Volume 42, Issue 4 - Sept. 4, 2019

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 4




The Father, The Mother and The 7 Thunders Story on pg. 6

Illustration by Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu



| pg. 2


| pg. 4


| pg. 8


| pg. 9

Preview: Denver corn maze to open

Despite hostility back home,

Volleyball sets sight on 20th straight

The Rocky Mountain Showdown is

up for fall season

Buttigieg still a front-runner

NCAA tournament

the epitome of boring football




Maize in the City begins prepping for 2019 season By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

of agritourism – which is doing any


agriculturally based operation or activity to bring visitors to a farm or ranch.

Maize in the City, one of the most

“Agritourism is what helps keep

popular fall attractions in the Denver

farming alive, especially since we are

metro area, returns to Thornton for its

locally-owned,” Cristina said.

18th year in business. Maize in the City

In other words, profits made by the

opens on Sept. 28 and will continue

Halloween-themed events help supplement

to run until the end of October.

the cost of running the events and growing

MITC is located between Riverdale Road

crops. This year, they’re featuring a “Pitch

and McKay Road on 104th Avenue. The maze

Dark” blackout event at the end of October,

is run by siblings Gina and Joe Palombo,

where they’ve pathed out a track that runs

alongside Mark Villano, who initially started

down the infamous Riverdale Road, into

with four acres of land in 2001. Now, the farm

the woods and back into their field.

is 10 times as large, with the main “Crazed

Cristina said the farm’s owners try to give

Corn Field Maze” attraction taking up 20 acres.

back to their attendees and supporters.

The farm has expanded to include more

“We try to include the community and

attractions as it has gained popularity

provide something fun and engaging,” she

over the years. Alongside the mazes, the

said. “We’re always looking to find new,

location also has a petting zoo, pumpkin

exciting ways to let everyone enjoy their time.”

field, pony rides and all-new corn launchers

One way they’ve given back is by

Photo courtesy of Maize in the City

that shoot corn more than 50 feet across the field. There is also the infamous night-time attraction, The Haunted Field of Screams,

Corn maze-goers enter the Maize in the City in Thornton. The attraction will be open for the 2019 fall season on Sept. 28.

offering four different experiences once

partnering with Sanctuary Movement, a nonprofit based out of Colorado, for the past three years and providing a portion of their sales to them. The reason for this partnership is that

the sun goes down on the weekends.

“We have the opportunity to build

Cristina Palombo, the communications

MITC has been recognized by the public as

the treasurer is connected to the farm, and

everything from the ground up in three

they’ve continued to grow, being named best

they went from there. The non-profit works

consultant for MITC and The Haunted

weeks and change up both events every

corn maze by Westword in 2017 for having so

with people in other countries and making

Field of Screams, said they can change

year,” she said. “Even if the name is the

much variety on their land during the season.

sure they have basic necessities like food,

up each year for both events as one of the

same, you won’t go through the same maze

leading factors of how they stay relevant.

or haunted house two years in a row.”

This time of year is when farms can

and they recently built a school in India.

push to turn a profit through the promotion

Weekly News Briefs Mike Johnston drops out of Colorado Senate Race Just two weeks after former

Sen. Bernie Sanders coming to Civic Center Park Sept. 9 Sen. Bernie Sanders, one

Stricter oil and gas regulations roll out in Adams County

RTD Crime spree suspect charged with eight different counts

Frisco man admits to 10-year-long embezzlement scheme.

Colorado legislature passed

Gov. John Hickenlooper’s

of the Democratic presidential

Senate Bill 181 back in April, which

announcement that he was

candidates for the 2020 election,

gave counties more authority

was reported brandishing a gun

stealing from the Hamilton Creek

entering the race after resigning

is coming to Denver next

to limit drilling of gas and oil

towards an RTD bus driver before

Metro District for over a decade,

from his presidential campaign,

Monday with doors opening at

in their boundaries. The power

forcing them out and driving away.

according to the Colorado 5th

former state Sen. Mike Johnston

4:30 p.m. and the rally starting

was originally held only by state

He crashed the stolen vehicle a

Judicial Distric Attorney’s Office.

dropped out, despite leading

at 6 p.m. This is Sanders’ first

regulators. Adams County is the

mile later wall on West 6th Avenue

He was hired in 1995 to perform

the Democrats and raising $1.6

appearance in Colorado for his

first to follow through with the

and Lowell Boulevard. Afterwards,

billing, financial statements,

million. Johnston’s reasoning

2020 campaign and the event

new local law. The industry has

Garcia went to a nearby residence,

financial management, budget

has to do with wanting to avoid

is free and open to the public,

fought against these rules and

harassing the homeowner for

preparation and supervision of

delving into having to get involved

although an RSVP is appreciated.

laws in the past, along with some

their keys, then ran off again, later

the district’s operations and was

with a negative campaign.

