Volume 42, Issue 15 - Nov. 20, 2019

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 15


NOVEMBER 20, 2019


Volleyball tops Black Hills

Roadrunners sweep Yellow Jackets to open RMAC tournament story on pg. 9

Photo by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

Roadrunners Ember Canty, Joli Sadler and Avaline Lai celebrate clinching a second set win in their match against Black Hills State University in the opening round of the 2019 Rocky Mountain Athletic Tournament at the Auraria Event Center on Nov. 19. The Roadrunners won three sets to none and will face Dixie State University in the second round on Nov. 22 at Regis University in Denver.

MSU Denver simmers DACA anxiety University stands behind DACA students ahead of 2020 federal ruling DACA has been one of the most

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra

On Nov. 18, Immigrant Services held

about it. You just have to go on and live

polarized issues since then-candidate

an event to help the community process

your life,” said Immigration Attorney Joy

Donald Trump announced in 2015 that he

the Supreme Court arguments, as well as

Athanasiou. “Even the top legal thinkers

would “immediately terminate President

other recent actions that limit immigrants’

in the country are spending so much time

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Obama’s illegal executive order on

rights. Immigration attorneys came to

and effort trying to determine, based on

policy will not be going away anytime soon.

immigration, immediately,” during the

answer questions and concerns about the

all the nuances of what was said at the oral

launch of his presidential campaign.

status of the case, despite how difficult

argument, how people are going to rule, and

a prognosis of the case could be.

really we just have to wait for the decision.”


Anxiety surrounding the status of the

As the U.S. Supreme Court will not make a ruling until June 2020, and people

Since then, DACA has been one of

are in a limbo of renewing right away or

the centerpoints of discussion between

being unable to renew, it’s understandable

political parties, to the point that it

court is going to rule. I would recommend

that the fear would spread on campus

even shut down the government at

that anyone who has DACA or has family

among students and staff alike.

the beginning of 2018 and 2019.

members with DACA — you can’t think



| pg. 2


| pg. 5

“We can all try to speculate what the


| pg. 7

| Continued on pg. 3


| pg. 8

Africana studies hosts first Umoja

Yes or No: Should we hold athletes

Auraria caterers given the chance to

Strong schedule leads to tough start

Conference in Turnhalle

to a physical standard?

showcase food

for women’s basketball

an ”



NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Department of Africana Studies unveils Umoja conference predicted there would be a good turn-out.

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

Initially, the crowd was sparse, but that did not deter Maria Ray. She

The department of Africana Studies has

opened up by thanking those attending

taken liberty to to educate and enlighten

and introducing the speakers.

students on what they are about. The

“Even though we are few, we are

on-campus event “Umoja Community

community,” Maria Ray said. “Umoja

Conversations” answered those questions

is this idea of unity, of community, and

for students on Nov. 19 and 20.

we are grateful for all of you who took

The two-day event, held in the Tivoli

time out of your day to attend.”

Turnhalle, immersed students in topics

Phelps was the first to speak, discussing

regarding self-care, food and art with

how African-American poet Audre Lord’s

the help of speakers from the local

quote about self-preservation was key in

community. Everyone who came out had

what she works toward. She reinforced

something to say about what it means

the idea that it is necessary to take time

to be a part of their community.

for yourself so you don’t burn out or

Ella Maria Ray, an MSU Denver professor

wear your fatigue as a badge of honor.

of African American studies who helped

“I want people to have a concrete plan

organize the event, described the process

that they can actually integrate into their

that went into getting Umoja started, and

life. This isn’t something that’s a quick fix or

the reasoning behind wanting to create it. “It wasn’t difficult to get it started. Don’t

Photo by Herman Guzman-Ibarra | hguzmani@msudenver.edu

a two-step plan,” Phelps said. “Especially knowing that it’s okay if you can’t do it alone.

into it, but it all fell into place,” Maria Ray

Beverly Grant, founder of Mo’ Betta Green Marketplace, speaks at the first annual Umoja conference in the Tivoli Turnhalle on Nov. 19.

said. “It developed a life of its own. That

Betta Green Marketplace founder Beverly

sense of community — Beverly works in the

Grant, attorney and food writer Adrian

community I live in, one of the caterers is an

Miller and local artist Thomas “Detour”

sometimes she would speak in a different

is meant to be “nimble and responsive,”

alumna, it’s bringing that all together. The

Evans. All of them discussed different

language. One word that came up was

allowing for different discussions open

work of the people we bring is important

topics relating to self-care and connecting

Umoja, which is Swahili,” White said. “I’m

to anyone that wants to lead. She wants

and part of the curriculum for living.”

to each other through food and art.

curious to see what they’ll talk about.”

students to walk away with that knowledge

get me wrong, there was a lot of work going

The first day was centered on sustainable

Before the event, Chris White, a student

mother would say it as he was growing up. “My mom is from Nigeria, and

While most flyers or emails about other

aesthetics for communal well-being. Speakers

at MSU Denver, said he was interested in it

events don’t grab his attention, this one

included Executive Director for the Center

because of his half-African background. He

seemed like it would be very educational

of Trauma and Resilience Cathy Phelps, Mo’

recognized the word “Umoja” because his

and relevant to his interests. He also



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You might need someone in your corner.” Maria Ray also said that Umoja now serves as a fall conference, since in the spring there is the Sankofa lecture series. The conference

and access to that sensation of belonging. Coverage of the second day of Umoja will continue on mymetmedia.com.

NOVEMBER 20, 2019



MSU Denver follows US Supreme Court’s DACA case, forwards info to students Continued from cover

they work anymore? Could they continue their education? These are real issues,” Bruce-Sanford

This goes in conjunction with

said. “Having been a previous

what Director of the Immigrant

international student myself,

Services Program Gregor Mieder

and doing things very legally

said — that the best course of

years ago, I was asked to be

action for anyone concerned

deported to my home country.

about the current situation,

I can’t tell you how terrifying

other than renewing DACA, is to

that experience was for me.”

stay informed and be prepared for the worst case scenario. “Don’t get too spooked. The individual has little influence on these matters,” Mieder said. “We’ve got counseling centers to help with the anxiety people have during this time.”

“You belong here. You belong at MSU Denver. If you are undocumented or documented, you have a place at this university.”

– Will Simpkins

Even though people have to wait until the US Supreme

Jerry Lopez of The Abogado

Court finalizes their decision,

Ernesto Law Group mentioned the

that doesn’t mean nothing can

struggles with approving DACA

be done in the meantime.

given the current seats in the

Athanasiou said Coloradans

Supreme Court, and that one of

can call Sen. Cory Gardner, the

the deciding factors is the decision

Colorado state representative,

of Chief Justice John Roberts.

and any out-of-state contacts

He is another conservative

can call their senators as well.

presiding over the U.S. Supreme

In an attempt to ease the

Joy Athanasiou, immigration attorney of Joy Strategies, addresses comments and concerns about the U.S. Supreme Court DACA case on Nov. 18 in the Tivoli Student Union. you to be here. MSU Denver is

Denver Office of Diversity and

tension surrounding the case,

to side with liberals on high-

the Supreme Court tries to avoid

very proud of the work that we’ve

Inclusion, earlier in the week to

Counseling Center staff also

profile cases, including twice to

making decisions that create

done over the past decade to

discuss how to plan for whatever

recommended ways to alleviate

uphold the Affordable Care Act,

problems like open door policies.

support undocumented students,

happens come 2020. One idea is

stress associated from over-thinking

also known as Obamacare.

