Volume 42, Issue 10 - Oct. 16, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 10


OCTOBER 16, 2019


A youth moves thousands

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg stops in Denver story on pg. 3

Photo by Megan Webber | mwebber6@msudenver.edu

Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old environmental activist, speaks to a crowd about climate change at Civic Center Park in Denver on Oct. 11.

The meaning behind the HSI title MSU Denver is a Hispanic Serving Institution — now what?

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

Hispanic and Latino students than any


other higher education institute in

MSU Denver was named a Hispanic Serving Institution on Feb. 19, after an initiative was launched in 2007 by

that MSU Denver achieved HSI status.

Cajetan’s Event Center at MSU Denver on

Colorado, with 5,663 currently enrolled,

Institution by the U.S. Department

Oct. 3 to talk about what it means to be an

according to the latest data from the

of Education will be a Federal

HSI. She had been visiting various HSIs

Colorado Department of Education.

acknowledgement of MSU Denver’s

and talking about what else needs to be

commitment to serving underrepresented

done after receiving the title to further serve underrepresented students.

There were approximately 523 HSIs

former university President Stephen

nationwide as of 2017, according to The

students,” Jordan wrote. “It is imperative

Jordan. The initiative was meant to

Hispanic Association of Colleges and

that we intensify our efforts to increase

increase Hispanic and Latino enrollment

Universities website. On May 7, 2015,

degree attainment of underrepresented

at the university up to 25% from 13%.

Jordan sent out an Invitation to Serve,

students, including Hispanics.”

Now, MSU Denver serves more

where he mentioned why it was critical


the University of Pittsburgh, came to St.

“Designation as a Hispanic Serving


| pg. 5

| Continued on pg. 2

Gina Garcia, an associate professor at


| pg. 7


| pg. 8

Latest snowstorm a disaster for

One of Colorado’s top haunted

Women’s soccer sweeps weekend,

Denver drivers

houses prepares for Halloween

now fourth in RMAC



OCTOBER 16, 2019

Becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution

How MSU Denver’s new title has already benefitted the university and what it will entail going forward Continued from cover

MSU Denver, this means more funding toward scholarships and educational seminars on issues

Garcia moved the conversation toward reframing HSIs,

related to diversity in healthcare. Data from a 2017 Higher Ed

asking, “What does it mean

Today report also showed that

to be Hispanic-serving?”

74.1% of full-time students at

She suggested it takes more

public four-year HSIs and 77.9%

than the label to actually serve

of full-time students at private

the students. Few things set these

HSIs graduate within six years. For

institutions apart from those who

comparison, the federal graduation

don’t have that title, other than a

rates are 42.7% and 49.1%.

more diverse student population.

Garcia mentioned the struggle of bringing up any topic related to ethnicity and how it needs to

“Disrupting the narrative is what we have to do though if we’re gonna make this work.” – Gina Garcia

be addressed in communities. “Folks don’t like to talk about this kind of stuff,” she said. “Disrupting the narrative is what we have to do though if we’re gonna make this work.” She added that many higher

The primary requirement

education institutions focus on

to become an HSI is having a

standards that don’t consider

student population made up of

racially marginalized students and

25% Hispanic students. Having the

how viewing them through that

title opens up new opportunities

lens does more harm than good.

to apply for multimillion-dollar

Photo by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

Gina Garcia, associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh, speaks about what it means to be an HSI in the St. Cajetan’s Event Center on Oct. 3.

In 2016, MSU Denver released

Title III and Title V grants which

a document titled “Connecting the

director of inclusion at MSU Denver

Marquez said. “Not just in number,

Marquez said the HSI designation

weren’t available before. Title III

Dots: Report and Recommendations

has been at the forefront of the

but also in percent. Our current

also helps the university as leverage

grants are meant to ensure that

of Metropolitan State University

HSI implementation team. She

enrollment data shows that 29.9% of

for partnerships and grants that

English learners meet English

of Denver’s Hispanic-Serving

was initially the special assistant

the student population identifies as

benefit everyone. Even though there

language proficiency and meet state

Institution (HSI) Task Force.” This

to the president for HSI. Her

Hispanic. That’s pretty significant.”

is a focus on Hispanic students,

academic standards. Title V grants

detailed their thought process

responsibilities included leading

assist HSIs to expand educational

about what it meant to support

a team of about 60 people and

opportunities for and improve the

Hispanic students and the strategies

analyzing trends like student

attainment of Hispanic students.

they wanted to implement.

population in order to bring the

Most recently, the university

This included redesigning

university up to the standards

received $2 million for its nutrition

the financial aid process to

program, thanks to its HSI status.

consider undocumented students,

The HSI Post Bach Grant is meant to

increasing diversity in the staff

student population for those who

help diversify the field and increase

and building a stronger presence

identify as Hispanic or Latinx has

partnerships, including internship

in Hispanic communities.

gone up, even if general student

opportunities for students. At

Angela Marquez, executive

needed to receive the title. “Over the last five years, the

enrollment has gone down,”

additional funding toward the

“They saw the numbers and thought, ‘Hey, this is our future, we need to be prepared, becoming an HSI makes sense.’” – Angela Marquez

first round of grant applications, and next year will see more. One of the grants applied for is from the National Science Foundation, meant to focus on and mathematics degrees along

was being aware of policies that

with scholarships. However,

were being passed at the state

this grant is still pending and

level, and how that would affect

whether it gets approved or not

MSU Denver students. One of the

won’t be known until next year. The 12-year effort to achieve

major positive effect was Advancing

the HSI status does not end now

Students for a Stronger Economy

that the university has received it.

Tomorrow. The Colorado ASSET law

“Back then, there was a

stated that eligible undocumented

group of individuals that looked

students were able to pay in-state

at us as an institution, and what

tuition at all public universities.

