Volume 41, Issue 31 - May 8, 2019

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 41  NO. 30


MAY 8, 2019


2019 Mayoral Election The results are in Graphic by Zhen Tang | ztang@msudenver.edu



| pg. 2

In-depth Denver election coverage


| pg. 5

No. More. Dead. Children.


| pg. 7


| pg. 8

The face of Auraria’s loudest

MSU Denver is home to the nation’s

conservative voice

best homerun hitter



MAY 8, 2019

A night of front-runners not victors Denverites only settle two contests


Michael B. Hancock

Jamie Giellis



Timothy M. O’Brien Unopposed

Clerk and Recorder

Stephan “Seku“ Evans

Paul D. López 36%

Lisa Calderón



Peg Perl 32%

Kalyn Rose Heffernan

Penfield Tate



Initiative 300

End of Denver camping ban YES



Photo obainted from AP Photo

Initiative 301

Decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms YES



Photo obainted from NBC News


MAY 8, 2019


Contentious city council races By Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

Council At-Large

Council District 1



Robin Kniech

Deborah Ortega



Council District 10

Council District 9

Council District 8

Council District 11

Amanda Sandoval


Wayne New

Albus Brooks

Christopher Herndon

Stacie Gilmore









Christopher Hinds

Candi CdeBaca



Mike Somma

18% Council District 3

Council District 5

Jamie Torres

37% Mary Beth Susman INCUMBENT


Veronica Barela

39% Council District 2

Council District 7

Council District 6

Council District 4

Amanda Sawyer

41% Kevin Flynn

Jolon Clark

Paul Kashmann

Kendra Black









Sources: denvergov.org, Denverite, Denver Post, Ballot Pedia, candidates’ websites



MAY 8, 2019

Voters indecisive in Denver elections More than half of contest go to runoff By Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu

“We are not done – we are ready to keep telling the story,” Hancock said. “Don’t be disappointed.

Candidates in several city government positions have more work ahead for them over the next month. Six races, including the mayoral

We won tonight. And come June 4, we’re going to win again!” With such a large candidate pool, many politicos believed Hancock would face a runoff, including

contest, are expected to head into

former Gov. John Hickenlooper.

runoff elections on June 4 as of

Hickenlooper was elected as

press time. Polls closed on the May

Denver’s mayor in 2003, the same

7 municipal election day at 7 p.m. A

year that Hancock was elected

surge of late voters bumped turnout

to the city’s 11th District city

above levels in 2015, with about

council seat. The 2020 presidential

33% of ballots returned. Election

candidate had a few words of advice

officials said it’s likely they would

for hopeful third term mayor.

be tallying votes late into the night.

“You know, we all make

About half of all ballots arrived on

mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. You got

Election Day, according to elections

to go past your mistakes and keep

spokesperson Alton Dillard.

trying to improve people’s lives.

As of 10 p.m. incumbent Mayor

That’s what he does,” Hickenlooper said before rushing into the watch

“You know, we all make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. You got to go past your mistakes and keep trying to improve people’s lives.” – Former Gov. John Hickenlooper

party to congratulate his friend. Some of those mistakes the former governor may be alluding to are the sexual harassment

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu Mayor Michael Hancock addresses the result of a runoff election between him and Jamie Giellis during his election night party in Denver on May 7.

allegations and a recent Colorado Public Radio report that stated

can’t always win everybody’s vote

and we did it. I feel proud and

District 4, Chris Herndon in District

Hancock had “deep relationships”

or agreement of what everyone

still completely overwhelmed

8 and Stacie Gilmore in District 11

with three of the city’s biggest

believes,” Cowan said. “But I do

that we’ve come this far in such a

have all received more than 51% of

lobbyists. However, those

know he has a heart for Denver

short period of time,” she said.

the vote. Unopposed candidates

accusations aren’t as important

and that’s what matters for me.”

Michael Hancock had 45,777 votes,

as his policy to many of his

about 39% of the vote. Jamie Giellis

Also in the race were Lisa

Kevin Flynn in District 2, Paul

Giellis was optimistic despite

Calderón with 16% of the vote and

Kashmann in District 6 and Jolon

supporters. Toshia Cowan, a

trailing by 13%. The urban planning

Penfield Tate with 15%. Candidates

Clark in District 7 are safe as well.

was in second place with 30,613

Denverite who voted for the

expert and former president of the

Kalyn Heffernan and Stephan

votes which comes out to 26%

incumbent said that she backed

River North Art District said that

“Seku” Evans received 2% and

on the ballot, 300 and 301, both

of the total. In the mayoral race,

him because she thinks he works

it was clear to her that Denverites

.73% respectively. Calderón had

failed to pass. Early in the night it

one candidate must win 50% of

well with people across the city.

wanted a change in leadership and

not conceded as of 10 p.m.

was clear that Initiative 300 would

the vote plus one. If these results

“Him being a native of Denver,

hold throughout the night, they

he’s understanding the issues of

will face off again in 27 days.

the people. Politics are hard. You

considered the results a success. “We set our sights on what exactly we needed to achieve

The candidates for mayor run

The two city-wide initiatives

suffer a crushing defeat. Jesse

as unaffiliated, and neither the

Parris, an MSU Denver alum who

Democratic Party of Denver nor the

lost his city council at-large race, said that it was very unfortunate the measure was turned down.

“There was a lot of fear mongering that went into that and the opposition.” – Jesse Parris

“There was a lot of fear mongering that went into that and the opposition outspent us three to one. They had the money for commercials, we just had boots on the ground,” Parris said.

Denver GOP had officially endorsed a contender. However, Kristina Cook, chair of the Denver County

the scandals of the Hancock

GOP, said this could change if a

administration will be enough to

runoff was held. Cook said that the

keep him from a third term. The

party would not like to see a third

incumbent seemed to savor the

Hancock term, and could end up

opportunity for a challenge.

supporting his opponent despite a more Democratic platform. “If we get to a point where we

“Here’s the clear choice we get to make in the next 28 days: Keep the city’s progress going,

have to get behind a Democrat,

or rolling backwards,” Hancock

then we will,” she said.

said. “Tackle our challenges

Candidates in five of the city

Jamie Giellis outside of her election night party in Denver on May 7. Geillis recieved 26% of the vote for mayor and will be in the runoff election with Michael Hancock.

As the countdown to June 4 begins, the question is whether

with bold solutions, or unravel

council races will also compete

everything we’ve accomplished

in the contested elections in early

together. Lift everyone up,

June. Of the 11 seats up for grabs,

because we’re all Denver—or

the incumbents Kendra Black in

tear us down and divide us.”

MAY 8, 2019



No more

staff Editor-in-Chief Ali C. M. Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu

On May 7, two students entered the STEM School in Highlands

Managing Editor

Ranch, Colorado and shot nine children, killing one.