and we are going to continue

to look at policy implications and

that work full steam ahead.”

decisions of what needs to be put in

the status of the case too much. Gail Bruce-Sanford, the

Court and has shown a willingness

Photo by Herman Guzman-Ibarra| hguzmani@msudenver.edu

“The Supreme Court is pretty

Lopez also said he believes

Will Simpkins, vice president of Student Affairs, spoke during

conservative right now. But, as

the discussion to reaffirm to

executive director for the center,

they’ve shown in the past from

students that MSU Denver

MSU Denver’s efforts, bringing

discussed the worries surrounding

previous decisions, they can

holds them in a positive light

up the ASSET program — which

students affected by this case

make a decision that’s a little

no matter the outcome.

allows eligible undocumented

support you, to protect you and to

and her own experiences.

more left-leaning,” Lopez said.

place depending on what decision occurs to help those affected. “We’re gonna do our best to

students to pay in-state tuition —

make sure you have what you need

“My focus would probably be

belong at MSU Denver. If you are

and how the university offered

to be successful, because again,

work with several students over

on Chief Justice Roberts on

undocumented or documented,

a policy before that and was the

you belong here,” Simpkins said.

the last couple of years, and maybe

making a decision that would be

you have a place at this university,”

first in the country to do so.

more, about their uncertainties.

kind of against the majority.”

Simpkins said. “The university

“We have had the occasion to

What would life be like? Could

“You belong here. You

Athanasiou acknowledged

sees you, respects you and needs

Simpkins also met with Michael Benitez, vice president of the MSU

Photo by Amanda Schwengel | Courtesy of MSU Denver RED

Photo by Amanda Schwengel | Courtesy of MSU Denver RED

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser speaks in the Jordan Student Success Building about DACA on Nov. 12. Weiser announced earlier this year that Colorado would join a multi-state lawsuit challenging Trump’s plan to end DACA.

MSU Denver student Estéfani Peña Figuero is greeted after speaking to rally goers on Nov. 12 in the Jordan Student Success Building about her experience as an immigrant and DACA student.



NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Inside the wild frat formal that contributed to the split between SigEp and IFC According to Baldwin, the events did not

By Tory Lysik From the CU Independent

influence the university’s decision to grant


provisional affiliation. Fraternity members were upfront and informed the university

The University of Colorado Boulder

after the events occurred, she said.

was aware of a Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp)

Baldwin said CU is changing to a

winter formal where fraternity members

“restorative justice” process. It is written

were kicked out of the hotel and a

in the constitution of the Office of Student

member given summons for trespassing

Conduct that CU acts as an advisory

and property damage. The incident also

committee to its Greek system. These

contributed to the fraternity’s split with

committees work with local officials

Interfraternity Council (IFC) on The Hill.

of Greek organizations and national

When SigEp first announced its split

headquarters when necessary.

with IFC on The Hill and its intentions

“We have a great relationship with conduct

to rejoin CU, public details of the formal

in that they help guide,” Baldwin said. “The

were scant but police records obtained

students really do manage the process.”

by the CU Independent show a wild

According to Baldwin, CU admits Graphic by Zhen Tang | ztang@msudenver.edu

night that eventually led to students being expelled from the fraternity. Shortly after midnight on April 13, police

Members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity were found with alcohol and marijuana at a formal at Winter Park Mountain Lodge on April 13. One member discharged a fire extinguisher.

were called to Winter Park Mountain Lodge

that SigEp members are students first. The behavior of one student reflects on everyone, no matter the organization they are involved in, she said. CU officials have

as the hotel was in the process of removing

violations. SigEp had been undergoing IFC

Stephanie Baldwin, CU assistant director

spoken to national headquarters who agree

the fraternity and other formal-goers.

investigations, with judicial hearings held

for Fraternity and Sorority Life, said.

the chapter has work to do within itself.

One fraternity member discharged a fire

to address legal charges including assault

extinguisher into a hallway. The member

and disorderly conduct. While the IFC did

management, the individual responsible

its leadership cycle at the end of the year

was removed by hotel staff but snuck back

not expel SigEp, Stine said the chapter’s

parties, as well as the chapter’s executive

and will officially vote whether or not to

in before everyone was kicked out. The

behavior had made the possibility of expulsion

board,” said Jake Weidemann, SigEp’s

let SigEp become a university-affiliated

member told police that he snuck back in

more likely. However, the fraternity voted

chapter president who would only comment

fraternity within the next few weeks.

because, “I paid $300 to have fun with my

to leave the IFC on The Hill before further

through SigEP Cheif Communications Officer

Through a process facilitated by the national

boys,” according to the police records. He was

judicial board decisions could be made.

Heather Kirk. “Members of the executive

organizers and university officials, SigEp

board and standards board conducted

has been working to meet CU standards.

found later that night consuming marijuana in a hotel room with about 30 people. By the end of the evening, all formal-goers

SigEp originally stated in a press release

“Matters were resolved between hotel

in September that they decided to reaffiliate

an internal membership review with the

The university’s fraternity system ends

with CU to improve the “membership

interviews occurring in May, and made

Contact CU Independent Breaking News

were removed from the hotel and a SigEp

experience” and “chapter culture” and

decisions based on the individuals’ history

Editor Tory Lysik at tory.lysik@colorado.edu.

member faced a summons for trespassing

had not included any information on

within the chapter and their commitment

and property damage. Formal-goers also

its IFC investigations or the formal. The

to standards moving forward.”

stole alcohol from the hotel bar, but charges

chapter has currently been granted a

were not pressed, according to the notes.

provisional status with CU and within the

according to him, also went through being

content to promote student work around the

coming weeks, the university will vote if

interviewed by other members through

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

Marc Stine said that issues with the

the fraternity will be allowed to officially

the internal membership review process.

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

fraternity had been at play before the

affiliate with its own fraternity system.

Before being president, he served as

Greek Advocate and IFC Spokesperson

formal. Stine said the IFC on the Hill took “a lot of time” working to remediate SigEp’s

“When the incident at the hotel happened we were notified shortly after,”

Weidemann attended the formal and,

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student media organizations are sharing editorial

the representative for SigEp during IFC on The Hill judicial board hearings.

Briefs Steam to natural gas project continuing work on campus In Auraria’s continued effort

Gunfire on Larimer and Speer On Nov. 15, gunfire was

Local businessman argues with city over who needs to clean up the area Jawaid Bazyar is at odds with

Minimum wage increase passes first reading The Denver City Council

House continues public hearings on impeachment Public hearings began on

to convert eight buildings from

heard off Larimer Street and

the City of Denver over people

decided on Nov. 19 to move

Nov. 13 as the House Intelligence

an outdated steam system to

Speer Boulevard around 3 a.m.

leaving behind items such as used

forward with increasing minimum

Committee, led by Rep. Adam

natural gas, construction crews

The Auraria Campus Police

needles, trash and human waste

wage, which would impact

Schiff, called key witnesses in

are finishing work on the Science

Department assisted Denver police

near his business. His argument

90,000 city workers if it passes.

the impeachment inquiry against

Building’s north side and along

in investigating the area. After

is that if the city refuses to deal

If approved, the increase would

President Donald Trump.

Larimer Street between 11th

approximately half an hour, the

with people, “trespassing, or

take effect on Jan. 1, 2020, with

Street and the Plaza Building.

area was cleared by Denver police

camping, or [publicly defecating]

minimum wage raising to $12.85,

a former ambassador to Ukraine,

These crews will continue to

while Auraria police continued to

and just make me bare the cost

and by 2022 would go up to $15.87.

gave a damning testimony on

work through fall break.

patrol the streets. No additional

of these problems that’s just

information has been made

not right,” he told CBS4.