Sanders has historically polled

citizens saying that these jobs

approaching a third person in

fired in 2015. The first records

well in Colorado before, winning

have benefitted Adams County

their white Hyundai Santa Fe and

date 2000 and show that Polich

the state’s caucus in 2016 at

and its residents, and that the bill

carjacking them. The suspect was

wrote checks that were about four

primary would now require

59% against Hillary Clinton’s

is not “reasonable and necessary”

detained shortly after 6:30 p.m.

times the necessary legitimate

an expensive and negative

40%. Currently Sanders is in the

— a phrase that was added later

after crashing the second vehicle

funds required. Polich was the

campaign.” Johnston said in

lead for Colorado’s Democratic

by the insistence of lobbyists —

at a traffic light near Sheridan

only person with any check writing

an interview with The Denver

primary field at 26% support, with

and that the bill will essentially

Boulevard and West First Avenue

authorities and could face up to

Channel. “That is not who I am,

former vice president Joe Biden

ban drilling. The Colorado

and trying to run off once again.

12 years in prison for this crime.

and no race is worth conceding

trailing behind at 25%, followed

Petroleum Council is satisfied

Charges include two counts of

He was caught attempting to do

victory to a brand of broken

by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren

with the outcome, but wants more

endangering public transportation,

something similar as a financial

politics that I have spent my

with 20% support. Sanders also

changes once it is finalized. One

two counts of aggravated robbery,

manager, and was ordered to pay

life trying to change.”

came in 2018 to support other

of the major concerns is about the

two counts of first-degree

back $160,000. He pleaded guilty

Democratic candidates like Jared

county’s proposed air emission

aggravated motor vehicle theft,

to that case. The sentencing is

Gov. Jared Polis commended

Polis. Other candidates who

levels, saying that it undermines

one count of criminal attempted to

set to take place on Nov. 5 at 8:30

Johnston for his efforts to improve

visited or are visiting Denver

the efforts made by the industry

commit aggravated robbery, and

a.m. and last all day as multiple

Colorado, the first comment he

include Sen. Kamala Harris,

and state government. There

one count of criminal attempt to

witnesses bear their testimonies.

made about the race. Johnston

who came in early Aug., and

will likely be more efforts to

commit second-degree burglary.

made a remark about doing what’s

Biden coming in late Sept.

crack down against the industry,

“To win this Democratic

best for everyone involved, even

with this bill just being one of

if that means having to step

the first steps towards that.

down instead of pressing on.

Solomon David Garcia, 36,

Robert Polich, 66, admitted to








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Buttigieg still the ideal candidate in light of policing record

staff Editor-in-Chief

s one of 20 Democratic

Harris of California has faced

else, hopefully it will come

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

candidates for president

backlash in her own state for her

across that among the candidates

Managing Editor

in 2020, Pete Buttigieg stands out

stance on criminal justice. As the

I’ll be one of those who has

for multiple reasons. He is not

attorney general of California,

engaged these issues and the

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

only the youngest man to ever

Harris defended the death penalty,

challenge that they represent.”

run for president, but also the

even though she admitted she

And Davis was right about

first ever openly gay candidate.

was personally against it. CNN

one thing. Buttigieg has fixed

However, a recent town hall

reported that her political view

the economic welfare of South

on the issue had to do with her

Bend, and all one need do to test

professional duty to the state.

whether he would do the same for

Sports Editor Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu


meeting in South Bend, Indiana

Megan Webber

proved that he lacks support from Democrats who would be crucial

named Oliver Davis, told the

And yet, in 2004, Harris refused

the country as president is look

to the success of his campaign.

Times that the mayor’s inability to

to seek the death penalty for the

into his policy ideas on health

solve racial issues overshadows

killer of a Latino police officer.

care, education and minority

Sitting at fourth in the polls, Buttigieg’s campaign has recieved $24.8 million from 130,000

his other achievements. “If you build up the downtown

Features Editor Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Photo Editor Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

is another matter. Harris herself

progressive change this country

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

and fix all the potholes but your

publicly attacked Biden on the

needs after four years of Donald

more than current Democratic

police officers are killing people,

debate stage in June for his

Trump. He is the polar opposite

front-runner Joe Biden has

your people are not around to

public ignorance of minorities.

of the current administration,

received so far. The South Bend

enjoy it. That is the key issue

Other candidates called out

and the social struggles of his

mayor’s chances of winning the

with Mayor Pete,” Davis said.

his vote in favor of the Iraq

hometown do not change that.

Much of the anger is due to

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

rights. Buttigieg encompasses the

Former vice president Biden

individual donors, which is

nomination are rising, in light of

News Editor

war and his relationships with

Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu Copy Editor Daniel Sutton

the fact that as mayor, Buttigieg

segregationist senators. While

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

was responsible for hiring

Biden denies their accusations,

convergent journalism major with a

officer in South Bend fatally

the police chiefs, all of whom

his record raises questions about

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver. She

shot a 54-year-old black man

have been white men since

his political views of minorities.

is currently the Managing Editor of The

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

named Eric Logan. In the wake of

Buttigieg took office. There are

Metropolitan and interning at KGNU

Assistant Director of Met Media

the shooting, black citizens and

now only six black officers on

in South Bend, Buttigieg walked

in Boulder. In March, she won the

critics of Buttigieg have pointed

the South Bend police force,

with protesters outside the police

Denver Press Club’s John C. Ennslin

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

out his faults concerning public

according to the Times, in a city

department. His dedication to

award in conjunction with journalism

safety in favor of economic

with a 26% black population.

hearing the input of the people

legend Bob Woodward. Contact her

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

is what shows he is capable of

at mwebber6@msudenver.edu.

