee breaks strikeout record in sweep By Aaron Jones

series on Friday, pitcher Darby

Saturday, as the Roadrunners


McGhee had a stellar performance

would go onto an easy 8-2 win.

only, allowing one hit and one

When the junior pitcher struck

walk through five innings. Defense

out her second victim of the

Mountain Athletic Conference

wasn’t the only trend for the

day, she passed Brittany Moss

tournament, the Roadrunners

game as MSU Denver poured on

as the all-time strikeout leader

finished a four-game sweep of

13 runs on 15 hits through four

with 292. McGhee has tallied

the Regis University Rangers and

innings. Sophomore first baseman

115 strikeouts this season, and

broke a record in the process.

Abby Anderson stood out at the

will continue to pad the record

plate, connecting on all three

during the RMAC tournament.

A week away from the Rocky

With effective pitching and excellent hitting, MSU Denver

of her at-bats with three RBIs.

dominated the Rangers, outscoring

“It’s unique you set a record

The second game of the

like that your junior year.”

them 36-14 across the four

Friday doubleheader wasn’t as

Van Wetzinga said. “I think

matches. The sweep puts them

much of a walk in the park for the

she is going to be setting the

at 23-13 against RMAC teams and

Roadrunners. MSU Denver was

standard and setting the bar for

solidified their fifth conference

down 7-6 heading into the bottom

the people after her that come

series win on the season.

of the seventh inning, needing

through MSU Denver softball.”

“Each game is its own animal.

only two runs to finish up the day’s

In the final game of the

The second game was more of

sweep. With two outs and one

matchup, MSU Denver held off

a fight,” said head coach Annie

runner on, freshman Ari Valdez

Regis with a bout that featured

VanWetzinga. “It was obviously

would tie up the game with an RBI

multiple late-game RBIs with

our goal, and we have been talking

double to left field. After a batter

MSU Denver winning 7-5.

the last couple weeks about trying

was hit by a pitch and another

to build some momentum going

walked, freshman outfielder

Sansburn dominated the game

her game on Saturday. “Just

split their most recent series

into the conference tournament.”

Rebecca Gonzales batted in the

with three hits on four at-bats and

need to stay relaxed.”

with Colorado School of Mines,

MSU Denver now stands at

final run and walked off the game

tallied four crucial RBIs. On the

fifth in the RMAC standings with

with an RBI single to the left side.

weekend, Sansburn hit safely or

against Colorado School of

start a tournament run facing

walked on 11 of her 14 at-bats.

Mines in the first round of the

off with the No. 4 seed.

“I know I can do damage

RMAC Tournament on May 2.

a record of 28-25 overall. During

Going into Saturday’s

Photo obainted from MSU Denver Softball flickr

Darby McGhee winds up a pitch in a softball game against the Regis Unviersity Rangers on April 27 at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver.

Junior centerfielder Megan

The Roadrunners will faceoff

the four-game stint, multiple

doubleheader with the momentum

players stood out with stellar

in their favor, the Roadrunners

on the bases by stealing or

performances at the plate and the

would continue to outduel Regis.

passed balls getting around

MSU Denver looks to capitalize

mound. In the first game of the

McGhee picked up another win

the bases,” Sansburn said of

on its recent success. Having

MSU Denver has a chance to

Riding the four-game sweep,

Roadrunners raking in the hardware Four softball players etched in conference lore with 2019 RMAC awards

Darby McGhee - Pitcher

Jasmine Wessel - Catcher

First team All-RMAC

Second team All-RMAC, Gold Glove The junior ace — who became

The Roadrunners had a gaping

the program’s all-time strikeout leader

hole to fill behind the plate when

on April 27 — lit up the stat sheet

four-year starter Sarena Espinoza

and acted as an anchor for the MSU

graduated in May 2018. Wessel

Denver pitching staff has they tested

threw on the pads, pulled down

the water with freshman Julia Heitz.

the mask and never looked back.

McGhee finished 2019 with a

She caught 11 runners stealing and

12-11 record, a 2.74 ERA and 115

amassed a .995 fielding pecentage.

strikeouts in 151.0 innings of work.

When at the plate, the senior

She now has a record of 37-27 and

had a.304 batting average

a 3.51 ERA through her three seasons.

withfour homeruns, 24 RBIs and a .514 slugging percentage.

Laney Sheppard - Utility Second team All-RMAC

Rebecca Gonzales - Outfielder Second team All-RMAC, Freshman of the Year

Head coach Annie VanWetzinga

Though just a frreshman, Rebecca

recruited Laney and her twin sister JJ

Gonzales had high expectations

because of their power hitting ability

beign a day one starter.

and Laney filled that role to a T. The freshman swiss army knife often swapped between catcher

But not even the wisest oracle could have foreseen the season Gonzales would have.

and third base, but her home on the

The Arvada native had a team-

field was in the batter box. Her .338

leading .364 average and 40 RBIs

batting average was second on the

all from the lead-off spot.

team while her 1.091 OPS and 11 homeruns were the best on the team.

In the words of the great Jon Bois, that’s pretty good.


MAY 1, 2019


MSU Denver Jazz Orchestra Date Location

May 1 King Center Concert Hall



Junior Recital: Madison Falkenstine, soprano Date Location

May 3 King Center Recital Hall

Film on the Rocks

R. L. Stine

May 10


Date Location

Red Rocks Ampitheater


May 1 Boulder Bookstore






$16 - $32




7:30 p.m.