Along with the soon-tobe completed areas, crews

available regarding this case.

The city’s counterpoint is

Currently, minimum wage in

Last week, Marie Yovanovitch,

Nov. 15, leading House leaders

Denver is $11.10. Another proposal

to suspect Trump of lying in

went out the same day, calling

his written answers to the

will be boring runs for pipes

that, since it’s all taking place

for new rules which would set a

special counsel’s questions

down Lawrence Way and 10th

on his property, it becomes

different threshold for salaried

on the Russia inquiry.

Street, working toward the PE

his responsibility by default.

workers to receive overtime pay.

On Nov. 19, Lt. Col. Alexander

and Events Building. The most

Bazyar plans on fighting

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert

recent section was completed

citations filed by the city in

on the National Security Council,

on Nov. 15 along 9th Street, and

court on Dec. 18, calling it a

and Kurt Volker, a former special

the full project is expected to be

health hazard that his business

envoy to Ukraine, testified in

completed by October 2020.

is not equipped to deal with.

separate hearings with other White House officials. Hearings will continue all week.

NOVEMBER 20, 2019


Should athletes maintain a physical standard? Yes: Athletes need to be in tip-top shape F

at athletes are athletes, too.

in questioning his fitness level.

At least that’s what I

Jokic’s and Holiday’s

be your classic Hollywood hunk. Public judgement needs to

5 staff Editor-in-Chief James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu News Editor

thought when I heard Altitude

critics are justified in their

be consistent and it needs to

Sports Radio hosts Marc Moser,

arguments against the two

be based on the scope of one’s

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

Vic Lombardi and Brett Kane talk

public figures. Jokic should be

publicity. A regular person that

Features Editor

about Denver Nuggets center

held to the same professional

works at McDonald’s should

Nikola Jokic’s weight and physical

standard in the social eye.

not be ostricized based on their

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

appearance on 92.5 FM. In my

At the end of the day, athletes

physique because their body

Sports Editor Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

mind, there is no perfect definition

are responsible for their bodies

is not a part of their job and

of athletic besides the socially

and the usage of their bodies

they are a private citizen.

expected toned abs, large biceps

as a career. If Jokic cannot

and ability to play a sport well.

Brady Pieper

The radio hosts were presented

Jokic being criticised about

play at his current weight,

his non-athletic physique is

Kaileigh Lyons klyons9@msudenver.edu

then there is an argument

justified; he is a professional

Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

with an odd dilemma surrounding

appeared on the October 2018

that his weight is harming his

athlete. He is not the ideal 7-foot-

whether or not Jokic, as a

cover of Cosmopolitan. She and

occupation and he shouldn’t be

tall human specimen, but he

professional athlete, should be

Cosmo faced public backlash

in the league. If Holiday wasn’t

is within the level of publicity

going to the gym proactively.

about the presence of the

a good model, then Cosmo

where a consistent amount of

image, but it was still socially

wouldn’t have employed her.

public judgement is warranted.

I present a similar question: Should going to the gym and working out

unacceptable to size-shame her. The Jokic situation emphasizes

Photo Editor

Politicians and actors are both

Spanish Editor Sarah Lease sarah.lease@cudenver.edu Copy Editors Daniel Sutton

within a similar scope to athletes


be a part of a Cosmopolitan

the necessity of consistency

and models. The U.S. president

Brady Pieper is a second-year

model’s job description?

in social judgement. Jokic is

releases an annual physical to

broadcast journalism student

performing well for the Nuggets

the public because it is important

at MSU Denver, focusing on

position within the public lens

but people can’t stop talking about

that society understands the

convergent journalism at Met

should be held to the same

his weight, given that he isn’t

president’s health and can judge

Media. He is the Features Editor

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

standards, regardless of career

ripped. Understandably, making

his ability to do his job physically.

of The Metropolitan, hosts a bi-

Assistant Director of Met Media

or gender. In the way that society

fun of somebody’s personal

weekly podcast for Met Radio,

criticizes a Cosmo model for

appearance is disrespectful,

characters like the Terminator and

and develops television packages

Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu

weight, athletes should be

but weight and strength are an

Starlord have a responsibility to

for the Met Report. Email Brady

held to the same standards.

important part of his job as an NBA

represent their employer’s vision,

at bpieper3@msudenver.edu.

player and there is a legitimacy

otherwise Chris Pratt wouldn’t

People with a similar

Plus-size model Tess Holiday

The actors behind iconic

Haylie Bean hkouri1@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu Office Manager Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu Sales and Marketing

No: Performance trumps appearance


sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

t is easy as spectators to see our

isn’t the first time in NBA history

hired to sell a product — whatever

public figures with a critical eye,

that a powerful player has not

society’s flaws in defining what that

conformed to the public ideal.

means — and should be judged on

and to expect some exceptional adherence to our sensibilities from

Shaquille O’Neal, with his four

them. But when it comes to athletics

NBA Championships, was famous

to bear up under the stresses of

— to what, despite our most ardent

for his relaxed approach to fitness

their job, and their health should

passions, amount to little more than

and his abysmal shooting, but

be a valid target when it brings that

profitable pastimes — we must ask

was nonetheless a great player.

ability into question. Actors have to

ourselves: “Who are we to judge?”

Allen Iverson was famously grilled

deliver on their character work, or

for skipping out on practices,

their singing voice or their dancing

but was clearly one of the best

acumen, and when they can’t, it’s

point-guards to grace the court.

legitimately a cause for criticism.

Recently, Brett Eskin, a Philadelphia sports commentator,

Daniel Sutton

brought to light this question when he called Denver Nuggets Center

in the top 10% this season — 39th

The crux of any evaluation we

Nikola Jokic “fat.” He also asserted

in value-over-replacement among

make must be how well an individual

appearance is secondary to his

that Jokic was falling short of his

the NBA’s current 450 players,

achieves the goals required of

job performance, and to focus

obligations as a star NBA player

according to basketball-reference.

them. Jokic achieves those goals,

on his appearance suggests an

by not toning up and putting in

com — and the NBA’s number

and he does it consistently. He

antiquated notion of what being

the time to turn his ample 7-foot

one ranked center in the 2018-19

does it as the athlete he is today.

an athlete means. It’s a notion

frame into a taut temple of muscle.

season, he does exactly that.

To decry his physique or to claim

which is no longer legitimate in our

he isn’t meeting his responsibilities

supposedly more enlightened times.