Office Manager

policy issues in his hometown. On Jun. 16, a white police

development, according to The

But Buttigieg isn’t the only

After the town hall meeting

New York Times. One critic, a

candidate with flaws in terms

bringing about positive change.

South Bend City Council member

of race and crime. Sen. Kamala

He told the Times, “If nothing

dsutton3@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

Production Manager of Met Media

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing

Top 40 has died, long live internet music communities


he Billboard Music Charts

His patented brand of comedy,

allowed modern musicians like

regurgitate the same pungent

jazz and experimental rock paved

Mac Demarco to find their home.

pop crap with a handful of decent

the way for contemporaries and

artists sprinkled in. Thanks to the

successors like The Beatles and

Billboard Charts serve today?

rise of internet music communities,

Jeff Buckley to bless our souls with

With access to the history of

we have no need for focus group

musical orgasms of awesomeness.

recorded music at our fingertips

hooks and manufactured melodies.

Yet, he only had one album chart

and a myriad of communities to

in the Billboard Top 10 and one

recommend us albums, songs

song chart in the Top 50. A band

and playlists, we don’t need a

that embraced noise music that

chart to tell us what to listen to.

Fifty years ago, the Billboard charts served a higher purpose than

James Burky

they do today. Music as we know it was in its infancy. Piggybacking

they made that exclusive and

Zappa also helped innovate faced

off of the innovation of the first

coveted aggregation of sales.

similar commercial struggles.

generation of rock and roll stars —

Now we can see the errors in

Noise Pop savant Pixies is a

Music has never been so immersive, and because of that, it’s time to push archaic methods

that method. It inherently silences

band that few listened to in their

Richard to name a few — figures

provocative artists that either

80s heyday. None of its first four

like The Beatles, Leonard Cohen,

challenge beliefs or push the

acclaimed albums made a dent

James Burky is a fifth-year convergent

Joni Mitchell and Jimi Hendrix

boundaries just a little bit too much.

in the Billboard album charts, yet

journalism major with a minor in sports

rock gods Nirvana, Weezer, The

media. He is the editor-in-chief for The

It kept truly transcendent artists

of tracking music to the side.

and made music a cultural staple

from getting their commercial

Strokes and David Bowie took

Metropolitan. He hosts the Met Radio

to America. The charts funneled

due, despite terraforming the

massive inspiration from them.

podcast ``5280 Listening Club,`` a show

the top songs and albums to the

musical landscape forever. Take

But this dilemma of amazing

in which he and guests listen to albums

audience so that they could go and

Frank Zappa, for example. He is

artists going unnoticed is,

and discuss their quality and cultural

buy something they’d heard before.

largely credited as being one of

generally, a less pressing issue

significance. He has previously worked

Want to find some country or know

the most authentic artists of the

thanks to internet communities

for the Boulder Daily Camera and

if the new Arlo Guthrie record is any

1970s by continuing to satirize

and streaming. On Reddit, the

currently writes for The Denver Post.

good? Billboard had your back.

cultural norms in a resurgence of

forum Indieheads is dedicated

Email James at jburky@msudenver.edu.

American exceptionalism, while

to discussing and sharing indie

artists to shine. Musicians

also ripping the proverbial box to

music. For all of the community’s

knew that they’d made it when

shreds with his artistic initiative.

occasional pretensions, it has

It also allowed breakthrough

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

What purpose do the

Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and Little

shined as they pushed boundaries

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

What we do

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.

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September 30 to October 6 For more information visit: www.msudenver.edu/homecoming




Embracing an unorthodox religion on campus

7 Thunders organization follows unique interpretation of Bible

felt judged for asking questions By Brady Pieper

about faith. 7 Thunders gave her


the opportunity to not only ask questions of her own but help

Sporting green jackets and

others understand the Bible.

bright smiles, 7 Thunders may

Auraria’s vicinity to downtown

seem familiar to students on

Denver has made 7 Thunders’

campus, but there is a large

job easier. Considering the

dichotomy between the public’s

number of students and people

image of the religious group

flowing through campus every

and what 7 Thunders stands

day, the chapter can reach an

for. The club is a chapter of the

immense array of potential

World Mission Society Church

recruits in a short period of time.

of God, which started in South

MSU Denver is known for its

Korea. The student organization

acceptance of many different clubs

has been one of the most

and ideas. 7 Thunders fits right

storied on campus, winning

in and has received tremendous

awards from President Donald

support from the university.

Trump and presenting in front

“We really appreciate the

of the United Nations. But with

support from MSU Denver student

many large organizations come

activities,” Curry said. “They really

controversy, and the shrouded

helped us grow a lot. We are all

and misunderstood existence

members of ASEZ. We work for

of the 7 Thunders’ mother

Mother and under Mother’s love,

church has a loaded history.

we will make peace for the world.”



The history behind 7 Thunders starts in the 1940s in

The organization exists as a

South Korea. Ahn Sahng-hong,

religion but also as a volunteer

a Korean Christian Minister,

group named ASEZ. Their

began his religious days as a Protestant before coming to a revelation and creating the

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Steven-Valle Valdez and Rudy Sanchez read from the Bible during a Bible study session in a church owned by the World Mission Society Church of God Arvada on Aug. 31.