Isaac Banks cisaacbanks@gmail.com News Editor

The victims join a list of forgotten victims — 433 people have now been injured in mass shootings since the beginning of 2019 and 135 have been murdered, per the Gun Violence Archive.

Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Features Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu Sports Editor

The day 20 children and six staff members were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School should have been the long-overdue final straw. Almost seven years later, according to the GVA, 2,043 mass shootings — ones that involve at least

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu Photo Assistant Lizzie Stowe lalberts@msudenver.edu Design Managing Editor

four victims in a public space — have slipped through our “vigilant” cracks.

Zhen Tang ztnag@msudenver.edu Copy Editors Paige Pakkebier paige.pakkebier@ucdenver.edu

It’s time to face our problem head on.

Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

No more dead children.

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

No more misguided opposition to red flag laws.

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

No more resistance to universal background checks.

Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing

No more thoughts and prayers.

sale@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

It is our moral obligation.

Derek Brekken dbrekken@msudenver.edu

No more. What we do

Operas are not boring lords and ladies, servants and villains, princes

Despite the efforts to retain the public’s

and princesses, and a number of other mystifying

attention, it’s still rare to see a young audience

characters. Being entertained by a complex

member at an opera who is there by choice. The

story is only the first joy of watching an opera.

only young people who would voluntarily go

When you begin to analyze the music, the

to an opera are music nerds, like myself. I don’t

staging, the set and the costumes, you begin to

believe you have to be a music nerd to appreciate

realize how much work has been put into these

beautiful singing or orchestral music. Operas are

shows for centuries. And you begin to appreciate

powerful because they are emotionally moving,

the level of emotion poured into each harmonic

not just because of the dramatic acting, but

note, and how the tempo moves the show along

because of the details involved in the music.

at a pace not unlike real life. When you’re sad,

Singing opera, unlike singing a number

time seems to stretch into a melancholic hole,

of main stream pop songs, requires years of

like the bow of a cello drawing across the strings.

extra training in breath, tone, music theory and

When you’re happy, time moves at a faster pace,

pronunciation. Even the masters never stop

and the whole orchestra plays behind you.

learning. By going to see an opera live, one not

When opera was young, the music was

only learns about a story, but also a bit about

By Megan Webber

meant to be background noise rather than

how much time it takes to become fluent in


the center of attention. People would go to

opera. For any given show, a singer must learn

opera houses to socialize, and because the

the language the opera is written in, the music

singers would have to try to be heard over

and the rhythms before they can even begin

at our fingertips we could possibly want: movies,

the chatter, librettists wrote the same line

to think about how the acting and blocking.

plays, concerts, amusement parks, art galleries,

into the score three, four or five times.

The poise and grace of an opera singer are

In today’s world, we have all the entertainment

museums, zoos, need I say more? With all

Today, that sounds incredibly boring.

enough to captivate my attention for days.

this in mind, it’s no wonder that people under

Imagine going to a movie and a character says

the age of 50 would rather opt for a shorter,

the same line several times before coming to a

But then there has to be a reason why people

more captivating activity than an opera.

new thought. Although opera houses continue

still watch opera. Maybe to remind us of what

to perform the same shows from the baroque

life was once like. Maybe to be entertained.

time to sit back, relax and watch a story unfold. At

period, they are finding new ways to captivate

Or because, as “boring” as a long opera may

the very most, watching an opera is like watching

an audience. Sometimes new characters

seem, there has never been any music as

Mozart himself create a whole world of castles,

will be added or lines will be taken out.

great as music from the baroque period.

At the very least, watching an opera gives you

It’s a wonder that opera exists at all anymore.

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to awatkin9@msudenver.edu. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com

Begin Your Future Now

Hiring a Features Editor Immediately Requirements Get paid to tell rich stories, • MSU Denver student with minimum 2.0 GPA engaging reviews and be a voice • Enrolled in minimum six hours Design, Tech Comm, for the voiceless while receiving • Communication Journalism or related majors preferred • Has the ability to work remotely over the priceless experience. weekend Contact: For further information, please email James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu. Bring résumés to Tivoli 313.

• Has ability to edit in AP style • Junior or senior status preferred with experience in management • Available Tuesdays • InDesign knowledge is a plus


MAY 8, 2019



Turning Point USA sticks out on campus Life at a liberal university through the eyes of a conservative activist

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Williams is the president of

have Austin Fletcher, known for his

CU Denver’s Turning Point USA

man-on-the-street YouTube channel

chapter, a nonprofit and nonpartisan

“Fleccas Talks,” but Williams was

organization known for the

able to nab three more guests —

blonde junior in CU Denver’s

conservative rhetoric of founder

Rogan O’Handley of the Instagram

political science department. She

Charlie Kirk. Williams’ chapter is

account “D.C. Draino,” Elijah

played golf in high school, but

one of seven on college campuses

Schaffer of the YouTube channel

couldn’t keep up with the physical

in Colorado, and her goal is to rival

“Slightly Offens*ve,” and Grant

demands. She still plays in her

what she considers to be the state’s

Godwin of the Facebook page and

free time when she’s not interning

best — Colorado State University.

Twitter account “Typical Liberal”

Williams’ hope is to parlay

— who were in town for Turning

Laci Williams is a thin-framed,

for U.S. Rep. Rod Bockenfeld, racing cars or stuck in a boxing

a degree and her time with

match against her finals.

Turning Point into a job at the

There’s something that’s making

Point’s regional conference. The first three rows, about

organization’s headquarters in

10 chairs each, are nearly

her stick out like a sore thumb in

Arizona. Down the road, public

filled with students peppering

a study area in the North Building

office is a possibility. But working

the back two. Chatter fills the

on Auraria Campus. Her hair isn’t

for the public sector? She strikes

room while a handful eat from

a crazy style and her distinct and

that down as bluntly as she can.

the traveling bread line.

warm voice won’t draw the ire of students intensely studying. It’s the folding table standing right on the edge of the

“I don’t trust the government.