Eskin went after the fact that, as

The question of his job

a member of a team angling for a

performance goes deeper than his

is unjustified in that context. It’s

championship, Jokic was not doing

physique. It includes his mental

little more than nit-picking and

his part to make every aspect of the

fitness and his capacity to show

sniping from the peanut gallery.

team as competitive as possible.

up game-in and game-out and

As fans, or as commentators, we

For an athlete like Jokic, his

Daniel Sutton is a senior studying

play. As much as it seems Jokic

see only a sliver of what it means

political science at MSU Denver.

billboard heartthrobs, Jokic’s job

should be crafting himself into a

to show up and play. Our only

He is currently a copy editor for

isn’t to meet some skin-deep,

7-foot studmuffin, success means

metric should be a player’s ability

The Metropolitan. Email Daniel

platonic ideal of athleticism. Jokic’s

structuring his job in a way that

to put their team on top. And that

at dsutton3@msudenver.edu.

job is to win games. As a player

maximizes performance. And it

extends to other fields. A model is

But unlike Calvin Klein’s latest

What we do

that metric. A politician is expected The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



NOVEMBER 20, 2019

“Death Stranding” is either brilliant or boring By Brady Pieper

guides you through the journey


of Sam’s employment with the Bridges company, in an effort

I can’t decide if I’m wasting my

to connect all of the remaining

time playing Hideo Kojima’s lastest

cities in America to the Chiral

game “Death Stranding” or if I’m

Network, much like a futuristic

taking part in a genius adventure

cloud network. Sam’s mysterious

through a beautiful, dystopian

origins and strange connection to

America. Notably, I am not the

his Bridge Baby evokes a strong

only one to hold this sentiment.

desire to dig to find answers, even

Video game legend Kojima’s “Death Stranding” is a selfproclaimed genre-defying game.

if it is through some annoying filler content like fetch quests. A single player campaign

It marks the long-awaited return

feels necessary to tell the

to the industry for the “Metal

story without the distraction of

Gear” mastermind. After a fallout

player-to-player interactions.

with previous employer Konami,

Immersing oneself into the

fans were anticipating his first

story is a fruitful effort. If you

characters’ faces are scanned

example, an imbalance in the game

independent production.

invest time into caring about the

into the game using motion

is the lack of enemy types. BT

characters, they will reward you.

capture cameras, creating

encounters highlight the game’s

game by any means, but I don’t

Released on Nov. 8, “Death Stranding” takes place in an

Hyper-realistic graphics are a

Photo obtained from Kojima Productions

“Death Stranding” is an action game released on Nov. 8 and produced by Kojima Productions. between a good or bad rating. “Death Stranding” is not a bad

detailed people that are authentic

combat with truly nail-biting

believe that it is the genre-defying

apocalyptic America. The player

highlight of “Death Stranding”.

enough to present hyper-realistic,

interactions that can end in Sam’s

experience that it strives to be.

takes over a porter named Sam,

Vibrant, vast landscapes help

immersive human emotions.

demise, while interactions with

played by “The Walking Dead”

distinguish the game from any

star Norman Reedus, and joins

other on this generation of

his journey as a delivery man. It

consoles. The mountains and

is evident early in the game that

One point of confusion stems

The game was not developed

the MULE enemies are far more

for fans that want a casual

from being thrust into a new

debilitating and unnecessary,

experience. “Metal Gear” wasn’t

world with limited context and

often ending in a stealth section

either, but “Death Stranding”

realistic flowing rivers Sam

explanation. BTs? BBs? Voidouts?

you fail because the rock you were

is a game that will split the

Sam has powers beyond that

treks through are characters

Carrying on through the campaign

hiding behind isn’t big enough.

audience. It’s just a confused

of a typical human. He’s able to

of their own, especially in a

can give you exposition that

sense the presence of Beached

world that you invest so much

ties these things together,

effectively is Timefall, a time-

Things, dangerous invisible

time traveling across.

but it is a brutal transition

defying rainfall that ages

creatures linked to the afterlife.

Kojima’s attention to detail is

A neat feature incorporated

period for a gamer looking to

anything it touches. It can actively

evident in the character design.

play for an hour or two a day.

damage cargo, while typically

not lack for storytelling. Over

Whether it is a hologram or

Granted, “Death Stranding”

being followed by dangerous

40 hours of gameplay await

human, the characters are some

isn’t made for everyone.

encounters with BTs, which

players, which is a luxury in

of the most well-rendered in the

Triple-A games today. The story

history of games. Many of the

“Death Stranding” does

However, some of the action elements are a mixed bag. For

mess of magnificent components never reaching its full potential.

in a game about deliveries, could mean the difference

Retrospective: Modest Mouse’s “The Lonesome Crowded West” By James Burky

on commercialism, isolation

get the best of him. As he puts


and his own mental health.

it, his “brain is the burger” and

Those paths are well-traveled by Progression is inherent with

the album’s emo contemporaries.

his “heart’s the charcoal.” It’s brave for someone to admit

music and because of that, albums

But where American Football’s

to their mental faults, and that’s

will age. Production techniques will

self-titled debut is melancholic and

the strength of the entire album.

sound dusty with each anniversary

dreamy and Weezer’s “Pinkerton”

of an album’s release and once-

is depressed pop, “The Lonesome

on “The Lonesome Crowded West”

innovative ideas will sound run

Crowded West” is sheer anger

is its intimacy. Songs like “Trailer

of the mill after they’re replicated

at the world around Brock.

Trash” and “Cowboy Dan” embrace

and evolved. But some records age

The most striking characteristic

Take the album for a spin and

dark lyrics and instrumentals to

gracefully, and Modest Mouse’s

you’re first met with the crunchy,

evoke the desperateness of the

1997 record, “The Lonesome

“Teeth Like God’s Shoeshine”.

songs’ narrators. The former is

Crowded West”, is just as evocative

The six-minute thesis alludes to

a tune about Brock’s time living

and striking as it was upon release.

the rest of the record by critiquing

in trailer parks and a shed in

American culture and mental

elementary school. The soft guitars

health backed by crunchy guitars.

and defeated singing from Brock

Nov. 18 was the 22nd birthday of Modest Mouse’s emo opus. “The Lonesome Crowded West”,

“From the top of ocean, yeah/

give you an unfiltered look into his

released through the now-defunct

From the top of the sky, godd---/

life. The latter, “Cowboy Dan”, is

Up Records, didn’t appear on any

Well I get claustrophobic/I can, I

a psychedelic country song about

Billboard Charts. Yet Pitchfork

know that you can,” Brock shouts.

a grown man who sees himself as

ranked it as the 29th best album of

The tempo slows down in the

a failure. The soundscape of the

the 1990s and RateYourMusic users

chorus as Brock croons, “See the

song is just as desolate as Dan’s

have scored it as the 124th best

man with teeth like God’s shoeshine

attitude with spooky guitars, a

album of all time. When revisiting

he sparkles, simmers, shines/Let’s

dreary bass and tepid drumming.

the record, it’s easy to see why it

all have another Orange Julius, thick

didn’t make a commercial impact

syrup floating in molasses/The malls

is a milestone in emo and indie

but resonated with indie fans.

are the soon-to-be-ghost towns/

rock. It established Modest Mouse

stories and instrumentals on “The

Crowded West” will continue

Well so long, farewell, goodbye.”

as indie stalwarts and paved the

Lonesome Crowded West” are

to stand the test of time.

The imagery from the first song

way for future success with their

just as expressive and truthful

is replicated throughout the record.

follow-up albums, “The Moon &

as it was upon release.

With instrumental backbones from bassist Eric Judy and drummer Jeremiah Green, lead singer, songwriter and guitarist Isaac

On the following song,

Brock guides the listener through

“Heart Cooks Brain”, Brock

a 74-minute dive into his thoughts

reflects on letting his emotions

The Lonesome Crowded West

Antarctica” and “Good News For People Who Love Bad News”. Twenty-two years later, the

Photo obtained from Modest Mouse

“The Lonesome Crowded West” is a studio album by American rock band Modest Mouse. The album was released on Nov. 18, 1997.

At it’s best, music is honest, thought provoking and evocative, and that’s why “The Lonesome

NOVEMBER 20, 2019



Colorado cuisine takes centerstage

Auraria’s caterers give student organizations a test drive of their local flavors By Brady Pieper

“We have been working here for so long


that we feel like we have something to bring to Auraria in terms of catering.”