Colorado looked like,” Marquez

Marquez also noted that in

said. “They saw the numbers

the aforementioned document,

and thought, ‘Hey, this is our

there were 22 recommendations

future, we need to be prepared,

written out to work toward

becoming an HSI makes sense.’”

preparing to receive the title. Now,

Marquez said the work wasn’t

almost everything from that list

done, and maintaining the

has been accomplished. The HSI

status means keeping students

implementation team consists

retained and graduated.

of staff members across various

MSU Denver opened an interactive installation in May 2017 where students could put their identities on the board to raise recognition of the institution’s HSI status. The piece is now displayed in the Jordan Student Success Building.

involved with it. This year was the

Science, technology, engineering, One of the other major duties

laws previously passed that had a

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver

university benefits everyone

Achieving HSI status was only

departments coming together

the first step. Given that results are

to work on putting practices into

already being seen in additional

effect to improve the university’s

funding, it can be presumed

efforts. Marquez said it’s unusual

that the benefits will continue.

to have a crossover of so many

But as MSU Denver has had the

subdivisions come together, but

title for less than a year now, it

that it is necessary when working

is still too early to say what the

on something of this scale.

future holds for the university.

Looking toward to the future,

OCTOBER 16, 2019



Greta Thunberg joins Coloradans to fight against climate change By Harmony Clearo | Megan Webber

climate change, and pressed young people

hclearo@msudenver.edu |

to stand with her against politicians.


“We are here because we care about the future, about what we one day will leave after

Strangers’ hands intertwined and songs

us, and the political leaders can’t seem to

were sung by hundreds at Civic Center Park

think beyond the next election, and that needs

on Oct. 11 as part of a protest headlined

to come to an end,” she said. As she called

by climate activist Greta Thunberg.

for politicians to be held accountable, the

The rally touched on an array of issues.

crowd erupted, chanting, “How dare they?”

Climate changeindigenous rights and the

“They are indeed not mature

disappearance of and violence against women

enough to tell it like it is, so we will

of color were all addressed. The latter of which

do it for them,” Thunberg said.

activists drew attention to through red and

The protests are part of a larger

black handprints stamped across their faces.

movement trying to make climate change

In addition to Thunberg, a panel of

and green initiatives a core election issue.

young climate activists spoke. Madhvi

“What happens when we have massive

Chittoor, an 8-year-old Plastic Pollution

droughts?” said Greg Wasleski, a 64-year-old

Coalition youth ambassador and founder

climate activist. “The aquifer is running dry

of Madhvi 4 Eco Ethics, opened discussion with the topic of plastic pollution.

Photo by Megan Webber | mwebber6@msudenver.edu Ken Frost, a Ute tribal leader, starts off the rally with a song and prayer for the crowd of the climate rally at Civic Center Park in Denver on Oct. 11.

“Let’s take action,” she said. “I want

both in the central valley of California and the plains in the United States, that might interfere with my eating. That’s not right.”

everyone in this room to continually

of these products,” Chittoor said.

re-use, reduce and recycle plastic and

Renee Chacon, a teacher and co-founder

Chacon encouraged everyone to

Protesters joined together in a song

get in touch with their femininity. She

about people rising up and making a

pause and think prior to any plastic

of Women of the Mountain, an indigenous

believes that women are able to connect

change as the rally came to a close.

consumption. Break free from plastic.”

people’s rights group, said, “We are going to

and listen to Mother Earth the same way

Singers from 350 Colorado encouraged

Chittoor clarified the correlation

make our impression. The women are finally

they are able to listen to their own bodies.

everyone in the amphitheater to join

rising. The femininity is finally rising.”

A compassionate relationship between

hands with someone next to them.

between plastic pollution and global warming. Plastic production contributes

The handprints painted on the protesters’

the planet and the human race is what

As a representation of unity, conjoined

widely to climate change by depleting the

faces were a representation of all women of

will bring about a change in saving the

hands shot up all throughout Civic Center

oxygen levels in the atmosphere. Chittoor

color who are missing or have been murdered.

ecosystem, according to the activists.

Park in the hopes of being heard and

hopes that the next legislative election will bring a ban of plastics altogether. “I want you to develop a phobia

“I’m here for the missing and murdered indigenous women. I’m here for all the

was the last to take the stage. She was not

invisible women,” Chacon said.

shy about sharing her vision for tackling



1675 LARIMER ST. •

Thunberg, a 16-year-old from Sweden,


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Special available at participating locations only. Must show student or faculty ID at time of purchase. Valid in-store only.

initiating a positive change for the sake of the one and only planet Earth.



OCTOBER 16, 2019

Denver kills geese for homeless: Will Fort Collins follow suit? By Dorina Vida

means of controlling geese populations and

From the Rocky Mountain Collegian

the impact they have on the community and


the local environment, Gammonley said. “The City of Fort Collins does control

Everyone knows Canada geese run

work, the golf courses do control work,

the town of Fort Collins, but is the city

individual property owners, too,”

going down the same path as Denver

Gammonley said. “It crosses a spectrum,

toward a goose round-up program?

from hazing birds off a property to habitat

Over the summer, Denver conducted

management, with some methods requiring

a round-up program in which the city

permits, like oiling eggs and such.”

brought in professionals with the state

Steven Lukowski, senior manager

and federal government to kill a portion

of parks in Fort Collins, said enough

of its geese population, donating the

is being done now that the long-term

meat to those in need, according to a

goose population isn’t forcing the

public release by the City of Denver.

adoption of steps similar to Denver’s.

“I don’t think our year-round population

“Just think of the geese like you would

of Canada geese are growing very much

Photo by Ryan Schmidt | Courtesy of the Collegian

throughout the Fort Collins area,” said Jim

weeds,” Lukowski said. “They are here and can be a problem, but they are manageable.”

A goose on The Lagoon at Colorado State University on May 10.