“Here’s some bread because

I’m a conservative, so why would

we assume everyone’s poor,”

I want to work for them?”

the student passing out the

Like the pre-med student looking

bread says with a smirk.

walkway with signs that read,

to make the next big breakthrough

“Big Government Sucks!” and

in medicine or the business major

and Williams kicks off the event,

“Socialism sucks!” on them.

looking to innovate the free market,

which evolves into a pep-rally

Williams wants to make an impact

panel. The four panelists discuss

she’s just another college student,

in her field of study. Her means

a number of conservative talking

only her political views are more

just happens to be unpopular.

points: the deep state — which,

It’s just another Tuesday and

pronounced than those of her peers and she does little to hide

according to Schaffer, does in fact ***

them, as evidenced by her black T-shirt that reads, “Turning Point USA” in jagged white lettering. “I’ve always been a very independent person,” she says over the midday student influx at

Finally, the system is working

exist — their hate for socialism and love for President Trump. The

You can feel Laci Williams’ stress from the front of the five rows of plastic chairs in St. Cajetan’s on Auraria Campus. She’s wearing a clean-lined

underlying theme is less adversarial Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

— give conservatives a voice. The night is a rousing success. Students donning MAGA hats

Laci Williams, president of CU Denver Turning Point USA chapter for Turning Point USA, on campus recruiting students on April 23.

swarm the influencers afterward

the nearby cafe. “I don’t know if

scarlet dress while trying to get

asking for autographs and

student at the panel and so many

stays with Williams, and it’s time

that ties into being a conservative

the sound system in the church

photos, and discussing the

others as she claims, compromised

to get back into the routine.

and being an individual, but I just

working for a panel on April 6.

political landscape of Colorado.

on displaying her beliefs.

need to do things on my own

She was able to book not one,

time. I love Poli-Sci at CU Denver,

but four conservative social

achieved what she had hoped

way through my paper and it

but we’re learning the same thing

media influencers to speak

for — a shred of evidence that

should never have to be that way.

over and over again. I’m bored.

for a panel hosted by Turning

her group is making an impact.

I wrote it that, you know, as a

It’s Marxist, Marxist, Marxist.

Point USA - CU Denver.

I’m not challenged anymore.”

Initially, the plan was to just

For Williams, she has

“Basically the goal of today was

woman I’m oppressed, you know,

*** Sporting a sleek denim jacket and jeans, Laci Williams is ready to go. Buttons with “Big Government

to draw a crowd over 25 people.

and everybody in this country is

Sucks” on them? Check. Posters

Our past events, they were a bit

oppressed unless you’re a white,

denouncing socialism through Che

rough,” she said. “We’re having

straight male,” Williams said. “And

Guevara and North Korea? Check. A

all these conversations right now

I just read it that way ‘cause I was

sign-up sheet? Check — only after

kind of after the event and we’re

tired of speaking my piece.”

frantically running into the Auraria

an hour over what we’re supposed

She continued saying that

Library to make one, of course.

to be right now. That was the

the department chair, Tony

She’s gotta get some butts in seats

goal, to start these conversations

Robinson, has done an excellent

for her Turning Point USA meetings.

and look at how many of them

job making her feel welcome

are happening right now.”

but the friction is still there.

Students open up about

Schaffer echoed his hostess’

It’s a weekly tradition for Williams to set up her organization’s table somewhere on campus.

how they have felt silenced in

sentiments, elaborating that he

It’s always somewhere, every

their class essays. One student

thinks the right is vilified by the

Tuesday from noon-2 p.m. If you

said his conservative views

left despite having similar habits.

still think you haven’t seen them,

resulted in him getting a “D” on a paper instead of an “A.” Williams wasn’t surprised by

“We drink, we gamble

you’ve probably seen a student

sometimes ‘cause we’re just normal

arguing with them about their

guys and girls. We like sex, but we

unabashedly right-wing views.

that, making the anecdote less

still have values. We have limits to

of a revelation and more of a

that sexual expression. But we also

inside, the group feels safer.

terribly-kept secret. She told a story

have respect for people who break

Williams theorizes that it’s because

about how she was one of two

that,” Schaffer said, sitting on the

students are more aware of who

conservatives in a poli-sci class.

edge of the stage, dangling his legs.

might be watching. Outside,

Her clashes with liberal

Conservative social media influencers Elijah Schaffer, Rogan O’Handley, Grant Godwin and Austin Fletcher talk about conservativism on Instagram and YouTube to students in St. Cajetan’s on April 6.

“I basically lied the whole

The night gave a pocket-full

students were to be expected,

of conservatives a chance to

but Williams and her professor

meet internet celebrities in a

butted heads often. It led to the

setting where they normally feel

point where Williams, like the

isolated and outcast. The high

Whenever they’re set up

however, it’s open season. Story continued on pg. 8.



MAY 8, 2019

Continued from pg. 7 But Williams and fellow Turning

Williams echoes Capps. A

Point member and MSU Denver

liberal student arguing with her

ideas in a more civilized manner,

her routine of getting homework

the Denver chapter of Young

student Jacob Capps shrug

is no different than breakfast

but I never get that chance,”

done and preparing for exams.

Democratic Socialists of America,

it off. This isn’t the first time

in the morning. When talking

Williams said. “‘Hey, that, you

She appears to be like any other

is just the latest person itching

Smith has stopped by and these

about it, though, she sounds

know, you make some good points.

college student, only she has a

to argue with the group. What

confrontations happen, by their

defeated. Her tone drops from

Yep. This is where I’m coming

larger elephant in the room.

starts as arguing whether the

estimation, every other week.

perky to a funeral dirge.

from.’ And I never quite get to that

Brett Smith, a member of

group’s labeling of North Korea

“I’m used to it now. It’s kind of

Williams doesn’t want to

“You know, we could talk about

point because they either storm

rest of the day. Williams returns to

Youth Democratic

as a communist country is

sad,” Capps said. “I used to get

be a puppet master dictating

off or we have to have security

Socialists of America was

accurate, devolves into shouting.

it in high school all the time. I get

every thought and movement.

because it becomes a problem.”

unavailable to comment at

Heads turn and earbuds are

the same things, it depends on the

She says that her motives

time, depends on the people.”

are less malicious.

pulled out by students passing by.

At the end of their two-hour

the time of publication.

shift, they pack up and take on the

Politicians speerhead change in government

Visiting authors inspire women of color By Jeff Ritchie

with her when she landed. Being

while Hillary Clinton fell short of


from Louisiana, cold weather

delegates to become the first female

is not something she favors.

nominee of a major Democratic

On May 2, the authors of “For

The women appeared more

party, it was a historic convention

Colored Girls Who Have Considered

like old friends than four of the

and I’m proud to sit next to the

Politics” held a panel discussion

most powerful women in politics.

person who coordinated that

The moniker “The Colored

convention, Leah Daughtry.”

at St. Cajetan’s to promote and sign their book. The book tells the

Girls” came about from an

story of “The Colored Girls,” four

incident in which the four women

pastor of The House of the Lord

of the most prominent African-

were asked to move their office

Church in Washington, D.C. She

American women in U.S. politics.

to another floor. They defiantly

was the CEO of the Democratic

commandeered a conference

National Convention in 2008 and

described as “The Avengers of

room and placed a sign on the

spent 18 months in Denver. She

Democratic National Politics,”

door stating, “COLORED GIRLS…

had a message to the students on

reassembling every election cycle.


campus interested in politics.