4 p.m.


7 p.m.


6 p.m.

Colorado Wind Ensemble Date Location

May 3 King Center Concert Hall

MSU Denver Festival Choir and Symphony Orchestra Date Location

May 4 King Center Concert Hall

Free Comic Book Day Date Location

May 4 Time Warp Comics

Nicole Byer Date Location

May 3 Comedy Works










7:30 p.m.


7:30 p.m.


10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


7:30 p.m.


Baseball vs. Mines Date Location

May 3 Golden


Softball vs. Mines Date Location

May 2 Grand Junction

Nuggets vs Trail Blazers Date Location

May 1 Denver

Nuggets at Trail Blazers Date Location

May 3 Portland










3/5 p.m.


1 p.m.


7 p.m.


8:30 p.m.

Baseball vs. Mines Date Location

May 4 Golden

Outdoor Track & Field Date Location

May 3 Colorado Springs

Avalanche vs Sharks Date Location

May 2 Denver

Avalanche at Sharks Date Location

May 4 San Jose










12/2 p.m.




8 p.m.


8 p.m.

Hip-Hop Taarka

David Nail


Bad Suns Date

May 2


May 2

May 3

May 3






$11 - 27






7 p.m.


9 p.m.


8:30 p.m.


8 p.m.


Cinco De Loco: Metalachi May 4


May 4




Thunder Mountain Amphitheatre TBA


8:30 p.m.


4 p.m.

Location Grizzly Rose



Grizzly Rose



Vanilla Ice

Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox


The Marias


Marquis Theater

Splurge Date Location

May 5 Cervantes’ Other Side




7:30 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Friday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics and instrumental every week at mymetmedia.com


MAY 01, 2019



“That’s a glove?!?” “I assume your were dropped on your head as an adult.”



The end of any project is a momentous occasion, and now is a time of closure. Savor it, and brace for the future.

Midspring often conjures long forgotten memories for this sign. Its members should strive particularly not to get lost in the past, lest the future passes them by.



With the moon waxing, you should feel lethargic energy suffuse yourself. Keep your schedule light and open enough to ensure time for rest.

The days ahead will see you juggling a few tasks too many. Triage now, or risk dropping something important at the worst possible moment.



The winds blow high and the winds blow low, but they’re always winds of change, so avoid writing anything in stone for the next week while the universe settles a bit.

You’ve been bounding down a single road for a while now, but the month ahead promises to be replete with crossroads, so choose your path wisely.



Aries frequently is at odds with themselves, and especially so this time of year. Beware letting your indecision guide your way through. Now is a decisive moment.

Libra is shown as a set of scales and tends to strive for balance, but this week will be a reminder of how not all things are best in equal measure.



The Bull wants luxury and leisure, and this week is a great time to repair. Find both somewhere before your schedule gets too hectic.

You’ve been particularly assiduous in your duties of late. The coming weeks will see your hard work pay off, so keep at it.



They say two heads are better than one, and that’s true for the Twins right now. Make sure not to let any of those great ideas slip through your fingers.

The stars are a realm of order, but the world for you is in flux. Be watchful for careless decisions while you navigate your current storm.

“I like to cut things.” “You think water is spicy!” “Bringing these Cheetos to my desk was a mistake...”

Top 5 PlayStation 1 games 1. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 2. Metal Gear Solid 3. FF 7 4. Parappa The Rapper 5. Resident Evil 2 Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com




42. Large cross

3. “What’s ___ for me?”


1. Lavin’s sitcom role

43. Atlantic City roller

4. “... but joy ___ in the morning”

34. Hot air source

6. Cotswold sounds

44. Monkeyshine

(Psalm 30)

36. Human soul

10. One with a stable family?

45. Word with heaven

5. Wipe the slate clean?

37. Word with tape or whiskey

14. Kind of system or society

46. Forest foragers

6. Strike a crushing blow

39. Writhes

15. Lot of rows to hoe

47. Indian butter

7. Entr’___ (play break)

40. “Native ___” (Richard Wright

16. Jamaican export

49. “One for all and all for one,”

8. Peninsula near the Red Sea


17. Life


9. Blood component

45. Word with in or down

18. Talented one

51. Takes in current events

10. Werewolf’s signal

46. Faraday creation

19. Oahu souvenirs

58. Combine, as resources

11. S-shaped molding

48. “How I Spent My Summer

20. Faces up to hardship

59. Awkward try

12. Returned to the perch

Vacation,” maybe

23. Mad Hatter’s drink

60. Ear section

13. Fleur-de-___

50. Go over again

24. Teheran VIP

61. Post opposite

21. Mystical cards

51. Chef’s cry

25. A little salt

62. Chlorophyllous plant

22. Dipped out, as punch

52. Letter from Greece

28. Hayworth in “Gilda”

63. Certain acid

25. Home on the Black Sea

53. Heroic chronicle

31. Gave medicine to

64. Settings for idylls

26. Ghostly in appearance

54. Uphill conveyance

35. Venomous Egyptian

65. Wine label info

27. Ready to drop

55. British author Blyton

36. Upscale

66. Hodge follower

29. “Sort of” suffix

56. Designer Vera

37. Adagio, vis-a-vis andante


30. When repeated, a comforting

57. ___ gin fizz

38. Indulges in histrionics

1. Pequod captain


58. Chum

41. Ford and Fonda

2. Jennifer on “WKRP in

32. Nobel or Celsius, e.g.


33. Like “The Twilight Zone”




student organizations

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