Volume 42, Issue 2 - Aug. 21, 2019

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 2


AUGUST 21, 2019


A champ finds his wings New track coach “guarantees” success

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver track and field head coach Nicholas Lara leans against a window on Aug. 20 at the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver. Lara was a seven-time national champion in cross country and track and field at Adams State University.

opportunity, and he wants to strike rich.

By James Burky

only strengthens that perception. He

men’s and women’s cross country teams

competed for Adams State University,

at Adams State, has known Lara since

he said, glancing at the skyline. “My goal

then Adams State College, from 2005-

the future national champion runner

is to show that MSU Denver is not a place

08, winning seven national titles.

could only crawl. Then, Martin saw him


“There’s unlimited untapped potential,”

Nicholas Lara leaned back in the leather chair of his new office in the MSU Denver

you settle for, it’s your destination.”

Administration building. He’s the new

The Alamosa native is aiming to

Lara exudes competitiveness. Anywhere

head coach for the men’s and women’s

he goes, he’s determined to succeed.

MSU Denver Cross Country teams. One

Though it’s merely an abstract concept,

of the perks of the job is a window that

his desire to win is almost tangible,

overlooks the heart of one of the country’s

driving him to carefully consider his

most vibrant cities. Denver is teeming with

next word or action. Learning his history



| pg. 2


develop into one of the fastest kids in

be a Roadrunner legend, and he’s had

town. Lara would often race kids for the

success in all of his previous stops.

hell of it. It was always a challenge for him to see how hard he could book it.

The Athlete Damon Martin, the head coach of the

| pg. 4


| pg. 6

| Continued on pg. 9


| pg. 8

Paths are forged at MSU Denver

Wow, look at all of these stars I can’t

King Gizzard thrash and shred on

Sanders and Chubb will highlight

student Convocation

see at night

another successful album

Broncos’ 2019 season



AUGUST 21, 2019

MSU Denver is a convocation of stories

Student body’s past, present and future stories converge By Brady Pieper

Denver’s all-time success stories


carrying his on-air broadcasting talents to a small market in

Your story is what defines you.

Cheyanne, Wyoming. Striewski

It is what makes you who you are,

made the leap to an NBC affiliate

but most importantly your story is

in Houston, Texas 16 months later

a great indicator for where you’ll

before making his next jump to the

end up. MSU Denver is home to

New England Sports Network.

many stories, and the university

“Those were the official minor

prides itself on the diverse cultures

leagues before ESPN. They had a

within the student body. With

SportsCenter Snapchat platform

45% of the school identifying as

that they wanted to roll out and it

people of color, the story for one’s

was a good fit for me,” Striewski

enrollment can change drastically

said. “I haven’t looked back since.”

based on who you speak with. Realizing one’s journey was

Striewski has made the major leagues for sports broadcast —

key to the annual MSU Denver

ESPN is the elite tier for athletic

called Convocation, which took

journalism. As a former MSU

place on Aug. 15, where the

Denver graduate, Striewski’s career

university celebrated the incoming

made him the perfect choice for

freshman class’ decision to enroll.

MSU Denver success stories. MSU

Convocation can be considered

Denver President Janine Davidson

a warm welcome from MSU

extended an offer to Striewski to

Denver to all new Roadrunners.

speak to the fresh faces of incoming Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

Roadrunners at the Convocation.

The Major Leagues

The ESPN host energized the crowd of wide-eyed freshmen and

Flashback to 2010. Gary

their families. Striewski’s story

Striewski, a young, bright-eyed

led him back to the university

journalism student, graduated

that initially sent him off.

from MSU Denver. His story as a roadrunner started after

students that are peer mentors for

throughout my whole life.”

other Roadrunners on campus.

Making a difference

transferring from Colorado State University in pursuit of bigger and

MSU Denver alumnus and current ESPN sportscaster Gary Striewski tosses pencils into the audience at the MSU Denver Convocation on Aug. 15 in the King Center Concert Hall on the Auraria Campus in Denver. Striewski, a former member of The Met Report, was the keynote speaker for the event.

Hunter Elspas, an MSU Denver junior and Roadways peer mentor,

People wearing red shirts labeled

friends, although their stories began long before enrollment.

Every story begins with a step

was one of the 87 “Roadways Crew”

Garcia and Nino got to enjoy the convocation experience — an experience you only get once.

better opportunities in downtown

“Roadways Crew” littered the King

members enjoying the Convocation

Convocation would be nothing

Denver. Through internships with

Center and Jordan Student Success

festivities on Thursday. The Arvada

without the incoming Roadrunners.

welcoming and honestly a

Denver’s biggest news channels,

Building lawn for Convocation.

West High School graduate began

A celebration of one’s decision

lot of fun,” Garcia said.

Strewski never forgot what

MSU Denver’s Roadways is a

his journey to MSU Denver through

to apply, be accepted, and enroll

being a Roadrunner means.

program that provides support for

his grade school teachers.

at MSU Denver is just the start to

“Everybody is friends

all students and improve retention

“I was asking some of my

one’s collegiate journey. Two new,

“Everything was really

Where the paths converge

and family,” Striewski said.

throughout one’s tenure at MSU

teachers in high school about

anxious Roadrunners stepped foot

“We’re all Roadrunners.”