Catering to Auraria is an art, as

Relish advertises Colorado-

serving over 40,000 students with

proud catering with local, all-natural

different allergies and preferences is a

foods that are never frozen, offering

struggle not many food preparers take.

their services and special pricing to

Nov. 19 marked the 2019 Auraria

Auraria student organizations.

Catering Expo, where seven different

“The best way to bring people together

Auraria-contracted and approved caterers

is with food,” said Auraria Catering

gathered to give student organizations

Expo attendee and owner of From

the chance to trial their cuisine. Event

Scratch catering David Bondarchuck.

planners from places across campus came,

From Scratch began, well, from scratch

from student media to Campus Recreation.

11 years ago when Bondarchuck, a student

Approved caterers got the chance

at the CCD, was homeless and making food

to feature some of their best items and

for himself. His meals were made in large

show their chops to Auraria student

quantities, which would attract the attention

organizations. Auraria staples Los

of people around him. People started

Molinos, IPie and Subway were present

making requests and his business began.

at the tri-institutional event along with

Since starting From Scratch,

off-campus options like Serendipity, From

Bondarchuck has corresponded with FOX

Scratch, Biscuits and Berries and Relish.

31 KDVR for a weekly food segment. In

“Auraria’s one of my favorite places

January, Bondarchuck got his chance

to come,” said Serendipity Senior

to return to the campus which began it

Event Coordinator Raven Rodriguez. “Because of the three different schools, there is so much diversity and student leaders we get to work with.” Rodriguez noted Serendipity’s green mission with a company compost system, LED lighting in kitchens, energy efficient vehicles. Serendipity has been a part of Auraria’s list of caterers for eight years. Since its first contract, they have grown to become one

all — this time as a contracted caterer. Photo by Brady Pieper | bpipeer3@msudenver.edu

Los Molinos owner Ivy Castillo laughs with Auraria Campus Catering Expo event attendees as they serve up the restaurant’s authentic Mexican food on Nov. 19. The event showcased seven caterers.

“‘All good things come from scratch’ has been my tagline since I started,” Bondarchuck said. “But since I’ve been

of Colorado’s largest catering companies

enjoy their mac and cheese and sparkling

on TV the last nine years, my catchphrase

while still pusheing local, green ingredients.

lemonade samples, while representatives

has been, ‘Mo butta, mo betta.’”

Relish, one of the longest tenured caterers on Auraria, was present for their 11th year. A table with a circular shelf with mixed potted plants enticed attendees to

let people know about their full serviced and staffed catering options. “Our goal is to reflect your vision, your

Auraria has a lot of options when it comes to catering, local and external. Authentic Hispanic cuisine, finger

personality, your style and your taste,”

sandwiches, pizza and more opens doors

said Relish Director of Sales Natalie Sears.

to a new world of local food on campus.

Third Friday Art Night shows an escape for art fans By Haylie Bean

allowing locals and non-locals alike to discover

and shorter hours than its counterpart,


the Denver art community for themselves.

it is easier to connect with participating

Although it’s one of the most popular monthly

artists without the hustle and bustle

events in Denver, its sister event is a better

from the first week of the month.

First Friday Art Walk has been a staple on Santa Fe Bloulevard for many years, attracting people from across the state. Galleries that line the street are free and open to the public,

way to spend more time with the artists.

Jan Luth was in town this week from

“All the artists support each other.” Since joining the community, she has felt the warmth of the other artists. The Art Night also sheds some light onto how some artists create.

The Third Friday Art Night is meant

Kansas and wanted to see as much

to be more intimate. With less foot traffic

as she could. She visited the SYNC

about five or six at home that never see

gallery for just a couple of minutes.

the light of day,” said Daniel Ortiz.

“We’re trying to see as many galleries as we can before they all close at 8:30,” Luth said. “I was mostly looking at Jean Herman’s textile work. I thought it was gorgeous.” Herman is a multimedia artist who designs her works in an unconventional

“I’ve been painting since 2010, but always doing art since I was a kid,” he said. “I never took schooling, I just try to better myself.” Improving on his painting skills is much easier said than done. Between experimenting

her own painted cloth together, Herman

with new techniques, staying up all night

fabricates textured landscapes.

to finish a piece or just messing up, Ortiz

front of Herman’s works, Luth found them

believes failing is just part of the process. Ortiz considers himself one of the lucky

captivating. “You just felt like you were

ones to not be stuck in a nine-to-five and to

seeing whatever it was she was creating.

have found his passion early in life. “I found

You wouldn’t think that it’s fabric and that

the thing that I love to do on a regular basis,”

it’s stitched,” Luth said. “It was beautiful.”

Ortiz said, “I’ll be painting something and if

After showing at SYNC for three years, Herman feels right at home.

Helen Rivera’s photography exhibition is a part of the Fall 2019 MSU Denver BFA Thesis Exhibition at the Center for Visual Arts on Nov. 15. The exhibit will be on display until Nov. 30. The Center for Visual Arts takes part in the Third Friday Art Night.

Despite never having any classical training, everything Ortiz knows is self-taught.

way. Cutting, collaging and stitching

Despite not spending much time in

Photo by Haylie Bean | hkouri1@msudenver.edu

“For each painting you see, there’s

I’m not careful, it’ll be four in the morning.” Ortiz says there’s also much to be

“Santa Fe’s a great location. I used

learned from the failure. Because of the

to show in RiNo, but people had to go

discipline, trial and error he put himself

in a car to go between galleries and so

through, Ortiz became the artist he is today.

you don’t get the same vibe that you can walk from gallery to gallery,” she said.

“Sometimes being an artist is struggling.”



NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Winless start to season doesn’t deter women’s basketball MSU Denver steep competition is a reciept for their 0-4 start to 2019-20 position possible right now. By Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

school. She has registered a mere

“Our team goal is just to get a

36 minutes on the hardwood this

win. We haven’t got a win yet.”

season but looks to spend more

When they crawled out of the No team wants to start off a

gate in 2018-19, a three-point

season losing its first four games.

loss, 66-63 at home to No. 7

Especially the MSU Denver

time out there as she becomes familiar with Haave’s gameplan. Guard Mariah Schroeder

West Texas A&M was the closest

finished 2018-2019 strong

women’s basketball team,

they got to a win before Nov.

for MSU Denver and is off to

which — after getting swept on

24, 2018, when they notched

another solid start this season.

consecutive road trip weekends

their first game against Winona

She scored 13 points in just

— knows all too well that an

State University, 58-55.

16 minutes against Minnesota

early slump can put you out of the race for the long haul. It’s the second time in as many

The slow start in 2018-19 didn’t

State-Moorhead on Nov. 15 and is

hurt them when it came to Rocky

averaging 7.3 points per game.

