Volume 42, Issue 1 - Aug. 14, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42

NO. 1


AUGUST 14, 2019


“SAFE” Inspection clears West Classroom in faculty cancer case | pgs. 2-3

Illustration by Kiran Majid | kmajid@msudenver.edu



| pg. 4a


| pg. 5a


| pg. 7a


| pg. 1b

Let’s be honest, Auraria’s food

An interview with novelist C.R.

Athletics hires new men’s soccer

Your back-to-school guide to get you

options are not appetizing

Richards ahead of third book

head coach ahead of 2019 season

through Fall 2019



AUGUST 14, 2019

Town hall calms cancer concern, opens door on infrastructure By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Eighteen days after the first town hall, Davidson, Sampler, Walker, and Samet gave them their answers.

After two weeks of independent

The results from two testing firms,

environmental tests, MSU Denver

ATC Group Services and CTL

and the Auraria Higher Education

Thompson, showed that carcinogen

Center on Monday pronounced

levels were strictly normal.

the West Classroom building

“I’m very relieved,” Davidson

safe from a harmful amount of

said. “We had contingency plans in

carcinogens. The revelation ended

place for thousands of students to

fears that the cancer diagnoses of

come back to campus on Monday. If

three former faculty were rooted

we had gotten bad results, we would

in their working environment.

have evacuated those buildings.”

President Janine Davidson,

Before sending an internal email

Chief Operating Officer Larry

to faculty and staff the night before

Sample and AHEC CEO Colleen

the first town hall on July 25, the

Walker joined with Dr. Jonathan

university and AHEC hired ATC and

Samet, a pulmonary physician

CTL to conduct the investigations.

and epidemiologist and dean of

The firms didn’t test for lead

the Colorado School of Public

in the water or asbestos, the

Health, in a King Center town

latter of which AHEC has a recent

hall meeting to tie up loose ends

history with, because the faculty

and assure the Auraria Campus

cancers were likely not caused

that West Classroom does not

by inhaling asbestos, and they

harbor a toxic environment.

relied on Denver Water’s periodic

The bow tying together the

tests for water quality. The firms Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

university and AHEC for the start

set their sights on six potential

of the 2019 fall semester came

carcinogens and tested for volatile

undone in July when MSU Denver

organic chemicals, such as building

learned that three faculty members

adhesives and gases; aldehydes; 17

dubbed “240U,” was smaller and

adjacent buildings and reports

from the same office suite on the

heavy metals; polynuclear aromatic

had a larger range of uncertainty

that other faculty with cancer had

AHEC CEO Colleen Walker speaks about the West Classroom cancer cases in a town hall meeting at the King Center on Auraria Campus on Aug. 12. situation — campus infrastructure. Elle Cross, an alumnae

second floor had been diagnosed

hydrocarbons (PAH); radon and

than the others, but the results still

come forward. Samet tried to ease

of MSU Denver who is now

with breast or liver cancer. Another

mold spores. None of the results

met standards. Just a week away

those concerns with a sobering

an administrative assistant

faculty member from the same suite

exceeded standards set by a

from the start of the fall semester,

reality — cancer is common. It’s

in the Department of Art,

died in 2016 from lung cancer.

variety of watchdog organizations,

the West Classroom and the

the denominator shared among

voiced her concern with the

both federal and private.

adjacent Arts and Central Classroom

the four West Classroom faculty

state of the Arts building.

buildings were deemed safe.

and the others who came forward

The potential bombshell left the community with nagging

The loudest alarm came from

“I really love this place, and

questions, including: Did the work

CTL Thompson’s report on the

after July 25, but the factors are

I’m really happy that I came here

environment cause their cancer?

level of PAH. One of the testing

unsafe levels of carcinogens in

noticeably different. Roughly a third

as a student and had a lot of great

Are students, faculty and staff

sessions for PAH — which are

the building,” Walker said. “The

of Americans will be diagnosed

experiences here. I want my friends

safe? What about other faculty and

chemicals released from sources

tests confirmed that we are

witg cancer, according to the

and other students to have those

staff from adjacent offices and

like cigarette smoke, fossil fuel

maintaining our buildings to a

National Cancer Institute. The

experiences,” Cross said. “But

buildings who were diagnosed with

emissions and vehicle emissions

more-than-satisfactory level.”

West Classroom situation is an

I also work in the Arts building

cancer? Who would pay for tests

— abruptly ended when a pump

uneasy fact that seems to have no

every day and know that it’s tired,

on the building’s environment?

stopped working. This sample,

connection with the matter at hand.

sad, and it needs a lot of love.”

“There are currently no known

One person questioned the panel about the safety of the

“If we have a population of enough people, some will be developing cancer, and sometimes

list of priorities when she was

those people are in the same

hired in summer 2017. That

neighborhood, office building,

changed when she first walked

same job,” Samet said.

through the buildings. Davidson

Another question remained a

and Walker mentioned that

loose end. According to Davidson,

there was a plan for $88 million

the ballpark cost for hiring ATC

over five years in deferred

and CTL to do the unanticipated

maintenance for the campus.

testing is $50,000. While it was

While infrastructure poses

unclear who would foot the hefty

an ongoing challenge, the

bill, Davidson promised that it

West Classroom cancer cases

wouldn’t be the students.

commanded the administration’s

“We’re working with AHEC

immediate attention. Despite early

and the state to see who is

stumblings with communication,

going to pay for that,” she said.

particularly by not notifying

“It was an additional expense

Student Government Assembly

that we had to make. But no,

officers in advance, the university

we’re not going to raise fees

applied “data-driven decisions”

because we had to do a test.”

to tie the campus community

Reassuring words re-tied the

A person, who wished to remain nameless, walks past the West Classroom building on the Auraria Campus on Aug. 9.

Davidson said the state of the buildings was low on her

together and relieve its concerns.

bow and stopped the semester

Nonetheless, campus safety will

from unraveling, but the town hall

remain of primary concern as

setting allowed attention to be

the semester gets underway.

drawn toward another strained

AUGUST 14, 2019



Students left in the dark; curiosity persists from their work environment?”