The women have been

“The Colored Girls” met on the

The significance of the interview

Reverend Daughtry is currently

“You don’t have to do

1988 Jesse Jackson campaign

location was not lost on these four

everything. You’re not changing the

and have been involved in every

women who have played major roles

world by yourself, so pick the issue

presidential election since.

in Democratic politics over the last

or candidate, or the campaign that

30 years. The Democratic National

you care about and give the time

Donna Brazile, Yolanda Caraway,

Convention held at the Pepsi Center

that you have. It doesn’t have to be

Leah Daughtry and Minyon Moore

helped elect Barack Obama in 2008.

40 hours a week, it can be an hour

Before the signing, authors

sat for an interview in the Golda Meir house on Auraria Campus. Brazile is the most well-known and outspoken member of the group. Although sharp and direct,

Brazile is a political analyst and former campaign manager.

organizations, having a consistent

She currently works as a

volunteer for an hour a week that

contributor on Fox News.

you know is coming is gold.”

“In 2008 we made history in

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | kylons9@msudenver.edu

a week.” She continued, “For most

“For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Politics” was written by Donna Brazile, Yolanda Caraway, Leah Daughtry and Minyon Moore giving insight into their experiences in politics. The book was released in Oct. 2018.

Caraway originally wanted

she comes across as approachable.

this great city,” Brazile said. “We

to be a doctor. At the age of 14,

Brazile joked that she brought

elected for the first time, the first

she volunteered at a hospital but

She volunteered to help elect Harold

the chilly weather from Chicago

African-American president and

gave up the dream when she saw

Washington as the first African-

signing were hosted by MSU Denver

someone covered in blood.Caraway

American mayor of Chicago. She

President Janine Davidson. She

was called to public service during

brought some friends with her and

asked the authors what originally

the Bobby Kennedy campaign. She

asked where the youth outreach

inspired them to become active.

would go on to serve as the chief

office was. She was pointed to an

of staff for the National Rainbow

empty table and told that she was

grandmother’s response to the

Coalition. Caraway said she feels

now the youth outreach office.

death of Martin Luther King Jr. that

the book offers a broader appeal. “It’s not just about politics

Moore would go on to serve

can empower other people.” The panel discussion and book

Brazile stated that it was her

changed her. Her grandmother

as the CEO of the Democratic

encouraged her family to pray

because politics is everything in our

National Committee in 2000.

for King, his family and also the

everyday lives,” she said. “We are

She offered advice to those

people responsible for his death.

dealing with some kind of politics,

who are apprehensive to

but I think there are a lot of life

get involved in politics.

lessons to help you with whatever

“You know, I think we need to

Davidson acknowledged that each of these women had a moment in their life in which they were called

you want to do and it’s a good

demystify the process of getting

to serve. She acknowledged that

starting point for someone who

involved in politics, because

change could be inspired in others.

wants to get into public service.”

sometimes it’s just walking down

The book was awarded the

Donna Brazile, right, speaks alongside coauthors Minyon Moore, Leah Daughtry, and Yolanda Caraway about the message of their book “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Politics” in St. Cajetans on Auraria Campus on May 2.

Moore is originally from Chicago.

Davidson said, “Somebody

to your local community office,

in the audience 10, 20, 30, maybe

2019 NAACP Image Award for

and say it’s an organization that’s

50 years from now is going to

Outstanding Literary Work, Non-

working on a good issue and

get asked that question about

Fiction. The title of the book is based

you have two to three hours to

when was that moment, and this

on the theatrical production “For

volunteer. Or it’s working for your

might be it. Pretty awesome.”

Colored Girls Who Have Considered

mayor.” She continued, “It’s just

Suicide/When the Rainbow is

doing the things that you know

Enuf” by Ntozake Shange.

that can empower yourself and

an 5”


MAY 8, 2019


A cap, a gown and a foot in the door By Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

“It’s always really interesting,”

the series. He said he plans to

he said. “Personally, some of my

add to it. “If I can get like a two-

favorites this semester has been

week deadline, I think that’s

the fact that a lot of the students

maybe really ambitious, but if I

around again when seniors are

have actually been going kind

can get like one done every two

buying their caps and gowns and

off the walls and doing a lot of

weeks, and then when I get to

inviting family members to watch

experiential-based stuff.”

50, I’ll start something new.”

The time of year has come

them cross the stage to receive a

Some of the showcases

college degree. For the graduates

are self-reflective, like Brigitte

life takes him after graduation, he

of the fine arts program, they will

Thompson’s nine-painting series,

plans to keep working on his art.

be getting a little more than a

“Father Can You Hear Me?” The

He said he’s considering graduate

diploma on graduation day: the

centerpiece of the series is a self-

school as a way to understand

satisfaction of knowing that their

portrait which hangs on the wall

his work style a little more before

artwork has been on display in a

between two portraits of Biblical

earning a master’s degree.

gallery for all of Denver to see.

heroes. According to Thompson’s

The Center for Visual Arts

Hill said that regardless of where

hosted the bi-annual BFA Thesis

explore the relationship between

Exhibition in two parts to allow all

Christianity, black empowerment,

20 students to display their work.

oppression and the patriarchy. She

The first lasted from April 5 - 9. The

intentionally placed her self-portrait

second opened on April 26 and will

in the center to represent how

close on Friday with a reception.

exterior forces have shaped her.

The work on display ranges

Thompson said she is also

artist statement, her paintings

It also depicts the social

considering going to grad school within the next year or so, and Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Brigitte Thompson with her BFA thesis piece, “Father Can You Hear Me?” at the Center for Visual Art in Denver on May 7.

she hopes to move to Chicago and continue making art there. Like Hill, she also sees her series as incomplete. One of the pieces

they could find themselves within

faces are twisted, sometimes

was finished only a week before

my work, but also be able to maybe

with things crawling out of them.

the show opened, and she is

understand people like me better.”

A technique he uses is stippling.

currently working on a piece that

One drawing is only of a person’s

depicts her idea of Jesus Christ.

from paintings to audiovisual

hierarchy of Western society,

design, along with everything in

starting with white men at the

between. Wyatt Scott, an MSU

top and ending with women of

interpretive. Bobby Hill’s series,

eye, and upon closer inspection,

Denver graphic design student and

color at the bottom, Thompson

“Laughing Gibbosity,” is made

it’s apparent that an extremely

the stage seven days after the

curator at the CVA, said not only is

said, almost like a food chain.

up of several black-and-white

fine pen was used to create tiny

BFA Thesis Exhibition closes.

portraits drawn with only black

dots meant to look like a shadow

When they are ready to enter

underneath the person’s eye.

the job market, their portfolios

this semester’s show larger than

“I didn’t just make this show for

Other exhibits are more

last semester’s, it’s also one of

me, and I also didn’t just make it for

ink. The portraits are unlike what

the most diverse showcases to be

people like me,” Thompson said. “I

normally would be on display

“This is a culmination of

shown at the BFA Thesis Exhibition.

made this show for everybody so

at an art museum, though. The

two years of work,” Hill said of

Hill and Thompson will cross

will show that they have already made a name for themselves.