Mountain Athletic Conference play,

The Roadrunners’ core is young

seasons that the Roadrunners

where they went 15-7 and earned

which for some coaches can be

have opened 0-4. MSU Denver has

the No. 3 seed in the postseason

daunting — especially with a coach

started their 2019-20 season facing

tournament. But an opening-round

some of the toughest competition

loss to the sixth-seeded Regis

in all of NCAA Division II women’s

University, 63-56, in the RMAC

basketball. Two of their first four

tournament doused any hope of

opponents, Lubbock Christian

making the NCAA Tournament.

with such a strong track record Photo by Deicy Luevanos | dluevan3@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver guard Jaiden Galloway drives the ball down the court against Colorado State University-Pueblo at the Auraria Event Center on Jan. 18

like Haave. That’s not the case. “I’ve got a group that we can develop and it’s a great

games into this season, she’s

of former NBA guard Jason

core. We’ve got some really

“I think last year we just had

averaging 8.0 points per game

Richardson, has stuffed the

good talent potential,” Haave

are nationally-ranked and MSU

such a slow start and then we had

to go along with 3.8 rebounds.

stat sheet to start the season,

said. “It’s exciting for me

Denver’s opposition is a combined

a slow start in the conference as

averaging 7.3 points and 6.5

to build that foundation, so

14-0 to start the season.

well — I think we took too long,”

on a large chunk of the scoring

rebounds. She scored a season-

I’m very, very excited.

said long-time Roadrunners head

load for the Roadrunners.

high 17 points and nine rebounds

coach Tanya Haave. “We put

Sophomore guard Jaiden

on Nov. 9 in a 70-60 loss against

coaching. You’re always learning

ourselves in a position where

Galloway will be right there

No. 1 Lubbock Christian.

because there are new players

we were going to need to get

with her on the stat sheet.

and Minnesota State-Moorhead,

“We’re playing tough teams

to the finals of the conference

Galloway took over the

and there are challenges, new

have come when the Roadrunners

puzzles to solve and there’s

starting position six games into

have faced tough competition.

always something new that you

to do that. I’m challenging this

the 2018-19 season. Defensively,

She also scored 10 points and

can tweak. So I’m as excited as I

group again. We’re going to need

she was an impact player with

grabbed six rebounds in MSU

was when we first got here just

to get out of that slow start and

51 steals on the season, over 1.5

Denver’s 72-46 loss to No. 22

because it’s a new group.”

then we hope to finish strong and

steals per game. Her six steals

Minnesota State-Moorhead.

then do well in conference play.”

in a game against Winona State

That’s good for the

Despite this team being young, it is met with strong expectations.

University on Nov. 24, 2018 were

Roadrunners who seem to

MSU Denver received 180 votes

that a Haave-coached MSU Denver

the most by a Roadrunner since

play one of the toughest

in the preseason RMAC coaches

team secures their first win, with

2010. She’s taken the biggest

non-conference schedules

poll, picking them to finish fourth

their next opportunity on Nov. 29

leap in 2019 with her game on

in all of NCAA Division II

in the RMAC behind last year’s

against Northern State University.

the offensive side of the ball.

women’s basketball.

champions, Colorado Mesa

That makes in-season goals and

So far this season, she’s

motivation to play harder much

been MSU Denver’s leading

scheduling was her own downfall

easier to find for the Roadrunners.

scorer, pouring in more than 9

during a luncheon on Nov. 5.

points and moving the ball well

Her team thinks otherwise.

Wellington knows her role for

Forward Bree Wellington takes a shot against the University of Colorado Colorado Springs at the Auraria Event Center on Jan. 26. Wellington will be entering her fourth season playing for MSU Denver.

Her best efforts on the court

“I’m as excited as ever about

tournament and we weren’t able

It’ll be the latest into a season

Photo by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons@ msudenver.edu

Wellington figures to take

Haave joked that her tough

and Colorado School of Mines. The Roadrunners will look to improve on a 16-13, 15-7 in

her final season in blue and red —

with over 3 assists per game. A

fill the gap left by graduates Emily

career-high 14 points on Nov. 16

teams because it’s like they’re

that finished with a five-game

Hartegan, Jaelynn Smith, Mikayla

against St. Cloud State University

ranked and we’re the underdog,”

regular-season winning streak.

Gonzales and Jonalynn Wittwer.

shows just what she can do

Richardson said. “We want to

with the ball in her hands.

go at them, we want to take

game against the top-ranked

“I’m a leader. That’s my goal: is to lead,” she said. “I came

“It is exciting to play those top

University, Westminster University

RMAC play, 2018-19 season

After a tune-up exhibition

“I’m definitely looking to

them out and beat them. So it

team in NAIA competition

from being the only freshmen,

score more this year,” Galloway

is exciting to play these hard

Concordia University on Nov.

only sophomore, only junior

said. “When I’m more aggressive

teams. And I think even if we do

23 at the Auraria Event Center,

and now the only senior. I got

with looking to score, it opens

lose, we take something from

the Roadrunners will close

a lot of leadership from when I

up other people. It just kind

it — individually and as a team.

out their non-conference slate

and coach even says, blame her

was a freshman all the way up

of gives us that edge.”

So it’s great to have those types

while hosting the Holiday Inn

for putting us in these positions,”

to here, so I’m trying to be a

of games on our schedule.”

Denver Cherry Creek Classic on

said senior Bree Wellington.

leader to the new people now.”

One of those players that Galloway will open up the floor

One of the other names

Nov. 29 against Northern State

“But it’s good for us. We always

Her 6.4 points per game were

for is forward Jaela Richardson

destined to make some noise for

University before taking on Central

thank her for putting us against

fourth-best on the team in 2018-19,

— who redshirted her first year

MSU Denver as she learns the

Washington University on Nov. 30.

these amazing teams. We’re a

adding 4.3 rebounds, 1.0 steals

at MSU Denver after graduating

Roadrunners system better this

whole new team so we’re just

per game while also leading the

from Cherry Creek High School

season is forward Leya Harvey.

trying to get everything together

team in blocks with 18, according

in Greenwood Village.

She transferred from Utah Valley

and put everybody in the best

to Roadrunners Athletics. Four


Richardson, the daughter

University, an NCAA Division I

2018-2019 RMAC final standings

MSU Denver statistical leaders through Nov. 20:

School Name: CO Mesa Westminster MSU Denver CO Mines CSU-Pueblo Regis

Player: Jaiden Galloway Bree Wellington Jaela Richardson Maggie Justinak Morgan Lewis Mariah Schroeder

Overall: RMAC: 27-4 20-2 21-8 17-5 16-13 15-7 18-11 14-8 16-13 14-8 17-12 12-10

Points per game: 9.3 8.0 7.3 4.5 5.5 7.3

Rebounds per game: 2.5 3.8 6.5 2.0 4.5 1.0

Assists per game: 3.3 0.5 0.8 1.8 0.5 1.3


NOVEMBER 20, 2019


Lai dominates again in RMACs opening round Sophomore’s 11 kills help sweep Black Hills State in quarterfinal VOLLEYBALL REGULAR SEASON STATS

By Will Satler

I thought it wasn’t our

Corsentino, who had


cleanest match tonight by

eight. The Roadrunners

any stretch, but we got

hit a measly .165% against

it done in three, which is

the Yellow Jackets — one

Roadrunners’ finest

what I’m proud of. That this

of their lowest hitting

RMAC final standings

night by any means, but

group, they could’ve easily

percentages of the season.

when it comes to the

dropped a set tonight.”