Denver. The Roadways crew

colleges,” Elspas said. “Mr.

on campus along with herds of

Campus many identifable staples:

consists of current MSU Denver

Olsen, a big inspiration for me,

others for Convocation on Thursday.

a beautiful view, history — beer.

Striewski became one of MSU

told me that his wife graduated from MSU Denver and loved it.”

thing the university is known for

semester at MSU Denver, stepped

is the diversity of stories. At one

applying to MSU Denver and said he

onto the Student Success Building

point or another, individuals at MSU

felt super excited when accepted.

lawn together. Standing side

Denver have found the university

by side just as they have since

to be a part of their ongoing story.

confident in college because I am a

middle school, MSU Denver was

Whether one is at the top of their

first generation student,” he said.

a natural choice for them.

respective field like Gary Striewski

“I was never that person to be

He also said that it was an

Convocation marked Garcia’s

with ESPN, or if someone’s story is

aspirational moment for him when

third and Nino’s second time on

just beginning like the new freshman

he got accepted into college.

campus, fortunately close to home.

at Convocation, the university

The Roadways program attracted

“For me, it was the knowledge

Elspas. Peer mentoring and student

that I didn’t have to stay in

interactions are at the heart of the

dorms,” Garcia said.

organization — Elspas fits right

“It’s really close to home,

offers a variety of opportunities. “MSU Denver will give you the essential skills that employers want,” Davidson said in a

in. Convocation is an extension

so we can just travel back

packed King Center Recital Hall

of how his story progresses.

and forth,” Nino added.

to the hundreds of Convocation

“Initially, I was very nervous

faculty at the MSU Denver Convocation on Aug. 15 in the King Center Concert Hall on the Auraria Campus in Denver.

But arguably the most undervalued

best friends attending their first

Elspas made his first step in

Travis Jensen, a member of Mariachi Los Correcaminos de MSU Denver, passionately strums while performing in front of students, parents, and

Cielo Garcia and Leslie Nino,

MSU Denver and Auraria

The two friends spent four

trying to talk to students in

years together at Adams City High

my class. Through First Year

School in Commerce City before

Success, I met a lot of friends,”

deciding to attend MSU Denver.

Elspas said. “My coworkers, I

Garcia came the Unviersity for the

consider them all friends because

school’s criminal justice program.

not only do we work together,

Nino intends to pursue a

but we live our lives together.

degree in computer science.

I’ve made deeper connections with the people here then I have

Convocation was just a step forward for the two best

attendees. “This is your community now. You are a Roadrunner.” MSU Denver’s convocation is an event where all stories convocate. “This is your place. This is your school,” Davidson said. “You belong at MSU Denver.”



AUGUST 21, 2019

Why I’m trying to eat better on a college budget

staff Editor-in-Chief


on’t get me wrong, I

or combine things differently

Now, Northwestern University’s

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

appreciate the smattering

than the book says to do.

media outlet, claims that failure

Managing Editor

to eat enough healthy foods and

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

of fairly-affordable food options

In college, it’s easy to take

Auraria Campus has to offer. I’ll

the fast, fun, seemingly-cheap

exercise often at a young age

gladly hit up Starbucks before my

option and get takeout with

can increase the risk of cancer

morning class, iPie or Biker Jim’s

friends, but those costs add up

later in life. Whether or not

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

for lunch and stop at the Tivoli for

until you’re broke. While living

the average college student’s

Features Editor

a beer before I head home. But

on one trip to the grocery store

eating habits are putting him or

after a few weeks of this, my mind,

a week seems less preferable,

her in that dire of a situation,

body and wallet have had enough.

it’s more financially sensible and

healthy eating is still crucial —

Sports Editor

can also be much healthier.

and possible — in college.

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

I wish I’d learned how to cook before college, but the kitchen never held much interest

Megan Webber

According to healthline, buying

At the end of a long week of

News Editor

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Assistant Sports Editor

whole foods at grocery stores

classes and eating food packed

is beneficial because they have

from home, the extra money in

enough nutrients to fill you up so

your back pocket will be there for

you won’t need that second burger

your Friday beer or whatever you

for every meal, I’m trying to

from McDonald’s. A can of beans,

like to splurge on. At least, that’s

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

become more appreciative of

a block of cheese and a package

what I’m hoping my financial

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

for me when I was younger. Because I like to eat and I don’t have enough money to eat out


good home cooking and, if I can,

recipes that can be whipped

of tortillas can make enough

situation will look like once I

I like to try my hand at it. I like

up in a sometimes surprisingly

breakfast burritos or quesadillas

grow up and learn how to cook.

to ask people how they cook

short amount of time. There is a

to last at least a week. Healthline

certain foods, I often consult

recipe for gumbo, which can take

also says that planning your

Megan Webber is a fourth year

the food sections in the New

a whole day to cook if you go

meals and sticking to your grocery

journalism major with a minor

York Times and the Washington

full-on bayou style, but Franco’s

list is a more physically and

in linguistics at MSU Denver.

