The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver
VOL. 42
NO. 8
OCTOBER 2, 2019
HOMECOMING Festivities in store for
Roadrunner community | pg. 2 Friday 10/4
Thursday 10/3
16 00
Saturday 10/5
Tuesday 10/1 Wednesday 10/2
Thursday 10/3
Illustration by Zhen Tang
Tuesday 10/1 12:30 p.m. Tivoli Turnhalle Rowdy Through the Decades.
Wednesday 10/2 11 a.m. Tivoli Turnhalle Keynote speaker Chris Mosier.
Celebration of MSU Denver
He is well known as the first
history. There will be music, Ice-cream and free swag .
Thursday 10/3
transgender man to make a
9 a.m. St. Cajetan’s Keynote speaker Dr. Gina Garcia . She is an Associate
soccer games . A live band is set
men’s U.S. National Team and
Professor at the University
to perform and there will be yard
is a hall of fame triathlete.
of Pittsburgh. She will be
games. The students vs. alumni kickball game starts at 2 p.m.
highlights issues of equity and
which any student and alumni can
Women's Volleyball vs. Western
justice in higher education.
participate in. Women's Soccer vs.
State Colorado. Homecoming
Dixie State game begins at 4 p.m.
cup winner announced.
There will be an esports tournament and the movie
“Long Shot” starring Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron will be shown. Pizza included.
| pg. 2
a tailgate party before the home
giving a public lecture that
Video game and movie night.
Roadrunner Jam. There will be
Saturday 10/5 8:30 a.m. Washington Park Roadrunners 5K. 4 p.m. Auraria Event Center Homecoming Volleyball Game .
4 p.m. Tivoli Turnhalle
Friday 10/4 1:00 p.m. Regency Athletic Complex
| pg. 3
Alumni events at Regency Athletic Complex: Alumni Social @ 4 p.m. College of Business Alumni Social @ 4 p.m. Softball Alumni Game @ 5:30 p.m.
| pg. 5
| pg. 7
Ripple effects of climate strike reach
No football team leaves a large hole,
Someone call the mechanic, this
Men’s soccer winless at home after
Suncor plant in Commerce City
but the reasons are just
new Mario Kart game is a mess
weekend sweep
OCTOBER 2, 2019
Homecoming week at MSU Denver kicks off By Sabrina Laratta
beyond providing food and MSU Denver
swag to attendees. Any organization on campus, including student clubs,
On the morning of Sept. 30, Roadrunners
that gets the most participation points
came together at Tivoli Turnhalle to kick off
for attending the events can win the
Homecoming Week events with pancakes
Homecoming Cup and a $200 cash prize.
and fresh hot chocolate, served in limited-
One student organization, First-
edition 2019 Homecoming mugs. Current
Gen Initiatives, had several of their
students and alumni were given the chance
student members in attendance at
to mingle and celebrate being a Roadrunner.
the kick-off. Angelica Olivo, freshman
Dominique Perez, event programmer for
and criminal justice major, said her
the Office of Student Activities, said that
group leader suggested they attend the
the kick-off event was unique because it
pancake breakfast. Olivo was not aware
allowed students to network and socialize
that MSU Denver had a Homecoming
with each other and alumni. Students
Week until she attended the first event.
had the opportunity to learn more about
Now that she knows, she is excited
Homecoming Week and different events
about the other events this week.
taking place throughout the week, ending
“It’s just kind of a nice way to get
with the Homecoming volleyball game on
familiar with our campus, our resources,
Oct. 5. Perez also said that Homecoming
be more social with other Metro students,”
Week is a great opportunity for students
busy student population. There will be
Week showcases how proud Roadrunners
Olivo said. “I think Homecoming in
to become more involved, he said.
two keynote speakers, music, movies,
are to be a part of the University.
general is just a good way to put
“Students should attend Homecoming because events are always fun, unique, and
education aside and just have fun.” Alumni are also involved with the
Photo courtesy of MSU Denver.
“I’d say Homecoming Week for an
sports, video games, food and giveaways
alumni, for me, would mean getting more
at the various events. Students are
hands-on and engaged with the students
encouraged to check their calendars and
different from the past years, making it a
Homecoming events. Leon Duran is an MSU
here now to show them how important this
see which events they can attend, even
great experience and another opportunity
Denver alumnus and MSU Denver Alumni
time of year is,” Duran said. “Because I feel
if it’s only one, to experience all the fun
to get to meet new people,” Perez wrote
board member. His focus is on student
like if you’re engaged with Homecoming,
that Homecoming Week has to offer.
in an email to The Metropolitan.
engagement and he wants to help students
you’ll be more engaged with the university.”
There are other incentives for students to attend Homecoming events this week
learn about and participate in university events and activities. Homecoming
The events to come are meant to cater to MSU Denver’s diverse and
Suncor plant in Commerce City major focus of Climate Strike Week of Action “The fact that Suncor is right in the
By Herman Guzman-Ibarra
middle of the area means it affects everyone around it,” Glasbergen said. “So
From Sept. 20-29, 350 Colorado promoted
you see stuff like kids with asthma and
the Week of Escalated Actions after the initial
people with other respiratory issues.”
climate strike on Sept. 20 to continue raising
Aelwyn also added that it’s important
environmental awareness across the state.
to show up to these events because
350 Colorado’s mission is to work locally
it gives people a voice. 350 exists to
to help build the global grassroots movement
“empower people and build a sense of
to solve the climate crisis and transition to
community” that engages people.
a sustainable future. Actions for the week
The Suncor protest had a few guest
included attending the Colorado Oil & Gas
speakers attend that voiced their stances to
Conservation Commission hearing to voice
the crowd. Jay Gabriel Martinez Jr., another
their concerns and holding a public gathering
volunteer who was the last speaker at the
near the Suncor oil refinery in Commerce City.
Suncor event, mentioned what he hoped could
350 Colorado wants to close it down and
become of the refinery if it were to shut down.
convert it into a renewable energy center.