THE SCREENING TAKES PLACE ON 5/14 AT 7PM @ UA CONTINENTAL This film is rated R. Running time is 131 min. Passes admit two. The Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a pass. Supplies are limited. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prizes assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Lionsgate, BIC, Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prizes. Prizes cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS.



A DOG’S JOURNEY has been rated PG (Parental Guidance Suggested – Some Material May Not Be Suitable for Children) for thematic content, some peril and rude humor. Late and/or duplicate entries will not be considered. Winners will be drawn at random and contacted with information on how to receive their prize. Sponsors and their dependents are not eligible to receive a prize. Supplies are limited. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee a seat at the theater. Seating is on a firstcome, first-served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of prize assumes any and all risks related to use of prize, and accepts any restrictions required by prize provider. Universal Pictures, Allied Global Marketing, The Metropolitan and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of prize. Prize cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. Not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her prize in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal, state and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NO PHONE CALLS!


www.adogsjourneymovie.com |

@a_dogs_journey | #ADogsJourney




MAY 8, 2019

Chasing the dream and leading the team With MLB aspirations, Matt Malkin is Division II’s best slugger and the RMAC’s top player

By James Burky

where he spent his junior and


senior seasons on the varsity

Malkin attended NAIA school

team with current MSU Denver

Oklahoma City University before

teammate Logan Soole.

transferring to MSU Denver this

Matt Malkin can change the course of a game in an instant. In one pivotal moment,

There, Malkin had a .378

Once he left Tuscaloosa,

spring and is an aviation major

average across two seasons,

like his father, John. He’s one of

he identifies the pitch, makes

but just 12 extra-base hits and

21 players wearing a Roadrunner

thunderous contact and follows

two home runs. He parlayed

uniform for the first time.

through on a fluid swing, sending

his potential to junior college

the ball to a destination that

at Paradise Valley Community

alters his team’s destiny.

College in Arizona, hitting 18

The 6-foot-3 catcher and designated hitter is having the

home runs in two seasons. That’s when he caught

Of those 21, however, Malkin caught Strain’s eye early. “I think one of the biggest things was we were scrimmaging one day and we’re short on

best season of any player in MSU

the eye of recruiters from the

outfielders. He hopped on the

Denver baseball history. Since

University of Alabama. Yes, that

outfield in the middle of the

2010, Jordan Stouffer had held

Alabama. He spent his junior

scrimmage, there are not a lot

the mark for most home runs in

year as the catcher and DH

of guys that come from the SEC

a season — Malkin had 18 before

for a rebuilding Crimson Tide

and are just going to hop in first

the halfway point of 2019, and now

squad, hitting .263 in 26 starts,

couple of days just to help the

leads Division II with 24. His .428

but he had just four homers.

team,” Strain recalled. “He went

batting average ranks 12th in the

“A lot of people go to that

out there because we needed a

nation, and his 67 RBIs are fourth.

school, you know, a lot of people

guy, you know? And I think that

“I figured that he would, you

start knowing who you are and

shows to who he is and why he’s

know, be a good offensive player

you get, can’t let it go to your

going to get things going on here

for us,” said head coach Ryan

head, that’s for sure. I went in

and have so much success.”

Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver catcher Matt Malkin chases down a wild pitch in a game against Colorado School of Mines on May 3 in Golden, Colorado. *** Malkin was the headlining act

Colorado, things went south. The Roadrunners have lost

Strain. “A chance to win the triple

there with the mentality that this

That success, according to

for 2019. He ended up finishing in

each of their last eight games —

crown? I didn’t necessarily see

is just another stepping stone

Malkin, includes being the latest

the top two in the Rocky Mountain

all against Mesa and Mines. They

that. But you know, once he got

for me,” Malkin said, straddling

of his lineage to be drafted

Athletic Conference in batting

fell out of the top 25 national

it rolling, you could see it.”

the bleacher toward the front

by an MLB team. His father

average, home runs and RBIs. On

rankings and are in danger of

Malkin’s path to MSU Denver

of the Roadrunners’ dugout

emerged from the Bronx in the

May 7, the Banger from Broomfield

missing the NCAA tournament

began in the metro area and led

before practice on May 2. “I

seventies as a catcher and first

was named the conference’s

just weeks after sitting firmly at

him to Arizona, then one of the top

definitely knew I deserved to be

baseman. He was drafted by the

co-player of the year and to

seventh in their region. In this

Division I schools in the country.

there, you know, just because

Los Angeles Dodgers in 1978

the first all-conference team.

0-8 stretch, a team defined by

From there, he landed at a no-

of going from JuCo. You’re like,

and played in the minor leagues

name NAIA program, then finally

you’re working your butt in

up to 1985, reaching AAA.

made his way back to the Mile High

JuCo get to places like that.”

City. Denver is merely his latest stop on his road to the majors. “The goal’s always been to play on TV 162 games a year,” he said ***

“It seemed like every time he was up to bat was a home

offense has seen very little. The Roadrunners were shut

His cousin, Kevin Russo,

run,” said teammate Aaron

out twice against Mines and are

spent a single season with the

Germani. “He’s a dude. He’s

averaging just five runs a game.

to himself, because the school

New York Yankees backing

just such a great guy.”

Malkin didn’t fare much better.

wanted to divvy up his scholarship

up Alex Rodriguez.

Malkin was released, according

money between two freshman.

The pros run in his blood,

Though he has lofty goals

The best player in the RMAC hit

and the pressure of making noise

just .241 during the final stretch. “I think right now the point

“I really realized this, this

but Malkin is focused on the

in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

game is business, especially

present, and what lies ahead

Conference Tournament, Malkin’s

where we’re at, we just gotta

baseball career at Monarch High

when you move up the

is returning the Roadrunners

quiet confidence bleeds into his

get back to remembering how

School in Louisville, Colorado

levels like that,” he said.

to their winning ways.

mindset. Baseball is his love,

we were doing when that was

sure, but it’s also his medium

going good,” Malkin said.

Matt Malkin began his

for expression. Like a ballet

Saban once said to “watch where

is a triumphant lunge, every run

your feet are,” and it’s a motto

is another perfect landing.