By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Given the age of the buildings on campus, it’s likely that most of

This story was published first

them have asbestos. However, it’s

on MyMetMedia.com on August 9.

important to note that the mineral isn’t dangerous on its own. It’s

On Aug. 12, MSU Denver and

when asbestos is disturbed, and

the Auraria Higher Education

its particles are released into

Center will give the people of

the air, that issues arise. These

the Auraria Campus and Denver

particles easily enter the body, often

community what they’ve been

causing mesothelioma — incurable

waiting for — results from the

cancer that lines the lungs. The

West Classroom inspection.

formula for the disease, according

The town hall will take place

to National Jewish Hospital

in the King Center Concert Hall,

pulmonary specialist Cecile Rose, is

and will be the first time the

a combination of exposure and time.

university and campus publicly

“If there were two cases of

address the matter since an

mesothelioma, or even one, then it

initial town hall July 25.

would be cause for concern,” Rose

“We are responsible for making

said. “But that’s not the case here.”

sure when students, faculty and

A Denverite article explored

staff show up for work or to learn,

the industrial history of Auraria

the classroom environment is

that could cause environmental

ready to welcome them and the

concerns. The article notes that

campus is here to support that

because there were varying forms

academic mission,” said Blaine

of cancer reported, “it’s very

Nickeson, chief of safety and

unlikely that the cases are related.”

communications for AHEC.

At what was once the

MSU Denver and AHEC have

intersection of 10th and Wynkoop

been relatively mum on the matter

streets, a stone’s throw away from

since launching an investigation

West, a company made rat poison.

into potential contaminants in the

And what is now known as the

West Classroom building July 25.

Auraria Campus was once home to

The two entities received testing

Photo by Obtained from MSU Denver via Flickr

results Thursday and will spend time dissecting and understanding the information before Monday’s

Students hustle their way to their destination in a blur on the Auraria Campus. Some students felt left in the dark in the 18-day period between town halls during the West Classroom inspection before the results were unveiled on Aug. 12.

town hall. MSU Denver and compounds. These tests were

town hall after The Metropolitan

was hired for the testing.

done by using small devices to

broke the story July 24. Faculty

collect a finite air supply over

and staff had received the initial

a limited amount of time.

notice, but no one else. Even those

risk. And that seems to be the case.

‘SGA Should Have Been Notified’

new situation July 25. A school

totem pole — Student Government

the Central-70 project, but there’s little evidence to suggest that the

Weart — found out via local news.

Classroom building was partially

state’s environmentally careless

shut down during renovations due

past in West is tearing into a healthy future for students, staff and faculty.

“Danielle actually found out and

its projected 6% decline in fall

was the day before the town hall

thing happened to the P.E. building

suite on the second floor of West

enrollment at the start of July had

and (it) said something like, ‘Did

and Events Center in 2016, and the

Classroom had been diagnosed

suddenly found itself thrust into

you hear this?’” Weart said. “Say

P.E. building locker rooms in April.

with varying forms of cancer.

the local media limelight with a

we sent out an email and the email

One of them died in 2016. After

larger crisis — a frequently used

was just, ‘Hey, there’s concern for

the July 25 town hall, a former

classroom and office building

West Classroom.’ Like, what else

administrator told Colorado Public

perceived as dangerous. But, while

would we say on that email?”

Radio that they knew of at least

the university and AHEC hunkered

eight more people who had been

down during the initial media

formal comment but did mention

diagnosed with cancer and either

storm, students were left clueless.

that SGA should have been

Holmes declined to make a

notified. In response, MSU Denver

Braelin Pantel sent an email to

spokesperson Tim Carroll wrote

all summer-enrolled students

that the team has “recognized

others are being shared with the

after the town hall notifying

areas of improvement in terms

Colorado Department of Public

them of the situation.

of communication with SGA.” He

“I was angry that people warned

also noted that Pantel has since

cancer registry, which maintains

Metro and they didn’t look into it

more comprehensive data around

sooner,” said second-year MSU

reporting,” wrote university

Denver student Daniel Jenkins.

operating officer, and AHEC Chief

spokesperson Matt Watson in

“I hoped a PSA would have come

an email to The Metropolitan. Nickeson said inspectors tested for radon, ionizing radiation, heavy metals and volatile organic

Department of Transportation over

called asbestos. In 2010, the West

who had occupied an office

Health and Environment’s state

such as Elyria-Swansea’s long

Holmes and Vice President Braeden

to asbestos abatement. The same

“Those reported cases and

hurt from 20th century pollution,

history with the pesky, fatal mineral

sent me an article, and then that

MSU Denver Dean of Students

to be legacy polluters. Denver

Assembly President Danielle

that had been trying to erase

Central Classroom building.

welding and auto shops, which the

documented fight with the Colorado The Auraria Campus has a

learned that four faculty members

worked in West or the adjacent

area was once home to industrial

has its history with people being

Asbestos? ‘That’s not the case here’

students highest on the university’s

MSU Denver was in a relatively The bells rang when the school

division of the Chemetron Corp. The

article mentions are considered

AHEC declined to disclose who

“I was angry that people warned Metro and they didn’t look into it sooner.” – Daniel Jenkins

a pickle factory and the cylinder gas

What now? New student orientation is currently taking place for MSU

“If there were two cases of mesothelioma, or even one, then it would be cause for concern. But that’s not the case here.”

Denver. As guides show tour groups the ins and outs of campus, one question looms in their minds, even larger than where their classes are: “Is this campus safe?” Sampler and Walker emphasized that no data shows the building as unsafe to occupy, and unless

– Cecile Rose

a bombshell drops on Monday, there’s little to suggest otherwise.

When Sampler and Walker sat

The second town hall is

down in their cushioned chairs

scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday, Aug.

in front of concerned students,

12, in the King Center Concert

staff, faculty and curious media

Hall. Met Media will provide live

Executive Officer Colleen Walker

on July 25, asbestos wasn’t out of

updates and a story detailing the

out on what’s happening and why

reiterated in the first town hall that

the question. Since then, it seems

announcements afterward.

they are concerned sooner.”

the investigation was geared toward

more likely that it is an entire

calming public concern rather than

country away from the burning

legitimate fear of a serious health

question, “Did faculty get cancer

The Denver Post, Fox31 and Denver7 all reported on the first

been in contact with SGA. Larry Sampler, MSU Denver chief

Additional reporting by Brady Pieper.