“When Suncor eventually closes, there’s
The group also wants to make sure that all
lots of room for wind turbines or solar
Suncor workers are guaranteed a new job so
panels,” he said. “There could even be a
they are not in danger of being unemployed.
technical college for young people or workers
Michael Lewis, 69, attended the COGCC
transitioning into new jobs in the area.” Photo by Brandon Wheeldon |
hearing and mentioned the main issues
Other speakers included members
Miranda Glasbergen, right, a 350 Colorado volunteer gives a protest attendee information on the issues and how to get involved on Sept. 26 near the Commerce City Suncor oil refinery.
of Friends of the Earth and students
Rebellion, where five arrests were made.
and oxides of nitrogen.” Suncor has gone
gain, but as awarenesses surrounding
trips to Greeley with my daughter, I saw
Another point of contention during
over its emission limits in the past, and is
the issues continued to grow, more
massive trucks headed to fracking sites,
the hearing was Senate Bill 19-181, which
attempting to raise it from a 12.8 ton limit
people began to join the efforts.
and we were breathing in all the fumes.”
states that it works to “direct the state’s air
to 19.9, according to The Denver Post.
that people wanted acknowledged. “There was a lot of anger at that hearing. Everyone was talking about the effects of fracking on themselves.” Lewis said. “On
Lewis added that he got into some trouble
from Adams City High School. Support was initially difficult to
quality control commission to review its leak
Amalthea Aelwyn and Miranda Glasbergen,
“When I started, it was hard to get everything going and to get people
with law enforcement during some of the
detection and repair rules and to adopt rules
two volunteers for 350 Colorado at the Suncor
to listen,” Glasbergen said. “So it’s
other protests, such as the strike on Sept.
to minimize emissions of methane and other
protest, weighed in on what inspired them
encouraging to see that there is finally
20 and another on Sept. 21 with Extinction
hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds,
to join the group and be active advocates.
sufficient attention to these issues.”
OCTOBER 2, 2019
MSU Denver football is “not in the cards” A
staff Editor-in-Chief
s Homecoming Week
16 current intercollegiate sports,
nation, featuring Michigan State
comes to a close, I’m
with basketball and volleyball
University and University of North
James Burky
left nostalgic for football.
headlining the most successful
Carolina Chapel Hill. The club
Managing Editor
After four years of high school
sports for Roadrunners.
team was helmed by longtime
Megan Webber
Homecomings, my college
For prospective pigskin
football coach James Cobb,
News Editor
experience feels incomplete
Roadrunners, Campus Recreation
who lead Green Mountain High
without games on the gridiron.
is always open to new club
School in Lakewood, Colorado
Herman Guzman-Ibarra
sports, but the support system is
to a title in 1999. Unfortunately,
Features Editor
different and more limited than
the team was disbanded due
an NCAA-sanctioned Division
to a multitude of issues mainly
Brady Pieper
focused around finances.
It is undisputed that football is an autumnal mainstay. However,
Brady Pieper
aside from the Denver Broncos and local high school teams, the
interest and consideration of
II team. But one must consider:
MSU Denver community lacks
Title IX and gender equity.
where are you going to play,
a pigskin pastime. There aren’t
Will Satler
how are you going to recruit
fanatics on campus is to start
many things students can do
a football team is unacquirable,
students and how are you going
a club team. But even so, the
to start a team, but the campus
meaning the university doesn’t
to field the expenses to cover
likelihood is slim that the team
Kaileigh Lyons
feels lackluster without football
have the ability to buy or
travel, equipment, food and other
would be fielded, especially
Design Editor
representation on campus.
rent out space for a field. The
needs required for a program?
with the history of club football
Zhen Tang
Eleven football teams compete
Mainly, the space required for
The only option for football
Sports Editor
Regency Athletic Complex holds
Since Grant’s last interview
on campus. But if we want the
in the Rocky Mountain Athletic
the only dedicated athletic
with The Metropolitan in 2018,
Conference — MSU Denver is
field space on campus and
the responsibilities of supporting
not one of those lucky schools.
there’s no room to expand.
Roadrunner club teams has
autumn festivities — all are major
shifted from the Athletics
parts of making a fall season a
A seasonal question around
“We don’t have the facility
sport, this is the only choice. Homecoming, celebration,
Photo Editor
Spanish Editor Sarah Lease Copy Editors Daniel Sutton
Auraria Campus is the lack of
space. We’re landlocked. And if
department to the Campus
special one at MSU Denver. But
a club or NCAA-sanctioned
you look at Mile High Stadium,
Recreation department.
for football fanatics around MSU
football team, but the question is
it’s too big, it’s too expensive,”
being raised about the likelihood
Grant said. “There is no way that
with you,” Grant said. “If it is
of a team being created.
we would be able to have the
done the right way, football is not
attendance and following to have a
inherently evil. Football could
Brady Pieper is a second-year
Steve Haigh
football program be worthwhile.”
be a viable front line program
broadcast journalism student at MSU
Assistant Director of Met Media
Grant has faced questions
for any athletic department or
Denver, focusing on convergent
really no interest in fielding an
regarding a football team in his
institution. It’s just that MSU
journalism at Met Media. He is the
Ronan O’Shea
intercollegiate football team.”
tenure as athletic director, but
Denver does not fit the profile of
Features Editor of The Metropolitan,
the answer has never changed.
what we’ve been able to offer.”
hosts a bi-weekly podcast for Met
Kathleen Jewby
“Football is not in the cards,” said MSU Denver Director of Athletics Anthony Grant. “There’s
According to Grant, MSU
“I’m a football fan, to be honest
Denver, it is disappointing that our wants can’t be satiated. Haylie Bean Director of Met Media
Production Manager of Met Media
Denver doesn’t have the facilities,
MSU Denver does not have
Radio, and develops television
Office Manager
finances or staffing to successfully
the ability to field a team, as
Denver fielded a club football
packages for the Met Report. Email
support a football team, along
unfortunate as that is. The
team. The squad matched up
Brady at
Elizabeth Norberg
with the lack of university
department is more focused on its
against top tier clubs across the
As recently as 2017, MSU
Sales and Marketing
Whistle-blower aftermath causing more turmoil than ever he White House released a
committing crimes to push him
who refuse to betray their parties.
rough transcript on Sept. 25
out of office. That is huge. That
If impeachment meant what
of a July 25 phone call between
means that the leader of the U.S.
the majority of Americans think it
President Donald Trump and
is no friend of the people.
means — which is that Trump would
President of Ukraine Volodymyr
Sadly, whether Trump gets
be removed from office forever — it
Zelensky. The document was not a
impeached all depends on the
would be ideal. But in order for that
verbatim record of the conversation,
votes of representatives and
to happen, the Senate would have
but constructed from the notes
senators. The reality is many
to convict him, which is unlikely.