School Name: Overall: RMAC: Regis 24-3 17-1 MSU Denver 21-6 16-2 Dixie State 19-7 14-4 CO Mines 20-6 13-5 CO Mesa 17-9 13-5 CSU-Pueblo 14-13 11-7 Black Hills State 12-14 10-8 Chadron State 14-12 8-10 UCCS 10-16 8-10 Western 11-15 7-11 SD Mines 11-16 7-11 Colorado Christian 10-16 6-12 Fort Lewis 10-17 6-12 Adams State 9-18 6-12 Westminster 5-21 2-16 NM Highlands 1-25 0-18

It wasn’t the

Rocky Mountain Athletic

Corsentino’s breakout

Lai tallied up 11

performance accounted

Conference tournament,

kills on Nov. 19, her

for over half of her 14 kills

a win is a win.

fifth consecutive game

on the season, an added

with double-digit kills,

spark on Nov. 19 that

volleyball team swept

and ninth of the last 10

helped the Roadrunners

Black Hills State University

Roadrunner matches.

even when their top

3-0 in the quarterfinal

Her teammate, freshman

performers went on point.

round of the RMAC

Kaylee Corsentino went

tournament on Nov. 19 at

as far to call her “an

Roadrunners continued

the Auraria Event Center in

animal” on the court.

their hot streak and with

“I just feel like Joli

their win over Black Hills

The MSU Denver

Denver. The Roadrunners

Despite that, the

Photos by James Burky | jburky@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver Libero Caiden Rexius dives for a ball during a match against Black Hills State University in the quarterfinals of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference tournament. MSU Denver won, 3-0.

were led by another strong

[Sadler] is really just

State, which extended

attacking performance

setting me up great right

their set streak to 12,

from sophomore Avaline

now. I think we’re really

now the longest current

Lai and held Black

connecting right now

set streak in the RMAC

Hills State to a .008%

and we found it towards

after Regis University’s

Roadrunners held Black

that they beat 3-1 on Oct.

hitting percentage.

the end of the season,”

35 straight-set streak was

Hills State to under 18

18 at home. Dixie State

Bold = spot in RMAC Tournament

Lai said. “She’s running

ended by the University of

points in each of the

is the third seed in the

Roadrunners attack leaders

through little adversities

a great offense and

Colorado Colorado Springs

sets. Tuesday, though,

RMAC tournament and

here and there and we’re

she’s spreading the ball,

in their quarterfinal

the Yellow Jackets kept

defeated Colorado State

bouncing back from it,”

spreading it to the outsides

matchup on Nov. 19.

all three sets close. MSU

University-Pueblo, 3-1

said head coach Jenny

and to the middle. So

Denver won 25-19, 25-

on Nov. 19 to advance.

Glenn. “It’s a team that

that’s leaving me with one-

We’re just taking one set

22 and 25-21.But every

just doesn’t quit, so we

hitter up on me blocking.”

at a time,” Corsentino

time Black Hills State

They have a good offense

Player: Kayla White Avaline Lai Rylee Hladky Alexis Benda Alyssa Kelling

said. “We’re not thinking

seemed to grab hold

that comes at you and

further than that and I

of the momentum, the

they’re a very highly

Roadrunners defensive leaders

think that’s helped us a

Roadrunners defense

emotional team,” Glenn

lot. We’re just focusing

would respond.

said. “They’re gonna

Player: Blocks: Blk/Set: Alyssa Kelling 102 1.13 Mikayla McClinton 72 1.11 Avaline Lai 58 0.72 0.56 Rylee Hladky 44 Ember Canty 44 0.81

“We keep battling

know we have some things that we need to iron out.

“We’re feeling good.

Right behind her with a career-high in kills was

on one match at a time.”

A total of 9 team

make us earn our points

blocks was right in the

for sure. We’re going to

strong suits, serving,

wheelhouse for MSU

need to be sharper than

was another place where

Denver, who have

we were tonight and

they weren’t on top of

averaged 8.47 blocks

we’ve got to get after it.”

their game. They were the

per game. Their blocks

best serving team in the

per set, 2.45, is good

to Regis to play in their

RMAC during the regular

enough for 10th in all

semifinal matchup with

season with 174 serving

of NCAA Division II.

Dixie State on Nov. 22

One of MSU Denver’s

aces in 87 sets, 25th in the

The MSU Denver volleyball team gets together after scoring a point in a match against Black Hills State University in the quarterfinals of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference tournament.

“They’re a good team.

MSU Denver will travel

Five spots ahead

for a 5 p.m. game. With

nation. But on Nov. 19,

of the Roadrunners on

a win, the Roadrunners

they had seven serving

that list? MSU Denver’s

would advance to their

errors and just two aces.

next opponent: Dixie

fourth-straight RMAC title

In their most recent

State University. The

game — a place where they

meeting on Nov. 9 in

Roadrunners will have to

haven’t been able to secure

Denver, another 3-0 sweep

prepare for the fast-paced

a victory since 2013.

from MSU Denver, the

Trailblazers attack, a team

RMAC postseason tournament bracket Friday, Nov. 22: 7 p.m.

Kills: 255 213 209 191 163

K/Set: 2.90 2.63 2.65 2.36 1.81

Record vs. ranked opponents Opponent: T-No. 20 Cal Poly Pomona No. 9 Tarelton State No. 15 SW Minnesota St. No. 13 Barry University No. 1 Univ. of Tampa No. 12 Regis No. 9 Regis

Final: W, 3-0 L, 3-2 L, 1-3 L, 3-2 W, 3-1 W, 3-1 L, 3-0

Misc. statistics Longest win streak: Home record Away record Record in 3 sets Record in 4 sets Record in 5 sets Sets played

9 wins 9-4 9-2 12-1 7-2 0-3 90 sets

Hosted by Regis

Individual match highs


Kills: Avaline Lai 23 at CSOM Blocks: Alyssa Kelling 10 vs FLC Aces: Jessa Megenhardt 6 vs CPP Assists: Jessa Megenhardt 37 vs AS Digs: Caiden Rexus 28 at CSOM


Friday, Nov. 22: 5 p.m. Hosted by Regis University

Saturday, Nov. 23: 5 p.m.

Recent winners:

*Highest seed remaining hosts*

2018- Colorado Mesa beat MSU Denver, 3-0 2017- Regis beat MSU Denver, 3-0 2016- Colorado Mines beat MSU Denver, 3-1 2015- Colorado Mines beat Mesa, 3-2



NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Future of sports, Twitch enters the digital arena

Behind Twitch, esports is becoming more and more relevant Echo Fox reached $38 million,

risks associated with the sport.

By Derek Brekken

obtaining contributions from

At one time, parents would


other star athletes like the

rather their kids grow up to be

NBA’s Kevin Durant and NFL’s

professional athletes that compete

Odell Beckham Jr., according to

in the digital arenas of esports.

ESPN staff writer Jacob Wolf.

That may no longer be the case.

Amazon paid over $969 million to acquire one of the popular streaming website

Twitch is well suited for the

Twitch.tv in March of 2016.

age of digital consumption. It’s

colleges and universities have

So why would the largest

“Today, more than 60

optimized for viewing on tablets

esports programs recognized

online retailer in the world

and mobile devices. Viewers can

by the National Association of

spend nearly a billion dollars

even interact with the esports

Collegiate Esports established

to acquire a website dedicated

athletes in real-time via a live

in 2016; many more schools

to streaming video games?

chat available on the stream. This

have unofficial programs,

provides a unique opportunity

some of which are extremely

— think NFL franchising for video

for the viewer and the host of the

successful,” said Jessica Conditt

game teams ­­— saw a major spike

channel to produce content in a

in venture capitalist funding.

collaborative and innovative way.

In 2014, the world of esports

Something in the neighborhood

The availability of Twitch also

in an engadget.com article. Photo obtained from Twitch

Twitch.tv quickly became the most viewed streaming service for video games. Amazon acquired the company for $969 million in March 2016.