AUGUST 14, 2019

Food diversity on campus is a shame

staff Editor-in-Chief

Monday: Big Mac, coffee.

the prestigious Tivoli food

Campus represents this historic

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

Tuesday: Subway sub, coffee.

court appears to be a bidding

meal genre with a completely

Managing Editor

Wednesday: Big Mac,

process in which the highest

authentic Qdoba. It is a shame.

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Subway sub and coffee.

bidder wins the mantle of next

Starting to sense a trend?

The campus has made strides

Photo Editor

best collegiate chow consigner.

toward food diversity with a new

These world-renowned

But as students of this storied

restaurant called Slurp, which

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

restaurants lie at the fingertips

campus, we have been failed by

made its debut in Summer 2019

Design Editor

of Auraria students wanting

our system one too many times.

and brings a new flare to the

to eat a good meal.

campus — pho. The Biker Jim’s

Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

Starbucks’ dominance over our

hot dog cart outside of the King

News Editor

food choices, it has destroyed any

Center provides a variety of

Heather Davis hdavis16@msudenver.edu

With McDonald’s and

The food options on campus are less diverse than a Utah frat party. I’m pretty sure half of

By Brady Pieper

chance for small food ventures

delicious sausages comprised of

the food vendors exist solely as


to join the fold. I would love to

several exotic meats like ostrich

see representation from small

and rattlesnake. But neither

DJ Lincks dlincks@msudenver.edu

token restaurants so the campus

Features Editor

doesn’t get sued for not having an

The limited options at McDonald’s

businesses on campus. The food

of these exciting options do

Assitant Features Editor

obligatory Asian fusion vendor.

and quality of Subway don’t

truck mondays promotion is a step

enough to combat the lackluster

do any justice for the weight-

towards a long-term, everyday

food options on campus.

Jeff Ritchie jritchi3@msudenver.edu

watchers out there, either.

solution. As a student on the

The lack of nutritious options on campus provides a treacherous

Big Macs, Starbucks and

Sports Editor

For new students, I share this

state’s largest campus in one of

disappointment — the lunch of

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

to eat healthy. Have you ever

advice — take the train, get food

the state’s most diverse cities, I

my cheerless collegiate career.

Assistant Sports Editor

tried to go on a fast food diet

downtown. Sixteenth street is only

would love to expand my culinary

and attempted to lose weight?

a few stops away on the light rail.

experiences before I graduate.

Brady Pieper is a second year sports


It doesn’t work, and I am not

Take the D, F or H lines and you

Things aren’t looking good.

media student at MSU Denver

Spanish Editor

asking Jared Fogle for advice

have a plethora of options. Deep

and the host of the Pieper Sports

Sarah Lease

(#NotMySpokesperson). The one

dish pizza, Hard Rock Cafe and

of quick and cheap food, but

Podcast. He is a multimedia journalist


salad joint, Alfresco Greens, in

rocky mountain oysters triumph

would it hurt to include a level

and has contributed to MetTv, Met

Copy Editor

the Tivoli food court is delicious,

over the food options on Auraria.

of cultural diversity? Denver

Radio and The Metropolitan.

Daniel Sutton

climb for anyone that is trying

but it is the only healthy option for those who want a slim meal.

The process by which a new vendor is accepted into

I understand the appeal

Taylor Mead

has some of the best hispanic


cuisine in the country and Auraria

Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

Broaden horizons while traveling them As another summer interlude

routines and taking risks is how

for most people. This kind of travel

comes to a close, millions of people

Westerners learn to appreciate

doesn’t have to be a spring break

are returning home, unpacking and

the privileges we really have.

vacation to Florida. It can be as

preparing to go back to work, school

Conversely, it can also awaken us

small as escaping a few miles west

or less mundane responsibilities.

to the flaws in the way we live.

to the mountains for a weekend.

The things we take for granted

Some of those people are returning

Psychologist Elizabeth Scott

the same person they were

can have one meaning at home, but

wrote on Verywell Mind that travel

when they left, but others have

mean something totally different

wards off burnout and promotes a

seen or done things that have

far away. For example, Americans

stress-free, healthy lifestyle. Scott

changed their lives. This is part of

classify socialism with marxism

writes that sometimes the best way

why travel is crucial to personal

and communism, while European

to manage stress is to change your

growth, and the best part is, travel

By Megan Webber

countries like Denmark associate

situation, and changing the ways

can mean an infinite number of


it with leftist forms of democracy.

you respond to stressful situations.

Discovering a new way to look

things for different people.

To be a citizen of the world,

The ability to travel comes

mindedness and an ignorance not of

at things leads to debate, which

you don’t have to speak multiple

less from how you live, and more

fact but of experience that can limit

can make positive change.

languages or visit every continent.

from where you live. In the U.S.,

our abilities to be our best selves.

Another perk is the possibility of

But unless you open your eyes

being exposed to a new language.

to the possibilities offered by

travel, they need to make a certain

cultures as varying as the landscape.

Lead With Languages, a national

other cultures, you’ll only ever

amount of money and live a specific

A drive across state lines feel like

organization dedicated to improving

be a citizen of one place.

lifestyle. While there is a grain of

a journey to another country.

language proficiency, claims that

This is one of the wonders

people act like in order to “truly”

The U.S. is a vast country with

learning a second language is the

Megan Webber is a fourth year

of living in the U.S. A cross-

most valuable way to connect

journalism major with a minor

to meet people who have lived

country road trip doesn’t have

to a different culture. It leads to

in linguistics at MSU Denver.

in the same town or state their

to be expensive. Neither, for

greater understanding, which

She is currently the Managing

whole lives. According to a study

that matter, does an overseas

promotes tolerance, empathy and

Editor of The Metropolitan.

done by OnePoll, 11 percent of

trip, if you plan right.

acceptance of others, something

truth to this, it’s not the only factor. In the U.S., it’s not uncommon

Americans have never left the state. This can lead to a certain closed-

According to the UK newspaper The Independent, changing

you can never have too much of. Traveling is also a stress-reliever,

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

What we do

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

AUGUST 14, 2019



Dark fantasy adapts to modern reality By Brady Pieper

Richards said. “But I would get


to watch the cars and watch

now faces the horrors of a dying

the fields, and coming home I

industry, caused by the changing

would get to watch the stars.”

of the metaphorical guards.