Republicans in the Senate are loyal
No president in American history
to Trump for reasons involving
has been convicted by the Senate,
money and politics. They don’t
and this is only the fourth time
and recollections of senior officials
Megan Webber
present during the call. It shows that Trump asked Zelensky to
A majority in the House of
investigate former Vice President
Representatives supports an
care whether he’s a liar or a saint.
that impeachment has even been
Joe Biden and his son as a “favor.”
impeachment inquiry against
They will stand by him until his
considered. The likely outcome is
Members of Congress proposed an
Trump. Regardless of whether he
term is up. They have shown this
another year of partisan arguing
impeachment inquiry as a result.
is impeached, the road ahead looks
by claiming that their reason for
in Washington until Trump either
The inquiry will prove to be
bleak and hostile for Democrats
not supporting an impeachment
wins or loses the 2020 election,
nothing less than an uphill battle
and Republicans alike. The New
inquiry is that the American people
meaning zero change for the people
for Democrats, especially with no
York Times reported that 224 House
do not have the patience for it.
of the U.S. who need a solution.
doubt that the Senate will shut it
Democrats support an impeachment
down. Nonetheless, Trump’s time
inquiry and 11 do not, while zero
that idea, but it’s infuriating that
Megan Webber is a fourth-year
in office needs to end. If he was
Republicans support, 183 do not
they would suggest it. If the
convergent journalism major with a
conscientious, he would do what
support and 14 had not responded
American people — senators
minor in linguistics at MSU Denver. She
Richard Nixon did in 1974 and resign
to the Times’ survey, as of press
included — did not care about
is currently the Managing Editor of The
to save himself and the nation the
time. The Times also reported
a possible impeachment of our
Metropolitan and interning at KGNU
embarrassment of impeachment.
that American voters are divided
president, that would mean that
in Boulder. In March, she won the
Although real change is unlikely, that
along party lines on whether or
the democracy of this country has
Denver Press Club’s John C. Ennslin
doesn’t mean that this impeachment
not Trump should be impeached.
failed and is now left in the hands
award in conjunction with journalism
The fact that the House has
of the government, rendering the
legend Bob Woodward. Contact her at
ordeal is unimportant. In fact,
I don’t know where they got
Americans should be intrigued
proposed an inquiry shows that
Constitution baseless. It’s sad that
and frantic about what this means
there is enough evidence of the
the future of America depends so
for the leadership of the country.
president lying, cheating and
heavily on the decisions of leaders
Brady Nelson
What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.
2 0 1 9
Wed 10/02
Thurs 10/03 9 AM ST. CAJETAN’S
Inquire Understand H.S.I.
Fri 10/04
Sat 10/05
Homecoming Cup
OCTOBER 2, 2019
“Downton Abbey” film revives cherished memories By Megan Webber
chef and butler into ditching their job. The awkward-yet-adorable Molesley, played by Kevin Doyle, stands out as the
Four years after the final episode
most eager to prove himself before the
of “Downton Abbey” aired on PBS,
royals. When he does get his moment
fans reunited with the glamorous and
during the dinner scene, what unfolds is
fairytale-like characters of Yorkshire
pure hilarity and sympathy for the footman.
once more with the release of “Downton
When the queen comments on the delicacy
Abbey” — the movie — on Sept. 20.
of the meal, Molesley proudly lets it slip
The film is set a year and a half after
that her chef did not in fact cook her
the final episode left off, and given
dinner, but Downton’s chef Mrs. Patmore,
that the show ended in 2015, it’s worth
played by Lesley Nicol, did. A moment of
rewatching the final few episodes to
silence follows, while the only sound is
catch up before seeing the movie.
Molesley’s heart pounding, and the only
Centered around a visit from King George V and Queen Mary, played by Simon Jones and Geraldine
picture on the screen is his face falling and him visibly trying to shrink into oblivion. The moment is tense to the point that
James, the film is more exciting than
the audience cringes, sending thoughts
the TV show, while maintaining its
of encouragement to poor Molesley.
endearing and dramatic nature.
Finally, the queen saves him by sending
The addition of new characters
Photo obtained from Focus Features
The 2019 British historical period drama “Downtown Abbey” was released Sept. 20 in theaters, starring Hugh Grant and Maggie Smith.
her compliments to Mrs. Patmore. He
between her and Lady Bagshaw all the
goodbye to “Downton Abbey” at the end of
adds complexity to the world fans
sinks into a grateful bow, and the entire
more ridiculous and entertaining. Unlike
the movie, but it won’t be the last project
remember. The Dowager Countess,
dining room laughs it off as he exits.
in “Harry Potter,” they are much more
on her resume, as she has already been
verbally civil toward each other, but the
cast in the play “A German Life” and the 2020 film “A Boy Called Christmas”.
played by the iconic Maggie Smith,
Doyle’s performance isn’t the only one
introduces a distant cousin of hers, Lady
worthy of special mention. Harry Potter
disdain is present, nonetheless. When they
Bagshaw, played by Imelda Staunton.
fans will remember Smith and Staunton
do make up at the end of the movie, Smith’s
from “Harry Potter and the Order of the
talent comes out like a rainbow after a
was hard the first time in 2015, and it’s
spoken in years due to a typical family feud,
Phoenix.” In that movie, Smith’s Professor
storm of comparatively average acting.
harder now with the departure of the
and the countess’s feathers are ruffled by
McGonagall and Staunton’s Dolores
the arrival of Lady Bagshaw’s maid Lucy
Umbridge have a standoff in the Great
in 1952 and has appeared in a film or
that the magic lives on in theaters and
Smith, played by Tuppence Middleton.