Gammonley, the avian research leader at Colorado Parks and Wildlife. “But there may come a day when individual

good habitat left,” Gammonley said. “So,

you mean by overpopulation?” Gammonley

landowners may want to use this method.”

you can have the same number of geese

said. “It’s overpopulation if you don’t want

Contact Dorina Vida at news@collegian.

10 years from now, but there might be

geese on your property, but the area may be

com or on Twitter @simply_she_

less of a public tolerance for them.“

able to support all of the geese we have here

With the Lagoon at Colorado State University undergoing restoration, there have been questions as to whether or not the city

The bigger concerns about geese

without causing any kind of problems.”

plans to embark on a more rigorous form

overpopulation are largely health-based,

While this may be the case, Fort

of wildlife management and whether or not

including water contamination, especially

Collins does have systems in place to

content to promote student work around the

that will mimic the methods used by Denver.

in bodies of water where the nutrient input

control Canada geese populations and

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

Prior to its renovation, the Lagoon was often

from the remains left by geese change

their lasting effects, Gammonley said.

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

occupied by geese and other waterfowl.

the chemistry of the water itself, which

From civilians hunting geese outside of

can impact other species depending on

city limits to maintenance measures taken

the water source, Gammonley said.

by golf courses and the like within the city,

“The problem is the habitat is going to shrink as the city grows, and the geese will be pushed into the little remaining

“That’s part of the problem: What do

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student media organizations are sharing editorial

Fort Collins has options in establishing

Briefs SGA invites students to Free Coffee Mondays The MSU Denver Student

Protests against Columbus Day On Oct. 14, protesters marched

Tivoli teams up with Colorado Fallen Hero Foundation The Tivoli Brewing Company

Fire reported in the PE and Events Center Building On Oct. 12 at 5:30 a.m.,

Colorado ballots coming in the mail On Oct. 11, ballots for the

Government Assembly will

down the streets of Denver calling

showcased their cans in their

a fire broke out in the

Nov. 5 election were mailed out

launch Free Coffee Mondays

for the abolition of Columbus Day.

recent run of Fallen Hero Orange

construction area of the PE

and are now being delivered

Blonde Ale for the season.

and Events Center Building.

to residents’ mailboxes.

on Oct. 21 from 10:30 a.m. to

It is a topic that will be

noon. Students can get to know

discussed in early 2020 by the

This brew, when it was

The area was cleared by the

and converse with their student

General Assembly. An effort was

available, was meant to honor

Denver Fire Department around 8

someone did not receive their

representatives. For more info,

made in 2019 but fell through.

the lives of police officers killed

a.m. All normal operations have

ballot, they can request one

visit the SGA office in Tivoli 307

Columbus Day began in Colorado

in the line of duty. Every year,

resumed. The fire was caused by

from their county clerk, or pick

or visit their page on the Student

in 1907 to celebrate Christopher

Tivoli brews a new beer to support

a light that was left unattended.

one up from that office. People

Hub under Student Government.

Columbus’ arrival to the Americas.

affected families and gives

Overall the damage caused by the

can also vote in person at any

back a portion of their sales.

fire was minor, and carelessness

polling center in their county.

has been identified as the cause.

The latest ballots may be mailed

Many areas have already Next SGA Meeting:

replaced the holiday with

Oct. 18

Indigenous People’s Day, including

that the cans should have more

The PE and Events Center Building

Oct. 28, otherwise voters have

12:45 p.m.

Boulder. An additional idea that

prominence in conveying the

was closed through Oct. 11 for the

to use a local drop box or turn

Barb Weiske Senate Chambers

has been discussed is renaming

message, with the names of

installation of a fire-service line.

their ballot in to the local clerk’s

Tivoli 329

the holiday Colorado Day. Some

fallen officers printed on them.

people are still fighting to keep the

The brew is no longer available,

holiday, like members of the Sons

but people can still support the

of Italy Lodge in Wheat Ridge.

Colorado Fallen Hero Foundation

Both Wisconsin and Washington,

by visiting their website.

D.C. this month declared the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

This year, it was decided

If there is reason to believe

office by 7 p.m. on Election Day.

OCTOBER 16, 2019



Don’t let political burnout get you down

staff Editor-in-Chief


here is no question that

of this burnout we’re all feeling

beginning to feel on both sides

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

we humans can only take

is because we have a celebrity

of the aisle, Trump voter or not.

Managing Editor

so much before we begin to

as our commander in chief.

experience the dreaded burnout.

More of my notifications are

Our jobs and relationships

The biggest cause of burnout is feeling stuck in a never-

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu News Editor

in response to an extracurricular

ending loop. With coverage

are frequent contributors to this

action that President Donald

of life-threatening things like

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

feeling, and so are politics.

Trump took than any other person,

mass shootings and climate

Features Editor

place or thing. I’m fatigued to

change constantly blasting

the point that I have no idea

us and politicians continually

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

what happened during Michael

passing up the opportunity to do

Sports Editor

Cohen’s testimony in front of the

something about either, it’s hard

House Committee on Oversight

not to feel like a mental patient.

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

We live in a world where nothing ever turns off. The news cycle runs 24/7/365, and our phones are constantly

Madison Lauterbach

abuzz with news updates to hooked since Obama’s second

and Reform or at the second

24-hour news networks, like

term in office. Things have

North Korea nuclear summit.

not being heard when we are

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

Jon Stewart said, “are built for

changed so drastically since then.

I heard both involved liars.

screaming at the top of our lungs

Design Editor

one thing, and that’s 9/11.”

The pocket computer has its hands

about the change we want to see

Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

When that coverage isn’t

all over the American people:

available, they’re going to

one hand choking us out and the

advertise every story that

other tightly gripping our balls.

comes across the news desk

I get a million alerts a day from

So what’s the cost of this collective feeling of fried brains?

It hurts our collective psyche

Photo Editor

the last millisecond. Those

from our elected representatives.