It’s no secret that exhilarating adventures, horrific murders and

Richards’ fascination with

The columnist and author

Getting published has always been

intense mysteries lie within the

horror and dark fantasy would be

a struggle, but there is little value

world of books. Unfortunately,

influenced by her grandmother,

in traditional publishing today.

the 21st century is no haven

who would always tell stories

for authors and novelists. The

about the little people, pulling

don’t have enough money

prevalence of other popular

from her family’s eltic tales. She

to help authors market

mediums like television, video

consistently questioned whether

anymore, Richards said.

games and streaming services are

or not the fairies were moving

harming the once-invincible print

that leaf over there, highlighting

book scene. Cynthia Richards,

her imaginative antics.

an author of dark fantasy who

“She would take the time to

Publishing companies just

“Unless you’re James Patterson,” she chuckled. But regardless of the struggles she faces, Richards finds a

writes under the pen name

tell us kids these fairy stories,”

devoted audience for her stories.

“C.R.,” has fought her entire life

Richards said. “When I grew up, I

Richards is motivated by her

to protect the sanctity of the

would turn around and tell my little

fans, not the money. People

printed word and the fascination

nieces and nephews these little

coming up to her at Denver Pop

incited in her audience.

stories about these ‘little people.’”

Culture Con or recognizing her

Richards was born on an Army

Richards’ development into

at conventions give her joy.

base in Utah, consistently taking

a journalist taught her structure

“I write to give courage

road trips in a blue station wagon

and helped her learn the ropes,

and give people enjoyment,”

to her grandmother’s house in

learning even when the criticism

Richards says. “It doesn’t matter

Copperton, Utah — a small mining

gets tough that it isn’t personal.

how much money these make,

Photo obtained from Cynthia Richards via Facebook

town with a population under

She became a part-time columnist

or if they make the best sellers

1,000 people. When Richards

and took several different

list. It’s the fans that keep me

A headshot of author Cynthia “C.R.” Richards. Her third novel, “Creed of the Guardian,”will be released on Oct. 18.

visited Copperton, the town

paths: food critic, entertainment

writing. I have the best readers.

boasted old playgrounds with tin

reviewer and “cranky” editor.

fantasy into the modern world

The third book in the

slides and small houses all hidden

Unfortunately for the devoted

series is my heart. My heart

is something that Richards has

Heart of the Warrior series

by a bowl of hills. It may be just a

writer, times began to change.

is in it and I want to make

been trying to do since she

is releasing October 18. The

short drive from Salt Lake City, but

Digital media is at the forefront

sure it gets out there at the

was a kid, finding the “little

“Creed of the Guardian” is

Copperton was its own little world.

of changing printed content

quality that I want it to.”

people” with her grandma.

available for preorder now.

“They always put me in the

“This Heart of the Warrior

like books and newspapers,

Today, finding success as

back, really in the crawlhole,

pushing those mediums into

an author is a journey of major

writer continues to this day, and

because I was the youngest,”

next-generation fairy tails.

tribulations. Adapting dark

against all odds — she thrives.

Richards’ endless mission as a

Review: Tarantino hits another homerun By Megan Webber

while an eight-month pregnant


Tate is home next door with her

Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt and

in a way different from reality. Charles Manson was arrested

husband and two friends. This was

two months after the murders, as

the year that the Manson family

were the other members of his cult

Leonardo DiCaprio. This is the trio’s

broke into Tate’s home and killed her

who were there that night, including

first collaboration in a feature film.

and everyone else present. Rolling

Tex Watson. Manson doesn’t

And, surprisingly, “Once Upon a

Stone called the murders “brutal”

appear in the film and is replaced

Time in Hollywood” is sweeping

and “chaotic,” not to mention the

by Watson. Tarantino’s reasoning

pop culture with its charm, flash

long spiral of information that

for leaving Manson out is unclear,

and a seemingly unlikely success.

led to the discovery of the truth

but his portrayal of the Manson

50 years after the incident.

family is thrilling, regardless. Booth

While Tarantino’s films are known for wacky, sometimes-violent

To understand the comedy and

endings and lengthy plots, different

chilling cleverness of what Tarantino

he meets a young girl who says

images come to mind in terms of

did with his movie, a viewer would

she wants him to meet her family.

Pitt and DiCaprio: the dashingly

have to be somewhat well-versed in

The encounter is less than friendly,

handsome hero on the bow of

the Tate murders and the history of

especially when Booth learns that

the Titanic, the daring Montana

the Manson family. The finale of the

his old friend and movie-making

man and the intellectual and

film portrays the not-so-real events

partner, George Spahn, is visually

emotional whirlwind that was the

of that night in violent clarity while

impaired and living with the family.

life of Benjamin Button. If you were

also making fun of the antagonists

planning on going to see “Once

and making the scene laughable.

Upon a Time in Hollywood” just to

Margot Robbie, who plays Tate, Photo obtained from Wikimedia Commons

look at the lead actors and reminisce about when they were young, Tarantino had other plans for you. The film is loosely based

Quentin Tarantino enjoys himself at the César Awards ceremony in Paris in 2014. His ninth film, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” saw theatrical release on July 26 through Columbia Pictures.

on a real event that occurred in

first comes across the family when

The finale takes place six months after this encounter, which only makes the ending that much more

told The Today Show that Tate’s

dramatic and ironic. With just

sister Debra had given her and

enough mindless violence to make

Tarantino her blessing to portray

it a Tarantino staple, “Once Upon a

Tate in the film. Debra had given

Time in Hollywood” also manages

them some of Sharon’s jewelry

to be comedic in a way that has

Hollywood in 1969, with several

films who worries that his career

shinier, more traditionally happy

for Robbie to wear, and Tarantino

never been seen from DiCaprio

of the characters representing

is screeching to a halt. Pitt plays

scenes following their neighbor

had let her review the script before

or Pitt. In a time when it seems

real people. The two leading men,

his stuntman, handyman and

and aspiring actress Sharon Tate.

shooting the movie. Knowing that

that the only movies coming out

however, are both figments of

forever loyal friend, Cliff Booth.

Tarantino had the consent of the

to theaters are Disney remakes,

that the full story begins to come

Tate family to shoot his movie

Tarantino has managed to give us a refreshing new twisty tale.