Hall that shatters the relationship between
television series almost every year since.
soon-to-be DVD format. While it lasts in
The royals also come with their own chefs
Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic. To
Staunton told Town and Country, “Maggie
theaters, what better way to honor the king
and attendants, which make matters
see them together in a less fantastical yet
was winning Oscars before any of us
and queens’ visit than by dressing up and
downstairs nothing less than a brawl for
still hostile situation is amusing for fans.
were working.” Now 84 years old, Smith
looking the part? You’ll blend right in.
The countess and Lady Bagshaw haven’t
the chance to serve the king and queen of
The Dowager Countess is known for
Smith started acting on Broadway
Bidding farewell to “Downton Abbey”
Dowager Countess. Still, it’s comforting
has been made a dame of the British
England. In order to save their pride, the
her ability to be posh and humorous
Empire and won two Academy Awards,
Downton servants decide to trick the royal
at the same time. This makes the feud
four BAFTAs and four Oscars. She says
Nintendo’s “Mario Kart Tour” spins out By Will Satler
In a gaming world full of microtransactions, “Mario Kart Tour” fits right in, giving players the chance to buy coins or rubies to improve
The release of “Mario Kart Tour”
drivers, and karts. Subscribing also
frustrating mobile controls and complicated
gives you access to the 200cc speed.”
collection features that award bonuses to
While players who don’t purchase anything
people that spend money, but it would at least
their character, vehicle and glider that can be
still receive a steady flow of coins or rubies,
on Sept. 25 was supposed to be a
categorized as pay-to-win since some races
it would take a player — like me who will do
welcome rush of nostalgia.
offer special abilities with certain items.
anything in his power to avoid participating
disappointing, though, as it introduces
in microtransactions — long hours to stack
combos to the realm and even for 2019, it
up enough to improve their inventory.
looks phenomenal on mobile. There are
“Mario Kart Tour” is the latest installment
“Currently you can buy a pack for $19.99
be more than what we’re working with here.” “Mario Kart Tour” isn’t incredibly
of the Nintendo series that debuted in
that includes 45 rubies — which will give
1992. It’s the first appearance for iOS
you 10 chances to unlock random drivers
and Android phones. It was presumed
and karts — unlocks Mario as a driver and
and compete in a long list of races that
of the game, keeping players engaged even
to bring back the fresh competition that
five Star Tickets, which can be exchanged
include the Bowser Cup and Koopa Troopa
with the confusing addition of random
resonated throughout our childhoods.
for the Grand Stars necessary to continue
Cup, but notably, only in single-player.
player names before a race starts.
Instead, it’s leaving fans wanting
the campaign,” wrote Kyle Hilliard, of IGN.
The long-awaited multiplayer mode that
more from a game that was supposed to
“Alternatively, you can pay $4.99 a month
was included in the hype leading up to
kieronsc, chorns, metnka119, and usually,
become groundbreaking once again.
to regularly receive assorted goodies,
the release of “Mario Kart Tour” is absent
you’ll see at least one player in a race in
in the initial release of the game. While it
Japanese script,” Thier said. “The point
appears in the game, it is locked and gives
here is clear: these are supposed to look like
players a message saying it will become
real players rather than the simple Nintendo
available in a future version update.
characters that fill out a normal Mario
Players can put their skills to the test
Multiplayer gameplay is rumored to cost players anywhere from $4.99 - $9.99 a month,
Nintendo released a new Mario mobile app, “Mario Kart Tour”, on Sept. 25 to great public acclaim. The app was released on the App Store and Google Play Store.
“They have names like FOURARROW,
Kart race. Don’t be fooled: they’re not.” Meant to be one of the most exciting
creating outrage within the community
game releases of the year, Nintendo’s “Mario
in a time where Apple’s new “Apple
Kart Tour” spun out without a fight. Despite
Arcade” is eliminating microtransactions
that, people are still playing this game and
within games and giving consumers a
having fun with it. For the sake of Nintendo
plethora of games for the same fee.
and gamers everywhere, there’s hope that
“Multiplayer would theoretically be a huge
Photo obtained from Nintendo
plenty of challenges throughout the lifespan
“Mario Kart Tour” can get back in the race
addition to the game because the single-
even with obstacles like microtransactions
player grind in this one gets old very fast.
and the lack of a multiplayer mode
Multiplayer would be an entertaining and
hindering this game from taking the next
casual way to pass the time with friends,” said
step. Nostalgia only runs for so long.
David Thier, a staff writer for Forbes. “It’s hard to imagine high-level competition with the
OCTOBER 2, 2019
HOMECOMING Key Note Speaker - Chris Mosier Oct. 2, 11:00 a.m. Tivoli Turnhalle World-renowned athlete Chris Mosier takes to Auraria to discuss his experience as a transgender athlete on the U.S. Men’s National team. Lecture - Dr. Gina Garcia Oct. 3, 9:00 a.m. St. Cajetan’s Event Center MSU Denver is one of the largest Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Colorado. Dr. Gina Garcia speaks on MSU Denver’s new role as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Movie Night - “Long Shot” Oct. 3, 6:00 p.m. Tivoli Turnhalle Roadrunners can watch Seth Rogan star in “Long Shot” as a free-spirited journalist who gets his chance at finding love with the president, played by Charlize Theron. Roadrunner Jam Oct. 4, 1:00 p.m. Regency Athletic Complex Yard games and a live band headline this Roadrunner tailgate. Check out this fun event and support Roadrunner soccer. Homecoming Game Oct. 5, 4:00 p.m. Auraria Event Center MSU Denver Women’s volleyball team takes homecourt against Western Colorado University for the annual Homecoming Game.