With many of these schools offering scholarships for esports,

of $1.4 billion between 2014

provides a unique opportunity

and 2017 was invested into

for advertisers. Mid-roll ads,

esports franchises, according

or ads that appear periodically

to an article written by Adam

throughout the stream, offer

Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins, who has

Putz on pitchbook.com

a way for content creators to

since transitioned to the Mixer

have gained the attention of tech

With virtual reality right

monetize their stream. The

streaming platform, stunned

giants like Facebook, Google and

around the corner, there might

that the market share of legacy

Twitch Partner program allows

the streaming community by

Microsoft, who are attempting

very well be a future in which

media has been losing its

for content creators to share a

breaking all viewership records.

to attract gamers to their own

the premier athletes of the

viewership to digital content,

portion of the advertising money

At the height of his viewership,

streaming platforms. According to

world never have to leave their

and you have a mad dash to

with streaming service as well as a

Blevins had 616,693 live viewers

Matt Weinberger in an article for

homes to entertain millions

seize control of the next sports

share of the monthly subscriptions

when Drake played Fortnite with

businessinsider.com, Twitch has

of people across the world.

entertainment landscape: esports.

that viewers can pay for.

him, according to twitchtracker.

over 100 million users who have

com. Although his viewership

watched more than 900,000 years

will be here in the next decade

of video on the streaming service.

or so remains unclear, but one

Combine that with the fact

It’s not just your traditional

Many esports stars compete

it doesn’t seem so far-fetched to imagine a world in which parents

On March 15, 2018, Twitch star

venture capital firms that are

for their teams in professional or

has since declined, the power of

getting in on the action, either.

semi-pro leagues for a base salary,

the Twitch platform was clearly

Echo Fox, a League of Legends

or in tournaments for prize pools.

on display during this period.

competitive gaming team, is

They also have the opportunity to

owned by former Los Angeles

stream individually and rake in live

Lakers player Rick Fox. The initial round of funding for

unique visitors per hour. All of those eyes in one place

are encouraging their kids to pursue a career in gaming.

Whether or not this reality

The controversy surrounding

thing seems for sure: esports is

the NFL’s handling of the ‘Kneeling

challenging the notion of what

Scandal’ have partly contributed

it means to be an athlete, an

38,000 viewers on average

to the decline in its viewership,

entrepreneur and a student.

donations over the course of their

currently and his stream is

but so has the information that

stream to supplement that salary.

visited by roughly 52,000

continues to come out about the

Blevins streams for around

Avalanche’s Makar is the future of NHL defensemen Makar’s hot start is one of the best in NHL rookie history the defensive core. In head coach

replacement role, Makar is on

presence with five goals and 17

Bank Cup Most Valuable Player

By Brady Pieper

Jared Bednar’s eyes, fellow

pace for 20 goals and 70 assists,

assists, good for second on the

awards, the most by any player.


offensive-defenseman Samuel

well surpassing the Avs’ former

team in points behind all-star

In his collegiate career, Makar

Girard didn’t appear to be the

offensive blue line threat.

center Nathan MacKinnon.

hoisted the Hobey Baker Award,

answer, so it was Makar’s spot

Carrying his playoff

Twenty-three points in 21

A stat that stands out since

entitling him as the NCAA’s

games. Eighteenth in the NHL

to take. In his final season with

performance into this season,

Makar’s debut has been his 1.10

best hockey player that season.

and tied for second amongst

the Avalanche, Barrie scored

the right-handed defenseman

points per game for a rookie,

If all goes according to plan,

defenseman in scoring.

14 goals and 45 assists. In a

is continuing his scoring

ranking third all-time behind

Makar will be raising another

two of the NHL biggest stars

trophy or two in Colorado.

It is undeniable that Colorado Avalanche defenseman Cale

— Washington Capitals left

Makar has burst onto the NHL

winger Alexander Ovechkin and

Makar drew comparisons to San

scene in his rookie season,

Pittsburgh Penguins center Sidney

Jose Sharks defenseman Erik

scoring in droves. The 21-year-

Crosby. Two-time Ted Lindsey

Karlsson, but Makar’s prolific

old is turning heads while

award-winning forward Connor

start has blown the Shark out of

breaking into the record books

McDavid had a lower rookie

the water. The Avs defenseman is

and, if he keeps on this pace,

points per game than Makar

four points from surpassing his

will become one of the best

at 1.09, further underscoring

comparee’s rookie season total.

defensemen in the league.

his great rookie season.

Since joining the Avs during

Coming out of the Alberta

Coming out of the draft,

Great defense, solid offensive production and an abundance

their 2018-19 playoff run in

Junior Hockey League as the

of potential highlights the

mid-April, Makar has made his

highest drafted player in AJHL

Avalanche newbie’s future.

mark on the Centennial state,

history at fourth overall and

Whether Makar sustains his

tallying six points in his first 10

later playing two seasons for

outstanding rookie season or

games, despite his inexperience

the University of Massachusetts

not, he has proven that he is the

at the professional level.

Amherst, Makar won many

future of the NHL defensemen.

After the Avalanche traded defenseman Tyson Barrie this offseason, there was a hole in

Photo obtained from NHL.com

Rookie Colorado Avalanche defenseman Cale Makar looks on during a game against the Calgary Flames during the first round of the 2019 NHL Playoffs at Pepsi Center in Denver.

accolades. In the AJHL, Makar tied the most points by a defenseman with 75 and won his two Royal

NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Overheard “He’s more a cupcake than a snack is what you’re saying.” “Most koalas have chlamydia, which is weird because I didn’t think koalas went to Coachella.”

Top 5



Just when it seems you couldn’t have dug a deeper hole for yourself, you’ll find a way back into the light of day.

Attraction is the theme of your week. A bond will grow stronger between you and your love interest this week.



When someone tells you you’re less than you are, fight back, even when that person seems above you in some way.

You’ve been thinking about starting a new project, and this is the week to do it. Don’t hold back, Leo!



Be considerate of your neighbors this week, Pisces. You may be having fun, but someone else may need time to rest.

You feel pessimistic and overworked this week, but a note or phone call from a close friend will bring out the sun this week.


“Ideal” Thanksgiving guests

This week, it feels like love is in the air, but don’t be fooled. There is a difference between true love and a good time.

1. Steve Martin 2. Kendrick Lamar


3. Barack Obama 4. Al Roker



“It was a pretty boomer app.” “It’s weird that it’s white.”


Libra You’ve been given an opportunity for an advance in career or income. If it feels right, take the leap and don’t look back.


You’ve been feeling like your friends are going through life without you. You have the power to turn things around, Taurus.

You won’t have any trouble finding inspiration this week, but remember to write down your ideas so they stick around.



The stars are bringing good fortune your way this week. Whether that comes in a material form or not is up to you.

There may be some extra money coming your way this week. You’ve earned it, so don’t waste time feeling guilty.

5. Stephen Colbert

Photo of the Week Sometimes, between the consternations of

pardoning, shows how even in the most hectic

our daily affairs, the news can give us a well-

of times for the nation’s capital, there is always

deserved reprieve. Tried and true traditions

an undercurrent of normality firmly nailed

are among the best for brightening a somber

in place by tradition. At the same time, the

news cycle, and there are few traditions as

picture of President Donald Trump pardoning

idiosyncratic or quaintly milquetoast as the

the Thanksgiving holiday’s favored fowl also

annual White House Turkey Pardon. Started

highlights how manufactured those traditions

by former President George H. W. Bush, the

are, the event only in its 30th outing this

Turkey Pardon has been a reliable moment of

year even as the nation closes in on its 250th

levity in a Washington which can be trusted to

birthday. And yet, it still serves as a moment of

find itself embroiled in some political storm

calm amidst the maelstrom of our daily lives.

or another. This week’s picture, from the 2018



Photo obtained from whitehouse.gov

President Donald Trump participates in the annual White House Turkey Pardoning, accompanied by members of the first family and representatives of the farm which raised Peas the turkey on Nov. 20, 2018.



Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.


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