Tarantino’s imagination. DiCaprio

The nearly three-hour long

It isn’t until the end of the film

plays Rick Dalton, a troubled actor

film portrays scenes featuring

together. Dalton and Booth return

this way makes it feel a little

with a background in western

Dalton and Booth intertwined with

home at the end of a long night,

better to watch the events unfold

student organizations

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AUGUST 14, 2019


Welcome! Edition Special Back-to -School




AUGUST 14, 2019

The where and when of MSU Denver’s extracurriculars and clubs

By DJ Lincks dlincks@msudenver.edu Getting involved in Student Activities can change the entire trajectory of one’s

critique, scientific experiment design, proposal processes and more.

college experience. It motivates students to get involved with a community, whether

They meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at students may contact the club’s official

They meet Mondays at 3:30 p.m. in

culture, both old and new.

8 a.m. in PE 205. For more information, They meet from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the

email at dancetroupe@msudenver.

Tivoli. For more information, students may

it be expanding on previously existing

Plaza 220. For more information, students

edu or club president Andy Nuanhngam

contact the club’s official email, animeclub@

interests with like-minded peers, or

may contact club president Elizabeth

at anuanhng@msudenver.edu.

msudenver.edu or club president Cin

exploring a new interest that could lead

Malagisi, at malagisi@msudenver.edu.

offers over 100 organizations ranging from

Women in Science and Engineering:

Linguistics to Brewing to Geography to Integrative Health, and dozens in between.

Information on the clubs listed and The Auraria Campus Anime Club

Women in Science and Engineering is

Whatever your interest may be, it is likely

“dedicated to Metro women majoring in

that MSU Denver has a club for it. On the

STEM (science, technology, engineering,

off chance that there isn’t, however, the

and math) fields.” They provide a support

university offers the opportunity to start

system and encourage long-term personal

any club with minimal requirements.

relationships between student and faculty.

MSU Denver Improv Club:

Mitchell at cmitch50@msudenver.edu.

Auraria Campus Anime Club:

to a life-changing passion. MSU Denver

how to start a student organization

provides a space for all who are

can be found online through MSU

interested in Anime and Japanese

Denver’s student activities webpage.

They meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:15 p.m., and the meeting

The Improv Club aims to improve

location is to be announced. For more

improv talent by “instilling in members life

information, students may contact the

skills such as teamwork, self-confidence,

club’s official email at womeninscience@

and playing well that they can carry

msudenver.edu or club president Dawn

with them beyond MSU Denver.”

Brady at dbrady13@msudenver.edu.

They meet Fridays from 2 p.m.-

MSU Denver French Club:

4 p.m. in the Tivoli 740. For more information, students may email

The MSU Denver French Club is

the club’s official email at improv@

“dedicated to learning more about

msudenver.edu, or club president Adelyn

French and Francophone culture.”

A. Himle at ahimle@msudenver.edu. Meeting times and locations vary

MSU Denver Chess Club:

each year. For more information, students may contact the club’s official

The MSU Denver Chess Club organizes and facilitates chess meet-ups.

email at frenchclub@msudenver.edu or club president Leeza Etzenhouser at letzenho@msudenver.edu.

They meet on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. in the Aerospace and Engineering Building. For more

MSU Denver Dance Troupe Association for Performance Productions:

information, students may contact the club’s official email at cnaylor1@msudenver.

The MSU Denver Dance Troupe

edu, or club president Matt McMahon,

Association for Performance Productions

at mmcmah13@msudenver.edu.

“pursues the interests of its members in working, performing, and presenting

MSU Denver Psychology and Research Club:

dance productions for the Metro campus, dance major, and dance community of Denver.” The organization

The MSU Denver Psychology and

Photo by Joel Mathew | jmathe19@msudenver.edu

also partners with the Department

Auraria Campus student activites and organization on display at Fall Fest on Sept. 18, 2018.

Research club helps with developing

of Human Performance and Sport to

MSU Denver and Auraria Campus have a variety of clubs and organizations for students.

research questions, literature

produce events throughout the year.

AUGUST 14, 2019



By Taylor Mead tmead1@msudenver.edu MSU Denver athletics looks to continue a long history of success with its fall sports

coaches Gen Henderson and Megan Remec into the mix. Both teams kick off the regular

teams: volleyball, men’s and

season the first week of Sept. with

women’s soccer, and men’s

the men’s team at St. Mary’s and

and women’s tennis.

the women’s team at home playing

MSU Denver offers a variety

at the Regency Athletic Complex

of NCAA verified sports for both

against Western Washington

men and women, where students

University. The Rocky Mountain

compete at the highest level to

Athletic Conference Coaches

showcase their skills. Here’s what

Preseason poll projects the

you should know about what

women’s team to finish 4th this

is going on for the beginning

upcoming season, while the men’s

of the athletic school year:

team is projected to place 8th.

Both the women’s and men’s

The volleyball team is hoping

soccer teams kick off their season

for another stellar season, aiming

with preseason expedition

to reach the RMAC tournament for

matches on Aug. 18 by facing

the 20th time in a row. The team

off against Laramie County

has also been successful off the

Community College. The men’s

court, securing the AVCA Team

team replaced their long-tenured

Academic Award for the second

head coach Jeremy Tittle with

consecutive year and for the fifth

new blood Hank Lewis on Aug. 1.

time since 2000. The team posted

Meanwhile, the women’s team will

a 3.40 combined GPA in 2018-2019,

be incorporating new assistant

joining 141 other NCAA Division

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver’s Kayla White and Alyssa Kelling watch their play unfold in their game against CSU-Pueblo on Oct. 13, 2018 at the Auraria Event Center. The Roadrunners won 4-0. II schools to earn the award. The Roadrunners have only

Matches for the Roadrunners

winning her second RMAC Player

start on Sept. 7 for the MSU

one senior in middle blocker

of the Year in three seasons, and

Denver Invitational before the

Alyssa Kelling, who was named

Helena Steenberg, the reigning

men travel to CSU-Pueblo to

to the All-RMAC second team in

RMAC Freshman of the Year,

face multiple schools from Sept.

2018. The team opens up regular

returns for the Roadrunners

13-14 while the women play

season play on Sept. 6. against

after leading the team in singles

Nebraska-Kearney on Sept. 12

Western Oregon University and

victories, going 18-6 in 2018-2019.

at the Regency Athletic Complex

will host the Division II Volleyball

The men’s tennis team looks

before making the same trip.