Hand-picked October events Open Mic Night Oct. 8, 4:00 p.m. Tivoli Garage Lounge Got skills in music, poetry or comedy? Well, the Office of Student Activities has an opportunity for you to show off your talents. National Coming Out Day Queer Talent Show Oct. 10, 11:00 a.m. Tivoli Turnhalle MSU Denver celebrate LGBTQ representation and the talents of students across campus. Dialogues Program: Free Speech Oct. 17, 2:00 p.m. Tivoli 740 If you’re interested in having conversations with peers on campus with few limitations, then the Dialogues program is an interesting event to check out. CESA Costume Contest Oct. 24, 4:00 p.m. JSSB CESA 238 Grab your costumes and a couple of friends to prepare for this year’s CESA costume contest. Compete for pride and prizes in various categories.
OCTOBER 2, 2019
Men’s soccer scoreless over weekend Roadrunners home record drops to 0-3 after dropping to pair of RMAC foes By Connor Dockery | Will Satler | The MSU Denver men’s soccer team remained winless at home after losing to Colorado Mesa University, 1-0 and their Sept. 29 loss to Fort Lewis College, 2-0. Winless at home is not the way any team wants to start their season, especially a team with a newly-hired head coach. Mesa’s Ramses Atahualpa headed in the lone goal of the match in the 83rd minute as the Roadrunners fell to the Mavericks.
Photos by Edward Jacobs Jr. | Roadrunner Athletics
anything going on offense, with
Yannick Schad runs the ball downfield in MSU Denver’s game against Colorado Mesa University on Sept. 27. The Roadrunners lost 1-0.
defense-first Mesa getting in the
the perfect position for Atahualpa Phillip Owen, School of Mines. “We have some
transfers who are just now starting
Roadrunners’ passing lanes and
to head in his first goal of the
really talented players, so now it’s
to understand what it’s like.”
keeping them away from the net.
season on the left side of the net.
just about finding ways for those
“When I turned around, me
guys to connect with each other.”
MSU Denver struggled to get
They were outshot by the Mavericks, 18-7, including 7-2 on goal.
One of those players is German sophomore Benjamin Brill, who
and all of us, we forgot there was
Sunday’s game against
one more player there,” Gentile,
Fort Lewis presented the same
was his third straight game
first half by senior midfielder
who is from Milan, Italy, said.
challenges for the Roadrunners.
playing all 90 minutes, but it was
Yannick Schad, however only
“He was able to hit it right next
one of those shots was a juicy opportunity at a goal.
All their chances came in the
“I’m a little mad at myself
took on a new role Sunday. It
A first-half goal from Fort Lewis’
the first time he played in front
to the post. We covered the first
Marshall Metzger in the 34th minute
of the defense, somewhere he
post really well, but we weren’t
stood as all the Skyhawks would
isn’t accustomed to playing.
so focused on the second one.”
need, even after Kacey Owensby added a helper in the 72nd minute.
“We put (defender) Ben Brill in
because I think I could’ve finished
Despite allowing that goal,
that (goal),” Schad said. “I just ran
Gentile has been excellent in his
with so much pace into the box, so I
first season starting in net. He
record to 3-5 and their Rocky
that role, playing in front of the back
got a little bit out of balance before
already has two clean sheets
Mountain Athletic Conference
four,” Lewis said on Sunday. “Some
the shot. I didn’t hit it perfectly, but I
under his name, and one combined
record to a putrid 1-3. Despite
guys really embraced what we tried
should’ve put it in the right corner.”
shutout with backup Nick Jansen.
eight saves, Gentile couldn’t
to do today. Like any team sport, you
The first half was a back-and-
Head coach Hank Lewis has
hold down the Skyhawks long
need the whole crew to embrace it.”
forth affair, with both teams only
been guiding the Roadrunners
enough to allow the Roadrunners
recording two shots on goal.
under a new style of play, and he
to find the back of the net.
The second half, however, was
is pleased by the early returns.
all Mavericks. They controlled
Lewis is inheriting an MSU
Tittle, MSU Denver was 3-6 but
at the Regency Athletic Complex,
possession of the ball for most
Denver team that was previously
had mustered two RMAC wins.
who MSU Denver has dominated
of the last 45 minutes and
run by head coach Jeremy Tittle
won many of the 50/50 balls
for the past four seasons.
A 2-0 loss brought their season
a challenging situation today, but I thought he performed really well in
Next up for the Roadrunners will be South Dakota School of
This time last season under
“We’re playing teams that are
Mines and Technology on Friday
in years past, winning four
competing well in the RMAC,”
straight and seven of eight all-time
Lewis told Roadrunners Athletics.
matches. They’ll also host Colorado
way we play is about controlling
“We have some older players
School of Mines on Sunday at
offense eventually paid off. With
the ball, switching quickly,
who know what competing in
home, against which they’ve
just under eight minutes remaining,
connecting the ball,” Lewis said,
the RMAC is like, so we’d like to
lost the last three match-ups.
Mesa’s Kevin Chavez lifted the ball
who previously was an assistant
get more out of them. And we
just past Alessandro Gentile in
coach for Air Force and Colorado
have some younger players and
against the Roadrunners.
“I think our style of play and the
That relentlessness in the on
MSU Denver athletics scoreboard
Women’s Soccer
Who: Colorado Mesa University
Who: No. 12 Regis University
Who: Western Colorado University
Where: Walker Field | Grand Junction
Where: Regis Field House | Denver
Where: Auraria Event Center
When: Sept. 27
When: Sept. 27
When: Oct. 5 | 4 p.m.
Who: Colorado School of Mines
Men’s Soccer
Who: Fort Lewis College
Who: Colorado Christian University
Where: Regency Athletic Complex
Where: CCU Event Center | Lakewood
When: Sept. 29
When: Sept. 28
Men’s Soccer Where: Regency Athletic Complex
When: Oct. 6 | 2:30 p.m.