Post, and I’ve even bought a

recipe only takes half an hour

financially healthy way of eating.

She is currently the Managing

few of my own cookbooks.

to make. She tells you how long

The one I use the most is “The

With the lack of fresh fruits and

Editor of The Metropolitan and interning at KGNU in Boulder.

Taylor Mead tmead1@msudenver.edu Photo Editor

Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu Copy Editor Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

each meal will take to prepare

vegetables served on campus, it’s

Really Useful Ultimate Student

and how easy they are, and she

no surprise that college students

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

Cookbook” by Silvana Franco. This

also gives you the freedom as

are living an unhealthy lifestyle.

Assistant Director of Met Media

thing is chock-full of quick, healthy

the chef to add other ingredients

An article from Northwestern

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

Star light, star bright, stars I can’t see at night T

he winter months are my

pursuit of the seven sisters of the

With modern technology and

favorite. I’ve never been one for

Pleiades. In reality, the Pleiades

modern engineering, we can curtail

the ire of the summer sun, or the

is a cluster of hot stars, the kind

the mindless spill of light. Intelligent

parade of springtime blossoms. The

that burn bright and die fast in the

street lights can dim throughout the

dark, still air of a winter midnight

interstellar sense. Their place in our

night instead of casting a constant

fills my lungs with life, and the pearl

night sky isn’t unique to Euro-centric

glow that at dusk just suffices

belt of Orion the hunter hanging

cultures either. In Japan, they are

but in the dark more than meets

in the firmament never fails to

known as “Subaru,” and their sense

our needs. Well-designed traffic

captivate my eyes. I’ve lived in

of unity inspired the so-named

signals needn’t be as intense in the

the same house for 22 years and I

automaker’s moniker and badge.

evening as they are in the light of

can remember in the depths of my

Across the northern hemisphere,

day. It can seem insignificant in a

they’re woven into myth and

world confounded on all fronts by

legend and even everyday life.

problems to pine for starry nights,

childhood recollections that same winter’s sight greeting me. Fortune favors my frosty stargazing. I live across from a park devoid of light,

Daniel Sutton

Only on the darkest nights of

but as much as we must tackle

my youth could I admire Orion’s

those very important issues, we

quarry. But I cannot remember the

can’t allow ourselves to forget to

failings have kept local street lights

last time I saw them. Our growing

nourish our deeper needs. I miss the

dark. It all conspires to give me a

metropolis has slowly blotted out

wonder I felt looking up at the night

one night sight after another.

sky of my youth. I decry the thought

and the City of Aurora’s bureaucratic


pool of darkness in the suburban

Los Angeles light up the night sky. In

glow. But even with all those cosmic

Colorado, you can easily check the

For countless generations, we

coincidences, I can glimpse but

fact for yourself. A quick nighttime

all shared in that night sky, in the

be denied even those memories.

the merest shred of humanity’s

trip west to Arapaho National Forest

cascades of the Milky Way and the

It’s time we try and take our night

oldest common heritage.

— nestled in our resident mountains

myriad wonders that lay beyond it.

back from our endless light.

— or north towards the Minuteman

For the last few centuries, though —

the International Dark Sky

III strewn Pawnee National

since the first oil street lamps cast

Association and other similarly

Grasslands will testify to the fact

their meager light — we’ve slowly

studying political science at MSU

invested organizations can talk

that even in our illuminations

lost this once-cherished treasure. It

Denver. He is currently a copy

about how, from hundreds of miles

we are incredible polluters.

is time we consider whether we’re

editor for The Metropolitan.

Astronomers Without Borders,

away, the glow of major cities like

In legend, Orion is in perpetual

that younger generations may

Daniel Sutton is a senior

content with that state of affairs.

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

What we do

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

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@MyMetMedia @MyMetMedia @MyMetMedia

• August 29, 2019 • 1-4 p.m. • JSSB Lawn



AUGUST 21, 2019

New King Gizzard album is a banger and a bummer By James Burky

metal awesomeness. The clean

possibility. The topics tackled in


production on Michael Cavanagh’s

“Rats Nest,” however, are very

drums adds the cherry on top, and

real. Sure, “Superbug” sounds

rounds out a 9-track, 34-minute

a little over the top, but World

experience of doomsday grooves.

Health Organization warnings over

Indie darlings King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard continue to tackle climate change on

To understand “Infest the Rats’

the last few years highlight the

their most poignant LP to date,

Nest,” though, the listener needs

risk of resistant infections, and the

“Infest the Rats’ Nest.”

to dissect the story being told

declining usability of antibiotics.

over the apocalyptic melodies.

Side A seems disjointed to the

King Gizzard has built a reputation for being eclectic

“Rat’s Nest” is a two-part

clear narrative of Side B. But when

and working at the speed of

concept album that takes real-

clarity dissipates, the sheer anger

a cocaine-addict on adderall.

world rumblings and fears to

of the band members — not the

They released five albums in

create dystopian fiction. Side

characters — are shown in full.