Championship from Dec. 12-14

to bounce back after a 9-8 record

at the Auraria Events Center.

in 2018 behind senior Alejandro

semester approaching, MSU

The women’s tennis team looks

Roadrunner Yannick Schad and Rattler Lewis Wilson fight for the ball in the first half of the game of Metropolitan State University of Denver versus St. Mary’s University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Aug. 31, 2018. Rattlers beat the Roadrunners 2-1.

she continued her dominance,

With the dawn of a new

Martinez-Morilla from Madrid,

Denver sports seasons are

to repeat as RMAC champions

Spain. The 2018 RMAC Freshman

waking up from their summer-

after finishing last season with

of the Year enters the season

long slumber making it hard not

a record of 13-10. Tabitha Porter

tied for 13th in career singles

to be excited for the new year.

returns for her senior year after

victories at MSU Denver.



AUGUST 14, 2019

“Club sports are entirely run by students.

By Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu Through MSU Denver’s Campus Recreation

cart allows the program to go anywhere at any time, making it easier than ever to

of Campus Recreation sports, students on

budgets, meetings and scheduling,” Lamothe

participate in any game you can think of.

Auraria Campus have the opportunity to

said. “These are real-world skills that these

Lamothe and his team have a detailed

program, students on Auraria Campus are

students who are interested in going into

schedule on the MSU Denver website

able to build their skills and widen their

these fields after school could gain outside the

where they look to “focus on a single-

interests with Intramural and Club Sports.

classroom to give them a leg up in their field.”

elimination tournament rather than casual

The program offerings include

Campus Recreation is trying to bridge

more common sports like ice hockey,

the gap on campus for the students who do

2K20 and Rocket League make up a weekly

men’s volleyball and baseball to

classes mostly or entirely online and only

schedule that takes place on Wednesdays

non-traditional sports like esports

visit campus on occasion. One way they’re

in the P.E. Building’s conference room from

and the Auraria Ski and Ride.

doing that is the introduction of esports.

12-2 p.m., home to Campus Recreation’s

A membership with Campus Recreation

“We entered the esports world in the

build experience while staying included in campus activities free of charge.

play.” Popular games like Fortnite, NBA

quickest-growing intramural.

gives students the ability to exercise, engage

summer of 2019 with open recreation with

with each other, relieve stress and more. All

just a few students interested and now

growing sports at MSU Denver, ice hockey

these things are easily available to all MSU

today, we’re working on building an esports

stands as one of the most successful. The

Denver students since any fees required for

club team as well as growing the intramural

team is part of the Big Mountain Hockey

these activities are already paid for in tuition.

esports league,” Lamothe said. “Esports is

Conference and took home their first BMHC

no longer just a niche or a hobby; it is here to

regular-season title in February. Since

baseball, and poms are ways for students

stay in the industry and there’s a real reason

2014, the program has been recognized as

to broaden their horizons, including

A long list of club sports like ice hockey,

With so many options across the offerings

From day-to-day activities to things like

While esports is one of the fastest-

to believe it is going to continue to grow.”

an ACHA program and “has made regular

many skills that extend beyond the sports

A rolling cart sits anchored by two

appearances on the national stage, twice

world. According to Assistant Director of

large BenQ monitors, an esports industry

finishing in the top ten,” according to the

Recreation and Leadership, David Lamothe,

standard, in the corner of Lamothe’s

team’s official website. Forward Austin Shea,

students committed to playing club sports

office, overflowing with multiple gaming

vgoaltender Jake Larson and defenseman and

get to sharpen skills they might miss in

consoles, games and various electronic

captain Anthony Newsome were all named

these areas outside the classroom.

equipment. Lamothe says the mobile

to the All-Conference team last season.

Photo by Rich Allen | richallen44@gmail.com

The MSU Denver hockey team gathers around forward Dylan van Luewen-Hall after his game tying goal against CSU in the second period of their match up at Sport Stable in Superior on Sept. 29. MSU Denver won 2-1.

Why should I use the writing center? Can’t find the right words to describe or explain your point of view? Maybe you find yourself staring vat a blank page or blank screen while attempting to write a paper for class. Perhaps you need help brainstorming an idea for a term paper. What about that love letter you have been meaning to write? Have a resume that you have been putting off updating? Don’t fear! There’s a magical place where all writing is discussed, worked on, and enjoyed, pressure free.

What is the writing center? stronger writer though techniques

Plaza, West, and Central buildings.

username and password you will

that welcomes all writers and all

The writing center is a place

and best practices. Additionally,

If you can’t make it to campus

be able to login and view all times

writing projects. Writing consultants

we have several locations to serve

we also have online sessions.

and locations. You can always stop

are available Monday through

the students of MSU Denver. Our

Friday to help writers though

most known locations are in the

any part of the writing process.

Jordan Student Success Building

Students can also find tutoring

and King Center. We also have

online during the weekend. Our mission is to help you become a

of our locations to check us out! Words by Laura Kramer with

by or give us a call. It’s important to

MSU Denver Writing Center. The

note, often schedules fill up quickly,

Writing Center is located at King

so it’s essential to schedule ahead

Center 415. Contact information

way to schedule an appointment

of time. Check out our webpage for

can be found through their

satellite locations in the Auraria

is online through msudenver.edu/

our complete list of services and

webpage at msudenver.edu.

Library, Administrative building,

writectr/. After you have set up a

scheduling options. Or swing by one

How do I sign up? Let’s talk scheduling. The easiest


AUGUST 14, 2019

Men’s soccer adds Lewis as new head coach Tittle out as head coach of men’s soccer program just a month before opening day By Will Satler

with the Bahamas men’s national

said. “My mentors and friends, and

San Antonio against St. Mary’s


team as a member of the technical

the successful seasons we shared,

University, where the program

staff throughout the 2000-03

have prepared me for my dream

has never won. Lewis’ first home

Olympic and World Cup qualifiers.

job: leading MSU Denver back to

match falls on Sept. 15 against

“I have long admired MSU

greatness, transforming the lives

Chaminade University, the first matchup between the two schools.