Women’s Soccer Who: Westminster College Where: Regency Athletic Complex When: Oct. 6 | Noon
ROADRUNNERS BRIEFS Volleyball takes sole possession of first place in RMAC Five straight wins for MSU Denver has catapulted them into first place in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference standings. They improved to 4-0 in RMAC competition for the first time since 2016, after defeating No. 12 Regis University 3-1 on Sept. 27, and Colorado Christian University 3-0 on Sept. 28. Senior middle blocker Alyssa Kelling was recognized as the RMAC Defensive Player of the Week after her performance in last weekend’s games, with a total of 15 blocks or 2.1 blocks per set. The Roadrunners host Colorado Mesa University on Friday and Western Colorado University Saturday for Homecoming weekend. Friday’s game will be a rematch of the 2018 RMAC title game where Mesa won in three sets. MSU Denver has never lost to Western.
2007 men’s soccer among Saturday’s inductees into Hall of Fame On Saturday, the legendary Roadrunners men’s soccer team that brought in the first RMAC title in program history will be inducted into the MSU Denver Athletics Hall of Fame. Volleyball All-American Stefanie Allison and softball record holder and two-sport star Nancy Kogle will also have their name enshrined to the hall of fame for their remarkable performances while athletes at MSU Denver. The 2007 team also featured Phillip Owen, the program’s leader in goals and points, to this day.
Double overtime the theme of women’s soccer weekend After going into this weekend 1-1 in RMAC play, MSU Denver’s women’s soccer was primed to make the next step to competing for a regular season conference title. A 2-1 double overtime win over Mesa on Sept. 27 on Arantxa Melendez’s second career collegiate goal helped the Roadrunners to their lone victory of the weekend. Jordan Lewis’ second goal in three games was enough to tie a 0-7 Western team, as both sides failed to find a winner through two overtime periods. The Roadrunners shot 39 times at Mountaineers goaltender Kaeyla Noble, but couldn’t find the back of the net. MSU Denver will host Dixie State University who is 2-0-1 in RMAC play on Friday.
OCTOBER 2, 2019
Brady, Isaac and Will: 2019 Nuggets questions
By Isaac Bugarin
By Brady Pieper
By Will Satler
Isaac: He’s had a year to adjust to
Will Michael Porter Jr. live up to the hype that has been building up since he was drafted in 2018?
upside, something we haven’t seen
schedule. Like Ben Simmons’ rookie
depth and Porter Jr. isn’t gonna be
in Denver since Carmelo Anthony. If
year, Porter Jr. is going to flourish and
forced to perform immediately. At least
he stays healthy, he has the chance
be a Rookie of the Year candidate.
in 2019, he won’t be the major play
to take this team to the next level and
maker everyone projects him to be.
unite this city like Anthony used to.
Brady: It’s tough to match the year Jokic had in 2018. As a top-
players in the NBA and nobody is
only getting better. The only way he
three MVP candidate and nationally
arguing this. But with James Harden,
takes a step back this year if he is
recognized all-star, Jokic has all the
Russell Westbrook and Giannis
not healthy. There is a real chance
pieces to improve on the year he had.
Antetokounmpo putting up insane stats,
Isaac: The next step for Murray is
it would take a miracle for it to happen. Brady: His leadership. I am a firm believer that Murray will be an
every year he’s been in Denver despite
assists should continue to grow and
All-Star in short order. He needs to
battling injuries. Murray will continue
fans should hope to see that number
become a leader to the other youthful
that trend, making the all-star team
rise to seven per game this season.
players on the team — be the voice.
for the first time in his short career.
Brady: Grant is an interesting
Will: Trading for Grant was the
with lower minutes than what he
player. He can fit just about anywhere
most win-now move by Denver
received in OKC. If Millsap doesn’t
but he will be a spark plug off the
and if he continues to be what he
perform, Grant will get a couple of
bench that will provide great defense
was in OKC, Malone has a luxury
starts and be the power forward
and a role-playing wing scorer.
at his fingertips that can take
moving ahead for years to come. Isaac: With Klay Thompson out and
Do the Nuggets have a realistic chance to go all the way in the Western Conference and reach their second NBA Finals?
Will: Jamal Murray has gotten better
seeing the court better. The number of
Isaac: I expect Grant to be a player
How will head coach Michael Malone utilize their new acquistion from Oklahoma City, forward Jerami Grant?
Will: Nikola Jokic is one of the top
in the voting a year ago and he’s
he brings home the hardware.
Where does Jamal Murray take the next step in his game to ultimately live up to the max contract he got this offseason?
Will: Porter Jr. has some serious
Simmons. The Nuggets don’t lack
Isaac: He finished in the top three
Does Nikola Jokic take the next step in the Most Valuable Player conversation or does he take a step back this year?
Brady: Porter Jr. is not Ben
the National Basketball Association
the Nuggets to the next level. Brady: I wouldn’t take any team
Will: Absolutely. The West is
several adjusting pieces in the West,
for granted when it comes to the
wide-freaking-open and with a year
I think the Nuggets have a shot to win
Western Conference this year. But
of playoff experience under their
the conference. They had the best
the Nuggets have one of the most
belt, the Nuggets are primed to
record at home a year ago, but they
well-balanced lineups in the league.
make it back to the Finals for the
need to be better on the road in 2020.
I think they can make it all the way.
first time in franchise history.
Fangio not at fault for foul start to season By James Burky
been drab. Flacco, five years past his prime,
is the fifth quarterback to start for the team, and early results are predictably mixed.
The Denver Broncos’ loss to the
Running back Phillip Lindsay, meanwhile,
Jacksonville Jaguars on Sept. 29
has struggled to replicate his rookie season
dropped them to 0-4 on the season.
behind an over-matched offensive line.