2017 and have dropped 15 total

A takes an abstract approach.

in seven years. “Rats’ Nest” is

The first two songs, “Planet B”

story isn’t the most satisfying

the follow-up to March 2019’s

and “Mars for the Rich,” halt

and even a bit convoluted, that

“Fishing for Fishies,” which took

discussion of Mars colonization,

a lighthearted, boogie approach

fearing that the rich will leave

to addressing environmentalism

a ruined earth behind. The next

and climate change.

two songs, “Organ Farmer”

The New Zealand outfit sounds

and “Superbug,” address fears

While the ending to the

could be the point. Everyone Photo obtained from King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard.

dies if climate change is ignored. There are no happy endings.

Infest the Rats’ Nest is the fifteenth studio album by Australian psychedelic rock band King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. It was released on Aug. 16.

“Infest the Rats’ Nest” is not a critique of the systems that have

more in their element on “Rats’

that have no direct connection

Nest” than on its predecessor.

in terms of narrative, but help

Stu McKenzie’s vocals are a

establish precedent for the

hijack spaceships carrying

atmosphere and immediately

the path we’re on could be leading

growl, seamlessly fitting in with

second half of the album.

colonies and fly to Venus for

combusts into flames. The rebels

to the planet’s doom. Leave it

a new home. As evidenced by

are then sent to the underworld

to King Gizzard and the Lizard

in the aptly-titled closer, “Hell.”

Wizard for making impending

the heavy crunches of the guitar

Side B, or the Venusian

allowed climate change to run rampant. It’s the realization that

work of himself, Cook Craig,

storyline, tells the story of people

the doom of the previous four

and Joey Walker. When given

left on Earth rebelling against the

tracks, each as apocalyptic and

the time to shine, Walker’s bass

rich for allowing superbugs to

heavy as the next, this doesn’t

element of fiction strong enough

lines tie the melodies together,

deteriorate health, harvesting the

end well. Two groups of rebels

to detach the audience from the

such as on the second-song

insides of the poor and leaving

set course to Venus: one plunges

story. The “Mad Max” films, for

“Mars for the Rich.” All of this

them to die while escaping to

into the sun while confessing

example, are absurd enough

creates a fiery sundae of thrash

Mars. In their revolt, the rebels

their sins, the other enters Venus’

to keep them from the realm of

Most dystopian media has an

doom sound so damn good.

Retrospective Review: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy By Will Satler

“All of the Lights” peaked at number


18. “Runaway” peaked at number

on “Lost in the World,” a

12 on the Hot 100 chart and was

four minute and 16 second

accompanied by a 35-minute short

song that was the spark of his

film that was directed by West.

marriage with Kim Kardashian.

Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ma let you finish, but I think “My Beautiful Dark Twisted” Fantasy is Kanye West’s best album. Features from Kid Cudi,

An impressive list of

His lyrical genius is featured

In a 2013 interview with New

accolades was added to West’s

York’s 92.3 NOW, West talks

collection with “My Beautiful

about his biggest inspiration.

JAY-Z, and John Legend are just

Dark Twisted Fantasy,” but the

a tiny sample of the long list of

album has a unique consistency

first met, but I knew that that

contributors to West’s fifth studio

of quality that only the most

was my wife,” said West. “To

album. Released on November 22,

successful albums have.

write that for someone who had

2010, the album went two-time RIAA

The album opens with a

“I don’t remember when we

inspired me to love, to create, to

Platinum by January — just two

narration from hip-hop star, Nicki

be an artist — she’s my biggest

months after its release. The album

Minaj, and the first line of the

inspiration and I was so happy

even went Platinum in Australia.

song plays “I fantasized ‘bout

that it worked on that song.”

Often called a “genre-bending

this back in Chicago.” West’s

The lyrics for the song

masterpiece,” West’s critically

deep Windy City background

were actually from a poem

acclaimed album was influenced

is the theme of the album with

he emailed to Kardashian

by his deteriorating relationship

him returning to his roots.

before they were married.

with model Amber Rose. While the album itself was

Over one hour, eight minutes

GQ, Rolling Stone and

and 36 seconds, “My Beautiful

Complex all rank “My Beautiful

seminal, the way West marketed the

Dark Twisted Fantasy” is not only

Dark Twisted Fantasy” as one

album and released the singles was

arguably West’s best album, but

of the greatest albums of the

trailblazing. West released “Power,”

one of the greatest albums ever,

decade with 1.3 million copies

“Monster,” “Runaway” and “All of

in hip-hop or not. Entertainment

sold in the United States alone.

the Lights” through GOOD Fridays,

Weekly ranked Dark Fantasy along

which he used to release weekly

with The Beatles’ “Revolver,”

toast for West’s “My Beautiful Dark and producer Kanye West. It was released on Nov. 22, 2010.

free music. “Power” peaked at

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and

Twisted Fantasy” as it bent the

number 22 on the US Billboard Hot

Prince’s “Purple Rain” as the

hip-hop genre as we once knew it.

100 chart, and both “Monster” and

greatest albums of all time in 2016.

So it’s time for us to have a

Photo obtained from Def Jam Recordings.