In the workplace, employees

Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu

begin to feel burnout when they feel they’re putting more in than

Copy Editors

as life or death, with big,

my news app and another million

they’re getting out, when they feel

Madison Lauterbach is a journalism

bright, flashing banners.

from Twitter. The way we receive

that they aren’t being heard or

major with a minor in political science

our information and communicate

that they don’t matter and that the

at MSU Denver. She previously

I am so tired, and I’m a political

with each other is crazy. Who

leadership at the top isn’t doing

worked for The Metropolitan as

junkie. I inhale that news blast.

would have thought that when

its job. And as Diane Hessan said

News Editor and the Sentinel in

I tell my friends I won’t talk

Twitter was invented it could

in her piece in the Boston Globe,

Aurora. She now writes for the

about politics, and then I’m fully

one day be used by the president

“A dangerous negativity pervades

Daily Camera in Boulder. Contact

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

engaged in a political debate a few

of the U.S. to block one of his

the work environment. When

her at mlauter1@msudenver.edu.

Assistant Director of Met Media

drinks in, much to their chagrin.

critics and it would be normal?

the culture of a business erodes,

I don’t know about you, but

I’ve been around for other

Yes, our phones have made

administrations but I’ve only had

politics incredibly overwhelming.

vitality, and performance drops.”

the brainpower to be politically

But I can’t help but think that some

This is how American voters are

Daniel Sutton dsutton3@msudenver.edu Haylie Bean hkouri1@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

the entire organization loses its

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing

If you live in Denver, learn to drive in the snow L

ast week, Denverites saw the

to be prepared. This includes

admit I dread the most because

weather dramatically shift from

sweeping snow and ice off your car

of potential financial and time

a lovely 80 degrees to a below-

before you start driving because

costs, is getting your snow tires.

freezing blizzard and back to

snow left on top of the car can blow

sunny skies in a three-day span.

off and blind drivers behind you.

Commuting around the greater

If you’re going to be driving for

secure on the road and in your mind during your commute to work.

a long time down snowy roads,

10. From the number of accidents

say over the Rocky Mountains,

We know winter is coming. Now

you may also want to stock your

we know how to prepare for it. I’ll

car with food, water, blankets and

save up, woman up and bundle

and this was a lot more,” she said.

a flashlight. 9News also suggests

up to get my tires changed if you

Throughout the day, CDOT

bringing a phone charger along in

will, too, and then maybe when

received multiple reports from

case you get stuck, but remember

the next storm hits, CDOT and the

greatest snowstorm ever to hit

all over Colorado of car crashes

to turn your car on sparingly to save

first responders can relax a little.

Denver. It’s just a part of living in

and icy roads. The Denver Police

the battery, and always make sure

the Colorado, and people need to

Department tweeted at 9:04 a.m.

your tailpipe is clear of any snow.

be aware of and prepare for that.

that in the past three hours, they had

Megan Webber

traffic, you would’ve thought the city had been overrun by the greatest snowstorm ever seen. But the reality is it was not the

When approaching a hill, pick up

Let’s make a deal, Denverites.

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

received 96 traffic crash reports.

speed to gain momentum before

convergent journalism major with a

Department of Transportation

They advised drivers to go slow

the ascent and keeping pressure

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver. She

hung signs all along Interstate 25 in

and steady, and included a meme

off the gas pedal until you reach

is currently the Managing Editor of The

Denver warning drivers that heavy

from “Hocus Pocus” with the

the top to avoid skidding. Once

Metropolitan and interning at KGNU

snow was coming and encouraging

caption, “Dost thou comprehend?”

you get to the top, descend slowly.

in Boulder. In March, she won the

If you feel your car start to skid,

Denver Press Club’s John C. Ennslin

Lucky for us, the Colorado

them to check their tires and

To help reduce traffic accidents

prepare for winter road conditions.

and keep yourself safe on the

steer the car in the direction you

award in conjunction with journalism

However, many residents did

road, it’s good to know how

want to go, or into the skid.

legend Bob Woodward. Contact her

not do this. One Denver resident

to prepare for bad weather.

told CBS Denver that she was caught off guard by the weather. “I thought we’d get a dusting,

9News released a five-step guide

There are also precautions you can take when you know snow is

on how to drive safely in snow and

about to come. Arguably the most

ice. Their first tip is, not surprisingly,

important one, and the one I’ll

Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

What we do

With these, you’ll be more

Denver area was a circus on Oct. and long lines of backed-up

sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com

at mwebber6@msudenver.edu.

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



OCTOBER 16, 2019

Phil Collins’ “Not Dead Yet” tour hits Denver Legendary musician makes final appearance in Mile High City

By Trystin Swan

bandmates but a nod to his son, Nicolas


Collins, who has taken over drumming duties for his arthritis-stricken father.

Music legend Phil Collins made his

Phil showed that he could still drum,

last appearance in the Mile High City

though. Midway through the concert,

at the Pepsi Center on Oct. 13, giving

he performed “Drum Trio” with Nicolas

fans a taste of his iconic sound. The

Collins and percussionist Richie Garcia.

show sold out within as crowds flocked

Though his home was on a stool behind

to see the 68-year-old perform in the

a mic downstage, he still played the air

last tour of his musical career.

drum to songs as if he were stationed

Collins is a jack of all trades in music

behind his set. After the performance of

who doesn’t identify with a specific

“Drum Trio”, perhaps one of the most

genre. His 1981 debut album, “Face

recognizable drum solos in any song, “In

Value”, embraced the progressive side

the Air Tonight”, enthrawled the audience.

of pop music. Then his 2010 record,

His performance left the crowd

“Going Back”, kicked it old school with a

in awe, and it was the only time the

Motown sound straight from the ‘60s.

audience saw Phil stand up to sing.