Some of Broncos Country is left fuming
The defense, Fangio’s bread-and-butter,
over a start so poor that it is the only team
relies on Chris Harris, Jr., Von Miller, Adam
in franchise history that has been this inept,
Gotsis and Derek Wolfe to compensate for
but the rest of us are wearing the surprised
a cast of misfits and washed-ups. None of
Pikachu face. You mean that a team with a
these are Fangio’s fault. The blame lies on
new head coach, 34-year-old Joe Flacco at
his predecessor, Vance Joseph, and perhaps
quarterback, and a defense of mostly role
general manager John Elway. But not Fangio.
players who aren’t doing well is winless? The “unprecedented” failure out of
The 61-year-old is a defensive genius. In 20 years as a defensive coordinator, eight
the gate even led long time Broncos
of his teams ranked in the top 10 in the
connoisseur Mark Kiszla to write in The
NFL in yards allowed and points allowed,
Denver Post that coach Vic Fangio, along
according to Pro Football Reference.
with others, should be fired. That knee-
Those results may not translate to being
jerk thinking is indicative of a fanbase that
the head honcho, but is starting anew
doesn’t know how to handle losing.
really a better option? Do people like Kiszla
Sorry Broncos Country, it’s time to trust
Photo by David Zalubowski | Obtained from AP Photo
Vic Fangio watches from the field as his players during a practice earlier in the season. He was hired as the Broncos’ head coach on Jan. 10.
really want the Broncos to assume the
reactionary thinking, then they would have
the process. Fangio deserves this benefit of
mantle as the new Browns, a team that’s so
kicked Bud Grant — one of the greatest
the doubt because of the mess he inherited.
dysfunctional it changes coaches quicker
coaches ever — to the curb after his 3-8-3
as the second-coming of either coach, but
than a state changes representatives?
debut in 1967, and the New England Patriots
not as foolish as thinking his era should end
would have moved on from Bill Belichick
after one bad season with a bad team.
Since winning Super Bowl 50, autumn Sundays at Empower Field at Mile High have
If the Minnesota Vikings followed this
after a 5-11 record in his first season. It would be foolish to consider Fangio
OCTOBER 2, 2019
City of Boulder launches Climate Mobilization Action Plan top contributor being Chase Bank.
By Anna Haynes From the CU Independent (CU Boulder)
“This is an opportunity for systems
change,” Fleishman said. “We’re also going to talk about a Boulder Green New Deal.”
Following the declaration of a climate
Many facets of the presentation
emergency by the City of Boulder in July,
encouraged individuals to also take action.
Boulder City Council held a launch event
Rella Abernathy, a member of Boulder’s
Thursday for a Climate Mobilization Action
ecological planning team, spoke in
Plan aimed at aggressively combating climate
support of these individual practices.
change in Boulder. The event included
“By changing your practices, your
presentations from several big actors in CMAP.
neighbors see you do it,” Abernathy
The presentations opened with a
explained. “And then they’re more
performance by Young Women’s Voices 4
open to the changes they see.”
Climate, a group for girls aged 13-16 that fuses
Outside of the presentation were several
“theater communication and project-based
booths representing the different focus areas Photo by Anna Haynes | Courtesy of the CU Independent
learning for the sake of climate change.” The group is run by SPEAK, an organization dedicated to making women’s voices heard.
An art piece outside of the CMAP presentation on Sept. 26 reading “NO TIME,” representing the lack of time available in combating climate change.
The group used skits, costumes and
of CMAP. Attendees had the opportunity to speak with government employees about climate initiatives and give feedback by writing on whiteboards next to each table.
music to communicate what individuals can do to help the environment. Two examples
per the request of Boulder citizens.
the climate footprint in the U.S. is
Present on the panel of the presentation
from consumption emissions.
were reducing food waste and adopting
were: Boulder Mayor Suzanne Jones; IBM
a plant-rich diet. The most important tip
Site Energy Coordinator Brody Wilson;
in four ways: reducing the production
for the group was to educate girls as they
Executive Director and Co-Founder of Mad
of single-use plastics, making Boulder
marry later, have fewer children and “make
Agriculture Philip Taylor; Eco-Cycle Compost
and Boulder County a zero-waste model,
student Faye Kovler added that the
sustainable choices for our community.”
and Center for Hard-to-Recycle Materials
carbon farming and helping the rest of
event can inspire other people to
Senior Policy Advisor for Climate,
Manager Dan Matsch; 350 Head of Global
Colorado and specifically Denver “go
say, “If they have this all figured out,
Sustainability and Resilience Brett
Finance Campaigns Brett Fleishman; Director
from zero-waste laggers to leaders.”
there’s hope for us to figure it out.”
KenCairn said Boulder has a “legacy” of
of Planning, Housing and Sustainability
climate action with some of the “most
Jim Robertson; Department of Climate
area was Fleishman for 350, an organization
progressive land-use laws in the country.”
Initiatives Intern Lupe Avalos; and Boulder
working towards ending the use of fossil fuels.
“Boulder, like every other place on
Eco-Cycle is approaching sustainability
CU political science graduate Adam Charny said that Boulder involving the public in detail it takes to actually make the change.” Naropa University psychology
Representing the financial systems focus
County Climate Justice and Climate
the planet right now, faces one of the
CMAP helps them to “understand how much
The two main goals of CMAP relating
Resilience Coordinator Garry Sanfaçon.
Contact CU Independent Senior News Editor Anna Haynes at
to financial systems, Fleishman said, are
greatest challenges that we’ve ever
Jones represented the circular materials
the shift of financial investments away
The Metropolitan and several Colorado student
faced as a species,” KenCairn said.
economy focus area. Aside from her municipal
from contributors to climate change and
media organizations are sharing editorial
duties, Jones serves as the executive director
creating mechanisms that will finance a
content to promote student work around the
materials economy, energy systems,
of the environmental organization Eco-
just transition to ecological sustainability.
state. For more information, write to Editor-in-
equity, financial systems, land use and
Cycle. The goal of Eco-Cycle, Jones said,
Fleishman said that in the last three
Chief James Burky at
regenerative ecosystems and resilience.
is to take zero-waste and circular economy
years, 33 banks have contributed over
Equity was added to the list of focus areas
approaches to environmental sustainability.