Witnesses of Jesus Church of God. His death in 1985 created a schism between his followers. Ahn has been claimed as the

volunteer goals fall in line with their beliefs of God the Father and God the Mother. The 7 Thunders has quickly

Mother is a highly debated topic within Christian forum. World Mission’s General

other practices of Christianity,

the past. But Curry states that

become one of the most awarded

which can vary but often observe

the 7 Thunders chapter has had

groups on campus. The chapter

the Sabbath on Sundays.

little to no difficulties recruiting

and World Mission have won not

and operating on Auraria.

only the U.S. President’s Volunteer

founder of both the The World

Pastor Kim Joo-cheol spoke in an

Mission Society Church of God

interview with Korean reporter

must wear white veils whenever

and the New Covenant Passover

Song Hong-geun about God

the time for prayer begins. These

to share the word of God

for Voluntary Service, but several

Church of God. The World Mission

the Mother and God the Father.

help distinguish the men from

the Mother,” Curry said.

other awards regarding their

was incepted in South Korea

Kim, referring to the book of

the women. During the service,

in 1985 after Ahn’s death. The

Genesis, said that if God made

men and women are divided into

chapter that was incepted in

“We believe that the global

Church believes that Ahn is the

man in his image, it means

their own seating sections.

2017 with just four members

village can have true peace, unity

second coming of Jesus Christ, as

there is a male image of God

prophesied in the Bible’s Book of

and a female image of God.

Hebrews. Ahn’s teachings were

The existence of Mother

In the World Mission, women

The World Mission spread to

“Campus is a great opportunity

The 7 Thunders club is a

Service Award and Queen’s Award

international volunteer service.

creating the club. Since then, the

and happiness when we take care

Los Angeles in 1997, continually

Auraria club has grown to over

of our families and neighbors and

spreading the word since. In

70 members in Denver and over

practice sharing and serving with the heart of a mother,” Kim said.

used as the baseline by which his

isn’t the only change from other

2013, the organization claimed

300 members in the midwest.

followers interpret the Bible, and

denominations of Christianity.

to have over 2,500 churches

Students can easily recognize

are strictly followed by the World

A typical service doesn’t appear

in 175 different countries.

the green sweatshirts and

expedition took the group Salt

Mission Society Church of God.

extraordinarily different from

enthusiastic swagger members

Lake City. The United Nations

carry throughout campus.

Civil Society Conference is an

“Not of our thoughts and

other religious gatherings.

mind, but the words of God,”

Attendees can expect many

said Brandon Lee, missionary

songs of prayer, a choir

of the World Mission, on their

performing angelic tunes and

strict interpretation of the Bible.

ministers leading the session.


“We wanted to establish 7

The 7 Thunders’ most recent

event gathering faith-based

Thunders on campus so people

organizations, non-governmental

could feel safe to ask questions

organizations, activists, educators

a hit in the 21st century due to

and feel comfortable,” said

and students together for the

But there are a few changes

a generational shift. Millennials

Bezawit Girma, 7 Thunders officer.

goal of outlining a global vision

in the World Mission’s

that differ the World Mission’s

and Generation Z have delegated

understanding of the Bible from

proceedings from others.

religion to the backburners.

and attended church growing

and inclusivity by 2030. The 7

According to the American

up. But her curiosity outgrew

Thunders appearance at the

religious day set aside for rest

Religious Identification Survey,

her minister’s ability to answer

68th annual UNCSC was one

and worship, which is observed

self-identifying Christians have

her questions. It forced Girma

of great importance and honor

the Mother,” said William Curry,

on Saturdays from sunrise to

fallen nearly 10% nationwide,

to decline religion as a major

for the club, as they received

vice president of the University

sunset. This varies from Judaism,

while self-identifying Jews have

part in her life. After moving

the opportunity to present their

of Colorado Denver’s 7 Thunders

which holds that the Sabbath

dropped 1.2%. The shift has shown

to Colorado and attending the

youth environmental goals.

chapter. “Her responsibilities are

occurs from Friday sundown to

that religion is becoming less of

University of Northern Colorado,

to give people the water of life.”

Saturday sundown, and from

a priority for Americans than in

she went to a Bible study but

The noticeable difference

other Christian denominations is the existence of Mother. “We believe Jerusalem is God

One difference is Sabbath, a

Organized religion has taken

Girma was born in Ethiopia

of sustainable communities

Continued on pg. 7



“It was humbling being able to


in which the court would have to

spread the word,” said MSU Denver 7

investigate the claims, a process which

Thunders’ officer Jordan Dickerson. “It

isn’t constitutionally accepted.

really is beautiful seeing it unfold.”

Rick Alan Ross, an American cult

Dickerson’s path to MSU Denver was

specialist and founder of the Cult Education

one many students have encountered.