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is the fifth studio album by American rapper

AUGUST 21, 2019



The pursuit of sounds unheard

One musician’s passion has carried him through the rabbit hole of melody

By Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu “Country tones meet balladic indie, brooding folk music waltzing with dark and portentous pop music…it’s difficult to really pin down, but then all of the best songs are.” — Dave Franklin, Dancing About Architecture A musician’s journey into mastering the melodic media form called music is one traveled by many and mastered by few. Similarly, a listener has a long road ahead of them if one wishes to discover all genres of music. Greg Smith, an acoustic rock musician, has spent decades mixing and improving his music. In the world of music, a great place to start as a musician or listener is rock — Smith did. “And I haven’t looked back,” he said. Smith’s start in sound began as a child, playing the piano in

Photos obtained from Greg Smith.

the basement of his family home. Years of practicing music led to the

Promotional photo of acoustic rock artist Greg Smith. His new album, “Waiting for the Truth” was released earlier in 2019.

production of his own recording studio. After years of musicians

the longest, because you’re writing

he experienced with his first album.

I learned along the way — things

driving from Savannah, Georgia

coming in and Smith producing

it all your life,” Smith said. “What if

The hard turnaround for a follow-

that are now second nature on the

and Jeremy from New York. Their

music, Smith saw an opportunity

we did didn’t do a second album?”

up production can be difficult.

ninth album,” Smith said. “Part of

musical journey has carried them

“It is the second album

it is to just write in your own key.”

through dozens of states, seeing

Smith’s most recent album,

some of the most beautiful sights

to branch out and expand on his music career. Smith and his friend Rich Krentz wrote songs along with producing music. After realizing their potential, the band, The Far Cry was formed. But after scheduling

“The first album always takes the longest because you’re writing it all your life.” – Greg Smith

conflicts with Krentz, Smith was

which is hard because you have to do it in a year or two.” Smith’s development as a musician has consistently changed through his time as a

“Waiting for the Truth,” has incorporated the lessons he learned throughout his musical career. “Smith’s most recent

that the country has to offer. “We are going to grab some food and maybe some drinks,” said Jeremy about their stay in Colorado.

performer. From producing music

album release can be read as a

“We are gonna go to Arrowhead

in a homemade recording studio to

pastiche that pays homage to

Golf Course. We will rent some

a reality under the title, “Next

writing, recording and editing music,

the chromaticism and eclectic

clubs and have a good day.”

the First,” sought to tell a story that

Time Around.” The challenges the

Smith has changed a lot as an artist.

juxtapositions found on later

has never seen the light of day.

musician faced during recording

influenced to try music solo. Smith’s first solo album, “Album

“The first album always takes

The second album became

the second album were from those

“I didn’t know certain things when I started the first album that

Beatles’ albums,” said MSU Denver musicologist and theorist Erik Peterson. Peterson also is a founding member and violist for the Voxare String Quartet. One’s interpretation of music can be far different from another’s. The same can be attributed to how someone develops music. Smith’s advice to musicians spans from promoting through social media and keeping albums cheap, but self expression holds a very important place in his heart. “Go ahead, express yourself,

“Waiting for the Truth” is Greg Smith’s ninth solo album..

go nuts,” Smith said. “Don’t do what somebody else is doing and

the music industry. A-list artists

you’re on the wrong track, you’re

like Drake and Taylor Swift

probably on the right track.”

dominate the headlines, so it can

In the pursuit of sounds unheard,

be difficult for Smith to break

Smith’s campaign of musical

through, but he is content with his

composition has led him to many

self-proclaimed “B-circuit” title.

places. Touring and promotional

Rock is a musical genre that has

tours have provided an opportunity

been underlooked recently. Smith

for Smith and his son Jeremy.

has seen this as an opportunity

Traveling around the country has

to pursue sounds unheard.

become a staple for the duo, Smith

Promotional photo of acoustic rock artist Greg Smith.

It is hard to make ground in

if somebody else tells you that



AUGUST 21, 2019

Broncos return with plenty of story lines By Will Satler

December was a highlight of the game and a


welcome sight for Broncos fans despite the offense’s struggles so far in the preseason.

The hype around Broncos football

“I almost started crying in the tunnel,”

in Denver is growing after a long

said Sanders in an interview with Broncos

offseason of question marks surrounding

senior digital reporter Andrew Mason. “I

a once-dominant franchise.

feel like I’ve grown a lot in the past eight

The Broncos returned Monday with less

months. I don’t take any of it for granted.”

than a month till Week 1, when they take

A small glimpse of what a Sanders–

on the Raiders at Oakland-Alameda County

Joe Flacco connection could be in Denver

Coliseum on Monday Night Football.

was showcased on a 45-yard strike in the

After three preseason games, there are some clear takeaways from Vic Fangio’s squad

first half which was ultimately negated by a Garett Bolles’ holding call.

and how they are going to look come the 2019-

“I feel like the chemistry is there,”

2020 regular season. San Francisco 49ers’

Sanders said. “We’ve still got three weeks

quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo’s 0.0 QB rating

to keep getting better and keep growing,

and scoreless appearance makes it clear that

and have him get used to my speed.”