Malkin takes to heart. He was

“When the pitcher is getting

mum when asked if he’s received

ready, there’s like that quiet,

any looks from scouts because

subtle dance within the entire

the focus is on the team.

stands,” Malkin said. “If you go

Malkin’s chapter at MSU

to a Rockies game right when the

Denver is in its waning pages,

pitcher lifts his leg up, everyone

sure, but this feels like it’s merely

shifts towards the ball and the

the ending of his prologue.

catcher’s moving, the outfielders

“I hit 25 home runs, I want to

are moving. It’s like a quiet dance

hit 30. I hit 30, I want 35. I think

between both teams and then

that applies to life too. When

there’s that knockout punch.”

you start to get content, that’s

Malkin’s senior season ballet isn’t over, but it’s close. By mid-April, the Roadrunners

MSU Denver batter Matt Malkin follows a foul ball that sails over his head from the on deck circle in a game against Colorado School of Mines on May 3 in Golden, Colorado.

Alabama football coach Nick

dancer, every swing of his bat

when I think you need to start looking at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘Well, this is what I really

sat at 27-14 overall and were

need to do to be successful?’

breathing down the necks of

Not just successful, but be a

RMAC leaders Colorado School

man,” he said. “My dad always

of Mines and Colorado Mesa

told me, ‘I’m not raising a man

University. They were 6-8 in the

here,’ and I take that to heart

month, sure, but they averaged

sometimes. So I guess I correlate

seven runs a game in that stretch.

that with on the field and I can’t

Then, after a 15-2 barrage

be content with where I’m at.”

on DI University of Northern


MAY 8, 2019


Kim sparks tourney run for softball Senior hit .473 from the plate as Roadrunners finish third in RMAC

By Aaron Jones

Mines after such a tough loss in


the opening round,” said head


coach Annie VanWetzinga The The MSU Denver softball

team was excited to get a chance

team’s season came to an end on

to play them again. We were

May 4 in Grand Junction, Colorado

confident going into the game.”

but they went down swinging. The Roadrunners had an

the Roadrunners would lose their second game to Dixie State

in the Rocky Mountain Athletic

University 9-5, eliminating them

Conference tournament. Senior

from the RMAC tournament. “I told the team how proud of

led the Cinderella Roadrunners,

them I was,” VanWetzinga said. “It

going 9-of-19 from the plate

was an up and down season with

in the tournament 6 RBIs.

a lot of tough growing moments

The same night of their first

You lying Pat!

but the team always came back

loss the Roadrunners would get

and went to work. They never

back on track with a convincing

gave in and stayed together.”

5-0 win over CSU Pueblo. With

After winning the Kentucky Derby by disqualification, Country house will miss the Preakness Stakes in Baltimore, effectively ending any chance at winning the Triple Crown. The Associated Press reported that the horse was coughing and found to have a virus after blood work.

After surviving the first game

electrifying run at the 11th hour

second baseman Ashlee Kim

Why the long face?

Photo by Jamie Hurst | Obtained from MSU Denver Softball flickr

Dixie State University would

MSU Denver softball second baseman Ashlee Kim fields a ground ball in her team’s conference tournament game against Colorado School of Mines on May 2 in Grand Junction, Colorado.

solid pitching from star pitcher

go on to win the RMAC title on

Darby McGhee the Roadrunners

May 4, earning them a bid to

would advance to play Colorado

the NCAA tournament. They

Christian the next day.

would win a two-game set with

as the Roadrunners displayed

said. “It’s the intangibles that

the number one seed Colorado

young talent and leadership

you can’t necessarily teach that

would be a rollercoaster for

Mesa University, who would

near the end of the season.

I’m excited for in this group.

MSU Denver as they would beat

also end up getting a spot in

Colorado School of Mines 10-4,

the national tournament.

The final day of the tournament

who beat them in the first round. “It was a really good feeling to be able to come back and beat

“I believe we have talent, that

The Roadrunners look to

They showed resiliency and

I’m confident in but what’s even

competitiveness. Those two things

more exciting is the character and

will win you a lot of games.”

improve in the off season and

leadership some of our young

excitement looms for next season

players displayed,” VanWetzinga

Rockies look to bats to help absent arms Former first-round pick Tyler

By Isaac Bugarin ibugari1@msudenver.edu

Anderson was sent down to AAA as the Rockies searched for a legit

The first week of May is barely

fifth starter in the rotation. Yency

coming to a close. In baseball, a

Almonte, who was recalled to take

club can’t win the division in May,

Anderson’s spot on the 25 man

but they can definitely lose it.

roster, is not a long term solution

The bright red panic button

to be the fifth starter as he’s

has been staring at the Rockies

primarily a bullpen arm. Another

all season long. Do you freak out

candidate is Jeff Hoffman, who has

when your best addition isn’t hitting

struggled in Albuquerque all season

above the Mendoza line? When your

and received a loss in his lone

ace of the rotation is 2-5 with an

major league start in 2019. Chad

ERA of almost 6.00? Or is it when

Bettis could be brought out of the

the highest Rockies’ payroll ever is

bullpen, but he has struggled just

sitting a game out of last place?

as much, if not more, as Anderson.

All of these have happened and

The most intriguing option is Photo by Nam Y. Huh | Obtained from Associated Press

the Rockies are yet to make any dramatic changes. It is no longer a small sample size of early-season struggles. This has become a glaring

Colorado Rockies starting pitcher Kyle Freeland throws against the Chicago Cubs during the first inning of the National League wild-card playoff baseball game on Oct. 2, 2018 in Chicago.

trend that the Rockies are struggling. But what solutions are there?

and right-hander Peter Lambert. Lambert was a second-round pick in 2015 that features a fastball that can top out at 96 mph combined

a slow start, Rodgers is now

with a sharp late-breaking curveball.

Freeland told reporters, “This is a

hitting .439/.484/.807. He is a

Lambert also creates some swings

Kyle Freeland has undoubtedly

game of adjustments. If you can’t

legitimate impact player that could

and misses as he’s posted 23

struggled this year. Through his

make the adjustments, someone is

help the Blake Street Bombers

strikeouts through 28.2 innings.

first seven starts, Freeland’s fastball

going to come and fill your spot so

right the ship offensively.

location and command has been

I have to figure some things out.”

spotty at best. The southpaw is

There may be some new faces

The only problem is finding a

NFL dishes out settlement The NFL concussion fund has paid out $485 million dollars but some players’ lawyers say there are not enough doctors in the approved network to evaluate claims. The lawyers went to court Tuesday to protest a rule that retired players must be tested by doctors within 150 miles of home to avoid doctor shopping and suspected fraud. Retired players can seek up to $3 million although most will get less based on their age and years in the league.

number three overall prospect

him give up eight runs in six innings,

The homegrown Denver native

Robert Kraft’s two defense attorneys, Alex Spiro and William Burck, lied during the Patriots owner misdemeanor solicitation of prostitution case. Spiro accused Jupiter police officer Scott Kimbark of making up a reason for pulling over a customer the Orchids of Asia Day Spa before Kraft in January. The Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office filed a motion asking Judge Leonard Hanser to hold Spiro and Burck in contempt for presentation “false and misleading accusations directly affecting the credibility” of Kimbark. Burck told The Associated Press that he and Spiro will not be intimidated and that the state is trying to deflect attention away from the illegal actions of Kimbark.