Institute, has criticized the World Mission

She began at North Platte Community

as “a very intense group,” according to an

College in Nebraska. After receiving her

interview with Pocono Records. Ross also

associates degree there, she decided that

claimed that the organization has driven

MSU Denver was the next best choice.

members to bankruptcy through excessive

Ever since enrolling at MSU Denver, she

donations, while some members have

has been a large part of the 7 Thunders’

lost jobs due to “excessive demands.”

proceedings, focusing a large portion of

But regardless of the controversy,

her time on community goals intending

the group still carries on.

to improve campus life. Dickerson has

“Of course there were the people

tried to influence students to submit

that didn’t believe, but the Bible

incident reports on campus for cases

explains everything and they can’t

involving theft and criminal activity. In

deny it,” Girma said. “The only solution

her eyes, the community needs to take

is through the word of God.”

an active role in making reports if it

Throughout adversity and societal

wants to reduce crime across campus.

marginalization, the organization has grown

The United Nations outlines 17 goals for

exponentially. Over three million members

sustainable development. Dickerson’s and

around the world have heard the words of

7 Thunders’ goal of combating crime on

Ahn Sahng-hong and God the Mother.

campus is highlighted in sustainability goal

For two years, Auraria’s chapter of

No. 11, sustainable cities and communities.

World Mission Society Church of God, 7

“One voice that is heard speaks for a lot of voices that aren’t,” Dickerson said.

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Members of the World Mission Society Church of God read their Bibles as a group in their Bible study session in their church in Arvada.


Thunders, has become one of the largest organizations on campus. It’s hard to miss the group as they spread their religious word on some of the highest-activity

has one of the highest profile complaints

“uses a number of psychological control

walkways on campus. But the story behind

against the church. According to a People

tactics … to prevent its members from

the 7 Thunders and its parent church

plenty of ire thanks to the recruiting

article, the New Jersey woman filed a

exposing its criminal and tortious behavior.”

World Mission is one clouded in mystery.

practices of World Mission.

lawsuit against the World Mission, claiming

The 7 Thunders has drawn

Michelle Colon, a former member,

the group is a “profit-making” cult and

Colon’s lawsuit was rejected in court due to the intrusive way

student organizations need an advertisement?

offers a free ad

The Metropolitan offers all MSU Denver student organizations per semester one free sixteenth-page ad (2.5” width by 3.5” height) with design included.

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Volleyball looking to go deeper Behind lone senior Roadrunners look to make 20th consecutive appearance in NCAA tournament By Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

When Kelling finally gets


the chance to step back onto that court for the final season

The MSU Denver volleyball

she believes her team will be

the Rocky Mountain Athletic

better off from this period

Conference tournament.

away from their home floor.

After 19 straight seasons of

“I think it’s helped us for the

reaching the NCAA tournament

better. Now, we’re more prepared

and three consecutive RMAC

for games on the road, and we’re

tournament championship game

more comfortable in all these

appearances, the Roadrunners

different situations,” Kelling said.

are focused on going deeper. A 21-10 record last season,

Benda, an outside hitter, doesn’t believe not being

including an impressive 15-3

in their home gym has

conference mark, was not enough

affected the team either.

for the Roadrunners to get past

“I don’t think it has really

Colorado Mesa University in

affected us at all. We’re practicing

the RMAC championship game.

really well wherever we are,”

Entering her fourth year as

she said. “We have done a really

head coach, Jenny Glenn has

good job of adjusting to each

never missed the title game,

gym that we’re in. I think we’ve

but she has also never won it.

played in like five different

To the team, their youth is

gyms at this point, something

a blessing in disguise. While

crazy, so it’s definitely going

all-RMAC middle blocker Alyssa

to be nice to get back on our

Kelling will lead the way as the

home floor at some point, but

only senior, up and coming juniors

it’s not the end of the world.”

Alexa Benda and Kayla White,

No matter what gym they’re

who had breakout performances

playing in, the Roadrunners

during the 2018 postseason,

will need Kelling and the other

look to bring a whole new

five upperclassmen to provide

dynamic to the Roadrunners.

powerful leadership after losing

“There is a lot of fresh

MSU Denver Baseball adds Colorado native to staff Head coach Ryan Strain made another move to try to bolster his team this offseason as he added Marc Mumper as an assistant coach for the 2020 season. Mumper recently finished his playing career at Grand Canyon University as a three-year starter for the NCAA Division I school. Mumper grew up in Colorado and was drafted as a shortstop by the Colorado Rockies in 2015 in the 37th round. He will now look to primarily bolster the team’s infielders, as well as assisting with hitting and base running for a team that started hot but cooled off at the wrong time, losing in the second round of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference tournament.

of her MSU Denver career,

team‘s sights aren’t just set on

Photo by Isaac Banks | cisaacbanks@gmail.com Alyssa Kelling blocks the ball in a match against the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs at the Auraria Event Center in Denver on Oct. 20, 2018.

three key seniors. Santaisha

blood in the gym and that

Sturges, Stephanie Laraway, and

and weren’t able to complete a

they hatch,” Glenn said. “We

has created a good growth

Taylor Duryea graduated and were

comeback after winning the third.

want to make sure we’re taking it

mindset that’s rubbed off on

all-conference selections in their

“Playing from start to finish

one step at a time. The program

our upperclassmen,” Glenn

final seasons as Roadrunners. A

is something that is a big focus

has been very successful in the

said. “We’re almost half-

preseason RMAC coaches poll has

for us,” Benda said. “From the

last 19 years, but we’re always

and-half as far as newbies

MSU Denver right in the thick of

moment we step onto that court,

trying to push deeper. We are

and returners and, while it’s

things again, picked to finish fifth

we’re not letting the team score

a long way away and it’s going

been a different preseason

right behind Regis University.

on us four or five, six points at

to be really tough, so we’ll take

a time. We’re really feisty, so if

it one day at a time and deal with the match in front of us.”

with a lot more teaching

Kelling figures to seamlessly

and patience in the process,

replace the graduates and cap

we communicate and play hard, I

they’re coming along well.”

off a career that leaves her 16th

think we’ll be where we need to be

on the MSU Denver all-time

for the conference tournament.”