this defense, headlined by All-Pro Von Miller

The Bolles’ holding call was just a

and exciting young defensive end Bradley

microcosm of the issues the Broncos face

Chubb are a force to be reckoned with.

for the upcoming season as penalties and

Chubb’s strip-sack on 49ers’ backup

Photo obtained from AP Photo by Jack Dempsey

Denver Broncos Bradley Chubb prepares to hit San Francisco 49ers quarterback C.J. Beathard during a preseason football game on Aug. 19 in Denver.

inconsistencies on special teams are a

his facemask and Cracraft had just 12

reached the playoffs in the three seasons

quarterback C.J. Beathard and Isaac Yiadom’s

reccurant problem. Denver ranked third

yards in two return opportunities.

that followed winning Super Bowl 50.

first quarter interception on Garoppolo

in total penalties last year, only trailing

were key demonstrations that Fangio’s

Indianapolis and Kansas City, while racking

that’s two weeks in a row our special teams

how dominant the defense has looked.

defense will be this team’s saving grace

up 149 flags in 400 fewer plays than the teams

has gotten whipped,” Fangio told Mason.

Should the offense be in mid-season

throughout the season. In a division loaded

ahead of them, according to nflpenalties.com.

“We’re going to have to get it fixed.”

form with a new crew on Aug. 19? You’re

with quarterback talent like reigning-MVP

Special teams have been just as

“Yeah, big-time concerns, because

Broncos fans should be overjoyed at

Just preseason games against the

crazy if you thought it would be, and it’s

Patrick Mahomes, future hall-of-famer Phillip

inconsistent so far this preseason, as wide

Los Angeles Rams and Arizona Cardinals

Rivers and three-time pro bowler Derek

receivers River Cracraft, Nick Williams

stand between the Broncos and games

Carr, this defense will need to be stout.

and Kelvin McKnight took turns returning

that count, leaving just the right number

on Monday all without a glimpse of

of questions for a team with a new head

success. Williams fumbled the ball off

coach, new quarterback and who haven’t

Monday’s remarkable return of wide-out Emmanuel Sanders from a torn achilles last

not wild to think it can get there soon.

Men’s soccer steps onto field for first time By James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu There’s a lot of needed change for the MSU Denver men’s soccer team in Fall 2019. The moment they set foot on the

Tittle’s tenure was marred by inconsistency and roster turnover. After posting winning records in 2015 and

pitch at the Regency Athletic Complex

2016, Tittle’s teams didn’t surpass a .500

to start their exhibition match against

winning percentage in 2017 or 2018.

Laramie County Community College on Sunday, a fresh season began. 2018 was a tough one for the

To make matters worse, the Roadrunners lost sixteen players before last season began.

Roadrunners in more ways than one. On top of the usual haul of freshmen and transfers, the Roadrunners have a

The Roadrunners’ regular season will begin against St. Mary’s University on Sept. 6 in San Antonio.

new head honcho on the sidelines. Hank Lewis, formerly of the Air Force Academy and Colorado School of Mines,

They will open Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference play on Sept. 13 against Regis University in Denver.

takes on the role of head coach after the school parted ways with Jeremy Tittle.

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Stay tuned for an in-depth preview next week.

Head coach Hank Lewis gives the MSU Denver men’s soccer team feedback during a break in their exhibition game against Laramie County Community College at the Regency Athletic Complex on Aug. 18.

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Gianni Steijlen yells to his team from the sidelines.

MSU Denver midfielder Bryce Montes prepares to head a corner kick.

Freshman Jerry Gutierrez slides to the ground for the ball.


AUGUST 21, 2019

New track, cross country coach Lara up to the challenge for the Chicago Bears. In regard to that transition

“I just loved to see how fast

$33,000. That’s a lot of money

country teams, instantly knew who

for aspiring chefs to fork over to

she wanted to fill the role — the

Lara has a couple of legs up

run for a brand new team whose

same guy who torched her old

on Singletary and Thomas.

I could run,” Lara said. “When I was 12, I competed at a national race in Pennsylvania hosted by Hershey. I was one of the few to not have a coach or be sponsored by a club. I finished seventh.” Martin kept his eye on Lara at Alamosa High School as he won

Cristopher, who heads the cross

from playing to coaching,

By James Burky


website, yearly tuition hovers over

“I think one of the toughest things about coaching is that you have to learn to relate to the athletes.” – Nicholas Lara

two 4A state titles in track and field. And once Lara graduated,

Lara spent time as a graduate

Colorado School of Mines teams

“I’m going to make people want to be here, and we’re going to win. I can guarantee that.” – Nicholas Lara

on the track over a decade ago. “As soon as Trent resigned, I texted Nick asking him if he was interested in applying,” Christopher said. “It was frustrating, But I always respected

practice field was a public park.

him. He was a really tough

“That may have been my

competitor, but he was also

toughest moment as a coach,”

somebody that my guys respected

Lara said. “I literally had to build a

and that they felt comfortable just

he pulled the trigger and made

assistant at Adams State before

program, but there were kids out

having a conversation with them.”

him an Adams State Grizzly.

becoming an assistant coach

there looking for their chance.”