His career in music first started on the

After that song, the hits kept

small stage, acting in musicals in London,

coming as he went into “You Can’t

then auditioning for the band Genesis in

Hurry Love”, “Easy Lover” and

1975 as a drummer. He later discovered a

“Sussudio” to complete the concert.

passion for singing and transitioned to lead

After he left the stage, the fans wanted

singer. With hits like “Follow You Follow

more, demanding an encore. Collins came

Me” and “Throwing It All Away”, Collins’

back onto the stage for a performance of

voice was as commanding as his drumming,

“Take Me Home”. The song engaged the

and helped propel Genesis to the top.

audience like no other. The sold-out crowd

The concert began with a bang, with Collins performing four of his iconic songs: “Against All Odds”, “Another Day

at the Pepsi Center went silent, except for those singing along to the chorus. Although Collins might be at the end of

in Paradise”, “Hang in Long Enough”

his musical career, that didn’t stop him from

and “Don’t Lose My Number”.

putting on a show for the Mile High crowd,

“I want to play some of my favorite songs for you some of you may hate but some of you may love them,” he told the audience. Collins also stressed that the

and his performance was one for the books. The “Not Dead Yet” tour has spanned from June 2017 to October. Denver was his fourth to last stop before

show was family-friendly since he

finally hanging up his drum sticks and

considers his band to be family.

completing his legendary musical career.

That’s not just a sweet sentiment to his

Photos by Nikolai Puc’ | nikolai@sandypuc.com

Phil Collins performs at the Pepsi Center in Denver on Oct. 13. Collins is on his “Not Dead Yet” tour.

OCTOBER 16, 2019



Theatre Department modernizes Shakespeare However, when you ignore the

By Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu

her when her heart is broken by

Amish factor, it made sense. One

Proteus. Rather than confront

of the main characters, Valentine,

him, she wrestles with this

played by Nick Battaglia, leaves his

betrayal for most of the second

Department’s October

small town home for college in the

act, making her feel like a real

production of “Two Gentlemen

big city. His best friend Proteus,

person dealing with a real problem

of Verona” missed the target

played by Vin Ernst, follows suit.

instead of a character in a play.

with its 21st century spin on

Enter the two leading ladies, and

a centuries-old classic.

this is a classic comedic plot in

Sylvia, played by Becky

The MSU Denver Theatre

The play was a modernized

Valentine’s love interest

which MSU Denver’s rendition

Kopetzky, is a little harder to

production of William

succeeds. It’s just that it could

understand due to her flirting

Shakespeare’s “Romeo and

do without all the little quirks.

and sudden love for Valentine,

Juliet” but with a happy ending.

There was something off about

but it becomes clearer when she

Shakespeare gave the fans

the sets. During set changes,

what they wanted with “Two

country music or Katy Perry

Gentlemen of Verona”, which

would play over the speakers,

was comforting in its time for its

which felt un-Shakespearean

humor, but failed to resonate.

and all-around out of sync

Lance is Proteus’ servant, but

with the tone of the story.

here he is more like Proteus’

Shakespeare’s magic was his poetry. When he failed to be funny

The sets took some getting

sings “My Funny Valentine”. The cast is funny, particularly Evan Horwich, who plays Lance. In some versions of the play,

flighty friend. While the others

or in the least bit entertaining,

used to. At the Verona coffee

are wallowing in their misery of

he was still a wordsmith. While

stand, where Valentine and

young infatuations, Lance sees the

MSU Denver has kept much of the

Proteus hang-out often, the

glass half full and is always more

twisted English that makes poets

backdrop was a large, pink

relaxed. Part of his charm comes

swoon and cynics scowl, they have

abstract painting that felt

from his four-legged co-star, Crab.

added jokes, costumes, sets and

Italian, but not romantic.

He never crosses the stage without

songs like “My Funny Valentine” that don’t fit the theme of the play.

In the second act, we met the

his faithful furry friend, who was

outlaws, who oddly enough live

played by a real — and adorable

in a dark forest complete with

— dog. As far as dog actors go,

characters are dressed in Amish

green fog. As the opening scene

I’d say you can’t get much better.

clothing and most of the men have

of the second act, it almost makes

big brown beards. It’s mentioned

you wonder if you’re watching

at MSU Denver, the Theatre

later that they are in fact Amish.

the same show as before.

Department has never failed to

skill, so I am anxiously awaiting

the need to re-interpret the plot.

impress me, but with their most

their production of “Godspell”,

That’s what Hollywood is for.

In the opening scene, the

The Theatre Department attempts

While these areas don’t quite

Since I’ve been a student

Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Theatre Department

MSU Denver’s Theatre Department put on the production of “Two Gentlemen of Verona” in the King Center on Oct. 3 - 5 and 10 - 13.

to parallel the characters’ journeys

fit, the cast makes up for it with

recent outing, they have proven

which will open on Nov. 14. Until

with aspects of the Amish cultural

their talent. Leading lady Julia,

they are fallible. Despite that, their

then, please MSU Denver, let

experience, but it felt as far as

played by Charlotte Quinn, would

shows usually lack for nothing

the dazzling shows do what

one could get from Verona, Italy.

make you cry right along with

in terms of on-stage energy and

they do best without feeling

13th Floor Haunted House is a freaky, fun time By Brady Pieper

after the sun goes down, the process of


becoming a monster begins. The 13th Floor provides a feeling like no other. It’s

Leaves falling can only mean one

spooky Halloween atmosphere that you

thing: Halloween season is here.

can only get at this time of year, she said.

With the holiday rearing its head

Creatures like the rat man, the crazed

once again, it’s time to find a haunted

clown and the creatures from “The Other

endeavor to wake your spirits up —

Side” are all a part of this year’s new

literally. At Denver’s self-proclaimed

ghouls, some taking a few minutes to

best haunted house, 13th Floor Haunted

put together and some taking hours.