Both the “fresh blood” and the veterans were faced with

rank for total blocks and 11th for

a challenge throughout their

blocks per set with 0.94. Last

like Kelling, Glenn arguably had

Event Center will host the regional

offseason and to start the season.

season, she finished with 189

her best season in 2016, where

tournament in December, bringing

kills, good enough for fourth on

she shined in her first season

Division II volleyball to Denver.

the team. After a statistically

leading the Roadrunners from the

down year in 2017, Kelling was

bench, going 27-5 and remained

great for Denver. It’s great to

back to the form when she was a

perfect in conference play.

get people on our campus and

“We want to make sure we’re taking it one step at a time. The program has been very successful in the last 19 years, but we’re always trying to push deeper.” – Jenny Glenn

leading force in the Roadrunners’ deep NCAA tournament run.

Event Center have kept the

The team would end up

NCAA tournament. The Auraria

“It’s great for volleyball, it’s

see what MSU Denver is all

losing to Colorado School of

about,” Glenn said about hosting

Mines in the championship game

the tournament. “Anytime we

about her. She just reminds us

of the RMAC tournament, but

can be in the spotlight from a

all it’s okay in those important

followed that with a Sweet 16

national perspective, it’s good

moments,” Glenn said. “She does

run in the NCAA tournament,

for our program and good for

a great job of stabilizing the team

the longest in Glenn’s tenure.

our university. We’re excited

“Alyssa has a great composure

and making sure that everybody Renovations at the Auraria

Behind the forces of players

If they do make it 20 straight, they won’t have to travel far to the

knows what’s going on.” Something that plagued the

What will a successful year for the Roadrunners look like in 2019?

to have that on our campus.” The team’s quest to recrown

A return to the NCAA tournament

MSU Denver as the RMAC

Roadrunners out of their

team during their 2018 campaign

for a 20th consecutive season

champions for the first time

home gym and on the road. A

was putting together a full

is certainly on their minds, but

since 2013 and a chance at their

university-funded upgrade of $8

game, which was in full effect

they’ll need to take it one game

first NCAA title begins on Sept.

million for new bleachers and

in the first round of the NCAA

at a time, according to Glenn.

6 in Portland, Oregon against

updated locker rooms has been

tournament. MSU Denver started

brewing in the building since it

slow against Colorado School of

tournament, so we’re never

was approved earlier this year.

Mines, losing the first two sets

going to count our eggs before

“It’s hard to get to the NCAA

Western Oregon University.

AP Top 25 teams rule, open 23-0 With college football season now fully underway, it was a full display of power for the Associated Press’ Top 25 teams, as they were undefeated against unranked teams. The only Top 25 team to lose was the University of Oregon, who lost to Auburn University. The Tigers jumped up to No. 10, while the Ducks fell from No. 16. The top seven teams in the poll stayed the same with Clemson University heading the pack at No. 1. Boise State University jumped into the Top 25 at No. 24 while Nebraska University and Iowa State University are now tied for No. 25.

USA National Team escapes upset After losing their 78-game winning streak in August in an exhibition game against the Australian men’s national team, the USA men’s national team prevented an upset to Turkey in Group E of the FIBA World Cup in Shanghai, China, winning 93-92 in overtime. The U.S. blew a 15-point lead early in the first half before Jayson Tatum, who would later leave with an ankle injury, knocked in two free throws with .1 seconds left on the clock. The Americans then trailed by five points in overtime, and if it wasn’t for four missed free throws in the final moments. Next up for the U.S. is Japan, while Turkey will face the Czech Republic, both on Thursday in Shanghai.




While BoCo and FoCo relish Rocky Mountain Showdown, the rest of us suffer By James Burky

two of the three matchups with


less parity than Colorado’s yearly snooze fest — Oklahoma University

Per tradition, the 2019 Rocky

vs. Oklahoma State University,

Mountain Showdown — the

and Washington University vs.

annual college football matchup

Washington State University —

between the University of Colorado

neither school in the Centennial

- Boulder Buffaloes and Colorado

state is particularly watchable.