Lara was hired as the head track

There was something about his

with Southern Connecticut

new recruit’s attitude that gave

State University, being named

year stint, 16 of his athletes

assistant on Aug. 6. Now, he faces

Martin the hunch that Lara was

DII’s east region assistant

had qualified for the National

another uphill battle — bring the

going to be more ferocious than

coach of the year in 2011.

Association of Intercollegiate

Roadrunners to relevance. MSU

Athletics (NAIA) championships.

Denver’s track and field teams

Lara was done, he thought.

have seen plenty of individual

most runners in the program. “I knew he was going to

“I think one of the toughest things about coaching is that

At the end of Lara’s three-

and field coach and Christopher’s

be great. What set him apart

you have to learn to relate to the

In 2017, he co-founded Defiance

runners, but the same can’t be said

was his competitiveness and

athletes,” Lara said. “You can’t

Health, a company that specializes

for team success. The men haven’t

work ethic,” says Martin.

just talk to them as athletes, but

in nutrition and exercise. There

placed at the NCAA Outdoor

as kids going through problems.”

was only one job that he’d

Championships since 2014 and the

In 2014, Lara moved back to

return to the sidelines for.

women have only been invited four

There’s a common trait among athletes, Martin said. They tend to stick to their guns and perfect

Colorado as Johnson and Wales

their strengths, often putting less

University’s inaugural track and

times since the start of the decade.

emphasis on their weaknesses.

field coach. Building the team up

But no ordinary athlete wins

from nothing was a challenge.

seven national titles in four

Johnson and Wales is a culinary

head coach of the MSU Denver

want to be here, and we’re

years, those feats are reserved

school first, not one for athletics.

track and field teams at the end

going to win,” he said. “I

for ones that put in extra.

According to the University’s

of the 2019 spring season, Janis

can guarantee that.”

The Roadrunner

Lara is determined to change that.

When Trent Mack resigned as

“I’m going to make people

Martin and his coaching staff knew that Lara could book it like few others, but they challenged


ROADRUNNER BRIEFS Volleyball comes in fifth in preseason RMAC poll After three consecutive Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Tournament title game` appearances, the Roadrunners were selected to finish fifth, as voted on by the league’s coaches. Alyssa Kelling is the lone returning senior for coach Jenny Glenn. Colorado School of Mines received the most votes in the conference. Colorado Mesa University, Dixie State University and Regis University were the other schools ahead of MSU Denver in the poll.

Former Roadrunner to play in FIBA World Cup When Australia comes to play Team USA in exhibition basketball matches this week, former Roadrunner center Nick Kay will suit up for the team from down under. Kay will join NBA players Patty Mills, Joe Ingles and Matthew Dellavedova for games at Melbourne’s Marvel Stadium on Thursday and Friday and can be seen on NBA TV at 3:30 a.m. MDT and 10 p.m. MDT.

Women’s golf picked to finish eighth in RMAC MSU Denver recieved one firstplace vote overall in the poll after finishing seventh last year in the RMAC. Their season gets started on Sept. 9-10 at the Farmers Sam Proal Invintational at the Pueblo Country Club and is led by senior Jennifer Hankins, who has averaged a career stroke of 79.72, which is fourth-best in program history. Hankins was selected a preseason player to watch as was her teammate, Kika Dzoan.

him to work on his endurance and run cross country. It seemed like a tall order to get one of Division II’s best track runners to transfer that success to cross country. At the end of the season, Lara was named to the country’s all-cross country team. Because – of course he was.

The Coach Stud athletes become dud coaches more often than you

Former MSU Denver baseball player Malkin knocking on the MLB door

might think. Isaiah Thomas is simultaneously one of the greatest point guards in NBA history and one of the worst coaches in the 21st Century. A whole generation of football fans think of Mike Singletary more as a failed coach Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

with the San Francisco 49ers than as a legendary linebacker

New Roadrunner’s head men’s and women’s cross country coach, Nicholas Lara, in front of the Regency Athletic Complex in Denver on Aug. 20.

CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE Sept. 7 UCCS Rust Buster Invitational Location Colorado Springs

Oct. 5 Roadrunner Invitational Location Denver

Oct. 26 RMAC Championships Location Grand Junction

Price Free

Price Free

Price Free

Time TBA

Time TBA

Time TBA

After one of the best statistical seasons in Roadrunner baseball history, former catcher Matt Malkin was called up to the Sacramento River Cats, the triple A affiliate of the San Fransisco Giants. Malkin went undrafted in the 2019 MLB amateur player draft and was signed as a free agent by the Giants in June.



AUGUST 21, 2019


Welcome Week: Student Involvement Fair Date Location

Aug. 21 Tivoli Quad


Auditions: “Two Gentlemen of Verona” Date Location

Aug. 21 - 22 KC Courtyard Theater

Cirque du Soleil: Corteo Date Location

Aug. 15 - 22 Pepsi Center

Chicago Date Location

Aug. 1 - 25 Ellie Caulkins Opera House










10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


4 - 8 p.m. (Wednesday), 5 - 8


7:30 p.m.



p.m. (Thursday)

Welcome Week: Tivoli Throwback Date Location

Aug. 22 Tivoli Quad

Welcome Week: Meet the Greeks Date Location

Aug. 22 Tivoli Turnhalle

Lamb Jam Denver Date Location

Aug. 25 Mile High Station

Scotty Wiese: “Mile High Magic” Date Location

Aug. 25 Bovine Metropolis Theater










10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


5 p.m. - 8 p.m.