The panic button is within reach as this team that has made back-

spot for him in a loaded infield.

to-back postseason appearances

throwing just 45.6% of his pitches

at 20th and Blake coming real

Nolan Arenado has third base

currently sits in fourth place in the

for strikes with the league average

soon. The Rockies top prospect

locked up and Trevor Story is

National League West. The Colorado

at 48.9%. Freeland won’t lose

according to MLB Pipeline Brendan

competing for a Gold Glove and

Rockies have six games remaining

his spot in the rotation, given

Rodgers has been tearing up AAA.

Silver Slugger. The only option

on their current homestand against

his stellar 2018 campaign. Just

In Rodgers’ first 14 games with

is to put Rodgers at second base,

the San Francisco Giants and San

a year ago, he placed fourth in

the Albuquerque Isotopes in 2019,

but that means benching the red

Diego Padres before taking on

National League Cy Young voting.

he posted a .245 batting average,

hot Ryan McMahon and letting

the defending champion Boston

After his most recent outing

.339 OPS and a .396 slugging

former number three prospect,

Red Sox in a two-game series.

against the Diamondbacks that saw

percentage. After overcoming

Garrett Hampson, ride the pine.

Those are some fine Nugs, man The Denver Nuggets dominated the Portland Trail Blazers by a score of 124-98 on May 7 to take a 3-2 advantage in their semi-finals series. Six players scored double digit points, led by Nikola Jokic and Paul Millsap who had 25 and 24 points, respectively. Jokic continued is dominant ways by recording a double double, rounding out his points with 19 rebounds. The Nuggets and Trail Blazers will head back to Oregon for game six on May 9 with tip-off at 8:30 p.m. Should the Nuggets win, it will mark the franchise’s first conference final appearance in a decade.



MAY 8, 2019

The NFL’s 10 best teams after the draft Burky: Goff will shine, Baker cooks up hype

Pieper: Chargers primed for deep run

By James Burky

By Brady Pieper




Patriots - As long as Bill Belichick’s name is under “Head Coach” on the roster list, the Patriots are good for, at least, 10 wins. On paper and in a different city they look like a 9-7 squad. But this is fine, Foxborough stationary, and they’re coming off the


Patriots - Tom Brady is still the quarterback and Bill Belichick is still the coach. The team maintains one of the best schemes and best offenses in the NFL. N’Keal Harry adds a dynamic threat on offense and their draft filled a lot of holes.

best defensive performance in Super Bowl history.


Rams - The best team in LA. Jared Goff should continue to grow as he gets comfortable with an excellent core of receivers, the best RB depth chart in the NFC and — of course — Aaron Donald. The biggest question is the secondary — Aqib Talib and Eric Weddle



receiver the Saints have had since Joe Horn. The offense makes the headlines, but the defense is an unheralded group of hungry playmakers. Drew Brees’ play cooled after a hot start which raises

Saints to be hailed as my NFC Super Bowl favorite. Drafting Jared Cook adds an athletic offensive threat. The ageless wonder Drew Brees looks to continue his dominance of the NFC in 2019.

are aging and Marcus Peters needs to show his worth. Saints - Michael Thomas is the most gifted

Saints - A myriad of offensive talent and the mastery of the west coast offense allows the


Chargers - The best team in LA. Jerry Tillery in the first round adds a good run stopper to defense gashed by the run this past year. A hopefully healthy Joey Bosa looks to scare opposing quarterbacks. Finally, Philip Rivers puts them over the other team in LA.

questions about how long he has left. It’s now or never.


Chiefs - No Kareem Hunt, no Tyreek Hill, no problem. Quarterback play always held back the Chiefs when Andy Reid took over and now they have the best QB in the NFL. All they need at the skill positions are warm bodies. Receivers Mecole Hardman and Sammy Watkins



dark horse MVP candidate. Eric Ebron, T.Y. Hilton and Devin Funchess round out the best trio of targets in his career. Behind maybe the best offensive line in their division, he’ll have all day to tear up the defense. Their

teams in the NFL. McVay is still one of the most creative play callers in the NFL and that will carry them far. Todd Gurley hopes to come back rested and healthy, ready to tear up defense everywhere.

will become a great duo and Travis Kelce will shine. Colts - Andrew Luck is a top-five quarterback and

Rams - Jared Goff limits this talented team from being higher. But they are still one of the most talented


Colts - Andrew Luck is an MVP candidate if he has protection. A developing second year Quenton Nelson is a beast that anchors the offensive line. Adding a good corner in Rock Ya-Sin in the draft and focusing on defense this offseason makes the Colts a top-five team.

defense is equally dangerous without the big names.


Chargers - On defense, Joey Bosa, Melvin Ingram and Desmond King are legitimate All-Pro contenders. On offense, Keenan Allen is continuing to shine and Phillip Rivers is coming off one of the best seasons of his career. His legendary tenure has led to this point.


Chiefs - Patrick Mahomes is the reigning MVP and his talent at the quarterback position alone makes this team dangerous. The Tyreek Hill situation makes this team hard to rank. If he plays, the Chiefs are top five. If he doesn’t play the Chiefs are a little less dangerous.

At 37, this might be his last chance to win it all.


Bears - Down the stretch in 2018, it’s the offense that crippled the Bears. They responded by reloading their scoring cannon. Riley Ridley is a tantalizing rookie and should he make an impact, the Bears would instantly become great. Anthony Miller, Allen Robinson, Trey



in the NFL, but the Cowboys have the clearest talent on offense. Dak Prescott may not be the most gifted passer, but his shortcomings are hidden when he shares the field with Ezekiel Elliott, Amari Cooper and Michael Gallup. Their defense could be the most volatile in the division.

9 10

Browns - No, I’m not on anything. For the first time in 25 years, the Browns have the talent to meet high expectations. Baker Mayfield is the next great gunslinger and he has what might be the deepest receiving corps

offseason. What holds the Browns back? Head coach. Freddie Kitchens is still unproven and is trying to balance a large group of new players and big egos. It doesn’t bode well for the high expectations put on the team.

Burton and Ridley catching passes? Yes, please. Cowboys - The NFC East is the murkiest conference

Browns - Odell Beckham, Olivier Vernon and Greedy Williams headline the talented additions made this

8 9

Bears - The Bears added two receivers and defensive backs in the offseason, thus giving an already dangerous team more weapons. The former first round pick, Mitchell Trubisky is due for a breakout season after having a decent second season leading his career in yards, completion percentage and touchdowns. Eagles - The Eagles live and die by Carson Wentz now. Two years ago, Wentz was an MVP candidate before getting hurt and the talent level around him hasn’t changed too much. Drafting a

in the NFL. The defense has been boosted by solid

tackle in the first round shows the organization’s

free agent signings. The Browns are no longer sad.

trust in the 26-year-old signal caller.