A new face will be manning the sideline while the MSU Denver men’s soccer team is

Denver, both as a Coloradan

of student-athletes, and striving

on the pitch — Hank Lewis.

and from my experience as a

to grow Roadrunner soccer into

coach in the RMAC,” Lewis told

Denver’s soccer team and the jewel

athletics at MSU Denver, announced

Anthony Grant, director of

roadrunnerathletics.com. “I have

of western region collegiate soccer.”

Aug. 1 that Lewis would become

been humbled with the opportunity

the new head coach of the program.

to take part in transforming

he has served on advisory boards

He looks to add to the program’s

the lives of its student-athletes

and panels for a range of state and

five appearances in the NCAA

and leading MSU Denver back

national non-profit organizations

Division II tournament and three

into the national conversation

focused on issues from equal

Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference

of collegiate men’s soccer.”

rights to arts and education.

tournament championships. “We had a number of excellent

Lewis has been a part of six

Lewis calls Golden home, where

conference championships as

Tittle finished last season with a

part of the coaching staff for The

9-10 overall record and 8-6 record

stood out because of his impressive

Air Force Academy and Colorado

in RMAC play, Grant and MSU

credentials and because of the

School of Mines, where they

Denver chose to go in a different

respect and praise he has received

experienced late postseason runs.

direction with the leadership

from the local soccer community,”

His highest finish with Mines was

of the men’s soccer program,

Grant told roadrunnersathletics.

the Elite Eight in the Division II

according to an official statement

com. “We’re excited to have a man

NCAA Tournament in 2015.

from the MSU Denver athletics

of his character leading our program as we seek to take the next step.” Lewis, a former goalkeeper, last played in the Bahamas before building an illustrious career as

The newly-named head coach spoke highly of Colorado

communications department. quickly, with the Roadrunners’ first

period of his coaching career.

exhibition on Aug. 18 in Denver at

“The best years of my coaching

Photo obtained from Colorado School of Mines Athletics

Lewis will need to get acclimated

soccer, where he has spent a long

The Regency Athletic Complex,

an assistant coach in collegiate

career have been at two Colorado

with their first regular-season

soccer. He also had a brief stint

collegiate soccer programs,” Lewis

matchup coming up on Sep. 6 in

ROADRUNNER BRIEFS Men’s basketball returns from Costa Rica travels MSU Denver’s men’s basketball took a week-long trip to Costa Rica earlier this summer to represent the university abroad. The team completed community service events while also sightseeing, zip lining, spending time at the beach and of course, playing basketball. It was the program’s first international trip, according to Roadrunner Athletics, and even included the four incoming players. While getting in additional practice time allowed by the NCAA, the Roadrunners took on a team called the Costa Rica AllStars as well as San Ramon ARBA. Lara added to cross country and track and field staff

After former head coach Jeremy

candidates to choose from, but Hank


New MSU Denver men’s soccer coach Hank Lewis. Lewis previously coached at Colorado School of Mines.

Nicholas Lara, a seven-time national champion and 13-time AllAmerican at Adams State University, was named the newest head coach of the men’s and women’s cross country teams on Aug. 6. He was also named the assistant coach of the men’s and women’s indoor and outdoor track and field teams. Lara is a member of the United States Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches’ Association Hall of Fame and will look to bolster his deep legacy as an athlete at Adams State and now as a coach at MSU Denver. Roadrunners 5K registration open

Pieper’s guide to your fantasy football draft By Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Training camp, the Hall of Fame Game, and HBO’s Hard Knocks indicate the NFL preseason is arriving. With professional football’s longawaited return comes what has separated families and caused arguments for decades while simultaneously becoming the most popular American fantasy sport. Here’s what you need to know to dominate your fantasy league come opening weekend on Sept. 8. The Snake Draft is the standard route for fantasy football GMs in which most encounter. In a Snake Draft, every round, the draft order reverses. Hence, the player picking first in round one will pick last in round two. Your best targets in the draft have a few different factors that rank them so highly. Reliability and targeting players that stay on the field is incredibly important, as is talent and production.

Similarly, players that produced highly the year before without many factors inhibiting their growth are also important. A great example of a reliable and highly productive player is Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott. He isn’t competing for his job and he has stayed healthy producing at very high numbers. Quarterbacks can wait. Drafting a quarterback early is a sign of a new player — don’t be the guy to draft Tom Brady round one. Quarterbacks are mostly consistent when it comes to fantasy production. Every year, there are about 15 consistent quarterbacks that can be starters for a fantasy team. The top tier of quarterbacks are not worth selecting in the first three rounds. Although they produce a lot of points, there are more important players to target early. Late round gems can be any players that fall beyond the 7th round. Rookies are always hot targets when it comes to lateround gems but unless the rookie

Washington Park will be home to the third annual Roadrunners 5K coming up on Oct. 5. Early Bird Registration — $10 for students, $20 for alumni, $30 for community members — is available until Sept. 15. After that date, registration costs increase by $5, with all proceeds benefitting the men’s and women’s cross country programs. The Roadrunners 5K, part of Fall Alumni Weekend, is just one of many events happening that weekend and follows collegiate races for MSU Denver. “Coaches’ Corner” set to return Aug. 19

Photo obtained from sportsgamblingpodcast.com

is undoubtedly starting, it isn’t worth the pick. Players you can target should be rebounding from injuries. These players tend to scare off the early round selections and fall to the later round because of injury. Players like Jimmy Garoppolo will not be selected early, but has a high upside and a good opportunity to rebound this season. There are some red flags waving that you’ll need to avoid. Some of these players will harm your ability to beat your stepfather

in your league. Do not pick players with a lengthy injury history, players not guaranteed a starting spot or players that are currently holding out for contract reasons. Limit the players from your favorite team, fantasy starts with fan but winning doesn’t. Whether you’re a fantasy football pro and you’re playing for money or extreme bragging rights, or just getting started for the first time, use these tips to make sure you’re at the top of your league at the end of the season.