2 p.m.


7 p.m.


University of Denver vs. Boston University (Women’s Soccer) Date Location

Aug. 22 University of Denver

University of Denver vs. Gonzaga University (Soccer) Date Location

Aug. 23 University of Denver

Inner Circle Foundation 4th Anuual Golf Tournament Date Location

Aug. 23 Arrowhead Golf Club

Denver Outlaws vs. Ohio Machines Date Location

Aug. 24 Broncos Stadium










7 p.m.


5 p.m.


7 a.m. - 4 p.m.


7 p.m.

University of Denver vs. Drake University (Women’s Soccer) Date Location

Aug. 25 University of Denver

Race to Cure Sarcoma Date Location

Aug. 25 Cherry Creek Dam

Colorado Classic (Cycling) Date Location

Aug. 22 - 25 Colorado

Rugbytown 7S Date Location

Aug. 23 - 28 Infinity Park Event Center










12 - 2 p.m.


9 a.m. - 12 p.m.






Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats Date Location

Aug. 21 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Dave Matthews Band Date Location

Aug. 23 Fiddlers Green Amphitheatre

“1964” The Tribute Date Location

Aug. 23 Red Rocks Ampitheatre

Highly Suspect Date Location

Aug. 24 Mission Ballroom


$55 - 90


$50 - 115


$43 - 53


$33 - 75


7:30 p.m.


8 p.m.


8 p.m.


8 p.m.

Reggae on the Rocks Date

Aug. 24

Location Red Rocks Ampitheatre

The Meditations Date Location

Aug. 24 Red Rocks Ampitheater

The 2nd Annual Red Rocks Beer Festival: Punk in Drublic Date Location

Aug. 25 Red Rocks Ampitheater


$60 - 95


$60 - 95


$90 - 100


2 p.m.


2 p.m.


4 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Saturday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics, instrumentals and cultural significance at mymetmedia.com


AUGUST 21, 2019



“The classiest drink I’ve seen here is Mike’s Hard Lemonade.” “That’s the thing about seasons, they come around every year.” “Rennaisance artists all have bad Italian names.” “The Beatles released a couple klunkers.”



You may find that you are a little lost in the wind lately. Don’t worry, and go with the flow, as things will soon calm down.

A period of discontent is coming to a close. Despite your instinct to hold on to your current feelings, strive to let them go and move forward.



Right now is a time for closure. Be it a project, relationship or something else, make sure you finish things the right way.

Your conceptions of the world are going to be challenged in the near term. Make sure not to react defensively, and to stay open to new ideas.



Pisces is sitting pretty right now. While the moment is calm, take some time for yourself and enjoy this moment of ease.

Top 5


You’ve been struggling with confidence lately, but you need not. Those who matter most to you are proud of who you are already.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way” might be cliche, but its also often true. You’re feeling defeated right now, but if you stick to it, there’s a chance you’ll come through.



Your future is full of the kind of early mornings you detest. It’ll be a trial, but it’s better to tackle the transition head on.

You’re looking at a major financial decision soon, Scorpio. Much as you’ll want to get it done and over with, take your time and watch your step.



With summer hitting its peak, now is an ideal time for Gemini to reflect on their year and look towards the coming winter close.

Sagittarius may feel conflicted over a recent mistake. Much as you’ll regret admitting to it, be forthright, lest the problem fester.

2. Radiohead — “Pablo Honey” 3. Bruce Springsteen — “Human Touch” 4. Kanye West — “Yeezus”

Virgos should look to let their hair down before the going gets tough. You’ve got labors waiting for you, but now is a moment of ease. Enjoy it.


bad albums from great artists 1.The Beach Boys — “15 Big Ones”


5. Arctic Monkeys — “Suck It and See”

Photo of the Week blocking the movement of a coal shipment from their recently cloased mine. The miners

of an America in flux. Many moments in U.S.

are refusing to clear the short stretch of rail

history are defined, in our recollections and

needed to ship the coal until they are paid their

our history books not by outstanding pictures

due wages. It’s the first time in decades that

of exceptional times, but by the everyday

miners in the area, once known for a history of

snaps of common people going about the

sometimes violent labor action, have organized

business of their lives. From the dust bowl

on such a scale. And it comes at a time when

to the civil rights movement, as much as we

America’s economy is continuing a trend of

remember the keystone moments, it’s daily

upheaval, with support for unions and worker

America that defines the texture of our history.

organization at a high point. Perhaps Thacker’s

Thacker captures Harlan County miners

photo will continue that great historical trend.

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu



Photo by Kristian Thacker | Photo obtained from the New York Times

Coal miners in Harlan County, Kentucky block the last shipment of coal from their recently shuttered mine, demanding backpay and severance.



Kristian Thacker’s photo of coal miners in Harlan County, Kentucky captures a slice


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