House, one can anticipate plenty of new

“My favorite part of the process is

tricks and treats to dazzle this year.

to see everybody get into costume and

The legend of 13th Floor exists as one

makeup,” Aguilar said. “It is really cool

of superstitions and, sometimes, complete

to see everyone transform from their

omission. As is common in many multi-

street faces to their scary faces.”

leveled buildings, the 13th floor is often

Another change included in the 52nd

omitted from the count. The founders of 13th Floor claim to have discovered these “lost” floors in Denver, admitting they are truly unsure of what these floors were used for. The fright-filled attraction boasts three

Street location is the involvement of local Photo by Jacob Wilson | jwils146@msudenver.edu

A clown zombie character roams the crowd at the 13th Floor Haunted House on Oct. 8. The Denver attraction will be open through Nov. 9. “Clown” takes pieces from a smorgasbord

companies with fun activities to do outside of the haunt. The 13th Floor has implored the axe-throwing team of Class Axe Throwing

“strange.” Unreal ghouls and creatures are

to throw some hatchets at some lumber, the

new sections of their building: “Tales of the

of classic clown-based horror movies and

trying to find you, so grab your friends and

Mini Escape Games crew for a challenge and

Unknown”, “Clown” and “The Other Side”.

compiles them into one horrifying third of

get to “The Other Side” before it’s too late.

the drunken benefits of the Shriekeasy Bar

In the first section, patrons delve into

the adventure. Big-screen jokers come from

While some thrill-seekers may find

located a few feet away from the house.

the “Tales of the Unknown”, where an

the walls and ceilings to turn your frowns

the haunt exciting, other attendees don’t

infection has broken out and a mysterious

upside down — and vice versa. Unfortunately,

consider the monumental effort put into

the best in the state, so whether it be

half-man, half-rodent lurks in the dark.

Pennywise isn’t the only clown in town.

the attraction. Lily Aguilar has been a 13th

a date or a friends’ night out, going to

Floor makeup advisor for nine years but said

13th Floor a new Halloween ritual.

Investigating the cramped hallways of the

A specific unnamed Netflix show inspired

laboratory where the infection has spread

the final leg of 13th Floor this year. “The

will present monstrous creatures and

Other Side” transports you to a different

give the musophobics a hefty fright.

world, and some people would even call it

she struggled to make it through once. Aguilar has observed changes at 13th Floor for nearly a decade, and

The 13th Floor is arguably one of



OCTOBER 16, 2019

Women’s soccer keeps playoff hopes alive Roadrunners move into sole possession of the final RMAC playoff spot

By Will Satler

collecting her second shut-


out of the weekend and her fourth of the year. That tops the

The MSU Denver women’s

RMAC among goaltenders.

soccer team came away with

Torres’ performance was good

two important victories over

enough to win her the honor of

the weekend at the Regency

RMAC Goaltender of the Week,

Athletic Complex in Denver.

and high praise from her coach.

It may have saved

“Torres has been stellar

their 2019 season.

between the posts,” Chao told

Sitting on the edge of playoff

Roadrunners Athletics after the

contention coming into the

game. “It’s hard when you may

weekend, the Roadrunners shut

get only two or three shots on

out the Adams State University

goal against you and you never

Grizzlies, 4-0, on Oct. 11 behind

know when they’ll come. To

senior Erica Torres’ unwavering

stay plugged in for those two

performance in goal.

or three is super important.”

To follow that up, on Oct. 13,

The win on Oct. 11, part of

senior Bry Sanchez put in her

a six-point weekend for MSU

first goal of 2019 to beat the Fort

Denver, catapulted them into sole

Lewis College Skyhawks, 1-0.

possession of fourth place in

“Two wins on the weekend is

the RMAC after improving their

never easy in this league. We knew

Photos by Ed Jacobs Jr. | Roadrunners Athletics

Bry Sanchez celebrates after scoring her first goal of the season in MSU Denver’s match against Fort Lewis College at the Regency Athletic Complex on Oct. 13. MSU Denver won 1-0.

this would be a tough one,” said head coach Tracy Chao after the game on Oct. 13. “Completing the

conference record to 4-2-2. Three of their last five games come against the teams in front of them — University of

weekend was our emphasis.” The Oct. 11 game against the

of a season that brought a 3-6-2

Roadrunners continued their

overall record into the weekend.

dominance in that department

Grizzlies featured the one thing

There hasn’t been a lack of

a touch. I really needed one.” She added another assist on

against Adams State, outshooting

a corner kick that sophomore

Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado School of Mines and Regis University.

that had significantly hindered

chances for MSU Denver, as

them at a whopping 38-2, 14-2 on

Paloma Teran buried in the back of

the Roadrunners in 2019: finishing

they currently lead the Rocky

goal, and 14-0 in corner kicks.

the net, tying her with Gamboa for

with every game remaining on

their scoring chances. It’s a

Mountain Athletic Conference

the team lead in goals with three.

the schedule having the chance

narrative that they’ve heard all

in shots with 269 including

minute that they were able

too much through the first half

73 corner opportunities. The

to break through. Midfielder

goal in the 79th minute, only

Brooklynn Mooney finished

three minutes after Gamboa’s.

easier though, with remaining

an opportunity off a rebound

The Roadrunners opened

games against UCCS and

from a Gamboa shot. It was

a 4-0 lead in the span of 19

Mines. UCCS is the No. 1

the first of two Gamboa

minutes in the second half.

ranked team in all of NCAA

But it wasn’t until the 61st

Kailey Maness added a

assists on the night to go

“Coming off a four-goal

along with a goal, a byproduct

win, it’s like we really needed

of simply shooting more.

that,” Gamboa said. “It’s like

“I’ve been really struggling

to make or break their season. The road does not get any

Division II women’s soccer and Mines is currently No. 14. The Roadrunners will be

a boost of confidence, we

back in action on Oct. 18 in

to finish this year. Last year I

need to keep on this streak of

Lakewood versus Colorado

was shooting constantly, but

scoring and doing well.”

Christian University at 11 a.m.

this year – I don’t know why – I

Gabriella “Yeaya” Gamboa (26) fires a second-half shot in MSU Denver’s game against Adams State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Oct. 11. The Roadrunners won 4-0. Gamboa tallied three points with one goal and two assists.