State University Rams — was a

In the last ten seasons, the

pillow fight that hemorrhaged

Buffaloes and Rams have won just

bad football. The Buffaloes may

36.8% of their games. The few times

have won 52-31, but football fans

either team has stumbled into the

suffered while watching that game.

postseason, they have been quickly

The state’s flagship universities

put in their place. The two have

boasted defenses made of putty,

gone a combined 1-5 in bowl games.

surrendering a combined 980 yards

In this time span, the games have

to offenses that ranked no higher

been just as exhilarating as you’d

than 80th in the nation a season ago.

expect from two below-average

Rams coach Mike Bobo cried foul at

schools — three close finishes and

the officiating but not the perpetual

seven that only a mother could love.

ineptitude of his team, while Buffs

The only rivalry in the country

coach Mel Tucker set his sights on

that is less pitiful is the Rio Grande

Nebraska. And while alumni of the

Rivalry, the clash of cupcake

schools either drunkenly basked in

schools New Mexico University

success or wallowed in misery, the

and New Mexico State University.

rest of the state was left wondering,

The Land of Enchantment’s two

“What the hell was that?”

best football schools have won

What “that” was, was just another iteration of one of the nation’s worst in-state

Photo obtained from Colorado State University Flickr A defender for the Colorado State University Rams football team makes a tackle against the University of Colorado-Boulder at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Showdown at Broncos Stadium at Mile High on Aug. 31, 2018. The Buffaloes would win 45-13 for their fourth straight victory against CSU.

less than 30% of their games, combined, over the last ten years. In Colorado, a storm is growing

clinch their ninth losing season

The Rocky Mountain Showdown

a mirage of a spring that only the

in a decade. A few hours north of

is an abomination to the great

students and alumni of CU or CSU

and it’s time to brace ourselves. Any

Boulder, the Rams have technically

sport of gridiron football. No rivalry

can manage a sip of water from.

football fan in this land-locked state

been better, but that’s not a high

whose best source of pride is,

The rest of us are left parched.

20th century, according to

will continue to be enveloped by a

bar to meet. Yes, Colorado State

“At least we’re not New Mexico

SportsReference, there have been

wave of crap based on the trajectory

has made four bowl games since

State,” doesn’t deserve any hype.

82 Rocky Mountain Showdowns

of both schools. The Buffaloes

2009. Yes, they won the 2013 New

— the Buffs have won 59 of those.

are frantically trying to save the

Mexico Bowl in a thrilling fashion.

Pioneers, ThunderWolves,

between the schools’ home cities.

That comes out to a winning

sliver of hope they had from an

But sandwiching that single season

Falcons, Orediggers, Grizzlies

Fort Collins and Boulder needn’t

percentage of 72 in favor of

outlier 2016 campaign, where they

are nine others that are mediocre

and transplants among others,

leave their bubble again, we’re done

Boulder, making it the fourth

made it to the Pac-12 Conference

to flat-out bad. Bobo isn’t doing

have sat down and watched this

hosting their tire fire of a rivalry.

least-competitive matchup out

Championship game only to be put

himself any favors, either. A second

game expecting to have our thirst

of the 28 most-played, in-state

in their place by Washington. After

losing season could likely seal his

for good football quenched after

football rivalries in the NCAA

starting 5-0 last year, the Buffaloes

fate, as he has gone winless in three

seven long months. But the game

Football Bowl Subdivision. Unlike

dropped seven straight games to

bowl games in his five-year tenure.

unfolding in front of us is merely

college football rivalries. Since the turn of the

In the past, Roadrunners,

Thank the football gods that the Rocky Mountain Showdown is leaving Denver to alternate

Rocky Mountain Showdown by the numbers Using numbers obtained from SportsReference.com to rank each state’s most-played, in-state only, and active rivalry, the Rocky Mountain Showdown is more futile than one might think. Twenty-eight states qualified for the final ranking, and were judged based off each of the following

The 5 least competitive in-state rivalries 1.

Oklahoma State) Oklahoma has won

combined winning percentage

76% of the matchups.

Bedlam Series (Oklahoma vs.

years, and each team’s combined


winning percentage in bowl

Washington State) Washington has

games in the last ten years.

won 73% of the matchups.

category, “highlighted” by the Buffs and Rams posting a .166 winning percentage in bowl games. For an in-depth analysis, visit mymetmedia.com.

Apple Cup (Washington vs.

4. Rocky Mountain Showdown 5.

Mountain Showdown has the secondworst matchup in this stat, second only


The Rocky Mountain Showdown

Of the 28 judged rivalries, the Rocky

won 81% of the matchups.

percentage of the series leader,

ranked in the bottom four in each

is the combined winning

percentage of CU and CSU since 2009.

vs. New Mexico State) New Mexico has

three stat categories: winning

of each team over the last ten


Rio Grande Rivalry (New Mexico

Battle of the Brothers (Utah vs.

Utah State) Utah has won 70% of the matchups.

to New Mexico and New Mexico State.


CSU The Buffaloes have won


of the matchups since the turn of the 20th century. This makes the rivalry the fourth least-competitive most-played, in-state only, and active rivalry.





Auraria Campus Blood Drive Date Location

Sept. 5 St. Cajetan’s


First Friday Art Walk Date Location

Sept. 6 Center for Visual Art

Larry The Cable Guy Date Location

Sept. 7 Bellco Theater

Nate Bargatze: Good Problem to Have Date Location

Sept. 7 Paramount Theater






$40 - $60




10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


6 - 8 p.m.


8 p.m.


7 p.m.

Faculty concert: Patricia Surman (flute) and Jooeun Pak (piano) Date Location

Sept. 9 King Center Recital Hall

Hot Topic: Immigration Date Location

Sept. 10 Tivoli Multicultural Lounge

Denver Margarita Crawl

Bernie Sanders Campaign Rally


Sept. 7





Sept. 9 Civic Center Park


Free with student ID








7:30 p.m.