Falcons - The Falcons have experienced a massive fall from grace after their historic collapse in Super Bowl 51. Matt Ryan isn’t done, though. Calvin Ridley and Julio Jones are a pair of Pro Bowl receivers, Devonte Freeman is still going strong and their offensive line is emerging as one of the league’s best.


Cowboys - Dak Prescott’s ability to lead this offense and feed Ezekiel Elliott is the biggest question mark coming into 2019. Jaylon Smith, Byron Jones and Demarcus Lawrence headline a scary young defense. Prescott, Elliott and Amari Cooper front run a dangerous ground and pound offense that looks to breakout in 2019.


MAY 8, 2019


HSI Salud Date Location


Junior Recital: Alyssa Elzinga, piano May 9 Ninth Street Park


Date Location

May 10 King Center Recital Hall


May 10 - 12 Boettcher Concert Hall

Food Truck Carnival Date Location

May 10 - 12 Northglenn




$5/Free with ID






4 - 5:30 p.m.


4 - 6:30 p.m.


1/7:30 p.m.


4/12 p.m.

MSU Denver Gamelan Manik Kusuma Date Location

May 11 King Center Concert Hall

MSU Denver Mariachi los Correcaminos de MSU Denver Date Location

May 12 King Center Concert Hall

Denver Bacon and Beer Classic 2019 Date Location

May 11 Broncos Stadium

Colorado Chocolate Festival Date Location

May 10 - 11 The Denver Mart


$5/Free with ID


$5/Free with ID






2 – 4 p.m.


4 – 6 p.m.


1 p.m.


4/6 p.m.


Avalanche at Sharks Date Location

May 8 San Jose

Rockies vs. Giants Date Location

May 8 - 9 Denver

Ajax vs Tottenham Date Location

May 8 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nuggets at Trail Blazers Date Location

May 9 Portland










7 p.m.




1 p.m.


8:30 p.m.

Rockies vs. Padres Date Location

May 10 - 12 Denver

Colorado Rapids vs Real Salt Lake

Liverpool vs Wolves


May 11





May 12 Liverpool

Barcelona vs. Getafe CF Date Location

May 12 Barcelona












7 p.m.


8 a.m.


10:30 a.m.


Running Touch Date Location

May 9 Larimer Lounge

Lady Denim Date Location

Prom Night Rewind May 9 Aggie Theatre

Date Location

May 10 Club Tico

Carnifex Date Location

May 10 Hodi’s Half Note


$12 - 15








8 p.m.


8 p.m.


7 p.m.


6:30 p.m.

I Love The 80’s Night Date

May 11

Location Washington’s

Positive Vibrations Date Location

May 11 The Black Box

Cowgirl Clue Date Location

May 12 Lost Lake




$20 - 30


$10 - 12


7 p.m.


9 p.m.


8 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Friday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics and instrumental every week at mymetmedia.com



MARCH 8, 2019



“Just close your eyes and imagine and it works.” “My heart just took a shit”



Your problem this week will stem from money. Stick to your budget and you will make it through.

Is this love that you are feelin’ right now. Be sure to act on it.



You lost that loveing feeling, but don’t worry it will come back soon.

Believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of your heart.



It is time to bring back that loveing feeling before it is gone, gone, gone.

The waves are risin’ and risin’. It is time for some healin’.



You had your breath taken away this week. Find it and talk to the person before it is too late.

There is nothin’ wrong with you loving them. Givin’ yourself to them will never be wrong if the love is true.



You have watched your lover in slow motion in your foolish lover’s game.

You learned how to dance. Now it is time to ask them, do you love me?



You got to have faith to leave before this river turns into an ocean.

Do not be afraid to ask for a rise this week, more money does not mean more problems.

“I like to cut things.” “There has to be balls” “Thank you Springton, there will be no encore.”

Top 5 Three hour plus long movies 1. The Godfather, Part II 2. Lawrence of Arabia 3. Schindler’s List 4. Malcolm X 5. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Isaac Banks at cisaacbanks@gmail.com


35. Chi. Cub or NY Met, e.g.


28. Talk radio’s Don

1. Piece of cake

36. Many pro football fans

1. Converts a check

30. Steel support beam

6. Popular South African

40. Facial feature

2. To some extent

33. Door position

language group

41. Detroit, Mich. union

3. Oder-___ Line (German-Polish

35. Wealthy Londoners

11. Bonds might catch it

42. CSA soldier


36. Sightseer’s guide

14. Words before and after ‘’for’’

43. Serena’s specialty

4. Autos’ 4, 6, or 8, for short

37. Objects of computer

15. Mogul Carl

44. Expensive fiddle, for short

5. Greek


16. Have regrets about

46. ‘’Easy ___’’

6. Auction participant

38. Chute opening?

17. Revealed privileged

50. Mideastern inn

7. Circus routine

39. American poet Sara


52. Palestinians

8. Slangy turndown

(‘’Strange Victory’’)

20. Pestered

54. Charm with flowers and

9. That time

40. Caboose, really

21. Fit snugly one inside another


10. Straighten out, as an iron bar

44. 2002 Al Pacino flick

22. Hem and haw sounds

55. Psychological injury

11. ‘’Freshmen do the dishes...,’’

45. Impress deeply

23. Ingredient in varnishes and

57. Astrology diagrams


47. Is in store for


59. Presidential security advisor

12. Crescent-shaped sculptures

48. Lawn bowling, Italian style

26. Kind of Americano

62. ‘’... ___ Justice for All’’

13. Spouse’s meek response

49. High school math subjects

27. Beer mug

(Pacino flick)

18. Sushi bar delicacy

51. IRS review (Abbr.)

29. Extremely enthusiastic

63. Relating to birth

19. Paul Anka’s ‘’___ Beso’’

53. Pen name of Charles Dickens

31. Actress Hagen

64. ‘’___ Be’’ (Beatles)

24. Famous racehorse, retired

56. Arkin or Alda

32. Start of a bad calculation?

65. Legal matter

in 1920

58. Hot tempers

34. Bird bill

66. On the mother’s side

25. ‘’Yeah, right’’

60. LAX display time

67. Sharp curves





61. Don the feedbag


Denver Army Recruiting Station 900 Auraria Parkway, 130 Tivoli Student Union Building Denver, CO





RATED PG-13 FOR SOME SUGGESTIVE CONTENT AND LANGUAGE. Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.

IN THEATERS MAY 17 thesunisalsoastarmovie.com



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