The sense of urgency is high,

The Roadrunners would

haven’t been shooting,” Gamboa

do just that on Oct. 13, as a

said. “Tracy told me, ‘Just shoot.’

goal from Sanchez in the 76th

This game, I took my chances. I

minute was enough to get by

didn’t hesitate. Touch and shoot.

Fort Lewis in a 1-0 win. Torres

On the goal, I didn’t even take

continued to dominate in goal,

MSU Denver athletics scoreboard

before traveling to Golden to take on Mines on Oct. 20 at noon. Met Media staff writer Connor Dockery contributed to this story.




Men’s Soccer

Who: South Dakota School of Mines

Who: Black Hills State University

Who: Colorado School of Mines

Where: King Center | Rapid City

Where: Donald E. Young Center | Spearfish

Where: Stermole Stadium | Golden

When: Oct. 12

When: Oct. 11

When: Oct. 18 | 7:30 p.m.





Yellow Jackets:




Who: Dixie State University

Men’s Soccer

Men’s Soccer

Who: Adams State University

Who: Colorado State University-Pueblo

Where: ASU Soccer Field | Alamosa

Where: Gonzales Stadium | Pueblo

When: Oct. 13

When: Oct. 11








Volleyball Where: Auraria Event Center | Denver When: Oct. 18 | 7 p.m.

Women’s Soccer


Who: Colorado Christian University Where: Trailblazer Stadium | Lakewood When: Oct. 18 | 11 a.m.


OCTOBER 16, 2019


Avalanche off to historic start

Makar, MacKinnon and Rantanen lead Colorado to second best start and his play so far in 2019 earned

head coach Jared Bednar’s

allowed against, among goalies

By Will Satler

him the top spot on NHL.com

team is not satisfied.

who have spent over 200 minutes


staff writer Mike Morreale’s Calder Trophy frontrunners.

What is there not to like about

something that is realistic,” Kadri

Jumping out to a 4-0 start in the first 10 minutes against the

Avalanche’s fourth overall draft

“There are going to be games

Capitals during the beginning

pick in 2017 is quarterbacking

where things aren’t going to

of their longest, and arguably

to the 2019 season, the Colorado

Colorado’s top-line power-play

go your way, and you got to be

the toughest, road trip of the

Avalanche continue to set the

unit and is tied with captain

able to battle that adversity.

season is a promising sign, but

National Hockey League on fire,

Gabriel Landeskog for fourth

The positive thing for us is that

they will be tested in the coming

oh, and they’re breaking some

on the team with six points.

we’re 5-0, and in my personal

weeks. Games against Sidney

opinion, I don’t think we’ve even

Crosby and the Penguins, the

played our best hockey. We

defending champion St. Louis

got room for improvement.”

Blues and 2018-2019 Presidents’

After getting off to a 5-0-0 start

records while they’re at it. It’s their second-best start since coming to Colorado in 1995 and they are tied for their fifth-best start to a season in franchise history. Key wins against last season’s

“In my personal opinion, I don’t think we’ve even played our best hockey.” – Nazem Kadri

Stanley Cup runner-up, the Boston Bruins, and 2018’s Stanley Cup

Another piece that has left

Trophy winner Tampa Bay

them as the only undefeated NHL

Lightning are among a few

team in the middle of October

of the challenges in store.

is goaltender Phillipp Grubauer.

Coming home with a winning

The goalie has started four of

record on their road trip will

champions, the Washington

his own standards, racking up

the Avalanche’s five games and

make enough noise to get the

Capitals, are just two victories that

a team-best nine points, good

been stellar in between the pipes,

league’s attention, but whether

prove this team is a Cup contender.

enough to be tied for eighth in the

especially in crunch time. Those

they know it or not, the Avalanche

Three players — Cale Makar,

NHL. Rantanen, also known as

four wins are tied for first in the

are ready to wreak some havoc

Mikko Rantanen and Nathan

“Big Moose,” is playing just weeks

NHL and sixth in the NHL in goals

deep into the NHL season.

MacKinnon — have scored a point

after signing a six-year contract

in each game of the win streak.

extension worth $55.5 million and

Makar, the Avs’ rookie

Rantanen has been great by

while missing all of training camp,

defenseman, is off to a historic

has continued to perform at the

start, becoming the fifth

all-star level he was at in 2018.

defenseman in NHL history to

Hart Memorial trophy

record a point in their first five

candidate MacKinnon has been

regular season games. A point

his usual self, with two goals

in Wednesday’s game against

and six assists in the short

the Pittsburgh Penguins would

season while often being the

tie him with Marek Zidlicky

opposing team’s biggest target.

for six consecutive games.

and Andre Burakovsky have

rules, Makar scored in his first

been as good as advertised,

professional hockey game in April

with Kadri adding two goals and

during Game 3 of the first round of

two assists to an already loaded

the Stanley Cup Playoffs against

offense and Burakovsky scoring

the Calgary Flames. His poise,

two game-winning goals.

speed and strength rival that of

Despite the hot start from

a seasoned veteran defenseman

the boys in burgundy and blue,

Photo obtained from NHL.com

Colorado Avalanche standout rookie defenseman Cale Makar looks on during a game against the Calgary Flames at Pepsi Center in Denver on Oct. 3. The Avs won 5-3.

Avalanche 2019 season at a glance All statistics, player head shots and team logos retrieved from NHL.com.