The weekly live show “Coaches’ Corner” hosted by MSU Denver athletics will make its return with the fall semester on Monday, Aug. 19 at 5:30 p.m. with Eric Lansing. The first show will feature Director of Athletics Anthony Grant, new men’s soccer head coach Hank Lewis and women’s soccer head coach, Tracy Chao. The show takes place in the Tivoli Tap House and is open to the general public, who are welcome to enjoy food and drinks during the show. The full schedule of guests is featured on roadrunnersathletics. com, set to run through May 2020.




all here on MET Radio at:



AUGUST 14, 2019


Roadrunner Rally Date Location

Aug. 15 King Center Concert Hall



Third Friday Art Walk Date Location

Aug. 16 MSUD Center for Visual Arts

Anastasia Date Location

It’s Not You, It’s Me The Second City Aug. 7 - 18 Buell Theatre

Date Location

July 31 - Aug. 25 Garner Galleria Theatre & Bar










5:45 - 8:45 p.m.


6 – 8 p.m.





Welcome Week: SGA Meet & Greet Date Location

Aug. 19 Tivoli Quad

Welcome Week: Student Activities Date Location

Aug. 20 Tivoli Quad

Apollo 11: First Steps Date Location

May 16 - Sept. 1 Phipps IMAX Theater at

Big Jay Oakerson Date Location

Aug. 15 - 17 Comedy Works

DMNS Price







$20 - 28


10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


10 a.m. - 2 p.m.






Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks

Colorado Rockies vs. Miami Marlins

Denver Broncos vs. San Francisco 49ers


Aug. 12 - 14


Aug. 16 - 18



Coors Field


Coors Field


Aug. 19 Broncos Stadium

Rocky Mountain Vibes vs. Ogden Raptors Date Location

Aug. 17 Colorado Springs














6 p.m.


6 p.m.

Colorado Rapids vs. Minnesota United Date Location

Aug. 14 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park

Colorado Rapids vs. Houston Dynamo Date Location

Aug. 17 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park

University of Denver vs. Air Force Date Location

Aug. 17 University of Denver

University of Denver vs. Colorado School of Mines Date Location

Aug. 15 University of Denver










6 p.m.


7 p.m.


12 p.m.


6 p.m.

Yonder Mountain Stringband

Milk Carton Kids


Mumford & Sons Date Location

Aug. 15 Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre

Shakey Graves Date Location

Aug. 15 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Date Location

Aug. 16 Red Rocks Ampitheatre

Date Location

Aug. 17 Fiddler’s Green Ampitheatre


$40 - 100


$40 - 65


$45 - 80


$40 - 100


7:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


6 p.m.


7:30 p.m.

Slightly Stoopid Date

Aug. 17

Location Red Rocks Ampitheatre

The B-52’s Date Location

Folks Festival Aug. 18 Fiddler’s Green Ampitheatre

Date Location

Aug. 18 Planet Bluegrass Ranch


$21 - 85


$30 - 250




5:30 p.m.


7 p.m.


12 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Saturday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics, instrumentals and cultural significance at mymetmedia.com



AUGUST 14, 2019



“That’s not a good sign. Nobody should be glad I’m here.”



“Not every Eminem fan is named Kyle, but every Kyle is an Eminem fan.”

Be wary of those who try to sell you things and thoughts with clever pitches. Make sure to study thoroughly and independently in order to come to your own conclusions.

Child of the moon, you’re experiencing difficulty making decisions. Be sure to remember that usually the best solution is the simplest one.

“This is why I love drinking every day.”



Pay attention to the seemingly invaluable. Utilize intuition to explore the things you may have a particular inkling about. It could lead you down a road of passion and self-discovery.

Now is a time to value privacy. Others have no problem displaying themselves to the world, but often Leos have a good sense for working things out on their own.



“I’ve spent more of my life drinking than they have driving.”

Top 5

Pisces are known to find the best in others, even if it is not immediately obvious. Use this to your advantage and find your own beauty through others eyes.

You’re going through a difficult time dealing with a loss, Virgo. Be sure to remember that recovery is in your future.



Great things are in the future, and you have plenty reason to feel hopeful, but be sure to balance that future with the present. Don’t lose sight of what you have.

A trip of some sort would greatly ease tensions in your life, Libra. Make time to explore new environments alone.



The end of summer may bring hesitations for you, Taurus. Make sure to maintain organization and keep focused on future

Scorpios tend to be beings of habit. Utilize a familiar resource in a new way, and you may discover a fruitful outcome.



The Twins are often pulled in two directions, and you may be experiencing difficulty choosing. Focus on the middle.

You are in a period of overwhelming stress. Take time for self care, Sagittarius, and you will overcome this obstacle.

films of 2019 1.The Chambermaid— Directed by Lila Avilés 2. The Peanut Butter Falcon— Directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz 3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood— Directed by Quentin Tarantino ’ 4. Midsommar— Directed by Ari Aster 5. Hail Satan?— Directed by Penny Lane

Photo of the Month It’s a sight all too familar to today’s

domestic terrorist murdered 22 shoppers

America— makeshift memorials outside some

in an El Paso, Texas Walmart, residents of

innocuous building, plastered with pictures

Dayton, Ohio were wracked by their own

of loved ones gone but not forgotten. And

spree shooter. And so, while to many Aug.

yet, John Locher’s picture for the Associated

3-4 will merely join an ever lengthening list of

Press speaks to more than a woman in

unconscionable violence, for the residents of

grief. The makeshift memorial, with its neat

two American cities they will be etched into

row of white crosses, recalls Arlington as

their collective consciousness, their pains

much as it does an Aurora theater or Las

intrinsically linked, their grief a language that

Vegas concert in a society where many feel

a growing number of communities share, and

increasingly under siege. A mentality that

their sights seemingly business as usual.

was only reinforced when, a day after a



Photo by John Locher | Photo obtained from the Associated Press

A woman grievs at a memorial for victims of the El Paso Walmart shooting, Aug. 6th.



Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu`

Now Hiring! Office Assistant Summary This entry-level position works as part of the Met Media team and helps the office manager with administrative tasks. Responsibilities Include: • • • • •

Greet, service and refer visitors to the appropriate entity/offices Provide full front-desk/phone coverage for the office Assist students and visitors with questions on departmental information Perform clerical duties such as copying, filing, faxing, errands Receive and distribute deliveries

This is a Work-Study position for 8 - 10 hours per week. It requires an individual who is responsible, adaptable, a logical problem solver, organized and a team player.

The Student Voice of MSU Denver

Submit cover letter & resume to: Elizabeth Norberg at enorbert@msudenver.edu


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