12:30 p.m.


2 - 7 p.m.


6 p.m.


Colorado Rapids vs. Seattle Sounders (MLS Soccer) Date Location

Sept. 7 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park

15th Annual Make-a-Wish Kickball Tournament Date Location

Sept. 7 Dick’s Sporting Goods Park

8th Annual Givesports Drive Date Location

Sept. 7 Pepsi Center

MSU Denver Invitational (Tennis) Date Location

Sept. 7 Regency Athletic Complex








Free for students


7 p.m.


8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


9 a.m. - 12 p.m.


8 a.m.

MSU Denver vs. St. Mary’s Texas (Women’s Soccer) Date Location

Sept. 7 Regency Athletic Complex

University of Colorado Buffaloes vs. Nebraska Cornhuskers Date Location

Sept. 7 Folsom Field

MSU Denver at Farmers Insurance Sam Proal Invitational (Golf)

MSU Denver vs. St. Edwards Texas (Women’s Soccer)


Sept. 9





Sept. 9 Regency Athletic Complex


Free for students






Free for students


1 p.m.


1:30 p.m.




3 p.m.


Fruition Date Location

The National Sept. 5 Red Rocks Amphitheater

Date Location

Sept. 6 Mission Ballroom

The Distillers Date Location

Sept. 7 Fiddler’s Green Amphitheater

Bobby McFerrin Date Location

Sept. 7 Boettcher Concert Hall


$46 - $71


$55 - $91


$45 - $300




6:30 p.m.


8 p.m.


6:30 p.m.


7:30 p.m.

Pitbull Date

Face Vocal Band Sept. 8

Location Fiddler’s Green Amphitheater

Date Location

Sept. 8 Levitt Pavillion Denver

First Annual CRUSH Concert Date Location

Sept. 8 Mission Ballroom


$30 - $229


Up to $30


$39 - $79


7:30 p.m.


4 p.m.


8 p.m.

5280 Listening Club, MSU Denver ’s weekly album review podcast, features a new artist every Saturday. Catch the crew dissecting lyrics, instrumentals and cultural significance at mymetmedia.com






“I just feel bad for what the chihuahuas are going through.”



“I’m always a fan of male-tomale non-sexual cuddling.”

As the temperature drops, so will your motivation, dear Capricorn. At least try to get your homework done before starting the tenth Pinterest DIY you also won’t finish.

You will have to choose between work and play more and more this cycle, Cancer. Work may be important, but there are no downsides to an occasional mental health day.



A mistake you made long ago may come back to haunt you this cycle, Aquarius. It wouldn’t hurt to delete all of your tweets from when you were 13 and got really into My Chemical Romance.

Leo season is over and this cycle will be rough on you. It is important to follow your gut and make time for your loved ones.

“Unfortuantely, it’s not enough tentacles for hentai.” “We’re a frat for justice and consent.”


Top 5

Big changes are coming, Pisces. Take a note from your fishy symbol and go with the flow, even if it feels like being shot out of a cannon like an internet salmon.

states to drive through


1. Colorado

Love is in the air this cycle, Aries. Taking things slow isn’t your strong suit but maybe try not to drop a deposit on a wedding flower arrangement after the first date.

2. California


3. Oregon

You’ll face a financial obstacle this cycle, Taurus. It could be as small as losing some change in the couch, or as big as your financial aid not going through because “Starting fights on Facebook” isn’t a recognized major.

4. Montana 5. Hawaii

Virgo Congrats, Virgo, you made it to your season. Make plenty of memories and try not to get crushed by the pressure of responsibility, you’ll have next cycle for that.

Libra You’ll be tempted to settle for mediocrity this cycle, Libra. Always examine the chances you are given, and consider if you should move on to better things.

Scorpio As fall approaches the smell of dying leaves and pumpkin spice will begin to activate your unfiltered Scorpio energy. You still have a month before this energy hits its peak so until then, we suggest deep breathing exercises.



You may be under a lot of stress right now, Gemini, but you’re hiding it well. Try to find time to relax and don’t be surprised when opposing signs see right through your poker face.

You’re going to find joy in an unexpected place this cycle, Sagittarius. Continue to be adventurous but also explore relationships and responsibilities you already consider familiar.

Photo of the Week As of 8 p.m. Tuesday, Hurricane Dorian

hurricane, Dorian has already proven itself

had crawled away from the Bahamas as a

stronger than any Labor Day hurricane since

Category 2 hurricane. The storm spent the

1935, according to The Atlantic. This week’s

weekend pummeling the Bahamas and lingered

photo of the week is a reminder of the power

there through Monday. On Tuesday, The New

of nature, and to appreciate the advantages

York Times reported that five people were

of the landscape around us, but also to lend

confirmed dead, and thousands of homes had

a helping hand to those in need whenever

been destroyed. As the storm approaches

a disaster occurs. Hurricane season is only

the eastern coast of the United States,

beginning, so if you know someone in the path

evacuations have been ordered in Florida,

of Dorian, let them know they’re on your mind.

Georgia and the Carolinas. A record-setting



Photo obtained from Flickr

Hurricane Dorian hurdles toward the coast of Florida, with meterologists calling it a Category 2 storm, as of Sept. 3.



Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu


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