Leaders in points: Top 5

Previous Games

Mikko Rantanen | Points: 9

Calgary Flames


#96 | RW | 6’ 4” | 215 lb | Age: 22

Colorado Avalanche


#29 | C | 6’ 0” | 200 lb | Age: 24

Gabriel Landeskog | Points: 6 #92 | LW | 6’ 1” | 215 lb | Age: 26

Cale Makar | Points: 6

Minnesota Wild


Colorado Avalanche


Boston Bruins


Colorado Avalanche


Arizona Coyotes


#8 | D | 5’ 11” | 187 lb | Age: 20

Colorado Avalanche


Andre Burakovsky | Points: 5

Colorado Avalanche


Washington Capitals


#95 | LW | 6’ 3” | 201 lb | Age: 24

Broncos prepare for Mahomes, KC A Thursday Night Football win against last season’s Most Valuable Player Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs would have the 2-3 Denver Broncos just a game out of first place in the AFC West. Empower Field at Mile High will most definitely be rocking on Oct. 17 when the Chiefs look to break a two-game losing streak in Denver.

Shinyashiki named MLS Rookie of the Year After falling short of completing one of the biggest comebacks in Major League Soccer history and making the MLS Playoffs, the Colorado Rapids gained validation in their future when Andre Shinyashiki was named the MLS Rookie of the Year. The 22-year-old native of São Paulo, Brazil and University of Denver alum was selected by the Rapids after they traded up to pick him fifth overall in the MLS SuperDraft last winter. Shinyashiki produced seven goals in 31 appearances for Colorado and looks to be a key piece going forward at Dicks Sporting Goods Park.

New additions Nazem Kadri

Technically a rookie by NHL

Nathan MacKinnon | Points: 8


in net to start the season.

told NHL.com’s Ron Knabenbauer.

the Avalanche right now?

At only 20 years old, the

“Obviously 82-0 is not

Thu, 10/3

Sat, 10/5

Thu, 10/10

Sat, 10/12

Mon, 10/14

Upcoming Games Colorado Avalanche Pittsburgh Penguins Colorado Avalanche Florida Panthers Colorado Avalanche Tampa Bay Lightning Colorado Avalanche St. Louis Blues Colorado Avalanche Vegas Golden Knights

Wed, 10/16 5 PM Fri, 10/18 5 PM Sat, 10/19 5 PM Mon, 10/21 6 PM Fri, 10/25 4 PM

Buffaloes land 2020 recruit in Jerry Rice’s son Brenden Rice, the son of National Football League hall of fame wide receiver Jerry Rice, announced his commitment to play football for Mel Tucker at the University of ColoradoBoulder on Twitter on Oct. 15. Coming in at 6-foot-2 and 204 pounds, Brenden was the 12th-ranked Class of 2020 recruit from Arizona according to 247sports.com’s rankings. With current Buffs star wide receiver Laviska Shenault Jr. likely entering the NFL Draft, Tucker may have found someone to fill those shoes. Michigan, Nebraska and Arizona State were among the other schools who were gunning for the prospect.



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OCTOBER 16, 2019



“That’s boring, that’s irrelevent and that’s Hamlet.” “He’s not struggling as much as I want him to.” “I’m not saying it’s insurance fraud, I’m saying it’s an effective way to get rid of a woodpecker.”



Capricorn should take the time to make sure that they don’t succumb to their instinct for pessimism. Science and common sense agree that a positive outlook improves results.

Cancer likes to cling on to past regrets. Much as people say to let go, there is a chance for self-reflection in obsession. If the former isn’t possible, strive at least for the latter.



Aquarius is posed to finish a major task in the coming week, and would do well to redouble their efforts, so as not to trip at the last hurdle.

Leo is in a period of minor flux. Such times are trying for one’s trust in the universe, but keep that trust and things should work out fine.

“Don’t mess with Texas, it smells weird.”

Top 5



Pisces tends towards a private nature. Care should be taken not to shut out close friends and family out of instinct, and to be as open as possible this week.

Virgo is a sucker for a good problem, and this week will deliver. Their resolution will hold just the sense of satisfaction Virgo has been craving.


Time Travel Movies

Aries is feeling an itch to do something a little harebrained of late. This week is perfect for following gut instinct, throwing caution to the wind and doing something exhilarating!

1. Back to the Future 2. Groundhog Day 3. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure 4. Idiocracy



Libra Libra’s scales are the paragon of balance. Equanimity is the byword this week, and Libra should make sure that other’s petty grievances don’t drag them down.


Taurus is a creature of habit and inertia. But habit and inertia are exactly how people fall in ruts. Even a minor course change is good for keeping the same-old same-old at bay.

Scorpio is steadfast, but this week threatens to make the scorpion’s stinger look more like a buried head. Reign in that sense of righteousness, and listen carefully this week.



Gemini can struggle to see past the surface level. That’s a risk this week particularly, and efforts to see a little deeper will be well rewarded.

This week will prove that Sagittarius’ carefree nature doesn’t always spell disaster. Don’t let that create a false sense of security though. Care and attention are still important.

5. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Photo of the Week the Voskhod program — which took humans to space for the first time — was as momentous

videography. Many of the defining moments

as the Apollo program was for Americans.

of the 20th century were captured in moving

Voskhod 2, launched in 1965, saw Leonov take

images, and broadcast to a world who felt

part in the first-ever spacewalk, paving the

closer to news of their day than ever before.

way for a linchpin of space operations that,

At the same time, which images were shown

more than landing on the moon, continue to

had massive effects on how different peoples

impact exploration today. From maintaining

experienced the same history. While citizens

the International Space Station to fixing the

of the U.S. most strongly associated the

Hubble Space Telescope, spacewalks are

space race with the Mercury Seven or Neil

essential. And Leonov’s float among the

Armstrong’s legendary leap, those living in the

stars eventually led to his appointment as

Soviet bloc were captivated by the likes of Yuri

head of cosmonaut training for the Soviets.

Gagarin or Alexei Leonov. For Soviet citizens,

Leonov died Oct. 11, at 85 years old.

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.



Photo captured by Voskhod 2 onboard camera | Obtained from Roscosmos

Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov floats, tethered to his spacecraft only by his life support umbilical on March 18, 1965. The spacewalk was the first time a human had left a spacecraft in flight.



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