$1.9 trillion to coal power, fracking
CMAP focuses on six areas: circular
in 2016, followed by land use and finance
According to Jones, 42% of
and other fossil fuel industries — the
Briefs SGA grapples with food and housing insecurity MSU Denver Student
$1.5 million from Hotel Boulderado owners gifted to MSU Denver The owners of Hotel
14th annual Zombie Crawl in Downtown Denver rises again On Oct. 5, Downtown
13-year-old boy attacked at Florida station On Sept. 29, 13-year-old Issa
New microapartments planned at former Art Institute in Downtown Denver Randy Nichols of Denver-
Government Assembly President
Boulderado, Frank and Gina
Denver will host the 14th
Shabazz was attacked while
based Nichols Partnership
Danielle Holmes testified in front
Day, have made a $1.5 million
annual Zombie Crawl.
waiting for the light rail train at
has purchased the former Art
of the Senate Higher Education
donation to MSU Denver. The
the Florida station in Aurora.
Institute building at 1200 Lincoln
Committee on Sept. 23 about her
gift is meant to establish the
costume contest and the “Organ
He was standing on his
St. for $15.25 million. The group
and other students that currently
Day Leadership Endowment and
Trail Ghoul’d Rush”, a series
skateboard when he was kicked by
plans to turn the building into a
struggle with housing insecurities.
the Day Leadership Academy
of challenges that can be done
a man with an angry expression
multi-unit apartment complex.
at MSU Denver’s School of
in groups of up to six people
who took his skateboard and
the Auraria Board Representative
Hospitality, Events and Tourism,
for various prizes, including a
threw it back at Shabazz. The
renovated the Turntable Studios
Maly Mendieta was interviewed
according to a news release.
first-place trophy. Prop weapons
child received soft tissue damage
by Empower Stadium at Mile
are prohibited from the crawl.
on the back of his neck.
High and Cruise by City Park.
Student Advisory Committee to
by Channel 9 News at the
It will provide a professional
The festivities will include a
Roadrunner Food Pantry in an
hospitality online leadership
effort to bring awareness to the
certificate along with
at 11 a.m. at Skyline Park
immediately after the incident
$35 million, including the cost
food insecurities facing students.
mentoring programs.
and will go on until 4 p.m.
after boarding the train to
of the initial purchase. “Doing
safety. Police are investigating
conversions of a beat-up, old,
SGA will host a tri-institutional
An official announcement
The event formally begins
Information about any
Shabazz called his mother
Nichols has also previously
The project is estimated to cost
student government event
will be made on Oct. 2 which
after party has not been made
surveillance video from the
unoccupied building is kind of
on Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. in the
will also honor the Days for their
public yet, though in previous
platform in an attempt to find
becoming a specialty, I guess,”
Tivoli Garage, and all students
contribution to the university.
years, events have occurred
the suspect. No motive for
Nichols told BusinessDen.
after the end of the crawl.
the man’s actions have been
com. “It’s a really good way
determined at this time.
to mitigate the ridiculous
are welcome to attend. Next SGA Meeting: Oct. 4
cost of new construction.” A name for the project has not
12:45 p.m.
been decided, and renovations
Barb Weiske Senate Chambers
likely won’t begin until next year.
Tivoli 329
OCTOBER 2, 2019
Overheard “He’s talking all cherry-chip cheery-ho. It’s weird.” “CPR? I can’t even spell it.” “Are you professionally dumb, or is it more of a hobby?” “I know, doing your job is weird!”
Top 5
Horoscopes Capricorn
The coming week will be exhausting and filled with ups and downs, but should turn out just fine, so long as you don’t allow yourself to be thrown by the rough patches.
You have been dedicating a lot of your time to your love life lately, which could be good or bad. Though important at the moment, don’t leave your other duties behind.
As much as you hate to admit it, you’ve not been putting your best foot forward. It’s time to invest some real effort to turn that around, before you find yourself stuck in a rut.
Your ferocity can be intimidating. Keep it in check to not push the intimidated away. Use this to push yourself beyond your limits and rise through the ranks.
Your week is promising to bring excitement and wonder. With this in mind, keep an open mind to different experiences this week.
Prudence is a great way to live a sheltered life. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and push your boundaries.
Guys named Chris
It may come as a revelation, but people are often less intelligent than you would hope. Patience will be the virtue of the week, frustrating though it may be.
1. Chris Pratt 2. Chris Evans
3. Chris Hemsworth 4. Christopher Walken 5. Chris Pine
Libra Your year is fixing to come full circle this week. While you’ll certainly be looking forward to new beginnings, take the time to reminisce over your achievements.
Let’s be honest, Taurus, you’ve been all kinds of feckless these past few days. Shape up, before people tire of your lazy lifestyle.
You may butt heads more often, but pick your battles this month as you may have to conserve your energy for larger ones ahead.
The Twins are looking at a spell of relative jubilance. Take this happiness with a grain of salt as it may crash all around you if you don’t pay enough attention.
More people have been trying to walk over you recently. Stand your ground and know who you are. If need be, put them in their place in the process.
Photo of the Week rushing to the defense of President Donald Trump, who last week found himself under
politics. Twenty one years ago this week,
the glare of an official House impeachment
the House of Representatives, under a
inquiry. Through Scott’s literal lens, it is
Republican majority, voted to file articles of
easy to see how, despite the underlying
impeachment with the Senate, beginning a
sense that we live in exceptional times,
protracted political battle surrounding former
there is perhaps a greater consistency
President Bill Clinton that would contribute
to our history than we would otherwise
to a short-lived route of Republicans in the
presuppose. It may be that, in the months
1998 midterms. Ferrell J. Scott’s photograph
to come, it will be Republicans crowding
of Democrats responding to the vote is,
a lecturn to decry another vote advancing
in many ways, a mirror of Republicans
articles of impeachment to the Senate.
Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@
Photo by Ferrell J Scott | obtained from the Library of Congress
Representative Rick Boucher, D-Va., speaks after the House of Representatives votes to impeachment Bill Clinton on Oct. 8, 1998.
It’s said that what goes around comes around, and that is perhaps no truer than in
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